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London Falling. The Capital and the election –



  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,502

    "Our plan is to support small businesses."

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says he wants to replace business rates "with a system that works better".

    No Sir Keir! Danger! Third rail, do not approach. Like council tax, reform with even the best intentions will still get you hated.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,451
    edited June 8
    Funny if she gets 1,000 votes and the LDs miss out by 100. Not sure why she's standing here when it can only help the Tories to hold the seat.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would.
    Which is absolutely fair. But really you should consider donating any such winnings to a suitable charity such as the Distressed Toryfolk's Aid Association
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    He’s a man of his word. Robert knows his name and has an email address for him.
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,159
    edited June 8

    Hey guys, who is best to email my article to?

    I've typed up part one of the Northern Ireland constituencies.

    We need to hear more from your part of the world.
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,355
    Leon said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I'm pretty sure he would. #classicleon
    I’m pretty sure you would as well. A bet is a bet. This is a betting site
    I definitely would.

    I once won 200 quid in a contest to see who could eat a whole packet of digestive biscuits the quickest with no fluids. I collected my winnings and was then suckered into a second round. I made the tactical error of making myself spew up the first packet and felt so rotten I couldn't finish the second packet. So I had to hand back the original 200 quid and another 200 quid on top of that. #anofficerandagentleman
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,220
    biggles said:

    Scott_xP said:

    There are moments in each election that crystallise the entire campaign. In 2015, it was Ed Miliband standing in front of what appeared to be an enormous gravestone with his own pledges engraved on it. In 2017, Theresa May insisting that “nothing has changed” after she announced and then tried to change a hugely unpopular policy on social care. Gordon Brown’s “bigoted woman” was the 2010 moment, closely followed by the post-election discovery of a note hastily written by Liam Byrne jokingly warning his successor – who he assumed would be an old political friend – that there was “no money!”

    Just two weeks into this election campaign, 2024 gained its moment. Rishi Sunak apologised for leaving the international D-Day commemorations in France early. Initially, the Prime Minister’s absence in line-ups with Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron raised a few eyebrows. It was when it emerged that he had left early in order to do a pre-recorded interview with ITV – which won’t even air until next week – that all hell broke loose.

    Tory MPs were in meltdown. CCHQ didn’t know what to say to anyone who asked for help with lines to take. “We have targeted our entire campaign at pensioners,” complained one backbencher who had, until this week, thought he might hold on to his seat. “We have scared them that Labour will steal their pensions and announced that bloody stupid national service policy. Then we piss off the group that has the strongest emotional connection to D-Day.”

    The 2010 one is bollocks. The Tories and their outriders tried to make a lot of the “bigoted woman” thing but it didn’t stick. The striking bit of that election was the first ever TV debates and the “Cleggasm” which, together with a decent fight back from Mandelson, lost Cameron his majority and nearly kept Labour in power (though I suspect Clegg always secretly would have preferred a deal with the Tories, not that any of us though Hung Parliaments very likely back then).
    I don't agree. Bigoted womangate was the moment of that campaign.
  • Options
    SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 6,861
    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    Leon's unbearability is pretty much baked in, isn't it?
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would.
    Which is absolutely fair. But really you should consider donating any such winnings to a suitable charity such as the Distressed Toryfolk's Aid Association
    I might donate half to Marine Le Pen’s election fund
  • Options
    BarnesianBarnesian Posts: 8,108

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    Dura_Ace said:

    Leon said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I'm pretty sure he would. #classicleon
    I’m pretty sure you would as well. A bet is a bet. This is a betting site
    I definitely would.

    I once won 200 quid in a contest to see who could eat a whole packet of digestive biscuits the quickest with no fluids. I collected my winnings and was then suckered into a second round. I made the tactical error of making myself spew up the first packet and felt so rotten I couldn't finish the second packet. So I had to hand back the original 200 quid and another 200 quid on top of that. #anofficerandagentleman
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503

    algarkirk said:

    Can a PB expert answer a puzzle. The government itself says that 25% of all schoolchildren qualify for free school meals - over 2 million.

    How is this possible in a prosperous country with a minimum wage and high levels of employment? I'm asking a maths/economics question, not a party political one. I live in an area in the bottom third economically, and this just does not seem credible.

    Its because poverty is relative.

    Many of those eligible for free school meals will also be obese.

    Or recently arrived immigrants. Or both.

    There is never any shortage of people claiming for free handouts.
    Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Sandpit said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    He’s a man of his word. Robert knows his name and has an email address for him.
    Ok - can you hand Sandpit back his account now please?
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,502
    Cookie said:

    biggles said:

    Scott_xP said:

    There are moments in each election that crystallise the entire campaign. In 2015, it was Ed Miliband standing in front of what appeared to be an enormous gravestone with his own pledges engraved on it. In 2017, Theresa May insisting that “nothing has changed” after she announced and then tried to change a hugely unpopular policy on social care. Gordon Brown’s “bigoted woman” was the 2010 moment, closely followed by the post-election discovery of a note hastily written by Liam Byrne jokingly warning his successor – who he assumed would be an old political friend – that there was “no money!”

    Just two weeks into this election campaign, 2024 gained its moment. Rishi Sunak apologised for leaving the international D-Day commemorations in France early. Initially, the Prime Minister’s absence in line-ups with Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron raised a few eyebrows. It was when it emerged that he had left early in order to do a pre-recorded interview with ITV – which won’t even air until next week – that all hell broke loose.

    Tory MPs were in meltdown. CCHQ didn’t know what to say to anyone who asked for help with lines to take. “We have targeted our entire campaign at pensioners,” complained one backbencher who had, until this week, thought he might hold on to his seat. “We have scared them that Labour will steal their pensions and announced that bloody stupid national service policy. Then we piss off the group that has the strongest emotional connection to D-Day.”

    The 2010 one is bollocks. The Tories and their outriders tried to make a lot of the “bigoted woman” thing but it didn’t stick. The striking bit of that election was the first ever TV debates and the “Cleggasm” which, together with a decent fight back from Mandelson, lost Cameron his majority and nearly kept Labour in power (though I suspect Clegg always secretly would have preferred a deal with the Tories, not that any of us though Hung Parliaments very likely back then).
    I don't agree. Bigoted womangate was the moment of that campaign.
    Hmmm. Did it shift votes or stick in the narrative? When Sunak loses badly, the D-Day thing will be raked over, but I’m not sure that was.
  • Options
    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 25,634
    biggles said:

    "Our plan is to support small businesses."

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says he wants to replace business rates "with a system that works better".

    No Sir Keir! Danger! Third rail, do not approach. Like council tax, reform with even the best intentions will still get you hated.
    It sounds like an excellent policy to me. We should try this in all sorts of areas. Health, defence, the economy. Only heartless Tories could oppose "a system that works better".
  • Options
    EabhalEabhal Posts: 6,883

    Eabhal said:

    algarkirk said:

    Can a PB expert answer a puzzle. The government itself says that 25% of all schoolchildren qualify for free school meals - over 2 million.

    How is this possible in a prosperous country with a minimum wage and high levels of employment? I'm asking a maths/economics question, not a party political one. I live in an area in the bottom third economically, and this just does not seem credible.

    I am a former expert in this area. FSM is a piggy back benefit - if you qualify for a particular benefit, you get FSMs.

    There are so many people on some form of welfare, loads of kids qualify.

    I always refer people to the excellent HoC Library briefings for stuff like this:

    Some other info:

    This is yet another hidden perverse incentive that has to be modelled when you look at the relationship between welfare and employment. Lots of Scottish benefits piggy back off UK Gov benefits, so there are even more disincentives to work than elsewhere in the UK for example.

    These interactions can be flat - it's always worth not working - or threshold based, where a certain number of hours would tip you over an edge which meant you start to lose money. I vaguely recall 16 hours per week being one for some reason.
    Aren't 100% of reception, year 1 and year 2 also eligible for free school meals now? That would mean the percentage of over sevens eligible would be a fair bit less than 25%.
    Hmm, excellent point. I haven't kept up with it.
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,220
    eek said:
    Lib Dems to win Epsom and Ewell? I was on that too with Bet365. I have just noticed I can cash out my small bet for a small profit, so I am taking that.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Barnesian said:

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
    Ah, I never realised there was an actual market for that. My guess was not too far off then.
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,502
    Barnesian said:

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
    Surely 1% Labour?…
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    Hey Ladbrokes, Bet365, William Hill, what chance the Tories end up with no seats at all?

    Asking for a friend, who wants to bet £20 at 1000/1.
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    AlsoLeiAlsoLei Posts: 1,282

    MattW said:

    Exc (and free to read this weekend!):

    Labour manifesto will commit to introducing an age limit on serving peers.

    House of Lords will be scaled back by forcing peers to retire at age 80, or at the end of the parliament in which they reach that age.

    It's part of a two-phased approach to Lords reform. There will be some immediate measures, such as banning new hereditary peers. Others will be longer term and not guaranteed within 5 years.

    I'm claiming an accurate forecast some time ago, albeit a no brainer - Mr Starmer gets to do something inexpensive and popular with nearly everyone, and the nerds, and to nobble the Tories at the same time.

    Peers would be forced to stand down at 80 and hereditary roles would be scrapped under Keir Starmer

    Here's the full piece:
    Not for me, I love the hereditaries.
    I'll be sad to see the end of the comic by-elections, with their hilariously compressed manifestos.

    The perennial Tory candidate Earl Dudley, who uses every by-election as an opportunity to advertise his pornographic Hi-NRG music video youtube channel, should win some sort of special award for showing people exactly how fucking stupid the peerage system really is.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,061
    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    No doubt he is but you would waive it. I certainly would and so would you. It's too lopsided. Bets at 1000/1 aren't for private consumption. But not to bicker on about it since we won't get to find out what you'd do. It's a fun way of you paying a tenner to Good Causes. On that basis I'm happy to greenlight it.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    Turns out Ukraine is very big and rather flat
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    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,192
    edited June 8
    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    edited June 8
    Leon said:

    Turns out Ukraine is very big and rather flat

    It’s 500km from Odessa to Kiev.

    Roughly London to Durham.
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,502
    edited June 8
    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,355
    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    Tory party pick a new leader, that lucky fucker is PM for a few weeks and Sandpit is out ten K.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,061

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,220
    biggles said:

    Cookie said:

    biggles said:

    Scott_xP said:

    There are moments in each election that crystallise the entire campaign. In 2015, it was Ed Miliband standing in front of what appeared to be an enormous gravestone with his own pledges engraved on it. In 2017, Theresa May insisting that “nothing has changed” after she announced and then tried to change a hugely unpopular policy on social care. Gordon Brown’s “bigoted woman” was the 2010 moment, closely followed by the post-election discovery of a note hastily written by Liam Byrne jokingly warning his successor – who he assumed would be an old political friend – that there was “no money!”

    Just two weeks into this election campaign, 2024 gained its moment. Rishi Sunak apologised for leaving the international D-Day commemorations in France early. Initially, the Prime Minister’s absence in line-ups with Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron raised a few eyebrows. It was when it emerged that he had left early in order to do a pre-recorded interview with ITV – which won’t even air until next week – that all hell broke loose.

    Tory MPs were in meltdown. CCHQ didn’t know what to say to anyone who asked for help with lines to take. “We have targeted our entire campaign at pensioners,” complained one backbencher who had, until this week, thought he might hold on to his seat. “We have scared them that Labour will steal their pensions and announced that bloody stupid national service policy. Then we piss off the group that has the strongest emotional connection to D-Day.”

    The 2010 one is bollocks. The Tories and their outriders tried to make a lot of the “bigoted woman” thing but it didn’t stick. The striking bit of that election was the first ever TV debates and the “Cleggasm” which, together with a decent fight back from Mandelson, lost Cameron his majority and nearly kept Labour in power (though I suspect Clegg always secretly would have preferred a deal with the Tories, not that any of us though Hung Parliaments very likely back then).
    I don't agree. Bigoted womangate was the moment of that campaign.
    Hmmm. Did it shift votes or stick in the narrative? When Sunak loses badly, the D-Day thing will be raked over, but I’m not sure that was.
    The latter. It was the story that people remember, it encapsulated why people didn't like Labour.
    So we may be talking at cross purposes.
    Did it shift votes? I don't think anything much shifta votes. Though arguably the dementia tax did - regrettably, because I think it was the right thing to do.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    No doubt he is but you would waive it. I certainly would and so would you. It's too lopsided. Bets at 1000/1 aren't for private consumption. But not to bicker on about it since we won't get to find out what you'd do. It's a fun way of you paying a tenner to Good Causes. On that basis I'm happy to greenlight it.
    No. No no no. I really would collect the cash

    We are such different people, you and I. And I think you’re the outlier here

    I would absolutely take the money and then I would post photos of me drinking champagne in exotic places for the next 3 months (so no change there then)

    Why would I not take it?! You are quite strange. @sandpit is a consenting adult with all his wits and this is a betting site. We’ve made a bet

    What’s more I’m confident @Sandpit would pay

    A betting site where people don’t honour bets because that’s cruel is completely ludicrous
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 19,874
    edited June 8
    Eabhal said:

    Leon said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    I think you’re pretty safe, TBH
    1 seat after a recount would be very funny.
    I trust that Leon's winnings will be going towards a Drone for Ukraine.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
  • Options
    BarnesianBarnesian Posts: 8,108

    Barnesian said:

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
    Ah, I never realised there was an actual market for that. My guess was not too far off then.
    It's Most Seats Without Labour. £135,000 staked so far. I have £800 on the Tories. If the LDs are the official opposition I don't mind losing!

    Yes yours was a good guess.
  • Options
    nico679 said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Carnyx said:

    Scott_xP said:


    The penny now dropping. This was not a “mistake” but a deliberate Brexiteer snub of Emmanuel Macron - and the accompanying lobby circus was complicit. It took social media to draw attention to the gross insult

    You are insane Scott.
    I don't know, Horse, old foal. All hypotheses welcome. After the cardboard buses I'd look every way at anything odd the Tories do, and then reexamine it upside down all over again.

    Somebody in Downing Street looked at the schedule for D-Day and decided not to attend "the French bit"

    That was a conscious decision

    They didn't think it was disrespectful to veterans, they didn't think it would upset their Brexity base, they actually thought thumbing their noses at the French was a masterstroke.

    Fuck 'em, and the helicopter they flew in on
    One can only imagine the trauma of poor Rishi having to listen to Ode To Joy !

    I always get emotional listening to OTJ , such a beautiful piece of music . And fxck Farage and the Brexit Party scum who turned their back on it at the European Parliament.
    It's just flag/anthem shagging. You like it, fair enough. I can't get excited about any flag or anthem these days.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,834
    Sandpit said:

    eek said:

    Eabhal said:


    ULEZ - highly effective. Will scare the crap out of poorer people in rural areas who depend on their cars and keep old bangers going for decades. People where I grew up are deeply worried about this kind of thing, and equate it with more radical policies like taxing per mile (which is IMO a stupid idea, the inverse of what we should be doing)

    20mph - mixed. A large chunk of voters get really wound up by these. But always in a local minority, and in local politics this could cause real issues. Incumbency is really the only thing going for some Tory candidates, and if the perception is overturning a 20mph limit outside a primary school to please some Audi drivers... Tory to Reform switchers only I think.

    LTNs - will appeal to the tin hatters (Reform again). That's about it - too complicated for most voters. Could be weaponised by Labour by working out the total cost of ripping out every LTN in the country - billions, considering all modern housing estates are LTNs.

    The whole point of the ULEZ is that it's a Zone - it won't be a zone if it's the whole country. And there is no way you could implement it in the countryside for the obvious reason that everyone needs a car...
    People know it’s a ratchet. They assume that there will more zones. Based on past experience they are right.

    Given the stupid stuff that politicians do and their disconnection from the realities of life, I could easily see a fuck up.
    Not just that there will be more zones, but that the existing zones would be amended to cover more vehicles.
    Oh, both. Obviously.

    On ULEZ and the like - people see the future as being priced out of their cars, while the rich get tax breaks on £100k EVs.

    Which is why, despite the elaborate proofs that ULEZ only effected non-existent gammon Fascists, quite a lot of people didn’t like it.

    What to do? We need to rebalance the taxation system to give a thumbs up to people in small, lighter cars. End the tax breaks for £100k EVs - that market is rolling. Move the subsidies to cheaper EVs - to encourage the market to move that way. Better deals for the hybrids as well, I think as part of the transition.
  • Options
    BarnesianBarnesian Posts: 8,108
    biggles said:

    Barnesian said:

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
    Surely 1% Labour?…
    I get your point but the actual Betfair market is Most Seats Without Labour.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,061
    Dura_Ace said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I'm pretty sure he would. #classicleon
    If it were £1k vs £10k, yes, or maybe even £100 vs £10k, but a tenner plays ten grand? ... no I don't see it.

  • Options
    EabhalEabhal Posts: 6,883
    edited June 8

    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
    There is a chance Douglas Ross has cost SP 10 grand. The Scons were expected to buck (some of) the trend. Not sure anymore.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Dura_Ace said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    Tory party pick a new leader, that lucky fucker is PM for a few weeks and Sandpit is out ten K.
    Well £7,990. You've offered £2k and I'm happy to chip in a tenner to help with Sandpit's losses.
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,159
    Leon said:

    Turns out Ukraine is very big and rather flat

    Is the document you’re reading the diary of a Wehrmacht officer from the Summer of 1941? Sounds like a quote.
  • Options
    nico679nico679 Posts: 5,541


    nico679 said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Carnyx said:

    Scott_xP said:


    The penny now dropping. This was not a “mistake” but a deliberate Brexiteer snub of Emmanuel Macron - and the accompanying lobby circus was complicit. It took social media to draw attention to the gross insult

    You are insane Scott.
    I don't know, Horse, old foal. All hypotheses welcome. After the cardboard buses I'd look every way at anything odd the Tories do, and then reexamine it upside down all over again.

    Somebody in Downing Street looked at the schedule for D-Day and decided not to attend "the French bit"

    That was a conscious decision

    They didn't think it was disrespectful to veterans, they didn't think it would upset their Brexity base, they actually thought thumbing their noses at the French was a masterstroke.

    Fuck 'em, and the helicopter they flew in on
    One can only imagine the trauma of poor Rishi having to listen to Ode To Joy !

    I always get emotional listening to OTJ , such a beautiful piece of music . And fxck Farage and the Brexit Party scum who turned their back on it at the European Parliament.
    It's just flag/anthem shagging. You like it, fair enough. I can't get excited about any flag or anthem these days.
    I also like the Italian national anthem .
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,503
    Barnesian said:

    biggles said:

    Barnesian said:

    Eabhal said:

    Eabhal said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Leon will be unbearable. Will ruin one of the most memorable events in UK political history.
    'One of'?!
    We had The Motorhome only a year ago.
    Sorry but Conservatives on zero seats would trounce that. Not happening though obvs.

    A more challenging bet would be who will be the Official Opposition after the election. 85% Con, 10% LD, 5% Reform right now?
    BetFair at the moment has 76% Con, 17% LD, 7% Reform
    Surely 1% Labour?…
    I get your point but the actual Betfair market is Most Seats Without Labour.
    No SNP option there?

    No, good point.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,344

    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
    I really can't see Rutland and Stamford being anything other than Tory, so Sandpit is safe.

    Apart from anything else Alicia Kearns will benefit from split opposition.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    Foxy said:

    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
    I really can't see Rutland and Stamford being anything other than Tory, so Sandpit is safe.

    Apart from anything else Alicia Kearns will benefit from split opposition.
    Funnily enough, that’s where my parents will be voting!
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 29,451
    edited June 8
    Again, what's the point of Gina Miller standing in Epsom & Ewell when Dominic Raab has stood down and the LDs are hoping to take the seat from the Tories? She could have stood in any other seat in that area. Bad politics.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    Sandpit said:

    Foxy said:

    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
    I really can't see Rutland and Stamford being anything other than Tory, so Sandpit is safe.

    Apart from anything else Alicia Kearns will benefit from split opposition.
    Funnily enough, that’s where my parents will be voting!
    You’d better make sure they vote. You know…. Just in case….
  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,066
    Sandpit said:

    Foxy said:

    Leon said:

    Come the election @Sandpit is going to have a tiny tiny tiny tickle of anxiety until that first Tory seat is declared. Imagine if the first Tory seats all fall unexpectedly…. Even the safest ones….

    lol. It’s a very sporting offer by @Sandpit and I applaud it

    Electoral Calculus has my North Dorset constituency as the safest Tory seat, so if that one falls to the LDs Sandpit could be in a spot of bother.

    Tbh, talking to people round here, it doesn't feel that safe any more.
    I really can't see Rutland and Stamford being anything other than Tory, so Sandpit is safe.

    Apart from anything else Alicia Kearns will benefit from split opposition.
    Funnily enough, that’s where my parents will be voting!
    How many times?
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,192
    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
  • Options
    Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 50,276
    Not one, but TWO pro-Gaza candidates in Ilford North:

    Leanne Mohamad (Ind)
    Shabaz Hussain (Workers Party)
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,834
    edited June 8

    Exc (and free to read this weekend!):

    Labour manifesto will commit to introducing an age limit on serving peers.

    House of Lords will be scaled back by forcing peers to retire at age 80, or at the end of the parliament in which they reach that age.

    It's part of a two-phased approach to Lords reform. There will be some immediate measures, such as banning new hereditary peers. Others will be longer term and not guaranteed within 5 years.

    Inappropriate. Fully Elected peers or also force Mps to stand down at the next election once 80
    Replace the Lords with 200 people, selected as the closest living illegitimate relatives of Charles II.

    Renamed the House of Bastards, the titles will work in reverse order. So you start with “Most Right Honourable and Noble Bastard” and work your way up to Right Honourable Bastard, Right Bastard and finally plain Bastard.

    Whose with me?
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 57,729

    "Our plan is to support small businesses."

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says he wants to replace business rates "with a system that works better".

    "A system that works better"

    What facile shit.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,665

    Not one, but TWO pro-Gaza candidates in Ilford North:

    Leanne Mohamad (Ind)
    Shabaz Hussain (Workers Party)

    Ilford North: comfortable Labour hold.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396

    Dura_Ace said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    Tory party pick a new leader, that lucky fucker is PM for a few weeks and Sandpit is out ten K.
    Well £7,990. You've offered £2k and I'm happy to chip in a tenner to help with Sandpit's losses.
    In the unlikely event he has to pay up, I am sure a whip-round could be arranged to soften the blow.

    Leon should on no account waive the bet though. This is a betting Site, and bets are to be taken seriously.
    Completely right. @kinabalu misunderstands this quite fundamentally

    If bets are waived because of *feelings* then the site become a joke. A place for kids to make pretendy bets
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,834

    "Our plan is to support small businesses."

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says he wants to replace business rates "with a system that works better".

    "A system that works better"

    What facile shit.
    Business rates are at the heart of the high street nonsense. Shops are not worth what they were.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,727
    edited June 8
    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,825
    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    One of BoZo advisors was on Newsnight dissecting the D-Day disaster, and she said one of the advantages that Richi has is "he looks Prime Ministerial because he is the Prime Minister"

    Except that is exactly part of the problem.

    He doesn't look like it.

    He looks like a miserable YOPper who hates every minute of it (apart from the private planes)
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,344

    Leon said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    So it’s actually quite hard to hedge this? Is that right? Unless you can find a bookie with odds close to or longer than 1000/1 on zero Tory seats?
    as a semi hedge william hill are offering at 100/1 no scottish seats for tories
    5/1 now.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,665
    Andy_JS said:

    Again, what's the point of Gina Miller standing in Epsom & Ewell when Dominic Raab has stood down and the LDs are hoping to take the seat from the Tories? She could have stood in any other seat in that area. Bad politics.

    Another egotist with no chance of winning and the political nous of a crushed amoeba
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,825

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked awful yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble to give way to another leader now while he still can.
    He is "hiding in a fridge" today
  • Options
    Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 50,276
    edited June 8

    Exc (and free to read this weekend!):

    Labour manifesto will commit to introducing an age limit on serving peers.

    House of Lords will be scaled back by forcing peers to retire at age 80, or at the end of the parliament in which they reach that age.

    It's part of a two-phased approach to Lords reform. There will be some immediate measures, such as banning new hereditary peers. Others will be longer term and not guaranteed within 5 years.

    Inappropriate. Fully Elected peers or also force Mps to stand down at the next election once 80
    Replace the Lords with 200 people, selected as the closest living illegitimate relatives of Charles II.

    Renamed the House of Bastards, the titles will work in reverse order. So you start with “Most Right Honourable and Noble Bastard” and work your way up to Right Honourable Bastard, Right Bastard and finally plain Bastard.

    Who's with me?
    "Now take your weapons of mass destruction, and get the fuck out of here!"
  • Options
    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,502
    edited June 8
    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    It does almost feel like the human thing for Starmer to do is say “don’t worry about the concession speech mate, I’ll cover for you”.
  • Options
    AramintaMoonbeamQCAramintaMoonbeamQC Posts: 3,833
    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    I'm definitely buying this year's equivalent of 'Were You Still Up For Portillo?', the inside story of the collapsing Tory campaign is going to be a cracking read.
  • Options
    mwadamsmwadams Posts: 3,321

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Doesn't everyone who is not *actually* supporting the Tories ideally want them to win exactly one seat, in Clacton.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,263
    Sandpit said:

    Leon said:

    Turns out Ukraine is very big and rather flat

    It’s 500km from Odessa to Kiev.

    Roughly London to Durham.
    London to Berwick - Durham would be about 90km short.
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,714
    Just in case anyone's missed this news: the Times paywall is off for the weekend.

    I've just read the Parris article on Sunak.
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,714
    Sunak now not talking to the press.

    Can King Charles bring forward the date of the GE somehow and get this over with now.
  • Options
    AlsoLeiAlsoLei Posts: 1,282
    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    I don't doubt that he'll be feeling depressed and anxious right now, but there is at least an end in sight to his misery (or the acute phase, anyway).

    The question really is over what he does to get himself through to that point. Does he hide himself away in an effort to avoid further mistakes, or does he panic and risk making things worse?
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,061
    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
    It's hard to price vanishingly unlikely outcomes in things like sport and politics. Eg to meaningfully visualize 500/1 vs 1000/1.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,344
    mwadams said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Doesn't everyone who is not *actually* supporting the Tories ideally want them to win exactly one seat, in Clacton.
    I think Tories are value in Clacton. I would tactically vote Tory in that seat, and I suspect that others are thinking the same...
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,527
    So, obviously the bet made by Leon is a loser. But what's the line at which we go "oof, good shout, you were only X out" and what's the line where we say "you fucking moron, you said 0 and they actually won Y"?

    X = <10
    Y = >60 for me.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,344
    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
    It's hard to price vanishingly unlikely outcomes in things like sport and politics. Eg to meaningfully visualize 500/1 vs 1000/1.
    3/1 0n 0-49 now at Ladbrokes.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    edited June 8

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
    I feel a bit sorry for him but

    1. Its all on him, he called this election now
    2. He’ll waltz out of politics into a cushty job in Silicon Valley in the Californian sun
    3. He and his wife are worth £1 BILLION
    4. He has a sweet young family and lovely homes
    5. He has no working class friends which is irrelevant but he told us that

    So actually no I don’t feel sorry for him. Politics is a rough old game and he chose it. And it turns out he’s crap at it. Lesson learned
  • Options
    GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,790

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    I'm definitely buying this year's equivalent of 'Were You Still Up For Portillo?', the inside story of the collapsing Tory campaign is going to be a cracking read.
    Agreed, though I suspect it won’t be a single insider account, more something like Rawnsley’s End Of The Party. There will be a lot of sources all of whom will have their own angle to work. I’ll gobble it up when it arrives though.

    Plus I’m not sure who in the current lot would have the writing chops. Gove maybe.
  • Options
    SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 6,861
    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    None of this is going to happen in the real world, but in any event I don't see why Sunak would stand down as PM were he to decide to stand down as party leader mid-election. Johnson continued as PM for a couple of months, and Truss for a few days, after resigning. There is no particular reason why he'd not do the same to 5th July.

    There would be no useful purpose in precipitating a constitutional issue (which it would be, as the usual test of who can command a majority in Parliament doesn't apply when it's been dissolved), putting the King in a difficult position and further tarnishing Sunak's own reputation.
  • Options
    GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,790
    Foxy said:

    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
    It's hard to price vanishingly unlikely outcomes in things like sport and politics. Eg to meaningfully visualize 500/1 vs 1000/1.
    3/1 0n 0-49 now at Ladbrokes.
    Nuts. Also horrible value; I’d be astonished if they went under 50.
  • Options
    FoxyFoxy Posts: 46,344
    Scott_xP said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked awful yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble to give way to another leader now while he still can.
    He is "hiding in a fridge" today
    BBC Any Answers is pretty brutal on Sunak D Day no show.

    It's way over the top.
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,192
    edited June 8
    Leon said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
    I feel a bit sorry for him but

    1. Its all on him, he called this election now
    2. He’ll waltz out of politics into a cushty job in Silicon Valley in the Californian sun
    3. He and his wife are worth £1 BILLION
    4. He has a sweet young family and lovely homes
    5. He has no working class friends he told us

    So actually no I don’t feel sorry for him. Politics is a rough old game and he chose it. And it turns out he’s crap at it. Lesson learned
    I expect the billions will offer some comfort if he is wise, but given his golden assent to this office, I’m not sure he will be quite the same. Not good for the ego.
  • Options
    another_richardanother_richard Posts: 25,590
    edited June 8

    algarkirk said:

    Can a PB expert answer a puzzle. The government itself says that 25% of all schoolchildren qualify for free school meals - over 2 million.

    How is this possible in a prosperous country with a minimum wage and high levels of employment? I'm asking a maths/economics question, not a party political one. I live in an area in the bottom third economically, and this just does not seem credible.

    Its because poverty is relative.

    Many of those eligible for free school meals will also be obese.

    Or recently arrived immigrants. Or both.

    There is never any shortage of people claiming for free handouts.
    Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?
    The reality is that obesity continues to increase and is highest in deprived areas.
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,159
    Leon said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
    I feel a bit sorry for him but

    1. Its all on him, he called this election now
    2. He’ll waltz out of politics into a cushty job in Silicon Valley in the Californian sun
    3. He and his wife are worth £1 BILLION
    4. He has a sweet young family and lovely homes
    5. He has no working class friends he told us

    So actually no I don’t feel sorry for him. Politics is a rough old game and he chose it. And it turns out he’s crap at it. Lesson learned
    He’s never failed. All of us on this site have, I am sure, screwed up badly at some time. He hasn’t. Yet. His first massive failure will be the most public and devastating humiliation since…well…Liz Truss. But if rumours are to be accepted she’s used to a bit of humiliation. Not Rishi. He’s about to fail in a way that no amount of creativity on his CV is going to hide. Do I feel sorry for him? I was tempted but…on reflection…no.
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,220
    eek said:

    Sandpit said:

    Leon said:

    Turns out Ukraine is very big and rather flat

    It’s 500km from Odessa to Kiev.

    Roughly London to Durham.
    London to Berwick - Durham would be about 90km short.
    ISTR in the 14th century Berwick was an exclave of County Durham. So arguably correct.

    No, sorry, I am stretchimg pedantic betting too far.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,061
    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    No doubt he is but you would waive it. I certainly would and so would you. It's too lopsided. Bets at 1000/1 aren't for private consumption. But not to bicker on about it since we won't get to find out what you'd do. It's a fun way of you paying a tenner to Good Causes. On that basis I'm happy to greenlight it.
    No. No no no. I really would collect the cash

    We are such different people, you and I. And I think you’re the outlier here

    I would absolutely take the money and then I would post photos of me drinking champagne in exotic places for the next 3 months (so no change there then)

    Why would I not take it?! You are quite strange. @sandpit is a consenting adult with all his wits and this is a betting site. We’ve made a bet

    What’s more I’m confident @Sandpit would pay

    A betting site where people don’t honour bets because that’s cruel is completely ludicrous
    Sandpit would offer to pay and you would say no.

    I am certain of this and happy to put my money where my mouth is. Even money and £25 says I'm right.

    Bet void if the Cons win a seat obviously.

  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,066
    Ghedebrav said:

    Foxy said:

    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
    It's hard to price vanishingly unlikely outcomes in things like sport and politics. Eg to meaningfully visualize 500/1 vs 1000/1.
    3/1 0n 0-49 now at Ladbrokes.
    Nuts. Also horrible value; I’d be astonished if they went under 50.
    4/1 with Betfair - about right, imo.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,234
    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    I absolutely would. What’s more I would expect to be paid - what is the point of this site if people welch on bets. It ruins everything

    If an amoral, whoremongering thug like @SeanT can nobly cough up £1000 when he loses a bet so can any PBer. And @Sandpit strikes me as a man of his word
    No doubt he is but you would waive it. I certainly would and so would you. It's too lopsided. Bets at 1000/1 aren't for private consumption. But not to bicker on about it since we won't get to find out what you'd do. It's a fun way of you paying a tenner to Good Causes. On that basis I'm happy to greenlight it.
    No. No no no. I really would collect the cash

    We are such different people, you and I. And I think you’re the outlier here

    I would absolutely take the money and then I would post photos of me drinking champagne in exotic places for the next 3 months (so no change there then)

    Why would I not take it?! You are quite strange. @sandpit is a consenting adult with all his wits and this is a betting site. We’ve made a bet

    What’s more I’m confident @Sandpit would pay

    A betting site where people don’t honour bets because that’s cruel is completely ludicrous
    Sandpit would offer to pay and you would say no.

    I am certain of this and happy to put my money where my mouth is. Even money and £25 says I'm right.

    Bet void if the Cons win a seat obviously.

    Bets don’t work like that. If you owe someone ten bags, then you meet them with the ten bags.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,237
    mwadams said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    And if he can’t find that then he can’t hedge it? Serious question. This is a concept I’ve never really wrapped my head around - out of uninterest or apathy or whatever. How else could you hedge it if you can’t get the longer odds you suggest?
    Well if he can’t,
    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can the pb betting brainiacs, eg @Peter_the_Punter explain the best way for @Sandpit to hedge his bet against me?

    I’ve never really understood this aspect of betting. I’m on a long bus journey to Kyiv so maybe now is the time to learn

    Well he just has to find someone to lay same outcome at longer odds
    Or bet a tenner on the spreads at less than the current 111 seats. If it turns out to be zero seats, he picks up £1,110 and walks away with a net £110 and you get £1,000. Of course it turns out to be 150 seats he loses £390.
    Order of magnitude error there I think! He will lose TEN GRAND to @Leon if the Tories draw a blank
    You're right. He needs to bet £100 a seat and hope the Tories don't get more than 111 seats.
    Phew. Interesting bet. I don't think I'd lay it.
    It'd be worth the laughs if the Tories actually get zero seats! Though it will cost Sandpit £10,000. Perhaps we could do a whip round?
    I don’t want to see a fellow PBers lose such a large sum, especially a gent like @Sandpit, so am rooting for the Tories to
    do better than zero for this reason alone!
    Doesn't everyone who is not *actually* supporting the Tories ideally want them to win exactly one seat, in Clacton.
    Yes, given there’s no chance the Lib Dems come through the middle and make it a surprise yellow gain.
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    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,670

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    I'm definitely buying this year's equivalent of 'Were You Still Up For Portillo?', the inside story of the collapsing Tory campaign is going to be a cracking read.
    It should start with Boris Johnsons denouncing Mays Brexit deal as a national humiliation.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 50,396
    DougSeal said:

    Leon said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
    I feel a bit sorry for him but

    1. Its all on him, he called this election now
    2. He’ll waltz out of politics into a cushty job in Silicon Valley in the Californian sun
    3. He and his wife are worth £1 BILLION
    4. He has a sweet young family and lovely homes
    5. He has no working class friends he told us

    So actually no I don’t feel sorry for him. Politics is a rough old game and he chose it. And it turns out he’s crap at it. Lesson learned
    He’s never failed. All of us on this site have, I am sure, screwed up badly at some time. He hasn’t. Yet. His first massive failure will be the most public and devastating humiliation since…well…Liz Truss. But if rumours are to be accepted she’s used to a bit of humiliation. Not Rishi. He’s about to fail in a way that no amount of creativity on his CV is going to hide. Do I feel sorry for him? I was tempted but…on reflection…no.
    Yeah, no, same here. He’s not dying of brain cancer

    He’s just fucked up spectacularly. And then his life will go on. In Southern California. With his billionaire wife
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    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,159
    Anyone fancy a wager on the Challenge Cup final? Using bottle tops of course. I’m not insane.
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    AramintaMoonbeamQCAramintaMoonbeamQC Posts: 3,833
    Ghedebrav said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    I'm definitely buying this year's equivalent of 'Were You Still Up For Portillo?', the inside story of the collapsing Tory campaign is going to be a cracking read.
    Agreed, though I suspect it won’t be a single insider account, more something like Rawnsley’s End Of The Party. There will be a lot of sources all of whom will have their own angle to work. I’ll gobble it up when it arrives though.

    Plus I’m not sure who in the current lot would have the writing chops. Gove maybe.
    Yeah, that's a good point, Gove is quitting and will have a lot of gossip. It will be galling if he writes a half decent book, but I'll be forced to read it...
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    GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,790
    Jonathan said:

    Leon said:

    Jonathan said:

    biggles said:

    Jonathan said:

    So hypothetically say Sunak has had enough, can’t go on, and resigns now (for whatever reason) as PM and leader, constitutionally what happens next.

    I guess he (or the cabinet) would give the King a name (Cameron probably, maybe Hunt) to invite to become PM until July 4. Who becomes Tory leader in this circumstance? There is no deputy.

    How does it work?

    I think Sunak would have to stay PM (unless dead) and hunker down in No 10. The Tories then pick a separate leader (by acclamation) to fight the election and argue their case to be PM thereafter.
    I worry slightly about Sunak’s mental health. To so visibly and personally screw up, it might even take more than the arrogance of a public schoolboy to overcome that. It must be dismal right now.

    Whatever happens when the story of his no10 is told it could be eye opening.
    He looked terrible yesterday, and I felt sorry for him.

    I wonder if he might decide it's less trouble, and he'll carry less of the can historically, if he honourably gives way to another leader now, while he perhaps still can.
    I feel a bit sorry for him but

    1. Its all on him, he called this election now
    2. He’ll waltz out of politics into a cushty job in Silicon Valley in the Californian sun
    3. He and his wife are worth £1 BILLION
    4. He has a sweet young family and lovely homes
    5. He has no working class friends he told us

    So actually no I don’t feel sorry for him. Politics is a rough old game and he chose it. And it turns out he’s crap at it. Lesson learned
    I expect the billions will offer some comfort if he is wise, but given his golden assent to this office, I’m not sure he will be quite the same. Not good for the ego.
    It’s instructive that the last two Conservative leaders have been so poor that their exit has made observers genuinely concerned for their wellbeing.

    Whoever they get in next, they really need to look, in great depth and fearlessly, at their culture of loyalty and patronage and their processes of election. It couldn’t be clearer that it has been disastrous for them.
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    AlsoLeiAlsoLei Posts: 1,282
    Ghedebrav said:

    Foxy said:

    kinabalu said:

    Leon said:

    kinabalu said:

    kinabalu said:

    That's a silly bet. It won't happen and if it did - which it won't - Leon won't claim the 10 grand off Sandpit.

    Pretty sure he would, his insatiable need to be proved right would swamp any finer feelings. There might even be some unseemly crowing..
    Ah but he'd get double bubble from "Ok I've won, what a call, what a stone cold genius am I, but keep the 10 grand mate, I don't want or need it, it's fine."
    Mmm no. I’d rather have the £10k. That’s a lot of fun, £10k

    I wonder what the actual odds are - of the Tories getting zero. Someone upthread said 200/1? That’s a measure of how bad things are for the Tories
    It's hard to price vanishingly unlikely outcomes in things like sport and politics. Eg to meaningfully visualize 500/1 vs 1000/1.
    3/1 0n 0-49 now at Ladbrokes.
    Nuts. Also horrible value; I’d be astonished if they went under 50.
    I've bet quite heavily on the 50-99 band, and am now kicking myself for not having covered 0-49 too when it was 200/1 or whatever.

    There's £11 at 4/1 still available on Betfair, but that's not exactly tempting either.
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    PedestrianRockPedestrianRock Posts: 574
    Thanks so much for the advice on my Reform bets - I will follow it and hold them (or at least, hold the bulk of them!)
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    CookieCookie Posts: 12,220

    Leon should absolutely take the 10 grand if the Tories totally died. You can't just throw bets about on a site like this.

    Indeed. If you just want to make a prediction for the kudos, no one is stopping you.
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