It's QT. Virtually every episode is broadcast from a Labour seat. (I'd love to see the exact figures but I suspect 90%ish over the last 20 years)
I guess that's because large towns and cities tend to be more Labour.
I do think audiences on QT, on a whole, are f***ing abysmal. The sort of people who go to these kind of things tend to be rather angry, partisan people, who aren't interested in hearing an answer - they just want to make a point. I'd far, far rather listen to a good interviewer.
Sid Vicious was absolutely right on the subject of the man on the street.
Because of course the typical non political person isn’t very likely to leave work early, miss their dinner, travel to a venue, suffer the parking or transport chaos, the queues and security checks, be kept sitting round in the studio while they get ready for the show, etc., and get back home late at night. It’s hard enough persuading politically active people to go.
I've got a lot of respect for Swinson after that. I think it was a horrendous audience for her but she categorically refused to go dow the Labour light adjunct
No tele here, not ever. But I suspect it's much better reading PB comments.
"And what's this? A walrus has invaded the stage! And he's...he's farting in Boris's face! Boris is being face-farted by a walrus, ladies and gentlemen! Full-on fat wobbly walrus fart! Oh, the humanity (sobs into microphone)"
Evening all and missed the QT having only got home a short time ago from appearing on the SKY News Path to Power programme at 5.30pm. Had a long blether with a Liberal friend earlier in the day. Very worried because on the doorstep they are encountering a sizeable move to the SCons over the "Revoke" policy which people dislike and think "undemocratic" and lots of comments, especially by women that Jo Swinson comes across as I have said, like a girl guide from Bearsden. Not confident about holding all 4 seats or taking Fife NE.
No tele here, not ever. But I suspect it's much better reading PB comments.
"And what's this? A walrus has invaded the stage! And he's...he's farting in Boris's face! Boris is being face-farted by a walrus, ladies and gentlemen! Full-on fat wobbly walrus fart! Oh, the humanity (sobs into microphone)"
No tele here, not ever. But I suspect it's much better reading PB comments.
"And what's this? A walrus has invaded the stage! And he's...he's farting in Boris's face! Boris is being face-farted by a walrus, ladies and gentlemen! Full-on fat wobbly walrus fart! Oh, the humanity (sobs into microphone)"
Now BoZo is telling the Walrus that Leave means Leave...
I've got a lot of respect for Swinson after that. I think it was a horrendous audience for her but she categorically refused to go dow the Labour light adjunct
It must have been a horrible experience for her.
She got attacked by everyone.
She did have a hard time, but then tbf if the audience is balanced you’d expect 85%-ish of the audience to be against her, and both the parties know the LDs are a potential threat this time
I hope the whole country is watching Johnson here. What a joke!
I hope they are, Boris is doing brilliantly
He lies when he moves his lips but so what he isn’t corbyn so not a problem
My feelings exactly. And that is why I will vote Conservative. Honestly Nicomar, I'd love to have a party which valued competence, but my fear of Corbyn is too great to vote for anyone but the party most likely to keep them out. Sorry. Lamentably, it turns out that the left disappearing off over the horizon turns out not to be the opportunity for the centre that it might appear. The opportunity for the centre is when voters are disillusioned by the main parties but not terrified of them.
Fantastic closure from Boris, to claps, his is the only party to enable Brexit to get done and address other things, the other 3 party leaders parties have all tried to frustrate Brexit
The remarkable thing about this election is how much, Brexit aside, the Overton window has shifted to the left.
It's slightly more complex than that. The largest fraction of public opinion is a little to the left of centre economically and a little to the right of centre socially. A combination of more money for Our Beloved NHS (paid for by "the rich", defined as all persons earning at least one pound more per year than whichever voter one happens to be talking to at the time,) and tougher criminal sentencing and immigration controls.
If the Tories do manage to win a majority at the end of all of this, it will be because they've convinced enough voters that they, personally, rather than "the rich" will have to pay for Labour's spending pledges, whilst advancing a far more convincing claim to occupy the social conservative centre ground.
Unless the country in question is Germany, no there isn't.
Perhaps the extra 12 million are the rough sleepers and food bank users in Jonathan's village.
Very good, you got me, you win PB. But the point stands these are not the four best people in the UK to be PM.
Maybe we get the politicians we deserve.
Or perhaps they were never any good but they're exposed more now because of modern media and the internet.
When I reflect on the serious, talented people I work with in business and life more broadly, including here, you have to wonder what the hell happened to produce these four.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
Fantastic closure from Boris, to claps, his is the only party to enable Brexit to get done and address other things, the other 3 party leaders parties have all tried to frustrate Brexit
Decent performance from Boris, no major fuck ups, he did better than I thought he would against a seriously hostile audience. Got that final crucial statement in.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
I do think revoke has backfired and the only chance of it succeeding was if Johnson didn’t get a deal and the election was being fought with that v Remain .
I think she got a boner when she saw the 6 million signatures on the Revoke petition.
It was a lot of people expressing their desire to reverse Brexit but she took it literally.
A significant majority of LD members joined since the referendum, and often specifically to Remain. The party wanted the Revoke policy. I agree that any policy that is as difficult to explain on the doorstep is bad as a leading policy. It is like the hubris of stating she could be PM, technically true but ridiculously unlikely.
And LD leavers like myself were effectively forced out.
"He's here! He's here, everybody! Over here!"
(In the distance the helicopter searchlights wheel towards the noise... )
Once upon a time there were many such people. Consider the traditional heartland of liberalism in tge Eurosceptic south west. I remember hearing a vox pop at tge 1997 GE of a LD voter who justified his choice on the grounds that they were the only party who would stand up to Europe.
Quite forlorn, really. One thinks one has a handle on politics, then twenty years later everybody thinks something different.
Unless the country in question is Germany, no there isn't.
Perhaps the extra 12 million are the rough sleepers and food bank users in Jonathan's village.
Very good, you got me, you win PB. But the point stands these are not the four best people in the UK to be PM.
Maybe we get the politicians we deserve.
Or perhaps they were never any good but they're exposed more now because of modern media and the internet.
When I reflect on the serious, talented people I work with in business and life more broadly, including here, you have to wonder what the hell happened to produce these four.
Blame it on friction, a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
Sounds like he did well.
He was calm, measured and answered people directly,
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
No tele here, not ever. But I suspect it's much better reading PB comments.
"And what's this? A walrus has invaded the stage! And he's...he's farting in Boris's face! Boris is being face-farted by a walrus, ladies and gentlemen! Full-on fat wobbly walrus fart! Oh, the humanity (sobs into microphone)"
He wasn't as badly rogered as I thought he would be..for once he fronted up. Obviously on the back foot as the audience were a bit like facing Holding Marshall and Garner from the 80s
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
Disagree. He remained calm and engaging, unlike Jezza who all but scolded those who confronted him.
Didn't watch the other two, which is possibly an indicator of their electoral prospects.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
Really not. I mean - really, really not.
He did OK - against a massively hostile audience that the format always ensured.
I hope the whole country is watching Johnson here. What a joke!
I hope they are, Boris is doing brilliantly
He lies when he moves his lips but so what he isn’t corbyn so not a problem
My feelings exactly. And that is why I will vote Conservative. Honestly Nicomar, I'd love to have a party which valued competence, but my fear of Corbyn is too great to vote for anyone but the party most likely to keep them out. Sorry. Lamentably, it turns out that the left disappearing off over the horizon turns out not to be the opportunity for the centre that it might appear. The opportunity for the centre is when voters are disillusioned by the main parties but not terrified of them.
My possibly last vote will go lib dem but labour are not going to win or even come close their back to the seventies policies on nationalization and union rights are a disaster, Johnson is an amoral self interested lier and if anyone thinks the tories will solve the key issues of housing, homelessness, education equality and the NHS is self deluding. It’s vote Tory, protect your personal pile rather than any altruistic motive.
Seems like the major thing that will come out of this is Corbyn's Brexit fence-sitting. It shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone, he's a stubborn old coot, but you can imagine it'll get plenty of media attention.
The problem is Swinson is getting shit from all sides. And is still copping flak for the coalition years, which is very telling. Very little support for her here.
Feel sorry for her.
But more important is how five million people see her at home.
She’s knocked the shrillness on the head, appeared reasonable and open in admitting coalition mistakes - and against some grumpy Corbynites who look like they’ve been sucking lemons, she’s put up a good show for the Waitrose classes in the south.
She is indeed a trooper and there's no doubt she's facing a hostile audience but it's only when you face an audience like this that you see the holes in your arguments. She suffers from not having the articulacy of Nicola. She's coming over as Boris- lite which is an awful place to be for a party with 'liberal' in the title.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
You were watching something different to me then...I've seen many a car crash and that wasnt one of them.
I thought Corbyns answer on Brexit is fair . Surely that’s the only way you don’t piss off half the country .
Yes - by pissing off both halves.
I suspect a large part of Labours problem is they promised leavers they would respect the referendum result in 2017 when they had no intention of doing so. That lie is coming back to bite them hard.
What percentage of the population are Doctors? How did they get passed any representation filter? I would safely say White Van Man was very underrepresented. Despite the obvious bias, Boris played it well under pressure.
I thought Corbyns answer on Brexit is fair . Surely that’s the only way you don’t piss off half the country .
It’s weak leadership and dishonest. Clearly he has a view like everyone but won’t tell us. It also demeans his deal if he doesn’t value it enough to support it publicly.
What percentage of the population are Doctors? How did they get passed any representation filter? I would safely say White Van Man was very underrepresented. Despite the obvious bias, Boris played it well under pressure.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
Really not. I mean - really, really not.
He did OK - against a massively hostile audience that the format always ensured.
The audience was not massively hostile to Johnson unlike the coordinated attempt to attack Swinson I have to assume sensible lib dems we’re out canvassing and delivering leaflets.
Car crash for Bozo. All the leaders got some hostile questioning, but he really cannot handle it. He is so needy, that he cannot bear not being liked. It is why he tells different audiences different things.
You were watching something different to me then...I've seen many a car crash and that wasnt one of them.
No, it wasn’t a car crash. I don’t think Bozo comes across well but then I don’t like him.
His weakest moment was his claim that his offensive past writings and comments “could be made to seem offensive” rather than were actually so. He was lucky to get away without any comeback on that.
I forgot it was on and watched RU Pauls Drag Race UK Final on catch up. Vivienne was a worthy winner.
In fairness I thought the one with the blonde wig “sashayed away” pretty well at the end. Didn't fall off the podium like that Edwina in 2015. Or am I confusing channels?😉
I thought Corbyns answer on Brexit is fair . Surely that’s the only way you don’t piss off half the country .
So who is going to campaign for his deal? If the answer is nobody then it won't be a remotely credible referendum.
I understand your point but Corbyn couching that as trying to bring the country together isn’t a bad message .
But it's a nonsense message - that wont bring the country together anymore than picking a side would. It sounds reasonable at first until its thought about.
And what happened 40 years ago is not a guide- clearly he thought it acceptable to take a view 3 years ago so hes not about being neutral on this issue as a matter of principle.
She got attacked by everyone.
Or perhaps they were never any good but they're exposed more now because of modern media and the internet.
But I would think that, wouldn't I?
About 5% of this audience did.
Fook All
Honestly Nicomar, I'd love to have a party which valued competence, but my fear of Corbyn is too great to vote for anyone but the party most likely to keep them out. Sorry. Lamentably, it turns out that the left disappearing off over the horizon turns out not to be the opportunity for the centre that it might appear. The opportunity for the centre is when voters are disillusioned by the main parties but not terrified of them.
If the Tories do manage to win a majority at the end of all of this, it will be because they've convinced enough voters that they, personally, rather than "the rich" will have to pay for Labour's spending pledges, whilst advancing a far more convincing claim to occupy the social conservative centre ground.
A very uncomfortable experience for all 4 leaders . I think this format is better than the debates .
Obviously on the back foot as the audience were a bit like facing Holding Marshall and Garner from the 80s
Didn't watch the other two, which is possibly an indicator of their electoral prospects.
He did OK - against a massively hostile audience that the format always ensured.
Vivienne was a worthy winner.
Not that that disentitles him to a view of course
He campaigned for Remain in 2016, and now he'd just be neutral.
His weakest moment was his claim that his offensive past writings and comments “could be made to seem offensive” rather than were actually so. He was lucky to get away without any comeback on that.
And what happened 40 years ago is not a guide- clearly he thought it acceptable to take a view 3 years ago so hes not about being neutral on this issue as a matter of principle.
Real Change is needed.