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What’s King Charles going to say about fracking –



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    Stocky said:

    We've now got a King more woke than most of the Tory Party. The Royal Family is going only one way and it is not what the Tories would like

    I wouldn't equate being an environmentalist with being "woke" (a much over-used term).
    Most Tories are avid environmentalists. They tend to live in nice parts of the country and are anxious to keep things that way. They'll cheerfully vote LibDem or even Green if they think it will kibosh a new housing estate or a railway line.
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    DriverDriver Posts: 4,567

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    Did the players refuse to play or the ticket holders refuse to attend? If so, fair enough, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that (so far).
    Why are those the only grounds for suspending the match?
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    StockyStocky Posts: 9,916
    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Seems unlikely, why would the fans do that?
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    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    edited September 2022

    biggles said:

    Hednesford North (Cannock Chase) council by-election result:

    LAB: 38.1% (+4.8)
    CCI: 30.0% (+2.6)
    CON: 27.3% (-12.0)
    IND: 4.6% (+4.6)

    CCI: Chase Community Independents

    Votes cast: 761

    Labour GAIN from Conservative.

    Labour “gain”? How does that work on the numbers and changes given?
    Look at the numbers again. It definitely does work.

    Sometimes, these oddities are due to multi-member wards (the vacancy being for the second or third placed councillor). But in this case it simply works on its face.
    Edit - im wrong
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    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    I see you haven't calmed down on this! Same reasons as were given last night. The country is in a period of national mourning and some organisations will take decisions that you won't agree with. Tough, Deal with it.

    Last night I was forced to watch two episodes of the Grand Tour as the normal TV was so annoying. But I didn't complain about it.
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    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,562
    edited September 2022

    biggles said:

    Hednesford North (Cannock Chase) council by-election result:

    LAB: 38.1% (+4.8)
    CCI: 30.0% (+2.6)
    CON: 27.3% (-12.0)
    IND: 4.6% (+4.6)

    CCI: Chase Community Independents

    Votes cast: 761

    Labour GAIN from Conservative.

    Labour “gain”? How does that work on the numbers and changes given?
    Look at the numbers again. It definitely does work.

    Sometimes, these oddities are due to multi-member wards (the vacancy being for the second or third placed councillor). But in this case it simply works on its face.
    Oh yes - I can’t read! Must have read over “CCI” as “Con”.

  • Options
    Driver said:

    kle4 said:

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    You are a bit odd on this. People are making their own decisions - the organisers are people and make a choice about the events they organise.

    I'd advise them to keep open that which is not affected by reallocation of police resources etc, but it is not an enforceable lockdown, not a big deal.
    We’ll see. Why has the cricket been cancelled today? Did the ticket holders refuse to attend or the players refuse to play? (If so fair enough)
    Because the ECB and CSA decided so. You have a problem with them making their own decision, if it's one you don't like?
    Its the slightly puritanical pressure and expectations that are the problem. Particularly as the Queen was remarkably stoic and demonstrated keep calm and carry on better than anyone, which is the opposite course that sports bodies are taking.
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    BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 20,354
    edited September 2022
    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    You go looking for cranks to get upset by don't you? Though what says that's Liverpool fans, other than dodgy text? That's not a Scouse accent. And Liverpool weren't playing last night either.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Stocky said:

    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Seems unlikely, why would the fans do that?
    Because they’ve got themselves into this weird place where they are anti-establishment so anti-Britain so anti-god and anti-monarchy and anti-beauty and anti-everything that is seemly or dignified

    They started off booing the Sun then they went to booing the national anthem then booing “Abide with Me” and now they are cheering the death of a beloved old lady

    It’s a kind of spiral of sickness. Don’t know how they pull out of it. It’s like someone going from a puff of weed to injecting ket and heroin
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    edited September 2022

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    “ part due to fear about how it might look to the public”

    Is there any evidence that the public oppose the staging of such events? Should we also close shops and pubs and schools and workplaces because of a fear of how it would look if the Dog & Duck remains open?
    Why are you second guessing their decision so much? You dont appear to respect the choice they've made, surely that's for their members or board whoever to query them about if they get public upset about it?

    Send them an email explaining how furious you are. But at least we've moved on from 'let people make their choice' to 'how dare the people organising make
    that choice'

    The idea they could check with the public beforehand is silly. How?
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    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    edited September 2022
    TOPPING said:

    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Policing is a good reason why some stuff is being cancelled. Due to the death of the Queen a lot of extra police have been called into working on that, modern sport requires a lot of policing, and people who may have been scheduled to work policing that might now be unavailable.

    At such short notice it is probably cleaner and easier to clean the slate of events for today at least until it gets figured out what can and can't go ahead.
    Where is the Queen's body today and how does it require enough policemen such as to cancel events ffs.

    Carnival went ahead at the same time as a full premiership programme plus racing, darts, badminton, interpretive dance competitions, etc - just how many people aside from the Royal Company of Archers (Scotland) and King's Company, 1GGG (England) does it take to watch over her.
    Perhaps being forgotten is the point that the Royal events will need a lot of weekend/holiday/overtime/late working: e.g. standing at a level crossing for a couple of hours at 3 am in the morning, with the associated briefing and travel, could equate to a whole day's normal shift in pay and/or time off in lieu. And people do need to rest and eat and sleep. That has to come out of existing budgets for time and/or salary.
    So all sports, events, what have you cancelled because the police need to man the level crossings between Aberdeen and KGX (73 between Doncaster and KGX, I think google tells me).

    We are in trouble, if so.
    Think Princess Di up the M1. And think about the potential for trespassing at every level crossing and accommodation crossing. Not a good look if the train is delayed for "trespasser on the line" which AIUI is an euphemism, unless you are dealing with someone who is for instance mentally ill or injured and can't or won't get off the line.

    In the old days, the railwaymen did it for *every bridge* for ordinary royal trains. Butd then they had locally resident workers (lengthsmen) for every few miles of the track, never mind whomsoever coiuld be dragooned in from other lines.

    (I am not impressed either. But it's realistic planning.)
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    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    Did the players refuse to play or the ticket holders refuse to attend? If so, fair enough, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that (so far).
    It's the ECB who make the decision. Not the players.
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    darkagedarkage Posts: 5,017
    Cyclefree said:

    Cookie said:

    Very peculiar email from work on the subject: - "speak to your line manager if it [the death of the queen] is impacting you particularly to ensure we can put in the right steps for you."

    I'm fairly sure there are no members of the royal family work at our place.

    This is exactly what I was lamenting earlier passing with the queen - the inability to just get on with things without emoting all over the place.

    It's when you see emails like that that you think (well, I think, anyway) that you could cheerfully sack about 90% of all HR departments without any loss at all.
    I do wonder what hope there is for 'employment' if large organisations get bogged down in things like this; on top of regulation and taxation, etc etc. How can they compete with the self employed/small start ups and make money ?
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    eekeek Posts: 26,564
    kle4 said:

    Dynamo said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Insofar as any of the Charles discussion is interesting, something of possible interest from the US.

    King Charles is Too Political for the USA
    Queen Elizabeth II was much beloved for her apolitical marshmallow diplomacy. Her very outspoken son will have his work cut out for him.

    WTF has it got to do with them?

    Parts of America are under this strange illusion that they share the monarchy, in negative and positive ways. I guess they could claim that with Meghan they have a vested interest, but that was true of Wallis Simpson too

    This tendency to co-opt the British monarchy seems to have increased since the advent of social media, not the opposite
    It was remarkable how White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre referred to "the queen" and "the royal family" without saying of which country, but then again the BBC has sometimes referred to "the president" similarly without mentioning a country.

    The British monarchy is the most valuable brand in the world.

    As support for this statement, I offer how Google, Apple, and Microsoft all greyed out their front pages while showing their respect for Emperor Franz-Joseph the dead monarch.

    Can we imagine doing the same if one of those firms went bankrupt, or if a CEO of one of them died?

    Is the Royal Family the most valuable brand or is it HM Queen Elizabeth II?

    I guess that is what we will find out in the coming years…
    I'd still say coca cola is worth more.
    Not sure about that - in Scotland Irn Bru sells more (from memory it's the only market where Coca cola isn't the no 1 soft drink)
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    You go looking for cranks to get upset by don't you? Though what says that's Liverpool fans, other than dodgy text? That's not a Scouse accent. And Liverpool weren't playing last night either.
    It’s one of life’s minor pleasures. Looking for cranks to be upset by

    That said you could be right about the accents. Can I hear a hint of Glaswegian? In which case it would be Celtic and that’s quite plausible

    However it is always fun to smear the scousers so I’m sticking with “Liverpool fans”

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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Policing is a good reason why some stuff is being cancelled. Due to the death of the Queen a lot of extra police have been called into working on that, modern sport requires a lot of policing, and people who may have been scheduled to work policing that might now be unavailable.

    At such short notice it is probably cleaner and easier to clean the slate of events for today at least until it gets figured out what can and can't go ahead.
    Where is the Queen's body today and how does it require enough policemen such as to cancel events ffs.

    Carnival went ahead at the same time as a full premiership programme plus racing, darts, badminton, interpretive dance competitions, etc - just how many people aside from the Royal Company of Archers (Scotland) and King's Company, 1GGG (England) does it take to watch over her.
    Perhaps being forgotten is the point that the Royal events will need a lot of weekend/holiday/overtime/late working: e.g. standing at a level crossing for a couple of hours at 3 am in the morning, with the associated briefing and travel, could equate to a whole day's normal shift in pay and/or time off in lieu. And people do need to rest and eat and sleep. That has to come out of existing budgets for time and/or salary.
    My clerk is one of those who will be with the coffin in St Giles, not sure why, something to do with a church position she holds. She tells me that the Queen's casket will be brought down from Balmoral to Holyrood tomorrow and then will be taken to St Giles to lie in state for 3 days before it taken by train at Waverley to London.

    The effort and disruption this is going to cause in old Edinburgh barely bares thinking about. I am certainly looking to avoid Edinburgh for the next few days.
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,778
    eek said:

    kle4 said:

    Dynamo said:

    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Insofar as any of the Charles discussion is interesting, something of possible interest from the US.

    King Charles is Too Political for the USA
    Queen Elizabeth II was much beloved for her apolitical marshmallow diplomacy. Her very outspoken son will have his work cut out for him.

    WTF has it got to do with them?

    Parts of America are under this strange illusion that they share the monarchy, in negative and positive ways. I guess they could claim that with Meghan they have a vested interest, but that was true of Wallis Simpson too

    This tendency to co-opt the British monarchy seems to have increased since the advent of social media, not the opposite
    It was remarkable how White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre referred to "the queen" and "the royal family" without saying of which country, but then again the BBC has sometimes referred to "the president" similarly without mentioning a country.

    The British monarchy is the most valuable brand in the world.

    As support for this statement, I offer how Google, Apple, and Microsoft all greyed out their front pages while showing their respect for Emperor Franz-Joseph the dead monarch.

    Can we imagine doing the same if one of those firms went bankrupt, or if a CEO of one of them died?

    Is the Royal Family the most valuable brand or is it HM Queen Elizabeth II?

    I guess that is what we will find out in the coming years…
    I'd still say coca cola is worth more.
    Not sure about that - in Scotland Irn Bru sells more (from memory it's the only market where Coca cola isn't the no 1 soft drink)
    Scotland is the only market, in which neither Coke nor Pepsi is the No.1 soft drink.
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    sarissasarissa Posts: 1,911
    biggles said:

    MattW said:

    biggles said:

    MattW said:

    On topic, I think he'll shut up, carefully saying "My Government believes..." and "My Government will...". Otherwise he'll get monstered by the Tory media and republicans alike. However, he'll compensate by being notably environmental in less contriversial areas. For example, the Palace presumably has a fleet of cars. It would be easy for him to announce that they will all be replaced by electric cars in the next few years. How is the Palace heated? What about puting in heat pumps?

    A wind farm in one of his estates would be fun too.

    It's been quite a time since I was there, but having seen some of the staff quarters and back rooms I'd say Buck House could be as difficult to renovate as the House of Commons - apart from having less complex decoration and less control-freaky occupants :smile: .

    BP is about 77k sqm of floorspace (just under 8 Hectares and about 1/3 smaller than the Palace of Westminster). They are just doing a £400m renovation project on it running until 2027, for which sustainability is an element.

    But being Duke of Cornwall, and having Highgrove and so on, I think King Charles knows all about the problems, and is quite likely to have been driving whatever they are doing for decades anyway.

    King Charles was early on greenery as we know, and has always experimented with his own property / resources. He has had solar panels on Clarence House since 2010, and I think Buck House will get them now. Plus BH has had a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant for nearly 30 years. Brief article here from 2016, when they were doing things like trialling LED lighting:

    Heat pumps are not very suitable for inefficient buildings, which is Buck House in spades until heavily renovated. Like a lot of us they will need to rely on emissions-free power.

    Factoid: the first Royal Electric car was bought in 1901.
    It was renovated a year or two back for a few billion. Unlike the prima donnas in Parliament Her Majesty grasped the need to move the operation out to enable it.

    AFAICS the published number is £500m, most of which was done in advance of the Platinum Jubilee, and it is due to finish in 2027. I have not checked in huge detail, though.
    I must be utterly wrong then. That can’t be a full refurb. Or if it is then those contractors need to have a look at Parliament…

    25% (or less) of the cost of a full rebuild? - does sound really inexpensive, especially if that includes contingencies and professional fees.
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    mwadams said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Cookie said:

    Very peculiar email from work on the subject: - "speak to your line manager if it [the death of the queen] is impacting you particularly to ensure we can put in the right steps for you."

    I'm fairly sure there are no members of the royal family work at our place.

    This is exactly what I was lamenting earlier passing with the queen - the inability to just get on with things without emoting all over the place.

    It's when you see emails like that that you think (well, I think, anyway) that you could cheerfully sack about 90% of all HR departments without any loss at all.
    To be fair to them, there is a well-known psychological effect that, when confronted with the death of a public figure, a person can be quite badly affected for "no apparent reason" - usually because they have a mental health issue related to personal grief that is perhaps supressed under normal circumstances.
    Often it can trigger memories of loss and reawaken the grieving process too. I have had a friend message me today to say they have found the news hard not because of being particularly royalist but because the coverage focussing on death and the end of an era has brought back the death of their very beloved grandmother last year. That mental “joining the dots” that the brain does can cause reactions people dont expect. The messages from HR departments sound a bit silly in isolation, but I actually think they’re quite important.
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    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Policing is a good reason why some stuff is being cancelled. Due to the death of the Queen a lot of extra police have been called into working on that, modern sport requires a lot of policing, and people who may have been scheduled to work policing that might now be unavailable.

    At such short notice it is probably cleaner and easier to clean the slate of events for today at least until it gets figured out what can and can't go ahead.
    Where is the Queen's body today and how does it require enough policemen such as to cancel events ffs.

    Carnival went ahead at the same time as a full premiership programme plus racing, darts, badminton, interpretive dance competitions, etc - just how many people aside from the Royal Company of Archers (Scotland) and King's Company, 1GGG (England) does it take to watch over her.
    Perhaps being forgotten is the point that the Royal events will need a lot of weekend/holiday/overtime/late working: e.g. standing at a level crossing for a couple of hours at 3 am in the morning, with the associated briefing and travel, could equate to a whole day's normal shift in pay and/or time off in lieu. And people do need to rest and eat and sleep. That has to come out of existing budgets for time and/or salary.
    So all sports, events, what have you cancelled because the police need to man the level crossings between Aberdeen and KGX (73 between Doncaster and KGX, I think google tells me).

    We are in trouble, if so.

    There is some platinum guff being put out on PB today. But the level crossings excuse is a classic of the genre.

    Ever had to do a time budget for an out of hours event?

    Add the events in Edinburgh, and London, and Windsor. And VIP protection.

    And add the 'respect' element. I'm not at all surprised it is happening.
    I hope its minimal. But events are a bugger and even if they are simply being over cautious for reputational reasons when itd have been fine, well, its them on the line for it and they made a free choice.
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    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Leon said:

    Stocky said:

    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Seems unlikely, why would the fans do that?
    Because they’ve got themselves into this weird place where they are anti-establishment so anti-Britain so anti-god and anti-monarchy and anti-beauty and anti-everything that is seemly or dignified

    They started off booing the Sun then they went to booing the national anthem then booing “Abide with Me” and now they are cheering the death of a beloved old lady

    It’s a kind of spiral of sickness. Don’t know how they pull out of it. It’s like someone going from a puff of weed to injecting ket and heroin
    The correct football response is a chant of 97-1, 97-1, 97-1 presumably.
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    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651
    Sandpit said:

    boulay said:

    I wasn’t aware of this story - I wonder if it suppressed the vote for Penny in final round?

    I personally don’t think that what a politician’s family member does should have any bearing on how the politician is viewed but I’m sure it would have been a nightmare.

    Think Liz T had an eventful first week - just think if Penny had been chosen.

    I just don't think that's as big a story, had Mordaunt been PM now, as you think.

    Firstly, it's a very sad story for her and other family members, but basically nobody is going to be blaming her for her brother's proclivities - certainly not the right-wing press, nor even the (smaller) left-leaning press.

    Secondly, as it happens, the story would have been completely forgotten almost immediately because the timing coincided with vastly bigger news.
    I know it’s going to be a controversial opinion, but reading that article about his offences they appear to be a clear case of entrapment.
    He pleaded guilty, presumably on legal advice. If he could have argued that a police officer induced him to commit the offences, he would have had a defence.

  • Options
    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    edited September 2022
    biggles said:

    biggles said:

    Hednesford North (Cannock Chase) council by-election result:

    LAB: 38.1% (+4.8)
    CCI: 30.0% (+2.6)
    CON: 27.3% (-12.0)
    IND: 4.6% (+4.6)

    CCI: Chase Community Independents

    Votes cast: 761

    Labour GAIN from Conservative.

    Labour “gain”? How does that work on the numbers and changes given?
    Look at the numbers again. It definitely does work.

    Sometimes, these oddities are due to multi-member wards (the vacancy being for the second or third placed councillor). But in this case it simply works on its face.
    Oh yes - I can’t read! Must have read over “CCI” as “Con”.

    I also got that muddled. To clarify, there are 3 councillors for Hednesford North. The ward being contested 3 years out of 4
    2019 - Green won from Labour, serves till 2023
    2021 - Con won, due to serve till 2025 but resigned and this was the by election
    2022(may) - Labour won, serves till 2026
    2022 (this by election ) Lab won serves till the end of the 2021 term in 2025
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Dynamo said:

    Sandpit said:

    boulay said:

    I wasn’t aware of this story - I wonder if it suppressed the vote for Penny in final round?

    I personally don’t think that what a politician’s family member does should have any bearing on how the politician is viewed but I’m sure it would have been a nightmare.

    Think Liz T had an eventful first week - just think if Penny had been chosen.

    I just don't think that's as big a story, had Mordaunt been PM now, as you think.

    Firstly, it's a very sad story for her and other family members, but basically nobody is going to be blaming her for her brother's proclivities - certainly not the right-wing press, nor even the (smaller) left-leaning press.

    Secondly, as it happens, the story would have been completely forgotten almost immediately because the timing coincided with vastly bigger news.
    I know it’s going to be a controversial opinion, but reading that article about his offences they appear to be a clear case of entrapment.
    He pleaded guilty, presumably on legal advice. If he could have argued that a police officer induced him to commit the offences, he would have had a defence.

    Yes, that's right. If the cop had started the conversation, it would be different
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    Five council by-elections last night:

    Lab gain from Ind
    Lab gain from Con
    Ind gain from Con
    Grn gain from Con
    Grn gain from Con

    Good Week/Bad Week Index

    Grn +135
    Lab +76
    LDm +1
    Con -198

    Adjusted Seat Value

    Grn +2.2
    Lab +1.3
    LDm +0.0
    Con -3.3
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    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,989
    A consequence of The Queen dying is that Lord Carrington will become the Lord Great Chamberlain, as the position rotates between different peerage families on the death of the sovereign.

    Lord Carrington was elected in a by-election to the House but will move to the ex-offico seat held by the LGC.

    As a result, there will be a vacancy among the 90 excepted hereditary Peers.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died
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    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,230
    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Some random Chelsea supporter posts a video from a bar and asserts they are Liverpool fans? You take that on trust?

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    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Thank goodness for that. Much safer.
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    BarnesianBarnesian Posts: 8,157
    Dynamo said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can I just say, I know we were all alarmed by the extraordinarily frightening and saddening news yesterday, the dark dark news which flashed around the world like a wolf-howl at light speed, but it turns out I’m fine. My day of suffering on a Portuguese cliff with just warm white wine for company has left me feeling remarkably perky. No signs of the promised dehydration. I slept like a medieval effigy in a forgotten church and now I’m on my hotel terrace nibbling raspberries and figs

    So I don’t see why there is this continued, pervasive sense of gloom on PB - and elsewhere. It’s a ridiculous overreaction. I’m OK, and off for a stroll to the Isle of Peaches

    I don't have a sense of gloom.
    You may start to get one at the time of the king's first mega-tantrum, which can't be far away.

    I do have a sense of foreboding.
    The world scene is quite fragile at the moment and this is another point of potential instability. But not a big one on the scale of Trump, Putin and Covid.
  • Options
    RobDRobD Posts: 59,458

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    That's a shame, but certainly less disruptive.
  • Options
    kle4 said:

    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    Carnyx said:

    TOPPING said:

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Policing is a good reason why some stuff is being cancelled. Due to the death of the Queen a lot of extra police have been called into working on that, modern sport requires a lot of policing, and people who may have been scheduled to work policing that might now be unavailable.

    At such short notice it is probably cleaner and easier to clean the slate of events for today at least until it gets figured out what can and can't go ahead.
    Where is the Queen's body today and how does it require enough policemen such as to cancel events ffs.

    Carnival went ahead at the same time as a full premiership programme plus racing, darts, badminton, interpretive dance competitions, etc - just how many people aside from the Royal Company of Archers (Scotland) and King's Company, 1GGG (England) does it take to watch over her.
    Perhaps being forgotten is the point that the Royal events will need a lot of weekend/holiday/overtime/late working: e.g. standing at a level crossing for a couple of hours at 3 am in the morning, with the associated briefing and travel, could equate to a whole day's normal shift in pay and/or time off in lieu. And people do need to rest and eat and sleep. That has to come out of existing budgets for time and/or salary.
    So all sports, events, what have you cancelled because the police need to man the level crossings between Aberdeen and KGX (73 between Doncaster and KGX, I think google tells me).

    We are in trouble, if so.

    There is some platinum guff being put out on PB today. But the level crossings excuse is a classic of the genre.

    Ever had to do a time budget for an out of hours event?

    Add the events in Edinburgh, and London, and Windsor. And VIP protection.

    And add the 'respect' element. I'm not at all surprised it is happening.
    I hope its minimal. But events are a bugger and even if they are simply being over cautious for reputational reasons when itd have been fine, well, its them on the line for it and they made a free choice.
    It is intriguing to reflect that football was not stopped after George VIs death. This is a new expectation rather than traditional.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    "is" is too strong. This one hour old:
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    DougSeal said:

    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Some random Chelsea supporter posts a video from a bar and asserts they are Liverpool fans? You take that on trust?

    I dunno. I believe the vid is likely real. It’s somewhere in the British isles. Another commenter on Twitter claims that’s a Wirral accent

    Given the track record of Liverpool fans being vile I’m going with Yes, that’s probably legit. But who knows
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,739
    edited September 2022
    Stocky said:

    We've now got a King more woke than most of the Tory Party. The Royal Family is going only one way and it is not what the Tories would like

    I wouldn't equate being an environmentalist with being "woke" (a much over-used term).
    No, but he's also very much not a fan of Crosbyite white identity politics of the last Tory election campaign. Very multiculturalist, in somewhat of a 1960's and 1970's way, rather than the modern abrasiveness there, either.

    Like his mother, he was also known to dislike the divisiveness of Thatcher , at her peak. He was formed in the late '60s and early '70s, with the combined and complex radical-traditionalist atmosphere of Britain at the time.
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,401
    DougSeal said:

    Leon said:

    Liverpool fans cheering the death of the Queen

    Such a shame they lost 4-1 in Naples

    Some random Chelsea supporter posts a video from a bar and asserts they are Liverpool fans? You take that on trust?

    Yes, I must admit that doesn't pass the sniff test for me.
    Not least because Liverpuddlians are an emotional lot, and you'd think they'd be keener than anyone to have a good old mourn.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    That’s a shame. I was enjoying the imagined pageantry of the conceived train journey
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    How on Earth is Liz Truss going to boost her public persona over this?

    She made a speech which was fine, bit dull not particularly well spoken but just fine. That’s her MO.

    That isn’t going to change.
  • Options
    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    I'm glad this means that level crossing policing won't bring the country down.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,778
    edited September 2022

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Call me sceptical, but the plans for the journey by train are well known, and unlikely to change at this point. She will have wanted people to watch the journey.

    But if it were to be a plane, likely an RAF C130 Hercules. The new Royal Flight Falcon 900 doesn’t have a place to carry a coffin.
  • Options
    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    What about Irish poets?
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    The 1,000 coppers recruited to man the level crossings can be safely stood down.

    Get the Test on!
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    Did the players refuse to play or the ticket holders refuse to attend? If so, fair enough, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that (so far).
    It's the ECB who make the decision. Not the players.
    On what basis have they made the decision? Was it demanded but the players or the paying public – i.e. the actual people that compose the event? If so, fair enough...
  • Options
    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    Sandpit said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Call me sceptical, but the plans for the journey by train are well known, and unlikely to change at this point. She will have wanted people to watch the journey.

    But if it were to be a plane, likely an RAF C130 Hercules. The new Royal Flight Falcon 900 doesn’t have a place to carry a coffin.
    I thought train too so was surprised to see BBC saying plane. I'd even planned our viewing point near Selby.
  • Options
    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    Looking on Google reviews it seems that "Jaki's Fish and Chip Shop" is used to looking for this sort of provocation. A WWG1WGA conspiracy nutter who responds to 1 star reviews about bad fish by banging on about lizard people, Fauci and pedos etc.
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    "is" is too strong. This one hour old:
    Much better fish supper to be had down the road in Beauly anyway
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Carnyx said:

    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    "is" is too strong. This one hour old:

    I see she has been disowned by THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FISH FRYERS

  • Options

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Appalling choice.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    Looking on Google reviews it seems that "Jaki's Fish and Chip Shop" is used to looking for this sort of provocation. A WWG1WGA conspiracy nutter who responds to 1 star reviews about bad fish by banging on about lizard people, Fauci and pedos etc.
    Yes. Quite bonkers

    Has antivax signs in the shop. Probably thought this was a clever continuation of that notoriety? Took it too far

  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    sarissa said:

    biggles said:

    MattW said:

    biggles said:

    MattW said:

    On topic, I think he'll shut up, carefully saying "My Government believes..." and "My Government will...". Otherwise he'll get monstered by the Tory media and republicans alike. However, he'll compensate by being notably environmental in less contriversial areas. For example, the Palace presumably has a fleet of cars. It would be easy for him to announce that they will all be replaced by electric cars in the next few years. How is the Palace heated? What about puting in heat pumps?

    A wind farm in one of his estates would be fun too.

    It's been quite a time since I was there, but having seen some of the staff quarters and back rooms I'd say Buck House could be as difficult to renovate as the House of Commons - apart from having less complex decoration and less control-freaky occupants :smile: .

    BP is about 77k sqm of floorspace (just under 8 Hectares and about 1/3 smaller than the Palace of Westminster). They are just doing a £400m renovation project on it running until 2027, for which sustainability is an element.

    But being Duke of Cornwall, and having Highgrove and so on, I think King Charles knows all about the problems, and is quite likely to have been driving whatever they are doing for decades anyway.

    King Charles was early on greenery as we know, and has always experimented with his own property / resources. He has had solar panels on Clarence House since 2010, and I think Buck House will get them now. Plus BH has had a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant for nearly 30 years. Brief article here from 2016, when they were doing things like trialling LED lighting:

    Heat pumps are not very suitable for inefficient buildings, which is Buck House in spades until heavily renovated. Like a lot of us they will need to rely on emissions-free power.

    Factoid: the first Royal Electric car was bought in 1901.
    It was renovated a year or two back for a few billion. Unlike the prima donnas in Parliament Her Majesty grasped the need to move the operation out to enable it.

    AFAICS the published number is £500m, most of which was done in advance of the Platinum Jubilee, and it is due to finish in 2027. I have not checked in huge detail, though.
    I must be utterly wrong then. That can’t be a full refurb. Or if it is then those contractors need to have a look at Parliament…

    25% (or less) of the cost of a full rebuild? - does sound really inexpensive, especially if that includes contingencies and professional fees.
    The cost of trying to use a property while works are going on vs a proper rip out and redo can be huge.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,047
    edited September 2022

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lysander with re-purposed drop tank for me.

  • Options

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    “ part due to fear about how it might look to the public”

    Is there any evidence that the public oppose the staging of such events? Should we also close shops and pubs and schools and workplaces because of a fear of how it would look if the Dog & Duck remains open?
    Personally I'm just not bothered either way. I'm happy for the ECB, and other organisations to make their own mind up.

    I know a lot of my knit group friends are still all excited about the Perth Festival of Yarn this weekend that is still going ahead. The ECB have made a different decision. That's up to them. I'm really not fussed. There's no edict coming down telling people what to do, forcing them to call things off. I don't see why you're so upset. It's exactly the situation you are asking for.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,256
    Stocky said:

    kinabalu said:

    Cookie said:

    Barnesian said:

    Leon said:

    Can I just say, I know we were all alarmed by the extraordinarily frightening and saddening news yesterday, the dark dark news which flashed around the world like a wolf-howl at light speed, but it turns out I’m fine. My day of suffering on a Portuguese cliff with just warm white wine for company has left me feeling remarkably perky. No signs of the promised dehydration. I slept like a medieval effigy in a forgotten church and now I’m on my hotel terrace nibbling raspberries and figs

    So I don’t see why there is this continued, pervasive sense of gloom on PB - and elsewhere. It’s a ridiculous overreaction. I’m OK, and off for a stroll to the Isle of Peaches

    I don't have a sense of gloom.

    I feel like I did when my 94 year old mother died. Content in a funny kind of way. A life well lived. A good death. A kind release. RIP.
    Normally when very old people die I feel like that. And for the Queen herself, inasmuch as I feel anything about her, that's how I feel. I was pretty pro-Liz Windsor. How I admired her pleasant aloofness, her remoteness, her absolute refusal to emote, her suppression of her own ego, her dedication. The world is poorer for the loss of her, and for the loss of that approach. But a 96 year old lady dying is just the way the world works.
    But normally when very old people die they've long since passed on any important jobs they were doing to someone else perfectly competent to take on the role. I'm slightly worried about what a hole she's leaving and what will fill it.
    Thing is, there's no shock here, so the effect on people will likely be more of a slowburn. Me, I do feel something, but it's kind of pleasant and it's not at all intense. I like big moments (when they don't involve violence & bloodshed) and I'll enjoy sinking into this one, on and off, for a few days. Starting today, we're off to sit in a little churchyard in Hampstead to listen to them bells at noon. But only for half an hour, then it'll be up and off and business as usual. Balance maintained. Moderation in all things.
    I bet, similar to me, you can think of a few other famous people you have not met who generated a stronger response? For me: Peter Cook, Douglas Adams, Keith Flint, Spike Milligan and Jeremy Hardy come to mind.
    Dreading Keef and Dylan.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lancaster or Vulcan ?
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Appalling choice.

    Being driven from Balmoral to Edinburgh, then flown to London (Northolt?). No trains.

    Not entirely surprised, given the short notice for the first leg and the issues of the ECML. Railways just don't have the spare capacity those days. In the old days, they could, for instance, grab an express-rated fast parcels or passenger luggage van in the local sidings and hook it up.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lysander with re-purposed drop tank for me.

    Ah the Lysander. The strange answer to the question - "Which is it more important to build - more Lysanders than the army wants, or more Whirlwinds."
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lysander with re-purposed drop tank for me.

    Yum, OLd Warden if memory serves.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,256
    mwadams said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Cookie said:

    Very peculiar email from work on the subject: - "speak to your line manager if it [the death of the queen] is impacting you particularly to ensure we can put in the right steps for you."

    I'm fairly sure there are no members of the royal family work at our place.

    This is exactly what I was lamenting earlier passing with the queen - the inability to just get on with things without emoting all over the place.

    It's when you see emails like that that you think (well, I think, anyway) that you could cheerfully sack about 90% of all HR departments without any loss at all.
    To be fair to them, there is a well-known psychological effect that, when confronted with the death of a public figure, a person can be quite badly affected for "no apparent reason" - usually because they have a mental health issue related to personal grief that is perhaps supressed under normal circumstances.
    Reading Casino's posts last night - which were clearly sincere - there are people needing some understanding and support.
  • Options
    Greater Manchester Police make an arrest over the 1996 bombing:
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,778
    edited September 2022
    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    Source: BBC News
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    Nigelb said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lancaster or Vulcan ?
    No flying Vulcan (appropriate chronologically as it would be).

    No Raff VC10s left, alas.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734
    edited September 2022

    I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.

    Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?

    Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.

    This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
    “ part due to fear about how it might look to the public”

    Is there any evidence that the public oppose the staging of such events? Should we also close shops and pubs and schools and workplaces because of a fear of how it would look if the Dog & Duck remains open?
    Personally I'm just not bothered either way. I'm happy for the ECB, and other organisations to make their own mind up.

    I know a lot of my knit group friends are still all excited about the Perth Festival of Yarn this weekend that is still going ahead. The ECB have made a different decision. That's up to them. I'm really not fussed. There's no edict coming down telling people what to do, forcing them to call things off. I don't see why you're so upset. It's exactly the situation you are asking for.
    No, it's not. Unless the ECB have some evidence that one or both of the paying public and the players want the match cancelled, why have they cancelled it?

    60,000+ showed up at Old Trafford last night despite having been made aware of the Queen's death 90 minutes before kick off.

    The equivalent would be the Perth Festival of Yarn banning all knitting all weekend despite its members being excitedly keen to attend (not a sentence I ever thought I'd write but there you go).
  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,883
    edited September 2022
    I thought this poll result was interesting.

    Marcel Dirsus
    New poll: 70% of Germans want to keep supporting Ukraine despite high energy prices. Support for Ukraine is highest among supporters of the Greens (97%) and lowest on the far-right (30%).
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lysander with re-purposed drop tank for me.

    Ah the Lysander. The strange answer to the question - "Which is it more important to build - more Lysanders than the army wants, or more Whirlwinds."
    BTW that's the SOE support version for depositing and collecting agents in France, that JJ and you (?) were talking about the other day.
  • Options
    It looks like continuing good news for Ukraine:

    Wagner Grey Zone believes both Izyum and Kuypansk may in fact be completely cut off by now.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,778
    Nigelb said:

    Looks like Ukraine Armed Forces have reached Kupyansk.

    They’re having a good week, are the Ukranian armed forces.

    Kupyansk is a major rail hub, controlling that is a strategic goal that severely disrupts the logistics of the enemy. It’s like Crewe, everything goes through it.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Carnyx said:

    Nigelb said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lancaster or Vulcan ?
    No flying Vulcan (appropriate chronologically as it would be).

    No Raff VC10s left, alas.
    Lancaster is it, then.
  • Options
    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    Carnyx said:

    Nigelb said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lancaster or Vulcan ?
    No flying Vulcan (appropriate chronologically as it would be).

    No Raff VC10s left, alas.
    Any Nimrods still air worthy? Comes with it's own theme tune.
  • Options

    I thought this poll results was interesting.

    Marcel Dirsus
    New poll: 70% of Germans want to keep supporting Ukraine despite high energy prices. Support for Ukraine is highest among supporters of the Greens (97%) and lowest on the far-right (30%).

    Strangely the far right seem keener on German military involvement in Ukraine 80 years ago than the present day.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    Nigelb said:

    Looks like Ukraine Armed Forces have reached Kupyansk.

    If they take the town and river crossing, then that might be quite bad news for Russian troops to the South of them.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019

    I thought this poll results was interesting.

    Marcel Dirsus
    New poll: 70% of Germans want to keep supporting Ukraine despite high energy prices. Support for Ukraine is highest among supporters of the Greens (97%) and lowest on the far-right (30%).

    That last bit's no surprise.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734
    Sandpit said:

    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    And this seems quite wrong the other way. His mum died yesterday. Surely at least a week of mourning for the family is appropriate? Why do we get things completely arse about face when it comes to the royals?

    We shut down a Test match, but a bloke who has lost his mother not 24 hours earlier has to spend the day glad-handing politicians.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Carnyx said:

    Nigelb said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lancaster or Vulcan ?
    No flying Vulcan (appropriate chronologically as it would be).

    No Raff VC10s left, alas.
    Any Nimrods still air worthy? Comes with it's own theme tune.
    No. I think it'll have to be one of the tanker or transport (or both) types. Maybe the one Mr Johnson had painted with a UJ will be chosen.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    Carnyx said:

    Sorry to all you PB train buffs but the BBC are saying the Queen's body will be flown to London.

    So over to the PB plane buffs to choose the best one for that.

    Lysander with re-purposed drop tank for me.

    Ah the Lysander. The strange answer to the question - "Which is it more important to build - more Lysanders than the army wants, or more Whirlwinds."
    BTW that's the SOE support version for depositing and collecting agents in France, that JJ and you (?) were talking about the other day.
    They were used because they piles of the things kicking around - far more than anyone actually wanted for Army cooperation....
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    To you, she was your Queen.
    To us, she was The Queen.
    She will be with all of us forever.

    Macron knows his audience

    Some of the most pro-British-monarchy people I know are French. The Late Queen in particular was venerated
  • Options
    Interesting thread where the Queen ignored protocol and advice to make her opening remarks in Dublin Castle in Irish:

    A great story about Queen Elizabeth’s historic speech at Dublin Castle in May 2011: we’ve traced the envelope on which then President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, had scribbled phonetically ‘A Uachtaráin, agus a chairde’ (President and friends) and which secretly made its way to
    Buckingham Palace. Both women had hoped that the speech could begin with a few words in Irish, but the plan was vetoed by the protocol teams- too risky - they thought - if she stumbles in her Irish, that’s all that will be remembered.
  • Options
    Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,645

    It looks like continuing good news for Ukraine:

    Wagner Grey Zone believes both Izyum and Kuypansk may in fact be completely cut off by now.

    It seems like a rout to me.
  • Options
    Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,645
    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    Some people can't help themselves.

    The problem with social media is that when you act like a prick, lots of people notice.
  • Options
    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    Sean_F said:

    It looks like continuing good news for Ukraine:

    Wagner Grey Zone believes both Izyum and Kuypansk may in fact be completely cut off by now.

    It seems like a rout to me.
    I dont want to get carried away but is the Russian border well sign-posted so they know when to stop?
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    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946

    Sandpit said:

    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    And this seems quite wrong the other way. His mum died yesterday. Surely at least a week of mourning for the family is appropriate? Why do we get things completely arse about face when it comes to the royals?

    We shut down a Test match, but a bloke who has lost his mother not 24 hours earlier has to spend the day glad-handing politicians.
    Sports authorities have been told they are free to mske their own choices on fixtures and events, there eill be no compulsion or official protocol, theyve been advised, but not instructed, to try and rearrange times around the funeral itself etc
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Sean_F said:

    Leon said:

    Speaking of anti-monarchist social media, I see that “Jaki’s Fish and Chip Shop” has been vandalised, the owner is protected by police and it’s on the verge of closing down; meanwhile Trevor Sinclair has shuttered his Twitter account entirely

    People, don’t say stupid things about dead queens. At least not on the day she died

    Some people can't help themselves.

    The problem with social media is that when you act like a prick, lots of people notice.
    And it’s never forgotten, of course
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    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    Leon said:

    To you, she was your Queen.
    To us, she was The Queen.
    She will be with all of us forever.

    Macron knows his audience

    Some of the most pro-British-monarchy people I know are French. The Late Queen in particular was venerated
    Him being so decent is tempering my mild annoyance that HMQ didnt beat Louis XIV.
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    Sky: all Premier League games this week postponed
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    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Is there any substance to this ?

    **RUMOUR** - Transnistria (occupied Moldova, just West of Ukraine bordering Romania) refused to renew its contract with Russia for the troops and military base stationed there and the Russian troops have started to run away, literally as of tonight.
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    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    Sandpit said:

    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    And this seems quite wrong the other way. His mum died yesterday. Surely at least a week of mourning for the family is appropriate? Why do we get things completely arse about face when it comes to the royals?

    We shut down a Test match, but a bloke who has lost his mother not 24 hours earlier has to spend the day glad-handing politicians.
    It is his job.

    HMQ did not die to spite you personally. Death is an unalterable fact of life, monarchy in the UK a pretty deeply embedded one, and consequences arise from both.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    This DOES make me tear up a bit: Ukrainian liberation

    “imagine being a Ukrainian soldier in your teens or early 20s witnessing a scene like this”
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    TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,088
    Sandpit said:

    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    Source: BBC News

    Sounds bonkers doesn't it. I am picturing it all in sepia tones.
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    StockyStocky Posts: 9,916

    Sky: all Premier League games this week postponed

    Do you support that decision?
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,778
    Premier League and Football Leage fixtures all off this weekend. BBC News
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    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    kinabalu said:

    mwadams said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Cookie said:

    Very peculiar email from work on the subject: - "speak to your line manager if it [the death of the queen] is impacting you particularly to ensure we can put in the right steps for you."

    I'm fairly sure there are no members of the royal family work at our place.

    This is exactly what I was lamenting earlier passing with the queen - the inability to just get on with things without emoting all over the place.

    It's when you see emails like that that you think (well, I think, anyway) that you could cheerfully sack about 90% of all HR departments without any loss at all.
    To be fair to them, there is a well-known psychological effect that, when confronted with the death of a public figure, a person can be quite badly affected for "no apparent reason" - usually because they have a mental health issue related to personal grief that is perhaps supressed under normal circumstances.
    Reading Casino's posts last night - which were clearly sincere - there are people needing some understanding and support.
    I said yesterday i was worried this was going to turn into proxy grief for Mum for me, and so it has. Ive been inexplicably tearful and uneasy given I am not even a monarchist to any degree. This event will draw out emotion, deep unhappiness and hidden grief in many of us. Especially after the downright evil suppressive effects of Covid and Lockdown.
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    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    Leon said:

    This DOES make me tear up a bit: Ukrainian liberation

    “imagine being a Ukrainian soldier in your teens or early 20s witnessing a scene like this”

    Very clean boots....
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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358

    rcs1000 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    While I obviously support the removal of the restrictions on fracking, I will personally be using this opportunity to short the shares of iGas.

    Why do you support the removal when fracking damages the environment and people's health?

    How does fracking damage people's health?
    I guess there are quite a few potential mechanisms, the air pollution. But the most negative is probably going to be the pumping of poisonous substances into the ground which then gets into the water supply.
    (1) So long as proper procedures are followed, there is no danger of fracking water interacting with the water table. There are hundreds - maybe thousands - of feet of impermeable rock between the water table and any hydrocarbon bearing rock.

    (2) It's not the chemicals that cause the rock to fracture. The work is done by pumping water and sand into the formation. The chemicals used are mostly fairly simple detergents, such as you'd find in your kitchen sink, and they don't make that much difference (4-7%) to flow rates. If fracking is economic with chemicals, it's almost certainly economic without them.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    IshmaelZ said:

    Sandpit said:

    King has left Balmoral, and is returning to London by air.

    Parliament will meet at midday, and the PM will meet the King when he arrives at Buckingham Palace.

    And this seems quite wrong the other way. His mum died yesterday. Surely at least a week of mourning for the family is appropriate? Why do we get things completely arse about face when it comes to the royals?

    We shut down a Test match, but a bloke who has lost his mother not 24 hours earlier has to spend the day glad-handing politicians.
    It is his job.

    HMQ did not die to spite you personally. Death is an unalterable fact of life, monarchy in the UK a pretty deeply embedded one, and consequences arise from both.
    A former conductor of mine, when members of the choir breathed in the wrong place, would glare at them/us and say menacingly, 'Breathing is very dangerous. Everyone who breathes, dies.'
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