Boasting about London isn't helping Boris in this speech. He needs to get on the ballot. The way he treated the Greater London Tory MPs like dirt when he was Mayor did nothing to make him popular amongst that part of the ToryMP electorate he needs to attract to get to number one or two with the selectorate.
He's doing a Sturgeon from the Remain debate - wrong content for the wrong campaign.
Jesus H. Christ. What a way to respond to the Chakrabarti report:
@MarcusDysch: Corbyn: "'Zio' is a vile epithet. Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for actions of Israel than Muslims are for Islamic State."
Why is anyone surprised? Corbyn has been Chair of Stop the War which was against fighting IS but did want war on Israel (though they tried deleting those bits of their website saying so). In such people's minds there is no moral difference between Israel and IS. Corbyn and his ilk simply do not understand why the relationship between being Jewish and Israel is very different to that between being Muslim and IS. Hence his crassness. He is, of course, right that one should not hold Muslims as a group responsible for the actions of IS. He is far less clear about holding the ideology behind IS responsible for IS.
Jesus H. Christ. What a way to respond to the Chakrabarti report:
@MarcusDysch: Corbyn: "'Zio' is a vile epithet. Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for actions of Israel than Muslims are for Islamic State."
Why is anyone surprised? Corbyn has been Chair of Stop the War which was against fighting IS but did want war on Israel (though they tried deleting those bits of their website saying so). In such people's minds there is no moral difference between Israel and IS. Corbyn and his ilk simply do not understand why the relationship between being Jewish and Israel is very different to that between being Muslim and IS. Hence his crassness. He is, of course, right that one should not hold Muslims as a group responsible for the actions of IS. He is far less clear about holding the ideology behind IS responsible for IS.
Tom Harris: "To be fair, Corbyn does see a difference between Israel and isis. He doesn’t think bombing Isis is justified."
Writing dates with the month expressed as a roman numeral was very common in the civil service when I was with them. I have also noted it amongst senior medical practitioners and some senior army bods. You probably think them all tw*ts as well.
I don't know where the habit comes from, is it an Oxford thing does anyone know?
I learned it at Cambridge so at least two outposts of civilization have continued to use it in living memory
But it's older and more widespread than that, from a comment thread elsewhere on the web:
what about the system which uses Roman numerals for the month? today is 20 IV ’12. I have seen this on many paintings/drawings in museums, and here’s a passage from the Roman numeral entry in wikipedia, “In Central Europe, Italy, Russia, and in Bulgarian, Croatian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Serbian languages, mixed Roman and Arabic numerals are used to record dates (usually on tombstones, but also elsewhere, such as in formal letters and official documents). The month is written in Roman numerals while the day is in Arabic numerals: 14. VI. 1789 is 14 June 1789.”
Theme from Gove camp (he himself the other day, and now Raab):
"I won't point fingers at other people"
= it was all my colleagues' fault; they are useless bastards.
Not IMO a great personality trait.
Like Boris, Gove has promised: * £350 million a week more spending on the NHS. * Tax cuts * No tax rises * No public spending cuts * All current EU grants and subsidies maintained * A selection of beneficial trade agreements * Major reductions in immigration * Ongoing, full access to the single market Like Boris, he will not be able to deliver.
St Michael's crucifixion on the cross of broken promises will be longer, more painful and elaborately exquisite, than bluffer Boris's 'gosh, cripes, did I say that? No I didn't!'
Gove also has his lack of belief in experts quote to deal with. I can't believe he seriously thinks he could face the electorate and win a majority.
He’s “not liked” in Education, is he.
He caused teachers to up their game, so disliked by teachers but liked by parents.
Except his flagship Free Schools and Academies plans is disliked by the public.
Writing the date that way is very sensible if you deal with Americans - it avoids any confusion as to which is the month and which is the day. If you do it often enough, it become habit. When I joined the FCO, that was the way we were encouraged to do it. The only issue, then, is the lower case i in a Roman numeral.
Re upper or lower case and also separators (I use lower and separated by dots), Wikipedia claims in its calendar date article that
/xi/14, 9.xi.14, 9-xi.14, or 9.XI.2014 (using the Roman numeral for the month) – This is usually confined to handwriting only and is not put into any form of print. It is associated with a number of schools and universities. It has also been used by the Vatican as an alternative to using months named after Roman deities. It is used on Canadian postmarks as a bilingual form of the month.
My wife has just come off the phone to her sister, a partner in a US-based firm in the City.
First round of redundancies starts on Monday 'as a direct result of brexit'. As she says, the 'smart' Lawyers who voted Leave on the basis of reducing immigration will certainly get their wishes - they'll be doing their own cleaning whilst looking for other jobs.
Meanwhile, the French, who had been holding-up the top-end residential market in London are pulling out of housing transactions all over the leafy suburbs.
It's started. Project Reality.
I hope you mean Leavers and not Lawyers. The more international end of the legal market was for in. High-street lawyers perhaps less so.
Without Boris, I'm sure there would have been no Brexit. Farage on the scenes 24/7 would have killed it, especially with him being the face of Leave after Jo Cox and that poster.
Boris, we thank you for your service to the cause. But when it came down to it, you were just too damned conflicted about leaving the EU.
Theme from Gove camp (he himself the other day, and now Raab):
"I won't point fingers at other people"
= it was all my colleagues' fault; they are useless bastards.
Not IMO a great personality trait.
Like Boris, Gove has promised: * £350 million a week more spending on the NHS. * Tax cuts * No tax rises * No public spending cuts * All current EU grants and subsidies maintained * A selection of beneficial trade agreements * Major reductions in immigration * Ongoing, full access to the single market Like Boris, he will not be able to deliver.
St Michael's crucifixion on the cross of broken promises will be longer, more painful and elaborately exquisite, than bluffer Boris's 'gosh, cripes, did I say that? No I didn't!'
Gove also has his lack of belief in experts quote to deal with. I can't believe he seriously thinks he could face the electorate and win a majority.
He’s “not liked” in Education, is he.
He caused teachers to up their game, so disliked by teachers but liked by parents.
Except his flagship Free Schools and Academies plans is disliked by the public.
Don't think he got moved because he was popular with parents..
Theme from Gove camp (he himself the other day, and now Raab):
"I won't point fingers at other people"
= it was all my colleagues' fault; they are useless bastards.
Not IMO a great personality trait.
Like Boris, Gove has promised: * £350 million a week more spending on the NHS. * Tax cuts * No tax rises * No public spending cuts * All current EU grants and subsidies maintained * A selection of beneficial trade agreements * Major reductions in immigration * Ongoing, full access to the single market Like Boris, he will not be able to deliver.
St Michael's crucifixion on the cross of broken promises will be longer, more painful and elaborately exquisite, than bluffer Boris's 'gosh, cripes, did I say that? No I didn't!'
Gove also has his lack of belief in experts quote to deal with. I can't believe he seriously thinks he could face the electorate and win a majority.
He’s “not liked” in Education, is he.
That need not be held against him, Mr. Cole. Everyone who actually tries to get the Education System to deliver for the pupils and students is "not liked" by the education establishment. I think that has been true since 1874.
Without Boris, I'm sure there would have been no Brexit. Farage on the scenes 24/7 would have killed it, especially with him being the face of Leave after Jo Cox and that poster.
Boris, we thank you for your service to the cause. But when it came down to it, you were just too damned conflicted about leaving the EU.
My wife has just come off the phone to her sister, a partner in a US-based firm in the City.
First round of redundancies starts on Monday 'as a direct result of brexit'. As she says, the 'smart' Lawyers who voted Leave on the basis of reducing immigration will certainly get their wishes - they'll be doing their own cleaning whilst looking for other jobs.
Meanwhile, the French, who had been holding-up the top-end residential market in London are pulling out of housing transactions all over the leafy suburbs.
It's started. Project Reality.
I hope you mean Leavers and not Lawyers. The more international end of the legal market was for in. High-street lawyers perhaps less so.
No, there were a handful of "smart" lawyers who voted out. Perhaps they thought their votes wouldn't count. They will now.
My wife has just come off the phone to her sister, a partner in a US-based firm in the City.
First round of redundancies starts on Monday 'as a direct result of brexit'. As she says, the 'smart' Lawyers who voted Leave on the basis of reducing immigration will certainly get their wishes - they'll be doing their own cleaning whilst looking for other jobs.
Meanwhile, the French, who had been holding-up the top-end residential market in London are pulling out of housing transactions all over the leafy suburbs.
It's started. Project Reality.
There are no planned redundancies at the Silver Circle law firm I'm at, as far as I'm aware. I'm confused why a US operation would act before it knew what the medium term was going to look like.
Are you a partner (or more accurately, a member)? If not, I doubt you'd know. FWIW, I doubt that there will be plans as yet, but hiring will become more challenging and there will be questions over retention rates for the August qualifiers. Law firms still tend to avoid formal redundancies anyway and lean towards managing people out.
BBC analyst floating the possibility of a deal between May and Gove to avoid a full-blown election. Can't see it myself, but it does seem a bit odd to have an election where the two front-runners are someone who has accepted defeat in the referendum and someone who has said he never wants to be PM.
BBC analyst floating the possibility of a deal between May and Gove to avoid a full-blown election. Can't see it myself, but it does seem a bit odd to have an election where the two front-runners are someone who has accepted defeat in the referendum and someone who has said he never wants to be PM.
How essential is it for city of London to have "passporting"? Any city experts please not mourning remainders.
There was an informed (apparently .... I’m not really qualified to judge) post yesterday which suggested that worries about the City’s position were unnecessary and overdone.
@nunu - have a search for two posts by @Travelgall - she offered a great insight.
Those posts were good. There will however be some negative effect - and it is no point ignoring it. It would be better to keep the passport. But it is certainly the case that Germany and France have significant disadvantages which are not necessarily eliminated by having the passport. See my posts on the previous thread this morning.
It would be better to keep it. But there are lots of variables to consider here.
From my non-expert view, I thought he made valid points but I suspect he is missing the big issue about marketing. The UK's pole position comes from having a critical mass of skilled practitioners, a supportive regulatory regime AND being in the EU. The UK has been in the EU so long, and before the huge globalisation effects on finance, people haven't factored in the likely consequences of Britain leaving the EU. A lot of the business in London starts or ends in the EU who are used to the regime where they are. They won't necessarily want a foreign regime even if it appears to be superior in isolation . People are mobile and becoming more so. If it makes sense to move them businesses will. Add in the fact that a large cohort of those working in the City are French and you have a ready made work force for any operations in that country.
Responding to your earlier point about businesses moving out of London on cost grounds, regardless of Brexit, My take is that London commands a premium so companies will base operations there regardless of the cost. If that premium reduces or disappears on Brexit, London will have to start competing on price - lower salaries in other words.
So it isn't a straightforward Britain is out of the EU so we are out of Britain. But the trend is negative nevertheless.
Isn't it established economic theory that:
a) people gain utility by living in cities that are centres of excellence (see Economic Theory and The Cities, for example) and so are willing to pay a premium for that added utility b) first movers in a technology end up being centres of gravity for an industry (Ken Arrow's work on the economics of technological innovation)
No audio, no link to the speech ><
Politics...bloody hell.
what about mad nad?
For nothing.
/xi/14, 9.xi.14, 9-xi.14, or 9.XI.2014 (using the Roman numeral for the month) – This is usually confined to handwriting only and is not put into any form of print. It is associated with a number of schools and universities. It has also been used by the Vatican as an alternative to using months named after Roman deities. It is used on Canadian postmarks as a bilingual form of the month.
Boris, we thank you for your service to the cause. But when it came down to it, you were just too damned conflicted about leaving the EU.
So, it'll be May, Gove and Leadsom then.
*Off the TV, not our own poster.
Nobody will ever believe a word Michael Gove says
a) people gain utility by living in cities that are centres of excellence (see Economic Theory and The Cities, for example) and so are willing to pay a premium for that added utility
b) first movers in a technology end up being centres of gravity for an industry (Ken Arrow's work on the economics of technological innovation)