Johnson: let the police stop and search any young people who look like they might be up to something illegal. Also: it's nobody's business if I took coke when I was 19. One rule for OEs, one rule for the plebs.
After this abject performance, I suspect even Corbyn might have a chance against Johnson. I'd still say odds against, but it would be close. It is truly awful.
Interview with the man behind Titania McGrath & Jonathan Pie, Andrew Doyle. Have to agree with his reasons for satirising the ‘Woke’ types who pride themselves on their righteousness, using tenuous guilt by association techniques whilst presenting themselves as a victim despite being privileged
A man who blocks people for even the mildest criticism or question of him. The absolute classic snowflake.
Interview with the man behind Titania McGrath & Jonathan Pie, Andrew Doyle. Have to agree with his reasons for satirising the ‘Woke’ types who pride themselves on their righteousness, using tenuous guilt by association techniques whilst presenting themselves as a victim despite being privileged
A man who blocks people for even the mildest criticism or question of him. The absolute classic snowflake.
The response to the last question was completely delusional. He has no idea how to progress the EU negotiations and no hope of getting anything through parliament. The Tories are probably right that he is their best bet for the Autumn election that now looks inevitable. But based on that performance - which was really just pound shop Farage - I wouldn't imagine that either the Brexit Party or Labour are especially worried.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Do we remember 2016 Leadership election where every candidate who made their launch speech had their price fall as the speech went on and exactly the same thing happened with Boris right up until the point where he said he wasn't running.
Can't you raise the bar a bit? Honestly the Brexiteers aren't helping their cause at the moment by continuing to shout trite soundbites from the touchline. We had all this in 2016 and people have begun to see right through it. Simply shouting that things are 'project fear' or airily that 'we will make trade deals' doesn't make them true.
Not sure what you mean by helping our cause.
In 2016 we labelled it project fear, and it resonated because nobody took seriously the absurd claims from the Remain campaign. And we were thus proven right. Today, the same scare stories are being told and we're labelling them project fear again, except this time we're laughing even harder at them.
If we didn't believe George Osborne in 2016, we're hardly all going to believe Philip Hammond in 2019.
I don’t see any Brexiteers laughing. You all give every impression of being nervous, tired and angry. Not a combination of desirable moods when one of you is about to become PM and therefore have their finger on the Trident trigger.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
So the plan must be a GE instead, non? Unless, of course, you think the plan doesn't extend beyond "make me PM"? Which is possible.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Yep - his response to the question from the Grauniad was an absolute gift to Farage. If I were an ERGer I would have got a terrible sinking feeling as he waffled on and on without answering it. He clearly has absolutely no idea what to do.
One of Johnson's liabilities that isn't often commented on is his stuttering, stammering delivery in answering questions. It's not a problem for him now, in fact it's part of his personal style, but as soon as pressure is really on him it will come across as incredibly evasive. It could be his equivalent of Nixon's sweat.
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
perhaps you can explain why tax cuts for people in London who will never vote Conservative is an election winner ? Thats London, where the extra cash will simply lead to more house price inflation and a greater gap between North and South.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Yep - his response to the question from the Grauniad was an absolute gift to Farage. If I were an ERGer I would have got a terrible sinking feeling as he waffled on and on without answering it. He clearly has absolutely no idea what to do.
But Boris has one advantage over May. He seems able to employ people and let them get on and deliver for him. He wont be hiding everything and not telling anybody and shouting 'keep away from my precious' all the time. Nor is likely to just give people jobs soley because they are ultra loyal.
Whether we could sustain a continuous at sea ICBM deterrent without USN technical support is another question to which the answer is no.
Absolutely true; for one thing, the Trident missiles are maintained and obtained from a common pool in the US. That means the US could, if they wanted, stop us from simply getting or repairing/maintaining the missiles.
The situation is made worse by the tories' favourite stealth defence cut of running the armed forces at significantly under their theoretical headcount. (7% for the RN)
The posts that go unfilled aren't blanket stackers and deck swabbers but the highly specialised technical roles like nuclear engineers.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
So the plan must be a GE instead, non? Unless, of course, you think the plan doesn't extend beyond "make me PM"? Which is possible.
Yes, I think the plan is just 'make me PM and I'll wing it somehow'.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
So the plan must be a GE instead, non? Unless, of course, you think the plan doesn't extend beyond "make me PM"? Which is possible.
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
perhaps you can explain why tax cuts for people in London who will never vote Conservative is an election winner ? Thats London, where the extra cash will simply lead to more house price inflation and a greater gap between North and South.
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
I think the key to the success of a PM Boris is appointing the right people to key cabinet positions. I would hope he would be a lot more collegiate than May. IMHO he needs to mend fences with Gove and make him Brexit secretary.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Yep - his response to the question from the Grauniad was an absolute gift to Farage. If I were an ERGer I would have got a terrible sinking feeling as he waffled on and on without answering it. He clearly has absolutely no idea what to do.
But Boris has one advantage over May. He seems able to employ people and let them get on and deliver for him. He wont be hiding everything and not telling anybody and shouting 'keep away from my precious' all the time. Nor is likely to just give people jobs soley because they are ultra loyal.
And because he is too lazy for all the details. Tbh probably a good quality in a PM - micromanagers have not done well compared to big picture leaders.
A safe speech you need to do when you’re the leading contender . However the journalists really just asked some stupid questions about his character which is already baked in .
Never put him on the spot on his Brexit policy . Overall objectively I’d give him 7/10. His team will be happy .
I think if he does the tv debates that would cause him much more problems . But I expect he’ll try and avoid them .
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
I think the key to the success of a PM Boris is appointing the right people to key cabinet positions. I would hope he would be a lot more collegiate than May. IMHO he needs to mend fences with Gove and make him Brexit secretary.
Thats just personnel. It doesn't change the reality or the HOC numbers.
There is no plan. He's just going to wing it, then cry betrayal as they always do.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Yep - his response to the question from the Grauniad was an absolute gift to Farage. If I were an ERGer I would have got a terrible sinking feeling as he waffled on and on without answering it. He clearly has absolutely no idea what to do.
But Boris has one advantage over May. He seems able to employ people and let them get on and deliver for him. He wont be hiding everything and not telling anybody and shouting 'keep away from my precious' all the time. Nor is likely to just give people jobs soley because they are ultra loyal.
Yep - that may well be the case. But where it leads is to no Brexit on 31st October. And that destroys the Tories, probably forever.
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
I think the key to the success of a PM Boris is appointing the right people to key cabinet positions. I would hope he would be a lot more collegiate than May. IMHO he needs to mend fences with Gove and make him Brexit secretary.
Thats just personnel. It doesn't change the reality or the HOC numbers.
There is no plan. He's just going to wing it, then cry betrayal as they always do.
Boris is just the Maybot with a glitzier front-end to the app, but still making exactly the same political blunders. Passing a loaded bazooka to Nigel Farage, ready for use when the 31st October deadline is missed, is incomprehensibly stupid.
Yep - his response to the question from the Grauniad was an absolute gift to Farage. If I were an ERGer I would have got a terrible sinking feeling as he waffled on and on without answering it. He clearly has absolutely no idea what to do.
But Boris has one advantage over May. He seems able to employ people and let them get on and deliver for him. He wont be hiding everything and not telling anybody and shouting 'keep away from my precious' all the time. Nor is likely to just give people jobs soley because they are ultra loyal.
And because he is too lazy for all the details. Tbh probably a good quality in a PM - micromanagers have not done well compared to big picture leaders.
Yes. Thatcher is an oddity I would say. Very details, very long hours, highly briefed, totally on top of the red boxes. Yet able to keep the vision in clear sight.
Johnson: let the police stop and search any young people who look like they might be up to something illegal. Also: it's nobody's business if I took coke when I was 19. One rule for OEs, one rule for the plebs.
How many 54 year old plebs do you know who are being questioned in a job interview as to what they did or did not take at 19?
Johnson: let the police stop and search any young people who look like they might be up to something illegal. Also: it's nobody's business if I took coke when I was 19. One rule for OEs, one rule for the plebs.
How many 54 year old plebs do you know who are being questioned in a job interview as to what they did or did not take at 19?
I found it strange that Gove was labelled a hypocrite for suggesting lifetime bans for teachers caught with Class A drugs now, because he had used them in the past.
It does seem to me that the comments on here re Boris are perfectly predictable.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
I think the key to the success of a PM Boris is appointing the right people to key cabinet positions. I would hope he would be a lot more collegiate than May. IMHO he needs to mend fences with Gove and make him Brexit secretary.
Johnson: let the police stop and search any young people who look like they might be up to something illegal. Also: it's nobody's business if I took coke when I was 19. One rule for OEs, one rule for the plebs.
How many 54 year old plebs do you know who are being questioned in a job interview as to what they did or did not take at 19?
How many 54 year old plebs get to decide drugs and policing policy?
One rule for OEs, one rule for the plebs.
Can't see this performance trending on social media.
Lynton gets the "Wiff-Waff Kid" past the first public hurdle.
Can’t see Boris in the tv debates.
No problem.
Funny day.
So the top five runners currently are Johnson, Hunt, Leadsom, Gove and Rory. Who would have predicted that! Raab on 70s.
He is a marmite character, you either love him or hate him
thats how bad our political line up is
Its complete Borishit
This thread’s comments should probably be used as an example of confirmation bias to inform anyone who didn’t know what the phrase meant.
The posts that go unfilled aren't blanket stackers and deck swabbers but the highly specialised technical roles like nuclear engineers.
1) Make me PM.
2) Erm... oh, cripes.
It's a nose holder, theyre all out to make Farage look good.
A safe speech you need to do when you’re the leading contender . However the journalists really just asked some stupid questions about his character which is already baked in .
Never put him on the spot on his Brexit policy . Overall objectively I’d give him 7/10. His team will be happy .
I think if he does the tv debates that would cause him much more problems . But I expect he’ll try and avoid them .
There is no plan. He's just going to wing it, then cry betrayal as they always do.
Not bothering to watch. Did he say there were good people on both sides?