Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
I really feel I need to remove myself from pb, Betfair odds and all news.... getting proper anxious.
Probably watch a movie tonight with a couple of beers
Anyone feel the same?!
It is often good to get out of the bubble for a wee while
I've now stopped taking my phone up to the bedroom at night. I found myself waking for a call of nature then checking out Betfair at 3am
Should avoid looking at your phone before going to bed too. The blue light plus mental stimulation are terrible for getting to sleep. Much better to have a good book to read before turning the light off.
I think the big moves on the Betfair Tory Maj market are down to the disappointing figures (from the Blue Team's viewpoint) in the Ashcroft poll, pure and simple ... that's three poor polling results in the last 24 hours ... not good!
The Ashcroft poll points to a big Conservative win.
If we really did have a result of 54/46 it would be something like 390/260 in terms of seats.
What were the forced choice Conservative Government with Cameron/Labour Government with Miliband numbers just prior to GE2015?
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Dear absolute fucking gods, really? I did an article about this! Google "Chronicle of a bet foretold part 2"
Go to your bank. Ask them if they do a foreign currency account. If they do, open one up. Move sterling into it. Job done, have lollypop.
Conversely try a firm like Travelex
Others on here swear by an app called "Revolut", but I am a determined late adopter and eschew such.
Oh, try reading an article occasionally, yes?
(Hits head repeatedly upon desk)
I would not use Revolut. Bloody awful back office.
I don't use anything that doesn't have a physical office I can get a taxi/train to. The others are usually OK, but when they fail they really fail, and often all at the same time. But physical office, you can have a bit of a gab and (if you are lucky) a biscuit.
could it be to do with the fake You Gov poll that was on Twitter earlier showing a 3% Con lead
I did mention that but it was debunked by this morning
I think there's been two. The four-point lead one last night and another with a 3 point lead that was apparently retweeted by Ashcroft among others before being deleted.
What is the deal with protesters gluing themselves to things? This seems to be a relatively new tactic. Presumably the police can't just rip them off whatever they are glued to? Can any PB legal beagles shed any light on why this is a thing?
Protesters have been chaining themselves for ages
Now the police just cut the chains.
With glue they need to use solvents - which involves potential allergies, injury, etc...
Right ... but isn't there some kind of "reasonable force" justification for removing them under arrest? Or is any injury forbidden? Or is it more a PR thing?
I'm not sure that causing an allergic reaction would count as "reasonable force" though - wouldn't it be a duty of care issue - other solvents are available.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
I'm sure there are. But I've used them and they were very good.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
Posters in the past have mentioned Revolut, TransferWise, Travelex and WorldFirst. If you know others, throw them on the pile. I doubt that Byronic will translate words into actions, but I'd find it useful.
Poll lead has been remarkably static for weeks. People have largely made up their minds and a bit of confected froth in the past couple of days isn't going to change that.
Over the weekend and yesterday there was even a slight uptick in the gap.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
Posters in the past have mentioned Revolut, TransferWise, Travelex and WorldFirst. If you know others, throw them on the pile. I doubt that Byronic will translate words into actions, but I'd find it useful.
Monzo (those orange/hot pink cards) is the market leader among the yoof from my experience.
I think the big moves on the Betfair Tory Maj market are down to the disappointing figures (from the Blue Team's viewpoint) in the Ashcroft poll, pure and simple ... that's three poor polling results in the last 24 hours ... not good!
The Ashcroft poll points to a big Conservative win.
If we really did have a result of 54/46 it would be something like 390/260 in terms of seats.
What were the forced choice Conservative Government with Cameron/Labour Government with Miliband numbers just prior to GE2015?
Sean F's figures are simply wrong. A forced choice of 54/46 between the two major parties translates to 43/37 on the basis of them together achieving 80% of the vote. Run these numbers on Baxter and you get334 seats for the Tories for a tiny majority and way adrift of the 390 seats he suggests.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Maybe it’s a sign of the nervousness that I’m actually currently looking at all of these and considering how to set up a Euro account.
Corbyn. Scared fuckless.
Try imagining your primary asset being nationalised...
My laptop?????? Not my reconditioned T440p with special preloaded software??? A steal from authorised Microsoft refurbisher MicroDream ltd??? ( Cold dead hand, Charles, cold dead hand...
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
Posters in the past have mentioned Revolut, TransferWise, Travelex and WorldFirst. If you know others, throw them on the pile. I doubt that Byronic will translate words into actions, but I'd find it useful.
It would probably identify me to those who don't know already
I would just drive off with them still stuck to the bus like the stuff toys you see stuck to the grills of big US trucks.
Who does this serve? I don't think these brain dead idiots have thought it through
On the contrary, XR has been extraordinarily successfully at raising the profile of climate change as an election issue. At the hustings in my Tory constituency yesterday, the candidates were almost falling over each other to big up their green credentials. Last time, it barely got a look-in.
Yes. There is the risk the more crazy and less reasoned among them push things too far and it becomes counter productive, but as a group theyve been remarkably effective in getting the message out.
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Good balanced portfolio with investment in companies worldwide. If you're really nervous buy some physical gold. If you're really, really nervous buy some physical gold held in a vault that isn't in the UK.
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
Posters in the past have mentioned Revolut, TransferWise, Travelex and WorldFirst. If you know others, throw them on the pile. I doubt that Byronic will translate words into actions, but I'd find it useful.
I am going to do something.
I will put cash in diverse foreign assets. It's a wise move whatever happens.
And I will OPEN a euro account and wait for a few more polls tonight/tomorrow
Jeremy Corbyn says he stands by @JonAshworth but says he has "a rather odd sense of humour."
They'll soon knock that odd sense of humour out of him in the re-education camp.
Are you offshoring or ringfencing your assets?
Seriously. What are you doing to hedge against a HP and Corbyn in power?
Buy Euros.
How? I know how to buy stocks, bonds, shares, you name it, but how do you convert large sums of cash sterling into large sums of cash euro?
Go to World First, open an account, then they will convert your cash into euros. They are also regulated by the FCA unlike many other currency brokers.
Other high quality alternatives are available
Posters in the past have mentioned Revolut, TransferWise, Travelex and WorldFirst. If you know others, throw them on the pile. I doubt that Byronic will translate words into actions, but I'd find it useful.
I am going to do something.
I will put cash in diverse foreign assets. It's a wise move whatever happens.
And I will OPEN a euro account and wait for a few more polls tonight/tomorrow
Chill a bit...
1. The Tories, sadly, are going to win a majority. 2. Corbyn is not going to be PM 3. But... even if he did become PM he would be at the mercy of his SNP, LD and moderate Labour MPs and would not be able to implement the Labour manifesto 4. But... even if he could implement his manifesto it would not destroy the economy. Jolt it, yes, but some even think the additional investment would cause the £ to rise 5. But... even if the £ did fall you've still got your writing talent male modelling good looks to keep you solvent through any hard times.
Chill - you'll be fine!
Alternative waste your money on madcap hedge schemes - it's all the same to me
And after 10pm it may still be a panic day...
It’s just Herdson coming back from his canvassing. Sensibly he is betting first and typing his evening post second.....
Corbyn. Scared fuckless.
I'm playing Scrabble with Midge Ure.
I've got 4 letters left but they mean nothing to me.
Poll lead has been remarkably static for weeks. People have largely made up their minds and a bit of confected froth in the past couple of days isn't going to change that.
Over the weekend and yesterday there was even a slight uptick in the gap.
I'm sticking with Con +60.
At least until after 10pm tonight...
(Feels very old...
I will put cash in diverse foreign assets. It's a wise move whatever happens.
And I will OPEN a euro account and wait for a few more polls tonight/tomorrow
This thread has lost its deposit!
1. The Tories, sadly, are going to win a majority.
2. Corbyn is not going to be PM
3. But... even if he did become PM he would be at the mercy of his SNP, LD and moderate Labour MPs and would not be able to implement the Labour manifesto
4. But... even if he could implement his manifesto it would not destroy the economy. Jolt it, yes, but some even think the additional investment would cause the £ to rise
5. But... even if the £ did fall you've still got your writing talent male modelling good looks to keep you solvent through any hard times.
Chill - you'll be fine!
Alternative waste your money on madcap hedge schemes - it's all the same to me