politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » As Johnson launches CON membership polling finds his backers more likely to want a no deal Brexit and less emphasis on climate change
Can't you raise the bar a bit? Honestly the Brexiteers aren't helping their cause at the moment by continuing to shout trite soundbites from the touchline. We had all this in 2016 and people have begun to see right through it. Simply shouting that things are 'project fear' or airily that 'we will make trade deals' doesn't make them true.
It takes two to tango.
Stop making absurd fearful projections and we won't need to dismiss them. Stop dismissing our optimistic projections and we won't need to repeat them.
Do old habits when publishing dodgy Lib Dem bar charts die hard? In this case, the vertical scale of one chart is some three times that of the other, yet comparisons are being made as if the scales are the same.
So that poll cannot be used to assert that "The approach to Brexit is not that surprising but it is climate change which sees a bigger gap between Johnson backers and those supporting Gove or Hunt." The difference is 19%/17% on climate change. It's 33%/48% on No Deal Brexit.
Yes but when it comes to betting on the next PM, we are in a Keynesian beauty contest. We need to assess what Conservative MPs will make of the polling, regardless of what it really tells us.
Do old habits when publishing dodgy Lib Dem bar charts die hard? In this case, the vertical scale of one chart is some three times that of the other, yet comparisons are being made as if the scales are the same.
So that poll cannot be used to assert that "The approach to Brexit is not that surprising but it is climate change which sees a bigger gap between Johnson backers and those supporting Gove or Hunt." The difference is 19%/17% on climate change. It's 33%/48% on No Deal Brexit.
Indeed. Very dodgy Y-axis. In the real world 33%/48% is much bigger than 19%/17%
Not to mention that whether it is 73%, 92% or 90% a vast majority of Boris, Gove and Hunt supporters don't want less emphasis on climate change. Its not an issue.
Whereas its safe to say Boris supporters (85%) do want no deal, Gove supporters (52%) are split with a small majority while Hunt supporters (37%) overall do not.
One of these topics is a subject, the other is moot.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
That would be the same Cameron and Osborne who almost lost Scotland despite starting with a huge lead on Sindyref.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
Considering the three largest opposition parties by MPs were all in favour of Remain at least one of them could have got stuck in and put out a poster like that. Pathetic to cry about Cameron and Osborne afterwards.
Can't you raise the bar a bit? Honestly the Brexiteers aren't helping their cause at the moment by continuing to shout trite soundbites from the touchline. We had all this in 2016 and people have begun to see right through it. Simply shouting that things are 'project fear' or airily that 'we will make trade deals' doesn't make them true.
It takes two to tango.
Stop making absurd fearful projections and we won't need to dismiss them. Stop dismissing our optimistic projections and we won't need to repeat them.
So, Leave projections are not to be challenged, Remain projections are not to be made. How very open of you.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
That would be the same Cameron and Osborne who almost lost Scotland despite starting with a huge lead on Sindyref.
SNP or Labour both could have released a Boris-in-Farage-pocket poster and given they were the "victims" of the previous poster would have got a lot of media attention as revenge served cold.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
That would be the same Cameron and Osborne who almost lost Scotland despite starting with a huge lead on Sindyref.
SNP or Labour both could have released a Boris-in-Farage-pocket poster and given they were the "victims" of the previous poster would have got a lot of media attention as revenge served cold.
Remember there were the two official campaigns, not each party running its own.
Interview with the man behind Titania McGrath & Jonathan Pie, Andrew Doyle. Have to agree with his reasons for satirising the ‘Woke’ types who pride themselves on their righteousness, using tenuous guilt by association techniques whilst presenting themselves as a victim despite being privileged
Can't you raise the bar a bit? Honestly the Brexiteers aren't helping their cause at the moment by continuing to shout trite soundbites from the touchline. We had all this in 2016 and people have begun to see right through it. Simply shouting that things are 'project fear' or airily that 'we will make trade deals' doesn't make them true.
It takes two to tango.
Stop making absurd fearful projections and we won't need to dismiss them. Stop dismissing our optimistic projections and we won't need to repeat them.
For sure. I oppose a No Deal Brexit because I think it will cause jobs and businesses to be lost that need not be lost, and poison relations with some allies, unnecessarily.
Not because I think we're going to run out of food or medicines, or suffer an economic blow that will take generations to recover from.
Sorry but that's ridiculous by Will Straw. Number 10 had no authority to block posters from being released any more than Vote Leave could block Farage's "Breaking Point" poster which they hated and thought was counter-productive.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
That's an interesting point. All Out War suggests that Will Straw et al were largely window dressing. When it got serious all the big decisions were made by Cameron and Osborne.
That would be the same Cameron and Osborne who almost lost Scotland despite starting with a huge lead on Sindyref.
SNP or Labour both could have released a Boris-in-Farage-pocket poster and given they were the "victims" of the previous poster would have got a lot of media attention as revenge served cold.
Remember there were the two official campaigns, not each party running its own.
No. There were two official campaigns, multiple unofficial ones AND each party running it's own. That is how come the Remain campaigners outspent Leave campaigners so dramatically. It is also how come posters like Breaking Point came out despite being hated by the official Leave campaign.
Not watching, but as the overwhelming favourite with a reputation of being a clown, the only option for Boris was surely to play it straight & sensible? Trying to be quirky a la Rory Stewart is only an option for long shots, or those thought of as dull (Hancocks newfound goofiness and TMs dancing queen routine for instance)
"To confirm what I had already decided, I went undercover to infiltrate this den of crypto-fascism with my good friend Yohann Koshy, whose devastating account of the goings-on at the club has since been published by the online magazine VICE.
As a professional journalist, Yohann had already written his response to the show before actually seeing it, and was hoping to augment the piece with a few choice quotations from the night.
‘Don’t worry,’ I told him. ‘We know what they were thinking. All you need to do is quote a few lines out of context, emphasize the right-wing audience members..."
Stop making absurd fearful projections and we won't need to dismiss them. Stop dismissing our optimistic projections and we won't need to repeat them.
We could equally say 73% of Boris backers don't want less emphasis on climate change.
So that poll cannot be used to assert that "The approach to Brexit is not that surprising but it is climate change which sees a bigger gap between Johnson backers and those supporting Gove or Hunt." The difference is 19%/17% on climate change. It's 33%/48% on No Deal Brexit.
Not to mention that whether it is 73%, 92% or 90% a vast majority of Boris, Gove and Hunt supporters don't want less emphasis on climate change. Its not an issue.
Whereas its safe to say Boris supporters (85%) do want no deal, Gove supporters (52%) are split with a small majority while Hunt supporters (37%) overall do not.
One of these topics is a subject, the other is moot.
Labour [or any other party] were free to release that poster if they wanted to do so.
What else does he need?
Not because I think we're going to run out of food or medicines, or suffer an economic blow that will take generations to recover from.
Liverpool’s foreign players are mainly non EU nationals; Salah, Mane, Firmino, Keita, Fabinho, Alisson to name six.
That is just untrue.
Between Q2 2016 and Q1 2019 the UK economy grew less than 5% while the EU27 grew by over 6%.
If he can't even be bothered to fact check the opening lines of his leadership pitch, what does it tell you about how he will govern?
Lynton at work ....
The close up "BACK BORIS" with the larger "OR" backdrop bound to be used on social media and in the press.
People who don't like Boris (majority on here) will think it's terrible because everything he does is terrible but objectively it's perfectly fine.
Souper reply to question from Laura K.
Could be Lynton Crosby. Could be Jose Mourinho. Good advice regardless.
He's deluded or a liar, and probably both.
As a professional journalist, Yohann had already written his response to the show before actually seeing it, and was hoping to augment the piece with a few choice quotations from the night.
‘Don’t worry,’ I told him. ‘We know what they were thinking. All you need to do is quote a few lines out of context, emphasize the right-wing audience members..."