It would be interesting to see how England respond to going a goal down tonight - it hasn't happened yet in the tournament and that has made it easier to be a defensive side. Coming back to qualify would be useful practice for the better sides in the Semi & Final
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Why are you complaining if it's just "pocket money"?
Feel free not to take it if you'd prefer the money go to people who need it more.
Who is complaining , I merely stated that the person who said state pensions were gold plated is deluded. I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
This is the real scandal in this country, waiting lists are unbelievable, I have been waiting for 2 years for a knee replacement, I have been told by a senior member of staff at my local hospital, that they dont have enough, Doctors or Nurses, and that the the NHS is not fit for purpose, as John Major said dont trust the liar, and his cronies with the NHS, they dont believe in it. Worth remembering when labour left office you were guaranteed to have an operation within 18 weeks, what is happening now is a scandal
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Why are you complaining if it's just "pocket money"?
Feel free not to take it if you'd prefer the money go to people who need it more.
Who is complaining , I merely stated that the person who said state pensions were gold plated is deluded. I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
You paid for your grandparent's and parent's pensions for 50 years. Congrats.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
I know.
Mrs Foxy and I are getting private health insurance for the first time in our lives. Previously we have only been NHS, and never had to wait long.
Having said that...
I reported a lump to my GP's surgery on 21st June via their online consultation site. I was called back the same day and referred to my local hospital (Salisbury) under the two week referral system for a potential cancer check. Saw the specialist on Thursday 1st July.
Thankfully the lump is benign. Nevertheless I have been offered surgery to remove it which the doctor said to expect within 2-4 weeks.
I cannot speak highly enough of the NHS.
It’s been bloody difficult, but I’ve also had two appointments in quick succession with various nursing staff over what seems to be a stress related heart problem.
And, fair play, the last one said lots of lovely things about how hard all her son’s teachers were working and had written to Gavin Williamson (my GP is in south Staffs) to tell him he was, in her words, a c***.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Unless you’re public sector.
Which I am of course, so I’d probably be better off keeping quiet.
That said the TPS is descending into chaos at the moment and will probably be a target for further reform in the near future.
Any changes need to be carefully thought through. I believe the previous changes have fallen foul of discrimination laws.
Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
You are right about the discrimination laws, in a recent ruling (McCloud/Sargeant vs R) changes were found to be discriminatory.
However, I was thinking about funding them. A recent 40% hike in er contributions coupled with major recent financial losses due to the loss of overseas students meant that large numbers of private schools have withdrawn from the TPS. This has added to funding pressures and means that a further hike in contributions, or further reforms, will be needed. This is compounded by the fact the government is phasing out the additional support they made available to schools to pay the extra contributions when the rises were first brought in, leaving many with literally impossible choices about how to fund pensions.
No plausible solution will be popular. When I first read about this - and I’ve spent a lot of time working with Union members and staff on the issue - my immediate instinct was the Government were looking for an excuse to put the pension through Lifeboat. It would be horrendously complicated and probably illegal, but (a) I wouldn’t put it past them and (b) I honestly can’t make sense of their actions otherwise.
And, as with other pots (and I think TPS and USS are more solidly funded than many), if there isn't enough cash in the system, there isn't enough cash in the system.
Pensions are expensive things to do... I don't think most of us have clocked just how expensive.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
This is the real scandal in this country, waiting lists are unbelievable, I have been waiting for 2 years for a knee replacement, I have been told by a senior member of staff at my local hospital, that they dont have enough, Doctors or Nurses, and that the the NHS is not fit for purpose, as John Major said dont trust the liar, and his cronies with the NHS, they dont believe in it. Worth remembering when labour left office you were guaranteed to have an operation within 18 weeks, what is happening now is a scandal
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Unless you’re public sector.
Which I am of course, so I’d probably be better off keeping quiet.
That said the TPS is descending into chaos at the moment and will probably be a target for further reform in the near future.
Any changes need to be carefully thought through. I believe the previous changes have fallen foul of discrimination laws.
Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
You are right about the discrimination laws, in a recent ruling (McCloud/Sargeant vs R) changes were found to be discriminatory.
However, I was thinking about funding them. A recent 40% hike in er contributions coupled with major recent financial losses due to the loss of overseas students meant that large numbers of private schools have withdrawn from the TPS. This has added to funding pressures and means that a further hike in contributions, or further reforms, will be needed. This is compounded by the fact the government is phasing out the additional support they made available to schools to pay the extra contributions when the rises were first brought in, leaving many with literally impossible choices about how to fund pensions.
No plausible solution will be popular. When I first read about this - and I’ve spent a lot of time working with Union members and staff on the issue - my immediate instinct was the Government were looking for an excuse to put the pension through Lifeboat. It would be horrendously complicated and probably illegal, but (a) I wouldn’t put it past them and (b) I honestly can’t make sense of their actions otherwise.
And, as with other pots (and I think TPS and USS are more solidly funded than many), if there isn't enough cash in the system, there isn't enough cash in the system.
Pensions are expensive things to do... I don't think most of us have clocked just how expensive.
One of the reasons I am considering quitting teaching is because the pension is just about the only meaningful perk left. If it’s under threat...
If it wasn’t for that, I would actually be better off concentrating on my tutoring and consultancy business, which if I went for it full time would be twice the money for about a thirtieth of the hassle.
I wonder how many maths teachers would make the same calculation when the Chinese offer them £150 per hour to coach them for international A-levels?
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Malcolm, since you are a pensioner, you must vote Tory. Therefore the Tory government bribe for you to vote Tory of billions of pounds extorted from young non-Tory voters is an act of evil.
Think of all those evil pensioners (like you) cackling over their vast piles of cash every month, lighting cigars the size of space rockets with £50 notes..... How can you not hate yourself?
I find the state pension useful. It covers the taxes I have to pay to the state.
What is a national scandal is that National Insurance is just a pyramid scheme. Boomers have had 50 years to turn it into an investment scheme and they failed to do so.
Doesn't it worry the Tories that Dominic Cummings announced (in almost as many words ) that he was on a vendetta to get rid of Hancock and within a month Hancock was out? And following that he made it clear Johnson in now in his sights? Shouldn't that be more worrying than a rejuvenated Starmer?
As I said a a couple of weeks ago Cummings is Anton Chigurth.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
I know.
Mrs Foxy and I are getting private health insurance for the first time in our lives. Previously we have only been NHS, and never had to wait long.
I have it as well and last year was glad of it as my wife had heart issues due to her COP / Whatever it was and she would have waited a long time , they said they tried to see people in 12 weeks but don't guarantee etc. She was seen perivately in a day with a top guy who sorted her out , appointments, scans , etc were not an issue. Cannot complain much about her treatment before that in NHS , few errors excluded but waiting times if you are not pegging out are pretty bad.
I have used both private and NHS consultants. The private consultants say the same thing repeatedly - they started doing private practise out of frustrations with the National Health Prevention Service. It seemed to them that the system was designed to slow down and make it harder to deliver care.
Contrast that with the private hospital on Cromwell Road I went to, with the elderly rich of Kuwait* in the waiting room. They apologised to me because, when they had finished all the tests, the X-ray and an MRI, it had taken from 6pm to 7:30pm. The apology was because the consultant needed 2 hours to review the data. So I need to come back. Next day. At 10am, I saw him and he had read everything. In detail....
*I actually recognised a couple of big wheels from my days in the oil industry. Not sure why it was all Kuwaiti there, but it was....
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Why are you complaining if it's just "pocket money"?
Feel free not to take it if you'd prefer the money go to people who need it more.
Who is complaining , I merely stated that the person who said state pensions were gold plated is deluded. I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
I know.
Mrs Foxy and I are getting private health insurance for the first time in our lives. Previously we have only been NHS, and never had to wait long.
Having said that...
I reported a lump to my GP's surgery on 21st June via their online consultation site. I was called back the same day and referred to my local hospital (Salisbury) under the two week referral system for a potential cancer check. Saw the specialist on Thursday 1st July.
Thankfully the lump is benign. Nevertheless I have been offered surgery to remove it which the doctor said to expect within 2-4 weeks.
I cannot speak highly enough of the NHS.
Good to hear.
I think it very patchy, but 2 week referrals for suspect cancer getting priority. Though things like bowel screening (I was due last year) have been abandoned it seems.
Doesn't it worry the Tories that Dominic Cummings announced (in almost as many words ) that he was on a vendetta to get rid of Hancock and within a month Hancock was out? And following that he made it clear Johnson in now in his sights? Shouldn't that be more worrying than a rejuvenated Starmer?
As I said a a couple of weeks ago Cummings is Anton Chigurth.
£63 million is nothing for a fab. Absolutely nothing. I therefore guess that it uses a very old process, far from the cutting edge. Which is fine, as there's still a hefty demand for older processes.
However, when they say '200mm' chips, I assume they mean 20 cm wafers, and not a 200mm process node. As that would lead to some (ahem) very large chips ...
Okay, their website says they cater for down to a 0.18µm process. That's positively ancient, dating back over 20 years. It is 180nanometres, and the cutting edge for digital is now 5, 7 or 10 nanometres. Mrs J is currently on a power chip, which uses 130nm - and RF/power circuitry is always well behind the cutting edge of digital circuits.
This is something people forget: they get all hung up on the wonders of the latest processes, without realising the vast majority of chips are made with tech decades older. If the UK government invests in new fabs, we need to invest in ten-year old processes than the current cutting edge.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
This is the real scandal in this country, waiting lists are unbelievable, I have been waiting for 2 years for a knee replacement, I have been told by a senior member of staff at my local hospital, that they dont have enough, Doctors or Nurses, and that the the NHS is not fit for purpose, as John Major said dont trust the liar, and his cronies with the NHS, they dont believe in it. Worth remembering when labour left office you were guaranteed to have an operation within 18 weeks, what is happening now is a scandal
Yes, waiting lists were growing well before covid, but they are much longer now. I hate to think what they are like in Wales or NI which were much longer even before.
My Trust is cancelling operating lists over the summer because of staff shortages. A mixture of staff having left, sick and isolating.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
Waits at Leicester ED are worse than I have known, as are waiting lists. I don't think the public have realised how shattered NHS services are. Normal is a long way off.
People best hope to not get ill over next 4-5 years for sure.
I know.
Mrs Foxy and I are getting private health insurance for the first time in our lives. Previously we have only been NHS, and never had to wait long.
Having said that...
I reported a lump to my GP's surgery on 21st June via their online consultation site. I was called back the same day and referred to my local hospital (Salisbury) under the two week referral system for a potential cancer check. Saw the specialist on Thursday 1st July.
Thankfully the lump is benign. Nevertheless I have been offered surgery to remove it which the doctor said to expect within 2-4 weeks.
I cannot speak highly enough of the NHS.
It’s been bloody difficult, but I’ve also had two appointments in quick succession with various nursing staff over what seems to be a stress related heart problem.
And, fair play, the last one said lots of lovely things about how hard all her son’s teachers were working and had written to Gavin Williamson (my GP is in south Staffs) to tell him he was, in her words, a c***.
I had a mole checked out in February and the urgency with which I was offered a hospital appointment almost killed me!
Doesn't it worry the Tories that Dominic Cummings announced (in almost as many words ) that he was on a vendetta to get rid of Hancock and within a month Hancock was out? And following that he made it clear Johnson in now in his sights? Shouldn't that be more worrying than a rejuvenated Starmer?
As I said a a couple of weeks ago Cummings is Anton Chigurth.
He gets his man.
Have we learnt who repositioned that camera yet? If it was one of Dom's agents, deep in the heart of Whitehall, then what else have they been gathering?
I think we'll have to wait for a while after the fat one is dumped before we get to the bottom of it but I'm surprised the John Le Carre angle hasn't been more talked about
What is a national scandal is that National Insurance is just a pyramid scheme. Boomers have had 50 years to turn it into an investment scheme and they failed to do so.
One of the arguments used for mass immigration was that this would head off the need to convert state pension schemes and other benefits into contributory pots.
The later idea was very common in the early 90s - ageing population etc etc.
Doesn't it worry the Tories that Dominic Cummings announced (in almost as many words ) that he was on a vendetta to get rid of Hancock and within a month Hancock was out? And following that he made it clear Johnson in now in his sights? Shouldn't that be more worrying than a rejuvenated Starmer?
As I said a a couple of weeks ago Cummings is Anton Chigurth.
He gets his man.
Have we learnt who repositioned that camera yet? If it was one of Dom's agents, deep in the heart of Whitehall, then what else have they been gathering?
I think we'll have to wait for a while after the fat one is dumped before we get to the bottom of it but I'm surprised the John Le Carre angle hasn't been more talked about
If it had been a microphone wedged behind a cistern in the men's toilets....
What is a national scandal is that National Insurance is just a pyramid scheme. Boomers have had 50 years to turn it into an investment scheme and they failed to do so.
One of the arguments used for mass immigration was that this would head off the need to convert state pension schemes and other benefits into contributory pots.
The later idea was very common in the early 90s - ageing population etc etc.
Doesn't it worry the Tories that Dominic Cummings announced (in almost as many words ) that he was on a vendetta to get rid of Hancock and within a month Hancock was out? And following that he made it clear Johnson in now in his sights? Shouldn't that be more worrying than a rejuvenated Starmer?
As I said a a couple of weeks ago Cummings is Anton Chigurth.
He gets his man.
If it's true of anybody, though, Cummings has got it coming to him. [*]
He's also made it clear - just to throw this in - that he's into the idea of advising Labour how to win the next general election.
Note (*) That is not in any way a threat or an ill wish of any kind. It's a statement about the nature of the universe.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Why are you complaining if it's just "pocket money"?
Feel free not to take it if you'd prefer the money go to people who need it more.
Who is complaining , I merely stated that the person who said state pensions were gold plated is deluded. I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
£63 million is nothing for a fab. Absolutely nothing. I therefore guess that it uses a very old process, far from the cutting edge. Which is fine, as there's still a hefty demand for older processes.
However, when they say '200mm' chips, I assume they mean 20 cm wafers, and not a 200mm process node. As that would lead to some (ahem) very large chips ...
Okay, their website says they cater for down to a 0.18µm process. That's positively ancient, dating back over 20 years. It is 180nanometres, and the cutting edge for digital is now 5, 7 or 10 nanometres. Mrs J is currently on a power chip, which uses 130nm - and RF/power circuitry is always well behind the cutting edge of digital circuits.
This is something people forget: they get all hung up on the wonders of the latest processes, without realising the vast majority of chips are made with tech decades older. If the UK government invests in new fabs, we need to invest in ten-year old processes than the current cutting edge.
A lot of their business is in compound semiconductors, though (GaN, SiC, etc), rather than silicon, so feature size is not necessarily so important.
I'm surprised Independent SAGE haven't gone big on this.
Patients report 13-hour wait for A&E at North Manchester hospital amid claims people were queuing up outside 'Something has gone drastically wrong here'
My view is that it'll take five years to recover for every one year of Covid measures; that applies to both health and education.
So this will affect most of the 2020s IMHO.
and millions of lives will be badly scarred as a result of allowing this to be the case.
Those aged 18-24 have paid the highest price. Your best years, in many ways, certainly some of the most important years for crucial socialization and education - and sex and love - and you were locked at home to protect the old and the fat
It is amazing they didn’t kick off a Revolution. We owe them
What they will actually get is higher taxes to prop up health and social care for the old and the fat. Plus ça change.
If they have no jobs, or minimum wage only, will they be paying taxes?
No, but their benefits will doubtless be frozen. Gold plating only applies to pensions.
I’m nowhere near pension age but the idea our pension, which is tiny compared to other comparable european nations, is gold plated is for the birds.
Some people are just deluded, my state pension is £720 a month , more like tin plated than gold. That for 50 years contributions. Luckily it is just pocket money for me or I would be in some state.
Why are you complaining if it's just "pocket money"?
Feel free not to take it if you'd prefer the money go to people who need it more.
Who is complaining , I merely stated that the person who said state pensions were gold plated is deluded. I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
Are you annoyed that England scored a goal or something?
Most other countries don't have "waiting lists", just as this country doesn't have them for example at hairdressers' or car repair garages. An appointment is simply made in an available slot when it's decided you're going to get such-and-such an examination, consultation, or treatment. Nor is the notion of "an appointment" so reified outside of Britain. (See terms such as "give you an appointment" - as though they were actually giving you something.) The whole reason that waiting lists exist is because so many surgeons and other specialists keep two lists - one state, one private. They like to keep more slack on the private one, and there's also the consideration of course that if the state service were tip-top then nobody would go private. The longer the state waiting lists, the more incentive for going private. It is part of the ESSENCE of the health system in Britain that it is DUAL. This has been so ever since the NHS was created. (It's why the BMA stopped its opposition to the NHS.) If the NHS were not part of a dual system it would look completely different.
A similar point could be made about the school system.
Most other countries don't have "waiting lists", just as this country doesn't have them for example at hairdressers' or car repair garages. An appointment is simply made in an available slot when it's decided you're going to get such-and-such an examination, consultation, or treatment. Nor is the notion of "an appointment" so reified outside of Britain. (See terms such as "give you an appointment" - as though they were actually giving you something.) The whole reason that waiting lists exist is because so many surgeons and other specialists keep two lists - one state, one private. They like to keep more slack on the private one, and there's also the consideration of course that if the state service were tip-top then nobody would go private. The longer the state waiting lists, the more incentive for going private. It is part of the ESSENCE of the health system in Britain that it is DUAL. This has been so ever since the NHS was created. (It's why the BMA stopped its opposition to the NHS.) If the NHS were not part of a dual system it would look completely different.
A similar point could be made about the school system.
Why do you think that waiting lists are still there in specialities such as paediatrics, psychiatry or in regions where private practice barely happens?
£63 million is nothing for a fab. Absolutely nothing. I therefore guess that it uses a very old process, far from the cutting edge. Which is fine, as there's still a hefty demand for older processes.
However, when they say '200mm' chips, I assume they mean 20 cm wafers, and not a 200mm process node. As that would lead to some (ahem) very large chips ...
Okay, their website says they cater for down to a 0.18µm process. That's positively ancient, dating back over 20 years. It is 180nanometres, and the cutting edge for digital is now 5, 7 or 10 nanometres. Mrs J is currently on a power chip, which uses 130nm - and RF/power circuitry is always well behind the cutting edge of digital circuits.
This is something people forget: they get all hung up on the wonders of the latest processes, without realising the vast majority of chips are made with tech decades older. If the UK government invests in new fabs, we need to invest in ten-year old processes than the current cutting edge.
it is a very, very old fab. I worked there as a device engineer 30+ years ago when it was INMOS. In those days it was 4 inch wafers and a 0.8 micron logic process. Over the years it has been bought and sold numerous times and converted to 5 inch then 6 inch and now 8 inch wafers. It's a very old clean room so it will not be able to be upgraded for 12 inch wafers or advanced process nodes. It has specialized more recently in analog processes. It's never going to be a leading edge logic fab; it's going to be used for power transistors etc that Nexperia (the old Philips / NXP discretes business) specializes in. £63 million sounds about right for a specialist legacy fab.
why are the odds on Ukraine so long? They went up to 40 at one point.
England have yet to concede a goal in Euro 2020 and Ukraine does not look like changing that, and they'd need to score twice in just 45 minutes left in order to win (because this is 90 minutes betting).
why are the odds on Ukraine so long? They went up to 40 at one point.
England have yet to concede a goal in Euro 2020 and Ukraine does not look like changing that, and they'd need to score twice in just 45 minutes left in order to win (because this is 90 minutes betting).
£63 million is nothing for a fab. Absolutely nothing. I therefore guess that it uses a very old process, far from the cutting edge. Which is fine, as there's still a hefty demand for older processes.
However, when they say '200mm' chips, I assume they mean 20 cm wafers, and not a 200mm process node. As that would lead to some (ahem) very large chips ...
Okay, their website says they cater for down to a 0.18µm process. That's positively ancient, dating back over 20 years. It is 180nanometres, and the cutting edge for digital is now 5, 7 or 10 nanometres. Mrs J is currently on a power chip, which uses 130nm - and RF/power circuitry is always well behind the cutting edge of digital circuits.
This is something people forget: they get all hung up on the wonders of the latest processes, without realising the vast majority of chips are made with tech decades older. If the UK government invests in new fabs, we need to invest in ten-year old processes than the current cutting edge.
A lot of their business is in compound semiconductors, though (GaN, SiC, etc), rather than silicon, so feature size is not necessarily so important.
Exactly. It's a specialist fab. There are quite a few of them dotted round the world that are very old but still useful for Analog / Mixed Signal / Compound Semis. They are usually fully depreciated so can be quite profitable in the specialist semis business. Definitively a useful (and cheap) asset for Nexperia to acquire (plus of course all the increasingly scarce specialist engineering talent that comes with it).
I paid for it for 50 years so you can Feel free to F*** right off, when you get there Feel free to F*** right off some more and when you arrive back where you started Feel free to F*** right off again.
And, fair play, the last one said lots of lovely things about how hard all her son’s teachers were working and had written to Gavin Williamson (my GP is in south Staffs) to tell him he was, in her words, a c***.
Pensions are expensive things to do... I don't think most of us have clocked just how expensive.
If it wasn’t for that, I would actually be better off concentrating on my tutoring and consultancy business, which if I went for it full time would be twice the money for about a thirtieth of the hassle.
I wonder how many maths teachers would make the same calculation when the Chinese offer them £150 per hour to coach them for international A-levels?
It would be a Crimea to miss it!
Contrast that with the private hospital on Cromwell Road I went to, with the elderly rich of Kuwait* in the waiting room. They apologised to me because, when they had finished all the tests, the X-ray and an MRI, it had taken from 6pm to 7:30pm. The apology was because the consultant needed 2 hours to review the data. So I need to come back. Next day. At 10am, I saw him and he had read everything. In detail....
*I actually recognised a couple of big wheels from my days in the oil industry. Not sure why it was all Kuwaiti there, but it was.... Is this what you were looking for?
I think it very patchy, but 2 week referrals for suspect cancer getting priority. Though things like bowel screening (I was due last year) have been abandoned it seems.
Seen that film 3 times, mind. Love it.
However, when they say '200mm' chips, I assume they mean 20 cm wafers, and not a 200mm process node. As that would lead to some (ahem) very large chips ...
Okay, their website says they cater for down to a 0.18µm process. That's positively ancient, dating back over 20 years. It is 180nanometres, and the cutting edge for digital is now 5, 7 or 10 nanometres. Mrs J is currently on a power chip, which uses 130nm - and RF/power circuitry is always well behind the cutting edge of digital circuits.
This is something people forget: they get all hung up on the wonders of the latest processes, without realising the vast majority of chips are made with tech decades older. If the UK government invests in new fabs, we need to invest in ten-year old processes than the current cutting edge.
My Trust is cancelling operating lists over the summer because of staff shortages. A mixture of staff having left, sick and isolating.
If we were to lose I thought "The Pain v Ukraine falls mainly on the Kane"
The later idea was very common in the early 90s - ageing population etc etc.
Beach Party planned for today.
in Grantham.
Your ladies took a hell of a pounding!
He's also made it clear - just to throw this in - that he's into the idea of advising Labour how to win the next general election.
(*) That is not in any way a threat or an ill wish of any kind. It's a statement about the nature of the universe.
But the blokes are pretty hideous.
Yes 2.72 / 2.92
No 1.52 / 1.58
A similar point could be made about the school system.
Sorry, I think this is as good as it gets for England.
Hope I’m wrong
I heard my neighbours cheering before I saw the goal
2 minutes later I saw the goal .....
Emma Raducanu is 18 so I'm not sure in public whether to acknowledge Sean's comment but, erm, yep.
I happened to be courtside this week to watch 21 yr old 6'0 Elena Rybakina. She's gorgeous.
England no offers
Draw 190
Surely a Royal Dukedom is on its way?