From a purely betting standpoint, Trump is becoming better value by the minute. This attempted GOP coup will fail.
A betting post about a current election? What an innovation! Well, let's see if it catches on..
(Unsarcastically, yes you are right. Trump won't withdraw voluntarily, he doesn't bolt. What he does do us let it fail, blame somebody else, then guiltlessly moves on leaving others to clean up his mess. So even if the GOP withdraws all support, he'll still run and as he's on the ballot, they can't win. It's like the Labour Cabinet rebellion: all talk, no knife)
Only 4/1?
If Trump were 40/1 it might represent value.
Fair point.
Above 10/1 he'd probably be value, on the basis that we don't know for sure how grabapussygate is going to play out in the polls.
We assume it'll hurt him, but until we have the numbers we don't know.
Also he has a debate tomorrow night, which offers him the opportunity to change the narrative.
From a purely betting standpoint, Trump is becoming better value by the minute. This attempted GOP coup will fail.
A betting post about a current election? What an innovation! Well, let's see if it catches on..
(Unsarcastically, yes you are right. Trump won't withdraw voluntarily, he doesn't bolt. What he does do us let it fail, blame somebody else, then guiltlessly moves on leaving others to clean up his mess. So even if the GOP withdraws all support, he'll still run and as he's on the ballot, they can't win.)
He hasn't shown bravery or calmness under pressure. In his books he talks about having to know when to walk away from a "deal". When he leaves the presidential race, which is likely to happen by Monday, he'll be carrying some kind of quid pro quo and may consider that he's won, even if generally speaking he prefers to show the world how "bigly" he's won. He's the guy who boasted that he was going to be the first presidential candidate to make a profit out of running for president. Soon he will be yesterday's man.
Inbox, from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. ... and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton."
McCain adds that and his wife "will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be [p]resident."
It's quite funny that all those who were touting Trump as 'not a traditional conservative' in an attempt to boost his angry WWC appeal are now realising that traditional conservatives don't like that shit.
The funniest thing in this entire race has been PBers ramping the African Americans for Trump like he was Abe Lincoln.
'Don's doin' great, he's on target to get as much as a third of the African American vote that Mitt got!'
Just in passing I say that I can't see why anyone could be surprised by this latest Trump scandal. It's been tattooed on him from the beginning. Now: go Trump and take some Republicans with you!
You wonder why the GOP didn't dig up the stuff like Howard Stern show and bury him before he even won the primary. Instead like a suicide bomber, he managed to blow up the like of Rubio's career, which was probably the GOP best hope of winning.
The GOP feared him running as an independent.
Had that happened I recon he'd have run a different campaign, but in the same style - and done more damage to the Dems than the GOP.
But Ryan, Bush et al saw it differently. An independent run by Trump was the one thing they wanted to avoid - and in their world, who would vote for trump anyway? He's obviously crazy. He wasn't going to win the nomination.
Inbox, from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. ... and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton."
McCain adds that and his wife "will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be [p]resident."
John McCain possibly?
The only person we know for a fact John McCain thinks is fit to be President is Sarah Palin.
If you discount the current KateMcKinnon/Alec Baldwin pairing, 2008 was one of the best years for Presidential piss taking, Jason Sudekis IS Biden! Tina Fey IS Palin. Enjoy...
Inbox, from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. ... and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton."
McCain adds that and his wife "will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be [p]resident."
It's quite funny that all those who were touting Trump as 'not a traditional conservative' in an attempt to boost his angry WWC appeal are now realising that traditional conservatives don't like that shit.
The funniest thing in this entire race has been PBers ramping the African Americans for Trump like he was Abe Lincoln.
Wait for the votes to be counted before you laugh.
Well none of them were prepared to bet or even predict Trump's share of the vote in D.C.
@matt_itvnews: Former GOP candidate @CarlyFiorina "Today I ask Donald Trump to step aside and for the RNC to replace him with Gov. Mike Pence"
Sadly I think it's too late - but any Republican win would be better than Hilary. She will be no friend of Britain I suspect, just as Obama hasn't been. We cdould do with a friendly Whitehouse during the Brexit process, if for nothing more than a feeling of confidence that it might exude.
I thought we were standing strong and free reliant on no-one - if we need a Trump ~Presidency to see us through Brexit god help us all!
We need any help we can get, on a pure realpolitik view a Trump presidency would do a trade deal with the UK earlier than a Clinton presidency which would focus on the EU first
But the Brexiteers reckon we stand proud, free and sovereign without the EU - so why do we need the Donald to hold our hand? Sounds like you are simply a Trump apologist.
I was never a Brexiteer, I voted Remain but we are where we are and we have to get the best environment for the UK
I hate the word creates the impression that there's something chivalrous and noble about their negative ideology. And Brexit is an ideology, it's a belief system in something that defies facts and evidence.
And this is why Remain lost. It just didn't see the positivity in the message that much of the leave campaign had. Democratic government, by the elected was the point - a positive. Countered with a negative - you can't survive without us. Despite every advantage possible, remain lost.
It doesn't defy evidence, it defies your negative view of what Britain, and the British are.
I must make a point of using the term Brexiteer more often, particularly now I know it annoys Tyson so much. It really does sum up the positive, forward looking vision that won the referendum for us.
Inbox, from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. ... and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton."
McCain adds that and his wife "will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be [p]resident."
It's quite funny that all those who were touting Trump as 'not a traditional conservative' in an attempt to boost his angry WWC appeal are now realising that traditional conservatives don't like that shit.
The funniest thing in this entire race has been PBers ramping the African Americans for Trump like he was Abe Lincoln.
Wait for the votes to be counted before you laugh.
Well none of them were prepared to bet or even predict Trump's share of the vote in D.C.
Betting is gauche.
Betting on politics beyond the pale.
Oddly enough, betting on the President is illegal in the US.
In 1975 'the British' voted 67/33% for an institution whose end state was widely agreed to be a United States of Europe. Otherwise, as Enoch Powell, Michael Foot, etc all said, why did the 1957 Treaty of Rome feature the words 'Ever Closer Union'? The Yes campaign was positive about the advantages of staying in and received especially strong support in the south and south-east.
'Brexit' should be banned from polite conversation. A better use of it was in the recent Private Eye cartoon where a UKIP hotel guest orders: 'Full English Brexit, please'.
The correct word is Leave. The right description of the UK's situation post-23.06.16 is bugger's muddle.
Simply untrue. Heath and all the other Euro-idiots including Thatcher at the time made very clear statements that the end state was not a united states of Europe. They were very effective in getting that message across which is why the Pro EU side won.
In June one of the main reasons Leave was able to get their message across so effectively and undermine the remain campaign is because they could point to those lies in the previous referendum and people now realised that the Federal EU was indeed the end game.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
Scott Adams Today America united as a nation to decide how many alleged Trump gropes equals one alleged Bill/Hillary Clinton rape. #Trump #Clinton
You sound butthurt miss P.
And you sound weird. Ignore Scott at your peril, I think he's got the psychology of this election spot on re leadership persuasion.
Yes, I'm sure the guy who thought McCain would win and endorsed Romney because Obama hadn't legalsied drugs is the man to listen to on the US election.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I think Pence dropping out is more likely than him replacing trump.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
I think Swing State betting is the thing to hit up right now. Haven't checked them today but NC and Nevada must be a great Dem bet right now.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
The government just said no one would be kicked out as a result of Brexit.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I think Pence dropping out is more likely than him replacing trump.
Agreed. If Pence drops out is there time to nominate a new VP or would it become Ryan by default?
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
I think Swing State betting is the thing to hit up right now. Haven't checked them today but NC and Nevada must be a great Dem bet right now.
So long as Hillary doesn't collapse in the debate tomorrow it looks like a great bet.
I know it probably won't happen but I don't see a downside to Pence replacing Trump. I really do not want Trump to win as I think he is borderline psychopathic. But I feel pretty much the same about Clinton as well. So the idea of someone other than those two winning the election has great appeal.
As I say I do realise it is not going to happen and the media frenzy really won't make much difference but I wish there was more of a chance.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
I think Swing State betting is the thing to hit up right now. Haven't checked them today but NC and Nevada must be a great Dem bet right now.
So long as Hillary doesn't collapse in the debate tomorrow it looks like a great bet.
If she gets through it without a manic cackle it will be an achievement.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
I think Swing State betting is the thing to hit up right now. Haven't checked them today but NC and Nevada must be a great Dem bet right now.
I topped up earlier on Ladbrokes state betting earlier today, but Shadsy seems to have pulled the market now. It looked to me where the value was.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
The government just said no one would be kicked out as a result of Brexit.
They haven't. They have discovered that under the current state of the law 5/6ths will have the right to remain in 2019. They could of course chance the law before then.
My only foray into the long odds stuff was a purchase of Johnson at pretty much the market peak for him. Terrible call by me. I've taken some Pence and he's dropped a bit so I can lay right now for a slim profit - so trying to work out if his price will go down to around 50 ish is Trump bombs the debate or if that's the whole Rep tiket poisoned and he'll shoot back off to hundreds.
I said I wouldn't play the spreads on the ECV, but now I'm sorely tempted to do so.
I think Swing State betting is the thing to hit up right now. Haven't checked them today but NC and Nevada must be a great Dem bet right now.
So long as Hillary doesn't collapse in the debate tomorrow it looks like a great bet.
If she gets through it without a manic cackle it will be an achievement.
Google: proud to be a redneck About 420,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Very touchy these PB Brexitrumpers. Perhaps a 'proud to be a Little Englander' campaign can be started.
There is a bloody big difference between proudly calling yourself a redneck and being called a redneck by people who don't like you, and I'm sure you know that. The same thing occurs with other well known ethnically derogatory names, where they can be used within a community without offence, but are patently offensive when outsiders use them.
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
I know it probably won't happen but I don't see a downside to Pence replacing Trump. I really do not want Trump to win as I think he is borderline psychopathic. But I feel pretty much the same about Clinton as well. So the idea of someone other than those two winning the election has great appeal.
As I say I do realise it is not going to happen and the media frenzy really won't make much difference but I wish there was more of a chance.
I think everyone now should be uber PC and agree with liberal wealthy posters because that's safe and won't get you banned.
What nonsense. Can't cope with another view that may reflect the world you don't live?
As if you're not a comfortably off resident of Sussex who unlike me (who has to go to work), apparently seems to have the resources to post on Pb 24/7.
And I don't get this snowflake thing? What's all that about?
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
I opened a USD account and I have an appointment later this month to open a Euro account.
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
Do you honestly think that everybody at the DoH is so dim that they won't notice that discrepancy and amend their plans?
In principal I see nothing wrong with the UK become self sufficient in staffing the NHS.
Google: proud to be a redneck About 420,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Very touchy these PB Brexitrumpers. Perhaps a 'proud to be a Little Englander' campaign can be started.
There is a bloody big difference between proudly calling yourself a redneck and being called a redneck by people who don't like you, and I'm sure you know that. The same thing occurs with other well known ethnically derogatory names, where they can be used within a community without offence, but are patently offensive when outsiders use them.
Redneck culture is very much rooted in my own family. It springs from Scottish, Scots-Irish and English Non-Conformist culture. Indeed my own dislike of the aristocracy, the church establishment and gentry is very in tune with it.
Google: proud to be a redneck About 420,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Very touchy these PB Brexitrumpers. Perhaps a 'proud to be a Little Englander' campaign can be started.
There is a bloody big difference between proudly calling yourself a redneck and being called a redneck by people who don't like you, and I'm sure you know that. The same thing occurs with other well known ethnically derogatory names, where they can be used within a community without offence, but are patently offensive when outsiders use them.
In 1975 'the British' voted 67/33% for an institution whose end state was widely agreed to be a United States of Europe. Otherwise, as Enoch Powell, Michael Foot, etc all said, why did the 1957 Treaty of Rome feature the words 'Ever Closer Union'? The Yes campaign was positive about the advantages of staying in and received especially strong support in the south and south-east.
'Brexit' should be banned from polite conversation. A better use of it was in the recent Private Eye cartoon where a UKIP hotel guest orders: 'Full English Brexit, please'.
The correct word is Leave. The right description of the UK's situation post-23.06.16 is bugger's muddle.
Simply untrue. Heath and all the other Euro-idiots including Thatcher at the time made very clear statements that the end state was not a united states of Europe. They were very effective in getting that message across which is why the Pro EU side won.
In June one of the main reasons Leave was able to get their message across so effectively and undermine the remain campaign is because they could point to those lies in the previous referendum and people now realised that the Federal EU was indeed the end game.
When faced with that truth they voted to Leave.
My old mum's a case in point: voted Yes in 1975 voted Leave 2016: two stated reasons "Obama: coming over here and telling us what to do" and (mainly), "it's not what I voted for in 1975, it's morphed into something else".
I think everyone now should be uber PC and agree with liberal wealthy posters because that's safe and won't get you banned.
What nonsense. Can't cope with another view that may reflect the world you don't live?
Not wanting a man who leers at his own daughter's arse as president isn't PC. You'll find far fewer Trump supporters than Leave voters. Even anti-PC people are aligning against Trump. I've got no time for Hillary or any of that rubbish, but I still wouldn't vote for Trump, and I'm among his target demographic.
I don't understand the obsession you have with Trump tbh, it's beyond clear that he'd make a terrible POTUS and that he's an all around nasty piece of work. It seems as though you are projecting your own hopes for what he might be of what you want him to be as POTUS. A straight talking, no nonsense type of guy who calls it has he sees it. There may be an element of that, but there's also the unnerving cosying upto Putin, the weird thing for his daughter, the dodgy foundation and political donations plus actual racism. Clinton isn't without her own set of problems, but she'll most likely be a middle of the road POTUS who will continue Obama's policy of managed decline. It's the least worst option, and it's time to recognise that and hope the GOP can distance themselves from him enough to hold the House and Senate so Clinton can't do too much damage.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
The government just said no one would be kicked out as a result of Brexit.
They haven't. They have discovered that under the current state of the law 5/6ths will have the right to remain in 2019. They could of course chance the law before then.
Of course they wont - both EU citizens here and in Europe will be agreed long before 2019
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
Every decent bloke has a Euro account. I am still a European. My passport says so.
I know it probably won't happen but I don't see a downside to Pence replacing Trump. I really do not want Trump to win as I think he is borderline psychopathic. But I feel pretty much the same about Clinton as well. So the idea of someone other than those two winning the election has great appeal.
As I say I do realise it is not going to happen and the media frenzy really won't make much difference but I wish there was more of a chance.
Kasich or Ryan would be 20 points ahead of Hillary. Bush would be 10 points clear.
Cruz? Who knows.
Pretty much the only reason to vote for Hillary is that she is not Trump. Sadly, that's quite a good reason.
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
I opened a USD account and I have an appointment later this month to open a Euro account.
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
A similar benefit may be had by buying bonds or equities denominated in forex. That is mostly what I have done. Difficult to off-shore my salary or house though.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
The government just said no one would be kicked out as a result of Brexit.
They haven't. They have discovered that under the current state of the law 5/6ths will have the right to remain in 2019. They could of course change the law before then.
I don't care about what you call me, but you disagree with my point? Redneck may not be a particularly offensive term compared to others, but I genuinely find it surprising that anyone would claim that it is not offensive.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
Do you honestly think that everybody at the DoH is so dim that they won't notice that discrepancy and amend their plans?
In principal I see nothing wrong with the UK become self sufficient in staffing the NHS.
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foreign Office (forgetting his eurosceptism) and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
Do you honestly think that everybody at the DoH is so dim that they won't notice that discrepancy and amend their plans?
In principal I see nothing wrong with the UK become self sufficient in staffing the NHS.
Lions led by a donkey comes to mind.
Are we talking about the England football team and the captain?
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foriegn Office and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
I think that you must have missed a communication from Brexit HQ. A fall in the value of Sterling is something to be pleased about.
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foriegn Office and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
I think that you must have missed a communication from Brexit HQ. A fall in the value of Sterling is something to be pleased about.
That just bollocks though isn't it. The idea is dumb, as it doesn't actually achieve anything. It is up to the government to control immigration. But the outrage at registering demographics, is nonsense. It happens in lots of different ways already.
Exactly, and many other countries do the same thing. I suspect that if we'd voted Remain and decided to collect such data the proposal would barely register. But because Remainers are grasping at every straw it becomes an "outrage", just like training enough doctors to meet our own needs.
I'll say one thing about Remainers they are giving the loony left a run for their money in being offended by everything.
If all the foreign doctors leave or are kicked out we still won't have enough for our needs. Also Hunt plans to kick them out by 2025 whereas this new tranche won't be consultants until the 2030s. His maths up to the usual standard
The government just said no one would be kicked out as a result of Brexit.
They haven't. They have discovered that under the current state of the law 5/6ths will have the right to remain in 2019. They could of course change the law before then.
The report was very specific. Very unlikely they will change the law on this one.
A student union welfare officer has called for the National Anthem to be removed from a leading university's graduation ceremony because of 'increasing far right nationalism'.
Mr Abdullahi studied Geography as a postgraduate. His interests are described in an online profile as 'the intersection of race and gender as well as class, disability and sexuality'.
If educational, civic and cultural organisations, town councils, shops, hotels and the likes start to stop displaying the union flag on the grounds that it might be seen as racist, then the people left flying will be disproportionately of the nationalistic persuasion. Ditto if the national anthem more-or-less disappears from public space - if anyone who sings it is a racist, then it starts becoming a "racist" symbol.
I can't work out if people agitating for the removal of traditional national symbols can't see that if they are successful, that this would be the inevitable and woeful consequence, or whether in fact they have foreseen the issue but on balance quite like it. Perhaps they will take some sort of glib satisfaction from being able to point at the official flag/anthem/coat of arms of the country they live in, on one of the rare occasion it comes out on show, and saying "see, I told you we still live in a country run by a deeply racist establishment". Maybe they hope that national embarrassment will enforce their replacement with a fresh set of symbols, cleansed of inconvenient historical associations, and which are sufficiently more modern, explicitly tolerant, diverse and inclusive.
It strikes me that for those people who are concerned about traditional symbols being claimed by extremists, a more tractable approach would be to reclaim them so that their use can't be associated with the far-right.
(An aside: one of the non-stupid things that the official "In" campaign did, was dress their campaign up in red, white and blue - one can be proud to be British, but still feel European and want to remain within the EU. The moderate voters they needed wouldn't have swallowed a big dose of blue-with-yellow-stars - wouldn't have chimed with their identity. I think that a part of In's core/youth vote might describe themselves as "uncomfortable" with being British or feeling proud of red, white and blue, but they weren't the ones at stake. I think this discomfort is responsible for some of the current backlash against British national symbols.)
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
I opened a USD account and I have an appointment later this month to open a Euro account.
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
A similar benefit may be had by buying bonds or equities denominated in forex. That is mostly what I have done. Difficult to off-shore my salary or house though.
Good to know, thank you. If GBP/USD just stays stable for about a month I can get a grip on this. Cross fingers, eh?
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foriegn Office and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
I think that you must have missed a communication from Brexit HQ. A fall in the value of Sterling is something to be pleased about.
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foriegn Office and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
I think that you must have missed a communication from Brexit HQ. A fall in the value of Sterling is something to be pleased about.
It is. It is a pleasing side effect of Brexit, something that we would have wanted to achieve anyway but which would have been regarded with hostility by many other EU countries because of the trading advantage it confers.
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
I opened a USD account and I have an appointment later this month to open a Euro account.
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
A similar benefit may be had by buying bonds or equities denominated in forex. That is mostly what I have done. Difficult to off-shore my salary or house though.
Good to know, thank you. If GBP/USD just stays stable for about a month I can get a grip on this. Cross fingers, eh?
Obviously do not take my advice on investments without doing your own research! I have picked out low volatility equities in CHF in particular.
Markets usually overreact, but on the other hand best not to try and catch a falling knife. My own view is that the slide on Sterling will go further before it bottoms out, at which time there may well be bargains.
I know it probably won't happen but I don't see a downside to Pence replacing Trump. I really do not want Trump to win as I think he is borderline psychopathic. But I feel pretty much the same about Clinton as well. So the idea of someone other than those two winning the election has great appeal.
As I say I do realise it is not going to happen and the media frenzy really won't make much difference but I wish there was more of a chance.
Kasich or Ryan would be 20 points ahead of Hillary. Bush would be 10 points clear.
Cruz? Who knows.
Pretty much the only reason to vote for Hillary is that she is not Trump. Sadly, that's quite a good reason.
So why didn't they win then? I remain unconvinced by your argument here.
"A new cabinet split over the handling of Brexit has emerged as ministers privately attacked each other over how to approach EU negotiations. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, has been blamed for talking down Britain’s hopes of getting a good deal and attacked for his “relentless pessimism”. One cabinet colleague went as far saying that Mr Hammond, who voted to stay in the EU, should “watch his back” and could lose his job".
Hammond usually follows the line from his civil servants. He went native at the Foriegn Office and now the Treasury project fear folk direct him to talk about all the potential difficulties ahead. He helped talk down the pound last week which is not what the Chancellor should do.
I think that you must have missed a communication from Brexit HQ. A fall in the value of Sterling is something to be pleased about.
It is. It is a pleasing side effect of Brexit, something that we would have wanted to achieve anyway but which would have been regarded with hostility by many other EU countries because of the trading advantage it confers.
The fall in sterling reflects the UK's poor prospects for the future.
I said I'd give it six months to see what Brexit would much lower does sterling have to go before the Brexit faithful like your good self admit that we might have something of a problem?
I'm returning early next year to the UK as it's now become the bargain basement place in Europe to be. Is that what Brexit intended?
Google: proud to be a redneck About 420,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Very touchy these PB Brexitrumpers. Perhaps a 'proud to be a Little Englander' campaign can be started.
There is a bloody big difference between proudly calling yourself a redneck and being called a redneck by people who don't like you, and I'm sure you know that. The same thing occurs with other well known ethnically derogatory names, where they can be used within a community without offence, but are patently offensive when outsiders use them.
Redneck culture is very much rooted in my own family. It springs from Scottish, Scots-Irish and English Non-Conformist culture. Indeed my own dislike of the aristocracy, the church establishment and gentry is very in tune with it.
What a load of cobblers - you're constantly espousing multi culti pro immigration pro uber liberal views that bear no affinity with this group. And you're a 1%er. Public sector BMA fan.
Knock yourself out, you're not convincing me for a second.
It has been suggested to me that David Cameron is responsible for hard Brexit. If he'd stayed after the referendum, the argument goes, he would have secured a soft boiled exit. Maybe he should be seen as having let Britain down twice...
Cameron repeatedly put party before country. A rather sickening decision from a Prime Minister
The cries of betrayal would be too much. He had to handover.
The three Brexiteers are driving the bus now. Only they can decide to do a u -turn away from hard Brexit.
I just wish that I had shifted more of my assets out of Sterling sooner.
I have plenty in a Euro account but I'd rather have done without the capital gain. No doubt in this brave new world I'd be branded a fifth columnist for having the temerity to have a Euro account
I opened a USD account and I have an appointment later this month to open a Euro account.
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
Today America united as a nation to decide how many alleged Trump gropes equals one alleged Bill/Hillary Clinton rape. #Trump #Clinton
'Don's doin' great, he's on target to get as much as a third of the African American vote that Mitt got!'
Had that happened I recon he'd have run a different campaign, but in the same style - and done more damage to the Dems than the GOP.
But Ryan, Bush et al saw it differently. An independent run by Trump was the one thing they wanted to avoid - and in their world, who would vote for trump anyway? He's obviously crazy. He wasn't going to win the nomination.
Betting on politics beyond the pale.
Asking for a friend. Me.
Golly, you'll be calling Sheriff Clarke supporters house n****** next.
What immense superior snobbery.
I lived in Georgia for 5 years. Lots of Redneck pride there.
In June one of the main reasons Leave was able to get their message across so effectively and undermine the remain campaign is because they could point to those lies in the previous referendum and people now realised that the Federal EU was indeed the end game.
When faced with that truth they voted to Leave.
About 420,000 results (0.59 seconds)
Very touchy these PB Brexitrumpers. Perhaps a 'proud to be a Little Englander' campaign can be started.
What nonsense. Can't cope with another view that may reflect the world you don't live?
Not that either are particularly likely.
Remain. Lib Lab Waffen Yes Yes
Bets placed on a candidate after an official announcement of their withdrawal from the race will be void.
Trump likes his steak well done.
As I say I do realise it is not going to happen and the media frenzy really won't make much difference but I wish there was more of a chance.
And I don't get this snowflake thing? What's all that about?
If I may repeat a question I posed earlier: what is the best way of converting currency? The intra-bank transfers have am implied spread of 8 cents, which implies a big loss on conversion.
In principal I see nothing wrong with the UK become self sufficient in staffing the NHS.
I'll get my coat...
I don't understand the obsession you have with Trump tbh, it's beyond clear that he'd make a terrible POTUS and that he's an all around nasty piece of work. It seems as though you are projecting your own hopes for what he might be of what you want him to be as POTUS. A straight talking, no nonsense type of guy who calls it has he sees it. There may be an element of that, but there's also the unnerving cosying upto Putin, the weird thing for his daughter, the dodgy foundation and political donations plus actual racism. Clinton isn't without her own set of problems, but she'll most likely be a middle of the road POTUS who will continue Obama's policy of managed decline. It's the least worst option, and it's time to recognise that and hope the GOP can distance themselves from him enough to hold the House and Senate so Clinton can't do too much damage.
Cruz? Who knows.
Pretty much the only reason to vote for Hillary is that she is not Trump. Sadly, that's quite a good reason.
Gets coat......
I can't work out if people agitating for the removal of traditional national symbols can't see that if they are successful, that this would be the inevitable and woeful consequence, or whether in fact they have foreseen the issue but on balance quite like it. Perhaps they will take some sort of glib satisfaction from being able to point at the official flag/anthem/coat of arms of the country they live in, on one of the rare occasion it comes out on show, and saying "see, I told you we still live in a country run by a deeply racist establishment". Maybe they hope that national embarrassment will enforce their replacement with a fresh set of symbols, cleansed of inconvenient historical associations, and which are sufficiently more modern, explicitly tolerant, diverse and inclusive.
It strikes me that for those people who are concerned about traditional symbols being claimed by extremists, a more tractable approach would be to reclaim them so that their use can't be associated with the far-right.
(An aside: one of the non-stupid things that the official "In" campaign did, was dress their campaign up in red, white and blue - one can be proud to be British, but still feel European and want to remain within the EU. The moderate voters they needed wouldn't have swallowed a big dose of blue-with-yellow-stars - wouldn't have chimed with their identity. I think that a part of In's core/youth vote might describe themselves as "uncomfortable" with being British or feeling proud of red, white and blue, but they weren't the ones at stake. I think this discomfort is responsible for some of the current backlash against British national symbols.)
Your 1% smugerry is becoming unbearable.
Markets usually overreact, but on the other hand best not to try and catch a falling knife. My own view is that the slide on Sterling will go further before it bottoms out, at which time there may well be bargains.
I said I'd give it six months to see what Brexit would much lower does sterling have to go before the Brexit faithful like your good self admit that we might have something of a problem?
I'm returning early next year to the UK as it's now become the bargain basement place in Europe to be. Is that what Brexit intended?
Knock yourself out, you're not convincing me for a second.