I can vouch for Ridgeview. Was a wine journalist in a former life and have visited the winery to see how their sparkling 'Merret' is made. The rosé sparkling in particular was a winner. The French don't like it up 'em.
Glad you agree about RidgeView,
Now, how does one go about getting a job as a wine journalist? Is it compulsory to go on about "subtle hints of forest fruits, but with a tang of peach and with a wonderful finish" and all that rubbish? Actually a better question, because I can write that sort of crap all day long, does it have to be accurate? Does anyone take any notice? Also do you get full expenses paid?
A wine journalist could be the ideal paying hobby for my declining years, as long as I didn't have to get on an aeroplane.
I've been doing a bit of research and found out (everyone else probably already knew this) that a percentage of Britain's DISTENDED overseas aid budget is called MULTILATERAL overseas development aid (as opposed to bilateral overseas development aid), and instead of being given to the needy, just gets bunged to big international organisations instead.
Guess what organisation takes the biggest cut of this multilateral overseas development aid? Correct - the European Commission. To be precise, in 2013, £813million to the European Commission, and £407million to the European Commission - European Development Fund. So that's well over a billion (I can't find 2015 figures, but international aid has gone up significantly since then) of British tax payers money going to the EU completely off the books. I suspect it's probably over £2 billion now, and potentially significant in this 'lying over the figures' debate.
I can vouch for Ridgeview. Was a wine journalist in a former life and have visited the winery to see how their sparkling 'Merret' is made. The rosé sparkling in particular was a winner. The French don't like it up 'em.
Glad you agree about RidgeView,
Now, how does one go about getting a job as a wine journalist? Is it compulsory to go on about "subtle hints of forest fruits, but with a tang of peach and with a wonderful finish" and all that rubbish? Actually a better question, because I can write that sort of crap all day long, does it have to be accurate? Does anyone take any notice? Also do you get full expenses paid?
A wine journalist could be the ideal paying hobby for my declining years, as long as I didn't have to get on an aeroplane.
The only peril of being a wine journalist is the nightmare scenario of James May being next to you with his whistle just in case you descend into wine-speak.
Two weeks today, I'm going to be eating a curry and drinking a pint. What about you guys?
I have a conference in That London during the day, so I'll be training back home and should be home by 9pm. I'll be sampling the odds every 15mins until 4/5am, making sure to back up the websites before SPIN, PoliticalOdds.bet and Oddschecker withdraw the odds. I have the next day off so pick up my winnings circa noon.
I've been doing a bit of research and found out (everyone else probably already knew this) that a percentage of Britain's DISTENDED overseas aid budget is called MULTILATERAL overseas development aid (as opposed to bilateral overseas development aid), and instead of being given to the needy, just gets bunged to big international organisations instead.
Guess what organisation takes the biggest cut of this multilateral overseas development aid? Correct - the European Commission. To be precise, in 2013, £813million to the European Commission, and £407million to the European Commission - European Development Fund. So that's well over a billion (I can't find 2015 figures, but international aid has gone up significantly since then) of British tax payers money going to the EU completely off the books. I suspect it's probably over £2 billion now, and potentially significant in this 'lying over the figures' debate.
Oddly enough under the last Labour government it was very easy to drill down to project and sub-project level, never mind country or even multilateral/bilateral level. In fact as government web sites go the DfID one under Gordon Brown was superbly informative.
It changed very quickly once Cameron and Clegg got in and implemented the silly 0.7% policy. I found it had become a sort of giant press release and actual detail was very difficult to find and when compared to Labour's offering, actually impossible.
I can vouch for Ridgeview. Was a wine journalist in a former life and have visited the winery to see how their sparkling 'Merret' is made. The rosé sparkling in particular was a winner. The French don't like it up 'em.
Glad you agree about RidgeView,
Now, how does one go about getting a job as a wine journalist? Is it compulsory to go on about "subtle hints of forest fruits, but with a tang of peach and with a wonderful finish" and all that rubbish? Actually a better question, because I can write that sort of crap all day long, does it have to be accurate? Does anyone take any notice? Also do you get full expenses paid?
A wine journalist could be the ideal paying hobby for my declining years, as long as I didn't have to get on an aeroplane.
Unfortunately I can't help you with that as I was writing about wine from the production end, as an agricultural commodity, rather than the consumption end. So it was the unsexy stuff like harvest tonnage of wine grapes and import/export of bulk and bottled, not sniffing, swilling and spitting the end product! My hunch though is that most of it doesn't have to be accurate, no, it's subjective and - largely - a lot of bollocks.
I've been doing a bit of research and found out (everyone else probably already knew this) that a percentage of Britain's DISTENDED overseas aid budget is called MULTILATERAL overseas development aid (as opposed to bilateral overseas development aid), and instead of being given to the needy, just gets bunged to big international organisations instead.
Guess what organisation takes the biggest cut of this multilateral overseas development aid? Correct - the European Commission. To be precise, in 2013, £813million to the European Commission, and £407million to the European Commission - European Development Fund. So that's well over a billion (I can't find 2015 figures, but international aid has gone up significantly since then) of British tax payers money going to the EU completely off the books. I suspect it's probably over £2 billion now, and potentially significant in this 'lying over the figures' debate.
Oddly enough under the last Labour government it was very easy to drill down to project and sub-project level, never mind country or even multilateral/bilateral level. In fact as government web sites go the DfID one under Gordon Brown was superbly informative.
It changed very quickly once Cameron and Clegg got in and implemented the silly 0.7% policy. I found it had become a sort of giant press release and actual detail was very difficult to find and when compared to Labour's offering, actually impossible.
Mail Online comments make for interesting reading.
Well from what I also glanced at today they hate Major and they hate Blair and they hate Cameron, nothing Mail readers like more than a good hating....
I've been doing a bit of research and found out (everyone else probably already knew this) that a percentage of Britain's DISTENDED overseas aid budget is called MULTILATERAL overseas development aid (as opposed to bilateral overseas development aid), and instead of being given to the needy, just gets bunged to big international organisations instead.
Guess what organisation takes the biggest cut of this multilateral overseas development aid? Correct - the European Commission. To be precise, in 2013, £813million to the European Commission, and £407million to the European Commission - European Development Fund. So that's well over a billion (I can't find 2015 figures, but international aid has gone up significantly since then) of British tax payers money going to the EU completely off the books. I suspect it's probably over £2 billion now, and potentially significant in this 'lying over the figures' debate.
Oddly enough under the last Labour government it was very easy to drill down to project and sub-project level, never mind country or even multilateral/bilateral level. In fact as government web sites go the DfID one under Gordon Brown was superbly informative.
It changed very quickly once Cameron and Clegg got in and implemented the silly 0.7% policy. I found it had become a sort of giant press release and actual detail was very difficult to find and when compared to Labour's offering, actually impossible.
There must be a way of finding the info.
FoI Perhaps? Maybe the information is there to the level of detail that it was under Labour but I gave up trying to find it.
I can vouch for Ridgeview. Was a wine journalist in a former life and have visited the winery to see how their sparkling 'Merret' is made. The rosé sparkling in particular was a winner. The French don't like it up 'em.
Glad you agree about RidgeView,
Now, how does one go about getting a job as a wine journalist? Is it compulsory to go on about "subtle hints of forest fruits, but with a tang of peach and with a wonderful finish" and all that rubbish? Actually a better question, because I can write that sort of crap all day long, does it have to be accurate? Does anyone take any notice? Also do you get full expenses paid?
A wine journalist could be the ideal paying hobby for my declining years, as long as I didn't have to get on an aeroplane.
Unfortunately I can't help you with that as I was writing about wine from the production end, as an agricultural commodity, rather than the consumption end. So it was the unsexy stuff like harvest tonnage of wine grapes and import/export of bulk and bottled, not sniffing, swilling and spitting the end product! My hunch though is that most of it doesn't have to be accurate, no, it's subjective and - largely - a lot of bollocks.
Oh, well it was a nice thought for a while. Thanks anyway.
@PickardJE: Apparently the Labour MP joining the Out campaign is none other than....John Cryer, chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party. Very credible.
I wonder whether the BBC will choose to describe him as a "senior" Labour MP? And give as much prominence to his declaring for Leave as they gave to the declaration of a Conservative MP for Remain today? Or even report his joining the Leave campaign at all.
I think a defection from one side to another is more of a story than someone simply declaring they are for leave/remain.
No, there are plenty of Conservative MPs on the Remain/Government side. The fact that one has decided to change her mind over a few weeks shouldn't really be that big an issue, and it's certainly not one worthy of leading the morning BBC news bulletins.
By contrast, with very few Labour MPs coming out for Leave, the fact that the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party has switched from undeclared to Leave should be a much more substantive story. But it won't lead the BBC news bulletins, and I suspect won't even make them at all.
I'll believe it when phone polls start showing it as 50:50.
Ipsos showing 45:55 will be good enough for me.
If IPSOS shows 45:55, we've likely lost . We need something closer to 50:50 given a lot of people will bottle it in the privacy of the polling booth.
The 'phones don't pick up right wing opinion.
People get shy. They lie about who they voted for (usually saying Labour, often Lib Dem) and then they lie about how they will vote.
It's only a few percent swing, but enough.
Actualy that isn't so much the problem. I've had a look at the base figures from the recent polling and the most important difference between the methods is the phone polls are consistently showing the older working-age segment as being much closer to the young (more remain, less leave) than to pensioners when compared to online polls. This is hugely important because they make up by far the largest chunk of actual voters.
I think we all know why phone polls might have difficulty getting representative samples of working age people...
"In the year of Our Lord 2016, British patriots, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of EURef. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Britons. And they won their Freedom."
"In the year of Our Lord 2016, British patriots, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of EURef. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Britons. And they won their Freedom."
Leaving aside you're misquoting a rampant antisemite, there is one thing that has always bugged me about that speech. How hard are "warrior poets"? Are they better fighters than warriors who only write prose? Do we take into account things like scansion, metre, genre? How are they recruited? "Guys, we need somebody who can swing an axe and write sonnets"?
"In the year of Our Lord 2016, British patriots, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of EURef. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Britons. And they won their Freedom."
Leaving aside you're misquoting a rampant antisemite, there is one thing that has always bugged me about that speech. How hard are "warrior poets"? Are they better fighters than warriors who only write prose? Do we take into account things like scansion, metre, genre? How are they recruited? "Guys, we need somebody who can swing an axe and write sonnets"?
Anti-Semite Adolf believed in a Single European Superstate!
Twitter fight already Trump: Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does! Hillary: Delete your account. Trump: How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up–and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?
Corbynism sweeping the nation, dirty sleazy kippers on the slide ;-)
Goodnight all. For those who didn't see it the second half of This Week was far more nuanced than most of the vapid bilge that has been the bulk of the Brexit debate in recent weeks.
"In the year of Our Lord 2016, British patriots, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of EURef. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Britons. And they won their Freedom."
Leaving aside you're misquoting a rampant antisemite, there is one thing that has always bugged me about that speech. How hard are "warrior poets"? Are they better fighters than warriors who only write prose? Do we take into account things like scansion, metre, genre? How are they recruited? "Guys, we need somebody who can swing an axe and write sonnets"?
Anti-Semite Adolf believed in a Single European Superstate!
Believe in BRITAIN!
Strong Britain believed in standing up for the Poles. Leave Britain believes in sending them home.
Twitter fight already Trump: Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does! Hillary: Delete your account. Trump: How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up–and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?
Shots fired, repeat shots fired...one thing for certain this POTUS campaign is certainly not going to be dull!!!
Got a load of Labour Leave leaflets delivered yesterday (I live in the strongest Labour seat in the country) and I have put my Vote Leave banner up outside house with a little Union Jack flag flying over it. Let's do this!
Anecdotal but of the five swing voters I know, all five are now moving towards Leave.
"In the year of Our Lord 2016, British patriots, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of EURef. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Britons. And they won their Freedom."
Leaving aside you're misquoting a rampant antisemite, there is one thing that has always bugged me about that speech. How hard are "warrior poets"? Are they better fighters than warriors who only write prose? Do we take into account things like scansion, metre, genre? How are they recruited? "Guys, we need somebody who can swing an axe and write sonnets"?
Anti-Semite Adolf believed in a Single European Superstate!
Believe in BRITAIN!
Strong Britain believed in standing up for the Poles. Leave Britain believes in sending them home.
Well done Julie Etchingham - wonderful moderator of the debate tonight, firm when needed, and allowed the debate to flow as much as possible.
She did exactly the same during the Farage/Cameron vs audience debate, but because Farage and Vote Leave came off worse in that debate some of their supporters were complaining about her performance as moderator....
Got a load of Labour Leave leaflets delivered yesterday (I live in the strongest Labour seat in the country) and I have put my Vote Leave banner up outside house with a little Union Jack flag flying over it. Let's do this!
Anecdotal but of the five swing voters I know, all five are now moving towards Leave.
I agree. Brilliant to see both John Mann and Dennis Skinner come out for Leave in tomorrow's papers.
Mail Online comments make for interesting reading.
Well from what I also glanced at today they hate Major and they hate Blair and they hate Cameron, nothing Mail readers like more than a good hating....
Looking at the ITV debate Remain are trying to win this from the left. They are going for the 50% +1 vote strategy. Cameron will do ANYTHING to win an election, even trash the Conservative party. The line is clear with the left wing dog whistle "Little England" and personal attacks on Boris I'm sure Gove is next for the attack. They are trying to consolidate their lead in Scotland, N.I and the big English cities. Will it be enough to galvanise the left and especially the young? It could be, look at Barking and Austria. But I don't think the voters see Boris as trump-lite. Also hard for Cameron et al to appeal to voters he has been attacking for 6 years.
Leave started to talk about the risks of remaining- they need to push this much harder.
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
ITV - Debate of 3 Remain vesus 3 Leave - Remain come across as attacking, mean, project fear and nothing positive to say - Leave have to defend personal attacks on Johnson but come across with a positive message of hope - LEAVE WIN
BBC ONE - Question Time (3 Leave, 2 Remain) - Remain had some sensible points but Benn totally undermined by rude, shouty, incoherent Eddie Izzard - Grayling calm and logical, Farage acting statesmanlike, emotional Telegraph journo - LEAVE WIN
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
Troll much. "balance between a decade of war...and peace" lol give over.
Looking at the ITV debate Remain are trying to win this from the left. They are going for the 50% +1 vote strategy. Cameron will do ANYTHING to win an election, even trash the Conservative party. The line is clear with the left wing dog whistle "Little England" and personal attacks on Boris I'm sure Gove is next for the attack. They are trying to consolidate their lead in Scotland, N.I and the big English cities. Will it be enough to galvanise the left and especially the young? It could be, look at Barking and Austria. But I don't think the voters see Boris as trump-lite. Also hard for Cameron et al to appeal to voters he has been attacking for 6 years.
Leave started to talk about the risks of remaining- they need to push this much harder.
By adopting the all out attack on Leave and the personal attacks on Boris, the Remain camp seem to be trying to shore up their existing supporters rather than gain new ones.
This strategy would have worked when they were ahead at the start of the campaign but now they are behind it's not going to work.
Remain will need some convincing positive reasons for being in the EU if they are to win back support.
Salmond and Heseltine win thumping victory in Oxford Union debate for Remain last night over Michael Howard and Hannan. Now that debate would have been worth watching. Is it on line anywhere?
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
Troll much. "balance between a decade of war...and peace" lol give over.
I think the bulwark against Communism is properly called the US of A, not the EU.
My Leave journey is bright and sunny. You seem to be the one with very dark journeys.
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
Troll much. "balance between a decade of war...and peace" lol give over.
It's interesting when opinions you dismiss are regarded as "trolling". This is how the EU Parliament (for better or worse) deals with Nigel Farage.
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
Troll much. "balance between a decade of war...and peace" lol give over.
I think the bulwark against Communism is properly called the US of A, not the EU.
My Leave journey is bright and sunny. You seem to be the one with very dark journeys.
There's been many examples in history of revolutions with "very bright and sunny futures".. most of them ended quite darkly. Given the situation, by what circumstance do you pretend this possible future will be any better?
Eddy Izzard a complete disaster.
Anyway up very early tomorrow to leaflet commuters. The battle goes on regardless.
Night all.
Now, how does one go about getting a job as a wine journalist? Is it compulsory to go on about "subtle hints of forest fruits, but with a tang of peach and with a wonderful finish" and all that rubbish? Actually a better question, because I can write that sort of crap all day long, does it have to be accurate? Does anyone take any notice? Also do you get full expenses paid?
A wine journalist could be the ideal paying hobby for my declining years, as long as I didn't have to get on an aeroplane.
"There is no such thing as "EU Money". There is only taxpayers' money!"
Did you see Gilmore had his best performance yet in Cali? #draftgilmore
We've been discussing Bligegate. Would you like to give your side?
Genuinely one of the most substantial exchanges of the referendum so far.
And then we fell about laughing and a meme was born
'Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;
For we are the people of (Little) England, that never have spoken yet.'
Remain 50.23% - Leave 49.77%.
It changed very quickly once Cameron and Clegg got in and implemented the silly 0.7% policy. I found it had become a sort of giant press release and actual detail was very difficult to find and when compared to Labour's offering, actually impossible.
People get shy. They lie about who they voted for (usually saying Labour, often Lib Dem) and then they lie about how they will vote.
It's only a few percent swing, but enough.
Lab 758
UKIP 462
Con 312
Gre 40
Clinton 42 Trump 39
Lab 1220
Green 1184
Con 210
LDem 84
Ind 24
@angelaeagle storms off after debate saying "that was a Fucking Disaster"
#ITVEURef #VoteLeave @StrongerIn https://t.co/SxYDG6fWjX
FPT No, there are plenty of Conservative MPs on the Remain/Government side. The fact that one has decided to change her mind over a few weeks shouldn't really be that big an issue, and it's certainly not one worthy of leading the morning BBC news bulletins.
By contrast, with very few Labour MPs coming out for Leave, the fact that the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party has switched from undeclared to Leave should be a much more substantive story. But it won't lead the BBC news bulletins, and I suspect won't even make them at all.
UKIP 2034
Lab 1800
Con 878
Green 264
I think we all know why phone polls might have difficulty getting representative samples of working age people...
They were more accurate with Tory/Labour.
They were less accurate with Right/Left.
Phones are terrible at picking up all those working class 'Labour' people that really vote UKIP.
Believe in BRITAIN!
Just realised I missed Re-Animator on Horror Channel! Ooops!
LDem 1523
Lab 619
Con 380
Green 218
UKIP 187
Ind 10
I can't really look at Jeffrey Combs without thinking of DS9
By contrast phones were closer to the Tory score:
Trump: Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
Hillary: Delete your account.
Trump: How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up–and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?
Laindon Park and Fryerns (Essex) result:
UKIP: 42.6% (+6.8)
LAB: 33.5% (-3.2)
CON: 18.4% (+2.6)
GRN: 5.5% (+3.3)
Britain Elects @britainelects 27m27 minutes ago
UKIP GAIN Basildon Laindon Park & Fryerns (Essex) from Labour.
The truth sometimes hurts...
Britain Elects @britainelects 30m30 minutes ago
Gipsy Hill (Lambeth) result:
LAB: 43.4% (-23.6)
GRN: 42.1% (+31.2)
CON: 7.5% (-5.6)
LDEM: 3.0% (-1.9)
UKIP: 2.6% (-1.6)
IND: 0.9%
Interesting context to the Gyspy Hill result.
Goodnight all. For those who didn't see it the second half of This Week was far more nuanced than most of the vapid bilge that has been the bulk of the Brexit debate in recent weeks.
UKIP GAIN Basildon Laindon Park & Fryerns (Essex) from Labour.
Anecdotal but of the five swing voters I know, all five are now moving towards Leave.
Leave started to talk about the risks of remaining- they need to push this much harder.
The problem with the Remain campaign in this referendum has not been that they're "scare-mongering". Quite the opposite. They need to take it to the next level. The leavers are a disgrace and are as good as traitors to this country (and to their ancestors) in the disregard they show to the consequences of their actions. Us Remainers are the TRUE patriots and what your grand-parents TRULY fought for.
If we choose to leave the EU in two weeks time, prepare for a very dark journey ahead. Very few in the 30s predicted there be a world war ahead except for that far right-wing nutcase maverick called Churchill who everyone ignored, laughed at and derided... Hmm...
We have a EU which is in danger of collapse. A system that has stopped war for almost 70 years. That has acted as a bulk-ward against external Communism and internal Nationalism and potential fascism. The last ten years have been shit - this is undeniable. Greece and other counties have driven things to breaking point - something the EU is only just recovering from. And we think that their 3rd largest economy and 2nd largest military pulling won't cause massive MASSIVE problems? When France, the largest military is on the brink of electing a fascist next year (and surely will happen if we quit).. really?
Cameron may be many things, but on this is is prescient. We are the balance between a decade of war and a decade of peace. Everything is very finely balanced - So choose wisely! ;D
ITV - Debate of 3 Remain vesus 3 Leave
- Remain come across as attacking, mean, project fear and nothing positive to say
- Leave have to defend personal attacks on Johnson but come across with a positive message of hope
BBC ONE - Question Time (3 Leave, 2 Remain)
- Remain had some sensible points but Benn totally undermined by rude, shouty, incoherent Eddie Izzard
- Grayling calm and logical, Farage acting statesmanlike, emotional Telegraph journo
This strategy would have worked when they were ahead at the start of the campaign but now they are behind it's not going to work.
Remain will need some convincing positive reasons for being in the EU if they are to win back support.
This fun to play around with. It shows on a 2% remain vote the turnout needs to be 91% for remain to win. LOL.
My Leave journey is bright and sunny. You seem to be the one with very dark journeys.
Explain this one please?
It could happen to any of us...