"undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper&&(window.datawrapper={"VV46H":{}}),window.datawrapper["VV46H"].embedDeltas={"100":724.8,"200":653.8,"300":626.8,"400":626.8,"500":599.8,"600":599.8,"700":599.8,"800":599.8,"900":599.8,"1000":599.8},window.datawrapper["VV46H"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-VV46H"),window.datawrapper["VV46H"].iframe.style.height=window.datawrapper["VV46H"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["VV46H"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof a.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in a.data["datawrapper-height"])"VV46H"==b&&(window.datawrapper["VV46H"].iframe.style.height=a.data["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px")});
On Milne....what happened to McBride replacing him? I thought we saw a distinct improvement in Corbyn's PMQs game after McBride was reputed to have come aboard.....
"Corbyn on course for victory. Labour's poll rating surges while tories flounder: 3% (1/26) increase in support in 20 days vs 0% (0/43). Extrapolation to 2020 (27 + (3.5x365/20)) = Labour 282%, Tories 43%."
Burnham nearly wet his pants live on TV, brilliant.
Clinton 1.365
Trump 3.825
Sanders 435
Kaine 570
Biden 635
McMullin 940
Juppé 28
Le Pen 28
Macron 15
Mélenchon 12
Hollande 9
Might make Corbyn feel better.
That would be SWP rallies.
Meanwhile Theresa May is getting the benefit of the doubt. For now, voters seems to be relieved that she's trying to sort out the mess. Whilst she's making mistakes, they are mostly on peripheral issues. Of course, as time goes on things will get harder for her, but, for now, she's the only show in town.
the whining yesterday was almost as good as why they had done nothing on Murdoch
Thy are wore than no use. They are causing damage by turfing out experienced, capable branch and CLP officers and replacing them with people whose only claim to office is that they are Corbyites.
I want to see state-by-state density and frequency.
Clinton 44 .. Trump 44
Tory 470
SNP 50
Lab 40
Lib 10
Others 20
Could parliament function like that, with the SNP acting as Her Majesty's Official Opposition for the whole of the UK? Constitutionally they wouldn't be in a position to act as a Government in waiting. While it would be the biggest free pass the Tories could dream of, it would polarise the country like never before thanks to FPTP effectively disenfranchising all non-Scots opposition.
Sarkozy 20
Macron 15
Mélenchon 13.5
Hollande 10
All the polls are much of a muchness at the moment.
Never fear. Blighty keeps a fortnight's gas stocks in preparation for a Russian cut-off, and Zil lanes can be opened up from the City to Heathrow.
I don't watch TV, but I heard some Tory or other on the radio answering questions about Orgreave. All he could say, over and over again, was that some policemen got injured. He was full of class hatred. No surprise. Just saying. And thick as two short planks. Injuries to police officers don't make an argument for not having an inquiry. Nor does the repeatedly parroted fact that unlike at Hillsborough, there weren't scores of deaths. But who listens to oiks when they think they're making a case? Just laugh at them when they get angry at being refused.
The scenario you paint won't happen unless another party or parties emerged to attract enough Labour voters, but not enough of them to convert to actual seats.
Any area with a legacy of coal-mining or major ex-industrial metropolitan area in the North is pretty safe, for now.
Dole not Coal
What a loser.
UKIP take Bootle? Probs not.
If Labour are in 'dire trouble', the English language fails to describe the situation in which the LDs find themselves. Perhaps we should use that to coin at a term.
Labour may be in dire trouble, but at least they are not in the Liberal Democrats.
Next year, for the first time, there is a very real possibility that none of our power will be coal-based for six months of the year.
* Imagine the worse outcome
* Double it
* Confirm that in your gut you know there is no way in real life this could actually happen.
Back that outcome heavily.
I thought for a moment OGH was referring to Two Taxi Tim's party.
It seems to me that the people "making a case" haven't made a case, hence the Home Secretary turning down their request. Labour support for the campaign looks to be nakedly political. And from what I've heard from both sides on the radio there's been some very selective recall of the events.
Personally I'm skeptical of all inquiries into events decades after they have happened.
Imagine the Guardianista's
"The Democratic presidential nominee and her allies in a dozen battleground states have more than 4,800 people knocking on doors, making phone calls and otherwise working to support her candidacy."
Extra bit - I think this is my 5,000th post on Vanilla!