Boris would love being Foreign Sec - all that travel and hobnobbing. Plus May would like it as it would keep him out of the country a lot and there are no votes to be won from foreign affairs.
You want to put Boris in charge of MI6 and GCHQ?
There is no way that Boris is going to get a big job. DCLG or DCMS at best imo, if that. May doesn't have to reward him, he didn't even stand.
DCMS wouldn't be a bad fit if Ofcom was moved out of harm's way.
Boris could be appointed lift operator at the house of lords and thus be elevated to the peerage.....
Oh golly, please not Amber Rudd at the Home Office!
Other moves seem good though
Are they seriously still suggesting Osborne as Foreign Secretary?!
The MSM seems to think Remainers can fill PM, CoE and Foreign positions...
I don't think that would work (unless Theresa wants to send out a message that she's not interested in Brexit at all)
A leaver has to take on of those positions. Gove to foreign would make the most sense. If there's a department that will need whipping into shape from it cosy EU ivory tower its the foreign office and Gove took on the education department quite successfully....
So the Tories effect a Remain stitch up for the good of the country
Not unless they want to be destroyed at the next election...
Won't happen.
If the Tories abandoned Brexit completely they'd win with a majority of at least 50.
Have you seen the Labour Party?*
*P.S. Ukip are a comedy party. Won't happen.
Perhaps the Tories abandoning Brexit would instead destroy Labour (if they need any help) by helping UKIP to sweep through their heartlands.
UKIP are not going to sweep through anywhere . their councillors are deserting them , they cannot find candidates to contest most by elections and have no money to fight a good campaign when they do .
I can see the Tories coming through the middle and winning some very surprising seats as things stand as I can see Labour's vote declining, some splitting off to the Lib Dems (or even Tories) and others going off to UKIP.
Just had this email from SavingLbour (the anti-cornyn group):-
"Britain is a different country today than it was three weeks ago. We have a new Prime Minister, and she must be held to account by a Labour Party that represents us, ordinary people. Jeremy Corbyn is simply unable to take the Party forward and properly represent people like us.
Registration to help choose the next Labour Leader starts on Monday - and only lasts two days. That means we’ve only got the rest of this week to prepare to save the Labour Party.
Working together, we're stronger than they think. Share Saving Labour with your friends below"
The bit about registration is unclear to me. We intended to rejoin to vote against Corbyn but my understanding is that that no longer possible.
When did you lapse? You may be able to reactivate your membership. You have until 8th August.
It is rather confusing . It appears that if you joined as a full member after 12th Jan 2016 you cannot vote but registered supporters if they register and pay £ 25 in the next 2 days can . Does these mean that someone who joined as a member in say February now has to resign their membership and rejoin quickly as a supporter so they get a vote ?.
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Looks like a lot of educated guesswork to me... I still think a LEAVER has to fill one of the two top jobs in this government (CoE or Foreign Sec) otherwise it just looks like Mrs May is entirely unserious about Brexit (which of course, she might be)
Yes, there must be a senior LEAVER. Johnson as Foreign Sec makes sense to me.
Or maybe Grayling as Chancellor?
Boris would love being Foreign Sec - all that travel and hobnobbing. Plus May would like it as it would keep him out of the country a lot and there are no votes to be won from foreign affairs.
Would you trust Boris not to errh erhh how can I put this, show the best of British to attractive foreign ladies?
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
IMO Corbyn now has to stand on a ticket of mandatory reselection for all MPs.
Do you mean if he wins the contest Labour then should go into a full party reselection process? All MP's....?
Holy crap!
Yes. Corbyn has lost the support of MPs of all political views. Left, Right, Blairite, Brownite, soft left, Blue Labour etc. Obviously all of these people are just 'wrong'. Consequently, the Labour party will become uniformly Corbynite. Unlike any other political party, Labour will cease to be a board church of views. Only Corbynism will be tolerated. It was always going to be this way as many Corbynites I've spoken to cannot deal with disagreement on any subject whatsoever.
The hard left only needed to get the upper hand once. Now it has it will change the rules to ensure it never relinquishes it. As you say by 2020 it will be a 90% Corbynite party, everyone else will have left or been forced out. As a member till fairly recently I hope it is a pyrrhic victory and Labour end up with under 100 MPs at the next GE.
It'll certainly be under 200. And in a lonely corner of the Rochdale count someone will be mumbling "Eagles would have done worse" :-)
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
I reckon Leicester West and South would not be safe for Corbyn Labour. Possibly not Keith Vaz's Leicester East too.
Well, he's not going to win in Bury - that unfortunate anti-semitism business won't exactly play well.
Heard on the radio that while Corbyn was sent out of the room, there was a vote to decide whether he would get a vote to decide whether he would be on the ballot for the leadership vote.
It was passed by 1 vote...
They do love their votes on't C'mmittee down at the Wheeltappers & Shunters.
Just finished watching today's stage. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the word ARSE was painted on the road a couple of times today?
Ditto the phrase FUCK LIMOGES appeared on the road several times over the last 3 stages too.
On the plus side the Yorkshire flag has been seen several times.
JackW is expanding his ARSE to France, he is mulling a brand name change there to:DoingEverthingRightRealintelligenceEverythingRightEpolling. Or Derrière. But is testing out the current brand.
Oh golly, please not Amber Rudd at the Home Office!
Other moves seem good though
Are they seriously still suggesting Osborne as Foreign Secretary?!
The MSM seems to think Remainers can fill PM, CoE and Foreign positions...
I don't think that would work (unless Theresa wants to send out a message that she's not interested in Brexit at all)
A leaver has to take on of those positions. Gove to foreign would make the most sense. If there's a department that will need whipping into shape from it cosy EU ivory tower its the foreign office and Gove took on the education department quite successfully....
So the Tories effect a Remain stitch up for the good of the country, while the NEC put an unelectable hard left winger on the ballot, despite his facing a rebellion of unprecedented scale, because "thems the rules".
Spot the difference. And weep.
Why do you hate democracy so?
Erm, I don't. Where do you get the idea that having a party leader that is opposed by a PLP elected by millions is democratically sound?
It's the members that democratically elected Corbyn, and you are weeping because they are getting the chance to re-elect him or choose someone else, while cheering the conservatives for undemocratically choosing May and hoping she ignores the biggest example of direct democracy in a generation!
Just had this email from SavingLbour (the anti-cornyn group):-
"Britain is a different country today than it was three weeks ago. We have a new Prime Minister, and she must be held to account by a Labour Party that represents us, ordinary people. Jeremy Corbyn is simply unable to take the Party forward and properly represent people like us.
Registration to help choose the next Labour Leader starts on Monday - and only lasts two days. That means we’ve only got the rest of this week to prepare to save the Labour Party.
Working together, we're stronger than they think. Share Saving Labour with your friends below"
The bit about registration is unclear to me. We intended to rejoin to vote against Corbyn but my understanding is that that no longer possible.
When did you lapse? You may be able to reactivate your membership. You have until 8th August.
It is rather confusing . It appears that if you joined as a full member after 12th Jan 2016 you cannot vote but registered supporters if they register and pay £ 25 in the next 2 days can . Does these mean that someone who joined as a member in say February now has to resign their membership and rejoin quickly as a supporter so they get a vote ?.
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
Just take a moment to compare and contrast the Blair led Labour Government that Cameron faced at his first PMQs with the Corbyn led Labour Opposition tomorrow at his last outing as PM at PMQs? Predict that state of affairs will become part of David Cameron's legacy as a Prime Minister.
May has got three papers leading with her promotions for women. Surely she is not going to have CoTE Hammond, Foreign Sec Osborne and Home Sec Grayling as the markets assume?
Oh golly, please not Amber Rudd at the Home Office!
Other moves seem good though
Are they seriously still suggesting Osborne as Foreign Secretary?!
The MSM seems to think Remainers can fill PM, CoE and Foreign positions...
I don't think that would work (unless Theresa wants to send out a message that she's not interested in Brexit at all)
A leaver has to take on of those positions. Gove to foreign would make the most sense. If there's a department that will need whipping into shape from it cosy EU ivory tower its the foreign office and Gove took on the education department quite successfully....
So the Tories effect a Remain stitch up for the good of the country
Not unless they want to be destroyed at the next election...
Won't happen.
If the Tories abandoned Brexit completely they'd win with a majority of at least 50.
Have you seen the Labour Party?*
*P.S. Ukip are a comedy party. Won't happen.
Perhaps the Tories abandoning Brexit would instead destroy Labour (if they need any help) by helping UKIP to sweep through their heartlands.
UKIP are not going to sweep through anywhere . their councillors are deserting them , they cannot find candidates to contest most by elections and have no money to fight a good campaign when they do .
How do Lib Dems on the ground see the prospect of an SDP 2? Opportunity or threat?
Clearly they'll have to form an Alliance...
I doubt that many LibDems would look forward to re-living the 1980s.
The question is not what the Labour mal-contents can do in leaving Labour; it is whether all the progressive (i.e. Non-Tory, non-UKIP and non-Corbyn) strands of British politics can put together some sort of common platform and shared agenda to ride the backlash against Brexit, when it comes, and finally deliver meaningful reform to change for good the way politics is done in this country.
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
Well done, sir!
Actually I reckon it will be nearer 10,000
It was odd how Labour gained Chester while losing Vale of Clwyd just down the road.
Neighbouring Wirral West was also one of the few Labour gains in 2015. We were one of the areas where Labour did OK last time. Doubt Labour has a prayer of holding either in 2020 with Corbyn
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Out of interest, how many in-depth TV and radio interviews has Corbyn done since he became labour leader?
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
Well done, sir!
Actually I reckon it will be nearer 10,000
It was odd how Labour gained Chester while losing Vale of Clwyd just down the road.
Neighbouring Wirral West was also one of the few Labour gains in 2015. We were one of the areas where Labour did OK last time. Doubt Labour has a prayer of holding either in 2020 with Corbyn
Except in the May local elections, Corbyn's Labour made gains across the Wirral, and they also gained the Cheshire PCC (which I would assume meant a strong performance in Chester itself, since the deep shire Cheshire is a desert for Labour).
at least eagles didn't repeat her reasoning from Sunday for wanting to be labour leader / pm..."Because I am a working class woman who is gay"...we just got the because I am a woman this evening being "effectively communicated".
So we are now a one party state, we have walked out of the EU, we turn the lights off at night and we are about to spend all of our money on brand new nuclear missiles (which ironically I agree with given the state of things). This very Kim like, but when will we be allowed to beat and imprison football players when they get home from tournaments?
Scriblit @Scriblit Jul 11 Meanwhile, in the alternate timeline, PM Miliband just issued an apology for spilling spaghetti on Justin Trudeau at the NATO Summit.
Scriblit @Scriblit Jul 11 The event has been labeled 'the biggest political farce of 2016'.
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
At least she puts herself in front of the cameras and microphones. Corbyn chooses not to. He is only interested in talking to the converted.
I think i've actually just given up entirely on the concept of the Labour party. At this point it would be better for all if they just did a Sinn Fein and refused to take their seats. SNP would make a better opposition, can't they set up a sister ENP and stand in England?
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
Well done, sir!
Actually I reckon it will be nearer 10,000
It was odd how Labour gained Chester while losing Vale of Clwyd just down the road.
Neighbouring Wirral West was also one of the few Labour gains in 2015. We were one of the areas where Labour did OK last time. Doubt Labour has a prayer of holding either in 2020 with Corbyn
Except in the May local elections, Corbyn's Labour made gains across the Wirral, and they also gained the Cheshire PCC (which I would assume meant a strong performance in Chester itself, since the deep shire Cheshire is a desert for Labour).
Turnout in PPC elections are so small I doubt it indicates anything. I still voted Labour in the last local elections - it's a vote that runs no risk of seeing Corbyn as PM.
I'll take any bet you care to offer that Labour will lose Chester at the next GE if Corbyn is leader. I think I personally know enough ex-Labour voters to see that 96 majority disappear!
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
At least she puts herself in front of the cameras and microphones. Corbyn chooses not to. He is only interested in talking to the converted.
I hope she continues to do so. The more people hear her, the less likely they are to vote for her.
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
I don't get why any of the above are held in high.regard / thought they would win. Balls nearly lost his seat in 2010, then lost it in 2015. Miliband was a god awful minster. And chuka is definition of an empty suit with Burnham flip-floppyness.
Strange thing about Cameron's leadership is that he almost spent more time as leader of the opposition than he did as PM. And in a way he make more of an impact as leader of the opposition. A pity he had to wait four and half years to enter Downing Street because by then some of the initial energy around him had dissipated IMO.
Scriblit @Scriblit Jul 11 Meanwhile, in the alternate timeline, PM Miliband just issued an apology for spilling spaghetti on Justin Trudeau at the NATO Summit.
Scriblit @Scriblit Jul 11 The event has been labeled 'the biggest political farce of 2016'.
It's a lot more interesting in the darkest timeline.
Of course that's not necessarily a recommendation.
Spare a thought for the MP's who lent Corbyn their vote for the leadership of the labour party. - Just think what the poor souls are going through ;-)
Whatever it is they’re going through is more than deserved.
Don't be like that,do you remember when Blair got those massive majorities and he use to bang on that this was the end of the Tory party - he didn't mean it ;-)
Wow. That's clever. The lapsed members will all be anti Corbyn surely.
Problem is Labour added nearly 100k members between Jeremy's election and Jan 2016.
That's a hell of a lot of lapsed members to bring in to vote for Argclu.
I am a little confused at the moment, the implication is that it was anti-Corbyn NEC members who voted for the January cut off date for membership. But I can see that helping Corbyn, by that point lots of Pro Corbyn supporters had joined, and some never Corbyns had resigned in discussed. I would have thought that it is only more recently when a leadership challenge looked like happening that the anti-Corbyns have rejoined. maybe I'm completely off on that assumption.
with the membership and supporter category's of voters suppressed (compared to last time) The Trade Union voters have the potential to be more important. (4 million in theory could register for free to vote!) however there is a dichotomy here, while poling suggests most members realise he is a no hopper, the union leadership, especially 'Red Len' of the Unite Union are big supporters and may be able to cajole enough of his members to back Corbyn.
Who knows???? anybody seen the betting odds on the outcome yet?
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
At least she puts herself in front of the cameras and microphones. Corbyn chooses not to. He is only interested in talking to the converted.
By all accounts he doesn't even do much of that either....too busy eating bowls of noodles.
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
At least she puts herself in front of the cameras and microphones. Corbyn chooses not to. He is only interested in talking to the converted.
I hope she continues to do so. The more people hear her, the less likely they are to vote for her.
Yep, Jeremy needs to be re-elected so he can carry on preaching to the converted.
If eagles does win, she won't win a GE ...she is getting soft Ball treatment with Davis lobbing under armed deliveries on Newsnight & she still sounds rubbish.
Does she honestly believe she's an "effective communicator"?
She is a "strong Northern woman". Surely that's enough.
At least she puts herself in front of the cameras and microphones. Corbyn chooses not to. He is only interested in talking to the converted.
He has been on Peston and Marr in the last two months as well as the Sky News special
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
I think the idea is that Angela has got to be Michael Howard to Jezza's IDS (i.e with Jezza they may be totally wiped out, with Angie they will lose of course but will live to fight another day)
I'd have thought someone like Harriet Harman would make a more plausible Michael Howard though....
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
Well done, sir!
Actually I reckon it will be nearer 10,000
It was odd how Labour gained Chester while losing Vale of Clwyd just down the road.
Neighbouring Wirral West was also one of the few Labour gains in 2015. We were one of the areas where Labour did OK last time. Doubt Labour has a prayer of holding either in 2020 with Corbyn
Except in the May local elections, Corbyn's Labour made gains across the Wirral, and they also gained the Cheshire PCC (which I would assume meant a strong performance in Chester itself, since the deep shire Cheshire is a desert for Labour).
The Cheshire PCC election was unusual in that a large town held simultaneous council elections boosting the turnout by 10% and getting the Labour vote out.
Oh golly, please not Amber Rudd at the Home Office!
Other moves seem good though
Are they seriously still suggesting Osborne as Foreign Secretary?!
The MSM seems to think Remainers can fill PM, CoE and Foreign positions...
I don't think that would work (unless Theresa wants to send out a message that she's not interested in Brexit at all)
A leaver has to take on of those positions. Gove to foreign would make the most sense. If there's a department that will need whipping into shape from it cosy EU ivory tower its the foreign office and Gove took on the education department quite successfully....
So the Tories effect a Remain stitch up for the good of the country
Not unless they want to be destroyed at the next election...
Won't happen.
If the Tories abandoned Brexit completely they'd win with a majority of at least 50.
Have you seen the Labour Party?*
*P.S. Ukip are a comedy party. Won't happen.
Perhaps the Tories abandoning Brexit would instead destroy Labour (if they need any help) by helping UKIP to sweep through their heartlands.
UKIP are not going to sweep through anywhere . their councillors are deserting them , they cannot find candidates to contest most by elections and have no money to fight a good campaign when they do .
They have money. Aron Banks has £250 million, he's already spent £6million on this cause.
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
I think the idea is that Angela has got to be Michael Howard to Jezza's IDS (i.e with Jezza they may be totally wiped out, with Angie they will lose of course but will live to fight another day)
I'd have thought someone like Harriet Harman would make a more plausible Michael Howard though....
For Angela Eagle to win now though she has to win the membership, so she would have more of a mandate than Howard did and he won 33 seats
Oh golly, please not Amber Rudd at the Home Office!
Other moves seem good though
Are they seriously still suggesting Osborne as Foreign Secretary?!
The MSM seems to think Remainers can fill PM, CoE and Foreign positions...
I don't think that would work (unless Theresa wants to send out a message that she's not interested in Brexit at all)
A leaver has to take on of those positions. Gove to foreign would make the most sense. If there's a department that will need whipping into shape from it cosy EU ivory tower its the foreign office and Gove took on the education department quite successfully....
So the Tories effect a Remain stitch up for the good of the country
Not unless they want to be destroyed at the next election...
Won't happen.
If the Tories abandoned Brexit completely they'd win with a majority of at least 50.
Have you seen the Labour Party?*
*P.S. Ukip are a comedy party. Won't happen.
Perhaps the Tories abandoning Brexit would instead destroy Labour (if they need any help) by helping UKIP to sweep through their heartlands.
UKIP are not going to sweep through anywhere . their councillors are deserting them , they cannot find candidates to contest most by elections and have no money to fight a good campaign when they do .
They have money. Aron Banks has £250 million, he's already spent £6million on this cause.
Wouldn't it be more likely to be a rebranded party? Elements of vote leave (Carswell, Hannan, Boris, Leadsom, Stuart, Hoey, Field, IDS) and a Farage-less UKIP? I would think if they could find some common ground, maybe they could make a difference, but not UKIP as they stand
Labour are reaping what they've sown, instead of listening to their millions of voters around the country pratts like Mandelson have held court in Islington restaurants.
Good riddance, I hope the Labour party dies for taking ordinary people for granted.
My seat in the North West has a Labour majority of 96 and I reckon the Tories will win it by well over 5000 in 2020 if Corbyn is still there.
Well done, sir!
Actually I reckon it will be nearer 10,000
It was odd how Labour gained Chester while losing Vale of Clwyd just down the road.
Neighbouring Wirral West was also one of the few Labour gains in 2015. We were one of the areas where Labour did OK last time. Doubt Labour has a prayer of holding either in 2020 with Corbyn
Except in the May local elections, Corbyn's Labour made gains across the Wirral, and they also gained the Cheshire PCC (which I would assume meant a strong performance in Chester itself, since the deep shire Cheshire is a desert for Labour).
Dylan Strain Len McCluskey, has opened up a £2.00 registered supporters scheme with Unite Community. Meaning you don't have to spend £25 joining Labour.
Dylan Strain Len McCluskey, has opened up a £2.00 registered supporters scheme with Unite Community. Meaning you don't have to spend £25 joining Labour.
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
Do you seriously think Corbyn will resign when Labour is destroyed at the next GE?
I think he would lose in a leadership contest in that scenario, especially if up against a candidate with an ounce of gravitas
Really? Seriously? By that time the hard left will have full control and there will have been any number of deselections. What's more, the results of general elections are of little interest to parties that do not aspire to govern through Parliament.
Have the NEC finished for the night? I really need to go to bed.
clearly not:
George Eaton @georgeeaton 55s56 seconds ago Affiliated supporters who join between now and 8 August expected to be able to vote, says Labour source. But not confirmed.
Dylan Strain Len McCluskey, has opened up a £2.00 registered supporters scheme with Unite Community. Meaning you don't have to spend £25 joining Labour.
Stitch up vs stitch up..even cheaper than £3 this time around!
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
I think the idea is that Angela has got to be Michael Howard to Jezza's IDS (i.e with Jezza they may be totally wiped out, with Angie they will lose of course but will live to fight another day)
I'd have thought someone like Harriet Harman would make a more plausible Michael Howard though....
The thing is, I see it as the exact opposite. Corbyn would not win a general election, but he would atleast IMO save most current Labour seats (as shown in the OK but unspectacular results in the council elections in May). He doesn't have any interest or ability in winning anyone beyond the core Labour vote, but at least he does have some basic appeal to that core vote. Another defeat for Labour, but atleast enough of the furniture saved for a potential future win if a good leader eventually turns up.
On the other hand, Eagle with a Remain-style strategy would royally piss off huge tranches of the core vote who are desperate for some kind of change from the status quo, while her complete lack of charisma would mean she would be unable to win over any other voters to compensate for the loss of core votes. A massive defeat, putting Labour out of business forever, all so the PLP get to feel they won their ego battle with the membership.
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
Question is how would D Miliband or Balls get a seat while Corbyn is in charge?
Well, yes... good point
Still, being seen to be overturning a democratically elected leader is not a good look. Rome wasn't built in a day. UKIP looked to have had a poor GE, but it turned out that 4m votes were a pointer towards achieving their goal, while staying true to themselves. I think its best for Labour to let Corbyn fail, then beat him fairly. Either way they aren't winning the next GE
Does these mean that someone who joined as a member in say February now has to resign their membership and rejoin quickly as a supporter so they get a vote ?.
Cook never quite mastered the 'foreign' bit.
It was passed by 1 vote...
They do love their votes on't C'mmittee down at the Wheeltappers & Shunters.
I can see her losing 70:30. She's playing the wimmin card on Newsnight but other than that she seems to be an empty vessel.
Don't know about the rest.
You can't always get what you want
The question is not what the Labour mal-contents can do in leaving Labour; it is whether all the progressive (i.e. Non-Tory, non-UKIP and non-Corbyn) strands of British politics can put together some sort of common platform and shared agenda to ride the backlash against Brexit, when it comes, and finally deliver meaningful reform to change for good the way politics is done in this country.
He might not even run now.
This very Kim like, but when will we be allowed to beat and imprison football players when they get home from tournaments?
Just think of the poor souls are going through ;-)
Labour should let him lose the next GE and hope Chuka, Ed Balls or D Miliband are in a position to take over
Meanwhile, in the alternate timeline, PM Miliband just issued an apology for spilling spaghetti on Justin Trudeau at the NATO Summit.
Scriblit @Scriblit Jul 11
The event has been labeled 'the biggest political farce of 2016'.
I'll take any bet you care to offer that Labour will lose Chester at the next GE if Corbyn is leader. I think I personally know enough ex-Labour voters to see that 96 majority disappear!
The President Sunil speech!
Of course that's not necessarily a recommendation.
with the membership and supporter category's of voters suppressed (compared to last time) The Trade Union voters have the potential to be more important. (4 million in theory could register for free to vote!) however there is a dichotomy here, while poling suggests most members realise he is a no hopper, the union leadership, especially 'Red Len' of the Unite Union are big supporters and may be able to cajole enough of his members to back Corbyn.
Who knows???? anybody seen the betting odds on the outcome yet?
I'd have thought someone like Harriet Harman would make a more plausible Michael Howard though....
The idea that he would automatically resign after Labour are reduced to 150 MPs is pretty unrealistic.
Angela Eagle just revealed Labour's polling on @BBCNewsnight-14% down in the marginals @CllrRuthRosenau @mark_stokie72 @campbellclaret
Good riddance, I hope the Labour party dies for taking ordinary people for granted.
Will be hard for Labour to hold even if they're doing OK
Len McCluskey, has opened up a £2.00 registered supporters scheme with Unite Community. Meaning you don't have to spend £25 joining Labour.
George Eaton @georgeeaton 55s56 seconds ago
Affiliated supporters who join between now and 8 August expected to be able to vote, says Labour source. But not confirmed.
Give me a flowchart!!!
On the other hand, Eagle with a Remain-style strategy would royally piss off huge tranches of the core vote who are desperate for some kind of change from the status quo, while her complete lack of charisma would mean she would be unable to win over any other voters to compensate for the loss of core votes. A massive defeat, putting Labour out of business forever, all so the PLP get to feel they won their ego battle with the membership.
Still, being seen to be overturning a democratically elected leader is not a good look. Rome wasn't built in a day. UKIP looked to have had a poor GE, but it turned out that 4m votes were a pointer towards achieving their goal, while staying true to themselves. I think its best for Labour to let Corbyn fail, then beat him fairly. Either way they aren't winning the next GE