Hang on. I'm a football supporter. Do you mean me?
I can't really work from isolated data points like that, but are you entirely happy aligning yourself with the people in that video clip, and the people who inevitably tonight are going to intimidate and assault Italians and smash Italian cars and businesses because they are Ther Lads, and that is how Ther Lads behave?
FPT - on football violence, Dominic Sandbrook researched this quite heavily for his books on post-war Britain and it basically came down to "it's good fun".
It was a function of mixed generation crowds from grounds being pushed out by the rise of terraces and ticket prices, and social change including the rise of affluence.
The older dads and granddads used to act as a brake on bad behaviour, all part of tight knit working-class communities, but then it got expensive and they could more comfortably watch it at home on the weekends with their families on the telly so the terraces came to be dominated by young men, who were willing to pay and used it as an outlet for their testosterone fuelled fight club fantasies.
Live streaming is always behind, it's something I am sure that is being worked on - but it impacts all streaming services
Live stream delays are important for in-running betting. On horseracing you are looking at maybe 2 seconds behind, not two minutes like this. (Getting shot of Flash did not help: it might have been a security nightmare but it was fast.)
The little 'un has never watched a match before, and knows noting about the game. He's written a side of A4 on what's happened so far, concentrating on things like the ball being delivered by a toy car.
FPT - on football violence, Dominic Sandbrook researched this quite heavily for his books on post-war Britain and it basically came down to "it's good fun".
It was a function of mixed generation crowds from grounds being pushed out by the rise of terraces and ticket prices, and social change including the rise of affluence.
The older dads and granddads used to act as a brake on bad behaviour, all part of tight knit working-class communities, but then it got expensive and they could more comfortably watch it at home on the weekends with their families on the telly so the terraces came to be dominated by young men, who were willing to pay and used it as an outlet for their testosterone fuelled fight club fantasies.
It is interesting how it has become an accepted form of bad behaviour - if any other activity required so much policing to prevent violence, it would be shut down on the spot.
The funny thing is how the partisans of football regard this - IIRC when a football player literally kicked off vs some England rugby players in an Irish pub, some tried to present it as a Thugby problem.
Live streaming is always behind, it's something I am sure that is being worked on - but it impacts all streaming services
Live stream delays are important for in-running betting. On horseracing you are looking at maybe 2 seconds behind, not two minutes like this. (Getting shot of Flash did not help: it might have been a security nightmare but it was fast.)
Nothing to do with the player. Encoding the hi def video stream for going over the Web is a inherently laggy operation. Back when flash was the player video streams were much lower bit rate both at source and over the Web.
The little 'un has never watched a match before, and knows noting about the game. He's written a side of A4 on what's happened so far, concentrating on things like the ball being delivered by a toy car.
Meanwhile, I'm bored stiff ...
Yeah but when he is your age, he can bore his littl'un with how he watched England win. And not look silly in front of his schoolmates tomorrow.
The little 'un has never watched a match before, and knows noting about the game. He's written a side of A4 on what's happened so far, concentrating on things like the ball being delivered by a toy car.
Meanwhile, I'm bored stiff ...
Yeah but when he is your age, he can bore his littl'un with how he watched England win. And not look silly in front of his schoolmates tomorrow.
When the Alpha Centaurians have laid waste to many of our cities it will be important to hold on to such memories.
One of the smartest things i experienced was at Rock am Ring in Germany. Its gets 100k people so needs serious crowd control. What they did was have 4 differenet areas at different distances from the stage, all railed off, with a fairly big gap in between each with security.
If you wanted to go to a different areas, you had to go to the side, out to an open space, and then proceed forward, which was security controlled and there was a traffic light system. Red....full can't come in...yellow..very busy...green...quiet.
You couldn't get the massive wave crush occurring and if somebody did fall ill or rammed against a barrier, it was much easier for the security to get in and help.
And they monitored the numbers, so no area overfilled.
I contrast that with seeing Bruce Springsteen at the Circus Maximus in Rome.
For those who don't know it - the remains of the ancient Roman chariot racing track - just a long straight shallow valley, now.
There were multiple hundreds of thousand of people in it. No anti-crush barriers or attempt at control. No marked clear lanes or routes..... If the back had surged....
I took one look and got us onto the side slope (where the seats were in Roman times). Good view of the concert, as well.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
Fortunately, the teacher wanted to watch the footy too! Kudos to me.
It was a function of mixed generation crowds from grounds being pushed out by the rise of terraces and ticket prices, and social change including the rise of affluence.
The older dads and granddads used to act as a brake on bad behaviour, all part of tight knit working-class communities, but then it got expensive and they could more comfortably watch it at home on the weekends with their families on the telly so the terraces came to be dominated by young men, who were willing to pay and used it as an outlet for their testosterone fuelled fight club fantasies.
The little 'un has never watched a match before, and knows noting about the game. He's written a side of A4 on what's happened so far, concentrating on things like the ball being delivered by a toy car.
Meanwhile, I'm bored stiff ...
The funny thing is how the partisans of football regard this - IIRC when a football player literally kicked off vs some England rugby players in an Irish pub, some tried to present it as a Thugby problem.
For those who don't know it - the remains of the ancient Roman chariot racing track - just a long straight shallow valley, now.
There were multiple hundreds of thousand of people in it. No anti-crush barriers or attempt at control. No marked clear lanes or routes..... If the back had surged....
I took one look and got us onto the side slope (where the seats were in Roman times). Good view of the concert, as well.
Thankfully nothing happened. But if it had....
Lucky omen?
Mission Impossible for Italy according to some bloke in a Tom Cruise mask
Unbelievable footage of violence in Wembley tonight. A literal child gets punched by a full grown man and an Asian man is kicked repeatedly in the head by several people. Disgusting behaviour.
It has been a more exciting game than I first thought.
That's literally assault against a child, when they find that man he's going to jail for a long time
Hopefully all these hooligans will be identified and prosecuted.
Security of the stadium is disgraceful
I notice the stewards chucked the Asian guy out.
Club football isn't like this, fortunately.
A million! That’s 850,000 more deaths. MRC estimates the IFR is now 0.085%. A million deaths would require there to be 1 billion people in the UK.