One of the more amusing aspects of the resistible rise of Andrea Leadsom is seeing the posts from the EEA Leavers. You can almost see their grey pallor through the computer screen.
I think May will squish Leadsom during the campaign.
May will lack the flamboyance of Johnson or the ultra-ease of Cameron but she is a high-level political operator who communicates very well and has a lot of experience.
I also disagree that she will be a vote for Remain. May is not a Europhile and neither is she stupid or stubborn.
She will understand - indeed, her nomination speech last week struck the perfect tone - that the Brexit voters won and any attempt to dissemble or ignore will tear the Tories apart.
Personally, I think she will be a very good PM for these troubled times.
And I say that as someone who voted Brexit.
She is at present largely a proxy for remainers who want to pretend the vote hasn't happened and second referendum idiots. Why did she meet with Branson btw?
At the very least she will now be pushed into positions which expose what she really wants on EEA/EFTA and that will be very revealing to members who want straightforward out.
1. I doubt many Tory members want out of the Single Market
2. Why not meet Branson? A billionaire Remainer. I'd be interested to hear his views, even if I disagreed with them.
I am confident that a May cabinet will have Brexiteers in it. Grayling, Leadsom and Gove for certain. Possibly Boris, Patel and IDS.
Last week she emphatically said 'Brexit means Brexit'. She is no Europhile herself; never has been.
The one area where she is vulnerable is on non-EU immigration. But George Osborne's model for economic growth - rightly or wrongly - was predicated on high levels of immigration.
One thing the Brexit vote highlighted was working class anger over immigration. I'd be surprised if immigration is ignored any longer under Tory governments.
Comparing the leadbangers to momentum is a bit too much though isnt it? With Corbyn he had a long history and they knew they were electing a marxist. Leadsom is just an unknown upon whom (a bit like Brexit) people can project a fantasy of choice.
That's it, isn't it? A blank slate is a fabulous candidate that everyone can project their hopes onto (Mr Obama...) And Ms Leadsom is defenitely that. We know nothing of her beliefs, except that she used to think leaving the EU was a disaster, and now thinks it's awesome.
A grossly simplistic characterisation of her views.
OK. List Leadsom's policy positions on things other than the EU?
Amazing question.
You might have asked Churchill in 1940 for his policy positions 'other than about the War'.
Over the next 6-12 months, how we Brexit is more important than all other govt business put together.
One of the more amusing aspects of the resistible rise of Andrea Leadsom is seeing the posts from the EEA Leavers. You can almost see their grey pallor through the computer screen.
They won't admit they called the referendum wrong though. It will all be David Cameron's fault somehow.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
They have to truncate this leadership. Two/three weeks is enough. The economy cannot bear ten fucking weeks of instability.
The entire country is effectively without leadership, at one of the most dangerous times in recent history. Since the war, probably.
Why, you signed up to the Andrea Leadsom message that Brexit wouldn't impact on the UK economy.
Sack up you mewling quim
Yo, TSE!
Suck it up, bitch!
Looking at your posting name, made me reflect that, given how many characters there are in Game of Thrones, why don't more of them share a name? Everyone seems to have an unique name. Why aren't their more Eddards, or Broms?
I shall immediately change to Dany.
But then you'll be stuck married to Tyrion in the next season.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
I'd imagine the party would act pretty swiftly to cull her, mind.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
It will certainly be a test of the fabled British Civil Service as they try and guide and micromanage someone who is manifestly not up to being PM.
Has there been a recent precedent? I can't think of one. Maybe Alec Douglas Home.
I'm for May as we need experienced hands on the Tiller at a time like this.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
However I agree and fear that a month of metrosexual/remainer monstering of her by the usual suspects might well win it for Iain Duncan Leadsom.
When am I going to wake up from this nightmare? It's been going on for months.
Don't you find it fascinating to see the ancien regime crumbling, and history being made in front of you?
Amazing to hear a self-professed conservative say this. I agree it is fascinating but what the hell replaces the ancien regime? History doesn't suggest a happy ending.
Which surviving ancien regime supports your contention?
I think May will squish Leadsom during the campaign.
May will lack the flamboyance of Johnson or the ultra-ease of Cameron but she is a high-level political operator who communicates very well and has a lot of experience.
I also disagree that she will be a vote for Remain. May is not a Europhile and neither is she stupid or stubborn.
She will understand - indeed, her nomination speech last week struck the perfect tone - that the Brexit voters won and any attempt to dissemble or ignore will tear the Tories apart.
Personally, I think she will be a very good PM for these troubled times.
And I say that as someone who voted Brexit.
She is at present largely a proxy for remainers who want to pretend the vote hasn't happened and second referendum idiots. Why did she meet with Branson btw?
At the very least she will now be pushed into positions which expose what she really wants on EEA/EFTA and that will be very revealing to members who want straightforward out.
1. I doubt many Tory members want out of the Single Market
2. Why not meet Branson? A billionaire Remainer. I'd be interested to hear his views, even if I disagreed with them.
I am confident that a May cabinet will have Brexiteers in it. Grayling, Leadsom and Gove for certain. Possibly Boris, Patel and IDS.
Last week she emphatically said 'Brexit means Brexit'. She is no Europhile herself; never has been.
The one area where she is vulnerable is on non-EU immigration. But George Osborne's model for economic growth - rightly or wrongly - was predicated on high levels of immigration.
One thing the Brexit vote highlighted was working class anger over immigration. I'd be surprised if immigration is ignored any longer under Tory governments.
Truly that Cabinet could be called one of all the talents.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
I think they will respect the vote. Except for maybe Soubry and Clarke.
Top economists continue to express grave concerns about political uncertainty in the UK.It will settle down a little when Corbyn delivers the final blows to the Chicken Coup and creates greater certainty in the opposition.The message of urgent public investment will comfort the markets.When the private sector doesn't do it,then the public sector must in housing for example where we desperately need local authority investment.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
I think they will respect the vote. Except for maybe Soubry and Clarke.
For how long though? Remember if the party declares no confidence she doesn't get to stand again and then it would be a coup, probably for someone like Osborne.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
You are quite right there Pauly. I think UKIP will continue to exist and even grow, perhaps under a different name. It depends on whom the new leader is. 2 Parties without leaders and one wishing their leader would disappear.
They'll have a 130 odd MP's at the next election. I know because, an in no way delusional, bloke on an internet forum told me
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
May has u-turned on that already y'know..
No she hasn't. The exact wording said their status here will be dependent on the status of Brits in the EU. It's the same policy with nicer dressing.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
Tissue Price, David Herdson, Casino Royale, Bunnco, ToryJim.
I'm more of a lurker but I have a vote. It's May for me.
I'm a member of the Prime Ministerial Electorate - I will vote for May, even though I'm politically closer to Leadsom, as I know it's better in order to maintain unity in the party and also provide the country with a more steady leadership. Leadsom is clearly favoured by Kippers but frankly they're not going to vote Tory and UKIP has become a danger to Labour more so than us. May will anchor the Tories in the centre-right and lead a broad church. Looking good.
Faisal Islam @faisalislam 13s14 seconds ago Boris: congrats to @andrealeadsom on "stunning achievement" .She is now "well placed to win" and to "replace absurd gloom" with +ve approach
So Boris goes for candidate he thinks will be booted out within a couple of years.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
It will certainly be a test of the fabled British Civil Service as they try and guide and micromanage someone who is manifestly not up to being PM.
Has there been a recent precedent? I can't think of one. Maybe Alec Douglas Home.
Could be a useful warm-up for the task of managing Corbyn as PM.
Faisal Islam @faisalislam 13s14 seconds ago Boris: congrats to @andrealeadsom on "stunning achievement" .She is now "well placed to win" and to "replace absurd gloom" with +ve approach
So Boris goes for candidate he thinks will be booted out within a couple of years.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
May has u-turned on that already y'know..
No she hasn't. The exact wording said their status here will be dependent on the status of Brits in the EU. It's the same policy with nicer dressing.
That implies that if the EU mass-deports Brits we'd change our position. We should absolutely not lower ourselves to their level - whatever that level may be.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
You've presumably filled your boots at the odds available.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
I think they will respect the vote. Except for maybe Soubry and Clarke.
I guess the major difference is when the coup comes and I think it will if she gets it at some point it will be far more successful than the pathetic attempt by Labour to remove Corbyn. In large part because it's much easier to depose of a tory leader and people have the balls to do it.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
I think they will respect the vote. Except for maybe Soubry and Clarke.
I guess the major difference is when the coup comes and I think it will if she gets it at some point it will be far more successful than the pathetic attempt by Labour to remove Corbyn. In large part because it's much easier to depose of a tory leader and people have the balls to do it.
I don't mind if they drop her before 2020, just give us a few years of thatcherite policies and a proper brexit deal.
Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway).
No one is going to benefit from a prime minister being elected by 100,000 individuals who are so extraordinarily out of touch with reality that they have somehow missed the destruction of whole communities...both urban and rural as a result of spending cuts imposed on local authorities by this government.
If these socially isolated individuals choose to elect a hedge fund managing, tax avoiding politician who wants to put employment regulation back 100 years then this country is doomed.
Andrea Leadsom and those who support her are not the solution - they are the problem !
I think the modern idea of the members rather than the MPs deciding who leads the MPs may quietly be dropped within a few years.
The Tory members bear a huge responsibilty. We have voted for parliament to again become sovereign and make grave and terrible decisions on behalf of the people, rather than be the glorified student union debating chamber it has been since Maastrict.
If we are to suceed in this we need people to vote maturely in the national interest not in favour of their pet faction, policy or character.
That indicates that a clear win for May is essential.
We can only succeed in Brexit if governed by wise, experienced people.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
Tissue Price, David Herdson, Casino Royale, Bunnco, ToryJim.
I'm more of a lurker but I have a vote. It's May for me.
I'm a member of the Prime Ministerial Electorate - I will vote for May, even though I'm politically closer to Leadsom, as I know it's better in order to maintain unity in the party and also provide the country with a more steady leadership. Leadsom is clearly favoured by Kippers but frankly they're not going to vote Tory and UKIP has become a danger to Labour more so than us. May will anchor the Tories in the centre-right and lead a broad church. Looking good.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
It will certainly be a test of the fabled British Civil Service as they try and guide and micromanage someone who is manifestly not up to being PM.
Has there been a recent precedent? I can't think of one. Maybe Alec Douglas Home.
Could be a useful warm-up for the task of managing Corbyn as PM.
Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway).
No one is going to benefit from a prime minister being elected by 100,000 individuals who are so extraordinarily out of touch with reality that they have somehow missed the destruction of whole communities...both urban and rural as a result of spending cuts imposed on local authorities by this government.
If these socially isolated individuals choose to elect a hedge fund managing, tax avoiding politician who wants to put employment regulation back 100 years then this country is doomed.
Andrea Leadsom and those who support her are not the solution - they are the problem !
I think the modern idea of the members rather than the MPs deciding who leads the MPs may quietly be dropped within a few years.
Really? Successfully elected Cameron and I am quite confident will elect May who in turn will go on to win a general election too. So no need to change the rules - which are balanced and sensible... unlike Labour's... *snigger*
How do women get away with wearing that in parliament when men have to wear suits and ties?
Who gives a feck? What politicians wear in the house should be the least of our worries.
Standards, dear boy, standards. As a leader of people who go into dangerous situations I am sure you know that the people who can't be trusted on the little things sure as hell can't be trusted on the big ones.
Open button today, open submarine hatch tomorrow.
Our last Chief was impeccably turned out, right down to his tax payer funded dress shoes. He is no longer in employment. I offer no more evidence.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
May has u-turned on that already y'know..
No she hasn't. The exact wording said their status here will be dependent on the status of Brits in the EU. It's the same policy with nicer dressing.
That implies that if the EU mass-deports Brits we'd change our position. We should absolutely not lower ourselves to their level - whatever that level may be.
I would have thought that a victorious Leadsom would draw up a Brexit committee comprised of true believers for the negotiations. Nigel Farage could be appointed to that without formally joining the government (or the Conservative party).
It seems fairly clear that something is afoot between the two of them.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
May has u-turned on that already y'know..
No she hasn't. The exact wording said their status here will be dependent on the status of Brits in the EU. It's the same policy with nicer dressing.
That implies that if the EU mass-deports Brits we'd change our position. We should absolutely not lower ourselves to their level - whatever that level may be.
Why not. This is the real world not the land of fluffy bunny rabbits. Not as if they face persecution if they goback
Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway).
No one is going to benefit from a prime minister being elected by 100,000 individuals who are so extraordinarily out of touch with reality that they have somehow missed the destruction of whole communities...both urban and rural as a result of spending cuts imposed on local authorities by this government.
If these socially isolated individuals choose to elect a hedge fund managing, tax avoiding politician who wants to put employment regulation back 100 years then this country is doomed.
Andrea Leadsom and those who support her are not the solution - they are the problem !
I think the modern idea of the members rather than the MPs deciding who leads the MPs may quietly be dropped within a few years.
Really? Successfully elected Cameron and I am quite confident will elect May who in turn will go on to win a general election too. So no need to change the rules - which are balanced and sensible... unlike Labour's... *snigger*
I think the 3 month cut off may be extended though. I still find it unbelievable that Labour had no cut off, indeed they encouraged random people to sign up and have a say.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
May has u-turned on that already y'know..
No she hasn't. The exact wording said their status here will be dependent on the status of Brits in the EU. It's the same policy with nicer dressing.
That implies that if the EU mass-deports Brits we'd change our position. We should absolutely not lower ourselves to their level - whatever that level may be.
Ace negotiator
If they start deporting Brits or eroding their rights the international backlash will erode governments in an already crisis filled eurozone. They are too weak to dare, we don't need the leverage. EDIT: Not to mention the fact that they are all liberal governments, with an EPP (liberal) led European Parliament who wouldn't dare lose their self acclaimed liberal status.
IDS now predicting that UKIP will disappear. #notverygoodatpolitics
Well, it will if Leadsom incorporates UKIP into the Conservative Party, and makes Nigel Farage a cabinet minister.
I plan on voting for her, but there is absolutely no chance of that happening. It would split the Tory party and she'd be beset by cabinet resignation threats/action before it could be completed. So I'm not worried.
The mere fact of Leadsom winning will tear the party apart. 84 MPs out of 330 backed her. I can't imagine those on the left/centre-left of the party putting up with it.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
It will certainly be a test of the fabled British Civil Service as they try and guide and micromanage someone who is manifestly not up to being PM.
Has there been a recent precedent? I can't think of one. Maybe Alec Douglas Home.
Could be a useful warm-up for the task of managing Corbyn as PM.
Kill me now.
It was only two weeks ago that we lived in a country that appeared to be sane, well-adjusted and competently-managed.
I would have thought that a victorious Leadsom would draw up a Brexit committee comprised of true believers for the negotiations. Nigel Farage could be appointed to that without formally joining the government (or the Conservative party).
It seems fairly clear that something is afoot between the two of them.
Was the march through parliament something like this:
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
I thought PlatoSaid she was a floating voter?
Yes and I am for Theresa - It will be interesting to see how Ruth Davidson reacts to Andrea Leadsom, especially her views on gay marriage. She has previously indicated she could lead the Scots Conservatives to a divorce from the UK party
One of the more amusing aspects of the resistible rise of Andrea Leadsom is seeing the posts from the EEA Leavers. You can almost see their grey pallor through the computer screen.
Enjoy it Alastair. Schadenfreude is a vastly underrated emotion . I am literally terrified for the first time since the referendum.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
I thought PlatoSaid she was a floating voter?
Yes and I am for Theresa - It will be interesting to see how Ruth Davidson reacts to Andrea Leadsom, especially her views on gay marriage. She has previously indicated she could lead the Scots Conservatives to a divorce from the UK party
I didn't think of that angle, it will be tough for Ruth to bow to a gay basher like Leadsom.
@John_M I'm using up my rations of "I told you so" early this week. But boy, it's not as though the EEA Leavers weren't fully warned that they weren't in control of events.
Didn't expect Gove to do so catastrophically. His "I have no charisma" speech must have gone down even more badly than expected.
It’s exactly what I thought would happen – his knifing of Boris went down very badly with Tory MPs, only the conspiracy theorists have been bigging up his chances.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
I thought PlatoSaid she was a floating voter?
Yes and I am for Theresa - It will be interesting to see how Ruth Davidson reacts to Andrea Leadsom, especially her views on gay marriage. She has previously indicated she could lead the Scots Conservatives to a divorce from the UK party
@John_M I'm using up my rations of "I told you so" early this week. But boy, it's not as though the EEA Leavers weren't fully warned that they weren't in control of events.
My train went off the tracks when Boris got shivved in the showers. Ah well, Saint-Girons it is then.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
Tissue Price, David Herdson, Casino Royale, Bunnco, ToryJim.
I'm more of a lurker but I have a vote. It's May for me.
Same here. Not wholly delighted at voting for May. And Leadsom should be given a big role in delivering Brexit. If she comes through, then she will have a proper CV going into the next election, when May stands down. But not Andrea, not now.
The next PM is to be decided by the votes of about 150,000 people. How many of the posters on here actually have a vote? I can think of five
Big_G_Northwales Miss Plato Young Darth Eagles JohnO Mr Nabavi
Any others?
I thought PlatoSaid she was a floating voter?
Yes and I am for Theresa - It will be interesting to see how Ruth Davidson reacts to Andrea Leadsom, especially her views on gay marriage. She has previously indicated she could lead the Scots Conservatives to a divorce from the UK party
I didn't think of that angle, it will be tough for Ruth to bow to a gay basher like Leadsom.
Ruth doesn't bow to anyone. She will be stridently pro Theresa
Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway).
No one is going to benefit from a prime minister being elected by 100,000 individuals who are so extraordinarily out of touch with reality that they have somehow missed the destruction of whole communities...both urban and rural as a result of spending cuts imposed on local authorities by this government.
If these socially isolated individuals choose to elect a hedge fund managing, tax avoiding politician who wants to put employment regulation back 100 years then this country is doomed.
Andrea Leadsom and those who support her are not the solution - they are the problem !
I think the modern idea of the members rather than the MPs deciding who leads the MPs may quietly be dropped within a few years.
Really? Successfully elected Cameron and I am quite confident will elect May who in turn will go on to win a general election too. So no need to change the rules - which are balanced and sensible... unlike Labour's... *snigger*
I think the 3 month cut off may be extended though. I still find it unbelievable that Labour had no cut off, indeed they encouraged random people to sign up and have a say.
Not only no cut-off, but also allow £3 non-members to vote just the same as life-long full members!
It's hilarious. Sums up the party's abilities in running, well, a bath.. etc.
At least this means I've got my threads already written for the next 9 weeks.
You'd have to be absolutely batshit crazy to even think about voting for the loathsome Leadsom.
And Leadsom makes Corbyn as PM nailed on.
That sort of stuff.
If the leadership election is brought forward then the new PM will be representing the UK at the G20 summit in China on 4/5 September. Can you imagine Leadsom doing that?
Who would make your testes shrivel most when they told you off: May or Leadsom? Leadsom: her surname ends in an M and this is NOT NATURAL. Who would win in a May/Leadsom pie fight? Shag, Marry, Kill: May, Hillary, Merkel
'Theresa May will win because she has a level of experience that Andrea Leadsom does not.
All Theresa really has to do is ensure that she has a genuinely committed Brexit bunch dealing with negotiations.
There are more than enough face saving fig leaves available to the UK and EU to balance their supposedly irreconcilable positions.'
Yes an £11 billion gap in the EU budget will focus EU minds, doesn't seem to have been a rush from France or Italy to make up the shortfall.
2. Why not meet Branson? A billionaire Remainer. I'd be interested to hear his views, even if I disagreed with them.
I am confident that a May cabinet will have Brexiteers in it. Grayling, Leadsom and Gove for certain. Possibly Boris, Patel and IDS.
Last week she emphatically said 'Brexit means Brexit'. She is no Europhile herself; never has been.
The one area where she is vulnerable is on non-EU immigration. But George Osborne's model for economic growth - rightly or wrongly - was predicated on high levels of immigration.
One thing the Brexit vote highlighted was working class anger over immigration. I'd be surprised if immigration is ignored any longer under Tory governments.
It would be another Corbyn scenario. Except she would actually be running the country....
Jeez, I felt I chill down my spine typing that!
But then you'll be stuck married to Tyrion in the next season.
Has there been a recent precedent? I can't think of one. Maybe Alec Douglas Home.
Her backbone in standing by the no right for EU citizens to remain in the UK unless EU does the same for UK citizens in contrast to Leadsome going all SJW on the issue reinforces that.
However I agree and fear that a month of metrosexual/remainer monstering of her by the usual suspects might well win it for Iain Duncan Leadsom.
I hope you'll vote for him
it makes you wonder what is the point of women joining Labour, all they do is provide window dressing and entertainment for Jezza
Boris: congrats to @andrealeadsom on "stunning achievement" .She is now "well placed to win" and to "replace absurd gloom" with +ve approach
So Boris goes for candidate he thinks will be booted out within a couple of years.
The Tory members bear a huge responsibilty. We have voted for parliament to again become sovereign and make grave and terrible decisions on behalf of the people, rather than be the glorified student union debating chamber it has been since Maastrict.
If we are to suceed in this we need people to vote maturely in the national interest not in favour of their pet faction, policy or character.
That indicates that a clear win for May is essential.
We can only succeed in Brexit if governed by wise, experienced people.
If she has to withdraw, what happens then? Does Theresa get it by default, or does the contest have to start all over again?
She's in the enviable position at the moment of being underestimated by her enemies.
It seems fairly clear that something is afoot between the two of them.
(This is where someone tells me she did).
EDIT: Not to mention the fact that they are all liberal governments, with an EPP (liberal) led European Parliament who wouldn't dare lose their self acclaimed liberal status.
It will make the members' hackles rise. The rule should be: if you're a metropolitan luvvie and you don't want PM Leadsom, stfu. ?
You'd have to be absolutely batshit crazy to even think about voting for the loathsome Leadsom.
And Leadsom makes Corbyn as PM nailed on.
That sort of stuff.
I'd prefer May, though I'm not enthused about either.
It's hilarious. Sums up the party's abilities in running, well, a bath.. etc.
"Michael Gove said he had "some of the brightest and the best" Tory MPs on his side. He also had Nick Boles"
Some more thread suggestions:
Who would make your testes shrivel most when they told you off: May or Leadsom?
Leadsom: her surname ends in an M and this is NOT NATURAL.
Who would win in a May/Leadsom pie fight?
Shag, Marry, Kill: May, Hillary, Merkel
etc. etc.