There have been 588 local by-elections during this Parliament in which a total of 1,029,887 votes have been cast. These are not virtual votes cast in opinion polls, or online, but physical votes in physical ballot boxes up and down the country. Overall these votes (and seat wins) have split as follows:
How reliable is he? I know a lot of these ecpets got it wrong last time round....
Messina is supposed to have huge databases where he has 100s of parameters on masses of target swings voters. Literally how often you go for a shit type stuff. YouGov have similar stuff, but it has been shown to be horrendously flawed and is self selecting. Dave Gorman did a special on it and it was hilarious the kind of crap they had, Marxists love Ant, Fascists love Dec, but nobody can tell which is which.
Messina isn't looking at the population as a whole, he is looking at only target voters that could swing the election.
It will be fascinating to hear what was happening in the bunker this time around. Are they seeing the same kind of Corbgasm or not. If they aren't, will they turn out to be right, etc etc etc.
Interestingly Facebook apparently have the most complete data in the world on people. Not only from what you serve them via their site, but they buy up huge amounts of personal data from around the world and then match it all up.
If you want to buy ads on Facebook you can literally say I want left handed half Asian 25 year olds living in Bognor to see this. Or if you have a list of target names, they will offer you the service of all of those plus all those that match that profile.
Facebook are ahead of Google in this stuff. They know more about you than you probably do.
The public polls you see are very neutral, free from bias, and usually ask VI first.
Whereas private polls the Tories used last time asked VI after the supplementary questions, so after you'd said you preferred Cameron as PM, trusted Dave and George on the economy over the two Eds you'd be more likely to admit on planning on voting Tory.
Whereas it's the other way round with public polls
The Tory private polls also used their attack lines in their polls, which whilst not push polling it turned out to be more accurate.
For example the IFS say Ed Miliband's policies would add x billions to the deficit, whereas the Tories have reduced the deficit, who do you think is best suited to run the economy.
The Crosby/Textor final poll of 2015 had the Tories on 329 versus the 330 that they got
If the Tories sweep London, Lib Dems win the West country and Plaid take Rhondda and Ynys Mons I'll have given back a bit of dosh.
Perhaps you should review your previous predictions:
before making more.
LAB haven't got 40% since 2001!
CON haven't got 45% since... 1970 ☺
Both are going to be under attack and be on the defensive for vast majority of their time on the programme.
If Corbyn is under attack at the end, that is the last thing people will remember.
Also the feed mentions other registration changes, surprise surprise the only real increases are in ultra-safe student seats.
"However much I disagree the her I thank the PM for her service but the nation need to move on."
Kill her with kindness ....
The Conservative bedwetting will see mattress sales boom as never before.
Up to 40 battleground seats the Tories thought were bankable are now in doubt, a senior campaign source tells BI.
Why leak so much ?>
Playing contrived games with democracy is unforgivable
Utter pricks!
Pretty sure similar was said in 97 by senior labour sources.
As it is, we have to rely on these very optimistic Labour figures being wrong. Head says they are, but heart is very faint.
Will be tremendously relieved to have this all over and done with - assuming that it ends with the right result, of course. God alone knows whether we'll get it or not.
Or alternatively there is only one, female, reason.
Either way, what do you emigrants know?
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is up there with the best beer going.
Now the majority is 1/4 (1.25) on Betfair. Given what we know about the Midlands marginals and the redistribution of the UKIP vote, surely there's now some value in this bet?
He'll be able to go on as long as he wants.
This isn't a counterfactual I expect to see mind.
For the first time I think Theresa will lose her majority and that there will a minority government.
I am sorry for her and have supported her but if that is the result she will stand down and a new leader elected
But they have not killed Labour off for a generation; and their leader has been exposed as a sociopathic blancmange, unable to think on her feet. This is not how it was supposed to be.
20 April, 50%.
This is absolutely key info - if total young turnout (as % of population, not electorate) - ie total votes cast by young people - is going to be up significantly then surely it is going to need to be based on increased registrations.
Need to see total electorate vs at GE 2015 and EU ref 2016.
Now whatever happens Corbynism is going to take over the Labour Party and even if May wins she won't have killed that off or reshaped what centre ground means*.
* I don't necessarily think that is good or bad, mostly because I don't really know what May thinks is the centre.
Brexit done, all the blame on the Tories, deficit only 3 years away from being cleared.
Labour can get an electable leader, and clean up.
Or will it stick with Corbyn??
I am not watching tonight. I can't bear to.
Your Name Vill Also Go On Zer List .. Vot Is It ?
Now Corbyn comes along, "man of the people", who has never had a proper job and he absolutely thick as two short planks, which Dave and Ed certainly aren't.
Breaking my lifelong habit of voting for the local candidate rather than party or prospective PM I will very reluctantly vote Tory. But that is only because they are the only party I trust to deliver some form of Brexit.
Otherwise May just repels me. Her interventionism, her control freakery and her basic apparent lack of ability mean the sooner she is gone the better as far as I am concerned. There are plenty of Tories I could vote for - David Davis being the best example for me personally - but I doubt any of them will get the chance to lead the party so I am once again (with a short hiatus of a few days to make sure they win the election) back in the realms of a plague on all your houses.
Basically almost all politicians and certainly all the party leaders are fecking useless and don't deserve our support.
Corbyn is by far the bigger risk. If you're on the Left, you surely want him to go, the Tories to own it, and a sensible leader to position for a clear win in GE2022.
From Mansfield.
Then, how much do Labour have to be ahead on the day to win?
At first I thought it was a private poll but it simply lays out the political facts in Richmond Park. Mike is doing his bit.
Everyone having a good Mega Polling Saturday Eve I hope?