In some ways the thing I now really fear is a leave win and then a deal that doesn't end free movement. It would be seen as a betrayal that makes Clegg and tuition fees a minor squabble in comparison.
To return to exactly what we were discussing before the terrible event, if this were to happen it would be entirely the fault of the leave campaign.
It would be and some of them might get burnt. But it would be the public who really had to deal with it.
I am slightly confused. To read articles in the liberal media you would think that Labour's core vote is all frothing at the mouth, drunk on fascist propaganda and the like. However if you look at John Harris' video from Stoke, whilst the mood was pretty awful for Remain, most of the people hardly seemed ready for a Nuremberg style rally. They seemed grumpy, fed up, fearful perhaps. Social media makes everything seem ugly and I'm sure people are less polite when phoned up than canvassed on the doorstep.
I've no idea what happens on Friday morning but people should just contain the despair for now.
There are some very serious issues of natural justice here with conflicting witness statements being bandied around on the media;allegations of impartial witnesses; hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence being published in the press;prejudicial information on police searches apparently being leaked and published;politicians making allegations about motive publically potentially photoshopped or out of context photos being published on the internet.The Police need to get a grip quickly as this is turning into a legal minefield.I think the chance of a fair trial now is nil.
I think this is what mensch was getting at.
She's incensed about it.
So much so she called for the resignation of the PM.
Answers on a postcard.
Lost the plot today I fear... she's also retweeted perhaps 1000 times today too.
As a totally off-topic and possibly useless point to lighten the grimness, despite never agreeing with her I do always find her very attractive.
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
You have gone from being just deluded to my all time arch enemy Mr Tyson. You can slag off democracy all you like but when you start slagging off one of the greatest films ever made you really have crossed a line!!!!
In jest of course but still DEADLY SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You can tell by the number of exclamation marks)
You and Southam- you are a couple of sentimental saddos. A bit of mawkish music, a red telephone box on a Scottish beach, a box of hankies and that's it, you are completely goners
The Long Good Friday was actually filmed in 70s but (due to release date, but also the whole Docklands regeneration/undercurrent of economic change) I always think of it as a definitive 80s British film.
I liked Brazil. And The King of Comedy, which might be another "ahead of its time" film - think it would have got a better reception after the reality TV boom.
I'm not making any claims of identity for anyone in that photo. Just saying it doesn't seem faked. I'm sure if there are links to particular groups, there will be better evidence than what we can Google out there. It's just incredible how far people will go to push this one way or the other
At the Britain First demo in Leicester a few weeks ago as well as the guys in black jackets there were a number of othets dressed in casual clothing not unlike the guy in the photo. I don't think that they operate a strict dress code.
The murder was a very strange act, and I guess truth will out in time.
I'm not making any claims of identity for anyone in that photo. Just saying it doesn't seem faked. I'm sure if there are links to particular groups, there will be better evidence than what we can Google out there. It's just incredible how far people will go to push this one way or the other
At the Britain First demo in Leicester a few weeks ago as well as the guys in black jackets there were a number of othets dressed in casual clothing not unlike the guy in the photo. I don't think that they operate a strict dress code.
The murder was a very strange act, and I guess truth will out in time.
If anyone is faking photos they may be guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice;the whole situation is totally out of control.
A little titbit of useless information.If this Parliament goes its full term we are now as near to Polling Day in May 2020 as to the opening ceremony for the London 2012 Olympics! To me that actually still feels quite recent. Any views?
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I love the way you try and search for an angle on your leads TSE. This could be like the AV referendum, and you draw some interesting comparisons. But, there is one slight flaw in your analysis. No one put any money on AV, but yet there are the majority of punters still backing remain.
BTW TSE- I ended on your twitter page or instagram page quite by chance. I am not a stalker..honest. But once reaching your page, quite by chance, I explored it a little and was intrigued by your love of 80's music. Do you like the great 80's music...the Smiths, Cure, Joy Division, New Order....or the shit 80's ,music....basically everything else?
I love all 80s music, the good music and the shit music.
I love everything from New Order to The London Boys.
I think the 80's was overall really quite naff on all fronts, barring Manchester, where I was growing up. Cinema wise, apart from Raging Bull- which was filmed in 1979, but released in 1980, it was utter tosh. I think we had to wait until Pulp Fiction (1994) until cinema found its feet again.
The best Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
There are some very serious issues of natural justice here with conflicting witness statements being bandied around on the media;allegations of impartial witnesses; hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence being published in the press;prejudicial information on police searches apparently being leaked and published;politicians making allegations about motive publically potentially photoshopped or out of context photos being published on the internet.The Police need to get a grip quickly as this is turning into a legal minefield.I think the chance of a fair trial now is nil.
I think this is what mensch was getting at.
She's incensed about it.
So much so she called for the resignation of the PM.
Answers on a postcard.
Lost the plot today I fear... she's also retweeted perhaps 1000 times today too.
As a totally off-topic and possibly useless point to lighten the grimness, despite never agreeing with her I do always find her very attractive.
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
There are some very serious issues of natural justice here with conflicting witness statements being bandied around on the media;allegations of impartial witnesses; hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence being published in the press;prejudicial information on police searches apparently being leaked and published;politicians making allegations about motive publically potentially photoshopped or out of context photos being published on the internet.The Police need to get a grip quickly as this is turning into a legal minefield.I think the chance of a fair trial now is nil.
I think this is what mensch was getting at.
She's incensed about it.
So much so she called for the resignation of the PM.
Answers on a postcard.
Lost the plot today I fear... she's also retweeted perhaps 1000 times today too.
As a totally off-topic and possibly useless point to lighten the grimness, despite never agreeing with her I do always find her very attractive.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
I predict a post-Referendum re-alignment of PB politics, between those who hate the 80s (culturally or otherwise) and those that love it
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Don't forget Flashdance - what a feeling.
I did enjoy Cinema Paradiso. Is that from the 80s?
I'm not sure that providing photos of quality Mosque architecture is their raison d'etre but I may, of course be wrong. I await a comment from their no doubt eloquent and erudite spokesman or indeed spokeswoman.
I'm not making any claims of identity for anyone in that photo. Just saying it doesn't seem faked. I'm sure if there are links to particular groups, there will be better evidence than what we can Google out there. It's just incredible how far people will go to push this one way or the other
At the Britain First demo in Leicester a few weeks ago as well as the guys in black jackets there were a number of othets dressed in casual clothing not unlike the guy in the photo. I don't think that they operate a strict dress code.
The murder was a very strange act, and I guess truth will out in time.
If anyone is faking photos they may be guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice;the whole situation is totally out of control.
As its on the BF website I suspect it is genuine. Whether it is the killer, I have no idea. No doubt PC Plod is on the case.
There are some very serious issues of natural justice here with conflicting witness statements being bandied around on the media;allegations of impartial witnesses; hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence being published in the press;prejudicial information on police searches apparently being leaked and published;politicians making allegations about motive publically potentially photoshopped or out of context photos being published on the internet.The Police need to get a grip quickly as this is turning into a legal minefield.I think the chance of a fair trial now is nil.
I think this is what mensch was getting at.
She's incensed about it.
So much so she called for the resignation of the PM.
Answers on a postcard.
Lost the plot today I fear... she's also retweeted perhaps 1000 times today too.
As a totally off-topic and possibly useless point to lighten the grimness, despite never agreeing with her I do always find her very attractive.
She's petite as well. Bet she's sub.
I'll stop now.
I remember well a personal spat you had here with her seanT when you completely misread her. And, BTW, I detected a sexual undertone that you completely misread.
Wall Street 1988, Platoon 1987, Top Gun, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Stand By Me 1986, Batman 1989, Amadeus 1984, The Terminator 1984, Nightmare on Elm Street 1984, Dead Poets Society 1989
Crocodile Dundee, Three Men and A Baby, Fatal Attraction, Good Morning Vietnam, Rain Man, The Untouchables, The Karate Kid, Gremlins, An Officer and a Gentleman, Airplane, 9 to 5, Rocky III and IV, Out of Africa, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Twins, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Lethal Weapon all also 80s films
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Don't forget Flashdance - what a feeling.
I did enjoy Cinema Paradiso. Is that from the 80s?
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
Utterly deluded, just like your politics1
Was there a single film released between 1980 and 1989 that wasn't some variant of shit?
Planes Trains and Automobiles
For politics junkies, with current resonances perhaps, The Dead Zone isn't a bad movie.
"My Destiny. Hallelujah! The missiles are flying..."
Good shout. One of my favourite books too. I know Stephen King has his detractors but his early stuff was pretty fecking awesome. The Shining, The Stand and The Dead Zone all within a few years of one another. All brilliant reads.
I love the way you try and search for an angle on your leads TSE. This could be like the AV referendum, and you draw some interesting comparisons. But, there is one slight flaw in your analysis. No one put any money on AV, but yet there are the majority of punters still backing remain.
BTW TSE- I ended on your twitter page or instagram page quite by chance. I am not a stalker..honest. But once reaching your page, quite by chance, I explored it a little and was intrigued by your love of 80's music. Do you like the great 80's music...the Smiths, Cure, Joy Division, New Order....or the shit 80's ,music....basically everything else?
I love all 80s music, the good music and the shit music.
I love everything from New Order to The London Boys.
I think the 80's was overall really quite naff on all fronts, barring Manchester, where I was growing up. Cinema wise, apart from Raging Bull- which was filmed in 1979, but released in 1980, it was utter tosh. I think we had to wait until Pulp Fiction (1994) until cinema found its feet again.
The best Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
Wall Street 1988, Platoon 1987, Top Gun, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Stand By Me 1986, Batman 1989, Amadeus 1984, The Terminator 1984, Nightmare on Elm Street 1984, Dead Poets Society 1989
Crocodile Dundee, Three Men and A Baby, Fatal Attraction, Good Morning Vietnam, Rain Man, The Untouchables, The Karate Kid, Gremlins, An Officer and a Gentleman, Airplane, 9 to 5, Rocky III and IV, Out of Africa, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Twins, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Lethal Weapon all also 80s films
Ah, The Karate Kid. One of the most underrated films ever. The soundtrack and those hazy LA sunsets make me pine for my childhood when the world seemed full of long, warm summers.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
I predict a post-Referendum re-alignment of PB politics, between those who hate the 80s (culturally or otherwise) and those that love it
Those that love the 80's are watching TOTP 1982 on BBC4. Kid Creole and the Coconuts...
There are some very serious issues of natural justice here with conflicting witness statements being bandied around on the media;allegations of impartial witnesses; hearsay and therefore inadmissible evidence being published in the press;prejudicial information on police searches apparently being leaked and published;politicians making allegations about motive publically potentially photoshopped or out of context photos being published on the internet.The Police need to get a grip quickly as this is turning into a legal minefield.I think the chance of a fair trial now is nil.
I think this is what mensch was getting at.
She's incensed about it.
So much so she called for the resignation of the PM.
Answers on a postcard.
Lost the plot today I fear... she's also retweeted perhaps 1000 times today too.
As a totally off-topic and possibly useless point to lighten the grimness, despite never agreeing with her I do always find her very attractive.
She's petite as well. Bet she's sub.
I'll stop now.
I remember well a personal spat you had here with her seanT when you completely misread her. And, BTW, I detected a sexual undertone that you completely misread.
If it's who I think it is, she once suggested I start my own political party.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
In fairness, there are plenty of villages in this country that sound like they could not possibly be real. High Ham, Nempnett Thrubwell, Kingsbury Episcopi, Newton Poppleford, Ebbesbourne Wake, Collingbourne Ducis, Lytchett Matravers, Wrestlingworth
Gods, I love this country
What the article doesn't say is why Gotham got its reputation for madness. It is said that it was because in medieval times the village didn't want a King's highway traversing their parish as they would have to pay to maintain it. So they feigned madness - which was supposedly catching - so that the road would be routed elsewhere.
Apparently rural folk are wily when it comes to feigning matters. Like the one about smugglers raking up stashed goods from a pond, caught by local officials, and claimed they were trying to rake in the reflection of the moon as they thought it a cheese. I presume the story is apocryphal, but I'm still proud to be a moonraker.
Used to live in a thatched cottage in Oxfordshire called "Moonrakers". Not sure if the story was particularly local though.
And not to too far away was the delightfully named Scratchface Lane, Tutts Clump.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Don't forget Flashdance - what a feeling.
I did enjoy Cinema Paradiso. Is that from the 80s?
Yes, 1988.
Field of Dreams?
My uncle Michael is an actor. He's made quite a lot of money, but has never made it. He got to the final two for the Ray Liotta role in that film. Ray won, obviously. The right choice was made.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
Wow - I forgot my favourite film - The Usual Suspects!
And the 70s? Yeah - three others in my Top 5. Star Wars, All the Presidents Men, and The Sting.
Off to bed now but I've just been through my film book and I don't think the 80s was a great decade sadly. One film I loved was The Fly but when I got round to seeing it again recently I felt a bit meh.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
I'm not making any claims of identity for anyone in that photo. Just saying it doesn't seem faked. I'm sure if there are links to particular groups, there will be better evidence than what we can Google out there. It's just incredible how far people will go to push this one way or the other
At the Britain First demo in Leicester a few weeks ago as well as the guys in black jackets there were a number of othets dressed in casual clothing not unlike the guy in the photo. I don't think that they operate a strict dress code.
The murder was a very strange act, and I guess truth will out in time.
If anyone is faking photos they may be guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice;the whole situation is totally out of control.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
I think that the great music period starts mid decade: 1976-1985. It turned a bit shit after that.
Great music and cinema requires a backdrop of social turmoil.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, American Pie, Schindler's List, The Matrix, Good Will Hunting, The Lion King, Trainspotting, Seven, Beauty and the Beast, Reservoir Dogs, Crimson Tide, The Firm, There's Something About Mary, Toy Story, Boogie Nights, Buz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet 1990s films too
I love the way you try and search for an angle on your leads TSE. This could be like the AV referendum, and you draw some interesting comparisons. But, there is one slight flaw in your analysis. No one put any money on AV, but yet there are the majority of punters still backing remain.
BTW TSE- I ended on your twitter page or instagram page quite by chance. I am not a stalker..honest. But once reaching your page, quite by chance, I explored it a little and was intrigued by your love of 80's music. Do you like the great 80's music...the Smiths, Cure, Joy Division, New Order....or the shit 80's ,music....basically everything else?
I love all 80s music, the good music and the shit music.
I love everything from New Order to The London Boys.
I think the 80's was overall really quite naff on all fronts, barring Manchester, where I was growing up. Cinema wise, apart from Raging Bull- which was filmed in 1979, but released in 1980, it was utter tosh. I think we had to wait until Pulp Fiction (1994) until cinema found its feet again.
The best Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980.
But filmed in 1979....Next.....
Oh, and 'The Thing'. And 'Escape from New York'.
And how could I forget 'Full Metal jacket', up there with 'Apocalypse Now' & 'The Deer Hunter'
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Nah. Nothing since the early eighties is worth a candle. Vapidity, concealed by special FX.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I should add that my dear uncle's great claim to acting fame is that he was Blake's lawyer in the first ever episode of Blake's Seven. He was also one of Murphy's labourers in that episode of Fawlty Towers.
Wall Street 1988, Platoon 1987, Top Gun, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Stand By Me 1986, Batman 1989, Amadeus 1984, The Terminator 1984, Nightmare on Elm Street 1984, Dead Poets Society 1989
Crocodile Dundee, Three Men and A Baby, Fatal Attraction, Good Morning Vietnam, Rain Man, The Untouchables, The Karate Kid, Gremlins, An Officer and a Gentleman, Airplane, 9 to 5, Rocky III and IV, Out of Africa, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Twins, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Lethal Weapon all also 80s films
Ah, The Karate Kid. One of the most underrated films ever. The soundtrack and those hazy LA sunsets make me pine for my childhood when the world seemed full of long, warm summers.
I was seven back then!
Yes, certainly a cult classic and spawned 3 sequels
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
You have gone from being just deluded to my all time arch enemy Mr Tyson. You can slag off democracy all you like but when you start slagging off one of the greatest films ever made you really have crossed a line!!!!
In jest of course but still DEADLY SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(You can tell by the number of exclamation marks)
You and Southam- you are a couple of sentimental saddos. A bit of mawkish music, a red telephone box on a Scottish beach, a box of hankies and that's it, you are completely goners
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, American Pie, Schindler's List, The Matrix, Good Will Hunting, The Lion King, Trainspotting, Seven, Beauty and the Beast, Reservoir Dogs, Crimson Tide, The Firm, There's Something About Mary, Toy Story, Boogie Nights, Buz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet 1990s films too
Geez - how did I omit Schindlers List?
A film I can't watch now that I have children. Just too heartbreaking.
And The Usual Suspects is my favourite film. Though Roger Ebert didn't like it...
Just to clarify, my question about variants of shitness during 1980s cinematography was a tongue in cheek reply to someone's post, which appeared to describe every suggestion as shit, in some way.
Vanilla's idiosyncrasies mean I know not who said it, and replied to the wrong bloke anyway.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Once Upon a Time in America
One of my favourite movies. It always surprises me how so few people have seen it.
I found it really sad. I need to rewatch it at some point as I never really got the ending.
* meta itemprop="datepublished" content="2015-10-11T12:00:22+00:00" * meta property="article:published_time" content="2015-10-11T12:00:22+00:00" * meta property="article:modified_time" content="2015-10-11T10:40:39+00:00"
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Wall Street 1988- dated and Oliver Stone is overrated , Platoon 1987 as above , Top Gun- jingoistic shit , Ferris Bueller's Day Off- not bad, actually better than not bad , Stand By Me 1986- mawkish shit , Batman 1989- OK but dated Amadeus 1984- fucking terrible and manipulative, The Terminator 1984,_OK Nightmare on Elm Street 1984- sort of avant guardish , Dead Poets Society_ I would rather spend 2 hours with Niger Farage than re-watch this shit
Crocodile Dundee- shit, Three Men and A Baby- awfully shit, Fatal Attraction- shit, Good Morning Vietnam- mawkish shit, Rain Man- argggghh- terrible and shit The Untouchables_ De Palma is shit The Karate Kid- you are kidding me Gremlin- passes 2 hours An Officer and a Gentleman- pass me the vomit bag Airplane- 1978 so not to be included- actually very funny 9 to 5- not even funny and shit Rocky III and IV- you're taking the piss Out of Africa- fuck off Who Framed Roger Rabbit- OK, but a bit boring Twins- 3 laughs and then that is it Honey I Shrunk the Kids- one joke wonder Lethal Weapon- formulaic shit
@ Above- do I have to do this again. I should be given some kind of commission for my critiques
Wow. I didn't expect so many people to respond to me about having mental illness, thank you all for the support. Tbh I kinda expected people on here to suffer or to have suffered from mental illness, that is not a putdown but in my experience the "thinkers" seem to suffer more. That is just (yet another!) anecdote though.
I have to tread carefully because I'm not 100% certain but the most interesting thing about that picture is not the man identified as Mair.
What is interesting? (Apart from the fact that doesn't look like Mair to me)
Maybe it's the t-shirt. Looks like an odd choice of t-shirt for a blackshirt warrior....
It's not Mair, although the two men do look a bit similar.
I have seen other pictures of the guy wearing the patterned woollen or fleece top. Give me a moment and I will try to get them.
I haven't managed to find them again - sorry.. But I recall seeing photos of a Britain First guy wearing that patterned top, which drew my attention because at first I wondered whether it was Scandinavian. He's not Tommy Mair.
Wall Street 1988- dated and Oliver Stone is overrated , Platoon 1987 as above , Top Gun- jingoistic shit , Ferris Bueller's Day Off- not bad, actually better than not bad , Stand By Me 1986- mawkish shit , Batman 1989- OK but dated Amadeus 1984- fucking terrible and manipulative, The Terminator 1984,_OK Nightmare on Elm Street 1984- sort of avant guardish , Dead Poets Society_ I would rather spend 2 hours with Niger Farage than re-watch this shit
Crocodile Dundee- shit, Three Men and A Baby- awfully shit, Fatal Attraction- shit, Good Morning Vietnam- mawkish shit, Rain Man- argggghh- terrible and shit The Untouchables_ De Palma is shit The Karate Kid- you are kidding me Gremlin- passes 2 hours An Officer and a Gentleman- pass me the vomit bag Airplane- 1978 so not to be included- actually very funny 9 to 5- not even funny and shit Rocky III and IV- you're taking the piss Out of Africa- fuck off Who Framed Roger Rabbit- OK, but a bit boring Twins- 3 laughs and then that is it Honey I Shrunk the Kids- one joke wonder Lethal Weapon- formulaic shit
@ Above- do I have to do this again. I should be given some kind of commission for my critiques
Well despite your writing off some of the classics of cinema with various shades of shit we do agree on Ferris Bueller's Day Off, one of my favourite films and great fun
A monumental comedy classic. Beyond reproach. One of my favourite memories is sitting in the cinema with a uni mate in 1987 almost unable to breath with laughter.
"The entire sink's gone rotten. I don't know what's in here."
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Once Upon a Time in America
One of my favourite movies. It always surprises me how so few people have seen it.
I found it really sad. I need to rewatch it at some point as I never really got the ending.
Finally, someone has presented me with a great movie from the 80's (aside from Blade Runner).
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
I think that the great music period starts mid decade: 1976-1985. It turned a bit shit after that.
Great music and cinema requires a backdrop of social turmoil.
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Once Upon a Time in America
One of my favourite movies. It always surprises me how so few people have seen it.
I found it really sad. I need to rewatch it at some point as I never really got the ending.
Finally, someone has presented me with a great movie from the 80's (aside from Blade Runner).
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were ..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
I think that the great music period starts mid decade: 1976-1985. It turned a bit shit after that.
Great music and cinema requires a backdrop of social turmoil.
Interesting issue this. Much of the greatest creativity, be it in art, theatre, literature or music has arisen out of conflict. If you take music, many of the greatest albums of all time have come out of turbulence.
The converse is also true. Good artists rarely produce their best work from a state of comfort. David Gilmour's On an Island comes to mind as a good example. Everything was very 'nice' and the result is bilge.
I have to tread carefully because I'm not 100% certain but the most interesting thing about that picture is not the man identified as Mair.
What is interesting? (Apart from the fact that doesn't look like Mair to me)
Maybe it's the t-shirt. Looks like an odd choice of t-shirt for a blackshirt warrior....
It's not Mair, although the two men do look a bit similar.
I have seen other pictures of the guy wearing the patterned woollen or fleece top. Give me a moment and I will try to get them.
I haven't managed to find them again - sorry.. But I recall seeing photos of a Britain First guy wearing that patterned top, which drew my attention because at first I wondered whether it was Scandinavian. He's not Tommy Mair.
Maybe we should leave it to the police. Just saying.
Wall Street 1988- dated and Oliver Stone is overrated , Platoon 1987 as above , Top Gun- jingoistic shit , Ferris Bueller's Day Off- not bad, actually better than not bad , Stand By Me 1986- mawkish shit , Batman 1989- OK but dated Amadeus 1984- fucking terrible and manipulative, The Terminator 1984,_OK Nightmare on Elm Street 1984- sort of avant guardish , Dead Poets Society_ I would rather spend 2 hours with Niger Farage than re-watch this shit
Crocodile Dundee- shit, Three Men and A Baby- awfully shit, Fatal Attraction- shit, Good Morning Vietnam- mawkish shit, Rain Man- argggghh- terrible and shit The Untouchables_ De Palma is shit The Karate Kid- you are kidding me Gremlin- passes 2 hours An Officer and a Gentleman- pass me the vomit bag Airplane- 1978 so not to be included- actually very funny 9 to 5- not even funny and shit Rocky III and IV- you're taking the piss Out of Africa- fuck off Who Framed Roger Rabbit- OK, but a bit boring Twins- 3 laughs and then that is it Honey I Shrunk the Kids- one joke wonder Lethal Weapon- formulaic shit
@ Above- do I have to do this again. I should be given some kind of commission for my critiques
Wow. I didn't expect so many people to respond to me about having mental illness, thank you all for the support. Tbh I kinda expected people on here to suffer or to have suffered from mental illness, that is not a putdown but in my experience the "thinkers" seem to suffer more. That is just (yet another!) anecdote though.
A very close family member of mine has just come out of a very debilitating mental illness that consumed her life for three years. It was incredibly hard for her and cut her off from so much of life. But with medicine and therapy she improved until the point where she has almost completely got her life back. It'll always be there in the background, I guess, but it is a story of immense courage and real hope. I wish the same for you. Good luck with it and keep battling.
I should add that my dear uncle's great claim to acting fame is that he was Blake's lawyer in the first ever episode of Blake's Seven. He was also one of Murphy's labourers in that episode of Fawlty Towers.
Which one? I will bear it in mind next time I watch that
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, American Pie, Schindler's List, The Matrix, Good Will Hunting, The Lion King, Trainspotting, Seven, Beauty and the Beast, Reservoir Dogs, Crimson Tide, The Firm, There's Something About Mary, Toy Story, Boogie Nights, Buz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet 1990s films too
Geez - how did I omit Schindlers List?
A film I can't watch now that I have children. Just too heartbreaking.
And The Usual Suspects is my favourite film. Though Roger Ebert didn't like it...
Yes Schindler's List is a long and harrowing watch but worth it
I should add that my dear uncle's great claim to acting fame is that he was Blake's lawyer in the first ever episode of Blake's Seven. He was also one of Murphy's labourers in that episode of Fawlty Towers.
Which one? I will bear it in mind next time I watch that
The tall one with the crappy Irish accent. He's not exactly a master of his craft.
Forgot Chariots of Fire 1982 and Gandhi 1983 and the Last Emperor 1988 just to finish off
I'm finishing now Chariots is fucking shit, dated and crap. Watch it now- the editing is appalling. Embarrassing. Compare and contrast to Goodfellas which is flawless. Gandhi is well made, but virtuous and sanctimonious
The Last Emperor is ponderous and up it's own arse
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were ..
Fenster- a poster of my own mind. American cinema was re-born. But the 70's, the 70's were sublime, profoundly sublime.
I think that the great music period starts mid decade: 1976-1985. It turned a bit shit after that.
Great music and cinema requires a backdrop of social turmoil.
Interesting issue this. Much of the greatest creativity, be it in art, theatre, literature or music has arisen out of conflict. If you take music, many of the greatest albums of all time have come out of turbulence.
The converse is also true. Good artists rarely produce their best work from a state of comfort. David Gilmour's On an Island comes to mind as a good example. Everything was very 'nice' and the result is bilge.
I think it may be harsh on the late eighties, it had its moments musically. When down I loved the Jesus and Mary Chain (Psychocandy would be on my Desert Island) and the Second Summer of Love was an explosion of joy.
I think Beverley Hills Vamps was a 1980's film. Awesome movie
Alien, 1979, still makes me shiver. I watched it on release with one other person in an empty barn of a cinema. Iirc everyone else was packing to see Clockwise but my friend said, 'there's this movie I've heard great things about.'
A few weeks later people were flocking to see Alien. The rest, as they say, is history.
One of the scariest, most brilliant and horrible films ever made.
It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
The 80's -brought to you by Tyson and Andrex !!
TBF I agree with most of the above except Beverly Hills Cop-first real mainstream Hollywood film where a black man was the funny lead. Ridiculous film but great on a Saturday night-my 11 +13 year old boys LOVE IT !!!
Not explicitly, no. That's unlawful and they would get arrested.
In practice, yes of course they have. Just look up "Britain First" and "patrols". Or go here and read up about their "activist training camp". Why are they wearing camouflage jackets and in some cases showing insignia on caps or sweatshirts? Also notice the word "Brigade" on that banner they're holding.
Of course they are selling themselves as some kind of "muscled" group.
They are also about the most obvious example of an agent provocateur group that I have ever come across.
They have done things like planning to bury a pig in the grounds of a mosque.
Their two main spokespeople come across as being as thick as two short planks. Just take a look at the video they made in Golders Green to confirm! But whoever "manages" this group certainly isn't.
Anyone who thinks the murder wasn't deliberately timed to have an effect on the referendum, well...let's say if someone really wants to insist on being so naive I'd find it difficult to discuss this with them.
The fact that information was released through the Southern Poverty Law Centre is very interesting. Do they have a file of all of the National Alliance's correspondence? How did they get that? I doubt the SPLC released the info without MI5 asking them to, but it's possible.
One of Britain First's principal markets appears to be the most boneheaded elements who currently serve in the British army or who have now left it. (That makes them a bit different from the EDL, who came out of football.) I am sorry to say that there are quite a few soldiers and former soldiers who believe that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq is soon going to extend to British cities such as Bradford.
I reiterate what I said about agents provocateurs.
The group may now be blown and get wound down. I mean the brand. The use of similar tools in the campaign won't stop.
I do not think these remarks are worthy of a detailed response.
Thanks for letting us know, weejonnie.
And "happy whooshing" to those who've posted lists of 1980s films, one to a paragraph.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, American Pie, Schindler's List, The Matrix, Good Will Hunting, The Lion King, Trainspotting, Seven, Beauty and the Beast, Reservoir Dogs, Crimson Tide, The Firm, There's Something About Mary, Toy Story, Boogie Nights, Buz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet 1990s films too
Geez - how did I omit Schindlers List?
A film I can't watch now that I have children. Just too heartbreaking.
And The Usual Suspects is my favourite film. Though Roger Ebert didn't like it...
Yes Schindler's List is a long and harrowing watch but worth it
Schindler's List and the Usual Suspects are the 90's BTW. Schindler's List is almost a masterpiece which Spielberg manages to fuck up by the 10 minute sentimental protracted ending that is unnecessary at the end.
I should add that my dear uncle's great claim to acting fame is that he was Blake's lawyer in the first ever episode of Blake's Seven. He was also one of Murphy's labourers in that episode of Fawlty Towers.
Which one? I will bear it in mind next time I watch that
The tall one with the crappy Irish accent. He's not exactly a master of his craft.
Hehe okay I remember that character. Haha.
I've a friend who claims to have carried one of the crosses in Life of Brian.
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
Blade Runner I think- though it was ahead of it's time. Then possibly Hannah and Her Sisters at a push.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Once Upon a Time in America
One of my favourite movies. It always surprises me how so few people have seen it.
I found it really sad. I need to rewatch it at some point as I never really got the ending.
Heartbreakingly sad film, perfectly played, and amazing storytelling.
I just see the opium scene at the end as closure for Noodles.
It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
The 80's -brought to you by Tyson and Andrex !!
TBF I agree with most of the above except Beverly Hills Cop-first real mainstream Hollywood film where a black man was the funny lead. Ridiculous film but great on a Saturday night-my 11 +13 year old boys LOVE IT !!!
You are forgetting Richard Prior in Uptown Saturday Night, Silver Streak and Stir Crazy, and Car Wash--- all 70's films. Much funnier than Beverley Hills Cop.
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
Utterly deluded, just like your politics1
Was there a single film released between 1980 and 1989 that wasn't some variant of shit?
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Blimey, no one has mentioned Letter to Brezhnev or Gregory's Girl.
Get a grip folks...
You can tell how male-dominated PB is, by the fact that nobody has mentioned The Princess Bride yet!
For reasons that are far beyond my ken, the fairer sex seem to lap that one up. Even the young'uns - a good portion of my female students could quote much of that movie word for word. (In that respect, it seems to have lasted better than that other female favourite, Dirty Dancing.)
Aladdin (early 90s, in fact it is a shocking 24 years old now!) seems to have the same effect, and that one's even further beyond me - I can't even recall it being a particularly female-centric film. Suspect Frozen will fill the same niche in the equivalent year of 2037 (=2013+24, and that really does make the early 90s seem a long time ago).
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
Utterly deluded, just like your politics1
Was there a single film released between 1980 and 1989 that wasn't some variant of shit?
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Blimey, no one has mentioned Letter to Brezhnev or Gregory's Girl.
Get a grip folks...
You can tell how male-dominated PB is, by the fact that nobody has mentioned The Princess Bride yet!
For reasons that are far beyond my ken, the fairer sex seem to lap that one up. Even the young'uns - a good portion of my female students could quote much of that movie word for word. (In that respect, it seems to have lasted better than that other female favourite, Dirty Dancing.)
Aladdin (early 90s, in fact it is a shocking 24 years old now!) seems to have the same effect, and that one's even further beyond me - I can't even recall it being a particularly female-centric film. Suspect Frozen will fill the same niche in the equivalent year of 2037 (=2013+24, and that really does make the early 90s seem a long time ago).
Terms of Endearment was another one for the ladies. Also on Golden Pond and Ordinary People.
If the 80s were relatively shit then the 90s were great.
Silence of the Lambs Heat Carlitos Way Hoop Dreams Nil by Mouth Shawshank Redemption Pulp Fiction Forrest Gump Fargo Terminator 2 The Fugitive American Beauty Fight Club Saving Private Ryan Groundhog Day The Big Lebowski Reservoir Dogs True Romance Titanic Home Alone
I could go on and on..
Jurassic Park, Independence Day, Ninja Turtles, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, American Pie, Schindler's List, The Matrix, Good Will Hunting, The Lion King, Trainspotting, Seven, Beauty and the Beast, Reservoir Dogs, Crimson Tide, The Firm, There's Something About Mary, Toy Story, Boogie Nights, Buz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet 1990s films too
Geez - how did I omit Schindlers List?
A film I can't watch now that I have children. Just too heartbreaking.
And The Usual Suspects is my favourite film. Though Roger Ebert didn't like it...
Yes Schindler's List is a long and harrowing watch but worth it
Schindler's List and the Usual Suspects are the 90's BTW. Schindler's List is almost a masterpiece which Spielberg manages to fuck up by the 10 minute sentimental protracted ending that is unnecessary at the end.
Sorry, they were from the 90's list. You are probably right though that it could have finished a bit earlier
.It was released in 1980. That's when we first got to see it. Next...
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated Escape from New York-shit, and crap Terminator-not bad, perhaps Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit Superman II-OK(ish) Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years E.T.- mawkish shit Back to the Future- shit Predator- shit Footloose- shit, shit Dirty Dancing- fucking shit Tootsie- sort of alright Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
Utterly deluded, just like your politics1
Was there a single film released between 1980 and 1989 that wasn't some variant of shit?
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Blimey, no one has mentioned Letter to Brezhnev or Gregory's Girl.
Get a grip folks...
You can tell how male-dominated PB is, by the fact that nobody has mentioned The Princess Bride yet!
For reasons that are far beyond my ken, the fairer sex seem to lap that one up. Even the young'uns - a good portion of my female students could quote much of that movie word for word. (In that respect, it seems to have lasted better than that other female favourite, Dirty Dancing.)
Aladdin (early 90s, in fact it is a shocking 24 years old now!) seems to have the same effect, and that one's even further beyond me - I can't even recall it being a particularly female-centric film. Suspect Frozen will fill the same niche in the equivalent year of 2037 (=2013+24, and that really does make the early 90s seem a long time ago).
I'm sorry, I really must take issue with your sweeping statement about the Princess Bride. I am female and I'm here to tell you that it is shit. And so is Flashdance.
Dirty Dancing however, is a work of staggering genius.
Can someone do this with music as well? Will save me some time when selecting albums to listen to: e.g. much of Sting's solo work - dull hippy shit Tin Machine - boring and shit
I am slightly confused. To read articles in the liberal media you would think that Labour's core vote is all frothing at the mouth, drunk on fascist propaganda and the like. However if you look at John Harris' video from Stoke, whilst the mood was pretty awful for Remain, most of the people hardly seemed ready for a Nuremberg style rally. They seemed grumpy, fed up, fearful perhaps. Social media makes everything seem ugly and I'm sure people are less polite when phoned up than canvassed on the doorstep.
I've no idea what happens on Friday morning but people should just contain the despair for now.
Die Hard
Blade Runner
I liked Brazil. And The King of Comedy, which might be another "ahead of its time" film - think it would have got a better reception after the reality TV boom.
The murder was a very strange act, and I guess truth will out in time.
But, the 70's- the Godfathers, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Last Detail, Dog Day Afternoon. Apocalypse Now, Serpico, French Connection, Klute, Nashville, Jaws, Deer Hunter, Bad Company, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Lenny, Caberet, All that Jazz, Parallax View, Marathon Man,...I'm just brainstorming for a starters.
American Cinema of the 70's is one of the most creative periods in human history...and then they hit the 80's and produced....Dirty Dancing.
Silence of the Lambs
Carlitos Way
Hoop Dreams
Nil by Mouth
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Forrest Gump
Terminator 2
The Fugitive
American Beauty
Fight Club
Saving Private Ryan
Groundhog Day
The Big Lebowski
Reservoir Dogs
True Romance
Home Alone
I could go on and on..
"My Destiny. Hallelujah! The missiles are flying..."
I did enjoy Cinema Paradiso. Is that from the 80s?
Denzel Washington won an Oscar, his first, for Best Supporting Actor.
And 'Escape from New York'.
I was seven back then!
And not to too far away was the delightfully named Scratchface Lane, Tutts Clump.
2013: Orlando Terrorist Threatened To Kill Fla. Sheriff And His Family, FBI Dismissed Threat
My uncle Michael is an actor. He's made quite a lot of money, but has never made it. He got to the final two for the Ray Liotta role in that film. Ray won, obviously. The right choice was made.
And the 70s? Yeah - three others in my Top 5. Star Wars, All the Presidents Men, and The Sting.
So I'll start you all off with
'The Thing in my pants'
For some of you, it'll be 'Gone in sixty seconds in my pants'
Great music and cinema requires a backdrop of social turmoil.
Get a grip folks...
A film I can't watch now that I have children. Just too heartbreaking.
And The Usual Suspects is my favourite film. Though Roger Ebert didn't like it...
Vanilla's idiosyncrasies mean I know not who said it, and replied to the wrong bloke anyway.
P.S. Blade Runner is shit.
I found it really sad. I need to rewatch it at some point as I never really got the ending.
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, Platoon 1987 as above
, Top Gun- jingoistic shit
, Ferris Bueller's Day Off- not bad, actually better than not bad
, Stand By Me 1986- mawkish shit
, Batman 1989- OK but dated
Amadeus 1984- fucking terrible and manipulative,
The Terminator 1984,_OK
Nightmare on Elm Street 1984- sort of avant guardish ,
Dead Poets Society_ I would rather spend 2 hours with Niger Farage than re-watch this shit
Crocodile Dundee- shit,
Three Men and A Baby- awfully shit,
Fatal Attraction- shit,
Good Morning Vietnam- mawkish shit,
Rain Man- argggghh- terrible and shit
The Untouchables_ De Palma is shit
The Karate Kid- you are kidding me
Gremlin- passes 2 hours
An Officer and a Gentleman- pass me the vomit bag
Airplane- 1978 so not to be included- actually very funny
9 to 5- not even funny and shit
Rocky III and IV- you're taking the piss
Out of Africa- fuck off
Who Framed Roger Rabbit- OK, but a bit boring
Twins- 3 laughs and then that is it
Honey I Shrunk the Kids- one joke wonder
Lethal Weapon- formulaic shit
@ Above- do I have to do this again. I should be given some kind of commission for my critiques
American History X
Great movie. If you've not seen it, you should.
Withnail and I. 1987.
A monumental comedy classic. Beyond reproach. One of my favourite memories is sitting in the cinema with a uni mate in 1987 almost unable to breath with laughter.
"The entire sink's gone rotten. I don't know what's in here."
BTW Cinema Paradiso is mawkish and sentimental
Britannia Hospital
My Beautiful Laundrette
The converse is also true. Good artists rarely produce their best work from a state of comfort. David Gilmour's On an Island comes to mind as a good example. Everything was very 'nice' and the result is bilge.
I'm really going to ratchet it up this week. The JP Morgan report has been a shot in the arm.
Three Men and A Baby- awfully shit,
Fatal Attraction- shit,
Good Morning Vietnam- mawkish shit,
Rain Man- argggghh- terrible and shit
The Untouchables_ De Palma is shit
The Karate Kid- you are kidding me
Gremlin- passes 2 hours
An Officer and a Gentleman- pass me the vomit bag
Airplane- 1978 so not to be included- actually very funny
9 to 5- not even funny and shit
Rocky III and IV- you're taking the piss
Out of Africa- fuck off
Who Framed Roger Rabbit- OK, but a bit boring
Twins- 3 laughs and then that is it
Honey I Shrunk the Kids- one joke wonder
Lethal Weapon- formulaic shit
@ Above- do I have to do this again. I should be given some kind of commission for my critiques
It's a much more efficient version of IMDb.
Chariots is fucking shit, dated and crap. Watch it now- the editing is appalling. Embarrassing. Compare and contrast to Goodfellas which is flawless.
Gandhi is well made, but virtuous and sanctimonious
The Last Emperor is ponderous and up it's own arse
Alien, 1979, still makes me shiver. I watched it on release with one other person in an empty barn of a cinema. Iirc everyone else was packing to see Clockwise but my friend said, 'there's this movie I've heard great things about.'
A few weeks later people were flocking to see Alien. The rest, as they say, is history.
One of the scariest, most brilliant and horrible films ever made.
Other 80s classics, film-wise include:
The Breakfast Club- shit
Die Hard- shit, but kinda of fun
Aliens- shit- but passes 2 and a half hours
Beverley Hills Cop- really shit, and dated
Escape from New York-shit, and crap
Terminator-not bad, perhaps
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan-shit
Superman II-OK(ish)
Blade Runner- I'll give you this one- but ahead of it's time by at least 15 years
E.T.- mawkish shit
Back to the Future- shit
Predator- shit
Footloose- shit, shit
Dirty Dancing- fucking shit
Tootsie- sort of alright
Ghostbuster-juvenile shit
Um... to name a few
Local Hero!!!- sentimental shit
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
The 80's -brought to you by Tyson and Andrex !!
TBF I agree with most of the above except Beverly Hills Cop-first real mainstream Hollywood film where a black man was the funny lead. Ridiculous film but great on a Saturday night-my 11 +13 year old boys LOVE IT !!!
And "happy whooshing" to those who've posted lists of 1980s films, one to a paragraph.
I've a friend who claims to have carried one of the crosses in Life of Brian.
I just see the opium scene at the end as closure for Noodles.
I have just objectively critiqued the above 80's classics for you
The 80's -brought to you by Tyson and Andrex !!
TBF I agree with most of the above except Beverly Hills Cop-first real mainstream Hollywood film where a black man was the funny lead. Ridiculous film but great on a Saturday night-my 11 +13 year old boys LOVE IT !!!
You are forgetting Richard Prior in Uptown Saturday Night, Silver Streak and Stir Crazy, and Car Wash--- all 70's films. Much funnier than Beverley Hills Cop.
For reasons that are far beyond my ken, the fairer sex seem to lap that one up. Even the young'uns - a good portion of my female students could quote much of that movie word for word. (In that respect, it seems to have lasted better than that other female favourite, Dirty Dancing.)
Aladdin (early 90s, in fact it is a shocking 24 years old now!) seems to have the same effect, and that one's even further beyond me - I can't even recall it being a particularly female-centric film. Suspect Frozen will fill the same niche in the equivalent year of 2037 (=2013+24, and that really does make the early 90s seem a long time ago).
And that's a bit harsh about Back to the Future. For its genre it was pretty good. As was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Blue Velvet is a pretty good film.
But, generally, I think you're onto something here. The 1980's was pretty poor for quality films as it was for good music.
And so is Flashdance.
Dirty Dancing however, is a work of staggering genius.
Can someone do this with music as well? Will save me some time when selecting albums to listen to:
e.g. much of Sting's solo work - dull hippy shit
Tin Machine - boring and shit
Has she fallen out with George?