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Johnson exit date betting moves sharply to 2022 –



  • Options
    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    I say again F*** off lowlife peddle your crap elsewhere.
    I guess that is your idea of a "no" to my generous offer 😞😞. I am so disappointed.

    PS: I know your life is pretty busy with all the anger management sessions and so on, but please let me know if you would like me to recommend a grammarian to help with your punctuation and inappropriate capitalisation. Always here to help! Love and kisses xxx
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,627
    edited January 2022
    Just partially cashed out on Johnson gone in 2022 so I am green on all dates. In September 2020 I backed him to be gone by end 2022 at 8/1

  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734
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    GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,332
    edited January 2022
    I wonder who's going to get to enjoy Boris and Carrie's lovely wallpaper when they're out on their arses? :D
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    malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,595
    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    Yes Taz, he is a real pain in the butt, not interested in discussion , just constantly insulting me , very tedious. I keep thinking I should ignore it which is the sensible thing to do but at times I just have to say something. Obviously not a very nice person , fine having banter back and forward but he is just a pest.
    Your point is caller , other than some random crap jpg that is not real.
  • Options
    rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 59,627
    Scott_xP said:

    (((Dan Hodges)))
    Have yet to find a Tory MP, Minister or Cabinet Minister who thinks Boris’s position is defensible or survivable.

    Michael Ellis
    He went straight from the chamber to the nearest club to get absolutely shitfaced in order to forget what he just had to do for the good of a crumbling regime.
  • Options
    Andy_CookeAndy_Cooke Posts: 4,876
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    It's referred to as a village and apparently regarded as one. "Not really a village" does not really cut the mustard, I'm afraid.

    Crucially, though, I refer to: Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.

    I appear to have missed your addressing the other villages. Because if they exist, then they are not non-existent.
  • Options
    TimTTimT Posts: 6,339
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,645

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Oh my - new polling from @SavantaComRes on BYOBgate:

    - 66% say Boris Johnson should resign following latest revelations - +12 since their last poll at Christmas

    - That includes 42% of 2019 Conservative voters (+9)


    More Conservative voters, even 2019 Conservative voters, do not think Boris should resign than think he should then
    The trend is only going up. You’re at risk of alienating 40% of your 2019 voting population and you think that’s good?
    As I said unless Labour are consistently 10%+ ahead there is no point replacing Boris. Especially as the membership might pick Truss over Sunak who would likely poll even worse
    Your dislike of Truss shining through and of course Boris should go

    I just do not see how you can defend the indefensible but then you are either in denial or just blind in loyalty
    We know Truss polls worse, Opinium had a Truss led Tories 16% behind Starmer Labour
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,455
    Scott_xP said:
    "smirking fibreglass toby jug"
    Where Ian Dunt excels, Marina Hyde exceeds. Magnificent.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,819
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    moonshine said:

    Farooq said:

    moonshine said:

    Farooq said:

    moonshine said:

    TimS said:

    moonshine said:

    Roger said:

    Nigelb said:

    Sandpit said:

    IanB2 said:

    Afzal Khan calls the PM a liar and the speaker decides to "let that one go".

    An open door for PMQs tomorrow. Ask the question were you there yes or no? Get bluster. Get incandescent ranting of the kind Boris gives off when he's losing in. Then call him a liar. Just do it. When the lie is this egregious and so self-evident, time tocall a lie a lie and cope with the suspension if it's actually issued.

    Actually Starmer being suspended for calling Johnson a liar over this would extend the coverage even further. So a good idea.
    No, it would be a mistake for the LOTO to make himself the story, especially by behaviour not following the rules
    There’s good reason for the rules on Parliamentary language - as we occasionally see here, and often see on other forums.

    If one can’t make his point without using such unparliamentary language, then they shouldn’t be in Parliament.

    There are always ways of saying that the minister has been untruthful, without expliticly using certain words.
    It is one thing to have a PM who lies.
    It's quite another to have one who lies, knowing that the whole country knows that he's lying, and expecting everyone just to ignore the fact.

    The 45 minutes claim didn't finish Blair off, and it can be argued that was far more disastrous for the country than a Downing Street party.
    Silly non sequitur
    Yes, the 45 minute claim was much, much worse than any lie Johnson has made.

    To be clear: Boris should go. In fact, my position has always been that he was unsuitable to be PM. I was sadly proved correct.

    But at least I don't try and excuse the inexcusable, as many do with Blair.
    Blair shifted the Overton window on acceptable behaviour for a leader. And the debasement in politics has carried on from there.
    So... is Tonty Blair behind this?
    lol of course not (but he did seem to enjoy a political renaissance in the early days of covid).

    But there was the definite onset of rot in standards, even in his first term, a function of the massive majority and ego feeding media and public reception I suppose.
    So you don't remember 1992 to 1997 then? You'll enjoy reading about it, let us know when you've had a little look and we can all have a laugh about your comment together.
    As far as I can recall, Major himself didn’t get caught up in scandal, deceit or illegality (not counting Edwina!), even as those around him fell into a moral oblivion.

    It was Blair and co who launched the age of spin, the Ecclestone affair being the first of many sordid episodes directly linked to No 10.
    So the "onsest of rot in standards" is a statement only about leaders and once you've left out Major's affair.
    I'm glad we've got your keen analysis down in black and white, without it, where would we be?
    Hasn’t realised you carried such a candle for St Tony, sorry for besmirching his good name. What a needlessly aggressive chop you are.

    I couldn’t personally care less about politicians’ sex lives but I grant you that the puritans among us might see that differently. It’s widely held that Major was basically an honourable man. Personally I think he was a cack PM and the British public agreed with that in 1997. But that’s not what we’re talking about
    I mean, did you miss the bit earlier about where I said I protested against the Iraq war? And how I was mocked despite being right?
    I have no time for Blair, none at all, and I've never voted for him or his party. But the idea that Blair suddenly heralded a drop in political standards is one that can only really exist in total ignorance of what came immediately beforehand. That's just how things are. Does that mean Blair and Labour were shiny and fault-free? No. But that wasn't the charge. If you want to shift the goalposts to that, then that's a welcome correction from idiotic wrongness to fair comment. I'm happy to have helped you with that.
    I would think it fair to say that Blair represented part of a downward slope. The serial resignations of Mandleson were quite something.
    I prefer to see it as an accumulation of problems. The preceding government with the Conservatives in charge left the pile bigger than they found it. Labour did likewise. None of this is really controversial in any way. The only things that's controversial... no, stupid, in fact... is any sense that Blair arrived and there was an "onset of rot". Sleaze was literally the major (pun accidental) theme of the 97 election, and the public gave the Conservatives a kicking, in part because of sleaze.
    You don't have to be a Blair fan or Labour voter to remember this, you just needed to have been there.
    Indeed. The main thing I remember was that Blair & Co. were big on the idea that -

    1) Something considered to be legal. Sort of. If you squinted and turned your head just so.
    2) Therefore it was legal.
    3) Since it was legal, they were practically obligated to do it.
    I've often been intrigued by the illegality claim of the Iraq war. I wonder, if it were illegal, who is culpable? Blair, as leader, clearly is in the buck-stopping position, but surely it's not just him? What about the MPs who voted for it, and the defence bods and civil servants who drew up the dossiers and legislation and implemented the decisions?
    I'm a layman when it comes to law and I'd love to know who is theoretically on the hook for the sort of crime of waging a war of aggression and anything else that's been alleged.
    It wasn't so much Iraq - I first saw this when I talked to some New Labour involved lawyers about the suppressions of protests when the Chinese Premier visited.

    Though the above attitude is related to that of those who try to use Law (in the sense of various forms of "rights") to construct a constitution without the messy annoyance of trying to get it past the citizenry.

    Which was similar to the idea that it was possible to create a War Powers Act without all that bother of getting a law passed.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,819
    TimT said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734
    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube
  • Options
    NemtynakhtNemtynakht Posts: 2,317
    edited January 2022
    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,161

    (((Dan Hodges)))
    Have yet to find a Tory MP, Minister or Cabinet Minister who thinks Boris’s position is defensible or survivable.

    Funny that. They must have known about this before it became public. It didn't seem to bother them before. Any future PM candidate has questions to answer about what they knew and what they did (or didn't) do about it.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    Farooq said:

    Scott_xP said:
    "smirking fibreglass toby jug"
    Where Ian Dunt excels, Marina Hyde exceeds. Magnificent.
    However. Ends with a point of brutal seriousness,

    "How can we counter some people’s conviction that β€œThe Man” is lying to them, when the man is so often shown to be lying?"

  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,357

    TimT said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
    That's the second time you've got excited about obsolescent antisubmarine weaponry of late. *puzzled*
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 54,957

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    Have you two fallen out over something?
    I believe it was something about turnips.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,993
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
  • Options
    TimTTimT Posts: 6,339
    Sorry, don't get the IKAAAARA reference. Pray enlighten.

    TimT said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,058
    edited January 2022

    kinabalu said:

    moonshine said:

    Roger said:

    Nigelb said:

    Sandpit said:

    IanB2 said:

    Afzal Khan calls the PM a liar and the speaker decides to "let that one go".

    An open door for PMQs tomorrow. Ask the question were you there yes or no? Get bluster. Get incandescent ranting of the kind Boris gives off when he's losing in. Then call him a liar. Just do it. When the lie is this egregious and so self-evident, time tocall a lie a lie and cope with the suspension if it's actually issued.

    Actually Starmer being suspended for calling Johnson a liar over this would extend the coverage even further. So a good idea.
    No, it would be a mistake for the LOTO to make himself the story, especially by behaviour not following the rules
    There’s good reason for the rules on Parliamentary language - as we occasionally see here, and often see on other forums.

    If one can’t make his point without using such unparliamentary language, then they shouldn’t be in Parliament.

    There are always ways of saying that the minister has been untruthful, without expliticly using certain words.
    It is one thing to have a PM who lies.
    It's quite another to have one who lies, knowing that the whole country knows that he's lying, and expecting everyone just to ignore the fact.

    The 45 minutes claim didn't finish Blair off, and it can be argued that was far more disastrous for the country than a Downing Street party.
    Silly non sequitur
    Yes, the 45 minute claim was much, much worse than any lie Johnson has made.

    To be clear: Boris should go. In fact, my position has always been that he was unsuitable to be PM. I was sadly proved correct.

    But at least I don't try and excuse the inexcusable, as many do with Blair.
    Blair shifted the Overton window on acceptable behaviour for a leader. And the debasement in politics has carried on from there.
    Blair might have shifted it but Johnson has taken it out and moved it to another building.
    He's no David Lloyd George, actually I have a piece coming up soon that actually says Boris Johnson is the new David Lloyd George.
    Matthew Parris's article on Saturday made this comparison but also stressed a crucial difference. DLG and BJ both supreme conmen but DLG had some compensating qualities. BJ is *only* a conman. There's nothing else there.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    The main Conservative objection seems not to be on the substance, but that they hadn't thought of it first Labour are using it as a device to sieze the order paper.
  • Options
    Won't somebody think of Graham Brady's health.....he is going to do a hernia trying to lift his mail sack.
  • Options

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    Have you two fallen out over something?
    Hehe. I just dislike rude bullies, and I know, it is a paradox to treat him the same way, but c'est la vie. He is thoroughly obnoxious to anyone that disagrees with him that I like giving him a massive dose of his own medicine, which of course, he gets a bit cross about and then launches one of his tirades of abuse. I know I shouldn't find it funny, but I do. Father forgive me.
  • Options
    GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,332
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Oh my - new polling from @SavantaComRes on BYOBgate:

    - 66% say Boris Johnson should resign following latest revelations - +12 since their last poll at Christmas

    - That includes 42% of 2019 Conservative voters (+9)


    More Conservative voters, even 2019 Conservative voters, do not think Boris should resign than think he should then
    The trend is only going up. You’re at risk of alienating 40% of your 2019 voting population and you think that’s good?
    As I said unless Labour are consistently 10%+ ahead there is no point replacing Boris. Especially as the membership might pick Truss over Sunak who would likely poll even worse
    Your dislike of Truss shining through and of course Boris should go

    I just do not see how you can defend the indefensible but then you are either in denial or just blind in loyalty
    We know Truss polls worse, Opinium had a Truss led Tories 16% behind Starmer Labour
    I mean not everything is about poll numbers and winning elections, What about probity in public office? What about lying to Parliament?

    Boris Johnson's behaviour is inexcusable and disgraceful. He and his Downing St. operation have taken the piss out of not only the British public but all those that have suffered loss and grief through this pandemic.

    Whoever replaces Johnson and whether they are popular with the public or any good at governing is a matter for another day. The starting position is that Boris Johnson is a disgrace to the country and should either resign on his own terms or be removed from office by the Party!
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    Scott_xP said:

    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    Speaks to a wider attitude. That "people like us" were keeping the country going, while everyone else was living it large at home.
    They weren't in the vast majority of cases.
    Either at home or enjoying it.
  • Options
    SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,713
    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,245
    dixiedean said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    Speaks to a wider attitude. That "people like us" were keeping the country going, while everyone else was living it large at home.
    They weren't in the vast majority of cases.
    Either at home or enjoying it.
    What time is required to ask and answer the following questions

    When did No 10 hold parties in April to July 2020
    Did you (Boris) attend any of them?
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,455
    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    Yes Taz, he is a real pain in the butt, not interested in discussion , just constantly insulting me , very tedious. I keep thinking I should ignore it which is the sensible thing to do but at times I just have to say something. Obviously not a very nice person , fine having banter back and forward but he is just a pest.
    Your point is caller , other than some random crap jpg that is not real.
    My point is that you and Nigel_Foremain are the same
  • Options
    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,486

    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
    Do we expect our PM to ACTUALLY turn up to PMQ's tomorrow? I reasonably confidently expect him to be sick, or Carrie to be taken very ill, or one of the children to be ill, and need him at their bedside.
  • Options
    Its official - I will stop referring to Douglas Ross as DRoss. He has found a spine and a fine and sturdy backbone it is.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734

    The latest claims of rule-breaking threaten to derail Johnson’s attempt to use the new year to move on from rows over alleged Christmas parties

    But how much will this indiscretion cost the prime minister going forward?
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    eek said:

    dixiedean said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    Speaks to a wider attitude. That "people like us" were keeping the country going, while everyone else was living it large at home.
    They weren't in the vast majority of cases.
    Either at home or enjoying it.
    What time is required to ask and answer the following questions

    When did No 10 hold parties in April to July 2020
    Did you (Boris) attend any of them?
    Gotta find him first.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,645
    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
  • Options

    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
    Do we expect our PM to ACTUALLY turn up to PMQ's tomorrow? I reasonably confidently expect him to be sick, or Carrie to be taken very ill, or one of the children to be ill, and need him at their bedside.
    Good time to get COVID....could take a leaf out of novax's book.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,819
    TimT said:

    Sorry, don't get the IKAAAARA reference. Pray enlighten.

    TimT said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
    Sorry - couldn't resist.

    Babylon 5 reference.

    The ancient Ikarans built some awesome biological based augmentation weapons - they'd latch onto a regular lifeforms and turn it into the Ultimate Weapon. This was all to defeat an alien invasion.

    Unfortunately the definition of "alien" was left to some fanatics who used their idea of "pure Ikaran". The machines efficiently destroyed everything which wasn't pure Ikaran. Which turned out to be everything.

    A million years later on a dead world, an archaeologist stumbles on....

    "IKAAAARA!" was the cry of the on of the resurrected machines (contains the mind state of one of the fanatics) when he/it realised what they had done.
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,211

    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
    It wasn't the rules but it would have been an arguable case. The actual risk of Covid being spread between such a group which had not already been spread would have been minimal to nil. Too late now though if Boris has gone along with or attended this. He has committed himself that he didn't.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734
    Allegra Stratton resigned for joking about a party. Martin Reynolds hasn’t resigned for organising a party. Nobody has resigned for actually attending any of the parties.
  • Options
    tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,574
    GIN1138 said:

    I wonder who's going to get to enjoy Boris and Carrie's lovely wallpaper when they're out on their arses? :D

    She's going to end up on Loose Women.
  • Options
    bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 8,900
    Scott_xP said:

    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    It seems like they may be trialling the β€œthey were already working together” line. The thing to ask back is whether all 40 attendees were actually already working together. The interviewee can either admit they don’t actually know, or if they say they can confirm that, then that must mean they have an attendance list that they can turn over to the media or at least Gray.
  • Options
    maaarshmaaarsh Posts: 3,429
    Hospital beds occupied falling again - as expected just a 2 day hiatus as they don't discharge many people at the weekend.
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,161
    Scott_xP said:

    Allegra Stratton resigned for joking about a party. Martin Reynolds hasn’t resigned for organising a party. Nobody has resigned for actually attending any of the parties.

    It's my party and and I'll lie if I want to
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    edited January 2022

    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
    Do we expect our PM to ACTUALLY turn up to PMQ's tomorrow? I reasonably confidently expect him to be sick, or Carrie to be taken very ill, or one of the children to be ill, and need him at their bedside.
    Good time to get COVID....could take a leaf out of novax's book.
    Of all the places Bozza could hole up, an asylum seekers hotel has to be a long shot.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,357

    TimT said:

    Sorry, don't get the IKAAAARA reference. Pray enlighten.

    TimT said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    In election terms however if Boris comes out of this with the Tories 10%+ behind then he would be in trouble but only if that occurs
    Sounding a bit like Lenin there, HYUFD, with his constant purity purges of the party.
    Sorry - couldn't resist.

    Babylon 5 reference.

    The ancient Ikarans built some awesome biological based augmentation weapons - they'd latch onto a regular lifeforms and turn it into the Ultimate Weapon. This was all to defeat an alien invasion.

    Unfortunately the definition of "alien" was left to some fanatics who used their idea of "pure Ikaran". The machines efficiently destroyed everything which wasn't pure Ikaran. Which turned out to be everything.

    A million years later on a dead world, an archaeologist stumbles on....

    "IKAAAARA!" was the cry of the on of the resurrected machines (contains the mind state of one of the fanatics) when he/it realised what they had done.
  • Options
    maaarshmaaarsh Posts: 3,429
    Mechanical ventilation hits a new winter low, 686.

    Was 792 on the day Omicron cases started to take off in London.
  • Options
    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    Yes Taz, he is a real pain in the butt, not interested in discussion , just constantly insulting me , very tedious. I keep thinking I should ignore it which is the sensible thing to do but at times I just have to say something. Obviously not a very nice person , fine having banter back and forward but he is just a pest.
    Your point is caller , other than some random crap jpg that is not real.
    My point is that you and Nigel_Foremain are the same
    Hmm, an interesting one. Not the best post even by your standards. So which would you prefer? My light sarcasm in response or Malcolm's demented incoherent abuse?
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496
    This debate about Vat on fuel with the opposition calling for a tax cut on bills and the chancellor, conscious of the shocking state of the nation's finances says no....... it's a far more normal political debate than Boris needing an investigation to work out where he was.
    Big contrast between Rishi and Boris I think.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,357

    Its official - I will stop referring to Douglas Ross as DRoss. He has found a spine and a fine and sturdy backbone it is.

    Done it beforte. Turned out to be only a very temporarily inflatable skeleton, like certain invertebrates. This time we will see.
  • Options
    TresTres Posts: 2,365
    You both appear demented when it comes to debating Scottish independence/nationalism.
  • Options
    david_herdsondavid_herdson Posts: 17,515
    Jonathan said:

    (((Dan Hodges)))
    Have yet to find a Tory MP, Minister or Cabinet Minister who thinks Boris’s position is defensible or survivable.

    Funny that. They must have known about this before it became public. It didn't seem to bother them before. Any future PM candidate has questions to answer about what they knew and what they did (or didn't) do about it.
    Not necessarily. Whitehall was unusually quiet at the time with so much remote working. Word may well have got around but proving anything satisfactorily wouldn't be easy. In any case, what genuinely (as opposed to for political posturing purposes) would you expect a minister to do, other than perhaps ask No 10 WTF it thinks it's doing?
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765

    Scott_xP said:

    Asked about the No10 partygate row @BrandonLewis says he understands the β€œanger, frustration even upset that people will feel” but insists Sue Gray must be given the time to carry out her investigation.

    β€œDoes the PM still have your confidence?”

    β€œAbsolutely” he replies

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    It seems like they may be trialling the β€œthey were already working together” line. The thing to ask back is whether all 40 attendees were actually already working together. The interviewee can either admit they don’t actually know, or if they say they can confirm that, then that must mean they have an attendance list that they can turn over to the media or at least Gray.
    Plenty of ordinary folk were working together at the time. Not sure that cut any ice with plod.
  • Options
    Nigelb said:

    I hadn't realised just how early the US started offshoring their tech manufacturing.
    ...With as many as 15,000 die now on a single wafer, assembly and test now outweighed wafer fab costs. Hence, the need to reduce labor costs as a matter of survival. After some early failed ventures, for example in Shiprock, N.M., at a Navajo reservation, along with early attempts at automation, offshoring test and assembly to Asia ultimately proved successful, at least in the short term. Bob Noyce, an investor in a small radio company in Hong Kong, suggested to Charlie Sporck that he and Jerry Levine scout the region.

    They were attracted by the low labor cost, non-unionized facilities, western-educated technicians, good engineering schools, and tax incentives and other government subsidies. In 1963, Fairchild set up the industry’s first Far East assembly and test operation in a former shoe factory on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong. Other semiconductor manufacturers subsequently followed Fairchild to the Far East, primarily Malaysia...

    I think there was always some small element of that. The problem was one of scale. In 1980 there were 150,000 jobs offshored by US companies. By 2017 that was 14.4 million.
  • Options
    Northern_AlNorthern_Al Posts: 8,014

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    I say again F*** off lowlife peddle your crap elsewhere.
    I guess that is your idea of a "no" to my generous offer 😞😞. I am so disappointed.

    PS: I know your life is pretty busy with all the anger management sessions and so on, but please let me know if you would like me to recommend a grammarian to help with your punctuation and inappropriate capitalisation. Always here to help! Love and kisses xxx
    Sometimes I think PB should have a sister site, an adjacent chat room where people could carry out their personal vendettas and fights in private. It could also, for example, host debates on the difference between a village and a town.

    But I guess we'd miss the entertainment.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,455

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    Yes Taz, he is a real pain in the butt, not interested in discussion , just constantly insulting me , very tedious. I keep thinking I should ignore it which is the sensible thing to do but at times I just have to say something. Obviously not a very nice person , fine having banter back and forward but he is just a pest.
    Your point is caller , other than some random crap jpg that is not real.
    My point is that you and Nigel_Foremain are the same
    Hmm, an interesting one. Not the best post even by your standards. So which would you prefer? My light sarcasm in response or Malcolm's demented incoherent abuse?
    Your anti-nationalist posts are just as demented. The two of you really do represent the worst of each side.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    Pulpstar said:

    This debate about Vat on fuel with the opposition calling for a tax cut on bills and the chancellor, conscious of the shocking state of the nation's finances says no....... it's a far more normal political debate than Boris needing an investigation to work out where he was.
    Big contrast between Rishi and Boris I think.

    Well. One turned up for a start.
  • Options
    FarooqFarooq Posts: 12,455
    Tres said:

    You both appear demented when it comes to debating Scottish independence/nationalism.

    Yup yup yup. All heat and no light.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496
    edited January 2022
    DavidL said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
    It wasn't the rules but it would have been an arguable case. The actual risk of Covid being spread between such a group which had not already been spread would have been minimal to nil. Too late now though if Boris has gone along with or attended this. He has committed himself that he didn't.
    The speaker (Or LOTO) really needs a power to ask a question that must be answered truthfully by the PM under the power of something like perjury in the courts for a wrong answer.
    Call it a special question and he can use one per week in place of a regular PMQ question.
  • Options
    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    Surely you know that a Parish Council is a Town Council. The council that runs the City of Salisbury has the same legal standing as Handforth Parish Council and Comedy Club.

    Again, you may want to consider your utter lack of knowledge of Sunderland and its surroundings before pontificating further to people who do know.
  • Options
    david_herdsondavid_herdson Posts: 17,515
    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:


    Should Boris Johnson resign over BYOB partygate?

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§All adults
    Should 66%
    Should not 24%

    🌳2019 Con
    Should 42%
    Should not 45%

    🌹2019 Lab
    Should 85%
    Should not 10%

    1,040 UK adults, 11th Jan 2022

    So most even of 2019 Tory voters want him to stay
    Yes. But then keeping half the Tory vote on board is not an election-winning strategy,
    It is a good way for identifying the genuine true Tories though.

    Yes, they'd be the ones leaving.

    But in any case, this thinking is completely back to front. It's for the public to vet and choose politicians, not the other way round.
  • Options
    RogerRoger Posts: 19,383
    Difficult one denying that a party he attended as host hadn't taken place.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    I say again F*** off lowlife peddle your crap elsewhere.
    I guess that is your idea of a "no" to my generous offer 😞😞. I am so disappointed.

    PS: I know your life is pretty busy with all the anger management sessions and so on, but please let me know if you would like me to recommend a grammarian to help with your punctuation and inappropriate capitalisation. Always here to help! Love and kisses xxx
    Sometimes I think PB should have a sister site, an adjacent chat room where people could carry out their personal vendettas and fights in private. It could also, for example, host debates on the difference between a village and a town.

    But I guess we'd miss the entertainment.
    A sort of Westminster Hall?
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734
    The more desperate in No.10 will now hope the Met decides to look into this, because that would pause the civil service investigation and justify a "cannot comment" stance. Others will know that if this drags on for a year, the scarring to the party will take a decade to repair.
  • Options
    bondegezoubondegezou Posts: 8,900
    DavidL said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
    It wasn't the rules but it would have been an arguable case. The actual risk of Covid being spread between such a group which had not already been spread would have been minimal to nil. Too late now though if Boris has gone along with or attended this. He has committed himself that he didn't.
    Not true. The staff at 10 Downing Street do different jobs in different teams. The party brought together staff from across 10 Downing Street, so, depending on who turned up and what they did, the party was exposing people to other people with whom they would otherwise had minimal contact. Ergo, a risk of additional COVID spread was created. Not perhaps a huge risk, with being outside greatly reducing transmission, but some additional risk was created, exactly of the sort that the regulations were seeking to prevent.

    However, I concur that the cover-up is perhaps worse than the crime.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    This Chairman of the Sunderland Tories is putting in a shift going studs up on all feeble excuses.
    Btw. The poshest Mackem I've ever heard.
  • Options
    Northern_AlNorthern_Al Posts: 8,014
    GIN1138 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Oh my - new polling from @SavantaComRes on BYOBgate:

    - 66% say Boris Johnson should resign following latest revelations - +12 since their last poll at Christmas

    - That includes 42% of 2019 Conservative voters (+9)


    More Conservative voters, even 2019 Conservative voters, do not think Boris should resign than think he should then
    The trend is only going up. You’re at risk of alienating 40% of your 2019 voting population and you think that’s good?
    As I said unless Labour are consistently 10%+ ahead there is no point replacing Boris. Especially as the membership might pick Truss over Sunak who would likely poll even worse
    Your dislike of Truss shining through and of course Boris should go

    I just do not see how you can defend the indefensible but then you are either in denial or just blind in loyalty
    We know Truss polls worse, Opinium had a Truss led Tories 16% behind Starmer Labour
    I mean not everything is about poll numbers and winning elections, What about probity in public office? What about lying to Parliament?

    Boris Johnson's behaviour is inexcusable and disgraceful. He and his Downing St. operation have taken the piss out of not only the British public but all those that have suffered loss and grief through this pandemic.

    Whoever replaces Johnson and whether they are popular with the public or any good at governing is a matter for another day. The starting position is that Boris Johnson is a disgrace to the country and should either resign on his own terms or be removed from office by the Party!
    This post nails it for me - absolutely spot on, regardless of affiliation. I believe you're a Tory? Apologies if I'm wrong.

    I thought, until recently, that BJ would definitely fight the next election. After today, I now think that he will be gone by the end of this month.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,993
    edited January 2022
    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it. What description would you give the place now?
  • Options
    You have to feel sorry for Michael Ellis QC. At least Geoffrey Cox QC got paid shedloads of money for acting on behalf of a government accused of misgovernance.
  • Options
    malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,595
    rcs1000 said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    Have you two fallen out over something?
    I believe it was something about turnips.
    He is below turnips on the evolution scale for sure.
  • Options
    WhisperingOracleWhisperingOracle Posts: 8,717
    edited January 2022

    DavidL said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
    It wasn't the rules but it would have been an arguable case. The actual risk of Covid being spread between such a group which had not already been spread would have been minimal to nil. Too late now though if Boris has gone along with or attended this. He has committed himself that he didn't.
    Not true. The staff at 10 Downing Street do different jobs in different teams. The party brought together staff from across 10 Downing Street, so, depending on who turned up and what they did, the party was exposing people to other people with whom they would otherwise had minimal contact. Ergo, a risk of additional COVID spread was created. Not perhaps a huge risk, with being outside greatly reducing transmission, but some additional risk was created, exactly of the sort that the regulations were seeking to prevent.

    However, I concur that the cover-up is perhaps worse than the crime.
    And even worse than cover-up is what looks like yet another attempt at a nudge-nudge and smirking brazen-out from Johnson. That is what really corrodes democracy tenfold.

    I only hope Trump runs into a dead end this year too, with his cynical smirk.
  • Options
    This is a terrible import from America...

    shouting at people about parties today
  • Options
    ChrisChris Posts: 11,522

    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
    Do we expect our PM to ACTUALLY turn up to PMQ's tomorrow? I reasonably confidently expect him to be sick, or Carrie to be taken very ill, or one of the children to be ill, and need him at their bedside.
    Or too hungover from attending a hell of a party the night before.
  • Options
    CharlesCharles Posts: 35,758
    GIN1138 said:

    I wonder who's going to get to enjoy Boris and Carrie's lovely wallpaper when they're out on their arses? :D

    My mentor’s wife repapered her grace and favour flat when they lived there during Edward Heath’s tenure.

    It was famously replaced by Derry Irvine…

    I would propose that we inflict Carrie’s wallpaper on Boris’s successors until the early 2040s…
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,161
    edited January 2022

    Jonathan said:

    (((Dan Hodges)))
    Have yet to find a Tory MP, Minister or Cabinet Minister who thinks Boris’s position is defensible or survivable.

    Funny that. They must have known about this before it became public. It didn't seem to bother them before. Any future PM candidate has questions to answer about what they knew and what they did (or didn't) do about it.
    Not necessarily. Whitehall was unusually quiet at the time with so much remote working. Word may well have got around but proving anything satisfactorily wouldn't be easy. In any case, what genuinely (as opposed to for political posturing purposes) would you expect a minister to do, other than perhaps ask No 10 WTF it thinks it's doing?
    Ah come on. A party for 100 people is pretty noticeable, but doubly so if you live above the shop.

    Even if you didn't know at the time, when the first story about a party came out, you would ask the question whether there was a party. You would have found out then.

    So what should a responsible minister do at that point. Probably resign if the collective decision was to lie about it or hide it. At the very list, your objection should be on the record.

    You either care about the laws you make or you don't.

  • Options
    GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,332
    edited January 2022

    GIN1138 said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Oh my - new polling from @SavantaComRes on BYOBgate:

    - 66% say Boris Johnson should resign following latest revelations - +12 since their last poll at Christmas

    - That includes 42% of 2019 Conservative voters (+9)


    More Conservative voters, even 2019 Conservative voters, do not think Boris should resign than think he should then
    The trend is only going up. You’re at risk of alienating 40% of your 2019 voting population and you think that’s good?
    As I said unless Labour are consistently 10%+ ahead there is no point replacing Boris. Especially as the membership might pick Truss over Sunak who would likely poll even worse
    Your dislike of Truss shining through and of course Boris should go

    I just do not see how you can defend the indefensible but then you are either in denial or just blind in loyalty
    We know Truss polls worse, Opinium had a Truss led Tories 16% behind Starmer Labour
    I mean not everything is about poll numbers and winning elections, What about probity in public office? What about lying to Parliament?

    Boris Johnson's behaviour is inexcusable and disgraceful. He and his Downing St. operation have taken the piss out of not only the British public but all those that have suffered loss and grief through this pandemic.

    Whoever replaces Johnson and whether they are popular with the public or any good at governing is a matter for another day. The starting position is that Boris Johnson is a disgrace to the country and should either resign on his own terms or be removed from office by the Party!
    This post nails it for me - absolutely spot on, regardless of affiliation. I believe you're a Tory? Apologies if I'm wrong.

    I thought, until recently, that BJ would definitely fight the next election. After today, I now think that he will be gone by the end of this month.
    I'm not a member but I have voted Con in every general election since 2010 (but before that I voted Labour in 1997 and Lib-Dem in 2005, so I do have an independent streak ;) )

    If there was an election tomorrow between Johnson and Starmer I'd probably vote Labour for get Boris out!
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,645
    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,765
    dixiedean said:

    This Chairman of the Sunderland Tories is putting in a shift going studs up on all feeble excuses.
    Btw. The poshest Mackem I've ever heard.

    Mind you. Final question.
    "Who wins the Tories their next 80 seat majority?"
    "Penny Mordaunt."
  • Options
    NemtynakhtNemtynakht Posts: 2,317

    DavidL said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Tory MP Michael Fabricant says the understanding was that the alleged No 10 garden party was "not spreading the disease because these were people already working closely together".

    πŸ“Ί Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

    But those weren't the rules..... not good enough.
    It wasn't the rules but it would have been an arguable case. The actual risk of Covid being spread between such a group which had not already been spread would have been minimal to nil. Too late now though if Boris has gone along with or attended this. He has committed himself that he didn't.
    Not true. The staff at 10 Downing Street do different jobs in different teams. The party brought together staff from across 10 Downing Street, so, depending on who turned up and what they did, the party was exposing people to other people with whom they would otherwise had minimal contact. Ergo, a risk of additional COVID spread was created. Not perhaps a huge risk, with being outside greatly reducing transmission, but some additional risk was created, exactly of the sort that the regulations were seeking to prevent.

    However, I concur that the cover-up is perhaps worse than the crime.
    And completely unnecessary. We already know they held a quiz on teams, so they must have video conferencing. Any get together could have been on teams. I think the key issue from this is that people don't go into politics to sit at a desk at home, and their view of essential meetings might be different to everyone else.

    Although I did notice on the BBC today that the word essential was being stretched to its limit of credulity

    Apparently in no spend January one of the essentials alongside bills and a food shop is candles!!!

  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,506
    edited January 2022
    Headline figures - 121k cases, 379 deaths*.

    Admission and mechanical beds in England still flat.

    * this big number again looks like its lots of backfilling. As by date of death is in the range 130-170 for a week.
  • Options
    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

  • Options
    Farooq said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    Yes Taz, he is a real pain in the butt, not interested in discussion , just constantly insulting me , very tedious. I keep thinking I should ignore it which is the sensible thing to do but at times I just have to say something. Obviously not a very nice person , fine having banter back and forward but he is just a pest.
    Your point is caller , other than some random crap jpg that is not real.
    My point is that you and Nigel_Foremain are the same
    Hmm, an interesting one. Not the best post even by your standards. So which would you prefer? My light sarcasm in response or Malcolm's demented incoherent abuse?
    Your anti-nationalist posts are just as demented. The two of you really do represent the worst of each side.
    Oh ok, I see, you don't like the fact that I see a strong correlation between obsessive nationalism (as opposed to those that make positive cases for independence and localism) and hatred and division and often racism? I am a sceptic about Scottish nationalism, yes, but not all Scottish Nationalists are unpleasant people any more than people who voted Leave are. I am also a sceptic about people who blindly follow and lionise political figures.

    Fundamentally I have absolutely nothing in common with Malcolm, other than perhaps that I also love Scotland. He probably thinks that is not allowable. It is tempting to respond to the fact that you think I am similar to Malcolm with his type of tirade questioning your intelligence (an irony which is always interesting coming from someone so inarticulate as he), but in case you might misunderstand any attempt at satire I suggest you try giving some of my non-Malcolm posts a chance. Have a lovely day
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 118,645
    edited January 2022
    dixiedean said:

    dixiedean said:

    This Chairman of the Sunderland Tories is putting in a shift going studs up on all feeble excuses.
    Btw. The poshest Mackem I've ever heard.

    Mind you. Final question.
    "Who wins the Tories their next 80 seat majority?"
    "Penny Mordaunt."
    Probably the Tory leader in 2051, given it took 32 years for the Tories to get their next majority over 50 in 2019 under Boris since their last majority over 50 under Thatcher in 1987
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,734
    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

    HY is the only true Tory (Plaid voter) in the village...
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 45,819

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    I say again F*** off lowlife peddle your crap elsewhere.
    I guess that is your idea of a "no" to my generous offer 😞😞. I am so disappointed.

    PS: I know your life is pretty busy with all the anger management sessions and so on, but please let me know if you would like me to recommend a grammarian to help with your punctuation and inappropriate capitalisation. Always here to help! Love and kisses xxx
    Sometimes I think PB should have a sister site, an adjacent chat room where people could carry out their personal vendettas and fights in private. It could also, for example, host debates on the difference between a village and a town.

    But I guess we'd miss the entertainment.
    Isn't that a variation on the "Get rid of all the non-political betting posts"?
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,993
    edited January 2022
    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
    Not a clue, but it is gone. I assume Woking Borough. Look it up. Byfleet. 80% in favour of dumping it.

    I have to say I didn't approve, but I don't live there so nothing to do with me.
  • Options
    GIN1138GIN1138 Posts: 21,332
    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

    Lord JohnO Of PB has spoken! :D
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,245
    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
    What input in planning - we've been here before but the parish council is little different to Mr Smith a neighbour writing an objection (and Mr Smith's objection is usually saner with usable reasons within it).
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496
    Claudia Webbe !

    How on earth is she still in the house.
  • Options
    OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,446

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    I say again F*** off lowlife peddle your crap elsewhere.
    I guess that is your idea of a "no" to my generous offer 😞😞. I am so disappointed.

    PS: I know your life is pretty busy with all the anger management sessions and so on, but please let me know if you would like me to recommend a grammarian to help with your punctuation and inappropriate capitalisation. Always here to help! Love and kisses xxx
    Sometimes I think PB should have a sister site, an adjacent chat room where people could carry out their personal vendettas and fights in private. It could also, for example, host debates on the difference between a village and a town.

    But I guess we'd miss the entertainment.
    You come for the betting tips and political insight, but you stay for the absurd discussions and ridiculous feuds.
  • Options
    FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 78,506
    edited January 2022
    PB Boris Fan Club Membership Numbers - 1
  • Options
    JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,161
    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

    JohnO for Conservative leader.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496
    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
    Not a clue, but it is gone. I assume Woking Borough. Look it up. Byfleet. 80% in favour of dumping it.
    No parish council, no parish council precept I presume.
  • Options
    malcolmg said:

    rcs1000 said:

    malcolmg said:

    Taz said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    Farooq said:

    malcolmg said:

    malcolmg said:

    maaarsh said:

    Sunak, Javid and Baker shortening in Next PM market. Gove lengthening.

    Javid is Kendal from Succession. Superficially plausible successor who fundamentally lacks balls.
    who is the creepy pervert one
    I meant in the cabinet
    Can you narrow it down slightly?
    who among all of the many the likely candidates was most like the sleazy pervert Roman in Successsion
    Lol. The number one unquestioning fanboy of the creepy fat little man who was described by his QC as a "bully and sex pest" refers to another politician as "sleezy pervert". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    F*** off and keep doing it scumbag
    Interesting how he, on the one hand is happy to continually have a go at you and how,you respond to some posters yet, on the other hand, is quite happy to troll and bait you for replies.
    I think it is unfair to say I continually have a go at him, I just have a go at him when I notice he is either unnecessarily rude to others or writes a load of crap. That is of course most of his posts, which as I am not on here all the time I don't get the pleasure of taking the piss out of continually. Nice of you to defend him, though I can reassure you he doesn't deserve your kindness.
    You are lying piece of crap. Stick to sucking others butt's on here it suits you better. People see you for what you are stalker.
    I haven't "stalked" you, you absurd, rude and unpleasant little toad. What did I lie about, or is that just another knee-jerk response from the biggest jerk on PB? I take the piss out of you not just because you are an ignorant fool, but because you are an exceptionally obnoxious one. You think abuse is a form of debate. I have regularly seen you attempt to bully others you disagree with on here with your child like abuse. I'll offer you a deal; quit being an obnoxious arse and I will quit taking the rise out of you. Have a lovely day.
    Have you two fallen out over something?
    I believe it was something about turnips.
    He is below turnips on the evolution scale for sure.
    Still having a problem with psychological projection then Malc? If you haven't looked it up yet there is probably a description on BBC Bitesize for Year 9s that you might be able to understand. Watch out for the big words though, which I am happy to help with should you need.
  • Options
    ClippPClippP Posts: 1,806
    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
    The district council, obviously. Or nobody. Depending on the function.
  • Options
    JohnOJohnO Posts: 4,228

    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

    Yes, I voted Hunt for leader in 2019, so not a fan. But, overall, I don’t rate the performance of his Government anything like as poorly as those, like yourself, who have left the party. I have now changed my mind.
  • Options
    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,272
    On the irony that it was the DUP that indirectly did for May and it looks like being the DUP clip being the lightning rod that sees the back of Johnson too.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 10,993
    Pulpstar said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    kjh said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    eek said:

    HYUFD said:

    HYUFD said:

    dixiedean said:

    Chair of Sunderland Conservatives says Boris has to go. For this "atrocity".

    HYUFD will be along to explain how the Chair of Sunderland Conservatives is actually not a True Tory and actually the red wall will only vote for Boris and actually where is Sunderland anyway actually.
    Every MP in Sunderland is already Labour
    Yeah, but the Tories in Sunderland are not much different to the Tories in Blyth and North Durham and Sedgefield and Redcar, etc.
    They are significantly different to many of them, plenty of rural Tory voters in Sedgefield or North Durham for instance, no rural Tory voters in Sunderland
    There are a lot, just not enough to give the Tories a seat in 2019 (or ever given that 2019 will be the high watermark for the Tory party now Boris has destroyed it).
    There are no villages in any Sunderland seat
    Laughable. There are no villages in "Houghton and Sunderland South"? I used to live there. Houghton-le-Spring is a village. Hetton-le-Hole. Shiney Row. Newbottle. New Herrington. And how do you know the farmers don't vote Tory?

    You don't have talk some fact-free bollocks. Have you ever stopped and thought "I don't actually know anything at all about this, best to keep my comments specific"?
    Houghton is a town not a village
    Note that only one of the names he cites has to be a village for your statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" to be wrong.
    Shiney Row, Newbottle, and New Herrington seem to be villages indeed.

    Therefore the statement "There are no villages in any Sunderland seat" is wrong.
    Herrington is part of the Metropolitan city of Sunderland, not really a village.

    It does not have its own parish council for starters
    My Dad's village successful voted to abolish its Parish Council. What is it now? Do we have to think of a new name for it?
    Presumably it just renamed it a town council? Herrington has neither and is part of the metropolitan city of Sunderland
    No it was abolished altogether. The village had a referendum and dumped it.
    So who manages the toilets, village hall, war memorial, allotments, organises village events, maintains the village green etc? Not to mention the input parish councils have into local planning
    Not a clue, but it is gone. I assume Woking Borough. Look it up. Byfleet. 80% in favour of dumping it.
    No parish council, no parish council precept I presume.
    Yep. I'm guessing they thought it a waste of money.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 76,496
    Ed Miliband !
    He's dreamt up the daft idea that sunk most of the 28 'gone under' energy companies.
  • Options
    NemtynakhtNemtynakht Posts: 2,317

    GIN1138 said:

    Oh dear, just when you think Labour might be edging towards becoming a credible government-in-waiting again, they blow all that credibility on this utterly daft idea of cutting VAT on fuel - just about the most inefficient measure anyone could come up with to address the problem.

    Might be a lousy idea to address the problem but it's good politics.

    1. It hoists Boris and the Tory Brexiteers by their own putard after it was one of the key pledges they made as to why Brexit was a good idea.

    2. It signals to the Red Wall that Labour in general and Starmer in particular have fundamentally accepted Brexit.

    3. VAT on fuel has always been a controversial and hated tax from the day it was announced in Lamont's 1993 budget and very much coincided with John Major's government imploding... Not the only reason of course but the optics of that particular tax always looked dreadful after the recession and Major's ERM fiasco.
    Their key weaknesses being that the first I heard about VAT on energy being a key brexit argument is now almost 6 years later. It might not have super cut through.

    Secondly the energy Minster who brought in huge green taxes on fuel is now shadow minister. I imagine the Tory researchers are digging out all the quotes to throw back at him

    Personally I feel the Starmer needs to call Boris a liar at PMQs. I would like it in the form of the dead parrot sketch. A list of euphemisms that he could use to show that he could stay within the bounds of parliamentary language. Then he should say the British people want a straight answer - why is Boris lying?

    Once ejected he should have a clear afternoon to trawl around the studios saying that the Pm and his cronies break serious rules that most people followed - why should be follow insignificant rules and not call it like it is.

    He'd be 10 points up the weekend.
    Do we expect our PM to ACTUALLY turn up to PMQ's tomorrow? I reasonably confidently expect him to be sick, or Carrie to be taken very ill, or one of the children to be ill, and need him at their bedside.
    I'd kind of hoped he might have resigned by then. I just don't see what those trying to keep him in place think will happen after today where Boris will be more of an asset. As GIN has said here there comes a point where you have had the benefit of the doubt, and erased all doubt. It kid of explains why he didn't get rid of Cummings after his indiscretion.
  • Options
    JohnO said:

    FWIW - As the self-proclaimed doyen of the pb Tories (longest serving poster anyway), I now think that Johnson should go.

    You'll be expelled from the PB Tories and Tory Party by Lord High Executioner HYUFD.
This discussion has been closed.