Regular political betting readers will remember with much affection (and well-upholstered bank accounts) the spreadsheet that AndyJS produced for the EU referendum, setting out the expected For 2017, he has prepared a constituency by constituency summary in order of their declaration in 2015, with the 2010 and 2015 tallies for each party.
Edit: tis a wondrous thing! Although hoping Torbay will be earlier than 4.39 this year....
Can we have an explanation of how to use it please?
I mean that services will be restricted, as they already are in some localities, on the basis of cost rather than clinical need and best practice.
Need a hip replacement? Sorry, you need to be in more pain before you can go in the waiting list.
Just had the last of the "JackW Contacts Dozen" come through. Pushed out 15 with 12 returns. Looking to post an executive summary by 5:30pm.
This will also include an updated eve of poll JWCBI
AndyJS also has another spreadsheet showing Labour defences. He mentioned he might be color coding this during the night, so it would be worth keeping it open in another tab
here it is
Means I've not been able to campaigning for Aaron.
I don't know whether anyone has yet commented on today's YouGov model update.
One only expects small movements because of the nature of the model and sampling, but for what it's worth, there is a slight movement away from Con and SNP and towards Labour.
Con 302 (-2)
Lab 269 (+3)
SNP 44 (-2)
It's not the absolute numbers that are of interest but whether YouGov has picked up a late trend back to Labour.
Off Topic YG Model
Cant believe they have reduced Tory seats further
I really cant see it being right but if they were and just for old times sake
Unfortunately ICM almost certainly right and TMICIPM
Swindon North had a swing to the Tories, but it took a while to undo the swing to Labour seen in Sunderland.
Pointless statistic. Labour were ahead of the Tories in total votes in 2015 until 05:43 when Witney declared. I wonder how long they'll be in front this time?
What you said (in your original post on previous thread, to which I responded) will happen in the future is actually what is happening now. The NHS already rations on grounds of cost, on grounds of yearly budgets, and on grounds of age.
What we need is a proper national debate as to how to make the NHS fit for the 21st century. Before that can happen the major parties must stop pretending that a system designed in the late 1940s can be good enough if only we thrown a few more billion pounds at it.
Over-zealous traffic wardens put parking tickets on at least six cars trapped inside the police cordon set up after the London Bridge attack, the Sun reports.
It claims the wardens swooped shortly after the cordon was lifted, giving motorists whose cars had been inaccessible since Saturday night little time to remove their vehicles.
Labour: 46% (no change)
Conservatives: 34% (-1)
Plaid Cymru: 9% (+1)
Liberal Democrats: 5% (no change)
UKIP: 5% (no change)
Others: 1% (+1)
There are no big changes since our previous poll; all movements are well within the ‘margin of error’.
And the traffic wardens disciplined.
I'm not sure you can discipline traffic wardens for being w*nkers though?
What is definite is that current demand with our pretty much universal service is increasing at 4% a year. Neither party can hope to match that because the economy is not and will not grow fast enough to sustain that. So hard choices have to be made. It would be naïve to wish our politicians could be honest about this.
Brum Ladywood last night, Gateshead. Stuff way more nailed on than Bolsover.
If Shettleson can elect a Tory councillor in May then anything is possible.
Con 380
Lab 197
SNP 45
Lib Dem 6
Plaid Cymru 2
Green 1
Speaker 1
Northern Ireland 18
Con maj 110
Majority < 50 or NOC.
D- for trolling. Must do better.