Wow. That's two big political events this month where my predictions were totally wrong (I expected an autumn UK election and a hung jury in the Trump trial). Still just time to fit in a third :-)
Well no matter how bad things go on the 4th, at least we won't almost elect someone found guilty at a crown court.
Well we have had a former party leader who faced a charge of conspiracy and incitement to murder trial at the Old Bailey before, ex Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe in 1979. Even if he was acquitted
Well no matter how bad things go on the 4th, at least we won't almost elect someone found guilty at a crown court.
Well we have had a former party leader who faced a charge of conspiracy and incitement to murder trial at the Old Bailey before, ex Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe in 1979. Even if he was acquitted
CBS talking heads -sentencing at judges discretion - ranges from probation to imprisonment - but it will be appealed which could take years. Trump's behaviour during the trial and lack of remorse will be factors judge will bear in mind.
Trump emerges from court, calls the case corrupt, he is innocent and the real verdict will be in November when he fights for his country and the constitution. Calls it rigged and created by the Biden administration
Trump emerges from court, calls the case corrupt, he is innocent and the real verdict will be in November when he fights for his country and the constitution. Calls it rigged and created by the Biden administration
Perhaps, "I really want Trump to keep paying his legal bills AND I really do NOT want to be lynched by a mob of MAGA-maniacs who believe I'm an under-cover agent for the Anti-Trump Conspiracy."
Trump does have spectacularly bad lawyers, but that’s what happens when you’re unreliable when it comes to paying your lawyers, and won’t follow their instructions.
From before the verdict, from a Never-Trumper - after years of preparing media and supporters for this outcome, it won't end it, even if some small number do change their minds.
Politically, Trump will be helped by the NYC verdict, no matter what the verdict is. To all you Democrats breathlessly following this trial, this trial & verdict won’t defeat Trump for you. Not at all. It’s on Biden to make the case against Trump, and it’s on you to get people to vote for Biden. You/Biden are going to have to defeat Trump the good old fashioned way. A guilty verdict in this trial ain’t gonna do it for you.
Assuming it gets that far. @Leon has a point - you want a civil war, you point out that their messiah is a crook.
But, and its a fundamental but - he IS a crook. So-called patriots will be foaming that the only way to protect the constitution is to bin the constitution. The Rule of Law applies to all or it applies to none.
Trump emerges from court, calls the case corrupt, he is innocent and the real verdict will be in November when he fights for his country and the constitution. Calls it rigged and created by the Biden administration
Convicted felon Trump moans about receiving his just deserts.
The Biden administration had no part in the process.
The Biden administration has decided to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia with U.S.-made weapons with the aim of blunting Russia’s attacks in the Kharkiv area, senior American officials said on Thursday.
The decision follows weeks of discussion with the Ukrainians after Russia began a major assault on Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine.
Because Kharkiv is near Russia, in the northeast of Ukraine, the Russian military has been hitting the area around the city with artillery and missiles fired or launched from inside Russian territory, and the Ukrainians have asked the Americans to give them greater leeway in defending Kharkiv, an American official said.
Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician, media personality, businessman, and convicted felon who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.
If he keeps talking like this Merchan may have to lock him up if only to shut him up.
I may have been wrong about the popcorn moment:
1) Trump fined for the crimes 2) Trump jailed for contempt 3) Trump sectioned ('involuntarily committed,' I think they call it) and therefore barred from running.
He would be equally fucked at the other trials if they had been allowed to run at a usual pace, rather than blocked and delayed at every turn.
In fact this case was his best chance to avoid a conviction - his behaviour in the others is far more egregious.
His defence in this one was a bit incoherent, since he wouldn't do minor admissions which would open up other defences, and actually meant his arguments contradicted one another (eg Cohen stole money - which he admitted to - but also the payments made to Cohen, which included the bit he admitted he stole, were entirely legitimate).
From before the verdict, from a Never-Trumper - after years of preparing media and supporters for this outcome, it won't end it, even if some small number do change their minds.
Politically, Trump will be helped by the NYC verdict, no matter what the verdict is. To all you Democrats breathlessly following this trial, this trial & verdict won’t defeat Trump for you. Not at all. It’s on Biden to make the case against Trump, and it’s on you to get people to vote for Biden. You/Biden are going to have to defeat Trump the good old fashioned way. A guilty verdict in this trial ain’t gonna do it for you.
I'm not sure how this is going to play out.
One interesting nugget is that a poll today of New York had Trump only 7 points behind (he lost by 23 points in 2020) so the trial seems to have helped him there.
From before the verdict, from a Never-Trumper - after years of preparing media and supporters for this outcome, it won't end it, even if some small number do change their minds.
Politically, Trump will be helped by the NYC verdict, no matter what the verdict is. To all you Democrats breathlessly following this trial, this trial & verdict won’t defeat Trump for you. Not at all. It’s on Biden to make the case against Trump, and it’s on you to get people to vote for Biden. You/Biden are going to have to defeat Trump the good old fashioned way. A guilty verdict in this trial ain’t gonna do it for you.
No it's not; he's been convicted,
It's on Biden to make a case for his own re-election. The felon can speak for himself.
Count 2 - 6 guilty
7 - 10....
(Guilty in count 1...)
And of course Trump will say something stupid now and make it much worse for himself.
Betting, 2.5 from 1.8.
But surely even Trump can't ride this out politically.
This is a disaster for him.
Doesn't even look like they were particularly in doubt.
1. A Trump win
2. American Civil War
"And now we go over to the nominated candidate, live from Riker's Island...."
'Slightly more dishonest than Richard Nixon' is hardly a good strapline though.
He will have an epic meltdown.
NY Times.
He'll have not so much a screw loose as be right round the twist at this.
I was merely setting out an aspiration.
Obviously I'm hoping they'll lock the Fascist tosser up, but assuming they don't?
‘Home Alone 2: Lost In New York’ star Donald Trump has been found guilty of 34 felony counts.
Though yes too 40-45% of Americans, maybe more, will still vote for Trump in November even with this verdict
When do we get the sentence?
Breaking news
So - yeh - you are probably right.
Telegraph is now twice the size of NY Times.
Aberdeenshire golf resort owner found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in NY court.
What was he thinking with that motion to dismiss?
"Don't let them kill me"
"Yeah...that'll do"
Soros was backing this.
Pure anti-jew Hungarian crap spewing out of him.
Politically, Trump will be helped by the NYC verdict, no matter what the verdict is. To all you Democrats breathlessly following this trial, this trial & verdict won’t defeat Trump for you. Not at all. It’s on Biden to make the case against Trump, and it’s on you to get people to vote for Biden. You/Biden are going to have to defeat Trump the good old fashioned way. A guilty verdict in this trial ain’t gonna do it for you.
He would be equally fucked at the other trials if they had been allowed to run at a usual pace, rather than blocked and delayed at every turn.
I’ve traveled widely around America in recent years, meeting sane Trumpites. They do exist and they believe the system is out to get him
Is this gonna dissuade them?
I dunno. I honestly dunno. But I do not share the confidence of PB that THIS IS OBVS THE END OF EVIL DONALD
But, and its a fundamental but - he IS a crook. So-called patriots will be foaming that the only way to protect the constitution is to bin the constitution. The Rule of Law applies to all or it applies to none.
The Biden administration had no part in the process.
The decision follows weeks of discussion with the Ukrainians after Russia began a major assault on Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine.
Because Kharkiv is near Russia, in the northeast of Ukraine, the Russian military has been hitting the area around the city with artillery and missiles fired or launched from inside Russian territory, and the Ukrainians have asked the Americans to give them greater leeway in defending Kharkiv, an American official said.
Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American politician, media personality, businessman, and convicted felon who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021.
I may have been wrong about the popcorn moment:
1) Trump fined for the crimes
2) Trump jailed for contempt
3) Trump sectioned ('involuntarily committed,' I think they call it) and therefore barred from running.
His defence in this one was a bit incoherent, since he wouldn't do minor admissions which would open up other defences, and actually meant his arguments contradicted one another (eg Cohen stole money - which he admitted to - but also the payments made to Cohen, which included the bit he admitted he stole, were entirely legitimate).
One interesting nugget is that a poll today of New York had Trump only 7 points behind (he lost by 23 points in 2020) so the trial seems to have helped him there.
My ideal result would be the clearly unfit Trump retiring and a sane but firmly hard right Republican candidate beating the living shit out of Biden
It's on Biden to make a case for his own re-election. The felon can speak for himself.
34/34. So much winning.
I have my doubts, but we’ll see.