And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
Assassin Liz still wearing her bondage necklace as she pays tribute...
What is wrong with you ?
What? She IS wearing her Fetlife necklace!
And she DID novichok the queen.
I've sarcastically called her "the assassin" because in other circumstances she would be number one suspect in the police investigation into her sudden death...
In reality I suspect the Queen clung on wanting to see the back of Boris Johnson who had so disgracefully lied to and disrespected her. Having shaken the hand of her new PM she was able to let go.
Why are they now showing bloody Boris Johnson giving a speech?
“I missed out giving this speech as PM by two days waaaaaaa”
Which is the absolutely key point. With the clown, it would have been all about him; another chance to try and steal the headlines with some classical witticism. He doesn’t do selfless nor respect nor duty, which is why we are so very lucky that he is now gone.
My opinion of Harriet Harman has gone downhill massively after standing up and adding fuel to BoJos ego by telling him how good a speech he gave….
A rare day that everyone in Parliament is putting their own political differences aside, to pay their respects to the late monarch. Johnson did make a good speech, no matter what we may think of him.
Putin gave the floor to a representative of the leadership of the General Staff, who literally in a few words expressed confidence that the information contained in the report corresponds to the plans of the United States, after which he said that our troops have no more offensive capabilities, and soon there will be no more opportunities for defense, and further summarized phrase: “You lost Vladimir Vladimirovich!” After that, he fell silent, and because of the shock of the participants in the meeting, who were sincerely amazed at the audacity of the general, there was a long pause, which was interrupted by Patrushev, asking the question “How do you talk to the supreme commander?” To which the general began to respond with a stream of new, no less harsh statements, and they hurriedly disconnected him from the air.
Why are they now showing bloody Boris Johnson giving a speech?
“I missed out giving this speech as PM by two days waaaaaaa”
Which is the absolutely key point. With the clown, it would have been all about him; another chance to try and steal the headlines with some classical witticism. He doesn’t do selfless nor respect nor duty, which is why we are so very lucky that he is now gone.
I do hope we aren’t going to start randomly cancelling stuff. We have spent the best of two and a half years shutting stuff down willy nilly.
Let people make their own decisions. Why is the cricket cancelled today?
Because the ECB decided that they didn't want to play, either as a sign of respect, or in part due to fear about how it might look to the public.
This really isn't a big deal. Organisations are making their own decisions and you seem really upset by the decisions being made. Keep calm and carry on (or not, as the case may be).
“ part due to fear about how it might look to the public”
Is there any evidence that the public oppose the staging of such events? Should we also close shops and pubs and schools and workplaces because of a fear of how it would look if the Dog & Duck remains open?
Personally I'm just not bothered either way. I'm happy for the ECB, and other organisations to make their own mind up.
I know a lot of my knit group friends are still all excited about the Perth Festival of Yarn this weekend that is still going ahead. The ECB have made a different decision. That's up to them. I'm really not fussed. There's no edict coming down telling people what to do, forcing them to call things off. I don't see why you're so upset. It's exactly the situation you are asking for.
No, it's not. Unless the ECB have some evidence that one or both of the paying public and the players want the match cancelled, why have they cancelled it?
The answer to that is the same as the last dozen times you asked it: because they thought it was appropriate.
They are imposing - with no government mandate - what THEY thought was appropriate on the lives of other who may not feel that it is appropriate.
Tough. They are the organisers of these events and they have the right to decide if they think circumstances warrant them being called off. Just because you don't think any of this matters doesn't mean that millions of other people feel the same way. They are showing respect during a period of mourning for the whole country. Now you may not want to take part in that mourning in which case go read a book or watch a DVD. But your criticism of organisations showing respect for someone who has served and guided this country for the last 70 years frankly stinks.
No one is forcing you or Anabob to do one single thing. Stop behaving like a child because you can't have your sweeties.
Do the fans want these games called off?
I don't care. It is appropriate whatever they might think.
According to you. If you don't want to watch the game, nobody is forcing you to. Why would you want to impose your views on everyone else? The government is happy for the games to go ahead.
He's not the one wanting to impose his views on everyone else - you are.
Nope - that's the wrong way around.
I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. Those that don't want to attend or watch football need not do so.
The football authorities are forcibly stopping the games, despite the government itself being happy for them to continue.
Good news for republicans and sports fans - the F1 is not being cancelled this weekend, and the first practice session is about to start (after a minute’s silence).
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
That's a timely reminder.
I don't generally 'do' Royalty, one way or another, but I remember casually switching on the TV to catch maybe a few minutes of Diana's funeral and was soon riveted. I watched the whole damn thing and can still remember how moving some parts of it were.
I suspect it may be the same this time. It is after all hisory, and if you are interested in politics, you gotta be interested in history.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You really aren't native to these shores, are you?
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Putin gave the floor to a representative of the leadership of the General Staff, who literally in a few words expressed confidence that the information contained in the report corresponds to the plans of the United States, after which he said that our troops have no more offensive capabilities, and soon there will be no more opportunities for defense, and further summarized phrase: “You lost Vladimir Vladimirovich!” After that, he fell silent, and because of the shock of the participants in the meeting, who were sincerely amazed at the audacity of the general, there was a long pause, which was interrupted by Patrushev, asking the question “How do you talk to the supreme commander?” To which the general began to respond with a stream of new, no less harsh statements, and they hurriedly disconnected him from the air.
Fab if true.
It has the ring of truth. The details. But of course I may be projecting my own desires
There is a just-visible, just-possible route to a much better future where Russia collapses quickly, Putin is booted out, a new more emollient Russian leader emerges, and all the economic chaos ebbs speedily away. Thus also putting China on the back foot
I remember the death of George VI, we were all marched into the school hall where the Head announced "The King is Dead". My form teacher burst into tears. We were what 8-9 years of age, obviously didn't affect us like that.
All else I can recall is all the front pages of the papers were encased in a thick black line around the edge, and then the funeral. That was a sombe, very sombre affair, depressing really, the coffin on a gun carriage escorted by naval sailors, whom my father commented, "They do not march as well as the Army"! (They did not appear to hold the line in a straight formation). All the time the "Death March" was sounding out, making everyone thoroughly down. Hope this time it is a bit different. Do not think she would have wanted that.
Have you seen the videos of the apparent "Liberation" of Kupiansk, very moving, the women emerging and hugging the Ukranian soldiers. Of course war being war we have to take their word that it was in Kupiansk. Russians saying they are sending 50,000 reserves to recapture. Think this must be their new army, recently formed with no combat experience, and after what we have seen so far, poorly trained.
Seems the Russians may send a representative to the funeral, sometimes when all the nations are present talking happens and solutions found to what may have seen to be insolvable international problems.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
A very good post.
"I would be very wary of making predictions".
Of making predictions one way or the other.
They could f*** this up "royally".
Watch Harry. Although there are many other ways that calamity could befall this disgusting monarchfest. The guy at the top is hardly balanced.
A man elected as president of a French republic using a US advertising company's website to praise a dead billionairess celebrity as if she were a saint. Truly sophisticated and classy, and not at all vulgar.
It was the words I assessed, not their method. Short and stirring without being saccharine. A good diplomatic message.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Is 'e, umm, nervous?
Be kind. Obviously, the cancelling of the cricket has broken something in his soul.
Putin gave the floor to a representative of the leadership of the General Staff, who literally in a few words expressed confidence that the information contained in the report corresponds to the plans of the United States, after which he said that our troops have no more offensive capabilities, and soon there will be no more opportunities for defense, and further summarized phrase: “You lost Vladimir Vladimirovich!” After that, he fell silent, and because of the shock of the participants in the meeting, who were sincerely amazed at the audacity of the general, there was a long pause, which was interrupted by Patrushev, asking the question “How do you talk to the supreme commander?” To which the general began to respond with a stream of new, no less harsh statements, and they hurriedly disconnected him from the air.
Fab if true.
It has the ring of truth. The details. But of course I may be projecting my own desires
There is a just-visible, just-possible route to a much better future where Russia collapses quickly, Putin is booted out, a new more emollient Russian leader emerges, and all the economic chaos ebbs speedily away. Thus also putting China on the back foot
It’s a bit of a dream, but a man can dream
Representatives from all interested parties are likely to be meeting a week on Monday.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
A very good post.
Of making predictions one way or the other.
They could f*** this up "royally".
Watch Harry. Although there are many other ways that calamity could befall this disgusting monarchfest.
The edgier you think you are being, the more I am reminded of rik mayall in The Young Ones.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Is 'e, umm, nervous?
Be kind. Obviously, the cancelling of the cricket has broken something in his soul.
Well, I was due to go to a county match in Bristol next week. First time since the pandemic. Very sad to miss out, if I do.
Of course, if it is cancelled that will probably save me from even greater grief given the way Glos have been playing.
The Queen was in many ways a Queen even for anti-Royalists.
I do not think anyone will ever be able to embody that spirit again. She did it somehow uniquely and effortlessly.
It wasn't difficult to be a republican yet admire the Queen.
Absolutely. I had nothing but admiration and respect for her and shed a tear at her passing. she was the embodiment of all that was good in a constitutional monarchy.
Yes, but the proclamation does not occur instantly.
So what is the point of it? Isn't the coronation ceremony next spring?
Back in the day, before radio and the internet, it would have been the way in which the news was propagated officially to the populace. Particularly important if the succession was contested, as following the death of Edward VI when Queen Mary I and Lady Jane Grey were both proclaimed Queen in different places.
As with many things, we now preserve this tradition despite it no longer having a practical purpose.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
Many things are camp out of context. Who can get through a trial without laughing at the judge wearing a horse hair wig? Yet in context the atmosphere remains grave.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You really aren't native to these shores, are you?
Putin gave the floor to a representative of the leadership of the General Staff, who literally in a few words expressed confidence that the information contained in the report corresponds to the plans of the United States, after which he said that our troops have no more offensive capabilities, and soon there will be no more opportunities for defense, and further summarized phrase: “You lost Vladimir Vladimirovich!” After that, he fell silent, and because of the shock of the participants in the meeting, who were sincerely amazed at the audacity of the general, there was a long pause, which was interrupted by Patrushev, asking the question “How do you talk to the supreme commander?” To which the general began to respond with a stream of new, no less harsh statements, and they hurriedly disconnected him from the air.
Fab if true.
It has the ring of truth. The details. But of course I may be projecting my own desires
There is a just-visible, just-possible route to a much better future where Russia collapses quickly, Putin is booted out, a new more emollient Russian leader emerges, and all the economic chaos ebbs speedily away. Thus also putting China on the back foot
It’s a bit of a dream, but a man can dream
Lesson of Russian history - it can always get worse? (I defer to Russo experts)
Assassin Liz still wearing her bondage necklace as she pays tribute...
What is wrong with you ?
What? She IS wearing her Fetlife necklace!
She is wearing the necklace her husband gave to her but frankly your post is inappropriate
Since when did you become a moderator?
What on earth are you talking about
I would just add I have 53,565 posts on this forum and not be banned once which maybe says it all
It does indeed, Big_G.
What CHB was trying (elliptically, but correctly I think) to point out was that you have every right to pronounce yourself offended, but the limits of 'appropriate' is really up to those who run the site.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Is 'e, umm, nervous?
Be kind. Obviously, the cancelling of the cricket has broken something in his soul.
Well, I was due to go to a county match in Bristol next week. First time since the pandemic. Very sad to miss out, if I do.
Of course, if it is cancelled that will probably save me from even greater grief given the way Glos have been playing.
Charters : [Speaking into the telephone] Tell me, what's happening to England? [pause] Charters : Blowing a gale? No, I'm inquiring about the test match in Manchester. [pause] Charters : Cricket, sir. Cricket! [pause] Charters : You don't know? You can't be in England and not know the test score. Charters : [Turns to Caldicott] The fellow says he doesn't know. Caldicott : Silly ass!
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You really aren't native to these shores, are you?
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Is 'e, umm, nervous?
Be kind. Obviously, the cancelling of the cricket has broken something in his soul.
Well, I was due to go to a county match in Bristol next week. First time since the pandemic. Very sad to miss out, if I do.
Of course, if it is cancelled that will probably save me from even greater grief given the way Glos have been playing.
Charters : [Speaking into the telephone] Tell me, what's happening to England? [pause] Charters : Blowing a gale? No, I'm inquiring about the test match in Manchester. [pause] Charters : Cricket, sir. Cricket! [pause] Charters : You don't know? You can't be in England and not know the test score. Charters : [Turns to Caldicott] The fellow says he doesn't know. Caldicott : Silly ass!
Assassin Liz still wearing her bondage necklace as she pays tribute...
What is wrong with you ?
What? She IS wearing her Fetlife necklace!
She is wearing the necklace her husband gave to her but frankly your post is inappropriate
Since when did you become a moderator?
What on earth are you talking about
I would just add I have 53,565 posts on this forum and not be banned once which maybe says it all
It does indeed, Big_G.
What CHB was trying (elliptically, but correctly I think) to point out was that you have every right to pronounce yourself offended, but the limits of 'appropriate' is really up to those who run the site.
I did not word it well but IMHO it was inappropriate
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
A very good post.
"I would be very wary of making predictions".
....The guy at the top is hardly balanced.
The first Moscow Dynamo opinion that I can heartily agree with. Though I think we might have a different guy in mind.
Putin gave the floor to a representative of the leadership of the General Staff, who literally in a few words expressed confidence that the information contained in the report corresponds to the plans of the United States, after which he said that our troops have no more offensive capabilities, and soon there will be no more opportunities for defense, and further summarized phrase: “You lost Vladimir Vladimirovich!” After that, he fell silent, and because of the shock of the participants in the meeting, who were sincerely amazed at the audacity of the general, there was a long pause, which was interrupted by Patrushev, asking the question “How do you talk to the supreme commander?” To which the general began to respond with a stream of new, no less harsh statements, and they hurriedly disconnected him from the air.
Fab if true.
It has the ring of truth. The details. But of course I may be projecting my own desires
There is a just-visible, just-possible route to a much better future where Russia collapses quickly, Putin is booted out, a new more emollient Russian leader emerges, and all the economic chaos ebbs speedily away. Thus also putting China on the back foot
It’s a bit of a dream, but a man can dream
What would be great is if a new leader is elected, but I am not sure that is possible constitutionally now.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
A very good post.
"I would be very wary of making predictions".
....The guy at the top is hardly balanced.
The first Moscow Dynamo opinion that I can heartily agree with. Though I think we might have a different guy in mind.
He might overbalance, of course. Those Russian windows are bastards like that!
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You seem to be in quite the bad mood. Her death obvs affected you greatly
There's some other news happening today that's being overshadowed that could explain why he's in a bad mood . . .
Is 'e, umm, nervous?
Be kind. Obviously, the cancelling of the cricket has broken something in his soul.
Well, I was due to go to a county match in Bristol next week. First time since the pandemic. Very sad to miss out, if I do.
Of course, if it is cancelled that will probably save me from even greater grief given the way Glos have been playing.
Charters : [Speaking into the telephone] Tell me, what's happening to England? [pause] Charters : Blowing a gale? No, I'm inquiring about the test match in Manchester. [pause] Charters : Cricket, sir. Cricket! [pause] Charters : You don't know? You can't be in England and not know the test score. Charters : [Turns to Caldicott] The fellow says he doesn't know. Caldicott : Silly ass!
I recently watched that with my daughter. It's still marvellous.
And at Epiphany the plan is for an "offering" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to be made at the Chapel Royal in St James's Palace.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
You really aren't native to these shores, are you?
No posho would ever use the word 'classy'.
Upon enquiry the butler tells me that no-one would in the servants hall, either.
Further, he intimated that anyone from the servants hall to the servant hall who used such an expression would be given their notice. Without a reference.
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
It's just such a pathetic gag. Doesn't work on any level at all and doesn't improve with retellings. Do you think she was alone and unobserved with HMQ at any stage, and that the cause of death was not assiduously investigated?
Monetary Policy Committee meeting postponed till 22 September. Would be disrespectful to bung up the base rate at a time like this...
In addition they will know the outcome of the Special Financial Statement which I believe takes place 21 Sept
If inflation is going to be reduced by 5% as claimed in Parliament yesterday, then that seems to be very relevant information for the MPC to have in their calculations.
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
Dude, it's ok. We all accept you as being Scottish. You don't have to try so hard.
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
Then we would be without a Prime Minister for a short period, until the new monarch takes over and appoints someone.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
There are tens of millions of people greatly saddened and affected by the Queen's demise. But I suspect there are tens of millions of people who don't care one bit.
I was on my way to the chippy when the news was announced and when I got there 5 mins later there was a big telly up in the corner carrying it. There were a couple of tables with people sat at them who seemed entirely unconcerned.
I'm somewhere in the middle. End of an era, sad someone's died, interesting to be living through this period, curious as to how Charlie pans out, but I'm not massively emotionally invested. In a few days I'll probably be sick and tired of the mawkishness. I had slightly moist eyes a couple of times yesterday, but that's about it for me probably. I think that's probably about where most people are, on the strength of the ten or so people I've spoken to today through work.
Someone I used to work with went with her mother - both big Royalists - down to Windsor yesterday morning for a visit. They'll be getting more than they bargained for. No tour round the castle though I bet.
I understand why people are upset, why the Queen meant so much to them. Fair enough, we're all different. Essentially they're just remote poshos to me, embodying a Britain that doesn't much resonate with me.
I remember the death of Diana, which I had to deal with in a work context as well as living through, and in the very early days there was a balance of views and mostly level headed responses much as you describe. What was remarkable was how the tide of emotional reaction built in the period between the death and the funeral such that by the time of the latter it had overwhelmed almost everyone, and for many it became a defining event of the period.
Of course her youth, backstory and the suddenness of the tragedy all played into this, but nevertheless I would be very wary of making predictions now about how the country will feel by the time we get to the funeral.
That's a timely reminder.
I don't generally 'do' Royalty, one way or another, but I remember casually switching on the TV to catch maybe a few minutes of Diana's funeral and was soon riveted. I watched the whole damn thing and can still remember how moving some parts of it were.
I suspect it may be the same this time. It is after all hisory, and if you are interested in politics, you gotta be interested in history.
At the time I was responsible for pay policy for one of the country’s largest employers, and had picked up the mantle of advising on arrangements for Diana’s funeral. The unions were starting to agitate for time off for staff due to work during the funeral, so they could show their respect and express their grief, and the initial reaction of the directors during the very early days when it was still simply an item of news was to dismiss this and simply encourage workplaces to have the TV or radio on where possible and appropriate.
I remember nipping down to Hyde Park during lunch break on the day that the mountain of flowers started to appear at the designated mourning spot, mostly out of curiosity. And being struck not just by the enormous volume of flowers that had started to arrive but at the numbers of people who had broken down uncontrollably. Not just at the memorial spot, where you might expect people particularly affected to gather, but on the bus and in the street, some people going about their ordinary business were clearly severely affected by grief. Coming back to the office I was able to get ahead of the curve and persuade the business to take the unions’ demands more seriously (until things got silly when they started to argue for night shift staff to get an equivalent amount of time off).
The extent of the wave of emotion that built over those few days and spread over the country was truly remarkable - and looking back even a week or two later it already seemed hard to believe that it had happened.
In other news Bloomberg reporting Italy's right set for landslide win on the 25th September
I doubt that is going to calm nerves in Europe
The problem is they started reforming the voting system but hadn’t finished the changes so thats going to see more seats for the right than would have occurred.
It’s not such a case of some drama with the EU as the right wing have changed their tune on membership of that and the Euro.
The clash will be over immigration but the right winning doesn’t put in doubt EU membership .
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I read your posts with great interest as you do contribute to debate and pose questions but maybe, on the odd occasion, you go a wee bit over the top.
It may surprise you to know that for a large part of my life I have been a republican but I have grown to respect and value the Queen but I expect King Charles will struggle to have the affection his mother had as the monarchy slims down, and certainly more Commonwealth countries are likely to become republics
I assume the next in line would deputise in the circumstances you outline in your last paragraph
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I don't think it was disrespectful at all. Perhaps poor timing but nothing more. Others of course may have different opinions in both directions. I know for sure that in a month or two once the shock and sadness has passed I will find such jokes both clever and funny.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
The football authorities have got this wrong, given that it wasn't forced by the government. Playing or watching football is not disrespectful. A minute's silence (or whatever) at all the games would have been unifying - sharing respect.
Cancel culture has gone mad, but we can't blame the woke left.
Indeed the government were quite clear that they were happy for the games to go ahead, as you say suggesting minutes silence and armbands (although not mandating even those).
The government haven't made the decision, the football authorities have, that's their job. It should be respected.
If they chose to go ahead with a minutes silence, that should be respected. If they choose to postpone, that should be respected. Its their choice, not yours, not mine, not the governments and not fans either.
Since when did libertarians become so deferential that football fans can't disagree with the people who run football authorities without being criticised for holding an opinion?
Don't worry. After a suitable period of contemplation, @BartholomewRoberts will conclude that stopping sports for the general public was not only misguided, but in appropriate and virtue signalling.
Didn't take him too long with lockdowns so I expect a change of heart here also.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
The football authorities have got this wrong, given that it wasn't forced by the government. Playing or watching football is not disrespectful. A minute's silence (or whatever) at all the games would have been unifying - sharing respect.
Cancel culture has gone mad, but we can't blame the woke left.
Indeed the government were quite clear that they were happy for the games to go ahead, as you say suggesting minutes silence and armbands (although not mandating even those).
The government haven't made the decision, the football authorities have, that's their job. It should be respected.
If they chose to go ahead with a minutes silence, that should be respected. If they choose to postpone, that should be respected. Its their choice, not yours, not mine, not the governments and not fans either.
Since when did libertarians become so deferential that football fans can't disagree with the people who run football authorities without being criticised for holding an opinion?
Don't worry. After a suitable period of contemplation, @BartholomewRoberts will conclude that stopping sports for the general public was not only misguided, but in appropriate and virtue signalling.
Didn't take him too long with lockdowns so I expect a change of heart here also.
If it were up to me, I wouldn't cancel the events, but its not up to me.
The difference with lockdowns is that we were told we couldn't do our own things, by the Government. That is categorically not the case here. If you want to play football, you can. If the EFL wanted to, they could. They don't want to.
Forcing people who don't want to play to do so is as bad as preventing those who do, from doing so.
They were allowed to choose, and they've chosen. That's freedom to choose, and I believe in free choice.
Although the deed is done (ie everything's cancelled) CIII should include in his speech this evening an entreaty that everyone should go out and get on with their normal lives and enjoy their friends, family, etc as it would be far better for everyone and a more fitting tribute to his mother than to be deprived of their chosen activities for a reason no one can yet put their finger on.
In other news Bloomberg reporting Italy's right set for landslide win on the 25th September
I doubt that is going to calm nerves in Europe
The problem is they started reforming the voting system but hadn’t finished the changes so thats going to see more seats for the right than would have occurred.
It’s not such a case of some drama with the EU as the right wing have changed their tune on membership of that and the Euro.
The clash will be over immigration but the right winning doesn’t put in doubt EU membership .
I am not referring to membership, but the desire by the right to appease Putin and get the oil and gas flowing from Russia
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I don't think it was disrespectful at all. Perhaps poor timing but nothing more. Others of course may have different opinions in both directions. I know for sure that in a month or two once the shock and sadness has passed I will find such jokes both clever and funny.
Different strokes for different folks. I find it helps as I'm not comfortable expressing sincere emotion, it feels cheesy though I know it shouldn't.
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
Privy Council proclaims a new monarch. New monarch appoints a new PM. Cabinet of the old PM remains in place until new PM is appointed and appoints a new Cabinet.
In other news Bloomberg reporting Italy's right set for landslide win on the 25th September
I doubt that is going to calm nerves in Europe
Probably more than half of Italians won’t bother and the others keep trying something new in the hope that something changes. Which is pretty much how they got landed with fascism the last time around, of course.
A quick scout of Premier League fans forums reveals that this is a deeply unpopular decision.
Who knew?
The football authorities have got this wrong, given that it wasn't forced by the government. Playing or watching football is not disrespectful. A minute's silence (or whatever) at all the games would have been unifying - sharing respect.
Cancel culture has gone mad, but we can't blame the woke left.
Indeed the government were quite clear that they were happy for the games to go ahead, as you say suggesting minutes silence and armbands (although not mandating even those).
The government haven't made the decision, the football authorities have, that's their job. It should be respected.
If they chose to go ahead with a minutes silence, that should be respected. If they choose to postpone, that should be respected. Its their choice, not yours, not mine, not the governments and not fans either.
Since when did libertarians become so deferential that football fans can't disagree with the people who run football authorities without being criticised for holding an opinion?
Don't worry. After a suitable period of contemplation, @BartholomewRoberts will conclude that stopping sports for the general public was not only misguided, but in appropriate and virtue signalling.
Didn't take him too long with lockdowns so I expect a change of heart here also.
If it were up to me, I wouldn't cancel the events, but its not up to me.
The difference with lockdowns is that we were told we couldn't do our own things, by the Government. That is categorically not the case here. If you want to play football, you can. If the EFL wanted to, they could. They don't want to.
Forcing people who don't want to play to do so is as bad as preventing those who do, from doing so.
They were allowed to choose, and they've chosen. That's freedom to choose, and I believe in free choice.
Oh absolutely (although those pro-lockdowners seem to be very pro cancel everythingers). But you are also allowed to have an opinion on what they have chosen. I'm guessing it is a PR thing that no (sports/regulatory) body wants to be seen to be "enjoying themselves" (why on earth not?) at this time. I bet a majority of the fans would want the events to go ahead.
Why out of interest (although I don't know if it's your opinion) do you think it could be seen as inappropriate.
Someone posted earlier that while you can't go to watch a football match tomorrow, you can still have a kickabout. Well, up to a point. We've just had a message from my daughter's football club that tomorrow's training session is cancelled after a directive from the FA that no FA sanctioned events can take place.
This is not at the behest of a lot of 11 year old girls, of course, not the coaches.
I started the day declaring that I was much wishy-washier than TSE on the question of a republic, but my stance has hardened dramatically in the last few hours.
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I read your posts with great interest as you do contribute to debate and pose questions but maybe, on the odd occasion, you go a wee bit over the top.
It may surprise you to know that for a large part of my life I have been a republican but I have grown to respect and value the Queen but I expect King Charles will struggle to have the affection his mother had as the monarchy slims down, and certainly more Commonwealth countries are likely to become republics
I assume the next in line would deputise in the circumstances you outline in your last paragraph
I have *massive* respect for the Queen. A lifelong servant of this country who continued on long beyond the point where the rest of us would have retired.
Her dislike of the clown was widely reported, as was the collected commentariat "how awful of *that* is her last Prime Minister.
The timings of this week do suggest a holding on until a certain task was done. It's not so much Liz having a substance on her hand as the Queen feeling that the job is now done and can go...
I'm not bothered by the faux offence. Truss shakes hands with the Queen who almost immediately falls ill and dies. No of course the "abolish them! We've had enough!" new PM hasn't poisoned her. But such a thing *is* possible. And if nothing else the timing is unfortunate...
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
If a Monarch died between one PM resigning and another formally being appointed, their heir would immediately become Monarch (coronation is merely formal and not required). So King Charles III would have appointed Truss (possibly with a slight delay but that's not a problem as you don't need to have a PM at any given moment - it'd be tricky if it stretched on for weeks but it's just a job).
If a Monarch became incapacitated, the Regency Acts apply. Three of the wife/husband of the sovereign (which would not have been relevant for the Queen for obvious reasons), the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker of the Commons, the Lord Chief Justice, and the Master of the Rolls would need to determine them not available to perform their functions. The regent (i.e. first adult in line) would then be able to perform functions including appointing a PM. So there would be a slight complication in determining incapacity but nothing terribly major or that would cause real delay.
Someone posted earlier that while you can't go to watch a football match tomorrow, you can still have a kickabout. Well, up to a point. We've just had a message from my daughter's football club that tomorrow's training session is cancelled after a directive from the FA that no FA sanctioned events can take place.
This is not at the behest of a lot of 11 year old girls, of course, not the coaches.
I started the day declaring that I was much wishy-washier than TSE on the question of a republic, but my stance has hardened dramatically in the last few hours.
Why? The FA could have chosen to do otherwise, so you really just need new people running that who would make a different call. There's a herding effect but they could have suspended top level but not lower.
A quite sad thought I just had is that the UK will never see a queen again in my lifetime. It's going to be Charles, Wills and then George if I manage to outlive Wills. The Queen really was the likes of which we will never see again.
Yes, she is. I'm still not convinced there'll be another monarch after this one.
What would be the trigger to overturn the constitution? I suspect your fear for the institution just comes from not having known anything other than Elizabeth II so it feels unsettling that she's gone.
This is the kind of moment all politicians can arise to, but its nice to hear these amusing personal anecdotes.
So it's ascension, proclamation, Magi gifts, coronation. With a really expensive hat with stolen jewels in it, somewhere along the line, put on a "king's" head by an archbishop wearing a mitre. And a sceptre and an orb and f*** knows what else. I nearly forgot the anointment by Knights of the Garter under a canopy.
It's hilarious that Tory poshos who talk of the "classiness" of such an utterly camp crock of w*** don't realise they're a bunch of vulgar peasants.
Absolutely Zero idea of this is legit. But interesting
Harman putting down markers about monarchic non interference...
In reality I suspect the Queen clung on wanting to see the back of Boris Johnson who had so disgracefully lied to and disrespected her. Having shaken the hand of her new PM she was able to let go.
Fab if true.
I do not think anyone will ever be able to embody that spirit again. She did it somehow uniquely and effortlessly.
I don't generally 'do' Royalty, one way or another, but I remember casually switching on the TV to catch maybe a few minutes of Diana's funeral and was soon riveted. I watched the whole damn thing and can still remember how moving some parts of it were.
I suspect it may be the same this time. It is after all hisory, and if you are interested in politics, you gotta be interested in history.
I would just add I have 53,565 posts on this forum and not be banned once which maybe says it all
There is a just-visible, just-possible route to a much better future where Russia collapses quickly, Putin is booted out, a new more emollient Russian leader emerges, and all the economic chaos ebbs speedily away. Thus also putting China on the back foot
It’s a bit of a dream, but a man can dream
We were what 8-9 years of age, obviously didn't affect us like that.
All else I can recall is all the front pages of the papers were encased in a thick black line around the edge, and then the funeral. That was a sombe, very sombre affair, depressing really, the coffin on a gun carriage escorted by naval sailors, whom my father commented, "They do not march as well as the Army"! (They did not appear to hold the line in a straight formation). All the time the "Death March" was sounding out, making everyone thoroughly down.
Hope this time it is a bit different. Do not think she would have wanted that.
Have you seen the videos of the apparent "Liberation" of Kupiansk, very moving, the women emerging and hugging the Ukranian soldiers. Of course war being war we have to take their word that it was in Kupiansk.
Russians saying they are sending 50,000 reserves to recapture. Think this must be their new army, recently formed with no combat experience, and after what we have seen so far, poorly trained.
Seems the Russians may send a representative to the funeral, sometimes when all the nations are present talking happens and solutions found to what may have seen to be insolvable international problems.
Of making predictions one way or the other.
They could f*** this up "royally".
Watch Harry. Although there are many other ways that calamity could befall this disgusting monarchfest. The guy at the top is hardly balanced.
Perhaps they might like to have a chat.
Of course, if it is cancelled that will probably save me from even greater grief given the way Glos have been playing.
As with many things, we now preserve this tradition despite it no longer having a practical purpose.
I'll admit I'm not succeeding as well as I'd like. But it isn't actually urgent until Monday.
Marred only slightly by the “live from London” caption over places that very clearly aren’t.
I'd go back to ignoring each other, if only for the benefit of the rest of us.
What CHB was trying (elliptically, but correctly I think) to point out was that you have every right to pronounce yourself offended, but the limits of 'appropriate' is really up to those who run the site.
Charters : [Speaking into the telephone] Tell me, what's happening to England?
Charters : Blowing a gale? No, I'm inquiring about the test match in Manchester.
Charters : Cricket, sir. Cricket!
Charters : You don't know? You can't be in England and not know the test score.
Charters : [Turns to Caldicott] The fellow says he doesn't know.
Caldicott : Silly ass!
Though I think we might have a different guy in mind.
Would be disrespectful to bung up the base rate at a time like this...
It's still marvellous.
Further, he intimated that anyone from the servants hall to the servant hall who used such an expression would be given their notice. Without a reference.
Unsure whether my outrageous comment is asking about the circumstances of the Queen's abrupt and unfortunately timed demise, or because I am pointing at the republican PM who was the last outsider to interact with her.
Constitutionally what happens if the monarch abruptly takes ill in-between dismissing one Prime Minister and appointing a replacement? As so nearly happened here...?
I doubt that is going to calm nerves in Europe
It is expected to be published in Official Journal today, comes into force from the date of adoption, and will be applied from Sept. 12.
I remember nipping down to Hyde Park during lunch break on the day that the mountain of flowers started to appear at the designated mourning spot, mostly out of curiosity. And being struck not just by the enormous volume of flowers that had started to arrive but at the numbers of people who had broken down uncontrollably. Not just at the memorial spot, where you might expect people particularly affected to gather, but on the bus and in the street, some people going about their ordinary business were clearly severely affected by grief. Coming back to the office I was able to get ahead of the curve and persuade the business to take the unions’ demands more seriously (until things got silly when they started to argue for night shift staff to get an equivalent amount of time off).
The extent of the wave of emotion that built over those few days and spread over the country was truly remarkable - and looking back even a week or two later it already seemed hard to believe that it had happened.
It’s not such a case of some drama with the EU as the right wing have changed their tune on membership of that and the Euro.
The clash will be over immigration but the right winning doesn’t put in doubt EU membership .
It may surprise you to know that for a large part of my life I have been a republican but I have grown to respect and value the Queen but I expect King Charles will struggle to have the affection his mother had as the monarchy slims down, and certainly more Commonwealth countries are likely to become republics
I assume the next in line would deputise in the circumstances you outline in your last paragraph
Didn't take him too long with lockdowns so I expect a change of heart here also.
The difference with lockdowns is that we were told we couldn't do our own things, by the Government. That is categorically not the case here. If you want to play football, you can. If the EFL wanted to, they could. They don't want to.
Forcing people who don't want to play to do so is as bad as preventing those who do, from doing so.
They were allowed to choose, and they've chosen. That's freedom to choose, and I believe in free choice.
Why out of interest (although I don't know if it's your opinion) do you think it could be seen as inappropriate.
Happy to move to the new thread to discuss.
Well, up to a point.
We've just had a message from my daughter's football club that tomorrow's training session is cancelled after a directive from the FA that no FA sanctioned events can take place.
This is not at the behest of a lot of 11 year old girls, of course, not the coaches.
I started the day declaring that I was much wishy-washier than TSE on the question of a republic, but my stance has hardened dramatically in the last few hours.
Her dislike of the clown was widely reported, as was the collected commentariat "how awful of *that* is her last Prime Minister.
The timings of this week do suggest a holding on until a certain task was done. It's not so much Liz having a substance on her hand as the Queen feeling that the job is now done and can go...
If a Monarch became incapacitated, the Regency Acts apply. Three of the wife/husband of the sovereign (which would not have been relevant for the Queen for obvious reasons), the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker of the Commons, the Lord Chief Justice, and the Master of the Rolls would need to determine them not available to perform their functions. The regent (i.e. first adult in line) would then be able to perform functions including appointing a PM. So there would be a slight complication in determining incapacity but nothing terribly major or that would cause real delay.