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A Johnson 2022 exit is now the betting favourite –



  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202
    edited June 2022

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

  • pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,813

    I'm glad, at least for now, in the UK abortion and gun controls are not on the political agenda, the former is a conscience issue whereas any party that tries to undo the Dunblane laws is going to end up polling zero.

    Despite the Trump/Johnson comparisons, our two polities remain really quite different to one another - thankfully. We have our own obsessions, but at least ours are house prices and the NHS, not guns and the Old Testament.

    I don't think that these American culture wars are going to finish the US off, but it's going to become a looser confederacy over time: the population will still wave the same flag, it's just that they'll have very different interpretations of what it means. The extreme difficulty of gaining enough control in Washington to pass contentious federal legislation - control of the Presidency, the House, and sixty votes in the Senate all at once - plus the strong majority on the Supreme Court for unpicking past case law and returning as much authority as possible to the states, will see to that.
  • SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,312
    edited June 2022
    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    There isn't total sexual freedom - we have laws on rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, minimum age of consent etc (all of which laws I support - total sexual freedom in that sense would be a bad thing).

    We do have pretty much total freedom on what two (or more) people judged to be capable of consent are able to do together. I'm in favour of that.

    So, what would you like rolled back? I'm not looking to get into a fight with you - you have a right to an opinion that's different to mine (and to mainstream opinion). I'm genuinely interested. Are we talking same sex marriage, civil partnerships, same sex relationships at all, heterosexual relationships outside marriage? Other things?
  • MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594
    EPG said:

    MISTY said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Boris must be thinking "All this makes me seem like a raving lefty by comparison".

    Given this, the rise of the right in France and the conservative voter strike here, its almost as if the West's Overton Window is shifting.

    November 2022 is the next litmus test. And boy what a test.
    ... so Tiverton and Honiton proves that the Tories need to be MORE far to the right?
    It absolutely does. Do you really think tory voters stayed at home because taxes are too low? inflation is too low? the state is too small? Immigration is too low? The government isn't woke enough?

  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    MISTY said:

    EPG said:

    MISTY said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Boris must be thinking "All this makes me seem like a raving lefty by comparison".

    Given this, the rise of the right in France and the conservative voter strike here, its almost as if the West's Overton Window is shifting.

    November 2022 is the next litmus test. And boy what a test.
    ... so Tiverton and Honiton proves that the Tories need to be MORE far to the right?
    It absolutely does. Do you really think tory voters stayed at home because taxes are too low? inflation is too low? the state is too small? Immigration is too low? The government isn't woke enough?

    Please do push for the Tories to lurch to the right; it can only make their demise more decisive.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    micktrain said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    micktrain said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    micktrain said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    An incel speaks.
    lol i love the ad hominem attacks pal when you have no arguments
    The remark I was responding to was so demented that I am uncertain what an argument to the contrary would even look like. There was an involuntarily gay Christian bloke who used to post here who projected his hatred of his own sexuality by exaggerated demands that the state should interfere in everyone else's. You are from the same stable.
    mate its quite possible the sexual revolution will be rolled are so blinded by woke ideology you may not see it coming
    I am not your mate. Nor, I now very strongly believe, is anyone else. Incel.
    you have the maturity of a 5 year old lol...give me some arguments in favour of the sexual revolution....oh you have none
    Wrong way round, what needs justifying is continued obedience to a bunch of prehistoric middle Eastern religious shibboleths from the people who also brought us the no shellfish or ham sandwiches rules

    You are saying a lot, but all we are hearing is: I can't get laid, with overtones of The Lord hates me for lusting after [not going to speculate on what] flesh.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    Leon said:

    This what the culture wars lead to.

    Nadine Dorries and the other collaborators in the UK culture war can feck right off.

    It’s a two way war, pal
    Its won by pointing at the blatantly ridiculous stuff and getting the broad mass of the public to laugh at it and say no more of that. Not by the Dorries tactics of seeking out matters to be equally ridiculous on.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    This what the culture wars lead to.

    Nadine Dorries and the other collaborators in the UK culture war can feck right off.

    It’s a two way war, pal
    Republicans v women.

    It’s not outrageous to believe that all human life begins at conception, and must therefore be protected as much as a baby

    I don’t agree but I respect that sincere belief honestly held by many in the USA

    Trouble is SOME right wingers have hijacked this cause as a way to monster the Left, as they believe the Left is bent on destroying the America they know

    It’s a war. Pal.
    It's an odd belief, which leads to odder conclusions, but as you say, it's a belief.

    What it's not is any kind of legal principle under the US Constitution - until the new religious legislators on the bench so decided.
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,491
    edited June 2022
    Is it Reactionaries' Day on PB? When did the invites go out? (Apols to thread contributors Nigelb, TSE and maybe, at a push, even Leon).
    MISTY said:

    Applicant said:

    MISTY said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    This what the culture wars lead to.

    Nadine Dorries and the other collaborators in the UK culture war can feck right off.

    It’s a two way war, pal
    Republicans v women.

    It’s not outrageous to believe that all human life begins at conception, and must therefore be protected as much as a baby

    I don’t agree but I respect that sincere belief honestly held by many in the USA

    Trouble is SOME right wingers have hijacked this cause as a way to monster the Left, as they believe the Left is bent on destroying the America they know

    It’s a war. Pal.
    Three of the judges on the SCOTUS are Trump picks

    I bet he's loving this.
    All he did was fill the vacancies that arose in his term. It's not his fault that RBG was stubborn and selfish.

    Trump faced a storm of liberal criticism for his picks. He toughed it out. That is what he will claim.
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    Fascinating times to live in America, thank God I am not a citizen and merely an interested observer.

    There’s a long-standing Tory shibboleth that if only the British economy were “more American”, by which they mean less regulated, then it would deliver stronger growth.

    Yet when I look at the patchworked, litigious complexity of American life, I don’t see less regulation at all.

    And don’t get me started on the infrastructure.
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137
    So i think we can surmise BenPointer thinks love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    Boris asked if he has stopped being a winner and started being a loser

    “People want me to concentrate in the big concerns. We are a government that are going to continue to do some great things.”
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,322
    Sandpit said:

    I think the Russians have given up on the more overt trolls, and inserted a more subtle one. Their intent is the same, to increase division irrespective of why.

    I think Gary has re-trained and come back a bit more sophisticated in his attempts at blending in. Seems to always take a day and about thirty-odd posts to fall apart.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    pigeon said:

    I'm glad, at least for now, in the UK abortion and gun controls are not on the political agenda, the former is a conscience issue whereas any party that tries to undo the Dunblane laws is going to end up polling zero.

    Despite the Trump/Johnson comparisons, our two polities remain really quite different to one another - thankfully. We have our own obsessions, but at least ours are house prices and the NHS, not guns and the Old Testament.

    I don't think that these American culture wars are going to finish the US off, but it's going to become a looser confederacy over time: the population will still wave the same flag, it's just that they'll have very different interpretations of what it means. The extreme difficulty of gaining enough control in Washington to pass contentious federal legislation - control of the Presidency, the House, and sixty votes in the Senate all at once - plus the strong majority on the Supreme Court for unpicking past case law and returning as much authority as possible to the states, will see to that.
    It should also be noted only 23 out of 50 US States have Republican governors and Republican controlled state legislatures.

    So 27 States ie a majority, will almost certainly still stay pro choice even despite this SC ruling. Probably Florida too if Crist wins in November
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
  • theakestheakes Posts: 911
    Boris facing night of the long knives, probably Sunday, expect a resignation on Monday evening.
    United States heaven help us. Biden needs to increase the number of Supreme Court Judges with non partisan members.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    micktrain said:

    So i think we can surmise BenPointer thinks love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress

    Have you tried
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,990

    HYUFD said:

    Supreme Court finally strikes down Roe v Wade.

    It has made clear abortion will now be decided by the American people via their elected representatives not the Supreme Court. So the pro life states, especially in the South and Bible Belt, can respect the rights of the unborn in their legislation.

    The coastal pro choice states will likely largely stay as was

    The corollary is that abortion rights will become an election issue in each state, which might stir things up more than expected by either side.
    The SC has returned the matter to where it belongs: voters and legislators. Exactly where is lies in the UK. In that sense it is not a conservative judgement but a liberal pro-democracy one.

    Shame they have not done the same over guns.

  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
    not talking about you mate but society as a whole...try and think beyond the personal
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    Scott_xP said:

    Boris asked if he has stopped being a winner and started being a loser

    “People want me to concentrate in the big concerns. We are a government that are going to continue to do some great things.”

    Lol "some great things"... 'when I can think of any'.
  • JACK_WJACK_W Posts: 682
    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Presumably Clarence Thomas wants to outlaw masturbation too, which clearly shows what a total wanker that hypocrite truly is.
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    edited June 2022
    I for one, won’t defend Love Island.

    It - and all its ilk - seek to make entertainment out of what are essentially psychologically vulnerable narcissists.
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995
    Banks v Cadwalladr going to a replay:

    The High Court has given Arron Banks permission to proceed with an appeal against his libel claim loss to Carole Cadwalladr. Banks appealed the verdict on five counts, with Justice Steyn today granting appeal permission on one count she claimed has a “real prospect of success” – on whether the threshold for “serious harm” inflicted by Cadwalladr’s TED talk needed to be reassessed since Banks had previously proved it.

    Justice Steyn herself added: “I am going to grant permission. It does raise clearly an issue of law that has not been determined previously. There is a real prospect of success on that ground”…
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    Leon said:

    Applicant said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Griswold, possibly, as that also relies on the right to privacy. But Lawrence and Obergefell both rely on the 14th Amendment, and the text of that seems pretty clear.
    He's asking for someone to ask him to rule on the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Isn’t that him saying this ruling does NOT affect other rights like same sex marriage?

    But IANAL, as they say
    The legal rationale (such as it is) of his decision argues otherwise.
    An otherwise unsupported statement that, notwithstanding that logic, Griswold is unaffected, carries no real legal weight.

    And as we now see, stare decisis means absolutely nothing to the new majority on the court, who are quite happy to overturn the precedent of half a century, if they decide they don't like it.
    (Incidentally revealing themselves a perjurers in their confirmation hearings, but whatever.)
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
    not talking about you mate but society as a whole...try and think beyond the personal
    I like to live and let live. You should try it rather than trying to interfere with other people's lives.

    You don't like Love Island? Then don't watch it. It's not difficult.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266

    I for one, won’t defend Love Island.

    It - and all its ilk - seek to make entertainment out of what are essentially psychologically vulnerable narcissists.

    That's politics for you.
  • MISTYMISTY Posts: 1,594

    Is it Reactionaries' Day on PB? When did the invites go out?

    MISTY said:

    Applicant said:

    MISTY said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    This what the culture wars lead to.

    Nadine Dorries and the other collaborators in the UK culture war can feck right off.

    It’s a two way war, pal
    Republicans v women.

    It’s not outrageous to believe that all human life begins at conception, and must therefore be protected as much as a baby

    I don’t agree but I respect that sincere belief honestly held by many in the USA

    Trouble is SOME right wingers have hijacked this cause as a way to monster the Left, as they believe the Left is bent on destroying the America they know

    It’s a war. Pal.
    Three of the judges on the SCOTUS are Trump picks

    I bet he's loving this.
    All he did was fill the vacancies that arose in his term. It's not his fault that RBG was stubborn and selfish.

    Trump faced a storm of liberal criticism for his picks. He toughed it out. That is what he will claim.
    For the record, I am pro-abortion and I would not want to live in a state where it was illegal. The film Vera Drake shows what happens when abortion is banned and its barbaric.

    I am just looking at some of the evidence.
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    It’s very unsporting of the Tories to move against Boris when he is bucanneeringly bestriding the world stage in Kigali.

    I never quite understand - especially in 2022 - why merely being out of the country should embolden your enemies.
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,845
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Well I can think of one former MP who would have benefitted from internet porn not being easily accessible.
  • NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,460
    edited June 2022

    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    Can't speak for anyone else, but I generally skip your posts because of your habit of spamming the same thing in repeated lengthy posts - there must have been half a dozen in a very short time last night, all saying much the same thing, in the manner of an unusually verbose troll.

    It's up to you what you post and how often, of course, but maybe less would have more impact?
  • Northern_AlNorthern_Al Posts: 8,254
    edited June 2022

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

    Really good psephologists are much more concise than this. e.g. "Satisfactory but not exciting victory for Labour in Wakefield".
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    edited June 2022
    micktrain said:

    So i think we can surmise BenPointer thinks love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress

    Lol, I think you'll find 'we' is you, and you alone.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,475
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
    not talking about you mate but society as a whole...try and think beyond the personal
    Pal, mate, you’re such a chummy sort!
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    edited June 2022
    pigeon said:

    I'm glad, at least for now, in the UK abortion and gun controls are not on the political agenda, the former is a conscience issue whereas any party that tries to undo the Dunblane laws is going to end up polling zero.

    Despite the Trump/Johnson comparisons, our two polities remain really quite different to one another - thankfully. We have our own obsessions, but at least ours are house prices and the NHS, not guns and the Old Testament.

    I don't think that these American culture wars are going to finish the US off, but it's going to become a looser confederacy over time: the population will still wave the same flag, it's just that they'll have very different interpretations of what it means. The extreme difficulty of gaining enough control in Washington to pass contentious federal legislation - control of the Presidency, the House, and sixty votes in the Senate all at once - plus the strong majority on the Supreme Court for unpicking past case law and returning as much authority as possible to the states, will see to that.
    The gun decision just removed authority from the states, so I'm not convinced by that last bit.

    And of course states will attempt to enforce their anti-abortion laws extra territorially. Some have already started attempts to introduce legal liability for abortion providers outside of their own territory.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,322

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
    not talking about you mate but society as a whole...try and think beyond the personal
    Pal, mate, you’re such a chummy sort!
    It’s a sterling effort but just trying too hard with the “mate” and “pal” - but an upgrade on John Smith the other day.

  • ApplicantApplicant Posts: 3,379

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    He cant even use a shift key, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    Neither of those bother me because I never watch them. Next?
    not talking about you mate but society as a whole...try and think beyond the personal
    Pal, mate, you’re such a chummy sort!
    It's in the script.
  • El_CapitanoEl_Capitano Posts: 4,238
    Silicon Valley started disinvesting from southern states when the latter passed laws obsessing about trans people in toilets.

    I can't see Apple expanding its Austin campus any further now that Texas has banned abortion (without exceptions for rape or incest).

    It's two Americas. I guess the question is whether they formalise it.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    edited June 2022
    Leon said:

    I've never quite understood why there is basically no popular clamour for the successful bits of the US to secede from the crap bits.

    I realise "American exceptionalism" and all that, but surely if you're from California (population slightly smaller than Spain), it must grate just a little that you have the same number of senators as Wyoming (population slightly larger than Leicester)?

    If California is that “successful” how come so many of them are moving to Texas? Have you visited the West Coast recently?
    While the population of California dipped in 2021, it has still doubled in my lifetime. And will almost certainly grow again this year.

    (And don't forget that Texas has had an absolutely massive oil boom in the last decade. Cities like Lubbock, Midland and Odessa - none of which you've probably even heard of - have grown by the population of Wyoming and Rhode Island in the last decade.)
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    As for why...

    It has meant that (statistically) unusual but harmless geniuses like Alan Turing can get on with being brilliant, instead of being pushed to suicide.

    It means that blackmailers have fewer handles to ply their evil.

    It means the state isn't wasting time and money policing what goes on between consenting adults.

    More honesty about stuff is generally better than less.

    Will that do for starters?

    Though taking away from younger generations freedoms they enjoyed is very on-brand for a certain group of baby boomers.
    i wasnt talking about criminalising homosexuality mate for example roll back of the sexual revolution could mean for example getting rid of Pride month
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    algarkirk said:

    HYUFD said:

    Supreme Court finally strikes down Roe v Wade.

    It has made clear abortion will now be decided by the American people via their elected representatives not the Supreme Court. So the pro life states, especially in the South and Bible Belt, can respect the rights of the unborn in their legislation.

    The coastal pro choice states will likely largely stay as was

    The corollary is that abortion rights will become an election issue in each state, which might stir things up more than expected by either side.
    The SC has returned the matter to where it belongs: voters and legislators. Exactly where is lies in the UK. In that sense it is not a conservative judgement but a liberal pro-democracy one.

    Shame they have not done the same over guns.

    Making women's bodily autonomy subject to legislative fiat is hardly liberal.
    And is majoritarian, rather than democratic.
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,452
    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    In private. No tractors on the green benches.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    Saw this comment on the BBC Test Match text feed and it made be laugh, so I'm gonna pinch it:

    Regarding the Tories: "Has anybody thought maybe it's the drawing board that needs replacing?"
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137
    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    but is it beneficial for society as a havent answered my question so i think we can take it you can agree its negative for society as a whole even if beneficial for some individuals
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,491
    theakes said:

    Boris facing night of the long knives, probably Sunday, expect a resignation on Monday evening.
    United States heaven help us. Biden needs to increase the number of Supreme Court Judges with non partisan members.

    Statement 1. Citation, and a mountain of salt required.
  • ApplicantApplicant Posts: 3,379

    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    Can't speak for anyone else, but I generally skip your posts because of your habit of spamming the same thing in repeated lengthy posts - there must have been half a dozen in a very short time last night, all saying much the same thing, in the manner of an unusually verbose troll.

    It's up to you what you post and how often, of course, but maybe less would have more impact?
    There are lots of people who have a habit of saying the same thing repeatedly. There are many worse culprits.
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631
    micktrain said:

    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    but is it beneficial for society as a havent answered my question so i think we can take it you can agree its negative for society as a whole even if beneficial for some individuals
    "Is it beneficial for society as a whole" - yes. Several of us have answered your binary question. You disagree and that's your choice. But as you are in a little puce minority it doesn't really matter does it?
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    ah the old saudi arabia do realise there is a middle ground between the us and saudia arabia....and yes the sexual revolution will be rolled back for the simple reason societies as decadent as ours start to collapse which is what is happening now
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    boulay said:

    rcs1000 said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    As for why...

    It has meant that (statistically) unusual but harmless geniuses like Alan Turing can get on with being brilliant, instead of being pushed to suicide.

    It means that blackmailers have fewer handles to ply their evil.

    It means the state isn't wasting time and money policing what goes on between consenting adults.

    More honesty about stuff is generally better than less.

    Will that do for starters?

    Though taking away from younger generations freedoms they enjoyed is very on-brand for a certain group of baby boomers.
    i wasnt talking about criminalising homosexuality mate for example roll back of the sexual revolution could mean for example getting rid of Pride month
    I have no issue with Pride Month, so long as we can also have Sloth and Gluttony Months.
    Also known as January and December.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,977
    Applicant said:

    MISTY said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    This what the culture wars lead to.

    Nadine Dorries and the other collaborators in the UK culture war can feck right off.

    It’s a two way war, pal
    Republicans v women.

    It’s not outrageous to believe that all human life begins at conception, and must therefore be protected as much as a baby

    I don’t agree but I respect that sincere belief honestly held by many in the USA

    Trouble is SOME right wingers have hijacked this cause as a way to monster the Left, as they believe the Left is bent on destroying the America they know

    It’s a war. Pal.
    Three of the judges on the SCOTUS are Trump picks

    I bet he's loving this.
    All he did was fill the vacancies that arose in his term. It's not his fault that RBG was stubborn and selfish.
    It's not Trump's fault that Mitch McConnell refused hearings when Obama nominated Merrick Garland, but nor was that Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fault.
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    ah the old saudi arabia do realise there is a middle ground between the us and saudia arabia....and yes the sexual revolution will be rolled back for the simple reason societies as decadent as ours start to collapse which is what is happening now
    We aren't talking about the US.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,338
    England piling the runs on now. I reckon 400 all out. Probably. Possibly. Well, you never know.
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,130
    Only 24 overs to break that ball.
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,293

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    "There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get."

    I would not be so sure, even in this country. Controlling people's sexual relations - who you can and cannot have sex or relationships with - is a powerful form of control. There are obviously some cases where control is necessary - e.g. young people, family members, animals - but aside from that, prescriptive rules give a limited number of people at the top control and power.

    And some people quite like power. Often the ones who should be nowhere near it...
  • rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 61,335
    The SC have once again exposed the fundamental problem in US politics: each state is given two senators whatever their size.

  • ApplicantApplicant Posts: 3,379
    theakes said:

    Boris facing night of the long knives, probably Sunday, expect a resignation on Monday evening.
    United States heaven help us. Biden needs to increase the number of Supreme Court Judges with non partisan members.

    Packing the court is not exactly going to calm anything down.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,575
    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    How dramatic! Have you thought of a career as a pulp fiction writer?
    like to see screeching purple haired lesbians battling gun toting that would be a spectacle
    You think screeching purple haired lesbians don't know how to shoot?

    This is America.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    As for why...

    It has meant that (statistically) unusual but harmless geniuses like Alan Turing can get on with being brilliant, instead of being pushed to suicide.

    It means that blackmailers have fewer handles to ply their evil.

    It means the state isn't wasting time and money policing what goes on between consenting adults.

    More honesty about stuff is generally better than less.

    Will that do for starters?

    Though taking away from younger generations freedoms they enjoyed is very on-brand for a certain group of baby boomers.
    i wasnt talking about criminalising homosexuality mate for example roll back of the sexual revolution could mean for example getting rid of Pride month
    And how would you do that ?
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

    Really good psephologists are much more concise than this. e.g. "Satisfactory but not exciting victory for Labour in Wakefield".
    Rubbish. It’s good, it’s bad, or it’s middling. Perfectly concise and not at all verbosely
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,491
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    ah the old saudi arabia do realise there is a middle ground between the us and saudia arabia....and yes the sexual revolution will be rolled back for the simple reason societies as decadent as ours start to collapse which is what is happening now
    Ah, the capital letters giveaway. Oh those Russians!
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137
    rcs1000 said:

    micktrain said:

    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    but is it beneficial for society as a havent answered my question so i think we can take it you can agree its negative for society as a whole even if beneficial for some individuals
    Is it beneficial for society that:

    (a) you should choose what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home
    (b) they should choose

    Tough one, that.

    Ultimately, the bar for the State prohibiting behaviour needs to be a high one. Because otherwise - one day - they will come for something you passionately believe in.
    i dont think anyones arguing for cameras in peoples homes so your point doesnt stand
  • Northern_AlNorthern_Al Posts: 8,254

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

    Really good psephologists are much more concise than this. e.g. "Satisfactory but not exciting victory for Labour in Wakefield".
    Rubbish. It’s good, it’s bad, or it’s middling. Perfectly concise and not at all verbosely
    That's better - brief, and to the point. :)
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    "There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get."

    I would not be so sure, even in this country. Controlling people's sexual relations - who you can and cannot have sex or relationships with - is a powerful form of control. There are obviously some cases where control is necessary - e.g. young people, family members, animals - but aside from that, prescriptive rules give a limited number of people at the top control and power.

    And some people quite like power. Often the ones who should be nowhere near it...
    I'm working on the assumption that we don't get a Farage government or worse. Mainstream Tory / Labour governments are only going to start cracking down on sexual freedoms if that is what society demands.

    The problem for the Mr Angry type is that the majority of the people younger than them are more permissive than they are. So the longer we go on the more permissive society gets. And it doesn't entrench the kind of partisan / societal foaming that America suffers from. It was a Conservative coalition that made gay marriage legal...
  • RochdalePioneersRochdalePioneers Posts: 28,631


    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    ah the old saudi arabia do realise there is a middle ground between the us and saudia arabia....and yes the sexual revolution will be rolled back for the simple reason societies as decadent as ours start to collapse which is what is happening now
    Ah, the capital letters giveaway. Oh those Russians!
    Yes, the decadent west will collapse. The rodina will succeed because it is promoting traditional family values like genocide and rape as a weapon of war.
  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    "There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get."

    I would not be so sure, even in this country. Controlling people's sexual relations - who you can and cannot have sex or relationships with - is a powerful form of control. There are obviously some cases where control is necessary - e.g. young people, family members, animals - but aside from that, prescriptive rules give a limited number of people at the top control and power.

    And some people quite like power. Often the ones who should be nowhere near it...
    I'm working on the assumption that we don't get a Farage government or worse. Mainstream Tory / Labour governments are only going to start cracking down on sexual freedoms if that is what society demands.

    The problem for the Mr Angry type is that the majority of the people younger than them are more permissive than they are. So the longer we go on the more permissive society gets. And it doesn't entrench the kind of partisan / societal foaming that America suffers from. It was a Conservative coalition that made gay marriage legal...
    and then society collapses
    the end
  • JACK_WJACK_W Posts: 682
    micktrain said:

    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    but is it beneficial for society as a havent answered my question so i think we can take it you can agree its negative for society as a whole even if beneficial for some individuals
    I'm sorry I wasn't plain enough.

    It's got f*ck all to do with society and is therefor totally beneficial to society.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    edited June 2022
  • El_CapitanoEl_Capitano Posts: 4,238
    edited June 2022
    I reckon we're about three postings away from "but what about International Men's Day??!11!11lolwtflgbtqiabbq"
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,293

    I reckon we're about three postings away from "but what about International Men's Day??!11!11lolwtflbqtiabbq"

    but what about International Men's Day??!!!
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    Can't speak for anyone else, but I generally skip your posts because of your habit of spamming the same thing in repeated lengthy posts - there must have been half a dozen in a very short time last night, all saying much the same thing, in the manner of an unusually verbose troll.

    It's up to you what you post and how often, of course, but maybe less would have more impact?
    Nonsense. If people put words in your mouth or misrepresent you they must be rebutted straight away, is all I’m doing.
  • OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,997
    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    As for why...

    It has meant that (statistically) unusual but harmless geniuses like Alan Turing can get on with being brilliant, instead of being pushed to suicide.

    It means that blackmailers have fewer handles to ply their evil.

    It means the state isn't wasting time and money policing what goes on between consenting adults.

    More honesty about stuff is generally better than less.

    Will that do for starters?

    Though taking away from younger generations freedoms they enjoyed is very on-brand for a certain group of baby boomers.
    i wasnt talking about criminalising homosexuality mate for example roll back of the sexual revolution could mean for example getting rid of Pride month
    Why? Seems a perfectly harmless celebration to me. Quite colourful too!
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,130

    I reckon we're about three postings away from "but what about International Men's Day??!11!11lolwtflbqtiabbq"

    but what about International Men's Day??!!!
    That was last weekend, Fathers’ Day - a recent creation of the greetings card industry.
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

    Really good psephologists are much more concise than this. e.g. "Satisfactory but not exciting victory for Labour in Wakefield".
    Rubbish. It’s good, it’s bad, or it’s middling. Perfectly concise and not at all verbosely
    That's better - brief, and to the point. :)
    You are taking the piss
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,990
    Leon said:

    The years before the English Civil War were uncannily like this

    The King does some provocative thing

    Parliament reacts by being even more provocative

    The King returns fire with something outrageous

    Parliament is unfazed and does something REALLY outrageous

    The King goes crazy

    Parliament howls at the moon

    And thus in a few short years England fell from normal, fairly calm Christian European country to brutal civil war, tens of thousands dead, and a king with his head in a basket

    At each stage English people must have thought: Well this is bonkers, but surely it stops now. It did not

    Or you could look wider and say something like this:

    Compared with the 30 Years War in continental Europe, or the French revolution and its consequences events in Britain and Ireland from the 1620s onwards amounted to a little local difficulty during which time we went from a state which tortured and disembowelled people because of their beliefs to the beginnings of the liberal state, inventing as it went along a constitutional monarchy subject to parliament which is still both around and popular.

    During the upheaval religious and secular developments began to emerge which would comprehend and campaign about the wickedness of slavery, a desperate blind spot of the 17th century.

  • micktrainmicktrain Posts: 137
    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    JACK_W said:

    micktrain said:

    Selebian said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    Significant civil strife is now more likely than not, in America

    I don’t see how else this ends. It is a fight to the death

    to be fair its time parts of the sexual revolution were rolled back and its got to start somewhere
    Ok, I've already made an arse of myself once today, by taking a joke as serious comment, so help me out here - should there be a :wink: at the end of that statement?

    If not, which bits, exactly?
    is total sexual freedom beneficial for society or not...answer me that...not talking about for women or men but society as a whole
    Broadly speaking what consenting adults do is no business of society, state or church.
    but is it beneficial for society as a havent answered my question so i think we can take it you can agree its negative for society as a whole even if beneficial for some individuals
    I'm sorry I wasn't plain enough.

    It's got f*ck all to do with society and is therefor totally beneficial to society.
    thats not an you care about society pal
  • SouthamObserverSouthamObserver Posts: 39,451
    pigeon said:

    I'm glad, at least for now, in the UK abortion and gun controls are not on the political agenda, the former is a conscience issue whereas any party that tries to undo the Dunblane laws is going to end up polling zero.

    Despite the Trump/Johnson comparisons, our two polities remain really quite different to one another - thankfully. We have our own obsessions, but at least ours are house prices and the NHS, not guns and the Old Testament.

    I don't think that these American culture wars are going to finish the US off, but it's going to become a looser confederacy over time: the population will still wave the same flag, it's just that they'll have very different interpretations of what it means. The extreme difficulty of gaining enough control in Washington to pass contentious federal legislation - control of the Presidency, the House, and sixty votes in the Senate all at once - plus the strong majority on the Supreme Court for unpicking past case law and returning as much authority as possible to the states, will see to that
    The right’s propensity to remove freedoms and undo democracy is very notable on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415

    Heathener said:

    There were two or three people on here in the early hours trying to troll that Wakefield was a. bad result for Labour. Utter rubbish.

    Wakefield's swing of 12.7% is the seventh largest from Con to Lab at a by-election since 1945.

    And the fact that this took place in the Red Wall is what makes it all the more encouraging for Labour.

    But what should REALLY send a shiver down tory spines is that both by-elections show massive tactical voting, as @MikeSmithson has pointed out.

    The next General Election will be a disaster for the tories if they keep on this path. That 11% national opinion polling Labour lead yesterday masks tactical voting. The tories are in for a mauling.

    See Michael Thresher's excellent piece on Sky News if you don't believe me:

    The hot takes from @MoonRabbit in particular were completely bizarre. I assume it was sleep deprivation.
    And the attacks keep coming. What is your actual complaint?

    I done all the number crunching upfront to set Labour a fair bar in advance, as that is the only way to do this properly. Know up front what is good bad and middling so the spin teams can’t drive it afterwards. (Sorry if I’m addressing the spin team, but I’m out to declare war on everybody’s spin team… except maybe libdems).

    What was a fair bar? Labour lost last time for first time in 80 years with 40% so they needed to clear 40%. The Tory got 47% last time so they needed to clear that. Not if it’s GE night though, When you will take any win. Because that’s a GE, with both sets of votes out, this is mid term slump election for one party’s vote staying home so the bar has to be a little higher - however last time someone won this seat with over 50% was 1997, so although a labour seat for long time, not for a while with big % of vote, fair bar here was over 50% but didn’t need to go high as the 57% in 97.

    But this is a mid term by election against a party on ropes who got 47% last time, so 50 to 55% is not unreasonable as bar for a good result is it?

    So I did maths. 40% of 27205 makes 10882 equivalent to the abysmal losing vote Labour got last time, they need many thousands more than this before they can call it a good night. 13602 is 50% anything above that I would have called it good. As they were reading it out I was hoping to hear 14K, as in a very good result. If they knocked it out the park I would have instantly called it. It came in 13100 I instantly knew was middling for a by election, not even 50%. I called it right. Instantly.

    You can’t knock me here, but not a shred of doubt in my mind I’m doing this right. Unless you explain my mid term by election bar was set too high or my maths wrong, what’s basis of your complaint?

    Nor would I knock Labour as much if it was a one off, they have had good results elsewhere in Red Wall battles recently, but they haven’t, despite everything going on this year, this middling result is about as good as it’s got for Labour in red Wall for a while.

    Electoral Things take a while to unwind, don’t get too excited or complacent is all I’m saying. Being the psephologist ice queen I am.

    Really good psephologists are much more concise than this. e.g. "Satisfactory but not exciting victory for Labour in Wakefield".
    Rubbish. It’s good, it’s bad, or it’s middling. Perfectly concise and not at all verbosely
    That's better - brief, and to the point. :)
    You are taking the piss
    And there you go again. :smile:
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,130
    50 for Bairstow.
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,415
    I see the umpires gave NZ a change of ball (which they'd earlier refused to England).
    Bairstow doing his best to knock it out of shape again.
  • eekeek Posts: 27,352
    edited June 2022
    Sandpit said:


    I reckon we're about three postings away from "but what about International Men's Day??!11!11lolwtflbqtiabbq"

    but what about International Men's Day??!!!
    That was last weekend, Fathers’ Day - a recent creation of the greetings card industry.
    Nope it's November 19th - the scary bit is that thanks to Richard Herring answering that question continually on International Women's Day I knew that without checking.
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,293

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    micktrain said:

    Leon said:

    “Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.”

    Called it.
    let the roll back of the sexual revolution commence
    Generally people calling for the "roll back of the sexual revolution" aren't getting any.
    another ad hominem have no arguments pal
    Which parts of the 'sexual revolution' do you think should be rolled back? What specific liberties?
    has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole answer me that...the fact you cant answer that question tells me all i need to know
    Yes it has.

    Now you see if you can answer which specific parts, which specific liberties, you think should be rolled back.
    so love island and non stop internet porn is societal progress....ok its a which many non western countries would disagree with
    If only they would let you beat your girlfriend and spit at shirt lifters. Like in the good old days.
    no arguments again do better mate im here and waiting
    You asked "has the sexual revolution since the 1960s been beneficial for society as a whole" and I answered "yes".

    You don't agree and that is your right. But the majority of people in the UK do not have to explain themselves to repressed people like yourself. There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get. Perhaps moving to a more backwards country would make you happier? Saudi Arabia perhaps - they don't let women drive and behead gayers. You'll be right at home.
    "There isn't going to be any rolling back of the sexual revolution no matter how puce you get."

    I would not be so sure, even in this country. Controlling people's sexual relations - who you can and cannot have sex or relationships with - is a powerful form of control. There are obviously some cases where control is necessary - e.g. young people, family members, animals - but aside from that, prescriptive rules give a limited number of people at the top control and power.

    And some people quite like power. Often the ones who should be nowhere near it...
    I'm working on the assumption that we don't get a Farage government or worse. Mainstream Tory / Labour governments are only going to start cracking down on sexual freedoms if that is what society demands.

    The problem for the Mr Angry type is that the majority of the people younger than them are more permissive than they are. So the longer we go on the more permissive society gets. And it doesn't entrench the kind of partisan / societal foaming that America suffers from. It was a Conservative coalition that made gay marriage legal...
    You may not have noticed, but there are plenty of Ms Angry types as well. Farage shows that a major change can essentially be forced by a small group, or even one man - whether someone think that's a negative or positive change is very much up to the individual.

    One of the good things about UK politics is how close the two main parties actually are on many issues - at times it seems as though we really do argue about whether boiled eggs should be broken on the pointed or blunt end.

    It may not remain that way, though I hope it does.
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