What would happen if a PM fails security clearance?
Can they?
In the US a President literally can't fail security clearance because all security flow from their authority down. The UK doesn't have the same executive system but its not a million miles off. Can a PM fail a clearance? I'd have thought by virtue of the job they're in it would be automatic.
Raab is sharp and tough (Mordaunt also a contender) but Foreign Secretary is not leading on the negotiations with the EU, I understand Geoffrey Cox and Rees-Mogg will be added to the renegotiation and future relationship team, both heavyweight Brexiteers. Plus of course a new EU Commission
.. a new EU Commission which takes office on November 1st. Don't you see a teeny-weeny little flaw here?
Oh, you've made a rooky error. When Johnson talked about a October 31st deadline, he wasn't talking about *this* year.
Actually, people just missed the comma. He means October, 31.
What would happen if a PM fails security clearance?
Can they?
In the US a President literally can't fail security clearance because all security flow from their authority down. The UK doesn't have the same executive system but its not a million miles off. Can a PM fail a clearance? I'd have thought by virtue of the job they're in it would be automatic.
Sounds right. We couldn't really have MI5 rejecting the PM selected by the democratic process.
What would happen if a PM fails security clearance?
Can they?
In the US a President literally can't fail security clearance because all security flow from their authority down. The UK doesn't have the same executive system but its not a million miles off. Can a PM fail a clearance? I'd have thought by virtue of the job they're in it would be automatic.
Sounds right. We couldn't really have MI5 rejecting the PM selected by the democratic process.
What about a PM not selected by the democratic process? Traditionally defined as passing a Queens Speech?
Given the debate about Queens speech/prorogation it is actually an interesting question as to whether Johnson’s first act should actually (by convention) be to prorogue and pass a Queens Speech.
What would happen if a PM fails security clearance?
Can they?
In the US a President literally can't fail security clearance because all security flow from their authority down. The UK doesn't have the same executive system but its not a million miles off. Can a PM fail a clearance? I'd have thought by virtue of the job they're in it would be automatic.
Sounds right. We couldn't really have MI5 rejecting the PM selected by the democratic process.
What about a PM not selected by the democratic process? Traditionally defined as passing a Queens Speech?
Given the debate about Queens speech/prorogation it is actually an interesting question as to whether Johnson’s first act to actually (by convention) be to prorogue and pass a Queens Speech.
Not sure about your definition but in any event it is not for the security services to decide who is PM. If BoJo cannot get a QS passed he will not be PM for long.
It would be gloriously fitting if his became the shortest ever PM tenure.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Why weren’t the navy accompanying British tankers in that area .
Oh silly me we don’t have many ! After all the cuts .
30 British flagged ships pass through there every day. To look after them properly would mean sticking most of the fleet there, which might look like we were being a bit aggressive.
Does the concept of a conflict of interest no longer play a role in public life?
If a candidate for a role is someone who is known to you personally as a friend or as someone who has worked for you it would be good practice to recuse yourself from the substantive decision even if the formal decision is yours.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
I think it might be 2 tankers now.
The other tanker is Liberian-flagged, I think?
Yes. But owned by a company from Glasgow. Being reported in the Guardian that it has been let go.
Why weren’t the navy accompanying British tankers in that area .
Oh silly me we don’t have many ! After all the cuts .
30 British flagged ships pass through there every day. To look after them properly would mean sticking most of the fleet there, which might look like we were being a bit aggressive.
Could you do it with one convoy a day in each direction?
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
At the risk of bringing the facts into this, Iran has just seized a British tanker. While there may well be secondary reasons that involve Trump that have prompted Iran's bellicosity, this is primarily a bilateral problem.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
Went to an interesting event with Layla Moran and lots of the new LD councillors this evening in Abingdon. LD reckon biggest threat to their resurgence is Labour ditching Corbyn before any GE, then coming out equivocally against Brexit.
Went to an interesting event with Layla Moran and lots of the new LD councillors this evening in Abingdon. LD reckon biggest threat to their resurgence is Labour ditching Corbyn before any GE, then coming out equivocally against Brexit.
Won’t happen though. Corbyn doesn’t want to win, he wants to be right.
Why weren’t the navy accompanying British tankers in that area .
Oh silly me we don’t have many ! After all the cuts .
30 British flagged ships pass through there every day. To look after them properly would mean sticking most of the fleet there, which might look like we were being a bit aggressive.
Could you do it with one convoy a day in each direction?
It would takes days to marshal each 30 ship convoy and it can only travel at the speed of the slowest vessel. We also don't have enough Navy to do that. The options are 1) start sinking a few IRGC boats or 2) give them their tanker back.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
What would jezbollah do?
ha! forget I asked.
Tell Trump to go fuck himself ! I don’t like Corbyn but the fact he won’t arse lick Trump means he’s slightly less annoying than he was .
You are right - Jezbollah would never defend the west against Iran.
Diplomatically the UK wants to keep the agreement with Iran going. Not go to war with it. It is the US which has torn up the carefully negotiated agreement.
So will our new PM maintain that position or just do what his US master tells him to? Because if Trump is praising Boris it is not because he likes him but because he thinks he has someone who will do his bidding.
And I would prefer to have as PM of this country someone who puts Britain's interests first.
Criticising Corbyn for not doing this is going to be hard if the Tories choose as their leader someone who seems to think that British interests are best served by making eyes at President Trump.
Not sure that would go down well with someone from north of Northampton
To me it's breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tea is what you eat at 4:30pm after a heavy lunchtime session in the pub. Brunch is something you do in the Middle East that lasts from 11 to 3pm, because alcohol is included in the price and there's sod all else to do there at the weekends.
I've always been partial to a pizza rather than a kebab late at night as well. Clearly I'm a deviant.
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
Pretty certain it won't be Momentum. She's in the Shadow Cabinet! More likely, as a prominent Remainer in a 70% Leave ultra marginal she thinks she won't win.
Why weren’t the navy accompanying British tankers in that area .
Oh silly me we don’t have many ! After all the cuts .
30 British flagged ships pass through there every day. To look after them properly would mean sticking most of the fleet there, which might look like we were being a bit aggressive.
Could you do it with one convoy a day in each direction?
It would takes days to marshal each 30 ship convoy and it can only travel at the speed of the slowest vessel. We also don't have enough Navy to do that. The options are 1) start sinking a few IRGC boats or 2) give them their tanker back.
Well, I guess the last time a female Prime Minister handed the country over to a bloke there was also war on the way in the Middle East. How many times until it becomes tradition?
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
Clearly you are over-qualified. I have no economics qualifications or relevant career achievement but at Oxford I did learn how to bluff my way through tutorials when I'd done absolutely no work whatsoever. I guess that means I'd be the ideal candidate, if only I pretended to believe that everything would be all right if we just shouted louder.
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
I suspect speaking your mind is a limiting factor in the current climate, no one wants to hear about reality. You'd probably need to be able to speak fluent Borisese to qualify nowadays.
Pretty certain it won't be Momentum. She's in the Shadow Cabinet! More likely, as a prominent Remainer in a 70% Leave ultra marginal she thinks she won't win.
Ashfield Independents leader Jason Zadrozny to stand in the next general election
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
What would jezbollah do?
ha! forget I asked.
Tell Trump to go fuck himself ! I don’t like Corbyn but the fact he won’t arse lick Trump means he’s slightly less annoying than he was .
You are right - Jezbollah would never defend the west against Iran.
Diplomatically the UK wants to keep the agreement with Iran going. Not go to war with it. It is the US which has torn up the carefully negotiated agreement.
So will our new PM maintain that position or just do what his US master tells him to? Because if Trump is praising Boris it is not because he likes him but because he thinks he has someone who will do his bidding.
And I would prefer to have as PM of this country someone who puts Britain's interests first.
Criticising Corbyn for not doing this is going to be hard if the Tories choose as their leader someone who seems to think that British interests are best served by making eyes at President Trump.
It seems to be Iran choosing to go to war with the west at the moment.
I'd be very happy to return to the nuclear deal and yes, it would be better if the US returned to the table and honoured its commitments but it's Britain's interests being directly challenged by Iran here and that shouldn't go unanswered.
Been away for a week in centreparcs in a tree house
Not cheap but heartily recommended
Last time i went there, it was so full of chavs, i presumed that sports direct must have been running some sort of promotion for regular customers.
The moniker "posh Butlins" does rather depend on your threshold for posh.
Those that think putting on a shirt and not wearing trainers to dinner is posh.
Calling your tea 'dinner' is posh. Having it close to bedtime and calling it 'supper' is both posh and unhealthy.
I call it dinner if it's a cooked hot meal and tea if it's a cold meal. A radical solution to the debate but one which has always satisfied me.
Do you have two dinners in one day if both your midday and evening meals are hot?
No, my midday meal is always lunch whatever it is.
You mean the meal you eat at dinner time?
Nobody calls the midday meal dinner nowadays, unless they are trying to prove some utterly pointless northernista point. I grew up in an area that called lunch, dinner. It’s bollocks. Get over it.
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
Asks too many questions. Even worse, most of them are pertinent. Do not interview!!!
Honestly, I seem to recall a time when being an MP was a competitive process and local parties would actually interview candidates before the selection.
Been away for a week in centreparcs in a tree house
Not cheap but heartily recommended
Last time i went there, it was so full of chavs, i presumed that sports direct must have been running some sort of promotion for regular customers.
The moniker "posh Butlins" does rather depend on your threshold for posh.
Those that think putting on a shirt and not wearing trainers to dinner is posh.
Calling your tea 'dinner' is posh. Having it close to bedtime and calling it 'supper' is both posh and unhealthy.
I call it dinner if it's a cooked hot meal and tea if it's a cold meal. A radical solution to the debate but one which has always satisfied me.
Do you have two dinners in one day if both your midday and evening meals are hot?
No, my midday meal is always lunch whatever it is.
You mean the meal you eat at dinner time?
Nobody calls the midday meal dinner nowadays, unless they are trying to prove some utterly pointless northernista point. I grew up in an area that called lunch, dinner. It’s bollocks. Get over it.
I do. And quite remarkably, I live so far North, that everybody else round here calls it lunch.
Went to an interesting event with Layla Moran and lots of the new LD councillors this evening in Abingdon. LD reckon biggest threat to their resurgence is Labour ditching Corbyn before any GE, then coming out equivocally against Brexit.
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
I suspect speaking your mind is a limiting factor in the current climate, no one wants to hear about reality. You'd probably need to be able to speak fluent Borisese to qualify nowadays.
No-one has ever wanted to hear about reality I can assure you. It has not stopped me speaking it though.
Borisese is garbage. And whatever it is it is not fluent. I do not understand what the basis for his claim to be a great communicator comes from. The ratio of umms and aahs in his interviews to coherent phrases, let alone sentences, must be about 9 to 1. Perhaps it appeals to a certain type of British man, I dunno.
To me, I see him and think "puffball". The City is full of them - self-important pillocks who call themselves bankers and whose job mostly involves going to lunch, talking the same old garbage the client has heard at every other lunch and presenting a presentation copied from hundreds of others painfully put together at 2:00 am by an overworked junior analyst hoping one day to be important enough to go out to lunch too.
Honestly, I seem to recall a time when being an MP was a competitive process and local parties would actually interview candidates before the selection.
The EU can offer what it wants but as Dominic Raab correctly said tonight at a dinner I attended supported by fellow camp Boris member IDS Boris will not allow any further extension as the party will be obliterated by the Brexit Party if we do not leave on October 31st
I've seen that before and I'm still amazed. How on earth do these people become MPs? Is there really no one more sensible in the local Conservative Party willing to stand for election? And why do her constituents vote for her? What has she actually achieved or made a difference to, other than moronic grandstanding over Brexit?
Yes, Boris had to attend to other matters tonight, although he might have come had his diary allowed as he is almost certainly now PM elect and this time next week will likely be in No 10 if this affair continues.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
The EU can offer what it wants but as Dominic Raab correctly said tonight at a dinner I attended Boris will not allow any further extension as the party will be obliterated by the Brexit Party if we do not leave on October 31st
And of course for you and Boris and Raab the party is more important than the country, isn't it?
The EU can offer what it wants but as Dominic Raab correctly said tonight at a dinner I attended Boris will not allow any further extension as the party will be obliterated by the Brexit Party if we do not leave on October 31st
And of course for you and Boris and Raab the party is more important than the country, isn't it?
The country voted Leave much as diehard Remainers still refuse to accept it
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
What would jezbollah do?
ha! forget I asked.
Tell Trump to go fuck himself ! I don’t like Corbyn but the fact he won’t arse lick Trump means he’s slightly less annoying than he was .
You are right - Jezbollah would never defend the west against Iran.
Diplomatically the UK wants to keep the agreement with Iran going. Not go to war with it. It is the US which has torn up the carefully negotiated agreement.
So will our new PM maintain that position or just do what his US master tells him to? Because if Trump is praising Boris it is not because he likes him but because he thinks he has someone who will do his bidding.
And I would prefer to have as PM of this country someone who puts Britain's interests first.
Criticising Corbyn for not doing this is going to be hard if the Tories choose as their leader someone who seems to think that British interests are best served by making eyes at President Trump.
My point is Corbyn's friends are not friends of the west.
He typically sides with those against the West and especially Israel for some reason.
Trump is a damaged thin skinned individual, no doubt about it but he had his chance to launch following provocation and he didn't take it.
Get Yokel to describe what those peace loving Iranians have been up to over the last few years
Been away for a week in centreparcs in a tree house
Not cheap but heartily recommended
Last time i went there, it was so full of chavs, i presumed that sports direct must have been running some sort of promotion for regular customers.
The moniker "posh Butlins" does rather depend on your threshold for posh.
Those that think putting on a shirt and not wearing trainers to dinner is posh.
Calling your tea 'dinner' is posh. Having it close to bedtime and calling it 'supper' is both posh and unhealthy.
I call it dinner if it's a cooked hot meal and tea if it's a cold meal. A radical solution to the debate but one which has always satisfied me.
Do you have two dinners in one day if both your midday and evening meals are hot?
No, my midday meal is always lunch whatever it is.
You mean the meal you eat at dinner time?
Nobody calls the midday meal dinner nowadays, unless they are trying to prove some utterly pointless northernista point. I grew up in an area that called lunch, dinner. It’s bollocks. Get over it.
At the turn of the century* everyone had dinner in the middle of the day and then supper towards the end. Luncheon is a modern affliction that JackW is still adjusting to.
My Austrian grandmother would still normally have the main meal of the day in the middle, with a lighter meal of bread, cheese and meat towards the end. It doesn't seem unreasonable to call the main cooked meal of the day dinner, whenever it is served.
* The turn of the century before the one before the last one.
I've seen that before and I'm still amazed. How on earth do these people become MPs? Is there really no one more sensible in the local Conservative Party willing to stand for election? And why do her constituents vote for her? What has she actually achieved or made a difference to, other than moronic grandstanding over Brexit?
I suspect that at the selection meeting she was the most rabid anti-eu, Brexit at all costs candidate and so the ageing faithful nationalistic members with their blazers and weird ties, voted for her.
Went to an interesting event with Layla Moran and lots of the new LD councillors this evening in Abingdon. LD reckon biggest threat to their resurgence is Labour ditching Corbyn before any GE, then coming out equivocally against Brexit.
Yes, well fortunately for them as YouGov shows 54% of Labour members still back Corbyn even when he has the worst rating of any postwar opposition leader so Corbynism retains its grip over Labour and will do for some time to come, if not indefinitely
Yes, Boris had to attend to other matters tonight, although he might have come had his diary allowed as he is almost certainly now PM elect and this time next week will likely be in No 10 if this affair continues.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
The EU can offer what it wants but as Dominic Raab correctly said tonight at a dinner I attended Boris will not allow any further extension as the party will be obliterated by the Brexit Party if we do not leave on October 31st
And of course for you and Boris and Raab the party is more important than the country, isn't it?
There was a time, not a million years ago, when HYUFD was a sensible, intelligent, one-nation centre-right moderate in the Richard N mould.
Several years of electoral defeats when trying to win election from the good burghers of Epping have, inexplicably, turned him into a Trumpton-Boris apologist/fan boy.
It’s a sad spectacle.
I hope one day he’ll regain his critical capacities.
Yes, Boris had to attend to other matters tonight, although he might have come had his diary allowed as he is almost certainly now PM elect and this time next week will likely be in No 10 if this affair continues.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
So Boris now puts it in his diary when he's allowed to come? Fair play, this is the new seriousness we expect from a pm presumptive.
If I'd realised they were going to interview any old fruit loop I'd have put in my application. I too have an economics degree and have worked in banks. And have a track record of achievement.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
I suspect speaking your mind is a limiting factor in the current climate, no one wants to hear about reality. You'd probably need to be able to speak fluent Borisese to qualify nowadays.
No-one has ever wanted to hear about reality I can assure you. It has not stopped me speaking it though.
Borisese is garbage. And whatever it is it is not fluent. I do not understand what the basis for his claim to be a great communicator comes from. The ratio of umms and aahs in his interviews to coherent phrases, let alone sentences, must be about 9 to 1. Perhaps it appeals to a certain type of British man, I dunno.
To me, I see him and think "puffball". The City is full of them - self-important pillocks who call themselves bankers and whose job mostly involves going to lunch, talking the same old garbage the client has heard at every other lunch and presenting a presentation copied from hundreds of others painfully put together at 2:00 am by an overworked junior analyst hoping one day to be important enough to go out to lunch too.
I don't understand the appeal either. Some simple Latin phrases appear to go a long way with the general public.
I work in management consulting rather than law, but I see the same issues and personalities you do there. Partners who might have known something useful 15 years ago bluster on as if they know all the answers, speaking the same tired old cliches in front of slides prepared by some poor intern who worked on them until 11pm the night before, oblivious to the fact that all their knowledge is 10 years out of date. Senior managers have been told to do something by the CEO, and this is something, so they agree to pay for it. So much of what my esteemed colleagues write is clearly complete bollocks that I do wonder about how ethical what I really do at work is sometimes.
Been away for a week in centreparcs in a tree house
Not cheap but heartily recommended
Last time i went there, it was so full of chavs, i presumed that sports direct must have been running some sort of promotion for regular customers.
The moniker "posh Butlins" does rather depend on your threshold for posh.
Those that think putting on a shirt and not wearing trainers to dinner is posh.
Calling your tea 'dinner' is posh. Having it close to bedtime and calling it 'supper' is both posh and unhealthy.
I call it dinner if it's a cooked hot meal and tea if it's a cold meal. A radical solution to the debate but one which has always satisfied me.
Do you have two dinners in one day if both your midday and evening meals are hot?
No, my midday meal is always lunch whatever it is.
You mean the meal you eat at dinner time?
Nobody calls the midday meal dinner nowadays, unless they are trying to prove some utterly pointless northernista point. I grew up in an area that called lunch, dinner. It’s bollocks. Get over it.
At the turn of the century* everyone had dinner in the middle of the day and then supper towards the end. Luncheon is a modern affliction that JackW is still adjusting to.
My Austrian grandmother would still normally have the main meal of the day in the middle, with a lighter meal of bread, cheese and meat towards the end. It doesn't seem unreasonable to call the main cooked meal of the day dinner, whenever it is served.
* The turn of the century before the one before the last one.
Not if they worked underground or in a factory they didn't. Or pretty much any working class job.
Trump desperate to drag the UK into a conflict with Iran .
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
What would jezbollah do?
ha! forget I asked.
Tell Trump to go fuck himself ! I don’t like Corbyn but the fact he won’t arse lick Trump means he’s slightly less annoying than he was .
You are right - Jezbollah would never defend the west against Iran.
Diplomatically the UK wants to keep the agreement with Iran going. Not go to war with it. It is the US which has torn up the carefully negotiated agreement.
So will our new PM maintain that position or just do what his US master tells him to? Because if Trump is praising Boris it is not because he likes him but because he thinks he has someone who will do his bidding.
And I would prefer to have as PM of this country someone who puts Britain's interests first.
Criticising Corbyn for not doing this is going to be hard if the Tories choose as their leader someone who seems to think that British interests are best served by making eyes at President Trump.
My point is Corbyn's friends are not friends of the west.
He typically sides with those against the West and especially Israel for some reason.
Trump is a damaged thin skinned individual, no doubt about it but he had his chance to launch following provocation and he didn't take it.
Get Yokel to describe what those peace loving Iranians have been up to over the last few years
This really isn't all about Trump.
I'm well aware of Corbyn's views and friends. I also know what the Iranians do.
It shouldn't be about Trump but when we have our likely next PM a man who seems to think that his main foreign policy should be about cosying up to an unstable US President who has torn up an agreement we think a good idea and want to keep, then it does look as if British interests are going to be confused with Boris's personal relationship with Trump.
That does not seem to me to be in Britain's interests.
The EU can offer what it wants but as Dominic Raab correctly said tonight at a dinner I attended Boris will not allow any further extension as the party will be obliterated by the Brexit Party if we do not leave on October 31st
And of course for you and Boris and Raab the party is more important than the country, isn't it?
There was a time, not a million years ago, when HYUFD was a sensible, intelligent, one-nation centre-right moderate in the Richard N mould.
Several years of electoral defeats when trying to win election from the good burghers of Epping have, inexplicably, turned him into a Trumpton-Boris apologist/fan boy.
It’s a sad spectacle.
I hope one day he’ll regain his critical capacities.
I still largely am but I also recognise the biggest vote in postwar British history has to be respected by whatever means it takes to deliver it
I've seen that before and I'm still amazed. How on earth do these people become MPs? Is there really no one more sensible in the local Conservative Party willing to stand for election? And why do her constituents vote for her? What has she actually achieved or made a difference to, other than moronic grandstanding over Brexit?
Just imagine — she could be Chancellor of the Exchequer on Wednesday. Or Foreign Secretary.
Yes, Boris had to attend to other matters tonight, although he might have come had his diary allowed as he is almost certainly now PM elect and this time next week will likely be in No 10 if this affair continues.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
You are aware where oil comes from?
Geography is not a Brexiteer strong point, and HYUFD is trying to fit in with the new model Tory party.
Yes, Boris had to attend to other matters tonight, although he might have come had his diary allowed as he is almost certainly now PM elect and this time next week will likely be in No 10 if this affair continues.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
You are aware where oil comes from?
Not solely from Iran and the tanker should have stayed firmly in UAE or Oman waters if it had to go through the Strait of Hormuz tonight not gone anywhere near Iranian waters
I've seen that before and I'm still amazed. How on earth do these people become MPs? Is there really no one more sensible in the local Conservative Party willing to stand for election? And why do her constituents vote for her? What has she actually achieved or made a difference to, other than moronic grandstanding over Brexit?
Just imagine — she could be Chancellor of the Exchequer on Wednesday. Or Foreign Secretary.
In the US a President literally can't fail security clearance because all security flow from their authority down. The UK doesn't have the same executive system but its not a million miles off. Can a PM fail a clearance? I'd have thought by virtue of the job they're in it would be automatic.
He means October, 31.
Given the debate about Queens speech/prorogation it is actually an interesting question as to whether Johnson’s first act should actually (by convention) be to prorogue and pass a Queens Speech.
And of course Bozo the lapdog will acquiesce .
It would be gloriously fitting if his became the shortest ever PM tenure.
I doubt Trump gives a stuff one way or another whether Britain is involved in any action against Iran, and in any case, Trump is more isolationist than neoCon.
ha! forget I asked.
Oh silly me we don’t have many ! After all the cuts .
If a candidate for a role is someone who is known to you personally as a friend or as someone who has worked for you it would be good practice to recuse yourself from the substantive decision even if the formal decision is yours.
Interesting little read
Won’t happen though. Corbyn doesn’t want to win, he wants to be right.
Brunch: 10-12
Lunch: 12-3
Tea: 3-5
Supper: 5-7
Dinner: 7-10
Post 10: Kebab
Dinner ladies?
That's what you eat last thing before bed. If you don't want to sleep.
Diplomatically the UK wants to keep the agreement with Iran going. Not go to war with it. It is the US which has torn up the carefully negotiated agreement.
So will our new PM maintain that position or just do what his US master tells him to? Because if Trump is praising Boris it is not because he likes him but because he thinks he has someone who will do his bidding.
And I would prefer to have as PM of this country someone who puts Britain's interests first.
Criticising Corbyn for not doing this is going to be hard if the Tories choose as their leader someone who seems to think that British interests are best served by making eyes at President Trump.
To me it's breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tea is what you eat at 4:30pm after a heavy lunchtime session in the pub. Brunch is something you do in the Middle East that lasts from 11 to 3pm, because alcohol is included in the price and there's sod all else to do there at the weekends.
I've always been partial to a pizza rather than a kebab late at night as well. Clearly I'm a deviant.
Mind you I can be a bit sweary and tend to speak my mind, sometimes quite tartly and crisply. But surely this would be an advantage in our non-PC Brexity world?
Dinner 11:30-2pm, duration 1hr
Tea: 5:30-7pm, duration 45 mins
Supper: before you go to bed, duration 30 mins
More likely, as a prominent Remainer in a 70% Leave ultra marginal she thinks she won't win.
I'd be very happy to return to the nuclear deal and yes, it would be better if the US returned to the table and honoured its commitments but it's Britain's interests being directly challenged by Iran here and that shouldn't go unanswered.
Honestly, I seem to recall a time when being an MP was a competitive process and local parties would actually interview candidates before the selection.
Or this:
Borisese is garbage. And whatever it is it is not fluent. I do not understand what the basis for his claim to be a great communicator comes from. The ratio of umms and aahs in his interviews to coherent phrases, let alone sentences, must be about 9 to 1. Perhaps it appeals to a certain type of British man, I dunno.
To me, I see him and think "puffball". The City is full of them - self-important pillocks who call themselves bankers and whose job mostly involves going to lunch, talking the same old garbage the client has heard at every other lunch and presenting a presentation copied from hundreds of others painfully put together at 2:00 am by an overworked junior analyst hoping one day to be important enough to go out to lunch too.
Not that I'm expecting this, you understand.
Though why any tankers are stupid enough to go anywhere near Iranian waters at the moment is beyond me
He typically sides with those against the West and especially Israel for some reason.
Trump is a damaged thin skinned individual, no doubt about it but he had his chance to launch following provocation and he didn't take it.
Get Yokel to describe what those peace loving Iranians have been up to over the last few years
This really isn't all about Trump.
My Austrian grandmother would still normally have the main meal of the day in the middle, with a lighter meal of bread, cheese and meat towards the end. It doesn't seem unreasonable to call the main cooked meal of the day dinner, whenever it is served.
* The turn of the century before the one before the last one.
By the time uncle thickie finally goes, the labour party take over will be complete.
Several years of electoral defeats when trying to win election from the good burghers of Epping have, inexplicably, turned him into a Trumpton-Boris apologist/fan boy.
It’s a sad spectacle.
I hope one day he’ll regain his critical capacities.
Fair play, this is the new seriousness we expect from a pm presumptive.
I work in management consulting rather than law, but I see the same issues and personalities you do there. Partners who might have known something useful 15 years ago bluster on as if they know all the answers, speaking the same tired old cliches in front of slides prepared by some poor intern who worked on them until 11pm the night before, oblivious to the fact that all their knowledge is 10 years out of date. Senior managers have been told to do something by the CEO, and this is something, so they agree to pay for it. So much of what my esteemed colleagues write is clearly complete bollocks that I do wonder about how ethical what I really do at work is sometimes.
It shouldn't be about Trump but when we have our likely next PM a man who seems to think that his main foreign policy should be about cosying up to an unstable US President who has torn up an agreement we think a good idea and want to keep, then it does look as if British interests are going to be confused with Boris's personal relationship with Trump.
That does not seem to me to be in Britain's interests.