And that is where you are wrong. Boris seems to have been quite clear that a chance for a MV has been missed, and without a MV no approval has occurred.
I am just working on what is being reported on here. If it has not been passed as people are saying then of course it is different.
People saying WAIB introduced Monday. I have lost track of this a bit, but doesn't the queen's speech debate take precedence over everything except a VONC? You know, the very important queen's speech we had to prorogue parliament for 5 weeks for?
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
Not a constitutional expert, but I think Yes. In fact the text of the letter which the PM has to send specifically says that the date can be earlier if a deal is agreed.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
The motion AS AMENDED passed. The amendment means it did not meet approve the deal and so the Benn Act stands.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
My French wife's view on the latest delay: "FFS just go!" She's a macron voter too. Certainly in France the mood is more and more fed up, Macron may actually veto an extension this time. I could see him being the brexiteers' best friend now.
On balance he will probably not want to waste anymore of his political capital within the EU on this if Merkel et al are adamant the other way. Could just be a very short extension given.
Seems like this deal will pass sooner or later. Boris is a much better turd polisher than May ever was.
All to play for during the transition period though.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
At law, the PM now has to write a letter asking for an extension so that Parliament can debate and pass the old WA together with changes to the old political declaration to reflect the old inter-party talks.
Imagine having the twenty-somethingth week of gilet jaune to deal with and that complete bullshit lands on your desk.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
I wonder if we can have a sweepstake on which of the PB Leavers will be the first to do the 'they only have themselves to blame' schtick when a prominent Remainer is assaulted or worse?
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He certainly can get that effect if the EU play ball. And they probably will, they want the deal to go through, and Id imagine only agree the extension if parliament rejects the deal.
Didn’t Champion say she was going to back the deal?
And she presumably will, as will Letwin, it doesn't mean all would reject the amendment. Just because most of those approving the amendment hope to reject the deal doesn't mean all did.
But it is harder to be certain with some of them now.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
One good thing. We do get to find out what the brilliant wheeze to try to circumvent the Benn act is. (Assuming it's a second letter, how petulant is it going to be?)
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
I wonder if we can have a sweepstake on which of the PB Leavers will be the first to do the 'they only have themselves to blame' schtick when a prominent Remainer is assaulted or worse?
Sounds like you're the one excited by the prospect.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
I would be shocked if during all these talks between Team Boris and the EU over the new deal the Benn Act wasn't discussed and how to react should it come into play.
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
Would have been a government majority of 4 with the DUP.
If Boris could have made any changes to the WA which kept the DUP on board I'm sure he would have. As it was the only changes he could come up with to justify getting the ERG on board was too much for them.
He got round of applause and pats on back from EU leaders for being surrender monkey and giving them what they wanted, they offered it two years ago and May and Boris both said no Conservative and unionist could agree to such a thing. He’s already surrendered far too much.
He surrendered because he hasn’t the bottle to no deal.
How would the Speaker allow to be brought back on Monday, what was amended today?
I think the argument is that the Letwin amendment meant the substantive motion was no longer an MV, so it’s in order to resubmit the MV. MPs are arguing with Bercow about that right now. Bercow has just said he will rule on this on Monday after taking advice.
One good thing. We do get to find out what the brilliant wheeze to try to circumvent the Benn act is. (Assuming it's a second letter, how petulant is it going to be?)
I don't think they need one: send the extension letter, pass MV Monday, withdraw extension letter.
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
If the EU say "no extension" then the amendments become largely void. It becomes take this deal or there is no deal, your choice and Parliament will have no real choice but to do as the EU wants.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
I would say that's a pretty good sign for the PM that the list of Tory rebels on MV4 itself is no greater.
Yes, for example I was surprised that Richard Harrington (who's a passionate opponent of no-deal and would much prefer us to Remain) voted against Letwin.
I would be shocked if during all these talks between Team Boris and the EU over the new deal the Benn Act wasn't discussed and how to react should it come into play.
Quite. A lot of British political debate appears to assume news media is local only.
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
What is the point of moving it again on Monday?
If an extension has been granted then no one can reject it with the excuse we might accidentally no deal. It would be final decision, do you back it or not (or referendum).
One good thing. We do get to find out what the brilliant wheeze to try to circumvent the Benn act is. (Assuming it's a second letter, how petulant is it going to be?)
Boris can be statesmanlike in the second letter, he has no need to be petulant. Maybe even apologise to the EU for the actions of Parliament.
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
How would the Speaker allow to be brought back on Monday, what was amended today?
I think the argument is that the Letwin amendment meant the substantive motion was no longer an MV, so it’s in order to resubmit the MV. MPs are arguing with Bercow about that right now. Bercow has just said he will rule on this on Monday after taking advice.
They’re still talking? I switched off about 20 minutes ago.
Surely, even if the Speaker allows the debate, someone will just submit the same amendment again?
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
What is the point of moving it again on Monday?
The government need to move the WAIB through the Commons first. They will find themselves stuck in treacle and will lose vote after vote. We are now completely in the hands of the EU. Only they can rescue us from this Parliament. Its ironic, isn't it?
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
How would the Speaker allow to be brought back on Monday, what was amended today?
I think the argument is that the Letwin amendment meant the substantive motion was no longer an MV, so it’s in order to resubmit the MV. MPs are arguing with Bercow about that right now. Bercow has just said he will rule on this on Monday after taking advice.
They’re still talking? I switched off about 20 minutes ago.
Surely, even if the Speaker allows the debate, someone will just submit the same amendment again?
I don’t think there’d be any point in that. A referendum motion maybe?
One good thing. We do get to find out what the brilliant wheeze to try to circumvent the Benn act is. (Assuming it's a second letter, how petulant is it going to be?)
I don't think they need one: send the extension letter, pass MV Monday, withdraw extension letter.
This might be a stupid question but what happens if there's an amendment on Monday the Government don't like?
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
I assure you most of my fellow Tories have been less restrained then I when discussing the 10 Tory traitors to democracy who voted for Letwin this afternoon
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Do yhe Benn act is now dead and we are instead looking at the wording of the Letwin amrndment to the MV.
Well you’re wrong unfortunately.
Why? No good saying I am wrong without showing why. I thought people were saying the main Motion gad already passed. If that is thd case then I am not wrong.
No, because the Letwin amendment means it is no longer a MV in terms of the EUWA. That’s why Rees-Mogg just announced that the government will move the MV again on Monday.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
I assure you most of my fellow Tories have been less restrained then I when discussing the 10 Tory traitors to democracy who voted for Letwin this afternoon
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
I assure you most of my fellow Tories have been less restrained then I when discussing the 10 Tory traitors to democracy who voted for Letwin this afternoon
What does that even mean?
We’ll know it’s serious when he’s back to talking about nuking Spain.
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
Hmm not sure (not about Letwin, plenty of dislike of him from hitherto allies). But about the plethora of amendments. I disagree with it but I can see the logic of getting the legislation in place first. If that occurs then I think Letwin will fall into line for the deal.
This might be a stupid question but what happens if there's an amendment on Monday the Government don't like?
Vote it down? :-)
Guessing a referendum amendment would fail, but a permanent UK customs union maybe? More months of negotiations needed, and multi-month extension also.
The Benn Act said Boris must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament had not approved a Deal by today.
This afternoon Parliament approved a Deal
Therefore the Benn Act falls. The terms under which it would have had legal force (no deal agreed by Parliament by today) no longer exist.
Wrong. The Benn Act says the PM must write a letter requesting an extension if Parliament has not approved a completed Deal by today: defined as completed under the terms of A50. Those terms say that to be completed a deal requires the OK from the EU Parliament. Check it out.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
I assure you most of my fellow Tories have been less restrained then I when discussing the 10 Tory traitors to democracy who voted for Letwin this afternoon
You need to grow up. You are not helping by inflamatory language
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
Hmm not sure (not about Letwin, plenty of dislike of him from hitherto allies). But about the plethora of amendments. I disagree with it but I can see the logic of getting the legislation in place first. If that occurs then I think Letwin will fall into line for the deal.
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
Hmm not sure (not about Letwin, plenty of dislike of him from hitherto allies). But about the plethora of amendments. I disagree with it but I can see the logic of getting the legislation in place first. If that occurs then I think Letwin will fall into line for the deal.
There simply isn’t trust. There is a genuine suspicion that the ERG might melt at the key moment. Now they can’t. This is good.
So if extension agreed and then a VoNC, how would vote differ? Most? of 17 independents that voted for Letwin may vote against NC. 6 Labour might vote for NC.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
Calm down! Knee-jerk reactions and extremist rhetoric will not aid any political aspirations you may have! You are very curtious and measured, which is good but talking about civil wars is not a very appealing trait....
I assure you most of my fellow Tories have been less restrained then I when discussing the 10 Tory traitors to democracy who voted for Letwin this afternoon
You need to grow up. You are not helping by inflamatory language
Just imagine the 'suck it up losers' rhetoric we can expect on Tuesday.
Commission takes note of Letwin and it is upto the Government to indicate its request
The whole country will descend into total chaos next week I think.
I met a bunch of friends last night in Hertfordshire, 5 Remainers and 4 Leavers. 3 Remainers were full square behind any obstacle that can be used to delay, but the other two were pretty fed up with MPs playing games. The 2 hardcore Leavers have been completely behind Boris. Two moderate Leavers are now behind him after being worried about No Deal, and were surprisingly angry about further delay. I think MPs are just increasing anger and turnout behind Boris at the moment.
MPs can say all they like about yes, but no, but yes. That's the headline, I can only imagine what the public think.
The public does not care. They really don’t. They are getting on with their lives happily in the EU. Parliament are doing their job not to mess that up.
I would be shocked if during all these talks between Team Boris and the EU over the new deal the Benn Act wasn't discussed and how to react should it come into play.
Quite. A lot of British political debate appears to assume news media is local only.
Lost in the noise the EU said they would grant extension for the deal to be put to British Public if it doesn’t pass parliament.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
That will help win people over
Diehard Remainers have thrown Leavers under the bus and refused a compromise, there is no winning people over now, it is all out civil war until Brexit is delivered
I wonder if we can have a sweepstake on which of the PB Leavers will be the first to do the 'they only have themselves to blame' schtick when a prominent Remainer is assaulted or worse?
Sounds like you're the one excited by the prospect.
I'll leave that to the folk who frot themselves to climax by calling people scum and traitor.
Though who can forget the great Yoon prolapse of 2014 over imaginary Cybernat bricks through windows.
So where's the constitutional, procedural experts when we need them?
Can Boris send a letter or not send a letter, then pass the legislation required for the deal and then the deal before October 31st in whcih case can the EU, letter or no letter, hold off until it all passes at which point the letter becomes moot?
He has to send the letter. The EU does not need to answer it. Or they could answer it in the negative of course.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
Hmm not sure (not about Letwin, plenty of dislike of him from hitherto allies). But about the plethora of amendments. I disagree with it but I can see the logic of getting the legislation in place first. If that occurs then I think Letwin will fall into line for the deal.
There simply isn’t trust. There is a genuine suspicion that the ERG might melt at the key moment. Now they can’t. This is good.
If that was the case the amendment could have said "the House approves the deal as soon as all legislation is passed". It didn't. It expressly says approval is withheld. Letwin is lying about all this.
He should be removed from office. He demeans and taints it, everyday he clings to office.
No, we are now in a state of all out war with the diehard Remainers, so Boris has democrats fully behind him in that war.
Go Boris!!! No surrender!!!! Diehard Remainers are the enemies of the people!!!
So just to check are you in a state of all out war with me? I for the purposes of this discussion consider myself to be a diehard remainer.
What are the rules of engagement?
Handbags at dawn.
More like keyboards throughout waking hours.
Depends. I object quite strongly to some of the language used. Now we are on an internet chat room and all should be fine but for some reason some of the language used I believe needs calling on. I'm not sure there should be free passes because we could of course just say "oh that's just HYUFD being HYUFD" but I think given past events where similar language has been used, one has to draw the line. Perhaps I'm overreacting.
And happy to translate to real life any moment anyone wants.
MPs can say all they like about yes, but no, but yes. That's the headline, I can only imagine what the public think.
The public does not care. They really don’t. They are getting on with their lives happily in the EU. Parliament are doing their job not to mess that up.
You're wrong.
The public are furious that Parliament is not doing it's job.
On balance he will probably not want to waste anymore of his political capital within the EU on this if Merkel et al are adamant the other way. Could just be a very short extension given.
Seems like this deal will pass sooner or later. Boris is a much better turd polisher than May ever was.
All to play for during the transition period though.
But it is harder to be certain with some of them now.
Oh sorry, that was the other Nigel, the xenophobe with a French name.
Having sent the letter he can try to get the legislation through but I fear the momentum has been lost and that there will be a plethora of amendments such as a second vote, obligations on workers rights and environmental standards etc etc etc which means no bill will in fact be passed by the 31st.
I found that intervention from Letwin vomit inducing. He is not a stupid man. He is therefore a liar.
We do get to find out what the brilliant wheeze to try to circumvent the Benn act is.
(Assuming it's a second letter, how petulant is it going to be?)
Parliament can get on with its job then.
He surrendered because he hasn’t the bottle to no deal.
Our PM agrees a deal with the EU. That’s it
Surely, even if the Speaker allows the debate, someone will just submit the same amendment again?
Your regular reminder that Rory Stewart appears to think he has a chance of being elected Mayor of London.
Well, maybe not Ed Miliband.
When Farage pointed this out the other day this blog said that’s farage done for then. Really?
Going in like Cox as @HYUFD wanted would have torpedoed the Gov't with the Letwinners !
Guessing a referendum amendment would fail, but a permanent UK customs union maybe? More months of negotiations needed, and multi-month extension also.
No sympathy whatsoever.
MPs can say all they like about yes, but no, but yes. That's the headline, I can only imagine what the public think.
Most? of 17 independents that voted for Letwin may vote against NC.
6 Labour might vote for NC.
Could be close?
A phrase like “enemies of the people” is abusive at best, incendiary too, and not becoming of you.
Bercow will rule on Monday whether that is in order or not (Same vote on same thing in same session)
Though who can forget the great Yoon prolapse of 2014 over imaginary Cybernat bricks through windows.
And happy to translate to real life any moment anyone wants.
The public are furious that Parliament is not doing it's job.