Would you admit to voting leave in this sort of climate. Remember what happened to anyone who didnt support the diana emoting in 1997
The Diana sentiment was real for a time the monarchy was in danger but this is undecideds shifting not committed Leavers
I think the point is about the polls. In the current climate there might be an increased number of shy leavers, assuming you think the pollsters know what they're doing in the first place.
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
She's a bad mother now......how was she to know LEAVE wouldn't let it be a peaceful protest?
Point of order: It was Leave's rally. Remain decided to cause trouble.
By attending? Did they spray young children with river water?
They knew it was Leave's rally, and they deliberately went there to disrupt and protest.
So only LEAVE are allowed to use the Thames?
And protest isn't allowed?
And only LEAVE are allowed to spray small children with river water.....
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No, she was in a RIB with her husband & kids (ages 3 & 5), being sprayed with river water by a LEAVE boat....so much for peaceful protest, eh?
Children have no place at political protests, particularly so young and in a boat on a large river. How is that responsible?
Another 'Jo Cox was a bad mother'......
Would you do it? The Thames is a very large and fast moving river.
Surely we trust the parents to make the right decisions. Should they have anticipated Leave supporters would spray their children with water? Were they mistaken to believe that adults would not act in that way?
The kids were wearing life jackets - but as ever, for some reason LEAVErs seem determined to dispute facts 'It wasn't political/He didn't say Britain First'.......why is that?
The 5 year old should be in school. Will there be a prosecution for not being there ?
Well, I'm off - it's getting petty and nasty again. Ironically when Leave felt they were winning things got a bit more civilized, but it looks tight again, so out come the conspiracies, the whinges, the protestations of innocence from the other side, the bitterness.
Who has told the biggest lies in the campaign will be a question for historians, but certainly it's a question of which side has been pettiest and nastiest, not whether they have been petty and nasty.
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No, she was in a RIB with her husband & kids (ages 3 & 5), being sprayed with river water by a LEAVE boat....so much for peaceful protest, eh?
Children have no place at political protests, particularly so young and in a boat on a large river. How is that responsible?
Another 'Jo Cox was a bad mother'......
Would you do it? The Thames is a very large and fast moving river.
Surely we trust the parents to make the right decisions. Should they have anticipated Leave supporters would spray their children with water? Were they mistaken to believe that adults would not act in that way?
The kids were wearing life jackets - but as ever, for some reason LEAVErs seem determined to dispute facts 'It wasn't political/He didn't say Britain First'.......why is that?
It seems a strange argument that they should have anticipated the Leave supporters would behave appallingly and spray water all over a boat containing small children.
Jo Cox's death was horrible. It's at least arguable there's some kind of link to the referendum (though whoever did it is guilty, no-one else), but a Trafalgar Square rally and worldwide celebration? Please, no.
Stiff upper lip is no more.
The family seems to have shown plenty of stiff upper lip. It's others. It's not their tragedy. We can all be shocked and sad, we should be. But there comes a point when we should withdraw. What happens next? The public demands the kids are wheeled out? No thank-you.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Paranoid populism is a general sickness, as common on the left as the right. You hear it when audiences on Question Time scream that all politicians are liars and crooks, then sit back expecting to be applauded as heartily as they applaud themselves. You see it in the below-the-line comments desperate editors publish. You find it everywhere on social media, in the authoritarian demands of Scottish nationalists and English leftists that the BBC sack journalists who report uncomfortable facts and in Donald Trump’s smears of all who cross him.
Paranoid populism’s defining principle can be summarised in a paragraph. No one contradicts me in good faith. My opponents must be lying. They must be corrupt. They are more than merely mistaken, they are degenerate.
Paranoid populism is a general sickness, as common on the left as the right. You hear it when audiences on Question Time scream that all politicians are liars and crooks, then sit back expecting to be applauded as heartily as they applaud themselves. You see it in the below-the-line comments desperate editors publish. You find it everywhere on social media, in the authoritarian demands of Scottish nationalists and English leftists that the BBC sack journalists who report uncomfortable facts and in Donald Trump’s smears of all who cross him.
Paranoid populism’s defining principle can be summarised in a paragraph. No one contradicts me in good faith. My opponents must be lying. They must be corrupt. They are more than merely mistaken, they are degenerate.
Whilst walking the dog this morning I had a gut churning memory recall.
Some thirty odd years ago I was working away from home living in digs. The owner of these digs was a sweet little old lady, sixties, grey, deaf, a widow. The deafness, very handy when sneaking a Trollope into your room late at night. I think her name was Diane, the Trollope that is not the landlady. I stayed over one weekend and by chance was introduced to her nephew, who was twelve or thirteen. He was a snivelling little shit. Rich parents, private school made sure I knew this within two minute of meeting him.
He wanted to be prime minister, I asked which party he said it didn’t matter.
Anyways I was asked if I would look after him for while she went out for a while, dogging I suspect.
After an hour of him I realised it was a setup he was such supercilious little prat anyone of normal mind being left alone with him would murder him. I wasn’t going to do her dirty work for her, I wondered why she had being digging that morning at 6am ?. So I sat in the toilet stuffed cotton wool in my ears and belted out Ave Maria until the landlady returned.
Now I feel dirty, soiled, like I have been caught getting a boner to a Margaret Beckett poster.
But worse I feel guilty, there was freshly dug earth, a spade, I could have buried him under the patio, I could have taken one for the team, no-one would have noticed and no-one would have cared.
Oh the name of this supercilious snidey little shit.
I won’t sleep tonight.
Only the dogging bit is speculation. The rest is factual. Apart from I don't know all the words to Ave Maria.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
That would look terrible. LEAVE have just got to sit back and let this play out. Maybe this will win the referendum for REMAIN and maybe it won't. Either way there is nothing to be done from LEAVE'S POV.
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Jo Cox's death was horrible. It's at least arguable there's some kind of link to the referendum (though whoever did it is guilty, no-one else), but a Trafalgar Square rally and worldwide celebration? Please, no.
I think it's a good idea. It shows what the EU stands for. Inclusivity and solidarity against xenophobia and isolationism and all those things Farage stands for. She's a perfect cause celebre to galvanize those people who share her values. It's nothing to do with lionizing a single person
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
That would look terrible. LEAVE have just got to sit back and let this play out. Maybe this will win the referendum for REMAIN and maybe it won't. Either way there is nothing to be done from LEAVE'S POV.
Despite all this I think leave may just win because of the postal votes but I like so many really have no idea
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
I think they should keep quiet. This dianification and organised hysteria will repulse people. It will be percieved as the metropolitan elite wallowing in self pity (although few will dare say so openly).
I saw the comment upstream about the Diana hysteria nearly doing for the monarchy.
Had there been a referendum on the monarchy in the middle of the Diana hysteria the republicans would have had the same disappointment afterwards as the cybernats did after indyref.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No, she was in a RIB with her husband & kids (ages 3 & 5), being sprayed with river water by a LEAVE boat....so much for peaceful protest, eh?
Children have no place at political protests, particularly so young and in a boat on a large river. How is that responsible?
Another 'Jo Cox was a bad mother'......
Would you do it? The Thames is a very large and fast moving river.
Surely we trust the parents to make the right decisions. Should they have anticipated Leave supporters would spray their children with water? Were they mistaken to believe that adults would not act in that way?
The kids were wearing life jackets - but as ever, for some reason LEAVErs seem determined to dispute facts 'It wasn't political/He didn't say Britain First'.......why is that?
It seems a strange argument that they should have anticipated the Leave supporters would behave appallingly and spray water all over a boat containing small children.
Poor risk assessment.
Demos have a habit of turning nasty, rivers are dangerous, Farage is Heinrich Himmler.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Paranoid populism is a general sickness, as common on the left as the right. You hear it when audiences on Question Time scream that all politicians are liars and crooks, then sit back expecting to be applauded as heartily as they applaud themselves. You see it in the below-the-line comments desperate editors publish. You find it everywhere on social media, in the authoritarian demands of Scottish nationalists and English leftists that the BBC sack journalists who report uncomfortable facts and in Donald Trump’s smears of all who cross him.
Paranoid populism’s defining principle can be summarised in a paragraph. No one contradicts me in good faith. My opponents must be lying. They must be corrupt. They are more than merely mistaken, they are degenerate.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Well ive done my bit for the Leave campaign - been out for Sunday Lunch and wife of friend said after Thursday she changed to Remain in tribute Told her best tribute would be vote Labour next election and told her so last week you were against uncontrolled immigration , rules being made in Brussels etc etc - Thought id upset her as she didnt speak to me for ages then suddenly said your right im going back to Leave
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
I think they should keep quiet. This dianification and organised hysteria will repulse people. It will be percieved as the metropolitan elite wallowing in self pity (although few will dare say so openly).
I saw the comment upstream about the Diana hysteria nearly doing for the monarchy.
Had there been a referendum on the monarchy in the middle of the Diana hysteria the republicans would have had the same disappointment afterwards as the cybernats did after indyref.
Not until after the Queen made her statement, raised the flag and went to London before then republican sentiment was at the highest levels since the civil war
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
I think (both sides) lost any sense of shame weeks ago to be fair...
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does seem to have been arranged for her birthday but to co-ordinate events worldwide so quickly is amazing. It will also be interesting who the many contributors will be and how they convey their tributes. It is the last big event before the vote
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
I think they should keep quiet. This dianification and organised hysteria will repulse people. It will be percieved as the metropolitan elite wallowing in self pity (although few will dare say so openly).
I saw the comment upstream about the Diana hysteria nearly doing for the monarchy.
Had there been a referendum on the monarchy in the middle of the Diana hysteria the republicans would have had the same disappointment afterwards as the cybernats did after indyref.
Not until after the Queen made her statement, raised the flag and went to London before then republican sentiment was at the highest levels since the civil war
Lol - are you basing that on opinion polls, do you really think people told them the truth in that climate. Even private eye got banned for not kowtowing
Well, I'm off - it's getting petty and nasty again. Ironically when Leave felt they were winning things got a bit more civilized, but it looks tight again, so out come the conspiracies, the whinges, the protestations of innocence from the other side, the bitterness.
Who has told the biggest lies in the campaign will be a question for historians, but certainly it's a question of which side has been pettiest and nastiest, not whether they have been petty and nasty.
How embarrasing for the site to read the last half hour of posts - the vileness of some of the posters on here is extraordinary. A woman has been murdered and people are questioning her fitness as a mother over a barge in the Thames. FFS
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
They have no shame
Yeah, like no one tried to make political gain from the Orlando shooting?
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
If it organised by her family leave them to it but I really doubt it will be anything that major just largely people who knew her through her charity work etc
I have no idea how it plays if England votes out and the Scots keep us in. Of course, I appreciate that Cameron will play the One Nation card, but even so. That would be ghastly.
If Britain votes Remain by a small margin, then there will be many demographics which people can say "kept us in".
Two that spring to mind are London residents and Muslims.
And the London, multiculti Meejah...
Surprising comment from someone from the vibrant multi cultural and VERY cultural city of Liverpool.
We became that organically, with great struggle, without any curtails on free speech or special treatment for immigrants. And aside from the Irish (who swamped the place in the mid-19th C, but assimilated easily, being half-'British' already) the gross numbers from completely alien cultures arriving were relatively small, although very diverse. Liverpool is still the whitest and most-Christian city in England...
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
They have no shame
Her husband and family are sanctioning all this. Not what I'd do - heyho. If a Leave MP had been the victim instead, I wouldn't touch such campaigning with a barge pole whatever the family felt.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
They have no shame
Yeah, like no one tried to make political gain from the Orlando shooting?
Oh there's a political point to be made from Orlando - just not the one Donald Trump made. I suspect the same will apply with Batley - that is our approach to mental health care.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
That would look terrible. LEAVE have just got to sit back and let this play out. Maybe this will win the referendum for REMAIN and maybe it won't. Either way there is nothing to be done from LEAVE'S POV.
Despite all this I think leave may just win because of the postal votes but I like so many really have no idea
Well, I'm off - it's getting petty and nasty again. Ironically when Leave felt they were winning things got a bit more civilized, but it looks tight again, so out come the conspiracies, the whinges, the protestations of innocence from the other side, the bitterness.
Who has told the biggest lies in the campaign will be a question for historians, but certainly it's a question of which side has been pettiest and nastiest, not whether they have been petty and nasty.
How embarrasing for the site to read the last half hour of posts - the vileness of some of the posters on here is extraordinary. A woman has been murdered and people are questioning her fitness as a mother over a barge in the Thames. FFS
It does make you feel a bit queasy...
I thought the stuff on on the Thames was one of the genuine moments of humour in this whole nightmare (from those cringmaking Kate and Nige pics through to "Bob's" foul mouthed rant, through the the fishermen turning their hoses on Bob's millionaires... It was pure comedy)
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
Ignore it, I say. Fussing only draws attention. I doubt it will have much net impact anyway.
Most normal people will be at work at 4pm, followed by a full evening of Euro 2016 deciders, from 5pm onwards.
How many people will show up to Trafalgar Square? Most political activists in London are supporting Remain or Leave and will be in full GOTV mode that afternoon/evening. It would be painfully ironic if REMAIN's GOTV efforts in London were significantly disrupted by this event?
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
It was Project Fear which won it for No in Scotland and was moving the polls to Remain again last week even before the murder
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
That would look terrible. LEAVE have just got to sit back and let this play out. Maybe this will win the referendum for REMAIN and maybe it won't. Either way there is nothing to be done from LEAVE'S POV.
Despite all this I think leave may just win because of the postal votes but I like so many really have no idea
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
If it organised by her family leave them to it but I really doubt it will be anything that major just largely people who knew her through her charity work etc
I think it is going to be bigger than that - She was known by many through her International charity work - apparently Obama phoned her husband yesterday.
The whole heated debate over the politicization of Jo Cox's death, and I am writing from the luxury of living in the States so not having to put up with the over-coverage, strikes me as desperation on both sides.
Desperate from Remain, as why else resort to this tastelessness.
Desperate from Leave, as if they didn't believe it might help Remain, they'd not care less about the politicization.
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
If it organised by her family leave them to it but I really doubt it will be anything that major just largely people who knew her through her charity work etc
Suspect Trafalgar square will be oacked, like Soho after Orlando.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
Ignore it, I say. Fussing only draws attention. I doubt it will have much net impact anyway.
Most normal people will be at work at 4pm, followed by a full evening of Euro 2016 deciders, from 5pm onwards.
How many people will show up to Trafalgar Square? Most political activists in London are supporting Remain or Leave and will be in full GOTV mode that afternoon/evening. It would be painfully ironic if REMAIN's GOTV efforts in London were significantly disrupted by this event?
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
Ignore it, I say. Fussing only draws attention. I doubt it will have much net impact anyway.
Most normal people will be at work at 4pm, followed by a full evening of Euro 2016 deciders, from 5pm onwards.
How many people will show up to Trafalgar Square? Most political activists in London are supporting Remain or Leave and will be in full GOTV mode that afternoon/evening. It would be painfully ironic if REMAIN's GOTV efforts in London were significantly disrupted by this event?
If I were being cynical, I'd say the Thursday would see more coverage (retrospectively). Polls open 7am, no reporting allowed - got to fill the 24 news channels.
Sky News again confirming tribute on Wednesday including in Washington, New York, Nairobi, Brussels and elsewhere to celebrate her life and it has been organised by her family.
If it organised by her family leave them to it but I really doubt it will be anything that major just largely people who knew her through her charity work etc
I think it is going to be bigger than that - She was known by many through her International charity work - apparently Obama phoned her husband yesterday.
Lol! He phoned because it's a bandwagon he wanted to get on.
Whatever your views are, the media will run with this right up until polling day, and indeed even on polling day itself. I also have no doubt whatsoever David Cameron will nakedly and shamelessly exploit a murder to further the cause of Remain, if indeed he hasn't already done so.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does ...........
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
While I'm sure that Jo Cox was a great mother, am I the only one finding all of this a bit, undignified? For me it looks like an exclusive group of people are having a bit of a (for lack of a better phrase) pity circle-jerk over something which unfortunately happens every day.
The whole heated debate over the politicization of Jo Cox's death, and I am writing from the luxury of living in the States so not having to put up with the over-coverage, strikes me as desperation on both sides.
Desperate from Remain, as why else resort to this tastelessness.
Desperate from Leave, as if they didn't believe it might help Remain, they'd not care less about the politicization.
If this has been organised as reported by her family why is it tasteless
So to summarise. A REMAIN MP goes on a boat in the Thames to protest and is sprayed with water by LEAVE supporters. Some time later she is murdered by a nutter who cried "Britain First" in front of eyewitnesses (some of whom have still not recanted despite Breitbart pressure) and who delivered a rant in court. And the current topic under discussion on PB is...
...whether she should be prosecuted for keeping her kids from school.
This was the post this morning on Political Betting. CarlottaVance can may be shed some light on what is alleged? CarlottaVance Posts: 16,144 Ignore Favourite 3:42AM Vote Leave hosing Jo Cox - and her children - with Thames river water: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ck_1ihJWUAAme_P.jpg
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
I think they should keep quiet. This dianification and organised hysteria will repulse people. It will be percieved as the metropolitan elite wallowing in self pity (although few will dare say so openly).
I saw the comment upstream about the Diana hysteria nearly doing for the monarchy.
Had there been a referendum on the monarchy in the middle of the Diana hysteria the republicans would have had the same disappointment afterwards as the cybernats did after indyref.
Not until after the Queen made her statement, raised the flag and went to London before then republican sentiment was at the highest levels since the civil war
Lol - are you basing that on opinion polls, do you really think people told them the truth in that climate. Even private eye got banned for not kowtowing
Excuse me I was coming back from France the weekend she was killed and saw grown men crying in next door cars while waiting for the ferry. Of course right-wing monarchists like you remained loyal but this was a time when New Labour had just won a landslide and there was genuine anger that the royal standard was not flying at half mast because of 'protocol' and Diana was not even mentioned in morning prayers at Balmoral on the Sunday. The Queen and obviously not the boys maybe not so much ill feeling but for Charles and Camilla at the time the mood was deeply hostile
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we? Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does ...........
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall “She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter. Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's? I assumed she was there in the HoC. Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
Still believe it was not Mrs Cox I am just going by what the Independent said. Here is another one, alleging that their boat got close enough to be sprayed with water. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ck_1ihJWUAAme_P.jpg
Certainly someone put their young children into the protest.
Her husband was definitely in the rib but I read she was not on board
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
It was Project Fear which won it for No in Scotland and was moving the polls to Remain again last week even before the murder
I'm not necessarily disputing that, what I'm thinking is that could be a factor which produces a counter-swing to remain. It may be lost in the statistical noise, but what made me start thinking about it was a conservation with people my age (early-mid 20s) saying that they were getting really rather tired about hearing about the murder, what she was like as a person and what she believed in (I've not repeated this verbatim, more colourful language was used). These are people who I would term as soft remainers, they say they will vote remain, but I've not know them to vote religiously, I'm not sure if this will put them off from turning out all together. I know its an anecdote, but they seem very popular on here, so I'm joining the club.
Good evening. Long time lurker speaking up for the 1st time (well I have posted a couple of times previously in the last ten years, so not quite true).
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
Welcome James.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
When the Leave campaign demonized 77 million Turks it was impossible for the campaigns to sink any lower.
That picture is from a Jo Cox tweet, where she says that her husband and children were on a boat in the Thames. (See: twitter.com/Jo_Cox1/status/743116090574839808/photo/1)
It seems to imply that the woman holding the "In" flag is not her.
So she left her children at risk in a protest, whilst hobnobbing with the stars on Gandolf's boat...
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
I would expect Reading to show a narrow Remain result.
I'm expecting it to go Remain by a decent margin, demographically it seems to me that it's heavy in the pro-remain types with relatively few older people compared to the areas around it.
Leave need to organise an event at 4pm on Wednesday. They CANNOT allow Remain to seize media coverage as they have since Thursday.
Ignore it, I say. Fussing only draws attention. I doubt it will have much net impact anyway.
Most normal people will be at work at 4pm, followed by a full evening of Euro 2016 deciders, from 5pm onwards.
How many people will show up to Trafalgar Square? Most political activists in London are supporting Remain or Leave and will be in full GOTV mode that afternoon/evening. It would be painfully ironic if REMAIN's GOTV efforts in London were significantly disrupted by this event?
If I were being cynical, I'd say the Thursday would see more coverage (retrospectively). Polls open 7am, no reporting allowed - got to fill the 24 news channels.
Correct. Voting against that backdrop. An appalling manipulation of the voters. But add it to the other abuses of our democracy by REMAIN.
Sky news saying there is going to be a worldwide tribute event to Jo Cox centred on Trafalgar Square at 4.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June to celebrate her life's work and all she stood for.
Just caught the end of the breaking news but it really is going global involving many countries around the globe. Still waiting for full details but it apparently is her birthday
There will probably be next to no coverage at all outside the UK, there was a statement from Hillary after the killing and a Canadian MP in Parliament and some coverage on the continent but few international news agencies will cover a minor rally outside their own country
I was surprised at the amount of international coverage her death got. It tied into a narrative of a referendum that had got very nasty. That might explain part of it.
Our media covered the Anna Lindh and Gabby Giffords shootings not any minor memorial rallies after
I see what you are saying. The event gets international media coverage but international commemorations of them don't, even when major.
However in this case it is likely there will be a lot of international coverage of the commemorations because journalists will be in London to cover the referendum. Jo Cox gives them something to talk about and they are not bound by bias concerns, unlike our public broadcasters.
Did PB really think REMAIN would try not to win the referendum? Did it think all its enemies were as easy as Ed Miliband? How naive.
I'd be interested to see an analysis of campaigning activity.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
I would expect Reading to show a narrow Remain result.
I'm expecting it to go Remain by a decent margin, demographically it seems to me that it's heavy in the pro-remain types with relatively few older people compared to the areas around it.
Reading AFAIK has a large (circa 25%) foreign born workforce.
Indeed but yougov will do a poll
Would you admit to voting leave in this sort of climate. Remember what happened to anyone who didnt support the diana emoting in 1997
The Diana sentiment was real for a time the monarchy was in danger but this is undecideds shifting not committed Leavers
I think the point is about the polls. In the current climate there might be an increased number of shy leavers, assuming you think the pollsters know what they're doing in the first place.
In my area the local Conservative MP has declared for Remain, but I'm not aware of him taking part in any local campaigning. There is a not-very-big Vote Leave effort locally, I've not come across any Remain activity.
(UKIP came 3rd/4th at the 2014 EU Parliament election in this area as I recall, so I'd expect this to be Remain leaning.)
Which is that I had a winning tip on Perez at 6 for a podium.
Race analysis up here: http://enormo-haddock.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/azerbaijan-post-race-analysis-2016.html
Who has told the biggest lies in the campaign will be a question for historians, but certainly it's a question of which side has been pettiest and nastiest, not whether they have been petty and nasty.
I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Paranoid populism is a general sickness, as common on the left as the right. You hear it when audiences on Question Time scream that all politicians are liars and crooks, then sit back expecting to be applauded as heartily as they applaud themselves. You see it in the below-the-line comments desperate editors publish. You find it everywhere on social media, in the authoritarian demands of Scottish nationalists and English leftists that the BBC sack journalists who report uncomfortable facts and in Donald Trump’s smears of all who cross him.
Paranoid populism’s defining principle can be summarised in a paragraph. No one contradicts me in good faith. My opponents must be lying. They must be corrupt. They are more than merely mistaken, they are degenerate.
Whilst walking the dog this morning I had a gut churning memory recall.
Some thirty odd years ago I was working away from home living in digs. The owner of these digs was a sweet little old lady, sixties, grey, deaf, a widow. The deafness, very handy when sneaking a Trollope into your room late at night. I think her name was Diane, the Trollope that is not the landlady.
I stayed over one weekend and by chance was introduced to her nephew, who was twelve or thirteen. He was a snivelling little shit. Rich parents, private school made sure I knew this within two minute of meeting him.
He wanted to be prime minister, I asked which party he said it didn’t matter.
Anyways I was asked if I would look after him for while she went out for a while, dogging I suspect.
After an hour of him I realised it was a setup he was such supercilious little prat anyone of normal mind being left alone with him would murder him. I wasn’t going to do her dirty work for her, I wondered why she had being digging that morning at 6am ?.
So I sat in the toilet stuffed cotton wool in my ears and belted out Ave Maria until the landlady returned.
Now I feel dirty, soiled, like I have been caught getting a boner to a Margaret Beckett poster.
But worse I feel guilty, there was freshly dug earth, a spade, I could have buried him under the patio, I could have taken one for the team, no-one would have noticed and no-one would have cared.
Oh the name of this supercilious snidey little shit.
I won’t sleep tonight.
Only the dogging bit is speculation. The rest is factual. Apart from I don't know all the words to Ave Maria.
2014 EU Parliament result below.
I've been thinking over the last few hours, whether the (perceived?) over-coverage of Jo Cox's death will have a detrimental effect on the Remain campaign? Similar to the way that 'Project Fear' and their repeated warnings have apparently made some voters lean towards leave?
The death of an MP in such a manner is rare, however it is not without precedent. Thinking about the reaction to the Brighton hotel bombing and the murder of Airey Neave, I have an impression there was far less publicised grief than there is today. Maybe this is related to 24 hours news channels?
Over-coverage of her murder so close to the referendum, while making repeated assertions of 'what Jo believed' may make people believe her murder is being exploited for political reasons and out of disgust, vote leave or not vote all (presuming that they were going to vote remain)
I saw the comment upstream about the Diana hysteria nearly doing for the monarchy.
Had there been a referendum on the monarchy in the middle of the Diana hysteria the republicans would have had the same disappointment afterwards as the cybernats did after indyref.
I hope that's the case.
Demos have a habit of turning nasty, rivers are dangerous, Farage is Heinrich Himmler.
Bleeding obvious.
Interesting first post.
In the past hour I have heard Stephen Kinnock politicising Jo Cox's death, and reports of Cameron politicising her death.
Desperate stuff from Remain. They should be ashamed.
I thought the stuff on on the Thames was one of the genuine moments of humour in this whole nightmare (from those cringmaking Kate and Nige pics through to "Bob's" foul mouthed rant, through the the fishermen turning their hoses on Bob's millionaires... It was pure comedy)
‘Remember Jo at the ballot box’
Desperate from Remain, as why else resort to this tastelessness.
Desperate from Leave, as if they didn't believe it might help Remain, they'd not care less about the politicization.
Here is another one, alleging that their boat got close enough to be sprayed with water.
Certainly someone put their young children into the protest.
...whether she should be prosecuted for keeping her kids from school.
OK. You guys are weird
CarlottaVance Posts: 16,144
Ignore Favourite
Vote Leave hosing Jo Cox - and her children - with Thames river water:
Most of us are at work at that time. Aren't we?
Lowlander's mum is going to explode.
I really hope not - It does ...........
Contributors. Geldof,Sting,Bono(maybe just his hat), and Tony Blair. Afterall
“She was the people’s princess and that’s how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories forever,”
IIRC she was photo'd on Geldof's boat.
No the odd photo was her, her husband and her two small kids sailing towards a brawl on a river.
Say what you like but I wouldn't bring my kids to argy bargy on a river no matter how strong I felt.
I don't think she was on the boat with her children and I think it was Boris's Sister Rachel with Geldorf
It didn't look like Rachael Johnson - the lady had dark hair and looked remarkably like Mrs Cox. There's nothing wrong with her being aboard, of course.
Rachel Johnson was with Geldorf, Jo Cox was not on the rib or with Geldorf - assume she was in her constituency
The River was on Weds.
I suspect she was on Geldofs boat and took the picture from it as he family sailed past, the put it on her Twitter.
Didn't the protest co-incide with PMQ's?
I assumed she was there in the HoC.
Jo Cox was alleged to be in a little dinghy with 2 young children and a male (possibly husband) with an IN sign on the Thames going by the fishermen etc. A PB person posted the jpg earlier today AFAIK with the caption that they had had water sprayed at them, possibly by those nasty fishermen.
She was not in the rib/dinghy
Still believe it was not Mrs Cox
I am just going by what the Independent said.
Here is another one, alleging that their boat got close enough to be sprayed with water.
Certainly someone put their young children into the protest.
Her husband was definitely in the rib but I read she was not on board
It seems to imply that the woman holding the "In" flag is not her.
These are people who I would term as soft remainers, they say they will vote remain, but I've not know them to vote religiously, I'm not sure if this will put them off from turning out all together. I know its an anecdote, but they seem very popular on here, so I'm joining the club.
So she left her children at risk in a protest, whilst hobnobbing with the stars on Gandolf's boat...
However in this case it is likely there will be a lot of international coverage of the commemorations because journalists will be in London to cover the referendum. Jo Cox gives them something to talk about and they are not bound by bias concerns, unlike our public broadcasters.