That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
If you think we're in crisis now just wait until Corbyn becomes PM and the establishment try and "remove" him - Think we'd all better get into the brace position....
The establishment? I thought they were the traitorous Remoaners?
If we get indicative votes in the Commons, then senior ministers must surely take part. There's no point in a measure winning a plurality of votes, when it is in fact opposed by a majority of MP's.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
If we get indicative votes in the Commons, then senior ministers must surely take part. There's no point in a measure winning a plurality of votes, when it is in fact opposed by a majority of MP's.
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
If you think we're in crisis now just wait until Corbyn becomes PM and the establishment try and "remove" him - Think we'd all better get into the brace position....
The establishment? I thought they were the traitorous Remoaners?
There will be a huge overlap in the Venn diagram between those who have been shouting loudly about Remaining - and those despairing loudly at the pain of a Corbyn Government kicking them in the goolies.....
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
Yes, it's very disturbing.
It's so utterly unprofessional. I know some of the ex-military types on here laugh about it, but it's not the behaviour that we admire our armed forces for.
If you are expecting a 19 year old paratrooper to think beyond the next thing he can fuck up or fuck you're going to be disappointed.
I will guarantee that there was no sophisticated political synthesis behind Target Corbyn. It was probably the only poster they had to hand. If they had a poster of May they would have lit that up instead. The only difference being one of them would have stolen it after for wank fodder.
If we get indicative votes in the Commons, then senior ministers must surely take part. There's no point in a measure winning a plurality of votes, when it is in fact opposed by a majority of MP's.
Yes, the cabinet should have a free vote.
They should have a free vote but also if they vote against something they should wear a badge or something to say whether they'd resign rather than vote for it if it was whipped
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
I took a little flak on here for saying that No Deal will not happen. My reasons were based on the facts in front of me:
Parliament is utterly opposed to No Deal Theresa May has never wanted No Deal Her Chancellor (and Michael Gove) who are the only ones in her Cabinet with economic nous have utterly opposed No Deal.
Because TM cannot be removed from office as things stand there was, simply, very little way in which No Deal could occur.
However, things go rather deeper than this. May's family is the Conservative party. They have badly let her down, as she would see it. She has realised that the ERG are a complete menace, a law unto themselves and a party within a party. She could never get her deal through the House of Commons by appealing to that extremist hard right. She has now realised that and, hilariously, they have woken up to the fact that they are currently impotent.
Mike Smithson long ago derided Jacob Rees-Mogg and the ERG shower. How right he was. And anyone who had lingering doubts about that should have heard Mishal Hussain rip him to pieces this morning over his support for the Nazi sympathising AfD.
I'm not yet sure if the ERG will be removed from the Conservative Party in the way that Militant Tendency were, but they should be. The Tories will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, win a majority with them in control.
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
Yes, it's very disturbing.
If you think THAT is disturbing, you wouldn't want to hear some of the stuff that went on in the Falklands....
Or NI.
That doesn't make it right ...
Squaddies in Afghanistan letting off steam with paint balls against Jezza was foolish and the more so to put it out on social media. 24 hours later Jezza might have been endorsing the PM condolences after one of those lads was killed in action.
Stressed combat soldiers do stupid off duty things shocker.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
So much for Labour being a broad church. Your piece was well argued, and outlined your reservations about the direction of Labour's policies under Corbyn. I am sorry that some bloody fool wanted to report you for it.
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
Yes, it's very disturbing.
It's so utterly unprofessional. I know some of the ex-military types on here laugh about it, but it's not the behaviour that we admire our armed forces for.
If you are expecting a 19 year old paratrooper to think beyond the next thing he can fuck up or fuck you're going to be disappointed.
I will guarantee that there was no sophisticated political synthesis behind Target Corbyn. It was probably the only poster they had to hand. If they had a poster of May they would have lit that up instead. The only difference being one of them would have stolen it after for wank fodder.
19 year olds generally. Still, the People’s Commissars embedded in each unit to instil political orthodoxy will be a laugh.
pretty feisty start from Tezza with a swipe at Jezza.
Super sensible given the circs an' all.
That's the Jezza she's begging to to get her out of the shit? Not very nice.
Brexit does not mean they have to like each other or agree on almost anything. They could spend every minute insulting one another it should irrelevant to their considerations of any potential compromise. If they reach one theyd still be bitter opponents they dont need to pretend to be friendly.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
Yes, it's very disturbing.
It's so utterly unprofessional. I know some of the ex-military types on here laugh about it, but it's not the behaviour that we admire our armed forces for.
If you are expecting a 19 year old paratrooper to think beyond the next thing he can fuck up or fuck you're going to be disappointed.
I will guarantee that there was no sophisticated political synthesis behind Target Corbyn. It was probably the only poster they had to hand. If they had a poster of May they would have lit that up instead. The only difference being one of them would have stolen it after for wank fodder.
To make it clear: I'm not surprised this happened given the situation squaddies often find themselves in, and I can understand them letting off steam. I also agree it was almost certainly not targeted (if you know what I mean).
I think JackW puts it very well: it was foolish and unsurprising.
He's always seemed polite, but a bit like Corbyn there are times that suddenly stops . I dont know about this morning but his pettiness and making up his own constitutional norms after losing the vote of no confidence in may indicated he can devolve quickly when things dont go his way.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
Or it has taken the Labour Party a year to get round to launching what they are pleased to call their 'investigation'.
Very important that Corbyn avoided Brexit in PMQ's. It really wouldn't have helped. Now for the far right ERG ...
The ERG are not far right *rolleyes*
Well they are consorting with the far right.
Yep. Jacob Rees-Mogg re-tweeting the Nazi sympathising AfD who are extremist hard-right and would possibly be banned in this country.
Of course the ERG are far-right. Sooner they are called out, the better. The mask has slipped and people are starting, slowly, to realise the ideologically driven mess they have led this country into.
Theresa May has cottoned on. If she's got any sense she won't give up her premiership in a hurry.
Amazing really - going at it hammer and tongs at Jezza.
And in two hours she will be begging him for help.
Is she really really really dim or is this pre-arranged or...
(Of course it is for her backbenchers so I'm sure she got permission from Jezza beforehand.)
Or pmqs means nothing as usual and the merits of the deal or any compromise are not impacted either way. If it is used as a reason for anything it would be a lame excuse, like Nandy when may criticised mps or ERGers changing their votes because may said she'd stand down.
So May has finally made her choice and it is not to the advantage of the ERG position. Who would have thought that that could happen? Pretty much anybody with average intelligence I would say which of course leaves a lot of ERG members in the dark. They will probably still get a Brexit although that remains less than guaranteed but it will be a much softer Brexit than they could have had by supporting May's deal from the outset.
The priority remains getting this sorted. The economy has surprised even me with its robust response to our imminent departure but investment and capital spending are undoubtedly being affected by people not knowing what the rules might be in 8 days time. The irresponsibility of our political class has consequences, as the ERG are now finding out.
Was that you on GMS yesterday David, Was a David L spokesman for Advocates on.
Nope. I was in the Sheriff Appeal Court yesterday minding my own business.
I thought maybe you were hitting the big time on GMS.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
What makes me suspicious is not just the article, but the linking to twitter as well.
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Mr. Glenn, indeed, the Wasps are women who want equality, except when it removes an advantage from them (in that specific instance, the equalisation of the pension ages).
pretty feisty start from Tezza with a swipe at Jezza.
Super sensible given the circs an' all.
That's the Jezza she's begging to to get her out of the shit? Not very nice.
Brexit does not mean they have to like each other or agree on almost anything. They could spend every minute insulting one another it should irrelevant to their considerations of any potential compromise. If they reach one theyd still be bitter opponents they dont need to pretend to be friendly.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
No just the authority of office. If Brown had met Cameron in similar circumstances the headline would have been "PM to meet Cameron for talks"
But that should work both ways. It has to be "May meets Corbyn" or "PM meets Opposition Leader".
Bit rich for the BBC to expect me to pay my licence fee when my favoured political leader is so shamelessly disrespected.
No it should not. PM is an office representing the country, Leader of the Opposition is a title representing a party. It works both ways by being consistent regardless of who is PM.
Same in USA the President is the President. Rivals are not.
Also for headline writers for whom brevity is important, PM is 2 characters while Leader of the Opposition is 24.
Absolute howler from Blackford, asking why Scotland is being ignored - PM responds that she is meeting the First Ministers for Scotland and Wales today
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
FFS....there really is no hope. Probably the most reasonable labour member I have interacted with and under the new management, people such as yourself are clearly no longer welcome.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
What makes me suspicious is not just the article, but the linking to twitter as well.
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Hope I'm wrong, though.
The linking to Twitter would have been the footer of the article. And its entirely possible someone Southam has gotten into an argument on Twitter with has googled him and found that Article.
That Army thing is scary if real. Almost Breivik like.
Yes, it's very disturbing.
It's so utterly unprofessional. I know some of the ex-military types on here laugh about it, but it's not the behaviour that we admire our armed forces for.
I for one feel fine pontificating about the antics of the army in the hell hole that is Afghanistan from my safe comfy armchair etc etc...
I hear the blokes that have been invited along in uniform to Ibrox have the thousand yard stare after some of The Rangers performances they've witnessed.
Absolute howler from Blackford, asking why Scotland is being ignored - PM responds that she is meeting the First Ministers for Scotland and Wales today
He tried to get out of that by saying it's not formal talks, the surprised face of the lady next to him when TMay said she was meeting with the FM rather gives the lie to that...
Did Corbyn just say : "A whole generation of waspy women" ?
WASPI women. He bangs on about them quite a lot.
The women who knew the rules, could hardly have missed that they changed and are now whining about equality when it’s not in their favour. Me Meeks will be able to explain further (whether or not he agrees with my cynicism).
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
What makes me suspicious is not just the article, but the linking to twitter as well.
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Hope I'm wrong, though.
The linking to Twitter would have been the footer of the article. And its entirely possible someone Southam has gotten into an argument on Twitter with has googled him and found that Article.
People scour others twitter records looking for the slightest off comment for the last 20 years. It's a thing now.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
What makes me suspicious is not just the article, but the linking to twitter as well.
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Hope I'm wrong, though.
The linking to Twitter would have been the footer of the article. And its entirely possible someone Southam has gotten into an argument on Twitter with has googled him and found that Article.
People scour others twitter records looking for the slightest off comment for the last 20 years. It's a thing now.
It’s like interviews. I know of firms (non-UK) which will go through social media posts of potential employees. One had better never said anything interesting or controversial.
Hilariously, I am being investigated by the Labour party for an article and a post I made here on Political Betting. I could end up being expelled from a party of which I am no longer a member. maybe they think I'm Jewish!!
That's just hilarious. I wonder which one of us reported you, though (I sadly doubt it was a lurker)...
I doubt it was anyone active here. I remember that article and from memory it was written a long time ago. Therefore it is likely a trawler has come across it not someone active.
What makes me suspicious is not just the article, but the linking to twitter as well.
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Hope I'm wrong, though.
The linking to Twitter would have been the footer of the article. And its entirely possible someone Southam has gotten into an argument on Twitter with has googled him and found that Article.
People scour others twitter records looking for the slightest off comment for the last 20 years. It's a thing now.
It is also possible that a search for a known antisemitic image would have found it, which would be ironic.
BBC news subtitles rather amusingly had May saying she was 'eating the First Minister of Scotland this afternoon' rather than "meeting the First Minister of Scotland'
This session of PMQs having a very good effect in unifying the parliamentary Tory Party.
I thought they were in meltdown?
All they need to do is deliver City status for Southend and step free access at Selby station and all the party's divisions over Brexit will be forgotten!
TM stumbled over the "Corbyn unfit" question there, and will have irritated JC intensely with the Salisbury/Putin reference when she could have been bigger than that, and distinguished between the electorate putting JC into No 10 and she having a conversation with him as LOTO in order to break parliamentary deadlock.
Yes, you can see where this is going. A referendum which has to be approved by a majority of Westminster MPs?
No change there, squire. Mind you, it's always most enlightening to see those who snivel about the repressive, sovereignty-denying EU that let's any member hold a membership referendum whenever they like, regardless of how ill-equipped they are to enact the result, glory in being able to deny similar to members of another union.
Too busy....
If we get indicative votes in the Commons, then senior ministers must surely take part. There's no point in a measure winning a plurality of votes, when it is in fact opposed by a majority of MP's.
Confirms my view that he will need a general election landslide if he is to be allowed to do anything radical in office.
I will guarantee that there was no sophisticated political synthesis behind Target Corbyn. It was probably the only poster they had to hand. If they had a poster of May they would have lit that up instead. The only difference being one of them would have stolen it after for wank fodder.
They'd probably be out of a job PDQ.
Parliament is utterly opposed to No Deal
Theresa May has never wanted No Deal
Her Chancellor (and Michael Gove) who are the only ones in her Cabinet with economic nous have utterly opposed No Deal.
Because TM cannot be removed from office as things stand there was, simply, very little way in which No Deal could occur.
However, things go rather deeper than this. May's family is the Conservative party. They have badly let her down, as she would see it. She has realised that the ERG are a complete menace, a law unto themselves and a party within a party. She could never get her deal through the House of Commons by appealing to that extremist hard right. She has now realised that and, hilariously, they have woken up to the fact that they are currently impotent.
Mike Smithson long ago derided Jacob Rees-Mogg and the ERG shower. How right he was. And anyone who had lingering doubts about that should have heard Mishal Hussain rip him to pieces this morning over his support for the Nazi sympathising AfD.
I'm not yet sure if the ERG will be removed from the Conservative Party in the way that Militant Tendency were, but they should be. The Tories will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, win a majority with them in control.
Stressed combat soldiers do stupid off duty things shocker.
Super sensible given the circs an' all.
Now for the far right ERG ...
I think JackW puts it very well: it was foolish and unsurprising.
It's still stupid, though.
And in two hours she will be begging him for help.
Is she really really really dim or is this pre-arranged or...
(Of course it is for her backbenchers so I'm sure she got permission from Jezza beforehand.)
I can cite more examples if you'd like.
Of course the ERG are far-right. Sooner they are called out, the better. The mask has slipped and people are starting, slowly, to realise the ideologically driven mess they have led this country into.
Theresa May has cottoned on. If she's got any sense she won't give up her premiership in a hurry.
They'd have been better just getting on with the talks and sending some deputies for PMQ's.
Tories on OGH's naughty step .... again ....
why would a casual browser care enough to report it?
Hope I'm wrong, though.
Fancy that
Same in USA the President is the President. Rivals are not.
Also for headline writers for whom brevity is important, PM is 2 characters while Leader of the Opposition is 24.
Urges the PM to put her weight behind the campaign for step-free access for Selby railway station
To achieve Scottish independence?
By winning a referendum.
Yes, you can see where this is going. A referendum which has to be approved by a majority of Westminster MPs?
Odd choice of words if he's thinking of a VONC. "This Parliament" would end in weeks.
So no GE before 2022 then?
(Yes, a really poor railway-related 'joke').
The women who knew the rules, could hardly have missed that they changed and are now whining about equality when it’s not in their favour. Me Meeks will be able to explain further (whether or not he agrees with my cynicism).
It's called the ERG.
I thought they were in meltdown?
Mind you, it's always most enlightening to see those who snivel about the repressive, sovereignty-denying EU that let's any member hold a membership referendum whenever they like, regardless of how ill-equipped they are to enact the result, glory in being able to deny similar to members of another union.