Seems the Catholic Church is going to give the Conservative Party a run for its money in destructive infighting while ignoring the real issues.
The current Pope dislikes the pre vatican 2 latin mass, which is growing in popularity, especially amongst the young. It involves silence, beatiful Latin liturgy and sublime music. This is greatly alarming the Pope and his chief henchman Arthur Roche who he has made a Cwrdinal in charge of Liturgy (and was known as Blessed Arthur of the Padlocks when Bishop of Leeds due to his enthusiasm for closing churches).
They see it as a threat to their polyester, banal, 1970s timewarp, guitar wailing liturgies so semi banned it in 2021. It appears that they are going to go the whole hog and have united just about every corner of the British Establishment in outrage. A letter has duly been sent to The Times signed by 45 of the Great and Good (see attached)
These include. Lord Alton, Sir Nicholas Colerage, Sir Rocco Forte, Michael Gove, Lord Lloyd Webber, Princess Michael of Kent, Fraser Nelson, Rory Stewart, interior designer Nina Campbell and fashion designer Paul Smith.
Elsewhere none other than George Galloway has expressed his concern at such plans.
What an almighty own goal.
They joined a faith that believes the Pope to be infallible - suck it up.
Infallible when speaking ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals.
Yes, otherwise I would be seeking his advice on betting matters and there wouldn't need to be a collection plate...
I think there have only been about 3 ex cathedra pronouncements since the infallibility Dogma came into existence in ~1850.
It is the equjvalent of a UK supreme court case involving all 12 judges.
One was stating the rules for infallibility (bit circular) one was immaculate conception of bvm (which does NOT mean virgin birth) dunno about a third.
Most Catholics are united on -
1) the Pope is the infallible Holy Father 2) he does say some silly things, which are totally ignored in real life.
This one is quite good at (2), his latest gaffe out Bravermanned Suella Bravamanns US speech by a long shot.
It rather reminds me of the Japanese militarists and their attitude to the Emperor.
1) He is the sacred, living God whose voice is too important to be heard by the common people. 2) He is a little shit who needs a shoeing.
Just how self-indulgent are House Democrats going to look if they release letters on Monday calling Biden to stand down. Hopefully it's the end of the mutual tugfest the bedwetting broadly liberal media and Democrats petrified of being a couple of points behind in polls had.
Do get a grip and drop the Shit Just Got Real nonsense. This was a fundamentally trivial and comic event: they put a rifle in Crooks's hand and sent him to kill the orange man, and he fucked up. It's no more interesting than him narrowly escaping a fatal car crash. I mean what are you saying, the Dems should man up and concede the election to St Don the nearly Martyred?
This may be worst take in your long, sorry, really short PB history
Are you OK?
This is the most consequential act of political violence in the USA since the Kennedys got shot
Do you think it might help if you went for a walk, partook in a cheeky beer at the pub, just something other than writing over excited bollocks on here? It has been relentless since 9am.
Agree. Leon has really lost the plot. I don't know about everyone else but my weekend has involved a few odd jobs at our holiday home, a few trips to the pub, a few meals out, a party this afternoon, oh and yes the shocking news of Trump getting shot which I saw this morning and got mentioned once today on the way to the party. @leon try and get a grip. Your life must be hell. Try getting involved in stuff instead of ranting endless about it. There are plenty of campaigns out there which you could get involved in and use your energy productively rather than ranting and it would be more satisfying.
Or, I can do what the fuck I like??
Some days I post on here heavily, usually big news days. Other days I don't, coz I am working, living, dating, drinking
Nothing to do with me. Just trying to be constructive. You regularly lose the plot and do post endlessly. It is difficult to think of any time you have off. You have lots of energy. Why not put it to constructive use? You would be an asset to many campaigns. It seems such a waste to spend your time ranting here.
You have no idea what I do or how I live. What you don’t understand - and I have tried to explain this many times - is that I am not normal. IQ etc
I can multitask my brain to a phenomenal extent (unless I am doing intense creative work which needs focus, but that is finished for now - the new flint was finished yesterday)
So today while I’ve been “sitting on PB endlessly” I have also - redrafted an article for the gazette. Made myself lunch. Had a nice long sunbathe on the roof terrace. Texted with a few friends about whatnot. Had a detailed chat with a friend in America about technology (a shared interest). Had a half hour phone call with a friend in Cornwall about his love life and my old house and the Trump story
I’ve also been for a walk around Oppède le Vieux and arranged some of my impending roadtrip with my daughter. And of course I’ve read about ten articles about the Trump thing and about 500 Twitter threads and also I read a quarter of a book about “Awe” recommended by a mate but it was crap
I did ALL of that while apparently posting endlessly on PB
Because I can multitask. I can post on here while doing other stuff. I can dip in to PB, fire off an absurd rant or a stupid joke, then dip in 20 minutes later
Can you not do this? Perhaps not. I can
Well frankly that sounds like a pretty average day. Funnily enough I make myself lunch everyday; breakfast and dinner as well. I have sent and received umpteen WhatsApps, spoken on the phone to friends, walked the dog, been to a party 30 miles away, posted on PB, fixed a gate and will be going to the pub shortly to watch football. I have also been to the loo a few times. Honestly you make it sound as if that is not normal. But key is instead of ranting about stuff on here in a demented way I get involved in stuff. I campaign on behalf of the LDs, I'm involved in numerous campaigns. Others join charities or the local church or CAB or campaign on behalf of other political parties, etc, etc.
You have the energy, why not use it.
I am not sure campaigning on behalf of political parties is the pinnacle of using your time or intellect to the best effect - Its essentially a zero sum game isn't it? Actually Leon is better writing his novels and entertaining on here imho!
I never said it was. It was one of many examples of stuff one can do. But what is the point on endlessly ranting on here and doing nothing about it. Get off your arse and do something. Stop being an angry old man and do something about it.
I write about politics for the fucking Gazette, you stupid old twat
Well I think that says it all if you think that is doing something about it. Writing an article in the Gazette is no different to posting there other than you get paid. I mean do stuff to right the wrongs in what you believe. Ranting isn't doing stuff. Most here do stuff.
You think expressing my political opinion in a famous magazine read by 100,000 people has less effect than some old git like you sitting in a church hall pontificating on dog poo?
Well. It’s a view. And it’s the view of a cretin
Your lack of understanding is gob smacking. I don't sit in a church hall pontificating about anything and have never done so. But I go out there and do stuff for people. You know actual stuff that makes a difference on a voluntary basis. Stuff you could do rather writing about it. By all means write about it make a living, but then in your spare time rather than complaining do something like most people here do. It is very satisfying rather than ranting and going red in the face everyday and travel is no excuse for not doing so because much of what I do is on the internet.
Well, one thing I do is write so well I can make easy six figures thus paying squillions to the exchequer thereby paying for everyone else. I’m not sure my time is better employed being a creepy online volunteer whatever the fuck that is, what do you do, tell people to go to the food bank via Snapchat?
You’re a dull man with a dull mind. Is all
No need to be personal. As I said before you are talented and it seems a waste of that talent not to use it. Different people do different things and tend to use the talents they have. I mainly help people or groups that have been financially screwed. I know my finance and I'm good at organising people and making stuff happen. It was my business for 20 years. I now do it voluntarily for those less able to do so themselves. I have instigated two private members bills. Re what you earn, so what. What has that got to do with anything. I suspect I have earned much more than you, but I don't mention that here (until now).
Others use their skills in other ways, even if that is just working in a food bank or CAB. It is all worthwhile.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Just how self-indulgent are House Democrats going to look if they release letters on Monday calling Biden to stand down. Hopefully it's the end of the mutual tugfest the bedwetting broadly liberal media and Democrats petrified of being a couple of points behind in polls had.
Do get a grip and drop the Shit Just Got Real nonsense. This was a fundamentally trivial and comic event: they put a rifle in Crooks's hand and sent him to kill the orange man, and he fucked up. It's no more interesting than him narrowly escaping a fatal car crash. I mean what are you saying, the Dems should man up and concede the election to St Don the nearly Martyred?
This may be worst take in your long, sorry, really short PB history
Are you OK?
This is the most consequential act of political violence in the USA since the Kennedys got shot
Do you think it might help if you went for a walk, partook in a cheeky beer at the pub, just something other than writing over excited bollocks on here? It has been relentless since 9am.
Agree. Leon has really lost the plot. I don't know about everyone else but my weekend has involved a few odd jobs at our holiday home, a few trips to the pub, a few meals out, a party this afternoon, oh and yes the shocking news of Trump getting shot which I saw this morning and got mentioned once today on the way to the party. @leon try and get a grip. Your life must be hell. Try getting involved in stuff instead of ranting endless about it. There are plenty of campaigns out there which you could get involved in and use your energy productively rather than ranting and it would be more satisfying.
Or, I can do what the fuck I like??
Some days I post on here heavily, usually big news days. Other days I don't, coz I am working, living, dating, drinking
Nothing to do with me. Just trying to be constructive. You regularly lose the plot and do post endlessly. It is difficult to think of any time you have off. You have lots of energy. Why not put it to constructive use? You would be an asset to many campaigns. It seems such a waste to spend your time ranting here.
You have no idea what I do or how I live. What you don’t understand - and I have tried to explain this many times - is that I am not normal. IQ etc
I can multitask my brain to a phenomenal extent (unless I am doing intense creative work which needs focus, but that is finished for now - the new flint was finished yesterday)
So today while I’ve been “sitting on PB endlessly” I have also - redrafted an article for the gazette. Made myself lunch. Had a nice long sunbathe on the roof terrace. Texted with a few friends about whatnot. Had a detailed chat with a friend in America about technology (a shared interest). Had a half hour phone call with a friend in Cornwall about his love life and my old house and the Trump story
I’ve also been for a walk around Oppède le Vieux and arranged some of my impending roadtrip with my daughter. And of course I’ve read about ten articles about the Trump thing and about 500 Twitter threads and also I read a quarter of a book about “Awe” recommended by a mate but it was crap
I did ALL of that while apparently posting endlessly on PB
Because I can multitask. I can post on here while doing other stuff. I can dip in to PB, fire off an absurd rant or a stupid joke, then dip in 20 minutes later
Can you not do this? Perhaps not. I can
Well frankly that sounds like a pretty average day. Funnily enough I make myself lunch everyday; breakfast and dinner as well. I have sent and received umpteen WhatsApps, spoken on the phone to friends, walked the dog, been to a party 30 miles away, posted on PB, fixed a gate and will be going to the pub shortly to watch football. I have also been to the loo a few times. Honestly you make it sound as if that is not normal. But key is instead of ranting about stuff on here in a demented way I get involved in stuff. I campaign on behalf of the LDs, I'm involved in numerous campaigns. Others join charities or the local church or CAB or campaign on behalf of other political parties, etc, etc.
You have the energy, why not use it.
I am not sure campaigning on behalf of political parties is the pinnacle of using your time or intellect to the best effect - Its essentially a zero sum game isn't it? Actually Leon is better writing his novels and entertaining on here imho!
I never said it was. It was one of many examples of stuff one can do. But what is the point on endlessly ranting on here and doing nothing about it. Get off your arse and do something. Stop being an angry old man and do something about it.
I write about politics for the fucking Gazette, you stupid old twat
Well I think that says it all if you think that is doing something about it. Writing an article in the Gazette is no different to posting there other than you get paid. I mean do stuff to right the wrongs in what you believe. Ranting isn't doing stuff. Most here do stuff.
You think expressing my political opinion in a famous magazine read by 100,000 people has less effect than some old git like you sitting in a church hall pontificating on dog poo?
Well. It’s a view. And it’s the view of a cretin
Your lack of understanding is gob smacking. I don't sit in a church hall pontificating about anything and have never done so. But I go out there and do stuff for people. You know actual stuff that makes a difference on a voluntary basis. Stuff you could do rather writing about it. By all means write about it make a living, but then in your spare time rather than complaining do something like most people here do. It is very satisfying rather than ranting and going red in the face everyday and travel is no excuse for not doing so because much of what I do is on the internet.
Well, one thing I do is write so well I can make easy six figures thus paying squillions to the exchequer thereby paying for everyone else. I’m not sure my time is better employed being a creepy online volunteer whatever the fuck that is, what do you do, tell people to go to the food bank via Snapchat?
You’re a dull man with a dull mind. Is all
No need to be personal. As I said before you are talented and it seems a waste of that talent not to use it. Different people do different things and tend to use the talents they have. I mainly help people or groups that have been financially screwed. I know my finance and I'm good at organising people and making stuff happen. It was my business for 20 years. I now do it voluntarily for those less able to do so themselves. I have instigated two private members bills. Re what you earn, so what. What has that got to do with anything. I suspect I have earned much more than you, but I don't mention that here (until now).
Others use their skills in other ways, even if that is just working in s food bank or CAB. It is all worthwhile.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
Just how self-indulgent are House Democrats going to look if they release letters on Monday calling Biden to stand down. Hopefully it's the end of the mutual tugfest the bedwetting broadly liberal media and Democrats petrified of being a couple of points behind in polls had.
Do get a grip and drop the Shit Just Got Real nonsense. This was a fundamentally trivial and comic event: they put a rifle in Crooks's hand and sent him to kill the orange man, and he fucked up. It's no more interesting than him narrowly escaping a fatal car crash. I mean what are you saying, the Dems should man up and concede the election to St Don the nearly Martyred?
This may be worst take in your long, sorry, really short PB history
Are you OK?
This is the most consequential act of political violence in the USA since the Kennedys got shot
Do you think it might help if you went for a walk, partook in a cheeky beer at the pub, just something other than writing over excited bollocks on here? It has been relentless since 9am.
Agree. Leon has really lost the plot. I don't know about everyone else but my weekend has involved a few odd jobs at our holiday home, a few trips to the pub, a few meals out, a party this afternoon, oh and yes the shocking news of Trump getting shot which I saw this morning and got mentioned once today on the way to the party. @leon try and get a grip. Your life must be hell. Try getting involved in stuff instead of ranting endless about it. There are plenty of campaigns out there which you could get involved in and use your energy productively rather than ranting and it would be more satisfying.
Or, I can do what the fuck I like??
Some days I post on here heavily, usually big news days. Other days I don't, coz I am working, living, dating, drinking
Nothing to do with me. Just trying to be constructive. You regularly lose the plot and do post endlessly. It is difficult to think of any time you have off. You have lots of energy. Why not put it to constructive use? You would be an asset to many campaigns. It seems such a waste to spend your time ranting here.
You have no idea what I do or how I live. What you don’t understand - and I have tried to explain this many times - is that I am not normal. IQ etc
I can multitask my brain to a phenomenal extent (unless I am doing intense creative work which needs focus, but that is finished for now - the new flint was finished yesterday)
So today while I’ve been “sitting on PB endlessly” I have also - redrafted an article for the gazette. Made myself lunch. Had a nice long sunbathe on the roof terrace. Texted with a few friends about whatnot. Had a detailed chat with a friend in America about technology (a shared interest). Had a half hour phone call with a friend in Cornwall about his love life and my old house and the Trump story
I’ve also been for a walk around Oppède le Vieux and arranged some of my impending roadtrip with my daughter. And of course I’ve read about ten articles about the Trump thing and about 500 Twitter threads and also I read a quarter of a book about “Awe” recommended by a mate but it was crap
I did ALL of that while apparently posting endlessly on PB
Because I can multitask. I can post on here while doing other stuff. I can dip in to PB, fire off an absurd rant or a stupid joke, then dip in 20 minutes later
Can you not do this? Perhaps not. I can
Well frankly that sounds like a pretty average day. Funnily enough I make myself lunch everyday; breakfast and dinner as well. I have sent and received umpteen WhatsApps, spoken on the phone to friends, walked the dog, been to a party 30 miles away, posted on PB, fixed a gate and will be going to the pub shortly to watch football. I have also been to the loo a few times. Honestly you make it sound as if that is not normal. But key is instead of ranting about stuff on here in a demented way I get involved in stuff. I campaign on behalf of the LDs, I'm involved in numerous campaigns. Others join charities or the local church or CAB or campaign on behalf of other political parties, etc, etc.
You have the energy, why not use it.
I am not sure campaigning on behalf of political parties is the pinnacle of using your time or intellect to the best effect - Its essentially a zero sum game isn't it? Actually Leon is better writing his novels and entertaining on here imho!
I never said it was. It was one of many examples of stuff one can do. But what is the point on endlessly ranting on here and doing nothing about it. Get off your arse and do something. Stop being an angry old man and do something about it.
I write about politics for the fucking Gazette, you stupid old twat
Well I think that says it all if you think that is doing something about it. Writing an article in the Gazette is no different to posting there other than you get paid. I mean do stuff to right the wrongs in what you believe. Ranting isn't doing stuff. Most here do stuff.
You think expressing my political opinion in a famous magazine read by 100,000 people has less effect than some old git like you sitting in a church hall pontificating on dog poo?
Well. It’s a view. And it’s the view of a cretin
Your lack of understanding is gob smacking. I don't sit in a church hall pontificating about anything and have never done so. But I go out there and do stuff for people. You know actual stuff that makes a difference on a voluntary basis. Stuff you could do rather writing about it. By all means write about it make a living, but then in your spare time rather than complaining do something like most people here do. It is very satisfying rather than ranting and going red in the face everyday and travel is no excuse for not doing so because much of what I do is on the internet.
I'm not sure if you remember it, but the opening diabtribe in this rather silly exchange was yours.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
In fairness I didn't know this until I googled it just now in response to the outrage about Iain Dale's tweet.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
I noticed that but maybe it's an etiquette thing in Spain. Do they usually sing it?
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
I noticed that but maybe it's an etiquette thing in Spain. Do they usually sing it?
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
I noticed that but maybe it's an etiquette thing in Spain. Do they usually sing it?
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
In fairness I didn't know this until I googled it just now in response to the outrage about Iain Dale's tweet.
A bit unfair to expect the Spanish to know the words to our national anthem to be honest.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
In fairness I didn't know this until I googled it just now in response to the outrage about Iain Dale's tweet.
A bit unfair to expect the Spanish to know the words to our national anthem to be honest.
Oh, I don't know - turns out the English know all the words to the Spanish national anthem…
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
Is this a joke? Didn't we do this a couple of years back? Maybe Piers Morgan?
In fairness I didn't know this until I googled it just now in response to the outrage about Iain Dale's tweet.
A bit unfair to expect the Spanish to know the words to our national anthem to be honest.
Oh, I don't know - turns out the English know all the words to the Spanish national anthem…
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
I noticed that but maybe it's an etiquette thing in Spain. Do they usually sing it?
No words!
Well I thought that might be the case, but when they cut to Spanish fans in the crowd they seemed to be singing/saying something, so I was confused by that.
Iain Dale @IainDale What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
I noticed that but maybe it's an etiquette thing in Spain. Do they usually sing it?
No words!
Well I thought that might be the case, but when they cut to Spanish fans in the crowd they seemed to be singing/saying something, so I was confused by that.
1) He is the sacred, living God whose voice is too important to be heard by the common people.
2) He is a little shit who needs a shoeing.
They believed both at once, quite fervently.
It does seem England are decent at defending but not at keeping the ball.
Still think Spain will nick one after about 70 minutes and we'll be praying for a wonder goal from somewhere.
Others use their skills in other ways, even if that is just working in a food bank or CAB. It is all worthwhile.
You have tremendous skills that you could use.
Iain Dale
What contrast between the two teams. Every England player belted out the national anthem with gusto. Not a single Spanish player opened his mouth.
You get Ally McCoist, best co-commentator in the business.
Just saying.
So that's a relief.
That Nico Williams is real quality
It's moving abroad
Despite 90 days on 90 days off Brexit rules
C’mon England
tick tock
bloody good effort from Spain
We need a miracle
Set up by Pickford.
Be a bit thinner having been dead for 17 years.
Spain 1.88
England 2.12
Police warned before it happened that there was a man with a rifle, bear crawling on the roof.