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Sunak’s strategy is working –



  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,717
    Cookie said:

    Reading all these posts while wondering what to vote. I’m never going to vote Con and anyway the candidate is Priti Patel. I want to vote Left-ish. So that’s Lab, LibDem or Green. Not keen on the latter, but I do really want to see us back in Europe, and in general I think SKS is over-cautious.
    But, if I vote LibDem will I let in Patel? Plus, so far, the Lab candidate is the only one who’s been putting in any practical effort. There’s an Indie who’s done a bit, but I really can’t see her getting anywhere.
    So it’s with regret that I shall vote Lab, and hope she squeezes over the line.

    Mrs C has no such concerns; she’s had enough of the Cons and has never shared my admiration of the LibDems.

    My thoughts are this: your vote has very little chance of being decisive, but mighy encourage others next time around. So vote for who you most favour.
    Sounds daft that the last sentence might in any way be seen as an insight, but that's the effect of the system we have.
    The effect of the system is to try to game the system.
    It's more complex this time in that it's a five way game rather than the three way one when tactical voting first emerged.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066


    dixiedean said:

    Andy_JS said:

    The Economist only has Labour clearing the winning post by 55 seats, which doesn't seem that many, (although of course you double that figure to get the majority).

    I keep pointing out that SKS needs the sort of swing Blair had in 1997 to get a majority of 1.
    You may well do.
    Doesn't make it true though.

    Had the 2019 election been fought on the current boundaries, the Tories would have had a majority of 136 despite, the SNP winning virtually every seat in Scotland, with Labour getting just 169 seats.

    So Labour need to gain 157 seats to get a majority of one. (source Baxter)

    That equates to a swing of 8.7%.

    Labour actually gained 146 seats in 1997 and got a swing of 8.8%.

    You're wrong, the Con to Lab swing in 1997 was 10%.

    Labour's vote share went up by 8.8%.

    Edit - Beaten to it by DixieDean.
    8.7% to get a majority of one is still almost as much as blairs swing of 10% in 1997.

    So error acknowledged but my main point is still valid.

    SKS has a huge challenge to win enough seats to get a majority. Sure it looks like he will right now, but enough Big Gs returning to the tories and Scottish Big Gs returning to the nats, and they quite easily might not.
    If we all do as BigG suggested to punish Farage we get a Tory landslide. National Service here we come!
    You know that is nonsense
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,117
    Andy_JS said:

    "Brainy Indians are piling into Western universities
    Will rich countries welcome them the way they did Chinese students?"

    The great thing about Indians, rather than Chinese students, is that they are not under a geas to spy for the Chinese state.
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    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,717
    edited June 22
    The only way to "stop Reform", (or anyone else you don't want) is to not vote for them.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 28,984

    Reading all these posts while wondering what to vote. I’m never going to vote Con and anyway the candidate is Priti Patel. I want to vote Left-ish. So that’s Lab, LibDem or Green. Not keen on the latter, but I do really want to see us back in Europe, and in general I think SKS is over-cautious.
    But, if I vote LibDem will I let in Patel? Plus, so far, the Lab candidate is the only one who’s been putting in any practical effort. There’s an Indie who’s done a bit, but I really can’t see her getting anywhere.
    So it’s with regret that I shall vote Lab, and hope she squeezes over the line.

    Mrs C has no such concerns; she’s had enough of the Cons and has never shared my admiration of the LibDems.

    The most likely way a non-Tory candidate wins that seat in the long-term is if the Greens get ahead of Lab and LD and become the main opposition to the Conservatives.
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,559
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Seems to be some unnecessary attacks on @Big_G_NorthWales this evening.

    Sounds to me like he is one of many tory voters who perhaps liked the Cameron years who are agonising on what is the right thing to do this election.

    Ignore them at your betting peril.

    FWIW: I now expect a very very late swing back to Tory party that polls will not pick up until day or two before if at all.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,453

    dixiedean said:

    Sean_F said:

    kle4 said:

    I'm sure it makes sense to someone.

    Reform candidate for Bmth West: “These endless takes from Jews are horrendous. Many of the powerful groups agitating for the mass import into England of Muslims from the Third World are Jewish.”

    Disgusting and unpleasant. 1/2

    Reform spokesman says they are pleased he “thinks and speaks like an ordinary person.”

    He should be condemned as the racist Antisemite he is. Nigel Farage should sack him and urge people not to vote for him. Let’s see. 2/2

    It's sad how these nasty old anti-Semitic tropes seem to be like malignant Timelords, being reborn with a new face once they eventually die. Different words, same old tired anti-Semitism.
    Our minds seem to be hardwired to find anti-semitism plausible. It is protean, emerging in different forms, across time and place.
    My friend's father is a Jewish historian (who himself is Jewish), he says Western antisemitism comes down to the simple fact is that the Jews killed Christ.
    Which also makes no logical sense.
    As Christ was a Jew. Not a Christian.
    Bigotry often has no logic.

    I like the one in America.

    The MAGA lot: Immigrants are drug dealers and rapists coming over here to steal our jobs.

    Which begs the question just what jobs do the MAGA actually have.
    The Cherokee and Sioux (to name but two) might agree with them.
    For different reasons!
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980

    Sean_F said:

    kle4 said:

    I'm sure it makes sense to someone.

    Reform candidate for Bmth West: “These endless takes from Jews are horrendous. Many of the powerful groups agitating for the mass import into England of Muslims from the Third World are Jewish.”

    Disgusting and unpleasant. 1/2

    Reform spokesman says they are pleased he “thinks and speaks like an ordinary person.”

    He should be condemned as the racist Antisemite he is. Nigel Farage should sack him and urge people not to vote for him. Let’s see. 2/2

    It's sad how these nasty old anti-Semitic tropes seem to be like malignant Timelords, being reborn with a new face once they eventually die. Different words, same old tired anti-Semitism.
    Our minds seem to be hardwired to find anti-semitism plausible. It is protean, emerging in different forms, across time and place.
    My friend's father is a Jewish historian (who himself is Jewish), he says Western antisemitism comes down to the simple fact is that the Jews killed Christ.
    Nope, the Romans killed Christ.
    Crucifixion was a Roman punishment.
    If the Jews had their way, they would have stoned him.
    Pogroms (like the famous Kishinev pogrom of 1903) are most likely to happen around Easter. For this reason: “Christ killing”
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,539

    I've just had my first ever swimming lesson as an adult

    It was with an Ironman triathlete who has achieved a sub-9 hour time. I don't think he was impressed with my self-taught swimming style. But at least the lake was warm.

    (Perhaps I should have got swimming lessons earlier...) ;)

    We are all allowed to do stuff at which we are mediocre (or worse) and still enjoy it.

    Your swimming technique is, in all likelihood, of an Olympian standard relative to my hopelessly uncoordinated attempts at boxing.
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,117
    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:


    Reopening Brexit debate would bring ‘turmoil’, says Keir Starmer

    Labour leader rules out rejoining EU, single market or customs union

    Labour will say that before entering government to ensure they win, once the redwall seats are safely back in the Labour column they will certainly start to shift to rejoining a CU by the end of their first term. If re elected they will then look to rejoin the single market and if they get a third term they might even consider rejoining the full EU albeit that is less likely, especially if the Euro is required
    Once again. It's nowt to do with RedWall seats.
    The biggest margins for Brexit were the two midlands regions.
    And plenty of redwall seats there in areas like West Bromwich and Stoke and Mansfield
    But that's not the Red Wall!!!
    That refers to the once unbroken chain of Labour seats from the Mersey to the Humber.
    If we can't agree on a definition a term loses all validity.
    I thought this post was coming. And it's true. But I think HYUFD is also right that there is a 'type' of seat described by the term red wall.
    Certainly I am entirely untriggered by calling Stoke red wall, but get a bit upset by calling Bury North red wall - the latter being a moderately middle class swing seat.
  • Options
    Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,463

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    I expect the next Deltapoll will place Reform ahead of the Conservatives.

    No Prime Minister has been more hated than Sunak, in my lifetime.
  • Options
    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,453
    Andy_JS said:

    Reading all these posts while wondering what to vote. I’m never going to vote Con and anyway the candidate is Priti Patel. I want to vote Left-ish. So that’s Lab, LibDem or Green. Not keen on the latter, but I do really want to see us back in Europe, and in general I think SKS is over-cautious.
    But, if I vote LibDem will I let in Patel? Plus, so far, the Lab candidate is the only one who’s been putting in any practical effort. There’s an Indie who’s done a bit, but I really can’t see her getting anywhere.
    So it’s with regret that I shall vote Lab, and hope she squeezes over the line.

    Mrs C has no such concerns; she’s had enough of the Cons and has never shared my admiration of the LibDems.

    The most likely way a non-Tory candidate wins that seat in the long-term is if the Greens get ahead of Lab and LD and become the main opposition to the Conservatives.
    It’s not long since the LibDem was the main challenger!
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,717

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    Any other leader would have had a majority of 400.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 54,905
    Trump to give Green Cards to foreign students on graduation.

    Not the stupidest of ideas, but worth noting that the US what has an epidemic of fake educational institutions.
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,362

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    Exactly. Mr G’s vote is his own affair (or maybe his wife’s), but he could meanwhile do us a favour and stop posting such self-deluded rubbish here.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066
    Cookie said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Ooh, someone's grumpy today!
    He is beyond bitter and making things up

    I did not vote for Johnson as a member but did vote conservative in 2019 which is entirely different

    And no I will not vote for a Farage led conservative party despite his anger and sad comments in attempts to prejudice my comments on here

    I do not understand why he is so personal and even nasty
  • Options
    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,538
    rcs1000 said:

    Trump to give Green Cards to foreign students on graduation.

    Not the stupidest of ideas, but worth noting that the US what has an epidemic of fake educational institutions.

    Is it so-called Four Year Colleges only? Presumably few of those are fake.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,539

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    I doubt that would be the actual result, if the LDs are down 2% on their 2019 voteshare but Labour up 10% in some LD target seats some 2019 LD voters will go Labour and a number of voters no longer voting Tory would go Labour not LD. Thus allowing the Tories to hold some of those seats and stay second overall on seats
  • Options
    CatManCatMan Posts: 2,929
    Leon said:

    IanB2 said:

    Leon said:

    Scott_xP said:


    The Farage thing isn't really about Putin. It's about what moral responsibility Farage thinks Britain has to help people in other countries enjoy what should be universal democratic freedoms. And the answer, for him, is none whatsoever. There's not even a threshold. Zero. Zilch.

    It's incredibly revealing. It's also a feature of the new far right, everywhere. Not even "our people first" but "our people only". It is absolutely appeasement and alien to Western diplomatic ethics since WW2. And don't imagine it would have been any different IN WW2, either.

    Isn't the point more a simpler one of capability?

    Entering WW1 we were the richest and most powerful country in the world. Entering WW2, whilst damaged by WW1 to the point of no longer being the world's leading economy, still very wealthy comparitively (with the Empire to liquidate), with an economy that had recovered well during the 1930s (under very strict non-socialist policies please note), and a leader in manufacturing and military technology.

    Now, we're what we are now. Nobody is more patriotic than myself here - sometimes I think I'm one of the few here who believes in our potential as an independent nation - but we are simply not in a position to fight, or even contribute meaningfully, to world conflict. We just abolished virgin steel production. We have no large scale manufacturing base. We're massively indebted with a large structural deficit. Net zero, immigration, and welfare commitments are crippling us. It's not a case of nasty people like Nigel Farage undermining our resolve, and people not being willing to work as ARP wardens or build Anderson shelters because they've been listening to nasty Nigel, it's that their "our people only" approach is literally the ONLY feasible stance we have at this time.
    I agree almost completely with your diagnosis, except that I am possibly even more pessimistic about the UK and the west in general. Just walking around Camden half an hour ago - the dystopian sense of decay is horrifying. Tents all down Parkway. Obvious Fentanyl abuse. People simply accepting this. But this is the same malaise I have seen in Paris, Italy, America.....

    There are only two possible escape routes. "Technology" or firm rightwing governments that take no shit

    THIS is why it is so deeply irritating when Farage, who actually has political skill, and might push us in a rightwards directions, goes and fucks it all up - potentially - with silly, mis-timed remarks about Putin. Read the damn room, Nige
    Camden was always a dump though; you just became blind to it, living for so long just a few doors down from SeanT.
    No, the Fentanyl is new
    Taliban crackdown on poppy cultivation waves.
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    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,062

    I've just had my first ever swimming lesson as an adult

    It was with an Ironman triathlete who has achieved a sub-9 hour time. I don't think he was impressed with my self-taught swimming style. But at least the lake was warm.

    (Perhaps I should have got swimming lessons earlier...) ;)

    I did the London Triathlon in 2003 (not Ironman) but I’m a weak swimmer so a couple of weeks before before I went on a triathlon swimming course in one of the reservoirs near Staines, the ones near Heathrow just off the M25. I got some sort of waterborne infection from that that I shat most of my bodyweight away in the subsequent 2 weeks. I didn’t manage to finish the swim at the actual event but I struggled round the cycle and run. In a heatwave. I’m 5’11” but I was under 11 stone at the end of all that.
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    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,041
    dixiedean said:

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    Any other leader would have had a majority of 400.
    The Farage nonsense probably not factored into that.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,717
    edited June 22
    Cookie said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:


    Reopening Brexit debate would bring ‘turmoil’, says Keir Starmer

    Labour leader rules out rejoining EU, single market or customs union

    Labour will say that before entering government to ensure they win, once the redwall seats are safely back in the Labour column they will certainly start to shift to rejoining a CU by the end of their first term. If re elected they will then look to rejoin the single market and if they get a third term they might even consider rejoining the full EU albeit that is less likely, especially if the Euro is required
    Once again. It's nowt to do with RedWall seats.
    The biggest margins for Brexit were the two midlands regions.
    And plenty of redwall seats there in areas like West Bromwich and Stoke and Mansfield
    But that's not the Red Wall!!!
    That refers to the once unbroken chain of Labour seats from the Mersey to the Humber.
    If we can't agree on a definition a term loses all validity.
    I thought this post was coming. And it's true. But I think HYUFD is also right that there is a 'type' of seat described by the term red wall.
    Certainly I am entirely untriggered by calling Stoke red wall, but get a bit upset by calling Bury North red wall - the latter being a moderately middle class swing seat.
    I despise the term.
    It's London media speak for the urban North. And increasingly the urban Midlands too.
    Which is entirely homogeneous and speaks with one voice and attitude. Of course.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,539
    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:


    Reopening Brexit debate would bring ‘turmoil’, says Keir Starmer

    Labour leader rules out rejoining EU, single market or customs union

    Labour will say that before entering government to ensure they win, once the redwall seats are safely back in the Labour column they will certainly start to shift to rejoining a CU by the end of their first term. If re elected they will then look to rejoin the single market and if they get a third term they might even consider rejoining the full EU albeit that is less likely, especially if the Euro is required
    Once again. It's nowt to do with RedWall seats.
    The biggest margins for Brexit were the two midlands regions.
    And plenty of redwall seats there in areas like West Bromwich and Stoke and Mansfield
    But that's not the Red Wall!!!
    That refers to the once unbroken chain of Labour seats from the Mersey to the Humber.
    If we can't agree on a definition a term loses all validity.
    Yes it is 'The red wall is a term used in British politics to describe the UK Parliament constituencies in the Midlands and Northern England that historically supported the Labour Party.[1][2][3] At the 2019 general election, many of these parliamentary seats were won by the Conservative Party, with the media describing the red wall as having "turned blue"
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 28,984
    The LDs won't be as low as 9% on election night.
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    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
    Sean_F said:

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    I expect the next Deltapoll will place Reform ahead of the Conservatives.

    No Prime Minister has been more hated than Sunak, in my lifetime.
    I suspect Thatcher was much more hated. But she was much more loved too.
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    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,063

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    You voted Conservative? I'm shocked!

    I know I have been away for a while, but I still had you down as a Labour man after your Boriscene Conversion.....
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    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,559
    Eight Reform UK candidates have made a wide range of offensive remarks online about women in the past, the BBC can reveal.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
    edited June 22

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    You voted Conservative? I'm shocked!

    I know I have been away for a while, but I still had you down as a Labour man after your Boriscene Conversion.....
    Not to forget the D-Dayscene conversion too.

    Welcome back btw - missed you!
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066
    edited June 22

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change of view which was explained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,362

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,117
    dixiedean said:

    Cookie said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    HYUFD said:


    Reopening Brexit debate would bring ‘turmoil’, says Keir Starmer

    Labour leader rules out rejoining EU, single market or customs union

    Labour will say that before entering government to ensure they win, once the redwall seats are safely back in the Labour column they will certainly start to shift to rejoining a CU by the end of their first term. If re elected they will then look to rejoin the single market and if they get a third term they might even consider rejoining the full EU albeit that is less likely, especially if the Euro is required
    Once again. It's nowt to do with RedWall seats.
    The biggest margins for Brexit were the two midlands regions.
    And plenty of redwall seats there in areas like West Bromwich and Stoke and Mansfield
    But that's not the Red Wall!!!
    That refers to the once unbroken chain of Labour seats from the Mersey to the Humber.
    If we can't agree on a definition a term loses all validity.
    I thought this post was coming. And it's true. But I think HYUFD is also right that there is a 'type' of seat described by the term red wall.
    Certainly I am entirely untriggered by calling Stoke red wall, but get a bit upset by calling Bury North red wall - the latter being a moderately middle class swing seat.
    I despise the term.
    It's London media speak for the urban North. And increasingly the urban Midlands too.
    Which is entirely homogeneous and speaks with one voice and attitude. Of course.
    I don't like it when it's used to describe Bury North, for example. But I'm happy enough with urban/industrial/post industrial - always Labour until 2017/2019.

    But I agree a term isn't particularly helpful if we don't all understand the same things by it, and I've heard your definition too.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,539
    edited June 22
    Andy_JS said:

    The LDs won't be as low as 9% on election night.

    They might be, in 2019 the LDs got a number of centrist voters who couldn't stand Boris or Corbyn.

    Now Sunak has replaced Boris and more centrist Starmer replaced Corbyn a number will go Labour who voted LD at the last general election and a few LDs in 2019 may even go Tory (albeit far fewer than the number of 2019 Tories who were Boris fans who have gone Reform). We know that TSE and NigelF voted LD in 2019 for instance but will vote for Sunak this time
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,807
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    Exactly. Mr G’s vote is his own affair (or maybe his wife’s), but he could meanwhile do us a favour and stop posting such self-deluded rubbish here.
    He can post what he likes. Some might find repetitive photos of dogs on mountainsides and outside restaurants to be a load of bollocks, at least Big G’s posts give us some insight into, you know, politics and therefore political betting.

    I don’t understand why people are getting so bent out of shape. Just scroll past his posts if they trouble you so much, and mine if they annoy you.
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,307
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
  • Options
    bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,333

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    Explain what that non MRP Polls are exaggerating the Lab lead?

    If anyone wants to bet SKS will get over 500 seats I am happy to oppose that in a charity bet!

    I reckon the 10pm Exit poll is going to be as big a shock to SKS fans as the 2017 one.

    But we will see.
  • Options
    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 39,856
    DougSeal said:

    I've just had my first ever swimming lesson as an adult

    It was with an Ironman triathlete who has achieved a sub-9 hour time. I don't think he was impressed with my self-taught swimming style. But at least the lake was warm.

    (Perhaps I should have got swimming lessons earlier...) ;)

    I did the London Triathlon in 2003 (not Ironman) but I’m a weak swimmer so a couple of weeks before before I went on a triathlon swimming course in one of the reservoirs near Staines, the ones near Heathrow just off the M25. I got some sort of waterborne infection from that that I shat most of my bodyweight away in the subsequent 2 weeks. I didn’t manage to finish the swim at the actual event but I struggled round the cycle and run. In a heatwave. I’m 5’11” but I was under 11 stone at the end of all that.
    Ouch! That's awful. I swam in the same lake last week, and managed 750metres non-stop (I did a mile in the pool this week front-crawl non-stop). My race is in two weeks - a sprint. I'm not a good swimmer, a poor cyclist (with a cheap road bike), and a slow runner. I'll be ecstatic if I just finish. Attempting a sprint triathlon is this year's objective for me.

    Swimmer's itch is the thing that worries me - though the lake I swim in has apparently got good water quality.
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 494

    Cookie said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Ooh, someone's grumpy today!
    He is beyond bitter and making things up

    I did not vote for Johnson as a member but did vote conservative in 2019 which is entirely different

    And no I will not vote for a Farage led conservative party despite his anger and sad comments in attempts to prejudice my comments on here

    I do not understand why he is so personal and even nasty
    It's bizarre. He is coming on like you jilted his daughter.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Brilliant. @Leon look on this mighty work and despair!
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,539
    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Good God.

    3k in under 11 mins, that's some pace.
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,062
    Maybe not ripping the piss out of BigG might be a good idea? His Conservative Party is dead and was left in a ditch wrapped in a carpet late 2019. Commiserations, possibly flowers, are more in order.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066

    Cookie said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Ooh, someone's grumpy today!
    He is beyond bitter and making things up

    I did not vote for Johnson as a member but did vote conservative in 2019 which is entirely different

    And no I will not vote for a Farage led conservative party despite his anger and sad comments in attempts to prejudice my comments on here

    I do not understand why he is so personal and even nasty
    It's bizarre. He is coming on like you jilted his daughter.
    It is more than bizarre - indeed it is personally abusive and no advert for the Lib Dems
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,362

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.
  • Options
    kyf_100 said:

    Nunu5 said:

    kle4 said:

    I'm sure it makes sense to someone.

    Reform candidate for Bmth West: “These endless takes from Jews are horrendous. Many of the powerful groups agitating for the mass import into England of Muslims from the Third World are Jewish.”

    Disgusting and unpleasant. 1/2

    Reform spokesman says they are pleased he “thinks and speaks like an ordinary person.”

    He should be condemned as the racist Antisemite he is. Nigel Farage should sack him and urge people not to vote for him. Let’s see. 2/2

    You'd be surprised at the number of far right loons who think the mass immigration of migrants and in particular Muslims into the west is a Jewish led conspiracy
    It is the inevitable result of the fact that they have lots of children and we (not me personally, I've got more than three time above average) don't. In turn this results from a strong faith that this life is a journey not an end in itself and the next, eternal, life is far more important than this one (compared with weak 'token' or no faith in the west)

    About thirty years ago, in a time before Muslims were high profile and it was us Catholics who were smeared as hiding bombs in our bags given half a chance, a now long dead priest said to me that it is a mathematical inevitability that cultures that practice contraception and abortion will be replaced with cultures that don't.
    You don't need contraception and abortion to kill a culture. Just nursery costs of £1600pcm per child, and the cost of each additional bedroom being another 100-250k on the purchase price of a house. If you can afford a house at all that is. Fix that and the birthrate might go up.
    It is part of the same malaise.

    Firstly, motherhood as a full time occupation is not valued (and the. women who are full time mothers are not valued.

    Secondly getting mothers out to work increased the supply of labour and held down wages, while allowing two wages to be taken into account in mortgage applications, causing a phase shift in mortgage amounts granted followed by a proportional phase shift in house prices. So now they have no choice but to work, barring a lucky few. One of the big reasons people are so fed up in general.
  • Options
    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,063
    edited June 22

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Seems to be some unnecessary attacks on @Big_G_NorthWales this evening.

    Sounds to me like he is one of many tory voters who perhaps liked the Cameron years who are agonising on what is the right thing to do this election.

    Ignore them at your betting peril.

    FWIW: I now expect a very very late swing back to Tory party that polls will not pick up until day or two before if at all.
    Actually, it appears that they have factored in the "swing back". Their derision looks to be based on the "You do this every election" theme.

    The question is, how many nose-holders will endure the odour as they put their cross in the Conservative box to ensure that Nigel cannot win?

    Not enough!
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    Another MOE survey but one that feels good for Labour despite being statistically insignificant.

    There’s not much happening, is there?
  • Options
    RobDRobD Posts: 59,331
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.
    Spare us all from this tedious feud you have with him.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,539
    Andy_JS said:

    The LDs won't be as low as 9% on election night.

    They might well be. A low overall vote share and a healthy haul of seats are entirely consistent with one another, assuming widespread tactical voting and a very efficient voter distribution.
  • Options
    AlsoLeiAlsoLei Posts: 1,221

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Seems to be some unnecessary attacks on @Big_G_NorthWales this evening.

    Sounds to me like he is one of many tory voters who perhaps liked the Cameron years who are agonising on what is the right thing to do this election.

    Ignore them at your betting peril.

    FWIW: I now expect a very very late swing back to Tory party that polls will not pick up until day or two before if at all.
    I would expect wavering Tory voters like Big G to be disproportionately likely to have postal votes. Any swingback that happens from this point on will have less effect because of all the postal votes that will have been returned already.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980
    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Good man. I was worried
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,062

    DougSeal said:

    I've just had my first ever swimming lesson as an adult

    It was with an Ironman triathlete who has achieved a sub-9 hour time. I don't think he was impressed with my self-taught swimming style. But at least the lake was warm.

    (Perhaps I should have got swimming lessons earlier...) ;)

    I did the London Triathlon in 2003 (not Ironman) but I’m a weak swimmer so a couple of weeks before before I went on a triathlon swimming course in one of the reservoirs near Staines, the ones near Heathrow just off the M25. I got some sort of waterborne infection from that that I shat most of my bodyweight away in the subsequent 2 weeks. I didn’t manage to finish the swim at the actual event but I struggled round the cycle and run. In a heatwave. I’m 5’11” but I was under 11 stone at the end of all that.
    Ouch! That's awful. I swam in the same lake last week, and managed 750metres non-stop (I did a mile in the pool this week front-crawl non-stop). My race is in two weeks - a sprint. I'm not a good swimmer, a poor cyclist (with a cheap road bike), and a slow runner. I'll be ecstatic if I just finish. Attempting a sprint triathlon is this year's objective for me.

    Swimmer's itch is the thing that worries me - though the lake I swim in has apparently got good water quality.
    Good luck! Sensible doing the sprint. I tried the Olympic off the bat which was a mistake.
  • Options
    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,538
    Hope this version of "Fear and Loathing in Kharkiv" is more honest than the original.
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 494

    DougSeal said:

    I've just had my first ever swimming lesson as an adult

    It was with an Ironman triathlete who has achieved a sub-9 hour time. I don't think he was impressed with my self-taught swimming style. But at least the lake was warm.

    (Perhaps I should have got swimming lessons earlier...) ;)

    I did the London Triathlon in 2003 (not Ironman) but I’m a weak swimmer so a couple of weeks before before I went on a triathlon swimming course in one of the reservoirs near Staines, the ones near Heathrow just off the M25. I got some sort of waterborne infection from that that I shat most of my bodyweight away in the subsequent 2 weeks. I didn’t manage to finish the swim at the actual event but I struggled round the cycle and run. In a heatwave. I’m 5’11” but I was under 11 stone at the end of all that.
    Ouch! That's awful. I swam in the same lake last week, and managed 750metres non-stop (I did a mile in the pool this week front-crawl non-stop). My race is in two weeks - a sprint. I'm not a good swimmer, a poor cyclist (with a cheap road bike), and a slow runner. I'll be ecstatic if I just finish. Attempting a sprint triathlon is this year's objective for me.

    Swimmer's itch is the thing that worries me - though the lake I swim in has apparently got good water quality.
    112k sur le vélo pour moi demain. Carboloading a very drinkable Primitivo at Newton Abbot rugby club.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 12,233
    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Don’t use the term ‘Ultras’. It triggers sensitive souls. I’ve had a few attacks for,daring to use the term.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,781
    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    In the case of Tower Hamlets, the criminal theft of votes was proven in court.
  • Options
    Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 31,480

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Brilliant. @Leon look on this mighty work and despair!
    Dura definitely has a future in Gonzo journalism.He even managed to get a lizard reference in there. All we need now are the killer bats and a bit of White Rabbit and we will have our new Hunter S Thompson.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553
    Cookie said:

    Reading all these posts while wondering what to vote. I’m never going to vote Con and anyway the candidate is Priti Patel. I want to vote Left-ish. So that’s Lab, LibDem or Green. Not keen on the latter, but I do really want to see us back in Europe, and in general I think SKS is over-cautious.
    But, if I vote LibDem will I let in Patel? Plus, so far, the Lab candidate is the only one who’s been putting in any practical effort. There’s an Indie who’s done a bit, but I really can’t see her getting anywhere.
    So it’s with regret that I shall vote Lab, and hope she squeezes over the line.

    Mrs C has no such concerns; she’s had enough of the Cons and has never shared my admiration of the LibDems.

    My thoughts are this: your vote has very little chance of being decisive, but mighy encourage others next time around. So vote for who you most favour.
    Sounds daft that the last sentence might in any way be seen as an insight, but that's the effect of the system we have.
    In his seat only Labour or the Tory can win. Anything else is a wasted vote, pure and simple.
  • Options
    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,538
    DougSeal said:

    Maybe not ripping the piss out of BigG might be a good idea? His Conservative Party is dead and was left in a ditch wrapped in a carpet late 2019. Commiserations, possibly flowers, are more in order.

    BigG seems like a lovely guy but is wholly lacking in guile. Not sure ripping the piss is actually possible, except in a drive-by sense. Like telling a joke to someone with no sense of humour and then complaining when they don't laugh.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.
    Trying to justify yourself is not working

    When in a hole give up or see this forum lose posters who frankly do not need personal discreditation by those who are bitter

    Nobody is forcing you to read my posts
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,178
    That's the Labour lead up by 3% since last week.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553
    HYUFD said:

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    Some relief though I suspect in CCHQ that the Tories are still 3% ahead of Reform with Savanta and that poll was taken mostly before the Farage comments on Putin aired
    I think that’s probably right. I reckon Farage’s moronic comments on Russia could be worth 2-3 points for the Tories and 0-1 points for Labour. There is an element of hopecasting there admittedly, but we shall see.
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 4,807
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.

    It’s a live, real time example of what hundreds of thousands of people are thinking and so is of interest. Just because the Tories are buggered and you are angry with them being in power for 14 years it doesn’t mean others don’t have turmoil about their opinions.

    Starmer for example, he was backing Corbyn then not backing him. He wanted Labour in power but didn’t want Corbyn (of course) but he would have gone through emotional and intellectual somersaults over his allegiances and wishes. It’s normal, it’s human and shows a lot more intellectual honesty than maybe “my side right or wrong”. At least BG is showing his working.

    You could have just thrown the shit at him the first time but your continued agro is a tragic vendetta which paints you as a small man.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,339

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    I give up - you are simply a nasty piece of work and no advert for the Lib Dems

    On occasions when posters become personally abusive to others they leave, but I am not going to do that but hope others will see that your vindictiveness is unacceptable
    If you say one thing over and over, and then do the opposite, some people might find it tricky to believe you next time you say something. Surely you must realise this?
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980
    I’ve just noticed my ferry to St Malo - pedestrian - costs £400 - for ONE person

    Of course I’m not paying but who the heck would pay that when a flight is less than half and takes an hour rather than 10 hours? Keeps out the riff raff I guess

    This is also my first ever trip to Portsmouth. To my intense surprise I quite like it. Gritty and port-y but with a hint of the spectacular. The sun glints on grey metal
  • Options
    carnforthcarnforth Posts: 3,538
    Hunter S Thompson would marry a dentist too - for the lidocaine and laughing gas.
  • Options
    Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 31,480
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    It has been interesting to see you and Casino both go off the deep end in this election. From reasonable posters you have both become rather loony in recent weeks. Hopefully normality will return once the election is over.
  • Options
    pigeonpigeon Posts: 4,539
    Farooq said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    I give up - you are simply a nasty piece of work and no advert for the Lib Dems

    On occasions when posters become personally abusive to others they leave, but I am not going to do that but hope others will see that your vindictiveness is unacceptable
    If you say one thing over and over, and then do the opposite, some people might find it tricky to believe you next time you say something. Surely you must realise this?
    Granted, but is it not also possible that the relentless bombardment might be regarded as mildly excessive?
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980
    I believe I can see at least one of our aircraft carriers. It’s a big ship anyway

    Earlier I saw Robert Peston looking harassed as he walked a very expensive dog

    And so another day passes
  • Options
    bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,333
    20pt lead with Opinium is excellent for SKS I was expecting both main Parties down at expense of Reform but must be Tories down a lot if lead is up from 17 to 20
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553
    pigeon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Andy_JS said:

    The Economist only has Labour clearing the winning post by 55 seats, which doesn't seem that many, (although of course you double that figure to get the majority).

    I keep pointing out that SKS needs the sort of swing Blair had in 1997 to get a majority of 1.
    You may well do.
    Doesn't make it true though.

    Had the 2019 election been fought on the current boundaries, the Tories would have had a majority of 136 despite, the SNP winning virtually every seat in Scotland, with Labour getting just 169 seats.

    So Labour need to gain 157 seats to get a majority of one. (source Baxter)

    That equates to a swing of 8.7%.

    Labour actually gained 146 seats in 1997 and got a swing of 8.8%.

    You're wrong, the Con to Lab swing in 1997 was 10%.

    Labour's vote share went up by 8.8%.

    Edit - Beaten to it by DixieDean.
    8.7% to get a majority of one is still almost as much as blairs swing of 10% in 1997.

    So error acknowledged but my main point is still valid.

    SKS has a huge challenge to win enough seats to get a majority. Sure it looks like he will right now, but enough Big Gs returning to the tories and Scottish Big Gs returning to the nats, and they quite easily might not.
    At this stage of the game there'll either have to be a spectacular swingback in the closing days of the campaign, or a truly heroic polling failure, or both to deprive Labour of any kind of majority.

    There's still nothing yet to suggest in the polling that the expected march of the wealthy olds back into the Tory camp has commenced, nor any particular reason to suppose that there is a huge shy Tory vote that the models have failed to take into account.
    Remember this is the same bloke who tipped his beloved Trump to carry Virginia in Potus 2020.

    Biden carried the state by 10 points.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 68,487
    edited June 22
    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    That's a truly amazing post.

    Who would have guessed that @Dura_Ace read the novels of Patrick O'Brian?
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,242

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    On topic

    Indeed, peaked too soon.

    We will all take BigG's advice to give Farage a bloody nose, prevent a Labour landslide and get a Tory one instead.

    Genius 12d chess from Team Rishi.
    He has a plan and it's all going to plan.
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 494
    Leon said:

    I’ve just noticed my ferry to St Malo - pedestrian - costs £400 - for ONE person

    Of course I’m not paying but who the heck would pay that when a flight is less than half and takes an hour rather than 10 hours? Keeps out the riff raff I guess

    This is also my first ever trip to Portsmouth. To my intense surprise I quite like it. Gritty and port-y but with a hint of the spectacular. The sun glints on grey metal

    Wot? I'm paying 228 return with a bicycle Plymouth roscoff. Do you get a bed? Happy ending?
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066
    AlsoLei said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    Yes, you will. Really, you will. Because that’s word for word what you said about Johnson, before you voted for him.

    Please stop posting your BS here; if you don’t know your own mind, go take a rest.
    Seems to be some unnecessary attacks on @Big_G_NorthWales this evening.

    Sounds to me like he is one of many tory voters who perhaps liked the Cameron years who are agonising on what is the right thing to do this election.

    Ignore them at your betting peril.

    FWIW: I now expect a very very late swing back to Tory party that polls will not pick up until day or two before if at all.
    I would expect wavering Tory voters like Big G to be disproportionately likely to have postal votes. Any swingback that happens from this point on will have less effect because of all the postal votes that will have been returned already.
    I appreciate @rottenborough post as I was very much a supporter of David Cameron and simply recoil in horror over Farage and want to do everything I can to maximise the conservative vote to prevent him even being near the takeover of the conservatives and the end of my political home
  • Options
    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,453

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    In the case of Tower Hamlets, the criminal theft of votes was proven in court.
    Friend of mine used to live in Tower Hamlets, and was registered for a postal vote. One year it didn’t arrive, so she went to the Office to complain, and was told to go straight to the police.
    She did, and a large bundle of voting forms was subsequently found in the house of the Council official who was supposed to distribute them.
    That’s what she told me, anyway.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    Corbyn would be leading by 40 points.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
    RobD said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.
    Spare us all from this tedious feud you have with him.
    Tbf that is one of the very few bad points of PB - these silly tit for tat feuds that spring up now and then. I've been drawn into them myself but for everyone else they are very tedious.

    We need a bit of AI to spot them as they arise and syphon off the 'you are, no you are' posts to a shadow version of PB that only the combatants can see, then they can carry on their spat in blissful ignorance that the rest of us are, er, blissfully ignorant of their argument.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Brilliant. @Leon look on this mighty work and despair!
    Dura definitely has a future in Gonzo journalism.He even managed to get a lizard reference in there. All we need now are the killer bats and a bit of White Rabbit and we will have our new Hunter S Thompson.
    @Dura_Ace has a genuinely compelling prose style. I’ve privately offered to help him get something published - I am sure he has a whole book in him - but he demurs. That is perhaps admirable but it also means we miss out on a properly funny book

    Maybe someone else can persuade
  • Options
    bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,333

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    I give up - you are simply a nasty piece of work and no advert for the Lib Dems

    On occasions when posters become personally abusive to others they leave, but I am not going to do that but hope others will see that your vindictiveness is unacceptable
    Hard not to agree with your conclusion Big G
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 116,178
    It's coming home.

    Pretty much certain that the three best teams at the Euros so far - Spain, Portugal and Germany - will be in the same half of the knockouts. As it stands, France might be too.

    As poor as they have been, if England beat Slovenia they will get lucky with the draw (again)
  • Options
    TweedledeeTweedledee Posts: 494
    ydoethur said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    That's a truly amazing post.

    Who would have guessed that @Dura_Ace read the novels of Patrick O'Brien?

    He probably started out on ww2 commando fiction, but found his taste maturin'.
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 48,362
    edited June 22

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    It has been interesting to see you and Casino both go off the deep end in this election. From reasonable posters you have both become rather loony in recent weeks. Hopefully normality will return once the election is over.
    Leon demeans this forum with his poison and self-obsession, and G expects us to collude in his patent self delusion, which we’ve seen exposed during two successive elections.

    Other than dealing with those, I have always been a solid pillar of reason. ;)

  • Options
    Peter_the_PunterPeter_the_Punter Posts: 14,041
    edited June 22

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    Another MOE survey but one that feels good for Labour despite being statistically insignificant.

    There’s not much happening, is there?
    No,it's starting to look like 40/20/15/10....or near as dammit.

    People have generally made up their minds by now so can't see much change coming in the remaining 12 days.
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,329

    Ukraine does not appear to be militarised from top to bottom. It's not Berlin 1945 yet.

    Kharkov was quiet-ish. All I got was the distant crump of 152mm arty, maybe 10km away and very low UAF Frogfoot spamming the ASO-2V like the US tax payer was buying the flares. Hang on, they are. No glide bomb or flying Iranian lawnmower shenanigans for the few hours I was there.

    When I lived and worked in Ukraine in the noughties it was a highly stratified society. Basically, if you had access to hard currency through crime, foreign remittances or putting your little sister on the game you were sorted for Es and Whizz. If you didn't have access to hard currency then your life probably sucked. This seems to apply to the SMO in spades and there are plenty of Ukrainians getting very rich of the back of it (SF90 Stradale on UA plates at my hotel) but the vast majority are struggling. According to the kid who worked in my Kiev hotel the price of getting out conscription is down to 3,000 euros because that's all the market will stand. He was clearly angling for a loan and remained disappointed.

    There are massive recruitment posters for Azov in Kiev that are not at all fascist in tone. In fact they are very similar in the design language to the PMC Wagner posters that used to proliferate in Moscow. Azov are clearly the glamour unit and they obviously think they can get CoD enthusiasts to sign up voluntarily.

    Kharkov was half empty. Most of the zhdany, the ones who wait (for the Russians), appear to have scarpered for Russia.

    I did get a sense of enduring resolve but that seems to attenuate the farther east I got. I sort of understand Green T-Shirt's act a little better now. Hope is the only currency he has so that's what he trades in, specifically investing it in new and marvelous weapons from the West. Remember when the Abrams would punch through the RF lines and sever the land border with with Crimea like an inexorable iron tide? He's repeating similar shit about F-16s now.

    Only a fucking idiot would pretend that they know what happens next.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,242
    Sean_F said:

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)

    I expect the next Deltapoll will place Reform ahead of the Conservatives.

    No Prime Minister has been more hated than Sunak, in my lifetime.
    Count me out squire. I really, really despised Johnson, and I suspect I am not alone. Rishi's OK by comparison.
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,066
    carnforth said:

    DougSeal said:

    Maybe not ripping the piss out of BigG might be a good idea? His Conservative Party is dead and was left in a ditch wrapped in a carpet late 2019. Commiserations, possibly flowers, are more in order.

    BigG seems like a lovely guy but is wholly lacking in guile. Not sure ripping the piss is actually possible, except in a drive-by sense. Like telling a joke to someone with no sense of humour and then complaining when they don't laugh.
    I was in town today and walking into the supermarket I passed a lady who said

    How are you ?

    I said 'very well thank you' and smiled at her wondering who she was

    She continued her merry way on her phone to someone and was not talking to me

    How my wife, daughter and son laughed
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 68,487
    edited June 22

    ydoethur said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    That's a truly amazing post.

    Who would have guessed that @Dura_Ace read the novels of Patrick O'Brien?

    He probably started out on ww2 commando fiction, but found his taste maturin'.
    I blame autocorrect and a dodgy Deed Poll.

    Although truthfully my knowledge of him is somewhat Russ-Ty.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553
    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    The LDs won't be as low as 9% on election night.

    They might be, in 2019 the LDs got a number of centrist voters who couldn't stand Boris or Corbyn.

    Now Sunak has replaced Boris and more centrist Starmer replaced Corbyn a number will go Labour who voted LD at the last general election and a few LDs in 2019 may even go Tory (albeit far fewer than the number of 2019 Tories who were Boris fans who have gone Reform). We know that TSE and NigelF voted LD in 2019 for instance but will vote for Sunak this time
    @TheScreamingEagles is voting Tory? That I did not expect. Assumed he would go Liberal, maybe even Labour!
  • Options

    kle4 said:

    darkage said:

    Regarding Ukraine. In response to some of the more useful commentary today have been thinking what my position actually is, what should happen.

    I think firstly, that the objective should be to de-escalate the conflict.
    This would be undertaken in full knowledge that it will restart when Russia thinks it has an advantage.
    So it would not be done naively and the first principle would be that Ukraine retains the ability to defend itself.
    Beyond this the goal should be to try and find a strategic solution to the issue of security in Europe, given the threat from Russia.

    To change my mind about this I would need some evidence that Ukraine can actually win the war.
    What equipment do they need etc, what would be the strategy, have they got the people to do it.
    Or alternatively, that the Russian state is about to collapse. But it just appears highly resilient to me.
    Also, reassurance that the nuclear paradox can be overcome- a relevant factor in both scenarios.
    I am not going to give any weight to the 'moral argument' or being called a Putin appeaser.

    Sadly, in Geopolitics moral arguments and allowing emotional considerations, fairness and pity to influence your key strategic decisions are a dangerous indulgence.
    Geopolitics can be cold. But there's also an awful lot of 'coldly pragmatic' takes that are nothing of the sort, especially when pretending some kind of high minded neutrality.
    How do you stop Russia, today, attacking Ukraine? Why should they? What is the compelling reason that you can give them?
    Basically settle an armistice on defendable lines and ensure roUkraine have the means to defend it.

    I'm not sure though that Russia will sign one now. They seem quite happy to feed peasants from the -stans to the front line until Ukraine run out of men. The nuclear blackmail stops the west sending troops a la US in 1917 which is the only way that Ukraine could actually win in terms of retaining their current internationally accepted borders.
  • Options
    Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,063
    boulay said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    You are making a mistake here. For you, Johnson and Farage are more or less in the same category and you are failing to account for the fact that many other people see them as very different characters.
    That’s missing the point.

    Every PB’er can see that G, or G’s wife, or both of them, are tribal Tory voters who when it comes to it will always find whatever reason they can to justify voting Tory. There’s nothing wrong with that - it’s essentially the HY position (who incidentally G has spent many of his own posts criticising). What is so insulting to the rest of us is that everything he posts meantime is essentially dishonest, whether deliberately or otherwise.

    It’s a live, real time example of what hundreds of thousands of people are thinking and so is of interest. Just because the Tories are buggered and you are angry with them being in power for 14 years it doesn’t mean others don’t have turmoil about their opinions.

    Starmer for example, he was backing Corbyn then not backing him. He wanted Labour in power but didn’t want Corbyn (of course) but he would have gone through emotional and intellectual somersaults over his allegiances and wishes. It’s normal, it’s human and shows a lot more intellectual honesty than maybe “my side right or wrong”. At least BG is showing his working.

    You could have just thrown the shit at him the first time but your continued agro is a tragic vendetta which paints you as a small man.
    At this point Starmer appears to be a better mannered and better educated version of Boris, because it looks like he wants to improve the EU relationship by cherry picking just like Boris did.

    He must know it will end in failure, so either he is a fool or is playing us for fools.

    Boris redux...
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,350
    edited June 22
    Leon said:

    I’ve just noticed my ferry to St Malo - pedestrian - costs £400 - for ONE person

    Of course I’m not paying but who the heck would pay that when a flight is less than half and takes an hour rather than 10 hours? Keeps out the riff raff I guess

    This is also my first ever trip to Portsmouth. To my intense surprise I quite like it. Gritty and port-y but with a hint of the spectacular. The sun glints on grey metal

    Assuming that's Brittany Ferries, the restaurant will be a cut above airline food.

    PS, I'm not sure where you're getting that price from but BF's website is currently advertising a 5-Day short break offer 'Sail from just £186 return for a car + 2 people'
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 19,858

    ydoethur said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    That's a truly amazing post.

    Who would have guessed that @Dura_Ace read the novels of Patrick O'Brien?

    He probably started out on ww2 commando fiction, but found his taste maturin'.
    I see what you did there. 😀
  • Options
    Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 50,138
    Leon said:

    Sean_F said:

    kle4 said:

    I'm sure it makes sense to someone.

    Reform candidate for Bmth West: “These endless takes from Jews are horrendous. Many of the powerful groups agitating for the mass import into England of Muslims from the Third World are Jewish.”

    Disgusting and unpleasant. 1/2

    Reform spokesman says they are pleased he “thinks and speaks like an ordinary person.”

    He should be condemned as the racist Antisemite he is. Nigel Farage should sack him and urge people not to vote for him. Let’s see. 2/2

    It's sad how these nasty old anti-Semitic tropes seem to be like malignant Timelords, being reborn with a new face once they eventually die. Different words, same old tired anti-Semitism.
    Our minds seem to be hardwired to find anti-semitism plausible. It is protean, emerging in different forms, across time and place.
    My friend's father is a Jewish historian (who himself is Jewish), he says Western antisemitism comes down to the simple fact is that the Jews killed Christ.
    Nope, the Romans killed Christ.
    Crucifixion was a Roman punishment.
    If the Jews had their way, they would have stoned him.
    Pogroms (like the famous Kishinev pogrom of 1903) are most likely to happen around Easter. For this reason: “Christ killing”
    The Romans killed Christ.
    Crucifixion was a Roman punishment.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,553

    🚨NEW Westminster Voting Intention for Sunday @Telegraph

    📉Lowest ever Conservative vote share under Sunak, again

    🌹Lab 42 (+2)
    🌳Con 19 (-2)
    ➡️Reform 16 (+2)
    🔶LD 9 (-2)
    🌍Green 5 (+1)
    🎗️SNP 3 (=)
    ⬜️Other 6 (+1)

    2,103 UK adults
    19-21 June (chg from 14-16 June)


    Lab 504
    LD 53
    Con 43
    SNP 21
    PC 4
    Ref 3
    Green 2
    Others 20
    SKS fans please explain
    Explain what that non MRP Polls are exaggerating the Lab lead?

    If anyone wants to bet SKS will get over 500 seats I am happy to oppose that in a charity bet!

    I reckon the 10pm Exit poll is going to be as big a shock to SKS fans as the 2017 one.

    But we will see.
    If the exit poll shows a Labour majority of 40, the SKS fans will be dancing around the pub, I can assure you. What are you predicting?
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 49,980
    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Farooq said:

    Good evening

    To all those conservatives thinking of voting Labour or any other party but absolutely do not want Farage to have a future in the conservative party, then the only way to do that is to vote conservative notwithstanding so many doubts to ensure a conservative party has enough seats to provide a non Farage opposition

    I have just posted our 2 votes for our conservative

    Voting conservative will not stop Starmer becoming PM with a substantial majority

    Good that your wife let you post them. Did she come with you to make sure you didn't put them in the dog poo bin by mistake?
    Unnecessary and insulting but then I expected it
    At least your household is doing its little bit to balance off all those in Tower Hamlets where Tories so often allege that it’s the man of the house who gets to fill in the postal votes.
    Another silly post - you haven't got over it have you

    And I would just say my wife would find your post insulting

    Just don’t you start wasting our time telling us how you will leave the Tories if ever Farage becomes leader. You can’t make mugs of us three times running.
    I will not support the conservatives with Farage as leader and to suggest such a thing is just your bitterness sadly

    Read my comments which rejects everything he stands for and I would be politically homeless

    Why do you think I am appealing to all conservatives to vote conservative to isolate Farage

    And by the way I resigned from the conservative party two years ago
    The issue is, you have said you would not support the Conservatives after Partygate, after Truss, after the D-Day debacle, yet in the end you still find a reason to support them.

    That is your absolute right of course but don't be surprised if no one believes you wouldn't support them under Farage.
    I have said I will not support Farage and to suggest I would is just an exercise in trying to discredit my change 9f view which was 3xplained on here and indeed @Heathener and others supported that decision

    I have been married to my dear wife for 60 years and I can affirm on that marriage I will not support Farage
    It has been interesting to see you and Casino both go off the deep end in this election. From reasonable posters you have both become rather loony in recent weeks. Hopefully normality will return once the election is over.
    Leon demeans this forum with his poison and self-obsession, and G expects us to collude in his patent self delusion, which we’ve seen exposed during two successive elections.

    Other than dealing with those, I have always been a solid pillar of reason. ;)

    Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps - just perhaps - and I mean no criticism here, this comes from a place of love and concern - that you are a bitter, friendless old c*nt who fucks dogs?
  • Options
    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 39,856
    Taz said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Got an email alert saying Leon @'ed me and was worried I had taken a FAB up the ringpiece. I have not.

    Dura Does Kharkov (A Last of the Summer Wine/Bourne Identity mashup)

    Precedentary note for the Ultras: Don't bother reading this post. Instead print it out, burn it, grind the ashes to powder and then ram that still smouldering dust down the piss-holes of your palsied cocks with a bamboo skewer.

    I got Wizz Air from Luton to Lublin and then picked up a fucked Mk.3 Golf TDI I had bought on the Internet from a liar. The front strut towers were completely rusted out and disguised with household emulsion. I replaced the fuel filter and cleaned out the EGR on the side of the street. It was down a glow plug, but I didn't have the tools for that and it still started fine so off I went.. That sound you can hear is foreshadowing.

    I took the northern route into Ukraine skipping Lviv and got in with no problems. At a Nash Krazh (supermarket) car park near the border I bought a set of Ukrainian plates from a gopnik for 50 € and off we go to Kharkov.

    In an alarming turn of events, it's now impossible to buy OOC amphetamines at Ukrainian truck stops because of the "war" or something so I had to rawdog it all the way to Kharkov on willpower. Plenty of lot lizards on the "Senior Tour" though.

    I was going to Kharkov to recover educational and ID documents for our Ukrainians, if their flat still existed. I approached the flat armed only with a crowbar, a ready wit and an ability to run 3km in 10m 45s. The flat had been looted and picked clean, they even stole the front door (lol), but the documents were there and got them and myself the fuck out of there. I was in that adrenaline soaked hinterland where I was shitting myself but wanted something to happen, but it didn't.

    "War is nine-tenths boredom, but that last hour... that last hour makes up for all..."
    -- Jack Aubrey

    Then it was back to Kiev where I got pulled by the cops for the first and only time while I was walking down the street. I was given an on-the-spot fine of 100 € for the crime of being in possession of 100 €.

    The Golf shat itself at the queue for the border so I abandoned it, crossed back into the EU on foot (26 Counties passport = no drama) and then RTB'ed via taxi/Wizz Air.

    Next... Part #2 Observations

    Don’t use the term ‘Ultras’. It triggers sensitive souls. I’ve had a few attacks for,daring to use the term.
    It's a stoopid term, and one that is obviously derogatory. And used exclusively by people who want Russia to win. ;)
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