Worse still? Scared to even watch.
She looks almost unconscious - if that were me, I'd be taking it seriously and going to hospital. The 90mins she went AWOL just adds to it.
Maybe this is just the first time it's happened on camera but is actually a regular occurrence that is part of a manageable condition.
Quite a few tweets are noting that her team seem to be well drilled on dealing with this experience.
I thought her team looked pretty crap at dealing with it. The second person who helps suppprt her moves in far too late and is clearly surprised by her fall.
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
"He'll probably mime someone having a stroke."
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
Its hardly surprising. Most people think Hitler was right wing rather than extreme left wing despite the fact that he ran the German nations Socialist Workers Party.
I can call a dog a zebra, it doesn't make it a zebra.
I am struggling to get my head around the fact that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy. Who'd have thought it?
I'm sure we've had this debate before, but which of Hitler's policies do you regard as being objectively right wing?
His visceral anti-bolshevism? There was a good piece by Tim Stanley on why considering Hitler as left wing is silly. Can't be bothered to find it though.
Was he as anti biolshevik as the mensheviks?
I'd argue it was competition for the same power base that encouraged him to be so intrinsically opposed to them
Who exactly? People like medics, police officers, aristocratic landowners, businessmen?
And the Nazis were far more anti-Bolshevik than the Mensheviks were either before or after 1917, although to compare Nazis-versus-Bolsheviks with Mensheviks-versus-Bolsheviks is to overload the term "Bolsheviks".
Working classes and lower middle classes who had been screwed by hyperinflation under Weimar.
The Junkers came later - they were suspicious of the Nazis (and vice versa) even throughout much of the war (e.g. von Stauffenburg was an entirely Junker plot). That's why Hindenberg was President initially.
I'm on the West Coast this week. I was planning to be in SF on Wednesday evening, but may now go the Hillary rally in Nevada. I wonder if I can go as a Politicalbetting affiliated reporter
Double check your visa - I believe the US has some quite strict rules about acting as a journalist on a non-journalists visa.
Worse still? Scared to even watch.
She looks almost unconscious - if that were me, I'd be taking it seriously and going to hospital. The 90mins she went AWOL just adds to it.
Can you imagine if something happens in a live debate?
Indeed - The two public occasions Hilary was been obliged to attend in recent weeks has showed having a coughing fit at the Labor Day rally and secondly, taken seriously unwell at the 15th 9/11 memorial event. - Team Hilary must be horrified at the thought of another attack during a live debate on TV. – She had better be in good health from now on because all eyes will be on her public appearances between now and the election.
Number Cruncher Sports At the London #Paralympics, #GBR had 15 gold medals at the END of day four. Right now they have 20 and it's only 3pm on day four #Rio2016
Go Team GB! A clear second in the medals table too, wonderful to see.
Bloody benefit cheats ;-)
Interesting to see Ukraine in third place, according to the Ukrainian Mrs Sandpit they have managed to unearth some good Paralympians in the weeks leading up to the Games...
A side benefit of a civil war? It was Jimmy Carr who got into trouble for this joke:
"Say what you like about those servicemen amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan, but we're going to have a fucking good Paralympic team in 2012."
I think defectors from the banned Russian team, rather than as a product of the war.
Jimmy Carr's joke was fine, typical leftie moral guardians getting upset of behalf of those who would laugh along. There are indeed a fair few military veterans at the Paralympics.
John Durant If Hillary can't make it through a 9/11 ceremony, how is she supposed to make it through an actual 9/11?
GWB kept reading to a group of school children for 20mins. Then flew to Nebraska.
Better than running out of the room in a panic? At the time there was very partial information and it wasn't initially clear whether it was a tragic accident or an attack on America
He flew to Orffut AFB at the instruction of the Secret Service and over his protests. He didn't spend long there before heading back to Washington.
There are many things to criticise Bush for, but his behaviour on the day of 9/11 is not one of them.
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
"He'll probably mime someone having a stroke."
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
One of my favourites from the Amateur Transplants:
Worse still? Scared to even watch.
She looks almost unconscious - if that were me, I'd be taking it seriously and going to hospital. The 90mins she went AWOL just adds to it.
Everyone is going to make it an issue and talk about it, some may even make a " Weekend at Bernie's" parody , especially on the 15h anniversary of this:
The greatest story in that edition was: "Hijackers Surprised to Find Selves in Hell", although "God Clarifies Thou Shalt Not Kill Commandment" was also pretty awesome.
I wonder what they will publish on the last day of either Hillary's or Trump's presidencies. Lets hope it's something light and not "world comes to end" or "world is relieved".
It's very detrimental that the public believes that both Hillary and Trump would end up in disaster if they win. There is very little trust about their abilities in public.
I'm on the West Coast this week. I was planning to be in SF on Wednesday evening, but may now go the Hillary rally in Nevada. I wonder if I can go as a Politicalbetting affiliated reporter
Double check your visa - I believe the US has some quite strict rules about acting as a journalist on a non-journalists visa.
I don't have a visa, I'm travelling on the ESTA/visa waiver scheme.
Number Cruncher Sports At the London #Paralympics, #GBR had 15 gold medals at the END of day four. Right now they have 20 and it's only 3pm on day four #Rio2016
Go Team GB! A clear second in the medals table too, wonderful to see.
Bloody benefit cheats ;-)
Interesting to see Ukraine in third place, according to the Ukrainian Mrs Sandpit they have managed to unearth some good Paralympians in the weeks leading up to the Games...
A side benefit of a civil war? It was Jimmy Carr who got into trouble for this joke:
"Say what you like about those servicemen amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan, but we're going to have a fucking good Paralympic team in 2012."
I think defectors from the banned Russian team, rather than as a product of the war.
Jimmy Carr's joke was fine, typical leftie moral guardians getting upset of behalf of those who would laugh along. There are indeed a fair few military veterans at the Paralympics.
Ah, good call. Yes, Jimmy's style is to tell an outrageous joke that makes people laugh at something they'd rather not be laughing at.
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
"He'll probably mime someone having a stroke."
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
One of my favourites from the Amateur Transplants:
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
Will Trump behave like a gentleman or like a brute ?
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
No, he won't be able to resist a pantomime choking collapse.
Number Cruncher Sports At the London #Paralympics, #GBR had 15 gold medals at the END of day four. Right now they have 20 and it's only 3pm on day four #Rio2016
Go Team GB! A clear second in the medals table too, wonderful to see.
Bloody benefit cheats ;-)
Interesting to see Ukraine in third place, according to the Ukrainian Mrs Sandpit they have managed to unearth some good Paralympians in the weeks leading up to the Games...
The shocker for me is how far behind the US is. Shows how relatively little they put into their paralympic athletes. Kudos to the UK for supporting our paralympic athletes so well.
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
"He'll probably mime someone having a stroke."
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
One of my favourites from the Amateur Transplants:
Very good. For some reason I think of that band every time there's a Tube strike on
So Trump should say "I hope Hilary is feeling well and campaigning again as soon as possible." i.e. She's ill but I'm being nice. He'll probably mime someone having a stroke.
"He'll probably mime someone having a stroke."
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
One of my favourites from the Amateur Transplants:
Very good. For some reason I think of that band every time there's a Tube strike on
I saw them live the day after the 2010 general election; they were superb but annoyingly talented - I bet they went to private schools.
John Durant If Hillary can't make it through a 9/11 ceremony, how is she supposed to make it through an actual 9/11?
GWB kept reading to a group of school children for 20mins. Then flew to Nebraska.
It wasn't like that at all - this first person account is a superb read.
Rep. Adam Putnam: There’s some debate within the staff that I can hear about how the president needs to address the nation. They’re saying, “We can’t do it here. You can’t do it in front of fifth-graders.” The Secret Service is saying, “You’re doing it here or you’re not doing at all. We’re not taking the time to do it somewhere else. We need to get him secure.”
Dave Wilkinson: We’re talking to folks back at the White House, we’re beginning to get the motorcade up and running, getting the motorcycle cops back, we’re ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice. All of a sudden it hits me: The president’s the only one who doesn’t know that this plane has hit the second building. It was a discomfort to all of us that the president didn’t know. The event was dragging on, and that’s when Andy Card came out.
Number Cruncher Sports At the London #Paralympics, #GBR had 15 gold medals at the END of day four. Right now they have 20 and it's only 3pm on day four #Rio2016
Go Team GB! A clear second in the medals table too, wonderful to see.
Bloody benefit cheats ;-)
Interesting to see Ukraine in third place, according to the Ukrainian Mrs Sandpit they have managed to unearth some good Paralympians in the weeks leading up to the Games...
The shocker for me is how far behind the US is. Shows how relatively little they put into their paralympic athletes. Kudos to the UK for supporting our paralympic athletes so well.
Team GB provides funding and training to Paralympians on an equal basis to the Olympic athletes, maybe China is the only other country that does that.
The USA would be able to storm the Paralympics if they put the effort in, they've got all the elite training facilities already. There's a comment somewhere about how injured veterans find themselves treated, or not, in the USA, and their attitude to disability in general, which might explain why this hasn't happened.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She's going to really struggle to avoid the subject after today. She's clearly been very ill, the rumour mill will make it more serious than it actually is, if she stays quiet. That's assuming she's not actually at death's door and being medically kept alive until the election is over.
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
That video of Hillary Clinton is so weird. She's leaning back on the concrete stump and when the van pulls up she cant put one foot in front of the other to get to it and then they drag her, evidenced by the zoom in angle where you see her feet dragging on the floor. She could stand up but obviously not actually move, walk or climb into the vehicle. That's not overheating it's something to do with her brain function.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She's going to really struggle to avoid the subject after today. She's clearly been very ill, the rumour mill will make it more serious than it actually is, if she stays quiet. That's assuming she's not actually at death's door and being medically kept alive until the election is over.
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
Yesterday she was all over media for insulting millions of GOPers, now whether one agrees with her or not - it made her look pretty nasty and smug. Today she's clearly incapable for a period.
If you were a swing voter - what would you be thinking right now?!
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She's going to really struggle to avoid the subject after today. She's clearly been very ill, the rumour mill will make it more serious than it actually is, if she stays quiet. That's assuming she's not actually at death's door and being medically kept alive until the election is over.
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
That's a crucial issue, rumours.
Before this all the rumours and conspiracy theories about Hillary where dismissed from the media.
Now that it maybe that some of these rumours and conspiracies maybe true, the media will be forced to take them into account instead of dismissing them.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is a big, big win for Trump.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She should just do a honest press conference about her health, no one apart from the loon conspiracy theorists will hold it against her, and they won't vote for her any way and if she makes it relatable by saying x millions of Americans have this condition then it might help to fix the biggest problem she has which is being seen as too cold.
Nothing to see here - carry on. ---------- Of corse, the big story today has been the fact that Secretary Clinton left rather unceremoniously, having become overheated. We should say the weather has been horrific, very hot, extremely humid temperatures. She was adorned in a long-sleeved coat, a pantsuit. And so what we will see here now is her getting into the car. She was a little bit unstable there, not feeling too well. And, again, she had indicated to staffers around her as well as notably, probably, Secret Service officials that she was not feeling well, and she needed to leave the event. Of course, she certainly did not want to bring attention to herself if not feeling well, given the solemnity of the event going on there at Ground Zero commemorations there of 9/11. So those, again, pictures that we just got into us, and showing the Secretary leaving. She was a little bit wobbly. That’s I think, an appropriate word to use. You could see right there she had become overheated. ----------------- MSNBC - from Breitbart.
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
The more I think about this, the more I think this is a big, big win for Trump.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
I think even Clinton dropping out wouldn't be so bad for Trump as it would demonstrate that everyone around Clinton has been involved in covering up how bad things are.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She's going to really struggle to avoid the subject after today. She's clearly been very ill, the rumour mill will make it more serious than it actually is, if she stays quiet. That's assuming she's not actually at death's door and being medically kept alive until the election is over.
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
That's a crucial issue, rumours.
Before this all the rumours and conspiracy theories about Hillary where dismissed from the media.
Now that it maybe that some of these rumours and conspiracies maybe true, the media will be forced to take them into account instead of dismissing them.
What I think will actually happen, in typical Hillary style:
She'll set up a Big Interview with a friendly anchor, to Tell The Whole Truth. Trailed non-stop for three days.
But it will be pre recorded, questions seen the day before with scripted responses prepared, heavily edited and over-produced.
Then her team will go on a massive media offensive, saying she's answered all the questions and there's nothing more to say - while she's actually answered nothing at all.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is a big, big win for Trump.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
Nothing to see here - carry on. ---------- Of corse, the big story today has been the fact that Secretary Clinton left rather unceremoniously, having become overheated. We should say the weather has been horrific, very hot, extremely humid temperatures. She was adorned in a long-sleeved coat, a pantsuit. And so what we will see here now is her getting into the car. She was a little bit unstable there, not feeling too well. And, again, she had indicated to staffers around her as well as notably, probably, Secret Service officials that she was not feeling well, and she needed to leave the event. Of course, she certainly did not want to bring attention to herself if not feeling well, given the solemnity of the event going on there at Ground Zero commemorations there of 9/11. So those, again, pictures that we just got into us, and showing the Secretary leaving. She was a little bit wobbly. That’s I think, an appropriate word to use. You could see right there she had become overheated. ----------------- MSNBC - from Breitbart.
According to google, Humidity was between 44% -54% when Clinton was at this ceremony....NY can certainly be horrid in terms of temp / humidity in the middle of summer, but according to the data today wasn't one of those days.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She should just do a honest press conference about her health, no one apart from the loon conspiracy theorists will hold it against her, and they won't vote for her any way and if she makes it relatable by saying x millions of Americans have this condition then it might help to fix the biggest problem she has which is being seen as too cold.
And admit that thanks to the surgeries and implants she's more machine than human being? Darth Clinton, they call her.
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
She does seem to be ill and I would not want to speculate on how serious it is as there may be a perfectly reasonable explanation.
The problem is that the explanation that's been given doesn't seem adequate to explain what the video shows, and it's not satisfactory that the electorate should have to speculate about whether a presidential candidate is suffering from a serious medical condition.
And also that this isn't an isolated incident. The previous well publicised photos of Clinton being supported by aides as she went up some steps didn't really look like a simple stumble.
Nothing to see here - carry on. ---------- So those, again, pictures that we just got into us, and showing the Secretary leaving. She was a little bit wobbly. That’s I think, an appropriate word to use. You could see right there she had become overheated. ----------------- MSNBC - from Breitbart.
That wasn't "a little bit wobbly", that was call an ambulance and go to hospital time. Now admittedly the Secret Service are the next best thing, and she would have likely had paramedics or doctors on immediate standby, and may have been examined for all we know. But anyone seeing those videos will know that if that was their relative they'd be either going to A&E themselves or calling an ambulance.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is a big, big win for Trump.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
The Trump campaign should take a fine line approaching this.
But will Hillary call it quits less than 2 months before the election ? I don't think so, but if the editorials from NBC start dumping on her there is a small chance.
But you have to read the tea leaves from New York very carefully.
Personally I think Hillary didn't do all those "deplorable" things all these years just to quit a few days before voting day. She wants to be president at all costs, no matter what.
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
I thought my interest in taxidermy was an unusual hobby.
She should just do a honest press conference about her health, no one apart from the loon conspiracy theorists will hold it against her, and they won't vote for her any way and if she makes it relatable by saying x millions of Americans have this condition then it might help to fix the biggest problem she has which is being seen as too cold.
Yes, if it's something that won't impair her ability to serve as president.
But if it's something more serious she obviously has a huge problem.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is a big, big win for Trump.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
I think even Clinton dropping out wouldn't be so bad for Trump as it would demonstrate that everyone around Clinton has been involved in covering up how bad things are.
She's a reputation for lying - this would just add more fuel to it. Who'd believe her?
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
Because it wasn't hot or humid. Seems a bit odd, early in the day, 80F, 50% Humidity, only there for a little while, seems odd set of conditions for getting heatstroke.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She's going to really struggle to avoid the subject after today. She's clearly been very ill, the rumour mill will make it more serious than it actually is, if she stays quiet. That's assuming she's not actually at death's door and being medically kept alive until the election is over.
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
That's a crucial issue, rumours.
Before this all the rumours and conspiracy theories about Hillary where dismissed from the media.
Now that it maybe that some of these rumours and conspiracies maybe true, the media will be forced to take them into account instead of dismissing them.
What I think will actually happen, in typical Hillary style:
She'll set up a Big Interview with a friendly anchor, to Tell The Whole Truth. Trailed non-stop for three days.
But it will be pre recorded, questions seen the day before with scripted responses prepared, heavily edited and over-produced.
Then her team will go on a massive media offensive, saying she's answered all the questions and there's nothing more to say - while she's actually answered nothing at all.
Her Big Press Conference after 270 days was actually a Trump bashing with 4 press questions.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
75F and 55 Humidity - and I saw hundreds of other people collapsing from it - including a 70 year old man with orange hair. NOT!
Sorry - but your argument fails statistical analysis 101.
Off-topic (continuing from last thread,) any chance that May could be planning to trigger an election next year after all? I think she has the numbers to get grammar schools through the Commons: support can be drafted from NI Unionists, Carswell and probably several Labour rebels, and would be a surprise if sufficient Tory MPs were willing to die in a ditch over changes that most of the party rank and file will support. Could defeat in Lords be used as pretext to go to the country?
As far as numbers above are concerned, most remarkable is the fact that all the age groups below pensioners split almost exactly evenly right and left - but maybe that's just an artefact of self-classification? A lot of young people may hold views similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn, but if most of their peers are in the same place politically then they may genuinely believe these views to be centrist, rather than particularly left-wing...?
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
75F and 55 Humidity - and I saw hundreds of other people collapsing from it - including a 70 year old man with orange hair. NOT!
Sorry - but your argument fails statistical analysis 101.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
I'd love to know what happened to make Joe Biden decide not to run.
The Clintons got the whole party, except Sen. Sanders, to stand aside for her - if they've been hiding something from the whole party then it will be mayhem.*
*I meant mayhem within the party, but if Trump wins and the GOP hold the Senate, appoint SC judges etc, it will be like the sensible Labour people here who hate what the Tories are doing but are powerless to actually do anything about it.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Well that's something good that could come out of it.
Then President Trump will probably be succeeded by President Lisa Warren, just like the Simpsons prophesized.
Off-topic (continuing from last thread,) any chance that May could be planning to trigger an election next year after all? I think she has the numbers to get grammar schools through the Commons: support can be drafted from NI Unionists, Carswell and probably several Labour rebels, and would be a surprise if sufficient Tory MPs were willing to die in a ditch over changes that most of the party rank and file will support. Could defeat in Lords be used as pretext to go to the country?
As far as numbers above are concerned, most remarkable is the fact that all the age groups below pensioners split almost exactly evenly right and left - but maybe that's just an artefact of self-classification? A lot of young people may hold views similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn, but if most of their peers are in the same place politically then they may genuinely believe these views to be centrist, rather than particularly left-wing...?
I doubt it Mr. Rook. Isn't the plan to issue a green paper on education reform? If so that is a very long way from anything approaching a bill which would require a Commons vote, let alone get to the Lords. I rather suspect that this is something that might possibly get into the fag end of this parliament but will probably become a manifesto commitment for 2020.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
I'd love to know what happened to make Joe Biden decide not to run.
The Clintons got the whole party, except Sen. Sanders, to stand aside for her - if they've been hiding something from the whole party then it will be mayhem.*
*I meant mayhem within the party, but if Trump wins and the GOP hold the Senate, appoint SC judges etc, it will be like the sensible Labour people here who hate what the Tories are doing but are powerless to actually do anything about it.
I might have read that Clinton surrogates were demanding to see Bernie's health records. Ironic considering he was giving 90 minute speeches in the searing heat of places like Arizona while some of the millennials behind looked as if they were going to collapse.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
Maybe it is, but in the video if you look at her feet she is literally dragged into the van, she appears to be completely out of it. That would scare the hell out of me if that was a relative of mine. The NHS web site says call an ambulance in such circumstances.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
75F and 55 Humidity - and I saw hundreds of other people collapsing from it - including a 70 year old man with orange hair. NOT!
Sorry - but your argument fails statistical analysis 101.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
75F and 55 Humidity - and I saw hundreds of other people collapsing from it - including a 70 year old man with orange hair. NOT!
Sorry - but your argument fails statistical analysis 101.
Oranged hair OAP wearing bullet proof suit....
I am not sure who was more lively, Hillary or the blow up doll the stag party guys took with them to the 9/11 memorial a few days ago.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
Surely Hillary will have to do a confessional health related interview at some point before election day.
She should just do a honest press conference about her health, no one apart from the loon conspiracy theorists will hold it against her, and they won't vote for her any way and if she makes it relatable by saying x millions of Americans have this condition then it might help to fix the biggest problem she has which is being seen as too cold.
And admit that thanks to the surgeries and implants she's more machine than human being? Darth Clinton, they call her.
Would still vote for a machine over Trump tbh, and bed bugs.
Off-topic (continuing from last thread,) any chance that May could be planning to trigger an election next year after all? I think she has the numbers to get grammar schools through the Commons: support can be drafted from NI Unionists, Carswell and probably several Labour rebels, and would be a surprise if sufficient Tory MPs were willing to die in a ditch over changes that most of the party rank and file will support. Could defeat in Lords be used as pretext to go to the country?
As far as numbers above are concerned, most remarkable is the fact that all the age groups below pensioners split almost exactly evenly right and left - but maybe that's just an artefact of self-classification? A lot of young people may hold views similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn, but if most of their peers are in the same place politically then they may genuinely believe these views to be centrist, rather than particularly left-wing...?
I doubt it Mr. Rook. Isn't the plan to issue a green paper on education reform? If so that is a very long way from anything approaching a bill which would require a Commons vote, let alone get to the Lords. I rather suspect that this is something that might possibly get into the fag end of this parliament but will probably become a manifesto commitment for 2020.
That's a long time to boot a big initiative like this into the long grass. She's previously indicated that she wants to get things done other than Brexit. Creating a flagship policy and then leaving it on ice for four years doesn't conform to that aspiration.
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
I thought my interest in taxidermy was an unusual hobby.
He inherited quite a lot in his mid 20s (he was fishing with his Dad when his father had a heart attack) and has since been busy running the family business and coming up with a seriously creative bucket list
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
If Trump wins the GOP will collapse, never mind the Democrats! The GOP establishment loathe him
I have a friend who is obsessed by the idea of hosting a mummy unwrapping party.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
Off-topic (continuing from last thread,) any chance that May could be planning to trigger an election next year after all? I think she has the numbers to get grammar schools through the Commons: support can be drafted from NI Unionists, Carswell and probably several Labour rebels, and would be a surprise if sufficient Tory MPs were willing to die in a ditch over changes that most of the party rank and file will support. Could defeat in Lords be used as pretext to go to the country?
As far as numbers above are concerned, most remarkable is the fact that all the age groups below pensioners split almost exactly evenly right and left - but maybe that's just an artefact of self-classification? A lot of young people may hold views similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn, but if most of their peers are in the same place politically then they may genuinely believe these views to be centrist, rather than particularly left-wing...?
I doubt it Mr. Rook. Isn't the plan to issue a green paper on education reform? If so that is a very long way from anything approaching a bill which would require a Commons vote, let alone get to the Lords. I rather suspect that this is something that might possibly get into the fag end of this parliament but will probably become a manifesto commitment for 2020.
That's a long time to boot a big initiative like this into the long grass. She's previously indicated that she wants to get things done other than Brexit. Creating a flagship policy and then leaving it on ice for four years doesn't conform to that aspiration.
I agree, Mr. Rook it is a long time, well a long time in the world of politics. However, we have speculation, possibly well-informed, that the idea was leaked ahead of plan and, if I am right that this is green paper stuff, both ideas which I find plausible, then I very much doubt it is to be used to try and force and early GE.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
If Trump wins the GOP will collapse, never mind the Democrats! The GOP establishment loathe him
If Trump wins there will be a massive earthquake in both establishment parties. It will be the death of one era and the birth of another, which could prove to be messy.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
Yes. A Clinton presidency will be crony capitalism on crack.
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
If Trump wins it will be Sanders or Warren who is the Democratic nominee in 2020, if Hillary wins it will be Cruz who is the GOP nominee. Either way the losing party will pick a radical next time.
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
If Trump wins it will be Sanders or Warren who is the Democratic nominee in 2020, if Hillary wins it will be Cruz who is the GOP nominee. Either way the losing party will pick a radical next time.
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
It is neither her supporters nor Trump supporters who this incident is important for, it is the undecided who are important
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
If Trump wins the GOP will collapse, never mind the Democrats! The GOP establishment loathe him
If Trump wins there will be a massive earthquake in both establishment parties. It will be the death of one era and the birth of another, which could prove to be messy.
It would really would be Trump populist nationalism v Sanders liberal socialism in 2020
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
If Trump wins it will be Sanders or Warren who is the Democratic nominee in 2020, if Hillary wins it will be Cruz who is the GOP nominee. Either way the losing party will pick a radical next time.
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
It is neither her supporters nor Trump supporters who this incident is important for, it is the undecided who are important
The undecideds are pretty small in number now, what is more likely to be important for them is the debates in a few weeks time
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
If Trump wins it will be Sanders or Warren who is the Democratic nominee in 2020, if Hillary wins it will be Cruz who is the GOP nominee. Either way the losing party will pick a radical next time.
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
Sanders will be about 103 in 2020 - not a chance of him standing again
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
Selecting a grifter was always going to end in tears.
Wonder if the Democrats may become ever more extreme - witness the support for Sanders and the violence of his supporters. Shades of Momentum there.
If Trump wins it will be Sanders or Warren who is the Democratic nominee in 2020, if Hillary wins it will be Cruz who is the GOP nominee. Either way the losing party will pick a radical next time.
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
It is neither her supporters nor Trump supporters who this incident is important for, it is the undecided who are important
Most of the undecideds are crying out for a "Re-Open Nominations" option on the ballot paper!
In that video the closest I have seen to her condition (many times) without needing medical attention is a post epileptic seizure condition. Epileptic seizures take a variety of forms, and the recovery can be from minutes to hours. Muscle control can be from zero to normal.
Lets take this one step at a time. This woman has a poor health record even for someone of her age. Many of these problems, such as the clots, have affected her brain. She claims to have had serious memory lapses whilst at State. She has frankly shown herself to be delusional at times (eg the Kosovo under fire landing). She avoids public challenge through press interviews. She looks terrible. She has now been seen collapsing twice.
She is clearly absolutely desperate to be the first woman President. She is willing to risk her life to achieve this. She has put herself in the position of the only person who can stop Trump becoming President. It is on even a simple analysis an unbelievably selfish and self-indulgent position. She is, literally, not fit to be President.
I don't know where you are all getting this 'didn't look like heat stroke' line of thinking from. It looks exactly like heatstroke. Heatstroke affects the brain and motor functions.
Maybe it is, but in the video if you look at her feet she is literally dragged into the van, she appears to be completely out of it. That would scare the hell out of me if that was a relative of mine. The NHS web site says call an ambulance in such circumstances.
That was clearly an incident where she was out of it, the fact that a shoe came off and was left behind indicates that (as well as panic amongst her security people). What it means healthwise I am not so sure other than the lady has some serious issues.
The apparent fast recovery means bugger all. I had a similar episode in my local pub years ago and before the ambulance could get there (called by the landlord) I was back, functioning, had finished my pint and was wondering whether I could get away with having another before the ambulance did turn up. The fact that I recovered quickly from the episode didn't mean that I was actually not well (hypotension caused by the tablets to fix the hypertension caused by kidney failure caused by feck knows, if you really want to know).
Assuming Trump wins, the acrimony within the Democratic party is going to be severe when they realise what they've done by stitching up the race for a candidate who wasn't fit to run. I suspect the whole Clinton political machine will be purged from the party.
If Trump wins the GOP will collapse, never mind the Democrats! The GOP establishment loathe him
If Trump wins there will be a massive earthquake in both establishment parties. It will be the death of one era and the birth of another, which could prove to be messy.
What are the Clinton team going to do about the debates? Dose her up with adrenaline beforehand? Insist on a sit-down format? Find an excuse to cancel altogether? If she takes a tumble like that on live TV with undecided voters watching keenly, surely she's toast.
That made me laugh out loud as being so hideously grotesque whilst utterly predictable....
The Junkers came later - they were suspicious of the Nazis (and vice versa) even throughout much of the war (e.g. von Stauffenburg was an entirely Junker plot). That's why Hindenberg was President initially.
Jimmy Carr's joke was fine, typical leftie moral guardians getting upset of behalf of those who would laugh along. There are indeed a fair few military veterans at the Paralympics.
He flew to Orffut AFB at the instruction of the Secret Service and over his protests. He didn't spend long there before heading back to Washington.
There are many things to criticise Bush for, but his behaviour on the day of 9/11 is not one of them.
Lets hope it's something light and not "world comes to end" or "world is relieved".
It's very detrimental that the public believes that both Hillary and Trump would end up in disaster if they win. There is very little trust about their abilities in public.
For those who don't get the reference, look up Weekend at Bernie's
I was wrong.
That's one very expensive shoe there.
The USA would be able to storm the Paralympics if they put the effort in, they've got all the elite training facilities already. There's a comment somewhere about how injured veterans find themselves treated, or not, in the USA, and their attitude to disability in general, which might explain why this hasn't happened.
Not only it's the first time that interest on Hillary is beating Trump on Google Trends, but she's beating him by a consistent margin of 3-1.
https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 1-d&geo=US&q=/m/0cqt90,/m/0d06m5
Oh, and @glw, proper laugh out loud comment on Trump's reaction.
If you were a swing voter - what would you be thinking right now?!
Before this all the rumours and conspiracy theories about Hillary where dismissed from the media.
Now that it maybe that some of these rumours and conspiracies maybe true, the media will be forced to take them into account instead of dismissing them.
See, he says, I spoke the truth about Hillary's health when no-one else would.
It adds credibility to everything else he says.
There's only one problem. This increases the - admittedly still small - possibility that Clinton steps down before November. Imagine if she were to drop out tomorrow, and Kaine were to become the nominee.
I can't think of anything worse for the Trump campaign. Clinton is pretty much the only Democrat Trump beats.
Of corse, the big story today has been the fact that Secretary Clinton left rather unceremoniously, having become overheated. We should say the weather has been horrific, very hot, extremely humid temperatures. She was adorned in a long-sleeved coat, a pantsuit. And so what we will see here now is her getting into the car. She was a little bit unstable there, not feeling too well. And, again, she had indicated to staffers around her as well as notably, probably, Secret Service officials that she was not feeling well, and she needed to leave the event. Of course, she certainly did not want to bring attention to herself if not feeling well, given the solemnity of the event going on there at Ground Zero commemorations there of 9/11. So those, again, pictures that we just got into us, and showing the Secretary leaving. She was a little bit wobbly. That’s I think, an appropriate word to use. You could see right there she had become overheated.
MSNBC - from Breitbart.
(I do bear some responsibility for that - I had borrowed a mummy from a museum and arranged for him to be present at the unboxing - but he wants to take it one step further)
She'll set up a Big Interview with a friendly anchor, to Tell The Whole Truth. Trailed non-stop for three days.
But it will be pre recorded, questions seen the day before with scripted responses prepared, heavily edited and over-produced.
Then her team will go on a massive media offensive, saying she's answered all the questions and there's nothing more to say - while she's actually answered nothing at all.
And also that this isn't an isolated incident. The previous well publicised photos of Clinton being supported by aides as she went up some steps didn't really look like a simple stumble.
When we can all read a variety of sources and commentary - and outlets with partial views, it's obvious.
I visit the BBC website less than once a month.
But will Hillary call it quits less than 2 months before the election ?
I don't think so, but if the editorials from NBC start dumping on her there is a small chance.
But you have to read the tea leaves from New York very carefully.
Personally I think Hillary didn't do all those "deplorable" things all these years just to quit a few days before voting day.
She wants to be president at all costs, no matter what.
But if it's something more serious she obviously has a huge problem.
Sorry - but your argument fails statistical analysis 101.
As far as numbers above are concerned, most remarkable is the fact that all the age groups below pensioners split almost exactly evenly right and left - but maybe that's just an artefact of self-classification? A lot of young people may hold views similar to those of Jeremy Corbyn, but if most of their peers are in the same place politically then they may genuinely believe these views to be centrist, rather than particularly left-wing...?
The Clintons got the whole party, except Sen. Sanders, to stand aside for her - if they've been hiding something from the whole party then it will be mayhem.*
*I meant mayhem within the party, but if Trump wins and the GOP hold the Senate, appoint SC judges etc, it will be like the sensible Labour people here who hate what the Tories are doing but are powerless to actually do anything about it.
Then President Trump will probably be succeeded by President Lisa Warren, just like the Simpsons prophesized.
The Mail article from M&C Saatchi is here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-3783202/M-C-Saatchi-boss-reveals-EU-crusade-ruined-sharp-rebuke-highlights-ad-COULDN-T-use.html
The James McGrory article can be accessed here for Issue 10: http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/articles
Personally I am sticking to a very narrow Hillary win, her supporters would still vote for her over Trump even if she has to govern from a care home with 24 hour medical assistance. However a Hillary presidency will basically be a geriatric Nixon in a pantsuit
Lets take this one step at a time. This woman has a poor health record even for someone of her age. Many of these problems, such as the clots, have affected her brain. She claims to have had serious memory lapses whilst at State. She has frankly shown herself to be delusional at times (eg the Kosovo under fire landing). She avoids public challenge through press interviews. She looks terrible. She has now been seen collapsing twice.
She is clearly absolutely desperate to be the first woman President. She is willing to risk her life to achieve this. She has put herself in the position of the only person who can stop Trump becoming President. It is on even a simple analysis an unbelievably selfish and self-indulgent position. She is, literally, not fit to be President.
The apparent fast recovery means bugger all. I had a similar episode in my local pub years ago and before the ambulance could get there (called by the landlord) I was back, functioning, had finished my pint and was wondering whether I could get away with having another before the ambulance did turn up. The fact that I recovered quickly from the episode didn't mean that I was actually not well (hypotension caused by the tablets to fix the hypertension caused by kidney failure caused by feck knows, if you really want to know).