Agreed that it is better than complete isolation, but is a much worse option than remaining in the EU, because it's fragile and won't work for the UK. The EU does work, even people don't like it much.
I agree and am strongly for Remain.
The more rational Leavers who wish to retain a relationship with the EU via staying in the EEA do have a blind spot about how Brexit would itself change the geometry of European politics. EFTA in its present form would not survive the UK attempting to use it as a means to claim squatters' rights to stay in the EEA.
Of course it would. The big difference between the EU and EFTA is that the latter does not require its members to follow common rules on anything but trade. Nor can any individual country be outvoted. It is a completely different dynamic to the EU.
But the raison d'etre of EFTA is access to the EEA of which the EU is the dominant part. If the EU doesn't like that arrangement it can, over time, make sure it doesn't go on that way.
No it can't. The EEA agreement is bound by treaty. Unless they want to break the treaty entirely there is really nothing they can do about it.
You probably think that's 'inconceivable'. It isn't.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who's wasted the day thanks to ICM/the Guardian.
10 more sleeps until 23 June...
I can't decide what to do on 23rd to balance up a win or lose buffet. What's the right mix of comfort vs celebratory snack?
I'll get in the bubbly whatever the result - and if it's Brexit, will paint myself with woad too. If not, I'll get totally sloshed and fall asleep on the sofa.
Last night there was a EU debate organised by the Points West team with three Remainers and three Leavers on the panel. The audience was evenly divided between Remain and Leave.Not one person changed their minds after listening to the debate. Graham Watson for Remain was very competent and coped very well with every question. Jacob Rees Mogg was equally fluent for the Leave side. Billy Bragg was very animated and effective in promoting Remain. Christine Hamilton was on the Leave panel! The last Remain panel member had been a High Sheriff in Bristol and she answered every question with quiet authority. The final Leave panel member was nervous and lacking in any real knowledge of the topics.
The members of the audience who favoured Remain were diverse and included IT specialists, business people and a farmer who was very worried about how he would sell his lamb if we decided to leave Europe.The Aerospace person was worried about the impact to the West Country economy of an exit and a loss of co-operation with other European countries.
Some of the Leave audience members were very loud and obviously felt that shouting people down was the best way to get their message across.However one woman made a plea for her Polish friend to be allowed to remain.
I watched the programme and felt that any undecided voters would have seen some very sound reasons to vote REMAIN on June 23rd. Watch it and see if you agree.
There was only a brief window when Verstappen was 250/1 to win the Spanish Grand Prix. It was a case of bet swiftly, or miss out (well, get a 40/1 winner...).
AA Gill writes brilliantly on restaurants and as a tv critic. Of course, like many restaurant critics who write brilliantly, this doesn't mean he knows anything about anything other than restaurants (Jan Moir and Giles Coren spring to mind as being asinine on current affairs).
And as for their restaurant criticism, it is in the beauty of the writing that they excel. It's not as if they have better or more refined taste buds that can determine, better than you or I could, whether a steak here is better than a steak there.
Or an Italian wine over a french one, either, to pick a random example.
Mathematically it is inappropriate in general to produce more significant figures in your output than was provided in your input. You can not provide a percentage to four significant figures extrapolating from a number originally rounded to 2 significant figures. You are introducing an error.
Based on the numbers if the poll real you should say Remain 55, Leave 45 versus Remain 48, Leave 52.
"Your Trade Choice @Yourtradechoice 1m1 minute ago #Trading #GBPUSD La #LIBRA se ubica en mínimos de 2 meses ante la incertidumbre del referendún #BREXIT en unos dias"
I know Mike isn't in the industry, and made a mistake, but can you get done for fabricating poll results in order to achieve this sort of thing?
I'm not sure. I'd hate to find out.
Is the reason Mike and I, for example, don't bet on embargoed polls.
That surely would be some form of insider trading if you did?
Well it's obvious they'd be in breach of their contract with the polling company. Whether there are criminal sanctions, I don't know. None obviously springs to mind, but he who skates on thin ice...
@minefornothing 47s48 seconds ago ICM POLL TO BE RELEASED AT 5PM #Brexit
Is that an informed source?
Honestly, waiting for *that* exit poll at 10pm last year was easier than this.
At least that one was timed to perfection by Big Ben!
Ever had that all encompassing feeling of being part of a crowd cheering a try, a horse, etc. The one where you're cheering so loud and living so much in the moment that you worry you've had a stroke? I was all on my own for 10pm last May, and still had that feeling on the publication of the exit poll.
ICM Brexit poll to be released after market close.
Which market, mind.
Why????? We've not had this with polls before. Perhaps they are reacting to what has happened before. No doubt conspiracists will claim that the Guardian have been in contact with No.10 and they've decided to hush it up.
Whilst everyone is bored you can get 13/8 on Belgium to beat Italy. As much as I love all things Italian this is quite possibly the worst football team they have ever had. On paper (at least) Belgium look class.
ICM Brexit poll to be released after market close.
Which market, mind.
That is an odd coincidence, isn't it?
Remember what I said before... That if the poll was explosively pro-LEAVE then arguably the government might seek to delay it, by a few hours, to prepare the markets and the BoE.
I don't mean this conspiratorially, I just mean as a sensible measure.
I have no idea if such a thing would be legal or feasible, I'm just saying it is morally defensible.
Seeing how No.10 has been behaving It's more likely that they are the ones hyping up a mildly unfavourable poll (e.g. 1 or 2% Leave lead) in order to manage expectations.
Mr. D, that's for PC gamers, as I understand it. Console peasants have to pay.
I'll get in the bubbly whatever the result - and if it's Brexit, will paint myself with woad too. If not, I'll get totally sloshed and fall asleep on the sofa.
ICM's bouncier than a hippo on a trampoline.
@MSmithsonPB: CORRECTION No ICM figures yet.
The members of the audience who favoured Remain were diverse and included IT specialists, business people and a farmer who was very worried about how he would sell his lamb if we decided to leave Europe.The Aerospace person was worried about the impact to the West Country economy of an exit and a loss of co-operation with other European countries.
Some of the Leave audience members were very loud and obviously felt that shouting people down was the best way to get their message across.However one woman made a plea for her Polish friend to be allowed to remain.
I watched the programme and felt that any undecided voters would have seen some very sound reasons to vote REMAIN on June 23rd. Watch it and see if you agree.
Highly recommended. S1-4 are on Amazon Prime.
Mango juice won't cut it
Martin Boon's confirmed that he's working on the figures for The Guardian
The stress of waiting is quite painful.
F*ck knows with ICM !
I'm Ed Miliband and I'm calling for an inquiry.
There was only a brief window when Verstappen was 250/1 to win the Spanish Grand Prix. It was a case of bet swiftly, or miss out (well, get a 40/1 winner...).
And as for their restaurant criticism, it is in the beauty of the writing that they excel. It's not as if they have better or more refined taste buds that can determine, better than you or I could, whether a steak here is better than a steak there.
Or an Italian wine over a french one, either, to pick a random example.
Based on the numbers if the poll real you should say Remain 55, Leave 45 versus Remain 48, Leave 52.
#Trading #GBPUSD La #LIBRA se ubica en mínimos de 2 meses ante la incertidumbre del referendún #BREXIT en unos dias"
Is the reason Mike and I, for example, don't bet on embargoed polls.
Which market, mind.
Honestly, waiting for *that* exit poll at 10pm last year was easier than this.
Whilst everyone is bored you can get 13/8 on Belgium to beat Italy. As much as I love all things Italian this is quite possibly the worst football team they have ever had. On paper (at least) Belgium look class.
David Cameron: "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking..."