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And From The Other Side of the Pond… –



  • Options
    DM_AndyDM_Andy Posts: 990

    In the debate tonight, Rayner is going to complain that this election was their chance to get themselves across, and explain to the voters the detail and minutia of all their plans for government, but Sunak is deliberately drowning this out and hogging the narrative, with constant stories of his own ineptitude.

    Senior Labour sources are upset the voters will go into election day still unclear what Labours actual plans are. They believed the focus of the campaign would be on them and their policies, and suspect Sunak deliberately pulled his Dunkirk Moment stunt to continue to lock Labour out from its deserved special moment in the spotlight.

    What's your preview on the all-important Battle of the Big Hair?

    Any inside track from the Beeb's hair and makeup team?

    Red Angela for the win or Blue Penny to sail away with victory?
    There will be plenty of other hair on the platform… well, from six of the debaters at least, so we should be fair and divide attention equally amongst it all?

    What would they do in make up with Stephen from Scotland? Too glossy and it could reflect the lights, and prove a distraction advantage when he’s speaking? So a Matt finish on the old egg shell?
    The Tory answers clearly laid out by Sunak, for his party to follow - waiting lists are down, boat crossings are down, pensioners have never paid tax, Rwanda will be a fabulous deterrent, the 2K Lie wasn’t made up by SPADs in an echo chamber the treasury really did do most of it.

    To what extent is everyone else lined up now with responses, soundbites, even cutting jokes to each of those ridiculous lies. So tonight really is all about Penny. How does she answer?
    If I were Penny I’d just go rogue to be honest. What’s the worst that could happen?
    What? Just go up and chin Rayner? Yeah that might work.
    Penny needs to focus on holding her seat, where she is behind but not doomed according to the YouGov MRP. Try and crowbar in a few references to Portsmouth!
    It's not as if D Day isn't important in South East Hampshire.

    Portsmouth, Fareham, that sort of place.

    (Gosport as well, but who cares about Caroline Dinenage?)
    I've got Gosport down as a Tory hold. They didn't do that badly in the council elections, Electoral Calculus is considering Labour as the challengers but Lib Dems run the local council. Dinenage should get high 30s and get through the middle.
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    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,706

    Do we really think Rishi could be subbed in the tenth minute of time added?

    Better than keeping him on the pitch
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    PedestrianRockPedestrianRock Posts: 521
    kyf_100 said:

    eek said:

    Taz said:

    Chameleon said:

    Harwood reporting that canvassers are finding things have got worse as well…

    We were discussing crossover before all this!

    You beat me to it. Sub 100 seats incoming ?
    Bet365 - Tories less than 50 seats now 10/3..

    Labour 500 seats or more 6/1

    Feeling slightly smug that I tipped Labour 500+ seats at 25/1 on Betfair Exchange a week ago (currently trading at 8/1 over there). Stuck twenty quid on it intending it to be a trading bet, reckon I will keep it now for the lolz.

    Fwiw, I don't think Labour will reach 500 seats but I do see them coming close. 450+ feels nailed on, unless anything changes.
    Thank you so much for this tip. I’m on at 15.5 so not as good as you, but similarly wanted it to be a trading bet that I’m now thinking of keeping.
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    ChrisChris Posts: 11,517

    Chris said:

    Official Labour Party poster.

    I sincerely hope that's a joke.

    No it's true. Sunak left a bunch of ex-heroes and Statesmen on the beaches of Normandy so he could go back to Blighty for a photo-op and interview.

    Fire up the Huey.

    Edit: Don't be too precious the poster wrote itself.
    I mean I hope it's not an official Labour poster.
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    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,653

    Do we really think Rishi could be subbed in the tenth minute of time added?

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    New HORSE campaign poster:
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    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115
    Andy_JS said:

    Chameleon said:

    Jo Gideon (Outgoing Stoke Central MP) launching a rather scathing attack on the party.

    Is she defecting to RefUK?
    No but she absolutely eviscerates internal party processes. It’s well worth reading her thread. I suspect there will be more such stuff after the election.
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    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,234
    NYT - British Leader Apologizes for Leaving D-Day Commemoration Early
    Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded that he made a major public relations misstep in the heat of a general election campaign.

    Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain apologized on Friday for leaving early from a D-Day commemoration in France, admitting to a major public relations misstep in the heat of a general election campaign.

    “After the conclusion of the British event in Normandy, I returned back to the UK,” Mr. Sunak wrote on the social media platform X. “On reflection, it was a mistake not to stay in France longer — and I apologise.” . . .

    ITV’s U.K. editor, Paul Brand, said the broadcaster had been trying to schedule an interview with Mr. Sunak for a long time. “Today was the slot they offered us,” he said to ITV’s “News at Ten” program. “We don’t know why.”

    SSI - This is pretty much a blip on the radar screen here, of interest only to political junkies who include UK politics in their orbit.

    For one thing, Rishi Sunak is virtually unknown on this side of the Atlantic (and Pacific). Even less known that Keir Starmer which ain't saying much. For another, few Americans who DO know that RS is PM and running for re-election (so to speak) are seething with outrage. However, we (in non-royal sense) do think it was (yet another) weird blunder.
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    Pro_RataPro_Rata Posts: 5,040
    Pro_Rata said:

    Scott_xP said:

    And, we're off..


    Tory election candidate quits after sharing inappropriate photos from club nights for kids

    Ah. Spen Valley. A Tory chance if things were going sort of OK for them. Might be why my local list isn't up yet.
    And they're in - the withdrawal shown and a last minute Con nominee parachuted in from an address in Altrincham & Sale West

    Full slates of the 5 parties, no WPGB, but a couple of Muslim named Inds in Spen & in Dewsbury
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    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 39,905

    Official Labour Party poster.

    That's crass and shit.

    But it's also politics.

    I look forward to Labour being treated similarly.
    The Tories said SKS failed to prosecute Jimmy Saville.
    As I said. It's crass and shit.

    But it's politics.
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    eekeek Posts: 26,237
    DM_Andy said:

    In the debate tonight, Rayner is going to complain that this election was their chance to get themselves across, and explain to the voters the detail and minutia of all their plans for government, but Sunak is deliberately drowning this out and hogging the narrative, with constant stories of his own ineptitude.

    Senior Labour sources are upset the voters will go into election day still unclear what Labours actual plans are. They believed the focus of the campaign would be on them and their policies, and suspect Sunak deliberately pulled his Dunkirk Moment stunt to continue to lock Labour out from its deserved special moment in the spotlight.

    What's your preview on the all-important Battle of the Big Hair?

    Any inside track from the Beeb's hair and makeup team?

    Red Angela for the win or Blue Penny to sail away with victory?
    There will be plenty of other hair on the platform… well, from six of the debaters at least, so we should be fair and divide attention equally amongst it all?

    What would they do in make up with Stephen from Scotland? Too glossy and it could reflect the lights, and prove a distraction advantage when he’s speaking? So a Matt finish on the old egg shell?
    The Tory answers clearly laid out by Sunak, for his party to follow - waiting lists are down, boat crossings are down, pensioners have never paid tax, Rwanda will be a fabulous deterrent, the 2K Lie wasn’t made up by SPADs in an echo chamber the treasury really did do most of it.

    To what extent is everyone else lined up now with responses, soundbites, even cutting jokes to each of those ridiculous lies. So tonight really is all about Penny. How does she answer?
    If I were Penny I’d just go rogue to be honest. What’s the worst that could happen?
    What? Just go up and chin Rayner? Yeah that might work.
    Penny needs to focus on holding her seat, where she is behind but not doomed according to the YouGov MRP. Try and crowbar in a few references to Portsmouth!
    It's not as if D Day isn't important in South East Hampshire.

    Portsmouth, Fareham, that sort of place.

    (Gosport as well, but who cares about Caroline Dinenage?)
    I've got Gosport down as a Tory hold. They didn't do that badly in the council elections, Electoral Calculus is considering Labour as the challengers but Lib Dems run the local council. Dinenage should get high 30s and get through the middle.
    It's the fact that the opposition is split that gives the Tories a chance there.

    Just put a fiver on Labour to win Richmondshire and Northallerton at 3/1...
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    NickyBreakspearNickyBreakspear Posts: 729
    7 Candidates in St Albans - LD, C, L, G, R, SDP, Heritage
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    FF43FF43 Posts: 16,192

    In the debate tonight, Rayner is going to complain that this election was their chance to get themselves across, and explain to the voters the detail and minutia of all their plans for government, but Sunak is deliberately drowning this out and hogging the narrative, with constant stories of his own ineptitude.

    Senior Labour sources are upset the voters will go into election day still unclear what Labours actual plans are. They believed the focus of the campaign would be on them and their policies, and suspect Sunak deliberately pulled his Dunkirk Moment stunt to continue to lock Labour out from its deserved special moment in the spotlight.

    What's your preview on the all-important Battle of the Big Hair?

    Any inside track from the Beeb's hair and makeup team?

    Red Angela for the win or Blue Penny to sail away with victory?
    There will be plenty of other hair on the platform… well, from six of the debaters at least, so we should be fair and divide attention equally amongst it all?

    What would they do in make up with Stephen from Scotland? Too glossy and it could reflect the lights, and prove a distraction advantage when he’s speaking? So a Matt finish on the old egg shell?
    The Tory answers clearly laid out by Sunak, for his party to follow - waiting lists are down, boat crossings are down, pensioners have never paid tax, Rwanda will be a fabulous deterrent, the 2K Lie wasn’t made up by SPADs in an echo chamber the treasury really did do most of it.

    To what extent is everyone else lined up now with responses, soundbites, even cutting jokes to each of those ridiculous lies. So tonight really is all about Penny. How does she answer?
    If I were Penny I’d just go rogue to be honest. What’s the worst that could happen?
    Yup. "Look no-one expects Sunak to be around after July 4. We're looking ahead."
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    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,052

    I really do think we should accept that if Jezza had not stood in 2019, the Tories would not have won.

    I do not agree. 2019 was not JUST Corbyn. There was a very strong mood to get Brexit over the line. The public were sick of politicians failing to honour the vote.
    And Johnson was popular in those Red Wall Leave seats on which the Cons GE19 victory was built.
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    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115
    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today
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    eekeek Posts: 26,237
    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    Robert Hutton
    Right now, that might mean Beaconsfield.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,333
    Scott_xP said:

    Do we really think Rishi could be subbed in the tenth minute of time added?

    Better than keeping him on the pitch
    Wouldn't that just be so absurd?
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    sladeslade Posts: 1,966
    Foxy said:

    Farooq said:


    Any sign of D-Day on the doorstep?

    I note big swing to LD with squeeze of Lab in Torquay council last night, but narrow Tory hold.

    I wonder if we will here similar story in South Devon.

    Last night's Wellswood (Torbay) council by-election result:

    CON: 42.3% (-21.1)
    LDEM: 41.9% (+41.9)
    REF: 8.5% (+8.5)
    LAB: 5.3% (-19.6)
    GRN: 1.5% (-10.1)
    WP: 0.5% (+0.5)

    Valid votes cast: 2,217

    Conservative HOLD.
    Foxy - those change figures are wrong. LDM should be +17.0, Lab +5.3. So it was Lab intervention that let the Con win.
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
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    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,052
    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.
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    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
    He's an absolute nutter. Genuinely off his rocker.
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    StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 15,462
    DM_Andy said:

    In the debate tonight, Rayner is going to complain that this election was their chance to get themselves across, and explain to the voters the detail and minutia of all their plans for government, but Sunak is deliberately drowning this out and hogging the narrative, with constant stories of his own ineptitude.

    Senior Labour sources are upset the voters will go into election day still unclear what Labours actual plans are. They believed the focus of the campaign would be on them and their policies, and suspect Sunak deliberately pulled his Dunkirk Moment stunt to continue to lock Labour out from its deserved special moment in the spotlight.

    What's your preview on the all-important Battle of the Big Hair?

    Any inside track from the Beeb's hair and makeup team?

    Red Angela for the win or Blue Penny to sail away with victory?
    There will be plenty of other hair on the platform… well, from six of the debaters at least, so we should be fair and divide attention equally amongst it all?

    What would they do in make up with Stephen from Scotland? Too glossy and it could reflect the lights, and prove a distraction advantage when he’s speaking? So a Matt finish on the old egg shell?
    The Tory answers clearly laid out by Sunak, for his party to follow - waiting lists are down, boat crossings are down, pensioners have never paid tax, Rwanda will be a fabulous deterrent, the 2K Lie wasn’t made up by SPADs in an echo chamber the treasury really did do most of it.

    To what extent is everyone else lined up now with responses, soundbites, even cutting jokes to each of those ridiculous lies. So tonight really is all about Penny. How does she answer?
    If I were Penny I’d just go rogue to be honest. What’s the worst that could happen?
    What? Just go up and chin Rayner? Yeah that might work.
    Penny needs to focus on holding her seat, where she is behind but not doomed according to the YouGov MRP. Try and crowbar in a few references to Portsmouth!
    It's not as if D Day isn't important in South East Hampshire.

    Portsmouth, Fareham, that sort of place.

    (Gosport as well, but who cares about Caroline Dinenage?)
    I've got Gosport down as a Tory hold. They didn't do that badly in the council elections, Electoral Calculus is considering Labour as the challengers but Lib Dems run the local council. Dinenage should get high 30s and get through the middle.
    Mostly agree about Gosport. Can't remember who came up with the "50% of Cons in 2019 plays Lab in 2017" model, but she's OK on that. And a lot of the failure of Gosport Council Conservatives is piling up lots of votes on too few places.

    But D Day.

    You do not mess with D Day commemorations in Gosport.
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    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115

    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
    He's an absolute nutter. Genuinely off his rocker.
    I’m surprised he hasn’t been defrocked by now.
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    RogerRoger Posts: 19,382

    Official Labour Party poster.

    Labour have a really good ad agency who I imagine is responsible for that. Ironically called 'Lucky Generals'. There should be a few classics during this campaign. The Tories must be doing theirs in house. Their PPB certainly looked like it!
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    "Politics UK
    🚨 BREAKING: Tory candidate for Spen Valley Adam Gregg has quit after inappropriate photos of underage girls he posted online resurfaced

    He quit minutes before the deadline for candidates to enter/withdraw

  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,243
    slade said:

    Foxy said:

    Farooq said:


    Any sign of D-Day on the doorstep?

    I note big swing to LD with squeeze of Lab in Torquay council last night, but narrow Tory hold.

    I wonder if we will here similar story in South Devon.

    Last night's Wellswood (Torbay) council by-election result:

    CON: 42.3% (-21.1)
    LDEM: 41.9% (+41.9)
    REF: 8.5% (+8.5)
    LAB: 5.3% (-19.6)
    GRN: 1.5% (-10.1)
    WP: 0.5% (+0.5)

    Valid votes cast: 2,217

    Conservative HOLD.
    Foxy - those change figures are wrong. LDM should be +17.0, Lab +5.3. So it was Lab intervention that let the Con win.
    My source was:
  • Options
    AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 24,448
    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.


    that just means we get to rubbish Starmer for the next five years.

    we need some variety
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    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,234
    CUP 2024 general election "campaign" reminds me of the POTUS 1988 general election "campaign" of Democratic nominee Mike Dukakis.

    Speaking as one who back then was cursing and throwing things at my TV set. watching Dukakis and Democratic hopes of regaining the White House going down in flames, as he & his "advisers" kept throwing more gasoline on the fires while Lee Atwater (remember him?) kept lighting match after match.

    You (or at least I) can blame Atwater for the "Willy Horton" ads . . . but NOT for Mike Dukakis answering question about his reaction IF his own wife was murdered - during a freaking POTUS debate - with a learned discourse on the rights of the accused.

    Sunak & CUP appear to be plumbing for similar abysmal depths.
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    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,333
    edited June 7
    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    A 30 to 40 seat majority would do me.

    I am sensing I might be wrong about 1992 redux. That is not necessarily my fault. I couldn't have countenanced the sub-Johnson clown show. Although there is nearly a month to go, so it's not a done deal yet
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,162
    Statements of persons nominated should all be published now.
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    DM_AndyDM_Andy Posts: 990
    No Holly Valance in Basildon & Billericay but Dick Holden is listed as [address in the Bishop Auckland constituency] which I imagine the Basildon resident running for the Labour Party will make a big deal of.
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    Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 50,157
    eek said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    Robert Hutton
    Right now, that might mean Beaconsfield.

    Ilford North?
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    "Politics UK
    🚨 BREAKING: Tory candidate for Spen Valley Adam Gregg has quit after inappropriate photos of underage girls he posted online resurfaced

    He quit minutes before the deadline for candidates to enter/withdraw


    What on Earth? Hope this has been reported to the police?
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    bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 8,889
    eek said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    Robert Hutton
    Right now, that might mean Beaconsfield.

    When was the last time that the Conservatives didn’t stand in every GB seat (excluding the Speaker’s)?
  • Options
    StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 15,462
    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
    He's an absolute nutter. Genuinely off his rocker.
    I’m surprised he hasn’t been defrocked by now.
    The Church of England never frocked him in the first place. His deaconing was with the (fringe) Free Church of England and his pristine by the (I had to look them up) Nordic Catholic Church.
  • Options
    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,653
    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    Too late, its a de facto done deal after DDgate.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,368

    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    A 30 to 40 seat majority would do me.

    I am sensing I might be wrong about 1992 redux. That is not necessarily my fault. I couldn't have countenanced the sub-Johnson clown show. Although there is nearly a month to go, so it's not a done deal yet
    Truss would have had more chance of turning things around.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    edited June 7
    A random selection of statements of persons nominated, for people who like that sort of thing. 😊 (Hope this many links aren't too annoying). and elections/election-july-2024/statement-of-person-nominated-and-notice-of-poll-luton-north.pdf of persons nominated and notice of poll_Harpenden and Berkhamsted 4 July 2024.pdf of persons nominated and notice of poll_St Albans 4 July 2024.pdf Jun - statement of persons nominated, notice of poll and location of polling stations - Weston-super-Mare constituency.pdf of Persons Nominated Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations.pdf/ Jun - statement of persons nominated, notice of poll and location of polling stations - North Somerset constituency.pdf
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,162
    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Didn’t know he was a member. Might he be standing for Reform somewhere?
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,847
    Andy_JS said:

    "Politics UK
    🚨 BREAKING: Tory candidate for Spen Valley Adam Gregg has quit after inappropriate photos of underage girls he posted online resurfaced

    He quit minutes before the deadline for candidates to enter/withdraw


    People did warn that Greggs weren’t good for kids so we we shouldn’t be surprised.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,114
    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    I agree, but I don't think that's going to happen. Reform are not actually going to poll 18%, or even 15%, and they're not going to win more than one or two seats. Look at that Torquay council result, in a Brexit voting and very elderly area. 8.5%, at the height of the Farage bubble. Tories 42%.
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    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115
    Andy_JS said:


    They had 11000 odd votes last time. Can’t see it not being a massive Labour win.
  • Options
    numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,028
    edited June 7
    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    Oh come on, it will be fun to mock Farage…

    That said, I do appreciate the point. But I’m afraid whatever happens the right are going to get…. right-er after the GE. At least Farage has baggage.
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    65% of Britons say it was unacceptable for Rishi Sunak to leave the D-Day commemorations early to do an election interview

    Sunak has blown up his campaign.
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    Looks like no RefUK candidate in East Grinstead and Uckfield.
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    PJHPJH Posts: 598

    eek said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    Robert Hutton
    Right now, that might mean Beaconsfield.

    When was the last time that the Conservatives didn’t stand in every GB seat (excluding the Speaker’s)?
    1970 - Greenock
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    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,435
    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,333

    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    A 30 to 40 seat majority would do me.

    I am sensing I might be wrong about 1992 redux. That is not necessarily my fault. I couldn't have countenanced the sub-Johnson clown show. Although there is nearly a month to go, so it's not a done deal yet
    Truss would have had more chance of turning things around.
    Now you are being silly.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    edited June 7
    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:


    They had 11000 odd votes last time. Can’t see it not being a massive Labour win.
    Reform UK will be looking closely at Rotherham if they're the main "to the right-of-centre" party contesting the seat. Maybe we'll see a few Farage visits to the constituency.
  • Options
    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115

    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
    He's an absolute nutter. Genuinely off his rocker.
    I’m surprised he hasn’t been defrocked by now.
    The Church of England never frocked him in the first place. His deaconing was with the (fringe) Free Church of England and his pristine by the (I had to look them up) Nordic Catholic Church.
    Ah so he’s pretending a religious authority he doesn’t possess. Figures as he comes across as about as Christian as the Ayatollah.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,650
    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.

    A safe pair of hands?
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,052

    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.


    that just means we get to rubbish Starmer for the next five years.

    we need some variety
    I'm putting country over party. Even this changed party that is back in the service of working people.
  • Options
    sladeslade Posts: 1,966
    Foxy said:

    slade said:

    Foxy said:

    Farooq said:


    Any sign of D-Day on the doorstep?

    I note big swing to LD with squeeze of Lab in Torquay council last night, but narrow Tory hold.

    I wonder if we will here similar story in South Devon.

    Last night's Wellswood (Torbay) council by-election result:

    CON: 42.3% (-21.1)
    LDEM: 41.9% (+41.9)
    REF: 8.5% (+8.5)
    LAB: 5.3% (-19.6)
    GRN: 1.5% (-10.1)
    WP: 0.5% (+0.5)

    Valid votes cast: 2,217

    Conservative HOLD.
    Foxy - those change figures are wrong. LDM should be +17.0, Lab +5.3. So it was Lab intervention that let the Con win.
    My source was:
    Yes that was wrong as well. The Lib Dems were 900 votes behind but in 2nd place in 2023 and no Lab candidate. I suspect the comparison was with a previous year.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,435

    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.

    A safe pair of hands?
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    No RefUK candidate in Cheltenham. That makes at least 2 short of a full slate.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,333
    PJH said:

    eek said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    Robert Hutton
    Right now, that might mean Beaconsfield.

    When was the last time that the Conservatives didn’t stand in every GB seat (excluding the Speaker’s)?
    1970 - Greenock
    And against the odds and the polling the Tories won. The omens are good!
  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,044
    edited June 7
    kyf_100 said:

    eek said:

    Taz said:

    Chameleon said:

    Harwood reporting that canvassers are finding things have got worse as well…

    We were discussing crossover before all this!

    You beat me to it. Sub 100 seats incoming ?
    Bet365 - Tories less than 50 seats now 10/3..

    Labour 500 seats or more 6/1

    Feeling slightly smug that I tipped Labour 500+ seats at 25/1 on Betfair Exchange a week ago (currently trading at 8/1 over there). Stuck twenty quid on it intending it to be a trading bet, reckon I will keep it now for the lolz.

    Fwiw, I don't think Labour will reach 500 seats but I do see them coming close. 450+ feels nailed on, unless anything changes.

    You feel smug! Consider how Peter the Smug Punter from Smugness feels about his prediction in Benpointers Excellent Competition.

    I look at my entry hourly, on the hour. If there is one thing that ought to make you guys seriously think about voting for Rishi it is the prospect of how insufferable I will be if my extravagant prediction turns out to be the closest.

    Majority of 254 since you ask. :)
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,650
  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,234
    ToryJim said:

    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    🚨 NEW: Controversial priest and commentator Calvin Robinson has been expelled from the Tories for allegedly supporting Tommy Robinson and posting anti-Muslim tweets

    It’s all happening today

    Never occurred to me he was still in the Tories.
    He's an absolute nutter. Genuinely off his rocker.
    I’m surprised he hasn’t been defrocked by now.
    The Church of England never frocked him in the first place. His deaconing was with the (fringe) Free Church of England and his pristine by the (I had to look them up) Nordic Catholic Church.
    Ah so he’s pretending a religious authority he doesn’t possess. Figures as he comes across as about as Christian as the Ayatollah.
    The Church of What's Happening Now - Flip Wilson Show with guest Richard Pryor
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,052
    Andy_JS said:

    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:


    They had 11000 odd votes last time. Can’t see it not being a massive Labour win.
    Reform UK will be looking closely at Rotherham if they're the main "to the right-of-centre" party contesting the seat. Maybe we'll see a few Farage visits to the constituency.
    South Yorks is fertile ground for RUK. If they do break through and win seats some of them will be there.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,237

    kyf_100 said:

    eek said:

    Taz said:

    Chameleon said:

    Harwood reporting that canvassers are finding things have got worse as well…

    We were discussing crossover before all this!

    You beat me to it. Sub 100 seats incoming ?
    Bet365 - Tories less than 50 seats now 10/3..

    Labour 500 seats or more 6/1

    Feeling slightly smug that I tipped Labour 500+ seats at 25/1 on Betfair Exchange a week ago (currently trading at 8/1 over there). Stuck twenty quid on it intending it to be a trading bet, reckon I will keep it now for the lolz.

    Fwiw, I don't think Labour will reach 500 seats but I do see them coming close. 450+ feels nailed on, unless anything changes.

    You feel smug! Consider how Peter the Smug Punter from Smugness feels about his prediction in Benpointers Excellent Competition.

    I look at my entry hourly, on the hour. If there is one thing that ought to make you guys seriously think about voting for Rishi it is the prospect of how insufferable I will be if my extravagant prediction turns out to be the closest.

    Majority of 245 since you ask. :)
    I think that majority may be on the low side....
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,650
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.

    A safe pair of hands?
    Yes, okay, okay, thank you for reminding me of that!!
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    No RefUK candidate in Middlesbrough South & East Cleveland, but that's probably because of a deal with Rod Liddle and the SDP.
  • Options
    sladeslade Posts: 1,966
    Now we have full lists of candidates it might be useful to look for interesting potential new MPs. There are going to be a lot of them.
  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,044
    Andy_JS said:

    No RefUK candidate in Cheltenham. That makes at least 2 short of a full slate.

    Won't save Alex Chalk, I'm afraid.
  • Options
    Pro_RataPro_Rata Posts: 5,040
    Pro_Rata said:

    Pro_Rata said:

    Scott_xP said:

    And, we're off..


    Tory election candidate quits after sharing inappropriate photos from club nights for kids

    Ah. Spen Valley. A Tory chance if things were going sort of OK for them. Might be why my local list isn't up yet.
    And they're in - the withdrawal shown and a last minute Con nominee parachuted in from an address in Altrincham & Sale West

    Full slates of the 5 parties, no WPGB, but a couple of Muslim named Inds in Spen & in Dewsbury
    Colne Valley - big 5 plus YP, McCartney defending for Con
    Huddersfield - big 5 only, no defending MP
    Dewsbury & Batley - big 5 plus Muslim Ind, no defending MP
    Spen Valley - big 5 plus Muslim Ind, plus detail of the Tory substitution, Leadbeater defending for Lab though nominal Con seat in 2019 (she chose here over D&B)
  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,044

    Andy_JS said:

    No RefUK candidate in Cheltenham. That makes at least 2 short of a full slate.

    Won't save Alex Chalk, I'm afraid.
    Edit: Don't see one in Tewkesbury, either. That might well save Laurence Robertson.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,243
    slade said:

    Foxy said:

    slade said:

    Foxy said:

    Farooq said:


    Any sign of D-Day on the doorstep?

    I note big swing to LD with squeeze of Lab in Torquay council last night, but narrow Tory hold.

    I wonder if we will here similar story in South Devon.

    Last night's Wellswood (Torbay) council by-election result:

    CON: 42.3% (-21.1)
    LDEM: 41.9% (+41.9)
    REF: 8.5% (+8.5)
    LAB: 5.3% (-19.6)
    GRN: 1.5% (-10.1)
    WP: 0.5% (+0.5)

    Valid votes cast: 2,217

    Conservative HOLD.
    Foxy - those change figures are wrong. LDM should be +17.0, Lab +5.3. So it was Lab intervention that let the Con win.
    My source was:
    Yes that was wrong as well. The Lib Dems were 900 votes behind but in 2nd place in 2023 and no Lab candidate. I suspect the comparison was with a previous year.

    I note a poor Reform vote in prime Brexitland territory.
  • Options
    PedestrianRockPedestrianRock Posts: 521
    REFUK likely to be between 520 and 590 as per TomorrowsMPs

    My ‘CON vs REFUK vote share’ bet doesn’t look as good because of that - traded out a portion of it, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to capitalise on a post D Day gate and Farage debate bounce before trading out the rest.

    And if Reform are closer to 590 it could be fine either way.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,368
    Is Sunak confirmed at the candidate in Richmond?
  • Options
    TheValiantTheValiant Posts: 1,835
    ToryJim said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    That only narrows it down to 600 or so

    They’re standing in Bootle.
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,847

    65% of Britons say it was unacceptable for Rishi Sunak to leave the D-Day commemorations early to do an election interview

    Sunak has blown up his campaign.

    Look, this is supposed to be top secret but I just can’t sit by and see Rishi eviscerated unfairly. Yesterday was final dress rehearsal ahead of the Taylor Swift concert in Edinburgh tonight where he’s performing a duet medley with her of “So Long London”, “Cruel Summer” and “Look what you made me do”.

    All that Pilates wasn’t for nothing.
  • Options
    AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 24,448
    ToryJim said:

    Andy_JS said:


    They had 11000 odd votes last time. Can’t see it not being a massive Labour win.
    Could be a mash up.

    Reform had 6000 versus a 14000 Lab winner. BWP have now entered the fray.

    Mcdonalds better order more milkshakes.
  • Options
    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115
    What do we think happens where UKIP and Reform stand. Does Farage’s previous association cause confusion.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,237
    edited June 7

    Andy_JS said:

    No RefUK candidate in Cheltenham. That makes at least 2 short of a full slate.

    Won't save Alex Chalk, I'm afraid.
    Edit: Don't see one in Tewkesbury, either. That might well save Laurence Robertson.
    You sure? - I see DAVIS Byron Clifford for Reform

    Worth noting that the Labour candidate is from Chatham (Kent) so I suspect the Lib Dem candidate is going to be the none Tory candidate. My 5/1 odds on the Lib Dems winning looks a decent bet.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,435
    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.

    Someone's updated the Wikipedia page now with that new candidate, agreeing with me that it's a Reform one. So, not helpful to @RochdalePioneers if he wants to court the Conservative voters. A few of them are bound to go to her.
  • Options
    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,653
    Betfair have opened up a market on Conservative seats 15 or less.....(350+seat losses).......
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,847

    Andy_JS said:

    No RefUK candidate in Cheltenham. That makes at least 2 short of a full slate.

    Won't save Alex Chalk, I'm afraid.
    That is a real shame. He’s a very bright, articulate and considerate chap who is always on top of his brief. Hopefully at some point he will get another go if he’s not totally disillusioned and doesn’t decide to just follow the money in law.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,817
    edited June 7
    My photo quota for today is:

    Who are half of the people in the Leadership debate?

    From the top left. Ange the Tory beater-upper, Penny the Diver, Mr Garage, Daisy Wotsit, and then I run out of names.

    The next chap has clearly just sat in a puddle on a park bench, from the 'ick my Y-fronts are damp from below' forced rictus smile. SNP?

    Then the person from Plaid Cymru?

    And then the Green?

    (May have Green and SNP reversed, but goaty beards are more likely to be Green imo.)
  • Options
    darkagedarkage Posts: 4,939

    Andy_JS said:

    "Politics UK
    🚨 BREAKING: Tory candidate for Spen Valley Adam Gregg has quit after inappropriate photos of underage girls he posted online resurfaced

    He quit minutes before the deadline for candidates to enter/withdraw


    What on Earth? Hope this has been reported to the police?
    'Inappropriate' could just mean anything. Enough to trigger a panic.

    What we will end up with is people breaking all these rules and getting elected anyway because people are fed up with 'cancel culture', as is likely to happen with Trump in the US later this year.

  • Options
    “This country is dead. Sharia law is king.”

    went door-knocking with Reform Party activists in Andy Burnham’s former constituency, Leigh, in Greater Manchester.

    Full episode out on Sunday 🎧

    The Reform candidate's motivation is that he came through an airport and saw lots of people entering the country.
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,847
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    ANME update:
    We have a fifth candidate, one Jo Hart. Google the election agent, I think this is a Reform candidate.

    Someone's updated the Wikipedia page now with that new candidate, agreeing with me that it's a Reform one. So, not helpful to @RochdalePioneers if he wants to court the Conservative voters. A few of them are bound to go to her.
    We need to crowdsource snark for him to throw at his opponents. We adopt RP as the PB candidate and see what ridiculousness we can give him to use against his opponents. Donations to a charity of his choice if he uses any of our lines in public.
  • Options
    "Reeves is, I hear, looking very closely at an array of tax increases on wealth, and the creation of new council tax bands for more expensive homes is at the top of her list", writes @tnewtondunn
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,606
    MattW said:

    My photo quota for today is:

    Who are half of the people in the Leadership debate?

    From the top left. Ange the Tory beater-upper, Penny the Diver, Mr Garage, Daisy Wotsit, and then I run out of names.

    The next chap has clearly just sat in a puddle on a park bench, from the 'ick my Y-fronts are damp from below' forced rictus smile. SNP?

    Then the person from Plaid Cymru.

    And then the Green?

    (May have Green and SNP reversed, but goaty beards are more likely to be Green imo.)

    Carla from the Greens.

    My prediction for tonight is she'll be a bit of a hit.
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,847
    MattW said:

    My photo quota for today is:

    Who are half of the people in the Leadership debate?

    From the top left. Ange the Tory beater-upper, Penny the Diver, Mr Garage, Daisy Wotsit, and then I run out of names.

    The next chap has clearly just sat in a puddle on a park bench, from the 'ick my Y-fronts are damp from below' forced rictus smile. SNP?

    Then the person from Plaid Cymru.

    And then the Green?

    (May have Green and SNP reversed, but goaty beards are more likely to be Green imo.)

    Second from right, bottom row is that detective from line of duty. Left bottom row, Toad of Toad Hall.
  • Options
    SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 16,234
    Does CUP have candidate for Luton North? Ditto for Camberwell and Peckham?
  • Options
    LennonLennon Posts: 1,759
    MattW said:

    My photo quota for today is:

    Who are half of the people in the Leadership debate?

    From the top left. Ange the Tory beater-upper, Penny the Diver, Mr Garage, Daisy Wotsit, and then I run out of names.

    The next chap has clearly just sat in a puddle on a park bench, from the 'ick my Y-fronts are damp from below' forced rictus smile. SNP?

    Then the person from Plaid Cymru.

    And then the Green?

    Bottom row, left to right. Farage (Reform); Daisy Cooper (Lib Dem); Rhun ap Iorwerth (Plaid Cymru); Carla Denyer (Green); Stephen Flynn (SNP)
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,237

    "Reeves is, I hear, looking very closely at an array of tax increases on wealth, and the creation of new council tax bands for more expensive homes is at the top of her list", writes @tnewtondunn

    Tell us something we don't know - the biggest question is based on 1989 values or a revaluation exercise (which actually wouldn't be that difficult to do nowadays given prices are available).
  • Options
    Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention (5-6 Jun)

    Con: 19% (no change from 3-4 June)
    Lab: 41% (+1)
    Reform UK: 16% (-1)
    Lib Dem: 11% (+1)
    Green: 7% (=)
    SNP: 3% (=)
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,052
    TimS said:

    kinabalu said:

    Just to say, I don't want a humungous Labour majority at the price of empowering Farage. I'll take the vanilla landslide.

    I agree, but I don't think that's going to happen. Reform are not actually going to poll 18%, or even 15%, and they're not going to win more than one or two seats. Look at that Torquay council result, in a Brexit voting and very elderly area. 8.5%, at the height of the Farage bubble. Tories 42%.
    The Deplorable demographic is approx 15% of the population, I'd say. Litmus question would be do you like Donald Trump? That fingers them and it's of the order 15%. Maybe a touch higher. If you can get most of them, that's a solid base from which to stretch towards break through and seats. I reckon with Farage in play and the Cons in meltdown we might see that. But I hope we don't.
  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,044
    eek said:

    kyf_100 said:

    eek said:

    Taz said:

    Chameleon said:

    Harwood reporting that canvassers are finding things have got worse as well…

    We were discussing crossover before all this!

    You beat me to it. Sub 100 seats incoming ?
    Bet365 - Tories less than 50 seats now 10/3..

    Labour 500 seats or more 6/1

    Feeling slightly smug that I tipped Labour 500+ seats at 25/1 on Betfair Exchange a week ago (currently trading at 8/1 over there). Stuck twenty quid on it intending it to be a trading bet, reckon I will keep it now for the lolz.

    Fwiw, I don't think Labour will reach 500 seats but I do see them coming close. 450+ feels nailed on, unless anything changes.

    You feel smug! Consider how Peter the Smug Punter from Smugness feels about his prediction in Benpointers Excellent Competition.

    I look at my entry hourly, on the hour. If there is one thing that ought to make you guys seriously think about voting for Rishi it is the prospect of how insufferable I will be if my extravagant prediction turns out to be the closest.

    Majority of 245 since you ask. :)
    I think that majority may be on the low side....
    It's all a bit of fun so I am loathe to be serious about it, but I have to say I was surprised to find I was so much higher than everyone else. All I did was key some recent poll averages into Electoral Calculus and that's what it gave me. Why did others not do something similar? More seriously, what does that tell you about the betting odds? I think the value is by and large still with Labour. Punters are just not getting their heads around what the polls are telling us because they just refuse to believe the outcome will be that extraordinary. It may not be. But it may be. Nor is there any reason to suppose it will not be even more extraordinary.

    If Ben were re-running the comp now, I'd be going 300+, but this time I wouldn't expect to be the only.
  • Options
    ToryJimToryJim Posts: 4,115
    The video in this tweet of Galloway ranting is just wow….
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    edited June 7
    "Election Maps UK
    Westminster Voting Intention:

    LAB: 41% (+1)
    CON: 19% (=)
    RFM: 16% (-1)
    LDM: 11% (+1)
    GRN: 7% (=)
    SNP: 3% (=)

    , 5-6 Jun.
    Changes w/ 3-4 Jun."
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097

    Does CUP have candidate for Luton North? Ditto for Camberwell and Peckham?

    What does CUP stand for? Here are the candidates in Luton North. and elections/election-july-2024/statement-of-person-nominated-and-notice-of-poll-luton-north.pdf
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,606

    ToryJim said:

    🔵 Conservative HQ tell me they have managed to nominate candidates in all but one seat, and that seat is "unwinnable".

    That only narrows it down to 600 or so

    They’re standing in Bootle.
    They're talking about Catterick and district.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,817
    Lennon said:

    MattW said:

    My photo quota for today is:

    Who are half of the people in the Leadership debate?

    From the top left. Ange the Tory beater-upper, Penny the Diver, Mr Garage, Daisy Wotsit, and then I run out of names.

    The next chap has clearly just sat in a puddle on a park bench, from the 'ick my Y-fronts are damp from below' forced rictus smile. SNP?

    Then the person from Plaid Cymru.

    And then the Green?

    Bottom row, left to right. Farage (Reform); Daisy Cooper (Lib Dem); Rhun ap Iorwerth (Plaid Cymru); Carla Denyer (Green); Stephen Flynn (SNP)
    Embarrassing to forget Cooper.

    My grandpa was a Cooper, and used to be one in a family toolmaking company in Sheffield; I still have a few of them.
  • Options
    bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 8,889
    darkage said:

    Andy_JS said:

    "Politics UK
    🚨 BREAKING: Tory candidate for Spen Valley Adam Gregg has quit after inappropriate photos of underage girls he posted online resurfaced

    He quit minutes before the deadline for candidates to enter/withdraw


    What on Earth? Hope this has been reported to the police?
    'Inappropriate' could just mean anything. Enough to trigger a panic.

    What we will end up with is people breaking all these rules and getting elected anyway because people are fed up with 'cancel culture', as is likely to happen with Trump in the US later this year.
    Is not wanting someone who is guilty of multiple frauds and was found by a jury to have sexually assaulted someone considered “cancel culture”?
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,097
    edited June 7
    Tamworth has both UKIP and Reform candidates.

    UKIP, RefUK, Lab, Workers, Green, Con, LD.
This discussion has been closed.