Listening to George Osborne talking on TV is exactly like reading TSE on here.
We are the voices of general election winning policies.
We are the voices of lower taxation.
We are the voices of social liberalism.
One small silver lining, might we get our party back a coin a phrase.
I'm going flail the PBers/Tories that denied the awesomeness of Dave and George.
Dave and George DID THIS. If Cameron had just multiplied by 2 the effort he put in to securing a sellable Remain case, he would still have looked pathetically lazy, but Remain would have got over the line. Awesome my arse.
Isn't it about time you got over your bitterness about the terrible Remain campaign? It's ancient history now.
Yes on the whole, but when I see the prize c*cksuckers who were the architects of the whole disaster being praised to the skies by Remainer couch potatoes, tetchiness ensues.
But as you suggest, plenty of more recent stuff to be embittered about atm.
@isaby: Sorry to see long-standing Brexiteer David Nuttall lose Bury North, despite the lack of a UKIP candidate this time
Brexit is fucked.
No. It's terrible for the UK. Some of us don't have foreign boltholes to escape to.
A lesson from this: ignore people who are abroad, or can escape abroad. They are insulated from their decisions.
Real people are not.
If Corbyn gets in I will be escaping abroad. I don't have a bolthole, but I'll soon sort one out. Let's see how his policies pan out without the economic value add and tax take from people like me. KABOOM!
Having co-written the leaflets and key campaign messages I'm still in shock that we did it. A brilliant candidate with a clear message vs a Tory MP who literally didn't turn up to campaign having told us at the start hat he didn't need to bother
Just as a note. Sinn Fein look like they will wipe out the SDLP, with 2 seats directly. If they stay out of Westminster then its two less to get a mathematical majority. It could be three less by end of night.
"And it's down Along [Downing Street], that's where I long to be, Lying in the dark with a Provo company, A comrade on my left and another on my right And a clip of ammunition for my little Armalite".
The Conservatives are going down the shitter in places with expensive houses.
Single worst policy I've ever seen announced. I and others called it on the night and we got told to shut up by Mrs May's cheerleaders. I hope they are happy now.
+1. Did they trial it anywhere conservative voters gather?
An idea that should have been focus grouped to death. And I mean, to death.
Besides which, cleverer brains had invested far more effort investigating social care policy options before.
It seems to have been a proposal half-baked in terms of practical efficiency (at the very least, why not go in for another expert consultation?) and not baked at all in terms of electoral palatability. Complete back-of-a-fag-packet stuff.
Ironically, I presume it only made the manifesto because they expected to win a big majority and hoped to forestall trouble later down the line getting a tricky policy area through the Commons...
Having co-written the leaflets and key campaign messages I'm still in shock that we did it. A brilliant candidate with a clear message vs a Tory MP who literally didn't turn up to campaign having told us at the start hat he didn't need to bother
Congratulations, I hope that you enjoy the rest of the night.
Listening to George Osborne talking on TV is exactly like reading TSE on here.
We are the voices of general election winning policies.
We are the voices of lower taxation.
We are the voices of social liberalism.
One small silver lining, might we get our party back a coin a phrase.
I'm going flail the PBers/Tories that denied the awesomeness of Dave and George.
If George Osborne had managed to balance the books as he promised by 2015 we would not have had 2 extra years of austerity which Corbyn has clearly mobilised leftwing voters against tonight (including some who voted UKIP in 2015)
That's where my thinking is taking me.
It would have been better to cut deeper, faster and quicker and get it over with. People can't take the prospect of 'the pain' never ending.
Of course, that would have made it far harder for Dave to win against Ed Miliband in GE2015.
It may well be, worth nothing, that the Tories will still be the single most popular party in the UK, after all this.
That's not certain, and they've gone backwards, but I trust the rhetoric will reflect that.
If it isn't PM Corbyn that is.
The squealing from the Europhobes is delicious.
They should have been trying to persuade me.
Paul Dacre right now
Conservative hold
But as you suggest, plenty of more recent stuff to be embittered about atm.
Good people; so chuffed for them.
PS Robertson gone
And no I don't regret my LEAVE vote, unlike remoaners I actually respect the result when it goes against my way.
Sturgeon has to go. Alex Salmond about to be job searching.
Hoping to recoup my.folly bets on the likes of Hemsworth and Blyth Valley
Lying in the dark with a Provo company,
A comrade on my left and another on my right
And a clip of ammunition for my little Armalite".
Every seat in Glasgow is on table
Besides which, cleverer brains had invested far more effort investigating social care policy options before.
It seems to have been a proposal half-baked in terms of practical efficiency (at the very least, why not go in for another expert consultation?) and not baked at all in terms of electoral palatability. Complete back-of-a-fag-packet stuff.
Ironically, I presume it only made the manifesto because they expected to win a big majority and hoped to forestall trouble later down the line getting a tricky policy area through the Commons...
It would have been better to cut deeper, faster and quicker and get it over with. People can't take the prospect of 'the pain' never ending.
Of course, that would have made it far harder for Dave to win against Ed Miliband in GE2015.