May seems to be defenestrating those who are less pragmatic, Osborne and Gove always appeared to me to have the answer first and then manouvered to reach that answer, Johnson on the other hand may be a clown but he's a pragmatic clown. A pragmatic cabinet is probably avery good idea for where we currently are.
I don't get it. May is quoted as saying we must end freedom of movement of EU citizens. Hammond says, "we need to ensure access to the single market for our financial services industry." These two positions are incompatible aren't they?
Not quite. 'Access to the Single Market' is not the same as 'part of the Single Market'. Whatever happens, the City will have some access to the Single Market; the question is how much, on what terms.
OK. Thanks Richard.
So the aims are ACCESS to the Single Market and CONTROL of Freedom of Movement. I think I get it.
Access to the Single Market is a given. Everyone has it, and I mean, everyone. It's the terms of that access. Membership is a privilege, not a precondition. You can make an argument that the GBP devaluation mean that the WTO MFN tariffs are a wash in terms of competitiveness. However, if you look at the WTO site, protectionism doesn't manifest itself in tariff levels (which have been falling for decades).
The weapons of choice are non-tariff measures (NTMs) and technical barriers to trade (TBTs). I'm not sure under which heading we'd class financial passporting, but it's a good example of the general kind of issue.
I don't get it. May is quoted as saying we must end freedom of movement of EU citizens. Hammond says, "we need to ensure access to the single market for our financial services industry." These two positions are incompatible aren't they?
Not quite. 'Access to the Single Market' is not the same as 'part of the Single Market'. Whatever happens, the City will have some access to the Single Market; the question is how much, on what terms.
OK. Thanks Richard.
So the aims are ACCESS to the Single Market and CONTROL of Freedom of Movement. I think I get it.
By the same token, "Ending Freedom of Movement" is not the same as "Controlling immigration". If Freedom of Movement is defined by the EU as X then X- y is an "end" to X.
As a hypothetical case we could have "access" to the single market on essentially WTO terms while the "end" of Freedom of Movement could be some emergency clause that we could never trigger in practice. It won't be as extreme as that, but the negotiating space is very big.
Unlike most politicians, Gove can look back at a superb record of transforming lives for the better with his education reforms.
Yes, my 15 year old is having a brilliant time coping with the endless fucking changes to the curriculum. As are his teachers. Gove was an *appalling* Education Secretary
Aw diddums - has had to learn to write and do sums instead of performing a play on global warming issues ?
Frankly, it's a wonder that my 12-year-old is learning anything at all, given the endless succession of "lessons" with cover staff that he has to put up with. Gove has made the job of teaching so toxic that many schools are struggling badly to recruit enough teachers at all, let alone good ones, despite the generous bursaries on offer to trainee teachers. The maths and science teaching is particularly awful since anyone who is any good at those subjects would have to be almost insane to choose teaching as a career.
Unlike most politicians, Gove can look back at a superb record of transforming lives for the better with his education reforms.
Yes, my 15 year old is having a brilliant time coping with the endless fucking changes to the curriculum. As are his teachers. Gove was an *appalling* Education Secretary
He's only got the new style Maths and English.... My 14 year olds are about to start subjects where the books won't be available until at least December....
If you want to watch a teacher wince at the moment find a modern Languages teacher and ask them about the changes..... The course is now far more practical but its a shock and decent results will be 5-7 years away as they need to restructure how languages are taught from year 7 onwards...
I do actually blame Morgan for these changes not Gove. Gove wanted new exams, Morgan was the one who decided what they would be like....
My wife is a languages teacher and would completely agree with you. Teachers are quitting in droves and the new Secretary of State for Education will inherit a poisoned chalice like never before - more places needed, recruitment behind what's needed, teachers quitting, and changes coming in which will cause a dip in results and a lot of pain in adapting to the new work, even though the current set of changes (such as getting rid of in-course assessments that are near farcical) are pretty sensible.
Surely Lazy Vaizey has to get the chop....Can anybody name anything he has done in 6 years?
I was tickled by a Peter (contrarian) Oborne article that mentioned him seeing Ed Vaizey meeting with one of the leading henchmen from the Murdoch Empire.
Unlike most politicians, Gove can look back at a superb record of transforming lives for the better with his education reforms.
Yes, my 15 year old is having a brilliant time coping with the endless fucking changes to the curriculum. As are his teachers. Gove was an *appalling* Education Secretary
He's only got the new style Maths and English.... My 14 year olds are about to start subjects where the books won't be available until at least December....
If you want to watch a teacher wince at the moment find a modern Languages teacher and ask them about the changes..... The course is now far more practical but its a shock and decent results will be 5-7 years away as they need to restructure how languages are taught from year 7 onwards...
I do actually blame Morgan for these changes not Gove. Gove wanted new exams, Morgan was the one who decided what they would be like....
My middle child will need a high school in a couple of years. Our local academy has a great new building but a major lack of decent management and arguments over which company should sponsor them. What influence do parents, residents, the council etc have?
None at all.....
Plenty, get together a group of parents from all the feeder primary schools and ask for a meeting with the Reginal Schools Commissioner.
On the Garden Bridge - I have been against it for a while - indeed I wrote a blogpost about it back in January 2015 - the vast majority of which still holds in my view.
Couple of points:
The link isn't to Temple, but to Temple Place - it's at the far Western edge of the Temple zone. The area between the Strand and the Thames (known as Northbank) has absolutely fallen behind most of the rest of London in terms of development - it really needs the kickstart of the extra footfall coming through it.
The £30m taxpayers money is planned to be used anyway on the redevelopment of Temple, so the actually difference in cost (a slightly stronger roof) isn't much
Brilliant! He is the most entertaining politician of all.
When Madame Legarde becomes PM in President Juppe's government next year, George will be moving to Washington, DC
I actually think that is part of the deal, the issue will be getting George the gig. Will be tough for a non-EU national to get the IMF, but given how heavily in favour of remain he was he's probably made enough friends.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
Brilliant! He is the most entertaining politician of all.
When Madame Legarde becomes PM in President Juppe's government next year, George will be moving to Washington, DC
I actually think that is part of the deal, the issue will be getting George the gig. Will be tough for a non-EU national to get the IMF, but given how heavily in favour of remain he was he's probably made enough friends.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
The Roman method was better. Build a massively over-engineered bridge*, then just leave it there for two thousand years.
*A recent programme, perhaps with Mary Beard, had one in Spain that needed to be demolished for some reason. It took two or three explosive charges to do at, as just one, [or two, I forget], would've left it standing.
There are lots of stories from the 1960s onwards of Victorian viaducts being demolished with explosives, except it took rather more than they expected. Because the Victorians did not fully understand the engineering, they massively over-engineered. Which is why, with modification, 150 year old bridges can take loads many times higher than they were designed for.
Surely Lazy Vaizey has to get the chop....Can anybody name anything he has done in 6 years?
I don't even recall what job he did.
Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries...but by all accounts basically just spends all the time out to lunch.
Well what would you do!
Well in seriousness we do have some big issues with internet connectivity and as you know creative industries are an important part of the economy. I am sure I could find things I should be pushing the rest of the government hard on.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
Indeed. Methinks they are going to be eating their words sooner rather than later. Boris is the best suited politician we have for this job. Clever, witty, cultured and a decent thinker. Additionally, take note that Les Reps haven't said anything yet about Boris or Theresa's new Cabinet in general, clearly not looking to make enemies like PS who are on their way out.
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
In fairness, based on gossip, May is almost impossible to toady to. She's just not that kind of person.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
France and Germany are petrified of contagion – ie, more people wanting an EU referendum.
Jamie Wareham @jamie_wareham 4m4 minutes ago New Chancellor Philip Hammond: 'We will leave the single market, it's about negotiating access now' #audio:
I actually think that is part of the deal, the issue will be getting George the gig. Will be tough for a non-EU national to get the IMF, but given how heavily in favour of remain he was he's probably made enough friends.
These things are obviously always very political, but given that he is widely seen as probably the most successful of all the G20 finance ministers of the period since the financial crisis, he'd surely be a very strong contender.
Brilliant! He is the most entertaining politician of all.
When Madame Legarde becomes PM in President Juppe's government next year, George will be moving to Washington, DC
I actually think that is part of the deal, the issue will be getting George the gig. Will be tough for a non-EU national to get the IMF, but given how heavily in favour of remain he was he's probably made enough friends.
Didn't George block Brown from getting IMF?
Yes, and he got Mme Lagarde the job at the same time.
Morgan is bloody useless, over-promoted is the word that always comes to mind, so Gove ally or not its a good move.
She has been horrendously ineffectual. Nick Gibb has also presided over a massive teacher supply crisis, which he continues to deny like Comical Ali. Hope he is moved on.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
In fairness, based on gossip, May is almost impossible to toady to. She's just not that kind of person.
What great news. Cameron, Osborne and Gove must be looking on with embarrassment, May is very impressive thus far.
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
In fairness, based on gossip, May is almost impossible to toady to. She's just not that kind of person.
What great news. Cameron, Osborne and Gove must be looking on with embarrassment, May is very impressive thus far.
More to the point labour must be ready to 'jump off the pier'
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
In fairness, based on gossip, May is almost impossible to toady to. She's just not that kind of person.
What great news. Cameron, Osborne and Gove must be looking on with embarrassment, May is very impressive thus far.
More to the point labour must be ready to 'jump off the pier'
I take your point but don't see it that way, let's hope May is signalling the start of politics where cronyism, spin and PR are wiped out and replaced by efficiency and honesty.
That will force Labour to follow suit and we can have grown up discussions. Flashman and his sycophants have been buried, I'm delighted.
Have to say it's rather silly of French and German foreign ministers to criticize BoJo publicly. Whatever the truth it's really none of their business.
France and Germany are petrified of contagion – ie, more people wanting an EU referendum.
Brexit seems to be having rather the opposite effect so far.
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
This has to head to the courts.
It feels completely contrary to natural justice to have this sort of restriction imposed - creating massive confusion and being an unfair change to the terms and conditions under which people joined the party at various levels.
''Wow, May proving to be ruthless, very impressed so far. She is clearly not impressed by what has gone on previously, I like the cut of her jib.''
From Boris down this reshuffle has stunned me, and I am looking forward to enormous portions of humble pie.
I think it's a reaction to the way that people seemed to vote, they sent a message and May is reacting to what that message has been perceived to be. Specifically, to those who felt that they were being ignored or ridden roughshod over (from people like Hunt, Osborne, Gove, Morgan etc., who all had become the targets, fairly or not).
@Sean_F Are you making that Nad thing up or is it real ?
Just having fun.
Nadine Dorries is actually one of my favourite MPs. I like her humour, eccentricity, and forthrightness, and the way she stands her ground. But, I doubt if she'll get a Cabinet post.
None of the departures so far are any great surprise (looks as if Villiers is holding in on there)'s who their replacements will be that will tell us more about May's direction.
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
This has to head to the courts.
It feels completely contrary to natural justice to have this sort of restriction imposed - creating massive confusion and being an unfair change to the terms and conditions under which people joined the party at various levels.
Natural justice is an administrative jurisdiction, not a contractual one.
Maybe, but I think many of the big battles were fought decades ago.
May has batted for the tories often on, for example, question time. I guess she knows what it is like to defend a bad policy, or bad conduct by a minister, and so her tolerance must be low.
On the Garden Bridge - I have been against it for a while - indeed I wrote a blogpost about it back in January 2015 - the vast majority of which still holds in my view.
Couple of points:
The link isn't to Temple, but to Temple Place - it's at the far Western edge of the Temple zone. The area between the Strand and the Thames (known as Northbank) has absolutely fallen behind most of the rest of London in terms of development - it really needs the kickstart of the extra footfall coming through it.
The £30m taxpayers money is planned to be used anyway on the redevelopment of Temple, so the actually difference in cost (a slightly stronger roof) isn't much
What is this, Mr. Charles? Public money to be spent on redevelopment of the Temple? Surely not, the bloody lawyers have got enough money to pay for their own building work. I must have misunderstood you. Perhaps you are talking about Temple tube station.
ANyway that stretch of the North bank West of Blackfriars Bridge down To Waterloo Bridge, even down to Westminster don't need any development, it is lovely as it is, thank you very much. Not that there is much space to develop anyway - you can't muck about with the Temple, the gardens, KCL or Somerset House.
For the first time in a while, Corbyn came across quite well yesterday. Trouble is, if he carries on as leader, party can't pretend nothing has happened. Support in opinion polling is holding up, but when it comes to the election, both Corbyn's flaws and the party disunity will be exploited mercilessly.
All those folk who spent their time toadying to George and ignoring Theresa discovering what 'rueful' means.
Remember the anonymous MP quoted the weekend before the Referendum. "The careerists are shitting themselves. It must be terrible to spend years kissing backsides, only to discover you've been kissing the *wrong* backsides."
They hadn't considered they next PM might have an inpenetrable chastity belt.
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
This has to head to the courts.
It feels completely contrary to natural justice to have this sort of restriction imposed - creating massive confusion and being an unfair change to the terms and conditions under which people joined the party at various levels.
The Labour party should just dissolve itself immediately, it has become a sick sick joke.
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
This has to head to the courts.
It feels completely contrary to natural justice to have this sort of restriction imposed - creating massive confusion and being an unfair change to the terms and conditions under which people joined the party at various levels.
It is the NEC's role to make such decisions. A judge could only ask for the decision process to be carried out again if the process was not legitimate. No judge will make a decision on behalf of a legitimate body.
Miss Vance, I sympathise, I've recently had some difficulty in that area myself [thanks again to pb and Mr. 43 in particular for their kind assistance. Even if you are filthy rosbifs].
I've always thought rosbifs was a rather amusing put down. Never eaten a frog of any variety.
There is actually a bar not far from me called The Frog & Rosbif
Hunt out seems to confirm that is so.
The weapons of choice are non-tariff measures (NTMs) and technical barriers to trade (TBTs). I'm not sure under which heading we'd class financial passporting, but it's a good example of the general kind of issue.
As a hypothetical case we could have "access" to the single market on essentially WTO terms while the "end" of Freedom of Movement could be some emergency clause that we could never trigger in practice. It won't be as extreme as that, but the negotiating space is very big.
The link isn't to Temple, but to Temple Place - it's at the far Western edge of the Temple zone. The area between the Strand and the Thames (known as Northbank) has absolutely fallen behind most of the rest of London in terms of development - it really needs the kickstart of the extra footfall coming through it.
The £30m taxpayers money is planned to be used anyway on the redevelopment of Temple, so the actually difference in cost (a slightly stronger roof) isn't much
Odds of me voting tory cut from 1000/1 to 500/1
It is the morning of the long knives.
Really? !!!!!!!!!!
From Boris down this reshuffle has stunned me, and I am looking forward to enormous portions of humble pie.
There were exceptions, such as Roch Viaduct. A classic 'ooops' moment:
New Chancellor Philip Hammond: 'We will leave the single market, it's about negotiating access now' #audio:
@LOS_Fisher: NEW: Labour NEC procedures cmte has ruled 6-month freeze date applies to affiliates in leadership contest. Stops £2 sign ups by Unite et al
@rowenamason: Steven Woolfe announces he is running to be leader of Ukip, saying he will stand up for those left behind by Tories and Labour
That will force Labour to follow suit and we can have grown up discussions. Flashman and his sycophants have been buried, I'm delighted.
Brexit causes resurgence in pro-EU leanings across continent
It feels completely contrary to natural justice to have this sort of restriction imposed - creating massive confusion and being an unfair change to the terms and conditions under which people joined the party at various levels.
Nadine Dorries is actually one of my favourite MPs. I like her humour, eccentricity, and forthrightness, and the way she stands her ground. But, I doubt if she'll get a Cabinet post.
Maybe, but I think many of the big battles were fought decades ago.
May has batted for the tories often on, for example, question time. I guess she knows what it is like to defend a bad policy, or bad conduct by a minister, and so her tolerance must be low.
ANyway that stretch of the North bank West of Blackfriars Bridge down To Waterloo Bridge, even down to Westminster don't need any development, it is lovely as it is, thank you very much. Not that there is much space to develop anyway - you can't muck about with the Temple, the gardens, KCL or Somerset House.’s-theresa-may-boss-we-asked-former-border-force-chief-tony-smith
Hunt gone.