Seriously, what is the point of pasting these figures based on 1% of the votes? It's essentially random.
1% of the population of 318 million ish is a viable statistical sample.
It's not the size that's important.
Over here in blighty the pollsters work off approx 1100. For a population of .... Well god who knows lets say 70 millions. Far less than 1%. Size is everything.
OK - I'll rephrase that - size is necessary but not sufficient for a "viable statistical sample."
Looking good for Republicans in the Senate so far. Ohio called by CNN for the Republicans.
The Democrats gave up on that one weeks ago. NC is a key race
The four potential gains are Illinois, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, outside chances in NC and Mo and need to hold NV. I think the 4 would give a tie and Kaine has the casting vote. So too soon to say.
That kinda shows that if GOP had put up a candidate who wasn't a vile pussygrabbing, psychotic, narcissistic, tax evading, Putin loving, maniac... they would have walked it......
American election programmes have a very different feel to British ones. Much better analysis and less time wasting listening to clueless vox pops and partisan commentators trying to spin the results.
They don't have that empty hour and a half to fill, and then another hour when the only result is from sunderland
Yes but in any case it is far better – a focus on the maths, geography and numbers rather than meaningless talking heads. We should learn from them. The CNN coverage is very good (apart from the key race alert)
Indeed - the analysis is useful and the graphics are crystal clear. Contrast with the BBC referendum coverage where they had that meaningless "bar chart" of the Leave/Remain vote that no one (including the presenters) understood was supposed to mean. I don't remember them doing any demographic analysis or polls on reasons for voting etc.
I do think the GOP need to go for Kasich next time. A rust belt Governor, sensible, will pledge to bring back jobs to the rust belt, won't be a mental case and will give them the best shot of winning IMO, especially if Clinton runs again.
Kasich was the only GOP primary candidate who didn't come across as totally insane....
I do think the GOP need to go for Kasich next time. A rust belt Governor, sensible, will pledge to bring back jobs to the rust belt, won't be a mental case and will give them the best shot of winning IMO, especially if Clinton runs again.
So you keep endlessly repeating. It's too soon to be sure. This could be a long night.
I know you want Trump to win, and I feel for you. But the evidence is now overwhelming: Hillary Clinton is next POTUS.
It isn't Robert. Just wait.
p.s. I don't personally care who wins.
I think you do going by your previous posts.
No I really don't. I don't like HRC. For selfish reasons, nothing to do with betting, I make more if Trump wins but I'm more interested in the global picture and for that Trump would be an utter nightmare, which is much more important than my 10-15k.
Learn lessons from the Brexit night and be judicious.
That kinda shows that if GOP had put up a candidate who wasn't a vile pussygrabbing, psychotic, narcissistic, tax evading, Putin loving, maniac... they would have walked it......
There's always 2020.
I hope so David....I hope that GOP do not ever do this again and scare the world with the prospect of someone like Donald Trump getting POTUS. It has given me anxiety attacks....seriously
So you keep endlessly repeating. It's too soon to be sure. This could be a long night.
I know you want Trump to win, and I feel for you. But the evidence is now overwhelming: Hillary Clinton is next POTUS.
It isn't Robert. Just wait.
p.s. I don't personally care who wins.
I think you do going by your previous posts.
No I really don't. I don't like HRC. For selfish reasons, nothing to do with betting, I make more if Trump wins but I'm more interested in the global picture and for that Trump would be an utter nightmare, which is much more important than my 10-15k.
Learn lessons from the Brexit night and be judicious.
So you keep endlessly repeating. It's too soon to be sure. This could be a long night.
It isn't Robert. Just wait.
p.s. I don't personally care who wins.
I think you do going by your previous posts.
No I really don't. I don't like HRC. For selfish reasons, nothing to do with betting, I make more if Trump wins but I'm more interested in the global picture and for that Trump would be an utter nightmare, which is much more important than my 10-15k.
Learn lessons from the Brexit night and be judicious.
OK sorry.
That's sweet of you.
All I'm trying to do is urge some caution. There are so many variables in different ethnic, social mixes and we cannot judge, for example, the demographic changes of North Carolina with say Ohio.
That kinda shows that if GOP had put up a candidate who wasn't a vile pussygrabbing, psychotic, narcissistic, tax evading, Putin loving, maniac... they would have walked it......
There's always 2020.
I hope so David....I hope that GOP do not ever do this again and scare the world with the prospect of someone like Donald Trump getting POTUS. It has given me anxiety attacks....seriously
It will be Cruz 2020 most likely if Trump loses, possibly Pence, the only way the GOP would pick a centrist is if Trump lost by a landslide, whoever wins tonight that has not happened
So you keep endlessly repeating. It's too soon to be sure. This could be a long night.
I know you want Trump to win, and I feel for you. But the evidence is now overwhelming: Hillary Clinton is next POTUS.
It isn't Robert. Just wait.
p.s. I don't personally care who wins.
I think you do going by your previous posts.
No I really don't. I don't like HRC. For selfish reasons, nothing to do with betting, I make more if Trump wins but I'm more interested in the global picture and for that Trump would be an utter nightmare, which is much more important than my 10-15k.
Learn lessons from the Brexit night and be judicious.
If a whole lot of people had been 'judicious' about Brexit at 00:55 on the 24th, they wouldn't have made a whole lot of money.
The BF punters don't seem to know the difference between West Virginia and Virginia; I wouldn't assume inside info. Probably just that Trump is clearly losing FL
Popular vote:
Trump 52.8%
Clinton 43.8%
The ethnic and social mixes are making comparisons to Obama and Romney so fraught.
Trump 50%
Clinton 47%
full details
voting, est. 65% in
Clinton 49%
Trump 48%
Learn lessons from the Brexit night and be judicious.
Trump 52%
Clinton 44%
full details
voting, est. 71%
I hope so David....I hope that GOP do not ever do this again and scare the world with the prospect of someone like Donald Trump getting POTUS. It has given me anxiety attacks....seriously
I reckon 25-28
All I'm trying to do is urge some caution. There are so many variables in different ethnic, social mixes and we cannot judge, for example, the demographic changes of North Carolina with say Ohio.
But PA coming up is key.
But it will be a close thing.
Trump 9.8 now.
Trump 53%
Clinton 44%
12% of precincts reporting.
Managed to flip my position and just come out ahead; with a few flutters on PA and MI wins for Trump....
Night all.
Clinton 51.9
Trump 45.7
It is over if she wins there even if Trump gets a miracle win in Michigan and/or Penn.
Clinton 68 electors
Trump 37