Yesterday, before the sad news about the Queen, the new PM, Liz Truss, was talking about her plans for the UK’s future energy policy a key part of which was about changing the law that restricts fracking. She said she wanted to lift the moratorium, brought in by the Tories, to get gas flowing from this source in as soon as six months.
If Ukraine got him, they overran his headquarters and all the paper & electronic records held there...intact.
My thoughts are with her family and friends, and the many millions of royalists around the world. I was at a large international business event yesterday evening when the news slowly rippled round the room - dominated by Nordic and UK businesspeople - and there were many red eyes from normally hard-nosed CEOs etc. My darling wife needed consoling, as did my staunchly royalist mother via the phone. But what surprised me a little was how upset so many Swedes were, including our daughter, who is not prone to sentimentality.
When I got home, in a reflective mood, I took down the fantastic photograph of Her Majesty and my father that adorns the wall in our living room. Taken in the mid-70s, when she visited the organisation my father ran, it is a gorgeous little time capsule: the queen beaming from ear to ear and looking in the prime of her motherly beauty (she was a handsome lady), dad - a huge Rangers acolyte since he was in short trousers - looking like he’d just won the lottery. The Lord Provost with his heavy gold chain and his cheeky wee wife, and the various bad haircuts typical of the 70s! I took a snap of the photo and sent it to my wider family, with the message Remember the good bits.
All the very best to King Charles III.
Shortly after the news hit the room, I got chatting to Anders Borg, probably the best Finance Minister in the world when the 2008 crisis happened (Fredrik Reinfeldt’s right-hand man). A lovely chap, he, like most politicians, had lots of great stories, including about both the Swedish and the UK royal families. I won’t print the amazing story about Charles when he encountered him on a hunting trip to Scotland, but let me just say that Borg couldn’t speak highly enough of him, and thinks he will do an outstanding job. (He was *far* less complimentary about Brexit and his erstwhile colleagues in the Conservative Party across the North Sea, but today is not the day for that.)
Scotland’s Queen, who can trace her line back to the great Fergus, is dead. Long live our new King!
The Queen is dead. Long live the King!
First full day of King Charles III's reign. Only 23,226 to go to beat Her Majesty.
The Mirror's front page is best: The Mirror chooses a more recent photo of the Queen, showing her famous profile. The paper decides against a headline, instead simply saying: "Thank you."
So no sign of a Truss bounce but I didn't think there would be. People are tired of these tories, viscerally so. There is nothing now that Truss or the tories can do to avert calamity at the next General Election.
Their lurch to the Right viz fracking etc. etc. is only going to bury them further. People are tired of all this shit.
The European electricity grid is a modern miracle. It is the largest synchronous electrical grid (by connected power) in the world. It interconnects 520 million end-customers in 32 countries, including non-European Union members such as Morocco or Turkey.
Which (in passing) explains why both wind and nuclear are rather desirable parts of the energy mix, while explaining thing could get quite hairy.
Rather crucially, however, it was a work of fiction.
Regarding King Charles and fracking, he's not, as far as I'm aware, offererd a view as Prince and is even less likely to do so as King. Indeed, at one point there was some talk (which may not be reliable) about him being rather interested in the potential as a source of income as a rather major landowner.
I think there is more prospect of some conflict over renewables, although I think Truss' "anti" renewables position in the leadership contest is pretty likely to soften quite a lot. Saying you don't like how PV farms or windfarms look to groups of Tory pensioners has a very strong feeling of feeding them the bullsh*t you think they want to hear. In practice, I think she's going to want to preserve and extend generation capacity across the board - she sees more opportunities and fewer drawbacks in fossil fuels than others, but also sees increased renewables as playing a role (and nuclear, of course).
Presumably the net importers (Italy, Austria, Hungary) will be disconnected and face power outages if tyhe grid comes under too much strain?
The Star is best. They really do have some top people working for them.
I just can't see Charles's interventions, as interesting as they sometimes are, being particularly welcome or useful in developing policy, even if they are just in private. Truss is already going on about wanting to sort out the planning system, something Charles is known to be obsessed with.
It does feel to me like William would have been a better option if the aim was continuity.
Looks like OGH will be losing his money for once. No Tory lead looking likely before....well, when's Haley's Comet due again?
She 'officially' died only when all her family were there, and they were ready to announce it, but it wasn't at 6.30pm or 4.30pm. It was more like 12.30pm, or possibly in the small hours of the morning since overnight is most likely.
We will find out more in the coming days and weeks.
I used to mumble my way through God Save The Queen but nope, God Save The King ain't happening.
We all know all things considered by far the best next monarch would have been the Princess Royal. But that’s not how it works.
We know how planning works in this country. People like planning when it benefits them but only inconveniences others. So unless all the frackable reserves happen to be in solid Labour seats, this will be a Bad issue for the Tories.
Prediction Ed "I banned fracking" Davey will go to town in opposition. And see a sizeable boost in targeted support across swathes of southern Tory / LibDem swing seats.
This is one where we may see the issue of Truss's political judgment come into play. My instinct is she is personally convinced by it, and that will cloud her view on the economic practicality, her own ability to sell it politically, and the extent to which it hands a big stick to opponents to beat her with in some parts of the country.
Has an Oxford graduate ever become monarch in this country?
Plus how many more people can they drag up to ask about some Queen anecdote or other only to be told well I can't really talk about that.
The Queen has died aged 96 after a life of service.
Let's leave it there shall we.
The thing is, that the tweet now gets screenshotted, so the 'moderation' of the tweet doesn't stop it circulating.
It was quite a short, bland statement from the Palace, but everything went into overdrive on the back of it. She was dead by then, must’ve been.
And the funeral/procession from Scotland? Absurd that you have to cancel the Last Night of the Proms in order to man the level crossing at Barnack.
I think you can comfort yourself that I can’t imagine any figure will get the “full works” treatment again. Her passing is the end of an era and I suspect when members of the royal family pass in future it will be much more toned down (taking over the airwaves for that day and the morning and evening schedules of the next then back to normal until the funeral day).
Proving, once again, the superiority of Aber over all unis in the country.
We're unlikely to ever be officially told, but certainly suspect that she'd died when the commotion in the Commons began yesterday.
To answer the thread, Truss's plans will of course continue unaffected - this is an energy crisis. The King (have to get used to that!) will not pick a fight whereby his wealth, privilege and power is used to stamp on something that could reduce ordinary peoples' fuel bills.
What they could do, is find an area of the south east which is not an AONB, and is safely conservative, and announce that they are going to build 2 million homes there in the next 10 years, with planning permission granted by an emergency act of Parliament in the first 100 days of being elected, thus circumventing the planning process.
Call it 'Epping 2032' or something.
Then, announce that it will be 50% affordable housing, reserved for people in Labour constituencies who cannot secure housing on the open market.
To try and create 'sustainable/mixed/balanced communities'.
A million homes for those failed by the tories etc over the past 12 years etc.
Further phases could then be rolled out in affluent rural areas where they stand no chance of being elected.
From a labour point of view, where is the downside?
Had the Queen passed in the 90s then Charles would have provided ample opportunity to abolish the monarchy, but time has moved on since the 90s. Now Charles himself is a grandad and an old man already, just as his Queen was.
We won't see the likes of the Queen again, we now have a monarchy of geriatrics. Not sure what's coming next, but I don't expect republicanism to get any head of steam - but nor do I expect any future monarch to be as appreciated or loved as The Queen was.
But there is literally no news, so why keep going on about it?
I was out yesterday for a good lunch and a few beers so I'd quite like to catch up with what's happening on the Izyum front and what will happen to my gas bill next month.
How long do I have to be sad for?
And good morning one and all; not as bright here today. At least Essex got the win over Kent in the cricket!
He's enjoying it too much to quit.
Biden does an impression of Republicans trying to take credit for legislation they didn’t vote...
If the queen ever picked a fight on anything, it was done in such a way that the public never really found out about. And so she retained huge public support,and the monarchy endured. Does Charles have the wisdom to follow? Or does he see himself as a political actor? I genuinely don't know.
"Sad ...... How long do I have to be in mourning for?"
I believe it shifts more physical copies than the Guardian (which admittedly has a big online presence, but then the FT has a very high digital subscription rate and international reach). It also tends to have a slightly different angle (not today, I suspect, but more broadly). Its journalism is more "real" than the Express, say, which has slightly higher circulation but is really just phoning it in on a skeleton staff - it doesn't break stories.
Is it a view that the Great Unwashed won't give a stuff about the pink'un? Or do the FT themselves object to it?
Interestingly I am a Lib Dem voter but agree with Fracking ouch!!!!
But anything to get votes!!!!
It could be attacked bit by bit - but it's such shite it isn't worthy of that. It may help alert a wider audience to the sort of people that now infect and influence our educational and other institutions.
Pays touching respect to HMQ but also says it runs in the family, and he's seen it in King Charles too. He was bridging & teeing him up.
Makes me realise there's a number of people playing constitutional roles right now.
Others do not have that experience or attitude. I don’t believe Charles deep down believes he has been ordained by god to reign until that same god calls him to meet his maker. When even Popes are abdicating now (an office I thought would never move away from ending only in death) I see no reason why the British monarchy will hold out.
Mind, I wouldn't go bail for managing the same with Oxford.
I'm a lot wishy-washier than you on the republican-royalist spectrum, but I can barely bring myself to utter the words 'the king'.
The Queen was always part of the landscape. Anachronistic, but unthreatening because she had always been there. I don't mind an anachronism. But 'The King' sounds weirdly medieval and Gormenghastly.
1) A high enough proportion of republicans in the UK
2) Republicans don't hold their views strongly enough to even make it an mainstream political discussion
The exception would be if Charles is too politically active. But I suspect he'll play the role he's been preparing for his whole life well enough that it's not an issue.
On the other hand, I suspect other commonwealth countries will become republics over the next few years.
How much is energy security worth? How much extra are we willing to pay for our gas to avoid this sort of mess happening again?
Even if fracking is not economically viable, it may be a wise thing to do.
(Personally, I'm on the fence about it.)
Prepare yourself for 2 weeks of boredom
My favourite King Charles story is how he led a platoon of schoolboys from Gordonstoun into a pub and demanded beer all round, for which he was somewhat hypocritically chastised in the press as an under-age drinker. In this respect he takes after his grandmother rather than the late Queen.
Until then just do a short piece after each news headlines and then actually give us some news.
"Important" doesn't mean wittering on about nothing, when you have nothing to say.
Mind, the last parent/child combo of Presidents were Republicans even if the first are now claimed by the Democrats.
Something to think about.
New malaria vaccine is world-changing, say scientists
No, this IS about energy security. And "lets go fracking" takes us further from a solution than we are now. It makes our security worse. Truss is only doing so - despite all the detailed factual evidence (from her own Chancellor amongst others) why it is a stupid idea - because the decrepit giffers who voted for her have been told its a magic bullet.