politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » If this analysis and trend of early voters is right then Clinton is on course for victory
Clinton enjoys 15% lead in early voting Reuters/Ipsos poll finds https://t.co/xtM1L2Ozc9 pic.twitter.com/yoLU9ZNhlo
Read the full story here
PA - Clinton 48 .. Trump 40
NC - Clinton 48 .. Trump 45
CO - Clinton 42 .. Trump 39
AZ - Clinton 42 .. Trump 44
Note - Different post Dickileak poll shows little impact.
If par is a 10% lead for the Democratic candidate, this is good news for Clinton. If it's 20%, it isn't.
The Republican lead in mail is inching its way back up, but the Democrats aren't benefiting from the increased turnout in in-person voting as you would expect them to.
Edit; oh I see you're talking about a different poll.
Gove and Vine are the Christine and Neil of today. They'll be soon pitching up in UKIP soon enough.
Admittedly that leaves me confused as to why @619 bothers... I don't think many of the historical non-voters on this board will vote this time either!
F1: my pre-race piece, containing literally three tips, is here [for those of you suffering heavy wallet-induced disjointed gait syndrome]:
Tainted and tarnished are in no way similar.
Tainted comes from the concerto of "boat taint" and is a foul degradation of the underlying meat.
Tarnish is just a surface panita and can easily be wiped clean (aka "acid bath")
Clinton: "don't bother...he's a loser"
NC - Clinton 49 .. Trump 47
FL - Clinton 48 .. Trump 47
Clinton 43 .. Trump 40
I remember from, some years ago, a lefty friend was very upset when Gove pointed out that (under the Blair government) the apparent increase in school attainment in the Afro Caribbean community was actually down to people getting rich and sending their children to private school - the group that stayed poor was doing worse than ever. Apparently her upset was that this fact was very negative - apparently as long as children from that community were *reported* to be doing well, all would have been well.
It is not often you find that kind of self absorption, free range and unadulterated.
Edited extra bit: with Betfair. Any Other Driver now just 30.
The trouble is, if 3% actually changed sides, on the current 538 model that would give Trump Colorado, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and put him well over the finishing line.
Your Lafitte's corked, sport.
I don't believe they are of course, but I can see how someone might think this, particularly because there's some dopey fringe candidate with bad hair, can't think of his name, who keeps on going about establishment cover-ups and other candidates being crooks. It's made the atmosphere quite febrile.
Oh, and since you didn't get the joke - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardy_Rodenstock
I'm minded to think that on balance there will be little polling fallout. The voters know that Clinton made an almighty balls up of her server. The insulation she has is called Donald Trump.
We'll get some indications from the trackers and possible enthusiasm from early voting trends.
There is a comparison. The article says:
Clinton’s lead among early voters is similar to the lead enjoyed by President Barack Obama over Republican Mitt Romney at this point of the 2012 race, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken at the time.
Sarkozy won the following election against Segolene Royal after her debate performance - "No I will not calm down!" - sunk her.
Clinton 24 .. Trump 32 .. McMullin 30
This would tell us a lot more about enthusiasm/ turnout etc.
Mind you, he did tell Blair to his face he was rude and badly brought up.....
Again, who is embracing the Daily Mail, the basis of your doubtless crushing point about lefty hypocrisy?
I hope Clinton wins and think like all elections it will be the ground game that wins it in each state. I did consider at one point putting some money on Clinton to win in Texas at 35 -1 just before Trumps negative comments on women hit the media. Even if Clinton does not win I could have laid it and come out with a profit! Bugger!
Theresa May will be laughing all the way to the next election.
It seems to me a block of educated/affluent and relatively liberal voters have come out early against Trump, so the figures look comparatively good for the Dems. But as we get closer to election day i'm not sure if that advantage will hold up.
The glimmer of hope is getting more transfers from Reps and NPA, which IIRC is reltively more Hispanic than total electorate. I suspect Hillary will win early NPAs and lose election day NPAs.
Hang on a minute, maybe I was a bit hasty in ruling out collusion.
They just don't make 'em like that any more.
Wikileaks are heros dedicated to truthPutin owned scum
I get confused. Is it Eastasia we've always been at war with?
Must..... Purify....... The....... Revolution.......
"Donald Trump's camp now scents blood"
"If Trump wins, the brave can cash in on equity jitters"
For it to be cynical it would have to be a deliberate strategy to get people fired up to vote (not sure it is, although I could see the argument both ways)
I would say that, if true, that would be more damaging to HRC than the e-mails.
The numbers, with changes since yesterday are:
Cinton ......... 319 (-5)
Trump ......... 218 (+5)
They are currently shown as being around 100 ECVs apart. A week ago the gap was approx 145 ECVs.
So in effect, one large state of 22 ECVs or 3 small states each of 7 ECVs have swung away from Clinton to Trump. The interesting aspect now is that a couple of the larger, previously Democratic trending states, could now be in play.