Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
Are you a Leadsom mole? That sort of language only increases her chances.
All boils down to the blue-rinse nutters in the country then to decide on who presides over the destruction of our communities - could we end up with both main parties having unelectable leaders chosen by their party without the support of the majority of their MPs?
The Lib Dems must be able to take advantage of this, surely?
can't believe Leadsom has secured a role in government at all - all her candidature has done for me is highlight how poor the current crop of politicos is - the left of the labour party have gone from Foot to Corbyn and the right of the tory party from Joseph to Leadsom - in the middle are massed ranks of PR-based no marks and people who think Michael Gove is clever rather than just good at sounding smart to a certain sort of tory.
as a centre right socially liberal tory I think any party member who doesn't see May as the least bad candidate in the most difficult climate at least since Suez is just too sad for words, and I will despair for our country should we have the misfortune to be lumped with Leadsom as PM
Back into the "anyone that disagrees with me is an idiot" fortress! How did that work out for you in the referendum?
I don't know if you've noticed this, but a lot of Leavers on this board - including MaxPB and myself - have the same reservations about Leadsom.
Thats a perfectly reasonable position. What I am criticising is the subsegment of opponents who work themselves into a frothy mess over every tenuous criticism.
My view is that ultimately she is not experienced enough to move from junior minister to Prime Minister. The rest is just the commentariat jumping up and down in pursuit of clicks.
Slightly better result for Leadsom than I expected. She reflects a strand of opinion within the party that deserves to be aired. Still expect a relativelty straightforward May win on the members ballot..
What - fucking nutters?
What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway).
All boils down to the blue-rinse nutters in the country then to decide on who presides over the destruction of our communities - could we end up with both main parties having unelectable leaders chosen by their party without the support of the majority of their MPs?
Yep, we really are heading into a looking glass world.
If you cant play, or are no good at chess, don't go there.
I guess Andrea Leadsom now needs to decide whether it is tenable for her to continue to seek to lead the Conservative party and the country with the support of only a quarter of the Conservative Parliamentary party.
I expect that her answer will be yes.
May has had the payroll vote in the MP election for the leadership..
But the payroll vote will be glad to move to whoever is the PM chosen by the membership.
How many other countries have elected their second female leader?
Bangladesh (four now), Finland, Haiti, Lithuania, Moldova, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Senegal, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sao Tome and Principe.
Not unique then!
Bangladesh's 4 is actually 2. Shiekh Hasina and Khaleda Zia. They were elected twice each. Not including the last time, when the opposition boycotted the polls.
Bangladesh hasn't had a male PM since 1991 apart from 2 years of a caretaker government.
I've already been chastised by Sunil
Could be worse - you could be "chastised" by Andrea Leadsom
Christ on a bike does that mean we have a couple of months of ScottPaste tweets on various claims about Leadsom ? Life might be too short. I wouldn't vote for her personally, but a two month hatchet job is going to make electing her more likely not less - see "hand, overplaying" (reference EU referendum remain campaign)
Scarcely a ringing endorsement for Theresa May - she got Crabb's supporters as might have been expected but Fox's supporters have gone to Leadsom along with a couple of switchers from Team Gove.
Despite a brutal 48 hours for her, Leadsom has held the line reasonably well. She has been a victim of the kind of full-on character assassination normally reserved for Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders.
The divisions in the Conservative parliamentary party (which the Referendum was meant to end once and for all) are now laid bare. 200 MPs (roughly) form the pro-EU dissident ex-Cameroon factions and 130 or so form the all out LEAVE group - that's a 60-40 split.
If we are to believe the polls, May has strong support among the members at this time but Leadsom has a chance to galvanise the ex-LEAVE supporters and others. In 2001, the membership went for IDS over Clarke but in 2005 for Cameron over Davis so it's very hard to read it.
I love Dan Hannan. That's exactly the right tone. (Much, much better than Farage.)
I am a Hannanite. Sounds biblical. I like it. Not sure if he's a hard Brexiter. If so, he's a heretic! Burn him!
I am a Hannanite as well. As I understand it Hannan is a free trade libertarian. I think he would mostly be quite happy with EEA, but he believes (as I do) that the borders of the United Kingdom should be under the control of the elected representatives and institutions of the British people. This is far from meaning that he thinks we should even reduce immigration, i suspect quite the opposite, just that the number of people and the conditions of entry should be decided by our parliament. Its basically the right-wing communitarian view (which I also lean towards)
James Kirkup @jameskirkup 130 MPs who voted for Leadsom/Gove is v close to number who voted Leave. If she's PM, T May will have to work v hard to unite party.
If May's camp carry on putting the boot in for the next 6-8 weeks all it will do is guarantee 80 or so Tory MPs that won't vote for anything May wants to do when she gets elected PM.
Faisal Islam @faisalislam 3m3 minutes ago Look how happy IDS is after Leadsom gets on ballot - told me Monday "if we can get her to the country, she'll win"
I've said it before and I will continue to do so Andrea Leadsom is toxic. Any half decent opposition worth its name would destroy her - fortunately for her we have no such opposition so she may get away with it...for now.
As a Lib Dem I hope she wins as there's plenty of ammo to use against her...not so much with Theresa May
If you can get Tim Whatshisname to generate some sort of public profile so people actually give him a hearing.
If Leadsom wins I suspect Tim will be leading a much larger troop in 2020. He may well do anyway if the Tory right continue to display their normal lack of self perception to their electability.
If centrism was a guarantee of votes or popularity we would have permanent LD majority governments.
They have to truncate this leadership. Two/three weeks is enough. The economy cannot bear ten fucking weeks of instability.
The entire country is effectively without leadership, at one of the most dangerous times in recent history. Since the war, probably.
The chairman of the '22 committee seemed to leave a truncated election open, as he said the result was "currently planned for the 9th of September", implying it could change.
84 for Leadsom? Give me a break. Are these people mad?
Wait until the members have had a say.
Hmm. For some reason that doesn't give me a comforting feeling. Who knows what mad bandwagon can be got up by early September.
I really didn't think things could get much worse for the UK. But now?
I feel distinctly ill.
That's what I mean actually, Leadsom is going to get a month to build up momentum and introduce herself to the members. Is going to be close, and the Tories are staring a Corbyn situation in the face.
It would be highly amusing if Leadsom won among the membership.
They have to truncate this leadership. Two/three weeks is enough. The economy cannot bear ten fucking weeks of instability.
The entire country is effectively without leadership, at one of the most dangerous times in recent history. Since the war, probably.
Which is nothing to do with Brexit. It is self-imposed by a peevish, petulant excuse for a Government who've decided to take their ball away because the other side won.
Starting to think the Tory leadership system is almost as bonkers as Labour's. There needs to be a threshold to get on the ballot. Consider this. If the result were:
May 327 Leadsom 2 Gove 1
Then the outcome would be (technically) the same.
I think Leadsom will win. She'll ride the anti-intellectual, anti-elite, anti-EU bandwagon, and win.
And that will be good for my bank account but a disaster for Britain.
To be fair, given the turnover of staff at Barclays, I'd be surprised if anyone who was there at the same time as her is still there.
When I changed jobs in "later life", one firm I'd worked for had gone through so many metamorpheses since that even the personnel department had no record of my ever having worked there. Can't be uncommon, especially if a firm goes out of business.
As an IT contractor I found it difficult in January to find people who knew me at two of the companies I contracted at in the past 3 years. The one I left two years ago is just about understandable but in the case of the one I left six months earlier everyone had cleared out and gone to work for DWP directly....
As bad as Ms Leadsom's comments about Putin were, they weren't quite as bad as some of Liz Kendall's car-crash interviews in the last leadership contest.
Her answers to the economy questions in this interview really are pitifully banal and vacuous (from 3:14):
James Kirkup @jameskirkup 130 MPs who voted for Leadsom/Gove is v close to number who voted Leave. If she's PM, T May will have to work v hard to unite party.
If May's camp carry on putting the boot in for the next 6-8 weeks all it will do is guarantee 80 or so Tory MPs that won't vote for anything May wants to do when she gets elected PM.
So we now have X weeks of the great and the sneering of Westminster and the media pouring pontificating scorn onto Leadsome thus driving her into the hearts of the Con members.
Expect a big push now to get expose Shariah May for her rotten track record and to put her on the spot over her real position on Brexit .At last the chance for a socially conservative government beckons.
The Remainers are voting for a Remain candidate, by and large. The Brexiters are voting for theirs.
In the party at large, there are more Brexiters !
Just crunched the numbers. Of May's 173 declarations on ConHome, 121 supported Remain, 31 supported Leave, the remaining not declaring their position. So not an insignificant number.
Expect a big push now to get expose Shariah May for her rotten track record and to put her on the spot over her real position on Brexit .At last the chance for a socially conservative government beckons.
Who the fuck wants a socially conservative government apart from bell-ends who support things like Sharia Law?
The Remainers are voting for a Remain candidate, by and large. The Brexiters are voting for theirs.
In the party at large, there are more Brexiters !
Just crunched the numbers. Of May's 173 declarations on ConHome, 121 supported Remain, 31 supported Leave, the remaining not declaring their position. So not an insignificant number.
Leadsom supporters - 41 Leave, 4 Remain, 3 undeclared. May uniting the party
Comparing the leadbangers to momentum is a bit too much though isnt it? With Corbyn he had a long history and they knew they were electing a marxist. Leadsom is just an unknown upon whom (a bit like Brexit) people can project a fantasy of choice.
So we now have X weeks of the great and the sneering of Westminster and the media pouring pontificating scorn onto Leadsome thus driving her into the hearts of the Con members.
Nobody has learned anything.
I think it is possible that a relentless campaign against Leadsom would drive her support higher among the membership.
Expect a big push now to get expose Shariah May for her rotten track record and to put her on the spot over her real position on Brexit .At last the chance for a socially conservative government beckons.
Who the fuck wants a socially conservative government apart from bell-ends who support things like Sharia Law?
We managed for years before Blair ,Brown and Cameron and mass immigration
Comparing the leadbangers to momentum is a bit too much though isnt it? With Corbyn he had a long history and they knew they were electing a marxist. Leadsom is just an unknown upon whom (a bit like Brexit) people can project a fantasy of choice.
That's it, isn't it? A blank slate is a fabulous candidate that everyone can project their hopes onto (Mr Obama...) And Ms Leadsom is defenitely that. We know nothing of her beliefs, except that she used to think leaving the EU was a disaster, and now thinks it's awesome.
The Remainers are voting for a Remain candidate, by and large. The Brexiters are voting for theirs.
In the party at large, there are more Brexiters !
Just crunched the numbers. Of May's 173 declarations on ConHome, 121 supported Remain, 31 supported Leave, the remaining not declaring their position. So not an insignificant number.
Yes and it looks like Mrs May will win but the members I believe from surveys voted 2/3 for LEAVE.
@SamCoatesTimes: Farage endorsement underlines narrative emerging amongst May supporting MPs that Leadsom is the Corbyn of the Tories
I have backed Leadsome and think she will win. Conservative Party members are on a roll. They are not about to back boring old sensible politicians at this point.
I don't think that the economic news over the next few weeks is going to be entirely to Andrea Leadsom's advantage. See the final afternoon summary here:
Expect a big push now to get expose Shariah May for her rotten track record and to put her on the spot over her real position on Brexit .At last the chance for a socially conservative government beckons.
Who the fuck wants a socially conservative government apart from bell-ends who support things like Sharia Law?
His performance yesterday made for a remarkable but unredeeming spectacle, fascinating if only on a psychological level. Here was a once bellicose peacock stripped of its feathers. He still, even in this moment of political nakedness, managed to find notes of indignation, a persistent tenor tone of self-justification.
May has had the payroll vote in the MP election for the leadership..
But the payroll vote will be glad to move to whoever is the PM chosen by the membership.
Scarcely a ringing endorsement for Theresa May - she got Crabb's supporters as might have been expected but Fox's supporters have gone to Leadsom along with a couple of switchers from Team Gove.
Despite a brutal 48 hours for her, Leadsom has held the line reasonably well. She has been a victim of the kind of full-on character assassination normally reserved for Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders.
The divisions in the Conservative parliamentary party (which the Referendum was meant to end once and for all) are now laid bare. 200 MPs (roughly) form the pro-EU dissident ex-Cameroon factions and 130 or so form the all out LEAVE group - that's a 60-40 split.
If we are to believe the polls, May has strong support among the members at this time but Leadsom has a chance to galvanise the ex-LEAVE supporters and others. In 2001, the membership went for IDS over Clarke but in 2005 for Cameron over Davis so it's very hard to read it.
The Conservative membership will decide.
Gove destroys Boris
Dinosaurs eat man
Woman inherits the Earth
Cons 2
Labour 0
NB - LDs don't even have a female MP...
199 MPs for Mrs May. Impressive. Glad she wants to persuade Tory members too. In 2005 she fought hard Vs Howard's plan to scrap members' say
Look at the votes. 1st round. May 165 , Crabb 34.
2nd round. May 199.
The Remainers are voting for a Remain candidate, by and large. The Brexiters are voting for theirs.
In the party at large, there are more Brexiters !
Look how happy IDS is after Leadsom gets on ballot - told me Monday "if we can get her to the country, she'll win"
'What are you so bothered about? As a supposed LD you have said yourself your party would benefit from AL as PM (which won't happen anyway). '
The all white male middle class Lib Dems look like a relic of the 80's
Sack up you mewling quim
May 327
Leadsom 2
Gove 1
Then the outcome would be (technically) the same.
I think Leadsom will win. She'll ride the anti-intellectual, anti-elite, anti-EU bandwagon, and win.
And that will be good for my bank account but a disaster for Britain.
As bad as Ms Leadsom's comments about Putin were, they weren't quite as bad as some of Liz Kendall's car-crash interviews in the last leadership contest.
Her answers to the economy questions in this interview really are pitifully banal and vacuous (from 3:14):
When is the members' vote? (Less stupid question)
Nobody has learned anything.
This is what happens when political parties have fallen out of favour and only joined by the political obessives and we get nutters on both sides.
May is quite tall.
Suck it up, bitch!
And yet, we've seen how unpredictable these things can be.
I have backed Leadsome and think she will win. Conservative Party members are on a roll. They are not about to back boring old sensible politicians at this point.
His performance yesterday made for a remarkable but unredeeming spectacle, fascinating if only on a psychological level. Here was a once bellicose peacock stripped of its feathers. He still, even in this moment of political nakedness, managed to find notes of indignation, a persistent tenor tone of self-justification.
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