Johnson needs to stop rambling. Concise answers man, concise answers - you're not being paid by the word any more. Oh and First. Never happened before.
Johnson needs to stop rambling. Concise answers man, concise answers - you're not being paid by the word any more. Oh and First. Never happened before.
Especially if there are only short periods to answer questions...
If Prince Andrew can continue to host events "on a commercial basis" at Buckingham Palace, can any member of the public hire the same rooms at the Palace on the same commercial basis?
If not, then a building being funded at massive cost to the taxpayer (renovation cost £350m over 10 years I believe) is being used for PRIVATE commercial gain by a member of the Royal Family.
How can this possibly be acceptable?
It is surely completely outrageous and Parliament should put a stop to it.
Nicola Sturgeon is a politician I like a lot. I've heard her speak to a large crowd and she was very impressive. Not sure how she gets an invite on to this platform though. Much as I would prefer her as PM to the other three it is simply not possible, nor could her Party form a Government.
ITV had one candidate too few, BBC has one too many.
I don't see what much else Corbyn can say and do now. Unless there's a dramatic shift in his Brexit position, everything is already priced in. Sturgeon, Swinson - will they/won't they prop up a Corbyn government, some waffle about indyref2 which nobody cares about south of the border. Boris has the most to do and obviously the most to lose. But unless he screws up catastrophically, I reckon the Tories are home and hosed.
Nicola Sturgeon is a politician I like a lot. I've heard her speak to a large crowd and she was very impressive. Not sure how she gets an invite on to this platform though. Much as I would prefer her as PM to the other three it is simply not possible, nor could her Party form a Government.
ITV had one candidate too few, BBC has one too many.
As a complete aside, who wins at Ascot tomorrow, Altior or Cyrname?
Johnson needs to stop rambling. Concise answers man, concise answers - you're not being paid by the word any more. Oh and First. Never happened before.
Especially if there are only short periods to answer questions...
So how good a campaign is Boris having? As good as the pre hype as a great campaigner, or some areas for improvement?
I’ll offer a positive a negative. He is good at selling something with his eyes and his persuasive voice, whereas May and Corbyn don’t look like they believe it themselves as they ask you to buy it. But he does have Trump way of straying from truth too readily, like Trump claimed today he has saved Hong Kong from attack from a million Chinese troops.
Johnson needs to stop rambling. Concise answers man, concise answers - you're not being paid by the word any more. Oh and First. Never happened before.
Johnson needs to stop rambling. Concise answers man, concise answers - you're not being paid by the word any more. Oh and First. Never happened before.
Especially if there are only short periods to answer questions...
So how good a campaign is Boris having? As good as the pre hype as a great campaigner, or some areas for improvement?
I’ll offer a positive a negative. He is good at selling something with his eyes and his persuasive voice, whereas May and Corbyn don’t look like they believe it themselves as they ask you to buy it. But he does have Trump way of straying from truth too readily, like Trump claimed today he has saved Hong Kong from attack from a million Chinese troops.
Saving Hong Kong from attack from a million Chinese troops sounds cool though.
Mr. Punter, it's a city in Yorkshire, but yeah, close to the border.
Things is, Yorkshire is the opposite to most of the rest of the country in that the northern bit is very Conservative, and the southern bit is very Labour, and the middle bit has a fair few marginals in it.
Leeds is in the middle bit. Sheffield is in the middle of the People's Republic of South Yorkshire. Might make a difference. Then again, they might be trying to select an audience fairly as usual, and a number will be fibbers, as usual.
Nicola Sturgeon is a politician I like a lot. I've heard her speak to a large crowd and she was very impressive. Not sure how she gets an invite on to this platform though. Much as I would prefer her as PM to the other three it is simply not possible, nor could her Party form a Government.
ITV had one candidate too few, BBC has one too many.
Agree about her ability, particularly in comparison to some of the other leaders.
Just because a party can't form a government by themselves, doesn't mean they can't influence it, enable it, negotiate, initiate it, or even be part of it. So, given their size and potential influence, they should be heard.
These four parties (plus perhaps the DUP, depending how they fall to ALL/UUP/SDLP/SF; and to a lesser extent PC and Greens etc) are the ones who will most significantly determine the next government, including if it's a hung parliament, SNP being the 3rd largest and likely to retain that.
Thus those deciding who they want to form or initiate the forming of a government have to hear them on that.
Election neutrality also means it would be verging on unlawful to ignore them and include parties with less representation.
Those people disinterested in SNP or Indyref2 should perhaps sop it up? Or alternatively campaign against the union. Can't have it both ways.
I don't see what much else Corbyn can say and do now. Unless there's a dramatic shift in his Brexit position, everything is already priced in. Sturgeon, Swinson - will they/won't they prop up a Corbyn government, some waffle about indyref2 which nobody cares about south of the border. Boris has the most to do and obviously the most to lose. But unless he screws up catastrophically, I reckon the Tories are home and hosed.
I wouldn’t be too negative on Labours position just yet. The fundamentals look bad, but the weekend polling might show some movement after the manifesto, and there is still the Tory manifesto to come with the potential for a blunder.
I would however say time is running out for Labour and if they’re not showing any signs of improvement by this time next week I think defeat and a Tory majority is very likely.
FPT in response to @DecrepitJohnL - “Every wrongful conviction involves a jury getting it wrong. Given the importance of juries, it is a shame research is banned.”
No - that’s not necessarily the case at all.. The jury may well have been right to convict on the basis of the evidence in front of them. But it may well be that the evidence was wrong eg the statistical evidence in the Sally Clarke case or the forensic evidence in the case of the Birmingham 6. Or that there was relevant evidence which was not disclosed and put before the jury (eg alibi evidence in the case of Gerry Conlon, one of the Guildford 4). Or it could be that they were misdirected as to the law by the judge.
I don't see what much else Corbyn can say and do now. Unless there's a dramatic shift in his Brexit position, everything is already priced in. Sturgeon, Swinson - will they/won't they prop up a Corbyn government, some waffle about indyref2 which nobody cares about south of the border. Boris has the most to do and obviously the most to lose. But unless he screws up catastrophically, I reckon the Tories are home and hosed.
I wouldn’t be too negative on Labours position just yet. The fundamentals look bad, but the weekend polling might show some movement after the manifesto, and there is still the Tory manifesto to come with the potential for a blunder.
I would however say time is running out for Labour and if they’re not showing any signs of improvement by this time next week I think defeat and a Tory majority is very likely.
President Donald Trump has pilloried an envoy who testified in the impeachment inquiry, claiming she refused to hang his photo in the US embassy in Ukraine.
Mr Trump told Fox News' morning show former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch "didn't want to hang my picture in the embassy" in Kyiv.
The president did not offer further details about the matter.
And if Labour are in government by then we’ll have the prospect of secondary picketing to look forward to, as confirmed by Mr McDonnell this morning on the radio.
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
I don’t think this will rate above 5m, it’s drawn out over 2 hours on a Friday night, Swinson & Sturgeon do not interest a lot of viewers and the fullness of Tuesday’s offering will put people off. I think Tuesday was the one Labour needed to win.
Not sure if 8.30 is an advantage to Boris, audience will no doubt be quite hostile in part but then he also gets a chance to react to what Corbyn has said earlier.
It’s so short this is pretty pointless, but never mind, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Brexit Party Manifesto 2019 Part 1
It’s a manifesto. This ‘contract with the people’ malarkey is transparent bollocks. You cannot criticize other parties for not doing what their manifestoes promise, and insist your promises can be trusted because it’s not a manifesto. It’s not clever or funny, BXP, stop it.
Has a brief summary which even lists a few non Brexit policies, which is useful I assume for explaining quickly that they are not a single issue party.
No contents page as it is only 24 pages. Simple bullet point promises with little detail, and a very large highlighting of the main one for each section is memorable, but bland. As it is so short the question of why some things are included and not others does appear.
No ‘years of wrangling with Brussels’ is an enticing enough slogan, but it’s just not credible.
Why is David Bull MEP the only person besides Farage and Tice who gets a photo in the manifesto?
A political revolution Standard stuff – representative voting, abolish lords, recalls for defections. Reform supreme court – be interesting to see if the Tories are so bold as to promise that.
‘Phase out the BBC licence fee’ – and do what instead?
More referendums promised! But with a time limitation on repeat votes – I wonder how long a limitation The Brexit dividend Abolish inheritance tax the big giveaway.
50bn for road and rail schemes in the regions.
I don’t think their raising 200bn adds up
A new workable apprenticeship scheme
Invest in the future Fishing and coastal communities get 2.5bn – they know where support is.
Millions of trees planted. Recycle our own waste and make it illegal to be exported. So 100% recycling or what? Invest in the NHS and Social care – that’s it, not an amount.
Big pledge is to invested in strategic issues since freed from state aid rules.
She’s gone down pretty badly this election hasn’t she? Poor Jo, I don’t think the LDs will ever break through until the memories of the coalition years have gone.
Cut the cost of living and turbo charge the economy Cut VAT on duel. Reduce import tariffs.
Zero rate corporation tax for first 10,000 of pre tax profiles etc etc – this part is oddly detailed and precise considering the rest of the manifesto.
Transitional relief to key sectors to ensure a smooth Brexit – so they admit it will cause them disruption at last
Create freeports, whatever those might be.
Protect Britain’s Borders and People Defence contracts to stay at home, 2% GDP to NATP
‘Reduce annual immigration’ – no targets, blind to ethnic origin it says
More police, target county lines, standard stuff Invest in the NHS No privatization, where it has failed it will return to public ownership. So what if it has not failed? What if other privatization might succeed too?
24 hour GP surgeries. Doesn’t sound feasible to me, but whatever.
Odd to promise to have a national debate on the NHS. Does that need to be in a promise alongside policy suggestions?
Invest in education Abolish student loan interest, no apprentice levy, supports academies
Reform Universal Credit 12 month review and bring in reforms within 2 years – this is actually a more sensible timeframe that big party promises
Also pandering to the WASPI women, they must be getting sick of being pandered to, I would hope.
Rebuild the Housing System Easier consent for brownfield sites, easier to borrow to build council housings, accelerate infrastructure grants, nothing really stands out
I don’t think this will rate above 5m, it’s drawn out over 2 hours on a Friday night, Swinson & Sturgeon do not interest a lot of viewers and the fullness of Tuesday’s offering will put people off. I think Tuesday was the one Labour needed to win.
Not sure if 8.30 is an advantage to Boris, audience will no doubt be quite hostile in part but then he also gets a chance to react to what Corbyn has said earlier.
I'm not bothering - I know what must be done - keep the hard left away from power.
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
Labour will mean your team will never do well in Europe again. Going for the northern heartland vote there, John?
If Labour did get into power somehow, how long would it be before a wage cap would be imposed on all employees - private and public? It's fucking terrifying that these lunatics have got even this close to actually forming a government.
And if Labour are in government by then we’ll have the prospect of secondary picketing to look forward to, as confirmed by Mr McDonnell this morning on the radio.
As I said just the other day one of my friends took a beating for daring to want to go to work when a strike was called.
The good old days if you listen to the hard left bully boys.
Under 3 weeks out in 2017 he was on stage at Prenton Park in front of thousands, now it’s down to a few hundred students. He may still end up doing well but no doubt his supporters are less vocal and visible this time round.
Look, I too think (for now) that Labour will do better than the current polling, but I just do not get how anyone could truly believe that because they know some really passionate supporters, that means things are going their way. They seem genuine when they say it too.
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
We jest, but low thirties is becoming more common, and there's plenty of time to get to mid thirties, and that might be enough.
I don't know what adjustments pollsters have made but didn't they undershoot on Labour by 3-4% last time?
Have they corrected for that?
Apparently yes. But I guess they cannot be 100% sure. Not sure what mid 30s is good enough for if the Tories poll 43% again. Labour will need high 30s for a hung parliament in those circumstances.
John McDonnell says Jose Mourinho is not worth his £13 million a year pay packet and no footballer should be paid £250 000 a week as he says Labour will probe football's governance and regulation, ownership and funding if it wins power
And if Labour are in government by then we’ll have the prospect of secondary picketing to look forward to, as confirmed by Mr McDonnell this morning on the radio.
Indeed though he seems to have backtracked a little
I remember the gasps in response to Ed M's answer about spending too much (I seem to recall after the election it was learned he was supposed to give an explanation then say why he thought the answer was no, but instead he opened with no, and it shocked the audience), here's hoping for some drama.
What Corbyn is good at is reeling off lists in a poetic way.
In fact, that's basically his whole spiele. Any of these questions he simply rolls another one of these off and says it with passion and cadence and intonation that is well practiced.
Under 3 weeks out in 2017 he was on stage at Prenton Park in front of thousands, now it’s down to a few hundred students. He may still end up doing well but no doubt his supporters are less vocal and visible this time round.
Prenton Park? Birkenhead isn't exactly normally a swing seat - but even that one he might not hold this year!
Mr. Punter, it's a city in Yorkshire, but yeah, close to the border.
Things is, Yorkshire is the opposite to most of the rest of the country in that the northern bit is very Conservative, and the southern bit is very Labour, and the middle bit has a fair few marginals in it.
Leeds is in the middle bit. Sheffield is in the middle of the People's Republic of South Yorkshire. Might make a difference. Then again, they might be trying to select an audience fairly as usual, and a number will be fibbers, as usual.
If a wealthy individual funded 400 candidates should they be allowed to participate in the tv debates?
The only credible approach is to include anyone who can mathematically form a majority Government irrespective of past record.
Otherwise it becomes an arbitrary exercise and a rationale for maintaining an adversarial rather than plural approach.
If Prince Andrew can continue to host events "on a commercial basis" at Buckingham Palace, can any member of the public hire the same rooms at the Palace on the same commercial basis?
If not, then a building being funded at massive cost to the taxpayer (renovation cost £350m over 10 years I believe) is being used for PRIVATE commercial gain by a member of the Royal Family.
How can this possibly be acceptable?
It is surely completely outrageous and Parliament should put a stop to it.
Birmingham Northfield a key target in Brum, as I was discussing with, iirc, Andy_JS, on here a couple of days ago.
ITV had one candidate too few, BBC has one too many.
Don't worry folks, it's "not institutional"
Also, it should've been in Leeds. More marginal territory than the People's Republic of South Yorkshire.
I’ll offer a positive a negative. He is good at selling something with his eyes and his persuasive voice, whereas May and Corbyn don’t look like they believe it themselves as they ask you to buy it. But he does have Trump way of straying from truth too readily, like Trump claimed today he has saved Hong Kong from attack from a million Chinese troops.
However I think you’re bang on.
Things is, Yorkshire is the opposite to most of the rest of the country in that the northern bit is very Conservative, and the southern bit is very Labour, and the middle bit has a fair few marginals in it.
Leeds is in the middle bit. Sheffield is in the middle of the People's Republic of South Yorkshire. Might make a difference. Then again, they might be trying to select an audience fairly as usual, and a number will be fibbers, as usual.
Agree about her ability, particularly in comparison to some of the other leaders.
Just because a party can't form a government by themselves, doesn't mean they can't influence it, enable it, negotiate, initiate it, or even be part of it. So, given their size and potential influence, they should be heard.
These four parties (plus perhaps the DUP, depending how they fall to ALL/UUP/SDLP/SF; and to a lesser extent PC and Greens etc) are the ones who will most significantly determine the next government, including if it's a hung parliament, SNP being the 3rd largest and likely to retain that.
Thus those deciding who they want to form or initiate the forming of a government have to hear them on that.
Election neutrality also means it would be verging on unlawful to ignore them and include parties with less representation.
Those people disinterested in SNP or Indyref2 should perhaps sop it up?
I would however say time is running out for Labour and if they’re not showing any signs of improvement by this time next week I think defeat and a Tory majority is very likely.
I'd not bother with the Lib Dems either. But there we are.
Anyway, I must be off. Play nicely, everyone.
No - that’s not necessarily the case at all.. The jury may well have been right to convict on the basis of the evidence in front of them. But it may well be that the evidence was wrong eg the statistical evidence in the Sally Clarke case or the forensic evidence in the case of the Birmingham 6. Or that there was relevant evidence which was not disclosed and put before the jury (eg alibi evidence in the case of Gerry Conlon, one of the Guildford 4). Or it could be that they were misdirected as to the law by the judge.
President Donald Trump has pilloried an envoy who testified in the impeachment inquiry, claiming she refused to hang his photo in the US embassy in Ukraine.
Mr Trump told Fox News' morning show former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch "didn't want to hang my picture in the embassy" in Kyiv.
The president did not offer further details about the matter.
Or do none read the Sun?
Not sure if 8.30 is an advantage to Boris, audience will no doubt be quite hostile in part but then he also gets a chance to react to what Corbyn has said earlier.
Brexit Party Manifesto 2019 Part 1
It’s a manifesto. This ‘contract with the people’ malarkey is transparent bollocks. You cannot criticize other parties for not doing what their manifestoes promise, and insist your promises can be trusted because it’s not a manifesto. It’s not clever or funny, BXP, stop it.
Has a brief summary which even lists a few non Brexit policies, which is useful I assume for explaining quickly that they are not a single issue party.
No contents page as it is only 24 pages. Simple bullet point promises with little detail, and a very large highlighting of the main one for each section is memorable, but bland. As it is so short the question of why some things are included and not others does appear.
No ‘years of wrangling with Brussels’ is an enticing enough slogan, but it’s just not credible.
Why is David Bull MEP the only person besides Farage and Tice who gets a photo in the manifesto?
A political revolution
Standard stuff – representative voting, abolish lords, recalls for defections. Reform supreme court – be interesting to see if the Tories are so bold as to promise that.
‘Phase out the BBC licence fee’ – and do what instead?
More referendums promised! But with a time limitation on repeat votes – I wonder how long a limitation
The Brexit dividend
Abolish inheritance tax the big giveaway.
50bn for road and rail schemes in the regions.
I don’t think their raising 200bn adds up
A new workable apprenticeship scheme
Invest in the future
Fishing and coastal communities get 2.5bn – they know where support is.
Millions of trees planted. Recycle our own waste and make it illegal to be exported. So 100% recycling or what?
Invest in the NHS and Social care – that’s it, not an amount.
Big pledge is to invested in strategic issues since freed from state aid rules.
Cut the cost of living and turbo charge the economy
Cut VAT on duel. Reduce import tariffs.
Zero rate corporation tax for first 10,000 of pre tax profiles etc etc – this part is oddly detailed and precise considering the rest of the manifesto.
Transitional relief to key sectors to ensure a smooth Brexit – so they admit it will cause them disruption at last
Create freeports, whatever those might be.
Protect Britain’s Borders and People
Defence contracts to stay at home, 2% GDP to NATP
‘Reduce annual immigration’ – no targets, blind to ethnic origin it says
More police, target county lines, standard stuff
Invest in the NHS
No privatization, where it has failed it will return to public ownership. So what if it has not failed? What if other privatization might succeed too?
24 hour GP surgeries. Doesn’t sound feasible to me, but whatever.
Odd to promise to have a national debate on the NHS. Does that need to be in a promise alongside policy suggestions?
Invest in education
Abolish student loan interest, no apprentice levy, supports academies
Reform Universal Credit
12 month review and bring in reforms within 2 years – this is actually a more sensible timeframe that big party promises
Also pandering to the WASPI women, they must be getting sick of being pandered to, I would hope.
Rebuild the Housing System
Easier consent for brownfield sites, easier to borrow to build council housings, accelerate infrastructure grants, nothing really stands out
Mad commie --> Lefty --> Centre lefty --> Right
The good old days if you listen to the hard left bully boys.
Didn't even know.
Have they corrected for that?
Not until 9pm on Thursday 12th December.
In fact, that's basically his whole spiele. Any of these questions he simply rolls another one of these off and says it with passion and cadence and intonation that is well practiced.
It's enough to impress a lot of people.
They can't risk Labour running away with the narrative and the polls tightening again.
The only credible approach is to include anyone who can mathematically form a majority Government irrespective of past record.
Otherwise it becomes an arbitrary exercise and a rationale for maintaining an adversarial rather than plural approach.