All except those for genuinely in need through no fault of their own. So: - no child benefit (why should the state subsidise people's children) - no tax credits (which are handouts, why should the state subsidise people's children)
That's a good start - we could reduce IT to 10% flat rate then!
I think the make up of the audience will be one of the main stories of this debate
The losers always moan about the audience I bet. It is loving Corbyn and Caroline, but the Tories would be better off not attacking the audience - for one I bet Corbyn will be seen as the 'winner' of any post debate poll, so they need to focus on content of Rudd's comments, not arguing how badly it was received by the audience on the night.
Amber Rudd has just attacked the audience: "Jeremy Corbyn, supported perhaps by the people here...trying to create confusion". Well nobody made you come, dear.
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
Bang in the middle of the city, actually. I was handed my degree in that room.
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
But supposedly the audience is 50/50 Remain/Leave...
Right, so now on to the Dementia Tax - tough test ahead. This audience started groaning as soon as she started, and no one is letting her answer.
Rudd stumbling with prepared response as she thought her response out.
Corbyn looking a bit silly to me yelling about the triple lock -that's one thing the Tories are admitting, so he didn't need to interject, he could have just waited and made that point - I think it was intentional, to ensure she couldn't answer on social care.
First difficulty for Rudd, social care is a decent policy (if tweaked) as far as I'm concerned, but it is complicated, not clear, it will hurt people's finances, and I am frankly surprised this audience didn't react much more strongly.
Been avoiding PB as have too much other stuff to do. But for the first time in my voting life, I am going to vote LAB.
Theresa is utterly dreadful. Way out of her depth. She stands for virtually everything I disagree with. The Tories are completely failing to recognise the consequences of growing inequality. Dyedwoolie nailed it earlier: People need better wages and better services. Not tax cuts and threshold fiddling.
I've voted LD at every election since 87 except 92 when I voted SNP. I almost certainly would again if I was in a constituency where they stood a chance but they don't in Ludlow this year, Philip Dunne will win it for the Tories easily. But I welcome the boldness of Labour's manifesto and want to support the principles if not the detail, so it gets my vote. They won't get a chance to implement it as I still think the Tories will get a 70 seat majority. Good, because I want them to own Brexit. And get destroyed over the next 5 years. You deserve it guys
One other thing though, could the election this replicates be 1945. When the Tories won the (Brexit) war but the people then voted for another party to implement the peace.... Would be a funny old world.
I think the make up of the audience will be one of the main stories of this debate
The losers always moan about the audience I bet. It is loving Corbyn and Caroline, but the Tories would be better off not attacking the audience - for one I bet Corbyn will be seen as the 'winner' of any post debate poll, so they need to focus on content of Rudd's comments, not arguing how badly it was received by the audience on the night.
I laid Tory Maj at 1.21 (for a loss having backed it last night at 1.2) before this as surely the crowd whooping everything Jazzy Jez and crew would mean it will drift during this
Notice the way Nuttall doesnt interrupt others but keeps getting shouted down when it his turn. The weirdos prob wont shake his hand after either
Tim is coming across as a proper tw@. Caroline is shouty, Nuttall sounds vaguely credible and Rudd seems petty. On the other hand I'm liking the sound of Corbyn as he's the only one making a positive case. Just how unrealistic are his economic policies?
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
The audience was supposed to be balanced.
Who did the balancing ? Who owns the scales and weights ?
The audience sounds like a Corbyn cult, from what's being said on here.
They aren't applauding everything he says, but if this is a balanced audience, then the leavers and or Tories are sitting on their hands while the lefties are whooping at Corbyn on several things, and laughing/groaning at Rudd. Caroline and Robertson getting some level of love, Farron less so but some warmth too.
Nuttal did get some applause on immigration, but I don't know that Rudd has received any.
Been avoiding PB as have too much other stuff to do. But for the first time in my voting life, I am going to vote LAB.
Theresa is utterly dreadful. Way out of her depth. She stands for virtually everything I disagree with. The Tories are completely failing to recognise the consequences of growing inequality. Dyedwoolie nailed it earlier: People need better wages and better services. Not tax cuts and threshold fiddling.
I've voted LD at every election since 87 except 92 when I voted SNP. I almost certainly would again if I was in a constituency where they stood a chance but they don't in Ludlow this year, Philip Dunne will win it for the Tories easily. But I welcome the boldness of Labour's manifesto and want to support the principles if not the detail, so it gets my vote. They won't get a chance to implement it as I still think the Tories will get a 70 seat majority. Good, because I want them to own Brexit. And get destroyed over the next 5 years. You deserve it guys
One other thing though, could the election this replicates be 1945. When the Tories won the (Brexit) war but the people then voted for another party to implement the peace.... Would be a funny old world.
I'm leaning Lab as well, May is scarily authoritarian and cold whereas atlas Corbyn is trying to put forward a positive case for the future.
Oh God Jezza, keep your mouth shut on foreign aid.
Haha I was shouting the exact same thing at my TV right then
Going full-on populist on the economy/tuitionfees/public services, but restraining his usual instincts on immigration and foreign aid, is just the ticket to win over working-class Northern voters.
A mistake by Corbyn and Robertson both yelling over Amber Rudd the first time she was facing a difficult question. TV audience will never know if she could answer it
I've not been fully concentrating on this election but watching the debate Jeremy is something of a revelation.
He really isn't bad at all and I can finally see what the students have been getting excited about. The clear division between the progressives-particularly Corbyn Farron and Lucas- versus Rudd and Nuttall is striking.
Finding it increasingly hard to believe the audience is actually representative of the voting public in terms of party support/leavers versus remainers.
Maybe YouGov is right, the Tories are not as popular as they think...
Quite possibly. But no way are 52% of the audience erstwhile Leavers.
Cambridge was 75 per cent Remain.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
Bang in the middle of the city, actually. I was handed my degree in that room.
I thought the audience was supposed to keep quiet at these events. I seem to remember Julie etch a sketch telling the audience to be quiet during a debate in 2015.
Tim is coming across as a proper tw@. Caroline is shouty, Nuttall sounds vaguely credible and Rudd seems petty. On the other hand I'm liking the sound of Corbyn as he's the only one making a positive case. Just how unrealistic are his economic policies?
I thought the audience was supposed to keep quiet at these events. I seem to remember Julie etch a sketch telling the audience to be quiet during a debate in 2015.
Yeah, the moderator should be telling them to shut up, or keep it to modest clapping at the end of each section.
I've not been fully concentrating on this election but watching the debate Jeremy is something of a revelation.
He really isn't bad at all and I can finally see what the students have been getting excited about. The clear division between the progressives-particularly Corbyn Farron and Lucas- versus Rudd and Nuttall is striking.
Yup, Corbyn is coming across really well. Apart from this last minute or so which is very ramble-y.
Tim is coming across as a proper tw@. Caroline is shouty, Nuttall sounds vaguely credible and Rudd seems petty. On the other hand I'm liking the sound of Corbyn as he's the only one making a positive case. Just how unrealistic are his economic policies?
Very. That's why he can be so positive.
Well, I suppose that I can always take the free tuition, then emigrate if it all really goes to pot.
Labour will stop cutting police/fire/ambulance services at home, and adopt an ethical foreign policy for a safer Britain & world
Rudd wants to cut further.
Labour are promising to increase practically everything (except reversing youth service cuts, for some reason - only that they will stop the cuts) - its 'positive' but unaffordable.
Corbyn escaped by telling Rudd that Mrs May voted against some of the anti terror legislation. Rudd seems to have remembered this time that not mentioning Mrs May is point one inked on her palm.
There's no "money tree", Amber Rudd, but there's a hell of a lot of wealth concentrated at the very top and it's time to tax it!
Er BJO think they pay enough already! Top 1% pay 27% of income tax!! Let's slash benefits (should have put it in the manifesto)!!!
What benefits you thinking of slashing Mr Ave It?
What % of wealth do they have AveIt
What % of NI VAT do they pay
They pay less than their cleaners and brag about it dont they.
I have a lot more wealth than my 20yr old self. I and my wife have earned every penny of it and paid every penny in tax, and are "comfortable". I don't see why my 20yr old self would now want to take chunks of it off me punitively just because I have comparative wealth compared to 30 years ago.
Corbyn brilliant retort to Rudds lie on voting against extra security powers
May and Davis did too
Not on every single piece of legislation though.
Indeed - a classic Corbyn move, pretend that because sometimes it is the right thing, that doing it always is a reflective stance, rather than default.
- no child benefit (why should the state subsidise people's children)
- no tax credits (which are handouts, why should the state subsidise people's children)
That's a good start - we could reduce IT to 10% flat rate then!
Garden wins.
This is in the heart of the University part of town, which was probably 90 per cent Remain (it is the Labour voting wards in the East of Cambridge that were for Leave).
Rudd stumbling with prepared response as she thought her response out.
Corbyn looking a bit silly to me yelling about the triple lock -that's one thing the Tories are admitting, so he didn't need to interject, he could have just waited and made that point - I think it was intentional, to ensure she couldn't answer on social care.
First difficulty for Rudd, social care is a decent policy (if tweaked) as far as I'm concerned, but it is complicated, not clear, it will hurt people's finances, and I am frankly surprised this audience didn't react much more strongly.
Oh, Tim, you're back. Storytime is it?
Been avoiding PB as have too much other stuff to do. But for the first time in my voting life, I am going to vote LAB.
Theresa is utterly dreadful. Way out of her depth. She stands for virtually everything I disagree with. The Tories are completely failing to recognise the consequences of growing inequality. Dyedwoolie nailed it earlier: People need better wages and better services. Not tax cuts and threshold fiddling.
I've voted LD at every election since 87 except 92 when I voted SNP. I almost certainly would again if I was in a constituency where they stood a chance but they don't in Ludlow this year, Philip Dunne will win it for the Tories easily. But I welcome the boldness of Labour's manifesto and want to support the principles if not the detail, so it gets my vote. They won't get a chance to implement it as I still think the Tories will get a 70 seat majority. Good, because I want them to own Brexit. And get destroyed over the next 5 years. You deserve it guys
One other thing though, could the election this replicates be 1945. When the Tories won the (Brexit) war but the people then voted for another party to implement the peace.... Would be a funny old world.
Notice the way Nuttall doesnt interrupt others but keeps getting shouted down when it his turn. The weirdos prob wont shake his hand after either
Hopefully they will
Every Deficit target Immigration target NHS target missed
Nuttal did get some applause on immigration, but I don't know that Rudd has received any.
Let's see how he handles security though...
He really isn't bad at all and I can finally see what the students have been getting excited about. The clear division between the progressives-particularly Corbyn Farron and Lucas- versus Rudd and Nuttall is striking.
What % of NI VAT do they pay
They pay less than their cleaners and brag about it dont they.
Rudd wants to cut further.
Corbyn well prepared here.
May and Davis did too
With the audience balance and the format are you starting to think May avoiding this was still a bad idea or a good one?