Two of the three Labour losses in Wrexham don't appear as defences in your spreadsheet, so presumably that indicates previous majorities of more than 25%?
Wrexham LAB vote down around 7-10% across the seats declared so far (avg by eye).
I think it is a bit more than that, Mr. Wiggs. Looks like about a 30% swing from Labour to Conservative. Got to be some local factors in play, surely.
The good burghers of Wales don't like Labour any more. It is no huge surprise - I have family there, it has been massively let down by Labour leadership at council, assembly and in many cases Parliamentary levels.
But by sight the avg drop in Lab vote is now around 10% plus... which will see the Tories comfortably take it.
Did she have some kind of psychotic episode?
Ruabon (Wrexham) Lab HOLD
Lab 27.8%
Ind 25.8%
Ind 22.1%
PC 24.3%
Labour down 23.1% from 2012
(via Election Data)