PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Big G- I think you might have to do a bit better than that to spread some muck on Keir....
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Not at all - but my wording was a bit ambiguous and I am sorry if that came over
I do not believe Starmer would or did approve of the van
I told you Cummings was safe earlier today! I have my hat and a knife and fork ready just in case!
First, Cummings doesn't give a monkeys about the optics, secondly Boris would be literally unable to be PM without him, and finally like any government the more external pressure there is to do something, the less likely it is that they will do it.
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Yes Big g should provide evidence for this allegation.
Scottish Conservatives FAIL to defend Scotland against pandemic! With his personal trust rating, in YouGov’s January poll, at only 8% and support for his party leader’s Coronavirus unlocking strategy at only 9% in May, Jackson Carlaw must now deal with two damning exposures of how his party’s handling of the crisis has clearly brought the deadly virus to Scotland in the early days of the outbreak. https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/2020/05/23/scottish-conservatives-fail-to-defend-scotland-against-pandemic/
Last time I checked the Tories weren't in power in Scotland.
They run Scotland , I am sure you know the Tories run the UK Rob. Nice joke though.
LOL. And what is Sturgeon doing?
And there, in a nutshell, is the problem with devolution. Independence or Federalism are the only two realistic options. Don’t care which, but this sort of argument on a such a basic constitutional question, on an intelligent message board at that, sums up a lot.
Power devolved is power retained, we are still a colony.
No you’re not.
Scotland want to take the money from London but don't want to take responsibility for their actions
"It is in the national interest for Dominic Cummings to stay Our society asks a lot of political leaders and their advisers. We should try to cut them some slack
Goodhart is the Citizens of Somewhere Vs Citizens of Nowhere chap right? Cummings coming across as kind of Citizen of Nowhere, or at least, Citizen of both Islington and an impressive pile in County Durham. Still, fairly predictable that an OE like Goodhart thinks rules are only for the little people.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
Mandelson was to Blair, what Cummings is to Johnson.
Mandelson was a competent cabinet minister. He was also a brilliant communicator.
I think Mandelson and George Osborne are on par....I can hear TSE frothing at the mouth......both hated by their rivals because they were so good at their jobs....
Little wonder they both ended up on an oligarchs boat sharing pleasantries....
Mandelson had an attention to detail and a grasp of strategy which Osborne lacked.
Whether that is a difference between two individuals or a difference between political generations is another question.
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
The van is nothing whatsoever to do with Labour or Starmer.
Actually, another good day for Labour: they have been insisting all day that Boris should lead today's press conference, and he has obliged. If Cummings stays, even better.
The self-discipline in Labour ranks at the moment is pretty impressive, and the lunatics are slowly but surely being marginalised completely.
They aren't though. Sadly they are running the country.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Yes Big g should provide evidence for this allegation.
I have apologised for my ambiguous comment and absolutely do not think Starmer had anything to do with it
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Yes Big g should provide evidence for this allegation.
In all fairness, as has been pointed out, I was mistaken, however I think G. might have been a little mischievous.
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Yes Big g should provide evidence for this allegation.
He wrote: I cannot believe Starmer approved
It's unfortunate for Labour that the people who pulled the stunt used Labour's ad, perhaps they might like to distance themselves from it?
"It is in the national interest for Dominic Cummings to stay Our society asks a lot of political leaders and their advisers. We should try to cut them some slack
Goodhart is the Citizens of Somewhere Vs Citizens of Nowhere chap right? Cummings coming across as kind of Citizen of Nowhere, or at least, Citizen of both Islington and an impressive pile in County Durham. Still, fairly predictable that an OE like Goodhart thinks rules are only for the little people.
Right-wingers know their goose is cooked if Cummings can't legally appoint eugenicists and weirdos to oversee the civil service.
Scottish Conservatives FAIL to defend Scotland against pandemic! With his personal trust rating, in YouGov’s January poll, at only 8% and support for his party leader’s Coronavirus unlocking strategy at only 9% in May, Jackson Carlaw must now deal with two damning exposures of how his party’s handling of the crisis has clearly brought the deadly virus to Scotland in the early days of the outbreak. https://talkingupscotlandtwo.com/2020/05/23/scottish-conservatives-fail-to-defend-scotland-against-pandemic/
Last time I checked the Tories weren't in power in Scotland.
They run Scotland , I am sure you know the Tories run the UK Rob. Nice joke though.
LOL. And what is Sturgeon doing?
And there, in a nutshell, is the problem with devolution. Independence or Federalism are the only two realistic options. Don’t care which, but this sort of argument on a such a basic constitutional question, on an intelligent message board at that, sums up a lot.
Power devolved is power retained, we are still a colony.
No you’re not.
The colony is no less real for being in the mind. It might be even more real there, as it certainly wouldn't disappear with political separation,or any other change in real world circumstances.
I'm currently translating new German legislation (some people have fun Sundays, y'know) which is quite interesting - they are envisaging the possibility of Covid medicines becoming available but difficult to produce in sufficient quantities, so the legislation gives the authorities to exempt both domestic and foreign pharmaceutical compsanies from all the usual requirements for production (GMP, package leaflet, labelling) and to waive their product liability for Covid products.
What does 'waive product liability' mean ?
Does it mean no responsibility for side effects ?
As much responsibility as Grunenthal took for the thalidomide babies
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Big G- I think you might have to do a bit better than that to spread some muck on Keir....
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
The politicians I like rarely come along
I did not have any intention of giving that impression
I have apologised for my ambiguous comment
Starmer would not be involved as fas as I am concerned
I'm currently translating new German legislation (some people have fun Sundays, y'know) which is quite interesting - they are envisaging the possibility of Covid medicines becoming available but difficult to produce in sufficient quantities, so the legislation gives the authorities to exempt both domestic and foreign pharmaceutical compsanies from all the usual requirements for production (GMP, package leaflet, labelling) and to waive their product liability for Covid products.
What does 'waive product liability' mean ?
Does it mean no responsibility for side effects ?
Presumably, yes
The UK has a scheme for no-faulty compensation paid by the state in vaccine damage cases:
Only applies to a list of named vaccines, not including Covid-19 vaccines. I wonder whether this will be added to the list.
Yes, as I understand it (and I need to get it right since my translation will be the official English version). it means that if the authorities rush through your drug without all the usual checks, then you are not liable for side-effects unless you have introduced them deliberately or through gross negligence. The authorities will only give you this exemption if they are satisfied that the drug is OK for other reasons than the usual procedure - e.g. because it's been licenced successfully in Japan.
If only people would say nice things about Boris rather than that pesky Scot. Unionists are pathetic insecure creatures.
It's got the Yoons crawling out from beneath their news-avoiding rocks. I'm sure they'll be firing stiff letters off to STV and the government which licences them.
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Did he?
Led by Donkeys is independent of the Labour Party. I suspect that Starmer would not approve of the stunt and certainly didn't approve it.
Big G. is implying he might have.
Yes Big g should provide evidence for this allegation.
He wrote: I cannot believe Starmer approved
It's unfortunate for Labour that the people who pulled the stunt used Labour's ad, perhaps they might like to distance themselves from it?
I am old enough to remember when Guido was daily pushing a fabrication that Gordon Brown was mentally ill and being secretly medicated in No 10. Did the Conservatives distance themselves? Course not, he was the iron fist and Dave was the velvet glove.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
I doubt changing the bogs are high on many organisations list at the moment.
Well they ought to be. Places of business which provide toilets, particularly pubs and restaurants need to put some serious thought into it if they want to attract custom.
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Big G- I think you might have to do a bit better than that to spread some muck on Keir....
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
The politicians I like rarely come along
I did not have any intention of giving that impression
I have apologised for my ambiguous comment
Starmer would not be involved as fas as I am concerned
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Big G- I think you might have to do a bit better than that to spread some muck on Keir....
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
The politicians I like rarely come along
Yet he has totally failed to exploit the governments bewildering incompetence on entry to the country.
Something which would have been an easy vote winner in the areas which Labour has lost and would have made the government look weak now that it is proposing to implement some restrictions.
That does suggest that Starmer is either a globalist sociopath or wishes to pander to such people.
If only people would say nice things about Boris rather than that pesky Scot. Unionists are pathetic insecure creatures.
It's got the Yoons crawling out from beneath their news-avoiding rocks. I'm sure they'll be firing stiff letters off to STV and the government which licences them.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
I doubt changing the bogs are high on many organisations list at the moment.
Well they ought to be. Places of business which provide toilets, particularly pubs and restaurants need to put some serious thought into it if they want to attract custom.
Getting rid of the bacteria blowers and providing paper towels would be a good thing.
But spending thousands on remodelling the system might not be possible for many places.
Personally I tried to avoid such places previously.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
If that's Labour it's their first mis-step in this - it will allow Tories to go on the attack about "harassing 4 year olds and their mothers" - especially since Cummings is reportedly in Downing St.
Live by the sword. Anyway, Cummings brought his child into it when he told his staff in Cabinet to defend him with the kid.
That Sir is rubbish!
Yeah, but that's politics now. One side had 10 years of using both the velvet glove and the iron fist, like Vote Leave and Leave.EU, so if the other side is fighting back with two hands as well, we can't really be surprised.
I have no problem with your desire to take down Cummings. His wife and child are not acceptable collateral damage.
Live by the sword..............he reaps what he sows, in his immortal words who cares what he thinks
I don't care what he thinks Malcolm, but his child did not ask to have such a hideous oik for a father so the child should be left out of all the nastiness.
I agree Pete, but it is Cummings fault , as I said he is reaping what he sows to the detriment of his family.
It is interesting that those on here most vociferous in their defence of Cummings' family (myself excluded) were quite happy to beat up on Mrs Starmer Senior and her donkeys.
As I am certainly not defending Cummings, may I ask what the story is about Mrs Starmer and her donkeys? That one completely passed me by.
It was a Daily Mail front page article on Kier Starmer a week or two ago: Headline something like "Starmer owns land worth up to £10milllion".
Actual story is: Starmer owns green belt land next to his mother’s house that he bought for her donkey sanctuary. It’s worth maybe £20k tops.
Build a bunch of houses on it & you could probably sell them all for £10million total but a) that requires you to get planning permission on the green belt & b) to pay to build the houses in the first place. "Up to" was doing an awful lot of work in that headline.
(Actual £ figures may vary, but general principle is accurate to my recollection.)
The fact his mother owns a donkey sanctuary is the first thing I've heard about him that improves my view of him.
Owned. I believe she is no longer with us
I believe his mother is still alive - his father passed away a few years ago.
Boris says we are ready to move to step 2 and reopening reception and primary schools in full on June 1st with secondary schools reopening on June 15th for exam preparation.
Boris has spoken. Ok hard letters on here can froth for the rest of the bank holiday weekend!
Which letters do you find hard? Personally I struggle with “Q”. I mean, what’s the point of a letter that has to be accompanied by another one the whole time?
From the BBC: "Americans are being warned to be wary of hungry rats journalists who have become angry due to a lack of their usual restaurant food to feast on during the coronavirus lockdown. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said there had been "reports of unusual or aggressive rodent behaviour" due to a decrease in food available, "especially in dense commercial areas"."
Boris says we are ready to move to step 2 and reopening reception and primary schools in full on June 1st with secondary schools reopening on June 15th for exam preparation.
And parents will do they think whats best for their kid and not send them to school. I wonder why........
PB Tories calling out the hounding of Cummings is a noble thing to do, except they've never called out hounding of MPs on the other side.
Yes we have.
Also, Cummings is a civil servant, a member of staff not an elected politician.
Personally, right back to Gordon Brown when he was PM, and Damien McBride was his media henchman who became the story.
I don't ever recall such harassment of a civil servant as we've seen in the last couple of days though.
Cummings is in reality much more political than civil. I don't think he'd wish to be thought anything else. But of course he shouldn't be harassed personally and picketing someone's home is always repulsive.
Repulsive is very very generous- this is a culture war with the Puritains trying to burn their self anointed witch.
Horrible narrow minded people.
Scum actually.
Up pops Harry now he's got something to use to try to deflect from Cumming's misdeeds. All fake outrage because a van parks outside the Cummings household, straw clutching at its finest
That van was silly and childish and I cannot believe Starmer approved
Big G- I think you might have to do a bit better than that to spread some muck on Keir....
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
The politicians I like rarely come along
Yet he has totally failed to exploit the governments bewildering incompetence on entry to the country.
Something which would have been an easy vote winner in the areas which Labour has lost and would have made the government look weak now that it is proposing to implement some restrictions.
That does suggest that Starmer is either a globalist sociopath or wishes to pander to such people.
Boris says we are ready to move to step 2 and reopening reception and primary schools in full on June 1st with secondary schools reopening on June 15th for exam preparation.
That isn't what he said.
Some primaries will be able to take R, Y1 and Y6. Some will not.
The aim is for Secondaries to have 'some face to face contact' with Y10 and Y12 from 15th.
Boris has spoken. Ok hard letters on here can froth for the rest of the bank holiday weekend!
Which letters do you find hard? Personally I struggle with “Q”. I mean, what’s the point of a letter that has to be accompanied by another one the whole time?
P is awkward because of the lavatorial connotations.
Agreed. He has just handed the Opposition four years worth of attack lines. I am delighted,
This will not be an issue in four years, but many more will be
Oh it will be come the next election, remember the family funeral you couldn't attend because of the virus that their incompetency brought into the nursing home which killed Nanny. 60,000 excess deaths is 600,000 people with reasons not to vote for Boris when the truth comes out.
And I suspect there will be a lot more, as the economy is going to collapse on it's arse.
But manufacturing and co will have no reason to try to fix things as the uncertainty of next January is going to make investment impossible,
Boris says we are ready to move to step 2 and reopening reception and primary schools in full on June 1st with secondary schools reopening on June 15th for exam preparation.
That isn't what he said.
Some primaries will be able to take R, Y1 and Y6. Some will not.
The aim is for Secondaries to have 'some face to face contact' with Y10 and Y12 from 15th.
"Public urinals could be a thing of the past after coronavirus as experts recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
Followed the instincts of every Father and parent. Apart from those who didn't of course.
As I said yesterday the problem is not following the instincts of every parent. It is failing to realise that having done that his position in Government a was untenable.
To put it in purely political terms. If he had announced at the time that he had done something he felt he had to do for his family but that he recognised it was damaging to the message the Government were trying to project and that for the good of the country he was resigning then, apart from the loons who hold an irrational hatred for him, most people would have agreed he had behaved correctly and he would have garnered a lot of sympathy. Chances are that within a year or so he would have been back again.
Instead he has chosen a route which might save his job but which may well cost lives as people decide the Lockdown naysayers are right and use him as an example of why they should ignore the rules. Hugely damaging for the country - by which I mean the people themselves.
Boris has spoken. Ok hard letters on here can froth for the rest of the bank holiday weekend!
Which letters do you find hard? Personally I struggle with “Q”. I mean, what’s the point of a letter that has to be accompanied by another one the whole time?
Perhaps the history of recent decades might have been different if Iraq had been Iraqu.
As I've said here, Keir really is the real deal...we are genuinely lucky that someone with his background wants to head a political party....
I'm not a sycophant to politicians....I liked David Miliband...but I accept he was a career politician....I liked Charles Kennedy...but he had his demons.....I liked Ken Clarke......
The politicians I like rarely come along
Of course Boris will not sack Cummings.
First, Cummings doesn't give a monkeys about the optics, secondly Boris would be literally unable to be PM without him, and finally like any government the more external pressure there is to do something, the less likely it is that they will do it.
recommend men and women use gender-neutral stalls with a one-way system
The British Toilet Association are advising companies how to keep toilets safe
Gender neutral toilets could be used with separate queues for men and women
The change could be implemented on June 1 as many workers return to work"
Whether that is a difference between two individuals or a difference between political generations is another question.
It's unfortunate for Labour that the people who pulled the stunt used Labour's ad, perhaps they might like to distance themselves from it?
I have apologised for my ambiguous comment
Starmer would not be involved as fas as I am concerned
Something which would have been an easy vote winner in the areas which Labour has lost and would have made the government look weak now that it is proposing to implement some restrictions.
That does suggest that Starmer is either a globalist sociopath or wishes to pander to such people.
Apart from those who didn't of course.
can see more toilet attendants in the future - people may well want a thorough clean of the facilities after each use to feel safe.
I'll take that!
Opening statement will not convince anybody with a brain cell obviously.
But spending thousands on remodelling the system might not be possible for many places.
Personally I tried to avoid such places previously.
Kids and schools.
Well, well, well.
Wonder if this'll bring Johnson down.
Thanks for doing that so we didn't have to.
This is going to continue to build up momentum..
Some primaries will be able to take R, Y1 and Y6. Some will not.
The aim is for Secondaries to have 'some face to face contact' with Y10 and Y12 from 15th.
Drive to Barnard Castle.
And I suspect there will be a lot more, as the economy is going to collapse on it's arse.
But manufacturing and co will have no reason to try to fix things as the uncertainty of next January is going to make investment impossible,
Alternatively fewer people might go out for multiple drinks and stick to what their bladder can contain before they can return home.
9,335 yesterday
8,951 today
To put it in purely political terms. If he had announced at the time that he had done something he felt he had to do for his family but that he recognised it was damaging to the message the Government were trying to project and that for the good of the country he was resigning then, apart from the loons who hold an irrational hatred for him, most people would have agreed he had behaved correctly and he would have garnered a lot of sympathy. Chances are that within a year or so he would have been back again.
Instead he has chosen a route which might save his job but which may well cost lives as people decide the Lockdown naysayers are right and use him as an example of why they should ignore the rules. Hugely damaging for the country - by which I mean the people themselves.
An out of touch elite with one rule for them and one rule for us, I bet Keir couldn't have dreamed of a better start.