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Election night guide –



  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,409
    edited July 4
    Farooq said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    I don't think I understand the spreadsheet linked to in the header. It doesn't seem to have all the constituencies on there. E.g. I can't see ANME.

    Row 528 on the final sheet
    OHHH! I thought the different links in the header were for the same spreadsheet but different sheets. Got it now, thanks.
    The final spreadsheet does contain all the results, but there's no live update in it to the results that the first two should pull in. Having all the results try to pull in in one spreadsheet would just make the whole lot fall over.
    Ok, thanks.
    What I'm after is a table of all the results, every single candidate (so all the independents listed separately, not grouped into "other").

    If anyone knows of such a source that'll be updated through the night, I'd be very grateful. I'll save me the data entry for the prediction competition and you'll all get the results faster.
    Column H in tab "Democracy club 3" should update with that info on all three spreadsheets.
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,016
    Farooq said:

    One day to go until the election!

    I make it 2 days, or maybe 2 nights and one day, no wait - 2 days and 1 night until the exit polls. I think.

    Friday evening to Sunday morning=3 days and 3 nights. Based on the Word of God.

    Matthew 12:40: “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,031

    I live in a three-way marginal (Con (incumbent), Lab, Lib Dem). I've just voted LD (I don't think I've voted Conservative since 2017...), so here's the scores on the door, leaflet-wise.

    Lib Dem: 6
    Lots of national boilerplate stuff; little of direct relevance to the constituency. A heaven for bar chart lovers. One personalised leaflet that *may* be handwritten, but was probably printed to look so (and quite well, too). Disappointing local issues not mentioned more.

    Con: 4
    Does have mention of 'Conservatives'. All about local issues and what he (the current MP) has done for the area.

    Labour: 2
    Candidate not local: says she will "make the constituency her home.". Nothing about local issues in either leaflet. Uninspiring.

    Independent: 1
    Good leaflet, lot of info about him; lots about his stance on local issues. I seriously considered voting for him.

    Party of women: 1
    A small leaflet, nothing about local issues. Only distinctive feature is the name/picture of the candidate and the constituency.

    Green: 1
    Inside, boilerplate national, outside local issues. But a few good mentions of issues that matter locally, e.g. East-West Rail

    TBF, the Cons leaflets seemed much less boilerplate and in tune with the issues facing the constituency. Labour seemed to be a typical parachuted-in candidate with zero local interest; the Lib Dem disappointingly uninterested in local issues.

    But I couldn't vote Conservative...

    (The Lib Dem teller outside the cricket pavilion (our polling station) said there had been fifty people so far, and it was much slower than he expected. I might go around the other polling stations in the town later to see if I can gain any intel from those...)

    I forgot Reform: 1
    big, gurning pictures of Tice and Farage. All national issues. The only constituency-related info is the candidate's name and the constituency. Not even a piccie.
    Printed in the Netherlands?
  • Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 951

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Has anyone suggested the aggressive ultra extremist method to save the library?

    AKA people using it?
    I've tried using the libraries recently, problem is that people no longer respect that libraries should be quiet.
  • FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,460
    edited July 4

    Laura Kuennsberg is “hearing of a surprise late swing to the Tories, with hung parliament now in sight”.

    Should that come to pass when the exit poll is delivered the first five minutes of the BBC broadcast will sound like Jane Birkin's Je t'aime ... moi non plus.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336

    Re-posted from the previous thread after I was cut-off in my prime after less than a minute!

    It's slightly disconcerting that there's a significant difference between the number of seats allocated by YouGov, based on its own final election poll for 'The Times' and the number of seats allocated by the time-honoured ElectoralCalculus which specialises in producing their own seat calculations, based, we have to presume, on identical information.

    In this instance, YouGov calculates that Labour will win 431 seats compred with EC's 458 seats, a difference of 27 seats.
    In terms of Tory seats,YouGov comes up with a total of 102 seats, whereas EC calculates the Blue Team's tally as being 75 seats.
    Again an equal and opposite difference of 27 seats, which is sort of reassuring insofar as it goes.
    Obviously the two calculations of seat numbers are based on different statistical models and therefore some difference in their totals was only to be expected.
    However a difference of 27 seats does seem quite significant, especially if one doubles it to 54 seats in arriving at the impact on the overall majority involved.

    Thank goodness no money is involved here as a result of such a discrepancy ... Oh wait!

    Having a stab at this:

    YouGov's is an MRP, which if I understand it correctly polls a lot of people, compares their VI to their demographic, then determines a %age outcome for each seat based on that seat's demographic mix.

    EC OTOH feeds the GB-wide VI into a magic box*, turns the handle, and out pops a seat prediction.

    It's therefore more surprising that they are in way close, than that they differ a bit.

    If anyone else knows knows better/more, please chip in.

    (*well, algorithm)
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336

    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    -5 +2... Where have the other 3% gone?
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,452
    edited July 4

    Farooq said:

    ToryJim said:

    eek said:

    The telegraph have an article saying Reform will win 13 seats.

    If that's the case who is going to train those MPs to know what to do - i.e. how to run their office and provide support to their constituents...

    I doubt they will win that many. Also if Nigel does take Clacton there has to be a reasonable chance that he’s found in breach of Parliamentary rules triggering a recall effort before long.
    It is interesting that the Welsh labour government is to introduce a law in the Senedd to make it illegal to lie

    There will be few if any politicians left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    citation needed
    No citation possible. The "Welsh labour government" have not done this - its every other party forcing it through. Labour opposed it
    Not quite

    Labour are opposed to Plaids version, so are bringing forward their own
    A bill backed by your Conservatives and opposed by Labour. Only you could find a way to spin that as something being done by the Welsh labour government.
    You are talking nonsense and maybe you will believe the Guardian

    Tue 2 Jul 2024 21.06 BST

    Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal
    Labour administration says ‘globally pioneering’ legislation will be brought in before next Senedd elections in 2026

    The Labour-led Welsh government has committed to introduce “globally pioneering” legislation that would in effect make lying in politics there illegal.

    Members of the Senedd described it as a historic moment that would combat the “existential threat” that lying in politics poses to democracy.

    After a passionate and dramatic debate in the Welsh parliament on Tuesday evening, the government’s counsel general, Mick Antoniw, said the legislation would be introduced before the next Welsh elections in two years’ time.

    He said: “The Welsh government will bring forward legislation before 2026 for the disqualification of members and candidates found guilty of deliberate deception through an independent judicial process.”

    None of that quote says that the WG originated the bill. Simply that it is being brought in as a result of a vote in the Senedd.

    You're doing the Welsh equivalent of claiming that the SNP government brought in the bill for the Edinburgh trams.
  • Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995

    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    -5 +2... Where have the other 3% gone?
    Rounding (and I'm guessing Scotland).
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,736
    Dura_Ace said:

    kle4 said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Drove at over 150mph on the way to vote Green. 🤘

    Given how far most people are from a polling station, and the state of British roads, that must have been some epic acceleration and good brakes.
    Flipped my GT3 into a Tributo. It's a bit fast.
    Better be quick to avoid the new insurance tax, and the extra VED coming in.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,368

    I've bought turnout above 70%+ at 20/1

    Never know.

    Hope you're right on that, then we'll both be quids in.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,723
    I think that Peter Kellner's prediction will be in more or less the right place:

    Labour: 37 per cent of the Britain-wide vote, 400 seats

    Conservative: 24 per cent, 155 seats

    Liberal Democrats: 13 per cent, 50 seats

    Reform: 13 per cent, 2 seats

    Green: 7 per cent, 2 seats

    SNP: 33 per cent in Scotland, 18 seats

    Other (including Northern Ireland): 23 seats

    I certainly hope so as I stand to make a decent sum if the Conservatives finish above 150. I'm about to give the Conservatives a very grudging vote.
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,858
    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,452
    MattW said:

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Are you a Lib Dem, by any chance? :wink:

    Given how important it is to many people - for instance for digital access - I wouldn't knock it as a policy. Quite the reverse.
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,740

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Yes, I heard that Aberdeenshire Council cuts are causing a lot of upset. Do you think it will affect how people vote? BTW Good luck!
  • Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 951

    Laura Kuennsberg is “hearing of a surprise late swing to the Tories, with hung parliament now in sight”.

    Seriously or joking?
  • GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,860

    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    -5 +2... Where have the other 3% gone?
    SNP, Plaid and 'other'?
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,368
    Dura_Ace said:

    kle4 said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Drove at over 150mph on the way to vote Green. 🤘

    Given how far most people are from a polling station, and the state of British roads, that must have been some epic acceleration and good brakes.
    Flipped my GT3 into a Tributo. It's a bit fast.
    Not the hot hatch, I assume ?
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995
    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Makes sense. Labour have won, people can vote for them to put them in a strong position next time.
  • MisterBedfordshireMisterBedfordshire Posts: 2,252
    Done it. £10 on Labour Minority Govt at 20:1 with Hills.

    What a performance. Couldn't bet at Betfred. Online only for NOM.

    Same at Hills counter but the machines do the full online range.

    A fool and his money etc. etc.
  • Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,653
    MattW said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    kle4 said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Drove at over 150mph on the way to vote Green. 🤘

    Given how far most people are from a polling station, and the state of British roads, that must have been some epic acceleration and good brakes.
    Flipped my GT3 into a Tributo. It's a bit fast.
    Better be quick to avoid the new insurance tax, and the extra VED coming in.
    It was impossible to insure it. TP only in Mrs DA's name.
  • GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,860

    My Laura K post was of course a joke.

    Sadly a bit too believable.

    Poe's Law.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336
    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    EC (I know) gives:

    Con 69
    Lab 462
    LD 71
    Ref 7
    Green 3
    SNP 15
    PC 3
    Others 20

    on that Ipsos.
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,724
    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    No reversal of Brexit in Keir's lifetime. Incredible when over 60% of the country now want it. Perhaps he really will be as tone deaf as some have predicted
  • Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,777

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
    I genuinely think that the only danger to labour achieving their 'super' majority is apathy and the polls showing a foregone conclusion
  • wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    100 to 149 has moved slightly ahead of 50 to 99 seats (Con) on Betfair and over 100 now favoured on the over/under. Nearer 100 than 150 though looking at price on 150 to 199
  • MisterBedfordshireMisterBedfordshire Posts: 2,252
    tlg86 said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Makes sense. Labour have won, people can vote for them to put them in a strong position next time.
    That is one reason why I think NOM at 20:1 is worth a punt.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,966
    Leon said:

    Congrats to everyone for anything!!

    Hurrah for democracy!

    I’m going back to sleep

    You have just doxxed yourself as Emma Raducanu. Good luck in the bat & ball.
  • JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,352
    Busy morning at my local polling station here in Sunny Sussex
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,368

    My Laura K post was of course a joke.

    Sadly a bit too believable.

    The BBC can't report any such thing until the polls close, anyway.
    So not fooled, I'm afraid.
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,460
    edited July 4

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    It would be interesting if all these drops. in Labour support are reflected in the raw data or if they are convenient methodology adjustments to ensure saved faces.

    Although if that were the case you would have thought they would bump the Tories up to 30 too.
  • GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,860

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    EC (I know) gives:

    Con 69
    Lab 462
    LD 71
    Ref 7
    Green 3
    SNP 15
    PC 3
    Others 20

    on that Ipsos.
    Incredible how routine the sub-20s are for then Tories. I still feel they are being somehow understated, but am running out of evidential basis for it.
  • MisterBedfordshireMisterBedfordshire Posts: 2,252

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
    I genuinely think that the only danger to labour achieving their 'super' majority is apathy and the polls showing a foregone conclusion
    Hence my £10 at 20: on Lab Minority Govt
  • CookieCookie Posts: 12,880
    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,244

    tlg86 said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Makes sense. Labour have won, people can vote for them to put them in a strong position next time.
    That is one reason why I think NOM at 20:1 is worth a punt.
    Again, again! It’s not. Take the 60-1 available on Betfair!! For God’s sake man!!!
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,452

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Yes, I heard that Aberdeenshire Council cuts are causing a lot of upset. Do you think it will affect how people vote? BTW Good luck!
    Er, isn't that the incumbent Conservative-Liberal Democrat-independent administration? (where Indy means tulchan Tories, usually)?
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,460

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
    I genuinely think that the only danger to labour achieving their 'super' majority is apathy and the polls showing a foregone conclusion
    Great work by Stride and Rishi should that come to pass.
  • MisterBedfordshireMisterBedfordshire Posts: 2,252

    Leon said:

    Congrats to everyone for anything!!

    Hurrah for democracy!

    I’m going back to sleep

    You have just doxxed yourself as Emma Raducanu. Good luck in the bat & ball.
    What is he doing in Sevenoaks?
  • GhedebravGhedebrav Posts: 3,860
    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
  • northern_monkeynorthern_monkey Posts: 1,639
    Trying to reply to someone and vanilla's gone mental - telling me the body of the post on 1 character too short and I cannot sort it - so this post is the probably the fruitless attempt at clearing whatever gremlin has infected my tech...
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,096
    edited July 4
    Nunu5 said:

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Has anyone suggested the aggressive ultra extremist method to save the library?

    AKA people using it?
    I've tried using the libraries recently, problem is that people no longer respect that libraries should be quiet.
    Use EB Green tape - Duct tape of the Gods.

    EDIT: "Inclusion"... The local library had a quiet room with computers for kids to study in. You can imagine the status of kids who don't have a space to study at home. Due to problems with vandalism etc, they introduced (free) key cards to the room. They blocked the kids who like stealing the computers, taking drugs and playing music loudly and punching the other kids. The council got upset, because this wasn't inclusive.
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,724

    Laura Kuennsberg is “hearing of a surprise late swing to the Tories, with hung parliament now in sight”.

    Perhaps those of us who are keen on reversing Brexit think his offer of not reversing it in his lifetime was rather off putting
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    I mean this election hasn't had the usual squeeze narrative - it seems to have been accepted that Labour are going to get a majority (and likely a large one), so people can vote non tactically in a lot more seats. We're also really benefitting from Labour pissing off ethnic minority voters - Yougov had the polling below that shows us really overperforming compared to previous elections.

    It will be interesting to see if there are many places we come second or a reasonable third. In a world where the Tories are greatly diminished and Labour are the "centre right" party (which is what Starmer is promising to be), there is a lot of space for the Greens to grow.
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,452

    Trying to reply to someone and vanilla's gone mental - telling me the body of the post on 1 character too short and I cannot sort it - so this post is the probably the fruitless attempt at clearing whatever gremlin has infected my tech...

    MAybe a stray less-than or greater-than character?
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,966

    TOPPING said:

    Andy_JS said:

    "Prisca Thevenot, Macronist spokeswoman, has been attacked in her seat in Hauts de Seine 8eme. She got away unscathed but one of her team has been hospitalised with a broken jaw."

    This, very close to where I live:

    Candidate halts campaign after son is 'beaten up'

    A group of about eight people arrived on motorbikes and cars before attacking a victim with a baseball bat, West Midlands Police said.

    The road where it happened is actually pretty posh and very quiet. It's hard to imagine an attack like this happening there. I'm actually pretty shocked by this.
    Yikes. But not random.
    Yes, it was obviously politically motivated. I do feel that attacks on politicians, canvassers etc (of whatever political hue), should be prosecuted especially harshly given that they are attacks on democracy itself as well as on the person.
    Was the attack political though? It seems a bit odd to have a gang attack family members of someone who'd be lucky to save his deposit.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 12,880

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Best of luck Rochdale.
  • Nunu5Nunu5 Posts: 951

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,499
    Roger said:

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    No reversal of Brexit in Keir's lifetime. Incredible when over 60% of the country now want it. Perhaps he really will be as tone deaf as some have predicted
    The Brexiters will be a lot less scary defeated, discredited, and with another cohort of their supporters dead.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,409
    Farooq said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Farooq said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    I don't think I understand the spreadsheet linked to in the header. It doesn't seem to have all the constituencies on there. E.g. I can't see ANME.

    Row 528 on the final sheet
    OHHH! I thought the different links in the header were for the same spreadsheet but different sheets. Got it now, thanks.
    The final spreadsheet does contain all the results, but there's no live update in it to the results that the first two should pull in. Having all the results try to pull in in one spreadsheet would just make the whole lot fall over.
    Ok, thanks.
    What I'm after is a table of all the results, every single candidate (so all the independents listed separately, not grouped into "other").

    If anyone knows of such a source that'll be updated through the night, I'd be very grateful. I'll save me the data entry for the prediction competition and you'll all get the results faster.
    Column H in tab "Democracy club 3" should update with that info on all three spreadsheets.
    So the third (full) sheet will have all the candidates and their votes filled in as time goes on then? If so, perfect and thank you so much for sharing.
    That's the plan !

    The source data is which will hopefully update to something like when the results are known.
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,016

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
    I genuinely think that the only danger to labour achieving their 'super' majority is apathy and the polls showing a foregone conclusion
    Hence my £10 at 20: on Lab Minority Govt
    Terrible odds. You could, for example lay Lab Majority at BF at 1.03, which would cover the other options where Lab doesn't get a majority (eg coalitions), or back Lab Minority govt at 70 at BF.
  • BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 21,393

    Trying to reply to someone and vanilla's gone mental - telling me the body of the post on 1 character too short and I cannot sort it - so this post is the probably the fruitless attempt at clearing whatever gremlin has infected my tech...

    If the post you're replying to has the less than symbol in it, then Vanilla doesn't like that. Oddly enough its OK to post it in your own post, but not to quote it.

    If that's the glitch, I typically replace the symbol with the words less than, dislike changing what someone else has written but it doesn't change the meaning and simply means Vanilla doesn't mistake what they wrote for code.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,499
    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    I'm just off with the dog to cast a tactical Green
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    EC (I know) gives:

    Con 69
    Lab 462
    LD 71
    Ref 7
    Green 3
    SNP 15
    PC 3
    Others 20

    on that Ipsos.
    If two parties tie on MPs (LDs and Tories seem very close here) - which party becomes the Official Opposition? In the case of such a thing do you think there would be tactical defections to try and make one party larger? I think Labour would prefer a Tory Opposition - the LDs will likely hit Labour where they are weak (with their base) whereas the Tories will do more culture war shit and likely be infighting for a while.
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,280

    I live in a three-way marginal (Con (incumbent), Lab, Lib Dem). I've just voted LD (I don't think I've voted Conservative since 2017...), so here's the scores on the door, leaflet-wise.

    Lib Dem: 6
    Lots of national boilerplate stuff; little of direct relevance to the constituency. A heaven for bar chart lovers. One personalised leaflet that *may* be handwritten, but was probably printed to look so (and quite well, too). Disappointing local issues not mentioned more.

    Con: 4
    Does have mention of 'Conservatives'. All about local issues and what he (the current MP) has done for the area.

    Labour: 2
    Candidate not local: says she will "make the constituency her home.". Nothing about local issues in either leaflet. Uninspiring.

    Independent: 1
    Good leaflet, lot of info about him; lots about his stance on local issues. I seriously considered voting for him.

    Party of women: 1
    A small leaflet, nothing about local issues. Only distinctive feature is the name/picture of the candidate and the constituency.

    Green: 1
    Inside, boilerplate national, outside local issues. But a few good mentions of issues that matter locally, e.g. East-West Rail

    TBF, the Cons leaflets seemed much less boilerplate and in tune with the issues facing the constituency. Labour seemed to be a typical parachuted-in candidate with zero local interest; the Lib Dem disappointingly uninterested in local issues.

    But I couldn't vote Conservative...

    (The Lib Dem teller outside the cricket pavilion (our polling station) said there had been fifty people so far, and it was much slower than he expected. I might go around the other polling stations in the town later to see if I can gain any intel from those...)

    I forgot Reform: 1
    big, gurning pictures of Tice and Farage. All national issues. The only constituency-related info is the candidate's name and the constituency. Not even a piccie.
    Printed in the Netherlands?
    Just checked. Printed in Middlesex.
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,096
    Carnyx said:

    Farooq said:

    ToryJim said:

    eek said:

    The telegraph have an article saying Reform will win 13 seats.

    If that's the case who is going to train those MPs to know what to do - i.e. how to run their office and provide support to their constituents...

    I doubt they will win that many. Also if Nigel does take Clacton there has to be a reasonable chance that he’s found in breach of Parliamentary rules triggering a recall effort before long.
    It is interesting that the Welsh labour government is to introduce a law in the Senedd to make it illegal to lie

    There will be few if any politicians left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    citation needed
    No citation possible. The "Welsh labour government" have not done this - its every other party forcing it through. Labour opposed it
    Not quite

    Labour are opposed to Plaids version, so are bringing forward their own
    A bill backed by your Conservatives and opposed by Labour. Only you could find a way to spin that as something being done by the Welsh labour government.
    You are talking nonsense and maybe you will believe the Guardian

    Tue 2 Jul 2024 21.06 BST

    Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal
    Labour administration says ‘globally pioneering’ legislation will be brought in before next Senedd elections in 2026

    The Labour-led Welsh government has committed to introduce “globally pioneering” legislation that would in effect make lying in politics there illegal.

    Members of the Senedd described it as a historic moment that would combat the “existential threat” that lying in politics poses to democracy.

    After a passionate and dramatic debate in the Welsh parliament on Tuesday evening, the government’s counsel general, Mick Antoniw, said the legislation would be introduced before the next Welsh elections in two years’ time.

    He said: “The Welsh government will bring forward legislation before 2026 for the disqualification of members and candidates found guilty of deliberate deception through an independent judicial process.”

    None of that quote says that the WG originated the bill. Simply that it is being brought in as a result of a vote in the Senedd.

    You're doing the Welsh equivalent of claiming that the SNP government brought in the bill for the Edinburgh trams.
    Isn't attempting to assign responsibility for the trams regraded as criminal slander?
  • booksellerbookseller Posts: 504

    Voted! And done some street politics with passing mums heading up to school. Hot topic local issue - save the library.

    Yes, I heard that Aberdeenshire Council cuts are causing a lot of upset. Do you think it will affect how people vote? BTW Good luck!
    Library fact: did you know when volunteers step in to run libraries on behalf of local authorities, they no longer have to pay into the PLR (Public Lending Right pool) and so authors lose any income from borrowed books.

    Average author earnings dropped 11% in real terms between 2019 and 2021 and that was within a drop of 60% in real terms since 2006.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,966
    Nigelb said:

    My Laura K post was of course a joke.

    Sadly a bit too believable.

    The BBC can't report any such thing until the polls close, anyway.
    So not fooled, I'm afraid.
    Please, no more jokes. This is a betting site and by the sound of it, several PBers will have had their judgement impaired by Aldi's second best Scotch whisky.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,335
    moonshine said:

    What is the opposite of brisk?

    The preferred term is sluggish
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,977
    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    The consistent takeaway is that 80% of voters want the Tories out. This is much more significant for the outcome than the very low Labour figure.
  • SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 7,058
    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    I'm calling bullsh1t on SNP on 6%... they didn't quite get 4% in 2019 and that equated to 45% in Scotland. So they'd need to be on at least two-thirds of the vote north of the border!
  • wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    No, Labour have failed to offer anything remotely inspiring so their support for 'change' is lukewarm at best
  • CookieCookie Posts: 12,880
    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    Apologies my unpronounceable friend, I mean their politicians rather than their voters. Is 148grss Green too?
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336
    edited July 4
    My top 10 hopes for the next 24 hours, in order of possibility:

    1. Labour majority.
    2. Tories sub 200.
    3. Greens >2 seats.
    4. SNP <20 seats.
    5. JRM loses his seat.
    6. Reform <4 seats.
    7. Farage fails to win Clacton.
    8. LDs win more seats than the Tories.
    9. Sunak loses his seat.
    10. My constituency North Dorset goes LD

    If none of those happen: I despair of politics. Forever.
    1 to 3 = Ok, I'll take that - hardly stellar but pretty good given 2019.
    4 to 7 = A great night - pop the fizz!
    8 = Brilliant! Historic! Seismic!
    9 to 10 = Beyond words.
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,014
    Thanks @Pulpstar !

    Perhaps for the last time, I post:

  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    I've gone back to voting for losers - my last two GE votes were tactical for the LDs, but because Daisy is going to hold her seat easily, I want to make sure I contribute to our increase in short money.
  • SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 7,058
    IanB2 said:

    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    I'm just off with the dog to cast a tactical Green
    Do remember your dog will require photo ID to vote. Kennel Club membership card is acceptable.
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,977
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,016
    Prediction to the nearest round 50:
    Labour 400
    Conservative 150
    LibDem 50
    Others 50

    Even that broad a target could be well off, there's such a wide range of possibilities.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,966
    I've given my franchise a damn good workout after collecting a leaflet on behalf of the independent candidate 100 yards or so from the polling station. Voting was not brisk, which is just as well as the election workers were inadequately trained first-timers who could not find my name on the list.

    There are two rough sleepers in the subway and half the Metropolitan Police Force in McDonalds.

  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,336

    IanB2 said:

    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    I'm just off with the dog to cast a tactical Green
    Do remember your dog will require photo ID to vote. Kennel Club membership card is acceptable.
    Turned away - no id:

  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,724
    IanB2 said:

    Roger said:

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    No reversal of Brexit in Keir's lifetime. Incredible when over 60% of the country now want it. Perhaps he really will be as tone deaf as some have predicted
    The Brexiters will be a lot less scary defeated, discredited, and with another cohort of their supporters dead.
    All those people in interminable queues at airports instead of murmuring 'f*cking Tory Brexiteers' will be wishing for Starmers rapid demise.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,244
    One of the great mysteries of this campaign is why @MisterBedfordshire keeps quoting awful odds. Does he work for Laddies??? 🤣
  • BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 21,393
    Roger said:

    Laura Kuennsberg is “hearing of a surprise late swing to the Tories, with hung parliament now in sight”.

    Perhaps those of us who are keen on reversing Brexit think his offer of not reversing it in his lifetime was rather off putting
    And perhaps if Labour win a landslide majority those of you who obsess over Brexit are politically insignificant then?
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Cookie said:

    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    Apologies my unpronounceable friend, I mean their politicians rather than their voters. Is 148grss Green too?
    Yes - but not a politician; I have occasionally been staff and often a volunteer / activist.
  • No_Offence_AlanNo_Offence_Alan Posts: 4,350
    148grss said:

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    EC (I know) gives:

    Con 69
    Lab 462
    LD 71
    Ref 7
    Green 3
    SNP 15
    PC 3
    Others 20

    on that Ipsos.
    If two parties tie on MPs (LDs and Tories seem very close here) - which party becomes the Official Opposition? In the case of such a thing do you think there would be tactical defections to try and make one party larger? I think Labour would prefer a Tory Opposition - the LDs will likely hit Labour where they are weak (with their base) whereas the Tories will do more culture war shit and likely be infighting for a while.
    APNI would take the LD whip - they do in the Lords.
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995

    My top 10 hopes for the next 24 hours, in order of possibility:

    3. Greens >2 seats.
    4. SNP

    I suspect the odds on both of these happening are very long.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,315
    edited July 4
    Good luck to any posters or lurkers who are standing today even if I think you are evil for not being on my side.

    Thanks to anyone who has been out campaigning and door knocking.

    All these people are vital and work largely selflessly in a way I would be far too lazy to and wouldn’t want to risk my life being delved into.

    Tonight and tomorrow are going to be interesting, fun, angering, disappointing, brilliant, history making and then largely everyone will settle down to normal life with some tweaks here and there which is one of the great and lucky things about this country as we change governments without much uproar and very very little violence.

    I was listening to someone on the radio this morning I was at school with who has written a book about dying well. It’s likely his last week alive this week and his positivity about life and death is remarkable. It really did put the small differences into perspective. I think of the last time I saw him a year ago or so and we were laughing at a bar about some disgraceful behaviour at school we had enjoyed and hearing this amazing man talk so well about life nearly broke my four year avoidance of crying.

    So if you get what you want tonight enjoy it, if you don’t then keep going until the wheel turns and frankly enjoy it all.

    And most of all, vote Tory.
  • agingjb2agingjb2 Posts: 108
    No reversal of Brexit in Starmer's lifetime is simply realistic. There is no way the EU will accept an application to rejoin on any terms that the UK could consider.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,872
    I’ve got an election day lunch with my agent, at the Groucho Club. Feels right as we kiss goodbye to the last of the Tory good times: the Era of Opulence is giving way to a sad, pinched, leftier kind of life

    Come the next election the Groucho will probably be a madrasa

    I’ll see you all on the boats at Dover, heading out
  • MisterBedfordshireMisterBedfordshire Posts: 2,252

    Carnyx said:

    Farooq said:

    ToryJim said:

    eek said:

    The telegraph have an article saying Reform will win 13 seats.

    If that's the case who is going to train those MPs to know what to do - i.e. how to run their office and provide support to their constituents...

    I doubt they will win that many. Also if Nigel does take Clacton there has to be a reasonable chance that he’s found in breach of Parliamentary rules triggering a recall effort before long.
    It is interesting that the Welsh labour government is to introduce a law in the Senedd to make it illegal to lie

    There will be few if any politicians left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    citation needed
    No citation possible. The "Welsh labour government" have not done this - its every other party forcing it through. Labour opposed it
    Not quite

    Labour are opposed to Plaids version, so are bringing forward their own
    A bill backed by your Conservatives and opposed by Labour. Only you could find a way to spin that as something being done by the Welsh labour government.
    You are talking nonsense and maybe you will believe the Guardian

    Tue 2 Jul 2024 21.06 BST

    Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal
    Labour administration says ‘globally pioneering’ legislation will be brought in before next Senedd elections in 2026

    The Labour-led Welsh government has committed to introduce “globally pioneering” legislation that would in effect make lying in politics there illegal.

    Members of the Senedd described it as a historic moment that would combat the “existential threat” that lying in politics poses to democracy.

    After a passionate and dramatic debate in the Welsh parliament on Tuesday evening, the government’s counsel general, Mick Antoniw, said the legislation would be introduced before the next Welsh elections in two years’ time.

    He said: “The Welsh government will bring forward legislation before 2026 for the disqualification of members and candidates found guilty of deliberate deception through an independent judicial process.”

    None of that quote says that the WG originated the bill. Simply that it is being brought in as a result of a vote in the Senedd.

    You're doing the Welsh equivalent of claiming that the SNP government brought in the bill for the Edinburgh trams.
    Isn't attempting to assign responsibility for the trams regraded as criminal slander?
    I don't know but falsly claiming "incitement of trains being in streets" is
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,736
    edited July 4
    kle4 said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Drove at over 150mph on the way to vote Green. 🤘

    Given how far most people are from a polling station, and the state of British roads, that must have been some epic acceleration and good brakes.
    Our consistently criminal Deputy Council Leader Tom Hollis * does that.

    He reached 65mph in about 150m of Traffic Calmed High Street from a 90 degree bend in his Land Drover Effete 'on the way home from a night at the bingo'.

    Didn't notice that he was being followed by an unmarked police car, the bellend !

    * No defamation, it is all in the Courts and reported in the Chad.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,507

    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    I'm calling bullsh1t on SNP on 6%... they didn't quite get 4% in 2019 and that equated to 45% in Scotland. So they'd need to be on at least two-thirds of the vote north of the border!
    It does suggest that IPSOS might be picking up a late Lab->SNP swing in Scotland though.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,912
    There actually was a little queue when I arrived to vote, which is unusual. Doesn't mean anything, just random variance.

    I voted Labour in the end. I'm not very impressed by their manifesto and I received little from them locally, but the LDs also didn't bother. And whilst it won't make much difference if I vote LD or Lab, given I do think Starmer should be PM I feel I should put my vote where my mouth is to share in the outcome if things go bad

    Same reason I voted Tory in 2017 really.

    Plus I've never voted Labour before and given polls this might be the only time they are ever relevant locally.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,244
    kamski said:

    Again, although the Labour lead has dropped it doesn’t really imply it’s down to anything Labour has done.

    Nor does imply any late enthusiasm for the Tories.

    Labour home and dry probably leading to some voters saying why bother. #lowturnout
    I genuinely think that the only danger to labour achieving their 'super' majority is apathy and the polls showing a foregone conclusion
    Hence my £10 at 20: on Lab Minority Govt
    Terrible odds. You could, for example lay Lab Majority at BF at 1.03, which would cover the other options where Lab doesn't get a majority (eg coalitions), or back Lab Minority govt at 70 at BF.
    Yep. Complete mug punter bet.

    Why take those odds? I’ve said this to him repeatedly. It makes no sense on any level.
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,966

    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    No, Labour have failed to offer anything remotely inspiring so their support for 'change' is lukewarm at best
    Neither main party has, being content to campaign against the other. Labour's most positive vision is a fraction of a new teacher in every school, or possibly a whole new teacher in some schools.
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,014
    Leon said:

    I’ve got an election day lunch with my agent, at the Groucho Club. Feels right as we kiss goodbye to the last of the Tory good times: the Era of Opulence is giving way to a sad, pinched, leftier kind of life

    Come the next election the Groucho will probably be a madrasa

    I’ll see you all on the boats at Dover, heading out

    "Would the last Flint-knapper to leave Britain please turn off the lights?"
  • DopermeanDopermean Posts: 235

    Roger said:

    Laura Kuennsberg is “hearing of a surprise late swing to the Tories, with hung parliament now in sight”.

    Perhaps those of us who are keen on reversing Brexit think his offer of not reversing it in his lifetime was rather off putting
    And perhaps if Labour win a landslide majority those of you who obsess over Brexit are politically insignificant then?
    Went down like a bucket of sick on the doorsteps of affirmed supporters last night, it will be apparent what effect it has in 18 hours.
    No one wants to obsess about Brexit apart from those misguided people who wanted it, it just f**ks up significant aspects of our lives, As it was obvious it would do. Sorry, I forgot, "Big Thanks",
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995

    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    I'm calling bullsh1t on SNP on 6%... they didn't quite get 4% in 2019 and that equated to 45% in Scotland. So they'd need to be on at least two-thirds of the vote north of the border!
    It does suggest that IPSOS might be picking up a late Lab->SNP swing in Scotland though.
    Yeah, I'm regretting a couple of bets on Labour in Scotland.
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,904
    Carnyx said:

    I’m going to treat myself to a little bottle of supermarket whisky for tonights celebrations before Keith taxes my income into oblivion. Any suggestions?

    If it's not a single malt, then Famous Grouse perhaps.
    Black Label is drinkable
  • NigelbNigelb Posts: 68,368
    IanB2 said:

    Ghedebrav said:

    Cookie said:

    nico679 said:

    Are the Greens really going to get 9% . I just can’t see it myself .

    Unexpected Green voters are everywhere.
    My daughter explained the reason to me yesterday: tuition fees.
    Makes perfect sense really. All the other parties are charging half a generation £50k plus to start adulthood. The Green Party isn't.

    Personally I think the Greens are a binch of incoherent batshit crazy extreme culture warriors. But maybe £50k plus is rather more important to people.
    There are normal people too. Like, er me, and double-er, Dura Ace. Oh, and triple-er - BJO.

    OK, point taken. Any other Green PBers?
    I'm just off with the dog to cast a tactical Green
    Where do you intend to cast the poor unfortunate ?
  • DopermeanDopermean Posts: 235
    Roger said:

    IanB2 said:

    Roger said:

    tlg86 said:

    Keiran Pedley
    FINAL CALL: Labour lead at 18 / Tories face historic defeat / Lab share drops in final week. 🚨

    Labour 37% (-5)
    Conservatives 19% (nc)
    Reform UK 15% (nc)
    Lib Dems 11% (nc)
    Greens 9% (+2)

    No reversal of Brexit in Keir's lifetime. Incredible when over 60% of the country now want it. Perhaps he really will be as tone deaf as some have predicted
    The Brexiters will be a lot less scary defeated, discredited, and with another cohort of their supporters dead.
    All those people in interminable queues at airports instead of murmuring 'f*cking Tory Brexiteers' will be wishing for Starmers rapid demise.
    He said "can't foresee" whcih isn't definitive but it would have been helpful if he'd been considerably more vague
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,912
    tlg86 said:

    Nunu5 said:

    Labour down 5 with ipsos. Are the polls herding?

    I'm calling bullsh1t on SNP on 6%... they didn't quite get 4% in 2019 and that equated to 45% in Scotland. So they'd need to be on at least two-thirds of the vote north of the border!
    It does suggest that IPSOS might be picking up a late Lab->SNP swing in Scotland though.
    Yeah, I'm regretting a couple of bets on Labour in Scotland.
    I've been bullish on SNP chances throughout. I hope to be wrong.
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,845
    malcolmg said:

    Carnyx said:

    I’m going to treat myself to a little bottle of supermarket whisky for tonights celebrations before Keith taxes my income into oblivion. Any suggestions?

    If it's not a single malt, then Famous Grouse perhaps.
    Black Label is drinkable
    Chivas Regal do some decent aged blends.
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,736
    Dura_Ace said:

    kle4 said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    Drove at over 150mph on the way to vote Green. 🤘

    Given how far most people are from a polling station, and the state of British roads, that must have been some epic acceleration and good brakes.
    Flipped my GT3 into a Tributo. It's a bit fast.
    What sort of security features do these have these days.

    If someone bumps into you in a supermarket car park, does it turn on it's cameras and record the dozy driver, for example - as a Tesla would?
This discussion has been closed.