@AlbertoNardelli: Senior French government source on BoJo as foreign secretary: the word used by colleagues at Quai d'Orsay yesterday evening was "incredible"
Given that Boris was the face of the most significant foreign policy decision this country has made in forty years then they really shouldn't regard it as unbelievable that he has a high profile role in its implementation. After all, it was only two weeks ago that he was favourite to be the new PM.
Yes, he was. Where`s our first 350,000,000 for the NHS? The first week is nearly up.
You need to wait for us to leave the EU and then ask the chancellor. He can spend the money we save on whatever priorities the government decided upon and you can then approve or disapprove of it at the ballot box rather than having no say on it.
Oh, no, Mr Spencer. There may have been one or two other issues, but everybody I know who voted for Leave did so because they were going to put that 35,000,000 per week into the NHS. This was a firm promise by the Leave camapaign, headed by Mr Johnson, who is now a leading member of this Government.
Everybody has already voted for that at the ballot box. As you say, Mr Johnson has a high profile role in its implementation. He should either do that immediately, or be sacked on the spot. If he does not do it, nobody will ever believe a word of what Conservative politicians say, evr again.
You've spoken to all 17 million Leave voters and can see into their minds can you? And you also know how everyone will feel if this is not implemented immediately? With this foresight into the minds of your fellow citizens have you ever thought about running for elected office yourself? You seem to have all the answers.
I said "everybody I know who voted for Leave", Mr Spencer. You Tories do get carried away, don`t you?
Your outburst is no answer. The Tories who headed the Leave campaign have, through their blatant lies, won the referendum and destroyed the credibiity of the Conservative Party.
But then you went on to say "Everybody has already voted for that at the ballot box."
I want Crispin Blunt, Dominic Grieve, Damien Green, Rory Stewart and Jo Johnson. Here's hoping the Davis, Fox, Johson triumvirate was a sop to the Brexiteers who can do all the horrible Brexit related stuff (and take the flack) whilst the sensible one nationers get the rest.
Miss Vance, I sympathise, I've recently had some difficulty in that area myself [thanks again to pb and Mr. 43 in particular for their kind assistance. Even if you are filthy rosbifs].
I've always thought rosbifs was a rather amusing put down. Never eaten a frog of any variety.
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
If it is a sinecure as you claim (and I really think you're wrong on that), then the post should be abolished. In the meantime he could do enormous damage in his usual charming manner.
BTW, are you still supporting the Garden Bridge?
No need to apologise for disagreeing with me.
I'm a fan of the Garden Bridge - we need to leave treasures behind to improve London rather than just focusing on the utilitarian. But Khan's killed it, I think.
But it wasn't going to be a 'treasure': it was a rich mans' plaything, an idea that was scrabbling around for a purpose.
Things that have a defined and required purpose do not need to be 'utilitarian': they can also be beautiful. London is filled with things that were built for a defined purpose and yet are also beautiful. Sometimes the purpose enhances the beauty. Function enhancing form.
The Garden Bridge's beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, but it's purpose is non-existent. A new bridge in London that would not allow cyclists seems broken at the beginning. And that leaves out the extortionate cost.
If Khan has killed it, then he's already done the London taxpayers a favour.
I hadn't realise it did not allow cyclists. Kill it if so.
They'll have to push their bikes over, with steps and a lift up (I think due to the restricted space on the northern side). That is, they'll be allowed to when it's not closed to the public for 'events'.
Another shambles, then. A living, breathing manifestation of the oppressive "cyclists dismount" sign. I don't, by the way.
So you're an average cyclist, then: a menace.
Let's say I (as a pedestrian) kicked a cyclist riding on the pavement & they fell off - what's the likelihood I'd be (a) prosecuted for assault or whatever (b) assaulted by the cyclist? Would either of us be able to claim self-defence?
Given DPM is a "non-job" I think Grayling could do it just fine. Wasn't it first created to soothe Helsetine's ego after he failed to become PM?
I mean, if Prezza can be DPM anybody can...
Attlee was DepPM to Churchill in WWII and others have included Eden, Morrison, Butler, Whitelaw and Howe.
More recently Heseltine Prescott and Clegg. The position is presently vacant and is completely in the gift of the PM
Still a "non job" though really isn't it?
It depends on the scope of the role and the relationship between PM and DepPM.
Churchill valued Attlee highly. Morrison and Eden were the potential/actual PM in waiting. Whitelaw was Thatcher's "Willie" and right hand man but Howe's position was a sop.
Heseltine had a wide brief and Major trusted and valued him as the "bastards" grew in strength. Clegg as DepPM was critical to the viability of the Coalition and clearly had extensive and deal breaking power across government.
Sky News speculating that Leadsom will be bumped up from MoS at Energy to SoS. Also Grayling to Deputy PM role.
The former is plausible but I'm not sure about the later, although Grayling has missed a top job.
Amother politcal savvy chum (hmmm!) and I predicted both these moves last night. Would make sense for Grayling to remain as Commons Leader but with the additional DPM title (remember Sir Geoffrey . He is clearly May's foremost supporter and that would make eminient sense.
We also thought Morgan will be out altogether of Education and possibly Villiers too (after she backed Leadsom). Possibly Damian Green at Justice or DCMS.....and just for laughs, Anna Soubry to Northern Ireland where she can get plastered with Martin McGuinness!
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two forming an alliance to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Aren't Gove and Osborne pretty close friends? I wouldn't leave the pair of them unoccupied either.
@AlbertoNardelli: Senior French government source on BoJo as foreign secretary: the word used by colleagues at Quai d'Orsay yesterday evening was "incredible"
Given that Boris was the face of the most significant foreign policy decision this country has made in forty years then they really shouldn't regard it as unbelievable that he has a high profile role in its implementation. After all, it was only two weeks ago that he was favourite to be the new PM.
Yes, he was. Where`s our first 350,000,000 for the NHS? The first week is nearly up.
You need to wait for us to leave the EU and then ask the chancellor. He can spend the money we save on whatever priorities the government decided upon and you can then approve or disapprove of it at the ballot box rather than having no say on it.
Everybody has already voted for that at the ballot box. As you say, Mr Johnson has a high profile role in its implementation. He should either do that immediately, or be sacked on the spot. If he does not do it, nobody will ever believe a word of what Conservative politicians say, evr again.
You've spoken to all 17 million Leave voters and can see into their minds can you? And you also seem to have all the answers.
I said "everybody I know who voted for Leave", Mr Spencer. You Tories do get carried away, don`t you?
Your outburst is no answer. The Tories who headed the Leave campaign have, through their blatant lies, won the referendum and destroyed the credibiity of the Conservative Party.
It was all the lies and misinformation? I think you will find that the misinformation was at least as bad on the remain side, with the increasingly ridiculous claims of doom, they at least evened each other out.
It was a massive error to connect the 350 million gross figure to some uk spending, saying £175 million wouldnt have looked any less impressive. It's a "very big number", hardly anyone can comprehend a figure so large, it makes little difference saying £175mil over £350 mill. Throughout the campaign this 'error' was repeatedly shredded apart.
The will of the British people was expressed, in a way theyve not expressed anything for 25 years. The Conservative Party today, this morning is as strong and dominant as it was on the morning of 8th May, if not even more dominant.
On the Garden Bridge - I have been against it for a while - indeed I wrote a blogpost about it back in January 2015 - the vast majority of which still holds in my view.
This thread boils down to: person who has never been to France likes irritating French people and calls French people frogs. Not much point in continuing beyond that.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
This thread boils down to: person who has never been to France likes irritating French people and calls French people frogs. Not much point in continuing beyond that.
Anyway, work calls!
Only because you obsessed over it for numerous posts!
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two forming an alliance to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Aren't Gove and Osborne pretty close friends? I wouldn't leave the pair of them unoccupied either.
One paper a few weeks ago said they are holidaying together this summer.
'I have numerous French friends and I would never call them frogs, ever. I suggest if you ever get off your backside, out of your own backyard, and meet some, you don't either.
That advice is gratuit.'
My wife is a French national that's lived in the UK for many years (and has not bothered to take the UK nationality),she and her friends think 'frogs' is funny and will often refer to themselves as the froggies and UK nationals as 'the roast beef' The only thing they seem to find offensive is the NHS which they collectively think is crap compared with the French health care system.
You need to occasionally get out of your left wing PC bubble.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two forming an alliance to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Aren't Gove and Osborne pretty close friends? I wouldn't leave the pair of them unoccupied either.
I think they've fallen out over Brexit but you could easily see them plotting and scheming with each other to destabilize the government...
@AlbertoNardelli: Senior French government source on BoJo as foreign secretary: the word used by colleagues at Quai d'Orsay yesterday evening was "incredible"
Given that Boris was the face of the most significant foreign policy decision this country has made in forty years then they really shouldn't regard it as unbelievable that he has a high profile role in its implementation. After all, it was only two weeks ago that he was favourite to be the new PM.
Yes, he was. Where`s our first 350,000,000 for the NHS? The first week is nearly up.
You need to wait for us to leave the EU and then ask the chancellor. He can spend the money we save on whatever priorities the government decided upon and you can then approve or disapprove of it at the ballot box rather than having no say on it.
Oh, no, Mr Spencer. There may have been one or two other issues, but everybody I know who voted for Leave did so because they were going to put that 35,000,000 per week into the NHS. This was a firm promise by the Leave camapaign, headed by Mr Johnson, who is now a leading member of this Government.
Everybody has already voted for that at the ballot box. As you say, Mr Johnson has a high profile role in its implementation. He should either do that immediately, or be sacked on the spot. If he does not do it, nobody will ever believe a word of what Conservative politicians say, evr again.
You've spoken to all 17 million Leave voters and can see into their minds can you? And you also know how everyone will feel if this is not implemented immediately? With this foresight into the minds of your fellow citizens have you ever thought about running for elected office yourself? You seem to have all the answers.
I said "everybody I know who voted for Leave", Mr Spencer. You Tories do get carried away, don`t you?
Your outburst is no answer. The Tories who headed the Leave campaign have, through their blatant lies, won the referendum and destroyed the credibiity of the Conservative Party.
And my point was that you haven't spoken to everyone who voted leave and so your anecdotal and I corroborated evidence was meaningless. That you then further asserted that nobody would believe the Tories now further underlines the point that you are coming at this from a particular perspective. According to ICM Tory support is unchanged since the GE where they won a majority of seats so I don't think their credibility has been destroyed by the assertions of Tories, or indeed people of other parties, on both sides of the campaign.
Mr. Bob, my French comment was wry and not intended for serious consumption.
On the 'allies' point, we do co-operate closely on military matters but it's worth noting the frogs are very much against achieving a good deal with the UK.
A good point - France not shedding any tears over this vote. Interestingly as an aside, I haven't had one single negative comment from people in France regarding Brexit generally, no one is hurt, upset, etc that we voted to leave. My own girlfriend is glad we voted leave (aside from any potential personal complications on FoM), as her in her opinion "the UK always wants to do things differently, it slows everyone down". That will be the prevailing view in France I think, get rid of us quickly and as much to their advantage as possible.
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
It sends a message about how plotters are scorned. Good for discipline. Gove, may IMHO go back into the media from whence he came. Osborne's paid for supporters will be wanting to create a large distance from him.
Mr. Bob, my French comment was wry and not intended for serious consumption.
On the 'allies' point, we do co-operate closely on military matters but it's worth noting the frogs are very much against achieving a good deal with the UK.
So you are calling them frogs now? I normally enjoy your posts but to be honest this francophobic thing you have going on does you no credit.
Learn a bit of French, go to France on holiday, chat to the people, bask in the sunshine, drink the wine, enjoy the food. You'll soon learn. Visit London while you are at it. There are 200,000 French people in our city and its much the richer for them.
Boris does all of those things, regularly. He is the most cultured and open of our politicians. He will be a very good FS, especially now that the hard work parts have been handed to Davis and Fox.
I said last night that to his credit he is a cultured guy who speaks fluent French and Italian and is a francophile and lover of Europe, its food, wine and women. That's good. But he is also very accident prone and he will make an embarrassing mistake at some point and yet again will require sacking. He is also bone idle and – as he has a young family – probably not suited to spending most of his time out of the country!
I do not understand this "bone idle" thing at all, least of all from people like me who fritter their time away on PB. You don't get to or stay where Boris is without hard work, unless you are an hereditary crown prince. I would think he gets more done on a day off than I do in a year. London does not run itself, firsts at Oxford do not award themselves, Telegraph columns do not write themselves.
What I understand even less is Boris throwing in the towel on the leadership. I had this down to a serious skeleton in a closet but that now looks a bum theory.
Talk to people at City Hall. Boris was good at picking people to do the work; he himself was hardly ever there, and didn't take the role seriously when he was.
So, good at the most important bit then. If he had been genuinely inadequate over two terms (because of laziness or anything else) I would expect to see more concrete evidence than anonymous gossip attributed to his underlings.
@AlbertoNardelli: Senior French government source on BoJo as foreign secretary: the word used by colleagues at Quai d'Orsay yesterday evening was "incredible"
Do you ever actually leave the house and engage with people? You ought to give it a try.
I'm always somewhat amused by critical views of @Scott_P
PB isn't an echo chamber for any one view. He fights his corner and other are free to do the same. The site is much richer for such diversity.
Good lord, we even allow turnip farmers on PB and the odd, very odd peer of the realm too.
Agreed. I have very much warmed to Scott these past few months – he makes some good points at times, often pointing out the ridiculousness of certain politicians with a well placed tweet or reference.
@chrisshipitv: Michael Gove will not be offered a government job, I understand. He'll be off to the backbenches. With George. And Dave.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two forming an alliance to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Aren't Gove and Osborne pretty close friends? I wouldn't leave the pair of them unoccupied either.
I think they've fallen out over Brexit but you could easily see them plotting and scheming with each other to destabilize the government...
Rumours from Beth on Sky = Gove, Hancock and Javid out.
More good news.
That's a lot of intelligent people that will find a way of keeping busy. Better to use them for the Brexit team, or in a policy development role, on the basis of the "inside the tent" theory.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Yesterday's men.
I thought the same of Fox and Davis...
Didn’t think Fox would get a look in, but thought Davis might, after his ConHome article demonstrated he was the thinking man’s Leaver.
Given the "You Brecks It You Fix It", approach being taken to corralling Brexit Tories back from their flight, what other ministries are likely to house Brexiteers if things are taken to their logical conclusion?
I'd have though Health, Business, DEFRA from the cabinet positions, possibly even Scotland - Leadsome and Patel perhaps have 2 of those positions with their names on; Immigration, Science, Universities in junior roles and perhaps a few others.
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
It really doesn't matter what the French think about Boris, or the anyone else for that matter. The job is there as a sop to the Brexit right, the important parts of it have been given to more serious politicians, Davis and Fox. Boris is there to go and speak French and Latin to the rest of the world and do what Boris did so well for London. Drum up business and show that we are still an open country. Like him or hate him, he is cultured, educated and can turn a phrase. His reputation may be a little bit bruised, but once the next major international event takes place he will be back to doing what he does best. Boris will Boris his way through the world, and that's no bad thing.
@AlbertoNardelli: Senior French government source on BoJo as foreign secretary: the word used by colleagues at Quai d'Orsay yesterday evening was "incredible"
Given that Boris was the face of the most significant foreign policy decision this country has made in forty years then they really shouldn't regard it as unbelievable that he has a high profile role in its implementation. After all, it was only two weeks ago that he was favourite to be the new PM.
Yes, he was. Where`s our first 350,000,000 for the NHS? The first week is nearly up.
You need to wait for us to leave the EU and then ask the chancellor. He can spend the money we save on whatever priorities the government decided upon and you can then approve or disapprove of it at the ballot box rather than having no say on it.
Oh, no, Mr Spencer. There may have been one or two other issues, but everybody I know who voted for Leave did so because they were going to put that 35,000,000 per week into the NHS. This was a firm promise by the Leave camapaign, headed by Mr Johnson, who is now a leading member of this Government.
Everybody has already voted for that at the ballot box. As you say, Mr Johnson has a high profile role in its implementation. He should either do that immediately, or be sacked on the spot. If he does not do it, nobody will ever believe a word of what Conservative politicians say, evr again.
You've spoken to all 17 million Leave voters and can see into their minds can you? And you also know how everyone will feel if this is not implemented immediately? With this foresight into the minds of your fellow citizens have you ever thought about running for elected office yourself? You seem to have all the answers.
I said "everybody I know who voted for Leave", Mr Spencer. You Tories do get carried away, don`t you?
Your outburst is no answer. The Tories who headed the Leave campaign have, through their blatant lies, won the referendum and destroyed the credibiity of the Conservative Party.
In which case they will all vote LD next time and your party is saved.... maybe.
It was all the lies and misinformation? I think you will find that the misinformation was at least as bad on the remain side, with the increasingly ridiculous claims of doom, they at least evened each other out.
It was indeed, Mr Me. That was the Remain campaign headed by Mssrs Cameron and Osborne. It was disgraceful. Fortunately they have now been booted out by Mrs May, so they have paid the price (to some extent) for their incompetence, arrogance and bullying.
The Conservative Party has been greatly diminished by the antics of the lot of them.
Read elsewhere that Boris played a backchannel role between May/Leadsom teams in the days before the result. Grayling of course was a big May man in the last few days and a frontman for her.
For a man written off as a complete idiot by many on here for years - if he became DPM, that'd be rather entertaining.
Hunt's also been out and about before the cameras. He's previously said he didn't want another portfolio after Health - but who knows anything anymore. We've shaken the political kaleidoscope.
It appears Boris was shocked to get the call to Downing Street last night, speculating only a hour before that he expected nothing !!
Grayling is a bit of a dark horse. I'm not sure where to place him. To me Hunt has seemed a little demob happy in the past few days. Cameron stuck with him but I wonder whether May will put a new (female) face into Health, possibly Greening and he'll go to the backbenches.
Health Secretary is the new Home Secretary, where careers go to die. Maybe she'll put Gove there if she doesn't sack him.
Your comparison is as flawed as SNP MPs whining about not being allowed to clap all the time in the Commons, then refusing to do so when Cameron left on the basis they couldn't do it every day.
Of course, one realises your desire for an Auld Alliance to be reborn may be colouring your judgement of jesting about the French
Lumbering analogy alert.
Where does 'scum' come in your glossary of the acceptable?
Miss Vance, I sympathise, I've recently had some difficulty in that area myself [thanks again to pb and Mr. 43 in particular for their kind assistance. Even if you are filthy rosbifs].
I've always thought rosbifs was a rather amusing put down. Never eaten a frog of any variety.
Bizarrely I have once , in Texas when roaring drunk.
What's May going to do with Brokenshire? He was always sent out to bat when crap HO news was on the TV.
I always thought he was over promoted. But surely he will get a loyalty job, Transport, Local Govt?
Something that doesn't involve being very good on the TV either - he always looked shifty and uncomfortable.
Yes, no wonder he struggled to get a new constituency for 2015. "Brokenshire was aware that his constituency, Hornchurch, was to be dissolved for the next election. In November 2006, he applied for selection as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Witham in Essex, but he was defeated by Priti Patel.[4] He simultaneously campaigned to be selected as Conservative candidate for the constituency of Hornchurch and Upminster, but in March 2007 was defeated there by Angela Watkinson.[5] He next stood for Gillingham and Rainham in July 2007, Grantham and Stamford in October 2007, North East Cambridgeshire in January 2008, and Maidstone and The Weald later that same month. He was unsuccessful in all of these attempts.[6]"wikipedia
I was in France recently on my way to Italy. SNCF were an utter disgrace. The Motorail service down to Nice was poor: underinvested, surly and unhelpful staff with zero interest in helping their customers, the train was 3 hours late arriving, insufficient staff to unload the cars and the ramp was so poor it broke. Basically, rather than saving a day's driving we wasted a day hanging around Nice railway station waiting for SNCF to provide the bloody service we'd paid (handsomely) for. On the way back, they flatly refused to put our car on the train despite us arriving at the designated time because all their staff had finished and gone.
Absolutely piss poor service and will not be using it again.
There are nice aspects to France but I'm afraid that this experience - and a previous holiday - where I found the restaurant food to be far less good and reliable than I had anticipated - have rather soured my view of the place as a holiday destination. Sadly.
What's May going to do with Brokenshire? He was always sent out to bat when crap HO news was on the TV.
I always thought he was over promoted. But surely he will get a loyalty job, Transport, Local Govt?
Something that doesn't involve being very good on the TV either - he always looked shifty and uncomfortable.
Yes, no wonder he struggled to get a new constituency for 2015. "Brokenshire was aware that his constituency, Hornchurch, was to be dissolved for the next election. In November 2006, he applied for selection as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Witham in Essex, but he was defeated by Priti Patel.[4] He simultaneously campaigned to be selected as Conservative candidate for the constituency of Hornchurch and Upminster, but in March 2007 was defeated there by Angela Watkinson.[5] He next stood for Gillingham and Rainham in July 2007, Grantham and Stamford in October 2007, North East Cambridgeshire in January 2008, and Maidstone and The Weald later that same month. He was unsuccessful in all of these attempts.[6]"wikipedia
I want Crispin Blunt, Dominic Grieve, Damien Green, Rory Stewart and Jo Johnson. Here's hoping the Davis, Fox, Johson triumvirate was a sop to the Brexiteers who can do all the horrible Brexit related stuff (and take the flack) whilst the sensible one nationers get the rest.
Also, would May be PM without Gove's double treachery?
Not yet, but she would have beaten Boris. The blue rinse brigade that Leadsom was trying to tap for her leadership bid would never have voted for Boris. Additionally, Boris would struggle to get the moderniser votes because he'd just stabbed Dave and George in the back. In that race I would guess 65-35 to May compared to 80-20 in the Leadsom race.
I don't get it. May is quoted as saying we must end freedom of movement of EU citizens. Hammond says, "we need to ensure access to the single market for our financial services industry." These two positions are incompatible aren't they?
Not quite. 'Access to the Single Market' is not the same as 'part of the Single Market'. Whatever happens, the City will have some access to the Single Market; the question is how much, on what terms.
What is it with the TMZ style doorstep "interviews" of politicians. It is bloody stupid screaming at them from across the road with a question and a "witty" follow up. Can we just stop this nonsense.
Very, very disappointed if it's true that Michael Gove is out. I would have supported him for leader. He's very bright and very capable, and this just looks vindictive to me.
A waste of a talented and visionary man who gets things done.
Where "things" consist of: pissing everyone off, stabbing your friends in the back, utterly ruining your own career, looking like a ventriloquist's dummy.
Gosh, started reading that and thought it was about the Humber bridge
I'm not sure the Humber Bridge is in the wrong place - it certainly saved my many, many miles of walking up to Goole on my coastal walk.
They are still paying it off though - at least the last I heard, despite massively increased traffic.
The Government recently wrote of £150 million debt so that tolls could be reduced to £1.50 each way. It appears there is only £172 million left to pay. (The cost to construct it was less than that!)
Problem with Gove is he has a unique talent for going into a room with people who generally agree with him and manages to leave with them now annoyed at him. That said I would have kept him at justice as by all accounts he was doing a decent job.
A waste of a talented and visionary man who gets things done.
Yesterday my source flagged there was a tussle between acknowledging his talent and grave disquiet about recent events. The later won out comfortably in the end, made even more stark by his frostly relations with PM May
Having both Gove and Osborne on the back benches is a mistake I think (you could easily see these two wrong 'uns forming an "alliance" to bring her down in due course) especially with Gove's connections to Murdoch.
Churchill valued Attlee highly. Morrison and Eden were the potential/actual PM in waiting. Whitelaw was Thatcher's "Willie" and right hand man but Howe's position was a sop.
Heseltine had a wide brief and Major trusted and valued him as the "bastards" grew in strength. Clegg as DepPM was critical to the viability of the Coalition and clearly had extensive and deal breaking power across government.
We also thought Morgan will be out altogether of Education and possibly Villiers too (after she backed Leadsom). Possibly Damian Green at Justice or DCMS.....and just for laughs, Anna Soubry to Northern Ireland where she can get plastered with Martin McGuinness!
It was a massive error to connect the 350 million gross figure to some uk spending, saying £175 million wouldnt have looked any less impressive. It's a "very big number", hardly anyone can comprehend a figure so large, it makes little difference saying £175mil over £350 mill. Throughout the campaign this 'error' was repeatedly shredded apart.
The will of the British people was expressed, in a way theyve not expressed anything for 25 years. The Conservative Party today, this morning is as strong and dominant as it was on the morning of 8th May, if not even more dominant.
More good news.
Anyway, work calls!
Edited extra bit: or, for that matter, trust him?
'I have numerous French friends and I would never call them frogs, ever. I suggest if you ever get off your backside, out of your own backyard, and meet some, you don't either.
That advice is gratuit.'
My wife is a French national that's lived in the UK for many years (and has not bothered to take the UK nationality),she and her friends think 'frogs' is funny and will often refer to themselves as the froggies and UK nationals as 'the roast beef'
The only thing they seem to find offensive is the NHS which they collectively think is crap compared with the French health care system.
You need to occasionally get out of your left wing PC bubble.
Looks some of the Osborne followers are being thinned out. Javid next to face the chop?
One junior's fate to look out for Claire Perry.
Gove has chucked his in the Thames .... (he may feel like joining it)
Con 36% Lab 35% LD 11% UKIP 8% Grn 4%
LD 12 seats
Con 22 short of majority
'Brexit Made One U.K. Leader Look Good, and We’re Not Talking Theresa May'
I'd have though Health, Business, DEFRA from the cabinet positions, possibly even Scotland - Leadsome and Patel perhaps have 2 of those positions with their names on; Immigration, Science, Universities in junior roles and perhaps a few others.
Hammond revealed to have been both a goth and a guardian reader.
May brings the political dead back to life ....
The Conservative Party has been greatly diminished by the antics of the lot of them.
Pointing out that despite pre referendum threats, Siemans have now said they are staying in Hull to build windfarms and are commited to the UK.
I wonder if she has her phone on silent?
Dear lord.
"Theresa May became Britain’s new prime minister, but her husband’s big fashion moment stole the show.
Stepping into the limelight as First Man, Philip May showcased a sexy navy suit with a flourish of pinstripe."
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/07/13/theresa-mays-husband-steals-the-show-in-sexy-navy-suit-as-he-starts-new-life-as-first-man-6005294/#ixzz4ENCiHLpA
"Brokenshire was aware that his constituency, Hornchurch, was to be dissolved for the next election. In November 2006, he applied for selection as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Witham in Essex, but he was defeated by Priti Patel.[4] He simultaneously campaigned to be selected as Conservative candidate for the constituency of Hornchurch and Upminster, but in March 2007 was defeated there by Angela Watkinson.[5]
He next stood for Gillingham and Rainham in July 2007, Grantham and Stamford in October 2007, North East Cambridgeshire in January 2008, and Maidstone and The Weald later that same month. He was unsuccessful in all of these attempts.[6]"wikipedia
Gutted, fucked it mate.
Absolutely piss poor service and will not be using it again.
There are nice aspects to France but I'm afraid that this experience - and a previous holiday - where I found the restaurant food to be far less good and reliable than I had anticipated - have rather soured my view of the place as a holiday destination. Sadly.
I am still missing Amalfi like crazy........
Gove got the sack and now in one moving past Adam Boulton ....
My prediction for new justice secretary is Dominic Grieve.
Didn't he employ an illegal immigrant as a nanny whilst in charge of immigration?
@annemcelvoy: Those with Gove allergies will cheer defenestration - but it could be one too many for TM. It starts to feel like a purge.
I can actually imagine the Godfather kind of scene where May is sitting stroking Larry the cat and Boris pleads to her for Gove to be taken out lol
Shame re Gove though. He will be missed.
I remember Baroness Scotland doing that when in some big knob job.
Another smart move. Way over promoted. Good that Mrs May prepared to do this.
Gove gone. Temporarily I expect. No doubt he'll need some time rehabilitating himself after the Boris incident, which has made him toxic at present.
Nicky Morgan gone. I'm happy with that - she isn't my cup of tea at all.
I wonder if she'll bring back a big hitter as Chief Whip or Lord Chancellor.
Now confrimed