Even the oldies are now giving Johnson negative ratings – politicalbetting.com
One of the features of Boris Johnson’s approval ratings over the last few months is that however bad it has got with younger voters he has been in positive territory amongst the oldies. That has now come to an end.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Well, if we're going down that route, first to post from a sunny N Yorks, dafty.
First from a sunny SE Scotland; just been back from a walk through the bluebell woods.
Missed most of the discussion of old railways on the last thread. It had never occurred to me that the 19th century Haytor Tramway on Dartmoor, built of granite like a giant Brio set, which I mwentioned the other week, had such respectably antiquarian antecedents.
Details of the MP’s arrest emerged during what the government had hoped would be “crime week”, with announcements on toughening up policing. The prime minister told his cabinet on Tuesday morning: “Crime, crime, crime is what we want to focus on.”
Well, if we're going down that route, first to post from a sunny N Yorks, dafty.
First from a sunny SE Scotland; just been back from a walk through the bluebell woods.
Missed most of the discussion of old railways on the last thread. It had never occurred to me that the 19th century Haytor Tramway on Dartmoor, built of granite like a giant Brio set, which I mwentioned the other week, had such respectably antiquarian antecedents.
A few years back we had a poster who wrote a book on early railways and plateways around the UK. It's rather good - I'll see if I can find it on my shelves. Can't remember who the poster was, either...
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Somebody has already been wrongly named - at least two Tory MPs have been trending for this reason since the news came out and therefore at least one of them has definitely been libelled.
NEW: V&A urged to investigate why a Conservative fundraising event auctioned off a private tour of the museum with its chair and trustee Nicholas Coleridge - following this Sunday's MoS column
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Details of the MP’s arrest emerged during what the government had hoped would be “crime week”, with announcements on toughening up policing. The prime minister told his cabinet on Tuesday morning: “Crime, crime, crime is what we want to focus on.”
Grauniad. Lol.
As the old joke about the infamous West Midlands Serious Crime Squad had it:
"Let's get out there and commit some serious crime."
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
Seems unlikely Guardian readers would be using #ToryRapist. For most Guardian readers, #Tory is enough, surely? Don't need to add 'babyeater' or 'rapist' or anything else, it's all implied, right?
NEW: V&A urged to investigate why a Conservative fundraising event auctioned off a private tour of the museum with its chair and trustee Nicholas Coleridge - following this Sunday's MoS column
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
NEW: V&A urged to investigate why a Conservative fundraising event auctioned off a private tour of the museum with its chair and trustee Nicholas Coleridge - following this Sunday's MoS column
As ever with these hit pieces, the obligatory quotes they bury at the bottom tell a different story to the rest of the article.
In a statement, the V&A said: “The V&A understands that a short tour of the museum with Nicholas Coleridge was offered at auction at the spring lunch. No V&A staff or resources were involved and no special access to the museum was offered. We understand that neither Ben Elliot or Nicholas Coleridge attended the event.”
A Conservative party spokesman said that the event had been arranged by Women2Win, which campaigns to elect more Conservative women. “This was not a Conservative party event and Ben Elliot had no involvement in it.”
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Do they, really ?
Or are you indulging in the sort of speculative hyperbole you're purporting to condemn ?
It should be remembered in 1997 Blair won over 65s by 41% to 36% for Major's Tories.
The fact even now over 65s still prefer Johnson's Tories to Starmer Labour by a 27% margin shows how Starmer is still nowhere near the same sense of momentum Blair had going into the 1997 general election
NEW: V&A urged to investigate why a Conservative fundraising event auctioned off a private tour of the museum with its chair and trustee Nicholas Coleridge - following this Sunday's MoS column
As ever with these hit pieces, the obligatory quotes they bury at the bottom tell a different story to the rest of the article.
In a statement, the V&A said: “The V&A understands that a short tour of the museum with Nicholas Coleridge was offered at auction at the spring lunch. No V&A staff or resources were involved and no special access to the museum was offered. We understand that neither Ben Elliot or Nicholas Coleridge attended the event.”
A Conservative party spokesman said that the event had been arranged by Women2Win, which campaigns to elect more Conservative women. “This was not a Conservative party event and Ben Elliot had no involvement in it.”
Nevertheless, it is a standard principle of being a trustee of any charity or public body not to take action that leads to any conflict of interest with one's primary duty to the body. There was most certainly special access to V&A resources, in the form of Mr Coleridge himself by virtye of his position. Mr Coleridge was undoubtedly quite wrong to use his connection with the museum as a political fundraising point.
Edit: as would the case be for any political organization. Even fundraising for another charity is a bit iffy.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Somebody has already been wrongly named - at least two Tory MPs have been trending for this reason since the news came out and therefore at least one of them has definitely been libelled.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Somebody has already been wrongly named - at least two Tory MPs have been trending for this reason since the news came out and therefore at least one of them has definitely been libelled.
Yawn, it is very clear who it is and who it isn't and anyway saying x has been arrested for rape is not saying x is a rapist
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
Here's what @trussliz had to say when we asked her to comment on her colleague's words from earlier this week...
Seems entirely reasonable to me.
Unfortunately the 'gotcha' media loves to mischaracterise what people of all parties have to say, and that applies yes to Labour politicians as much as Tory ones too, and Kay Burley is one of the worst for it. You don't need to have seen the interview if as Truss goes on to say she knows the person to believe that the words are being mischaracterised.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
I don't. My Twitter browsing is clearly somewhat selective.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
The biggest unpersoning since Ryan Giggs, Megan Stammers, Olga D and John Venables.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
Nope, the hyper-woke is the one after that - Blair's and Brown's children.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
Nope, the hyper-woke is the one after that - Blair's and Brown's children.
Is that why Boris is trying to redress the balance by producing so many of his own?
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
The biggest unpersoning since Ryan Giggs, Megan Stammers and John Venables.
I still recall the Elton John superinjunction, and all the gags that were going around at the time. But I shan't be making any similar insinuations on the current case.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
I don't. My Twitter browsing is clearly somewhat selective.
Yeah I also have no idea. I'm more of a fan of judicial due process, if there is a case to answer the man's name will be made public in due course.
Here's what @trussliz had to say when we asked her to comment on her colleague's words from earlier this week...
Seems entirely reasonable to me.
Unfortunately the 'gotcha' media loves to mischaracterise what people of all parties have to say, and that applies yes to Labour politicians as much as Tory ones too, and Kay Burley is one of the worst for it. You don't need to have seen the interview if as Truss goes on to say she knows the person to believe that the words are being mischaracterised.
You are as dumb as Truss then and rather partisan , so nothing to see here.
Pretty confusing bar chart. How about putting the bars in the natural age sequence? Then you would see a more interesting and varied pattern. Did it come from the LibDem school of graphery founded by Darrell Huff?
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
Nope, the hyper-woke is the one after that - Blair's and Brown's children.
Is that why Boris is trying to redress the balance by producing so many of his own?
Here's what @trussliz had to say when we asked her to comment on her colleague's words from earlier this week...
Seems entirely reasonable to me.
Unfortunately the 'gotcha' media loves to mischaracterise what people of all parties have to say, and that applies yes to Labour politicians as much as Tory ones too, and Kay Burley is one of the worst for it. You don't need to have seen the interview if as Truss goes on to say she knows the person to believe that the words are being mischaracterised.
You are as dumb as Truss then and rather partisan , so nothing to see here.
Getting called partisan by you is highly amusing.
If it was Salmond who was being mischaracterised you'd be saying so straight away.
Burley is infamous for it. We all know it, regardless of partisan politics.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
Nope, the hyper-woke is the one after that - Blair's and Brown's children.
So growing up under Thatcher made people left wing, while growing up under Blair and Brown also made people left wing?
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
Doesn't seem like the price of petrol has deterred folk from eating their lunch in their cars with the engine running on an exceptionally beautiful day.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
Neither, so thanks for bringing them to my attention. The People smashing up their own city because they won/lost in Seville would be the most Rangers thing ever.
Mr T's honesty on that particular aspect is to be commended and probably reflects the true position of lots of Unionists. Their paradoxical position of claiming any indy ref would inevitably be won for the Union while doing everything in their power to prevent one can only be sustained for so long without folk pointing and laughing at them. In fact I've already started..
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
We carried on alarmingly about apartheid. At least subsequent generations have been able to move on a little bit.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
I may owe @Leon a slight apology over this if it turns out to be deliberate. When it happened, he immediately went for the most dramatic cause of pilot suicide because the first video showed the plane going straight down. I then pointed out cases where planes went straight down due to mechanical failure.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
The biggest unpersoning since Ryan Giggs, Megan Stammers, Olga D and John Venables.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
Yeah, that's a good point. So maybe the hyper-woke are those who grew up during the Brown/Cameron era rather than Blair/Brown.
Well, if we're going down that route, first to post from a sunny N Yorks, dafty.
First to post from a place that’s supposed to be really nice and sunny, but is actually a sandy and humid mess today, with visibility less than 1km and the air con struggling.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
The biggest unpersoning since Ryan Giggs, Megan Stammers, Olga D and John Venables.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the late ‘90s, the biggest student protest was against selling KitKat bars in the Union shop.
Shortly after that, it was against the NUS themselves, for being so far up Blair’s arse that they were in favour of tuition fees.
I may owe @Leon a slight apology over this if it turns out to be deliberate. When it happened, he immediately went for the most dramatic cause of pilot suicide because the first video showed the plane going straight down. I then pointed out cases where planes went straight down due to mechanical failure.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
It'll be interesting to know what the CVR shows.
Reading between the lines, the CVR proabably shows nothing. IIRC on Germanwings 9525 it didn't.
Here's what @trussliz had to say when we asked her to comment on her colleague's words from earlier this week...
There's one issue about posting links to Twatter; when one goes and looks, after a minute or two one gets invited to join.
It's like linking to a Daily Mail reference; a week later an invite arrives to become associated in some way with the Conservative party.
Just click on the lower box, and then delete the next invite screen with the x in the top corner - then it goes away and you can look at another tranche of twats.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
The biggest unpersoning since Ryan Giggs, Megan Stammers, Olga D and John Venables.
I still have no idea who the middle two are!
Me either. Pretty effective unpersoning, then...
I love a bit of crime fiction, but true crime has no interest for me whatsoever, not really sure why.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
Neither, so thanks for bringing them to my attention. The People smashing up their own city because they won/lost in Seville would be the most Rangers thing ever.
Mr T's honesty on that particular aspect is to be commended and probably reflects the true position of lots of Unionists. Their paradoxical position of claiming any indy ref would inevitably be won for the Union while doing everything in their power to prevent one can only be sustained for so long without folk pointing and laughing at them. In fact I've already started..
Yes, the Manc treatment is a worry. There was a certain irony in the statue-bothering panic over a gang of staunch defenders gathering to protect the Churchill WS stachoo in the centre of town against a completely nonexistent threat - and then a few weeks later the thing getting damaged by Rangers in a patriotic frenzy, I think you said. I can't even remember if they had won or lost.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
Saw something about the Dalai Lama the other day, but you're right. Sad; reading up on the history of Tibet is on my bucket list, but it might be another of those things that I never get round to doing.
The other reason Free Tibet has disappeared is the position of the Dalai Lama. He has moved to a position of accepting PRC rule, and a focus on better conditions. Free Tibet is an independence movement. No Dalai Lama = no support.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Yes, funny how the Grauniad readers are the first to stand up for defendants' rights and freedoms when it's a planeload of paedophiles and rapists being deported but when the word "Tory" is mentioned, they act as Judge, Jury and Executioner.
How do you know they are Grauniad readers?
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
Lots of judges, juries and executioners on PB when it comes to profiling folks saying nasty things about Tories.
Poor snowflakey dears.
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
I may owe @Leon a slight apology over this if it turns out to be deliberate. When it happened, he immediately went for the most dramatic cause of pilot suicide because the first video showed the plane going straight down. I then pointed out cases where planes went straight down due to mechanical failure.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
It'll be interesting to know what the CVR shows.
Reading between the lines, the CVR proabably shows nothing. IIRC on Germanwings 9525 it didn't.
I thought that in the Germanwings case it showed that one pilot repeatedly pressed the button to keep his colleague locked out of the cockpit? That seemed quite suggestive.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
Saw something about the Dalai Lama the other day, but you're right. Sad; reading up on the history of Tibet is on my bucket list, but it might be another of those things that I never get round to doing.
Should do. It's fascinating. It isn't all what you'd think.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
They were outside the PRC Embassy yesterday.
A few people with connections to Tibet?
Or a large scale prominent protest led by students without any connections to Tibet, like you still see with Palestine?
The latter seems to have completely died off. We seem in the past quarter of a century to have moved from concerns over Tian'an'men Square, Tibet, Hong Kong and now to the Uighurs. There's a common thread there, but nothing remains forefront like Palestine has.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
Saw something about the Dalai Lama the other day, but you're right. Sad; reading up on the history of Tibet is on my bucket list, but it might be another of those things that I never get round to doing.
Should do. It's fascinating. It isn't all what you'd think.
I'm sure it is. The ups and downs of nations and peoples usually are. Nearest I've got so far is once lecturing on Adult Education to a group which included a couple of very courteous Bhutanese.
So what accounts for Boris doing most badly with the 45-54 range? Wisdom through experience but not yet affected by senility?
Think about when that cohort was growing up - it's always been more Tory-sceptic than the cohort immediately following.
But I keep hearing from one or two posters on here that the cohort immediately following is so mind-bendingly woke that it amounts to a civilizational threat, yet they're more tolerant of Boris 'Culture Wars' Johnson than the generation of their accusers. Curious.
No, the woke generation is somewhat later - I can't really remember any sort of political protest cause or movement when I was at Uni in the early 2000s. Since ~ 2010 they've come by the trolley load.
In the early 2000s apart from Tuition Fees the primary student political protest causes all seemed to be about either Palestine or Tibet.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
I think it's 'seems to have been forgotten about'; people are still disgusted by the Chinese treatment of another Asian culture. Just not as visible these days.
Indeed but now it's all about China's treatment of the Uighurs.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
They were outside the PRC Embassy yesterday.
A few people with connections to Tibet?
Or a large scale prominent protest led by students without any connections to Tibet, like you still see with Palestine?
The latter seems to have completely died off. We seem in the past quarter of a century to have moved from concerns over Tian'an'men Square, Tibet, Hong Kong and now to the Uighurs. There's a common thread there, but nothing remains forefront like Palestine has.
As I said above. No Dalai Lama = no movement. He is literally the living emanation of the Buddha's wisdom. That doesn't mean Tibetans are a monolith, but it's difficult to sustain a movement when the undisputed leader disagrees with the cause.
I’m sitting on a sunny terrace in Monodendri and some poor she-cat is being brutally raped by a large vicious tom cat right under the table
I never know what to do in these situations. You see it constantly with ducks. Basically all they do is quack and rape
Does one intervene, or politely look away?
How do you know she's not enjoying it. Odd creatures, cats.
Cats are 'stimulated ovulators' which means the tom has some vicous barbs on the end of his todger, the action of which causes the egg to be released. Cat sex normally starts with the queen asking for it and ends with her beating up the tom. Even it she wanted it at the start (which is normally the case) she probably isn't enjoying it.
I may owe @Leon a slight apology over this if it turns out to be deliberate. When it happened, he immediately went for the most dramatic cause of pilot suicide because the first video showed the plane going straight down. I then pointed out cases where planes went straight down due to mechanical failure.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
It'll be interesting to know what the CVR shows.
Reading between the lines, the CVR proabably shows nothing. IIRC on Germanwings 9525 it didn't.
I may owe @Leon a slight apology over this if it turns out to be deliberate. When it happened, he immediately went for the most dramatic cause of pilot suicide because the first video showed the plane going straight down. I then pointed out cases where planes went straight down due to mechanical failure.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
It'll be interesting to know what the CVR shows.
Reading between the lines, the CVR proabably shows nothing. IIRC on Germanwings 9525 it didn't.
I thought that in the Germanwings case it showed that one pilot repeatedly pressed the button to keep his colleague locked out of the cockpit? That seemed quite suggestive.
Right, yes, sorry. I meant no voices, not no sounds at all.
Trending in United Kingdom #ToryRapist Trending with REDACTED
D'oh for Twitter. You'd think they'd have the sense to remove that from their front page, at least (even the hashtag alone, which is going to be on lots of potentially libellous speculative tweets).
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Surely there cannot be anyone who does not know who the alleged villian is.
I don't. My Twitter browsing is clearly somewhat selective.
Has been speculated for long long time Nigel, right from the initial inquiry 2 years ago , amazing how selective they are when they are looking at their own.
I’m sitting on a sunny terrace in Monodendri and some poor she-cat is being brutally raped by a large vicious tom cat right under the table
I never know what to do in these situations. You see it constantly with ducks. Basically all they do is quack and rape
Does one intervene, or politely look away?
How do you know she's not enjoying it. Odd creatures, cats.
Cats are 'stimulated ovulators' which means the tom has some vicous barbs on the end of his todger, the action of which causes the egg to be released. Cat sex normally starts with the queen asking for it and ends with her beating up the tom. Even it she wanted it at the start (which is normally the case) she probably isn't enjoying it.
Nature isn't fair unfortunately.
Doesn't the male also have to bite the back of the female's neck? Or is that just lions?
Trending with REDACTED
Edit: though they love the traffic and being the uncensored source for this kind of stuff, I guess. Very damaging though, potentially. Anyone could be wrongly named and it could go crazy very fast.
Missed most of the discussion of old railways on the last thread. It had never occurred to me that the 19th century Haytor Tramway on Dartmoor, built of granite like a giant Brio set, which I mwentioned the other week, had such respectably antiquarian antecedents.
Grauniad. Lol.
Twitter is such a cesspit!
They've got the #ToryRapist tried and convicted based on nothing other the fact he's a Tory and if REDACTED is the same name that was trending last night it seems he's entirely innocent and has been libeled by hundreds, maybe thousands of people...
Story today by @jessicaelgot: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/17/va-at-centre-of-row-over-auction-of-private-tour-as-prize-at-tory-fundraising-event
Edit: could be readers of impeccably Tory, hang and flog em, newspapers.
And we cant'; check as the DM has switched comments off on the story.
"Let's get out there and commit some serious crime."
In a statement, the V&A said: “The V&A understands that a short tour of the museum with Nicholas Coleridge was offered at auction at the spring lunch. No V&A staff or resources were involved and no special access to the museum was offered. We understand that neither Ben Elliot or Nicholas Coleridge attended the event.”
A Conservative party spokesman said that the event had been arranged by Women2Win, which campaigns to elect more Conservative women. “This was not a Conservative party event and Ben Elliot had no involvement in it.”
BTW have you seen these re Mr Fraser's favoured fitba team. and his former colleague Prof T?
Nose-dive crash that killed 132 people must have been deliberate, US experts find" (£)
Or are you indulging in the sort of speculative hyperbole you're purporting to condemn ?
The fact even now over 65s still prefer Johnson's Tories to Starmer Labour by a 27% margin shows how Starmer is still nowhere near the same sense of momentum Blair had going into the 1997 general election
Minister: Rachel Maclean's word were mischaracterised.
Kay: How?
Minister: I didn't see the interview.
Here's what @trussliz had to say when we asked her to comment on her colleague's words from earlier this week...
Edit: as would the case be for any political organization. Even fundraising for another charity is a bit iffy.
Unfortunately the 'gotcha' media loves to mischaracterise what people of all parties have to say, and that applies yes to Labour politicians as much as Tory ones too, and Kay Burley is one of the worst for it. You don't need to have seen the interview if as Truss goes on to say she knows the person to believe that the words are being mischaracterised.
My Twitter browsing is clearly somewhat selective.
If it was Salmond who was being mischaracterised you'd be saying so straight away.
Burley is infamous for it. We all know it, regardless of partisan politics.
It's like linking to a Daily Mail reference; a week later an invite arrives to become associated in some way with the Conservative party.
The latter has been forgotten about, the former has not.
Mr T's honesty on that particular aspect is to be commended and probably reflects the true position of lots of Unionists. Their paradoxical position of claiming any indy ref would inevitably be won for the Union while doing everything in their power to prevent one can only be sustained for so long without folk pointing and laughing at them. In fact I've already started..
Just not as visible these days.
However: it would be very convenient for Boeing and the US to say the pilot caused it, rather than mechanical failure, and such excuses are somewhat controversial - it is easy to blame a dead pilot.
It'll be interesting to know what the CVR shows.
When was the last time you saw a prominent Free Tibet protest?
That’s an innovative marketing device: restricting your potential readership to 6 people, most of them closely related to the editor
Pretty effective unpersoning, then...
Shortly after that, it was against the NUS themselves, for being so far up Blair’s arse that they were in favour of tuition fees.
Here's a non-paywall version: https://metro.co.uk/2022/05/18/chinese-eastern-airlines-plane-likely-crashed-deliberately-16664897/
I never know what to do in these situations. You see it constantly with ducks. Basically all they do is quack and rape
Does one intervene, or politely look away?
Wordle 333 2/6*
He has moved to a position of accepting PRC rule, and a focus on better conditions.
Free Tibet is an independence movement.
No Dalai Lama = no support.
The Times has a proper firewall so I don't link to things there.
FT articles can be read if they are linked to on twitter or if you hit google and search for the headline..
Or a large scale prominent protest led by students without any connections to Tibet, like you still see with Palestine?
The latter seems to have completely died off. We seem in the past quarter of a century to have moved from concerns over Tian'an'men Square, Tibet, Hong Kong and now to the Uighurs. There's a common thread there, but nothing remains forefront like Palestine has.
It’s like the she cat is Ukraine, the tomcat is Russia, and the Germans are, well, the Germans.
He is literally the living emanation of the Buddha's wisdom.
That doesn't mean Tibetans are a monolith, but it's difficult to sustain a movement when the undisputed leader disagrees with the cause.
Cats are 'stimulated ovulators' which means the tom has some vicous barbs on the end of his todger, the action of which causes the egg to be released. Cat sex normally starts with the queen asking for it and ends with her beating up the tom. Even it she wanted it at the start (which is normally the case) she probably isn't enjoying it.
Nature isn't fair unfortunately.