That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
The second largest block of voters are Labour supporters. We could see turnout from these voters under 50%. Yet they should be the largest block of voters turning out for REMAIN.
Out of interest, would that message change for me, as 25-30, graduate level public sector employee, South West England?
Curious to know how targeted we can get.
Might do. Would probably say more about the countryside - admittedly there are rural areas in the North-East and urban ones in the South-West, but in identity terms one is clearly more urban than the other.
You cannot imagine how freakily microtargeted Remain is, particularly in the context of social media ad buys. 20-40 year old woman who liked a lot of baby photos on Facebook recently? You're getting an advert for EU maternity leave rights. I searched for hotels on the Isle of Wight yesterday and today I got an advert about the EU Clean Beaches directive. I uploaded a cat photo, I got an advert telling me that Leave was putting animal welfare at risk.
Which is all weird. If there's a majority in favour of EU rules then we would surely end up with a Parliament here which set out the same rules. If there isn't, you'd expect a vote for Leave. Unless the British people have some sort of devotion to voting against their own interests and being rescued by foreigners.
@chrisshipitv: Nationalisation - or something like it - is on the cards. Ministers have *gamed* this scenario for Uk and state ownership not ruled out
@PickardJE: 2nd government source on PortTalbot: "We are looking at all viable options" Is part-nationalisation a viable option? "Not to my knowledge."
The second largest block of voters are Labour supporters. We could see turnout from these voters under 50%. Yet they should be the largest block of voters turning out for REMAIN.
If Labour turnout is under 50% then it's very possible for Labour Leave to come very close to Labour Remain. Vote Leave (as a Labour Leave) to both leave the EU and remove Cameron must be seen as a win/win.
Too right!
So tell me why I as a lefty should vote Leave. I'm genuinely interested. Seems to me Brussels acts as a brake on the turbo Thatcherite instincts of all governments
What social class would you be and what is your age?
25-30, graduate level public sector employee (does that make me C1 or B?), North East England
Greece. You should vote Leave in solidarity with our comrades in Greece. We only have an opt-out from the final stage of EMU, and one day, especially if we vote strongly remain, the fiscal rules will come for us, whether Cameron flounced on the last attempt or not.
Out of interest, would that message change for me, as 25-30, graduate level public sector employee, South West England?
Curious to know how targeted we can get.
Might do. Would probably say more about the countryside - admittedly there are rural areas in the North-East and urban ones in the South-West, but in identity terms one is clearly more urban than the other.
You cannot imagine how freakily microtargeted Remain is, particularly in the context of social media ad buys. 20-40 year old woman who liked a lot of baby photos on Facebook recently? You're getting an advert for EU maternity leave rights. I searched for hotels on the Isle of Wight yesterday and today I got an advert about the EU Clean Beaches directive. I uploaded a cat photo, I got an advert telling me that Leave was putting animal welfare at risk.
Which is all weird. If there's a majority in favour of EU rules then we would surely end up with a Parliament here which set out the same rules. If there isn't, you'd expect a vote for Leave. Unless the British people have some sort of devotion to voting against their own interests and being rescued by foreigners.
The Facebook microtargetting is pretty good. I used to get fairly offensive anti-immigration Leave ads, but those have gone. I now get ads from "healthier in" and "scientists for the EU" etc.
That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
The second largest block of voters are Labour supporters. We could see turnout from these voters under 50%. Yet they should be the largest block of voters turning out for REMAIN.
Out of interest, would that message change for me, as 25-30, graduate level public sector employee, South West England?
Curious to know how targeted we can get.
Might do. Would probably say more about the countryside - admittedly there are rural areas in the North-East and urban ones in the South-West, but in identity terms one is clearly more urban than the other.
You cannot imagine how freakily microtargeted Remain is, particularly in the context of social media ad buys. 20-40 year old woman who liked a lot of baby photos on Facebook recently? You're getting an advert for EU maternity leave rights. I searched for hotels on the Isle of Wight yesterday and today I got an advert about the EU Clean Beaches directive. I uploaded a cat photo, I got an advert telling me that Leave was putting animal welfare at risk.
Which is all weird. If there's a majority in favour of EU rules then we would surely end up with a Parliament here which set out the same rules. If there isn't, you'd expect a vote for Leave. Unless the British people have some sort of devotion to voting against their own interests and being rescued by foreigners.
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Too right - now if it was reptilian flesh, that'd be ok, but it's harder to get hold of.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
The second largest block of voters are Labour supporters. We could see turnout from these voters under 50%. Yet they should be the largest block of voters turning out for REMAIN.
Out of interest, would that message change for me, as 25-30, graduate level public sector employee, South West England?
Curious to know how targeted we can get.
Might do. Would probably say more about the countryside - admittedly there are rural areas in the North-East and urban ones in the South-West, but in identity terms one is clearly more urban than the other.
You cannot imagine how freakily microtargeted Remain is, particularly in the context of social media ad buys. 20-40 year old woman who liked a lot of baby photos on Facebook recently? You're getting an advert for EU maternity leave rights. I searched for hotels on the Isle of Wight yesterday and today I got an advert about the EU Clean Beaches directive. I uploaded a cat photo, I got an advert telling me that Leave was putting animal welfare at risk.
Which is all weird. If there's a majority in favour of EU rules then we would surely end up with a Parliament here which set out the same rules. If there isn't, you'd expect a vote for Leave. Unless the British people have some sort of devotion to voting against their own interests and being rescued by foreigners.
Hunting with dogs has been banned you nitwit.
As for animal welfare, direct your ire at the farmers in Italy who have a shocking record when it comes to animal welfare, as was pointed out to you a month or so ago.
'tyson said: That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.'
Hunting with dogs has been banned you nitwit.
As for the treatment of animals, direct your ire at the farmers in Italy who have a shocking record when it comes to welfare, as was pointed out to you a month or so ago.
And regarding 'sea plundering', blame your precious EU and the grotesque quota system.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
I think you need a nice falafel kebab.
Alternatively watch some 'animals eating other animals' porn.
After seeing this one I'll be very careful of bambi in future:
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
A very different starting line-up playing a completely different system. There was real promise in the performance against the Germans. Tonight's result does not change that one bit.
And shooting is a national pastime in Italy. 800,000 happy hunters out blasting away at everything that scuttles, runs or flies for 6 months of the year.
I was being slightly ironical. As much as I want to stay in Europe, if I got an AD from the remain camp bigging up their animal welfare credentials, it wouldn't go down too well.
Human beings abuse animal terribly...I mean pretty terribly. It really is bad enough to eat a mammal when we have alternatives, the rest of the stuff we do to further our own needs is beyond thinking about.
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
'tyson said: That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.'
Hunting with dogs has been banned you nitwit.
As for the treatment of animals, direct your ire at the farmers in Italy who have a shocking record when it comes to welfare, as was pointed out to you a month or so ago.
As for 'sea plundering', blame your precious EU and the grotesque quota system.
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
I can't think of anything more natural than mammals eating mammals.
So the charities story - are we to assume the government is now trying to get round the spending limits by allowing nakedly political campaigning by 'charities'?
If Trump's man gets done for this assault, I would think that every person who works in security of VIPs will be open to getting charged with something pretty much every day.
In my wife's home rural village, there may be 50-60 hunters out of a population of 2,000 or so. The hunters are a powerful lobby, but the vast majority of folk prefer to see their wildlife alive. The silent majority hate killing for sport, do not participate in it, do not condone it- but sadly turn a blind eye.
Regularly seeing groups of men (and it is men), driving their 4 by 4's, in their stupid camouflages, with their mean faces, and their blood lust hardly bonds me to Italy. It has nothing to do with rural traditions, and everything to do with a brutal, mean, cruel pastime continued by a small, vocal minority of highly inadequate men.
And shooting is a national pastime in Italy. 800,000 happy hunters out blasting away at everything that scuttles, runs or flies for 6 months of the year.
So the charities story - are we to assume the government is now trying to get round the spending limits by allowing nakedly political campaigning by 'charities'?
Cameron and Osborne going for the 'Death or Glory' approach?
Well, that's one way of losing even more support from party members and MPs. Corbyn's looking more like PM in 2020, when Conservatives sit on their hands at the GE.
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
A very different starting line-up playing a completely different system. There was real promise in the performance against the Germans. Tonight's result does not change that one bit.
Said so many times over the years.
Here's England beating Spain before the 2012 Euros:
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
A very different starting line-up playing a completely different system. There was real promise in the performance against the Germans. Tonight's result does not change that one bit.
Said so many times over the years.
Here's England beating Spain before the 2012 Euros:
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
A very different starting line-up playing a completely different system. There was real promise in the performance against the Germans. Tonight's result does not change that one bit.
Said so many times over the years.
Here's England beating Spain before the 2012 Euros:
OK- could you imagine a scenario where some higher life form harvest humans, where they impregnate them without thought- mothers and sons and sisters all fertilising each other, they harvest and reproduce them in their own filth, feeding them the off cuts of their own species and then industrially butcher them one by one so that one can see what is happening to the other before death.
Would you consider that natural? Or would you consider it perhaps a pretty dystopic horror film?
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
I can't think of anything more natural than mammals eating mammals.
OK- could you imagine a scenario where some higher life form harvest humans, where they impregnate them without thought- mothers and sons and sisters all fertilising each other, they harvest and reproduce them in their own filth, feeding them the off cuts of their own species and then industrially butcher them one by one so that one can see what is happening to the other before death.
Would you consider that natural? Or would you consider it perhaps a pretty dystopic horror film?
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
I can't think of anything more natural than mammals eating mammals.
I'd consider any film with a lifeform higher than humans to be dystopic.
Though a lot of what you described would violate animal welfare laws in this country anyway.
OK- could you imagine a scenario where some higher life form harvest humans, where they impregnate them without thought- mothers and sons and sisters all fertilising each other, they harvest and reproduce them in their own filth, feeding them the off cuts of their own species and then industrially butcher them one by one so that one can see what is happening to the other before death.
Would you consider that natural? Or would you consider it perhaps a pretty dystopic horror film?
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
I can't think of anything more natural than mammals eating mammals.
You're mixing two issues; whether it's immoral to eat flesh, and poor animal husbandry. The latter is in no-one's interests; sick, dirty, medicated, stressed animals don't make good food.
So the charities story - are we to assume the government is now trying to get round the spending limits by allowing nakedly political campaigning by 'charities'?
Cameron and Osborne going for the 'Death or Glory' approach?
Well, that's one way of losing even more support from party members and MPs. Corbyn's looking more like PM in 2020, when Conservatives sit on their hands at the GE.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
1998 World Cup team had a pretty good defence. Sol Campbell was great against the Argies.
That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
The second largest block of voters are Labour supporters. We could see turnout from these voters under 50%. Yet they should be the largest block of voters turning out for REMAIN.
Out of interest, would that message change for me, as 25-30, graduate level public sector employee, South West England?
Curious to know how targeted we can get.
Might do. Would probably say more about the countryside - admittedly there are rural areas in the North-East and urban ones in the South-West, but in identity terms one is clearly more urban than the other.
You cannot imagine how freakily microtargeted Remain is, particularly in the context of social media ad buys. 20-40 year old woman who liked a lot of baby photos on Facebook recently? You're getting an advert for EU maternity leave rights. I searched for hotels on the Isle of Wight yesterday and today I got an advert about the EU Clean Beaches directive. I uploaded a cat photo, I got an advert telling me that Leave was putting animal welfare at risk.
Which is all weird. If there's a majority in favour of EU rules then we would surely end up with a Parliament here which set out the same rules. If there isn't, you'd expect a vote for Leave. Unless the British people have some sort of devotion to voting against their own interests and being rescued by foreigners.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
1998 World Cup team had a pretty good defence. Sol Campbell was great against the Argies.
Shame Alan *elbows* Shearer buggered things up. Sol scored a perfectly good goal.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
1998 World Cup team had a pretty good defence. Sol Campbell was great against the Argies.
Come on Guys,I know we didn't play well and the defence is dodgy but the ref for the second goal was a disgrace.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
1998 World Cup team had a pretty good defence. Sol Campbell was great against the Argies.
It certainly wasn't the worst but there was some shoddy ineptitude in the defeat to Romania:
Things are so bad with regard to animal welfare in French slaughterhouses, ever single one is being inspected under an emergency nationwide probe into conditions.
Not sure animal welfare being protected by the eu is such a sure fire line when you have this
But once you're explaining, you're losing. That hasn't been paid to come up on the Facebook of everyone who likes fluffy animals. The headline about the poor baby whatever they were that Nigel Farage wants to bite the heads off and how ONLY! YOU! CAN! STOP! HIM! has.
Trump: "the head of Harvard Law School says Cruz is wrong. He's not a natural born citizen. The Democrats will sue him. He was a Canadian citizen until 14/15 months ago..."
I'm a bit of a fan of Germany and watch a fair amount of their games when I can locate them. The qualifying campaign wasn't stellar compared to what they have done in the past and the England result was not quite as much of a surprise as tradition might tell you. Germany is in a bit of transition. The Germany that turns up in France are liable to be better but they are still vulnerable. A very good attacking side but definitely not awesome at the back. They shipped 9 in qualifying in a group that, Poland apart, wasn't anything special. To give you a comparison, we shipped 6 in qualifying, England shipped 3 though England's group was a bit weaker than Germany's.
Against Italy Germany looked liked...Germany...they just steamrolled the Italians out of the game by half time and Italy couldn't be much arsed with very limited attacking threat.
Come the 21st June however in Paris, however, we will set the model for the rest of World football and thump the Germans....maybe...with luck...if the wind is blowing the right way
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
It looked so good when Vardy scored
Sunil. I know your a West ham fan and my team have a couple of west ham's very good youth team players on loan.
Don't know what odd's you will get on one of the players(Reese Burke)getting a full England cap in the future,worth looking into.
I really rate him to go far in the game.
Sounds interesting, though not heard of him before tonight.
Speaking of youth teams, I happened to travel by train from Brum to Derby yesterday and sat next to someone who turned out to be a Chesterfield Youth Team player, and moreover - the really spooky part - he grew up in Newham, right next-door to Ilford, my home-town, AND went to Beal School, just down the road from my school, Ilford County High!
So England have just been beaten at home by a country which lost home and away to Iceland.
Do all those people who were getting so excited after the Germany game NEVER learn ???
It looked so good when Vardy scored
Sunil. I know your a West ham fan and my team have a couple of west ham's very good youth team players on loan.
Don't know what odd's you will get on one of the players(Reese Burke)getting a full England cap in the future,worth looking into.
I really rate him to go far in the game.
Sounds interesting, though not heard of him before tonight.
Speaking of youth teams, I happened to travel by train from Brum to Derby yesterday and sat next to someone who turned out to be a Chesterfield Youth Team player, and moreover - the really spooky part - he grew up in Newham, right next-door to Ilford, my home-town, AND went to Beal School, just down the road from my school, Ilford County High!
Canadian politician Jean Lapierre and 6 others die in crash flying to funeral
Former Canadian Parliamentarian Jean Lapierre and several members of his family were killed in a plane crash Tuesday off the coast of eastern Quebec, according to a law enforcement official.
England didn't play the Tottenham press tonight. Gave the Dutch too much time. Defence not up to much. Drinkeater on the plane now, surely. Everytime there's a close-up of Vardy I expect to see a little ciggie stub in the side of his mouth. He looks like he should be working the docks. Exceptional speed though.
we were brilliant in our own half.
Looked to me that the defence was pretty shocking again. We need to score more than our opponents. We cannot rely on clean sheets.
Teams with shocking defences do not win tournaments.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
I've kind of tuned out of the EU referendum campaign. A vast majority of it seems to centre around the internal politics of the Tory party, moreso than the actual pros and cons of staying (or leaving) the EU. I still think Remain will win, though and that Cameron will stay until 2017/8. I agree that May is looking a decent bet to be the next Tory leader, and tbh she'd be their best choice by far.
On England, I do not know why anybody would look to friendlies' as a legitimate litmus test of what England will produce in a tournament. The last time Germany beat England in Germany was 1987 (according to the BBC on twitter), but this hasn't stopped Germany reaching many finals, semi-finals, and winning three tournaments between 1987-2016, while England has won none. England in recent years have had actually *on paper* far better teams than the current one - I'm thinking of the team between 2001-2004 with Neville, Terry, Campbell, Gerard, Cole, Beckham, Lampard, Scholes, and Rooney. And yet that team could not get past the quarters in Euro-2004.
A similar story was the case in 2002 (hopefully Wikipedia is right on this one!) when only a year after that 5-1 win in Munich, England got to the quarters and Germany the final of the WC. In recent years we've beaten Spain, and Brazil in friendlies as well. So why some were on Saturday, so keen to proclaim the current team as better than the ones' in 02' and 04' on the back of one friendly is beyond me. The players in teams between 2001-04, had won EPL titles, CLs, and FA cups. Many of the 'hopes' within our current team are relatively inexperienced in that regard.
On Germany, in the last 10 years or so they have never really looked that good in friendlies. I recall that only a few months before the WC in 2010, Argentina beat them 3-1 in a friendly. Yet when during the actual tournament they beat Argentina 4-1.
If the plane was supposed to fly from Alexandria to Cairo (120 miles), how did it have enough fuel to fly to Cyprus (350 miles)? How much extra / surplus do planes usually carry?
If the plane was supposed to fly from Alexandria to Cairo (120 miles), how did it have enough fuel to fly to Cyprus (350 miles)? How much extra / surplus do planes usually carry?
I imagine so.
It will be interesting to see if the EU blocks any intervention in Tata's UK operations by the government.
We have a government here that is quite happy to shoot badgers in huge numbers for no other good reason than just to shoot them, is more than happy to let foxes get torn to shreds by packs of dogs, is quite happy to let farmers regulate their own farm production, does nothing about circuses, allows our seas to be plundered and polluted....
The next thing you'll say, is that it is OK for humans to rear and butcher mammals in catastrophic numbers and so to cruelly massacre animals that were bred only to feed the meat obsessed human race and to satiate human's needless, grotesque and unhealthy taste for mammalian flesh.
Surely such a dystopia only exists in the most warped vision of perverse fiction......
What was it Yes Prime Minister said, never believe anything until has been officially denied
@PickardJE: 2nd government source on PortTalbot:
"We are looking at all viable options"
Is part-nationalisation a viable option?
"Not to my knowledge."
That is the last straw. Leave is putting animal welfare at risk.'
Hunting with dogs has been banned you nitwit.
As for the treatment of animals, direct your ire at the farmers in Italy who have a shocking record when it comes to welfare, as was pointed out to you a month or so ago.
And regarding 'sea plundering', blame your precious EU and the grotesque quota system.
Alternatively watch some 'animals eating other animals' porn.
After seeing this one I'll be very careful of bambi in future:
Human beings abuse animal terribly...I mean pretty terribly. It really is bad enough to eat a mammal when we have alternatives, the rest of the stuff we do to further our own needs is beyond thinking about.
It would be pretty grim to imagine a higher level organism treat us as we treat our fellow mammals. Could you imagine? It would be like watching the most horrific film and then some.
26th-28th Feb
#EUReferendum #Newsnight
@NCPoliticsEU: Populus/Number Cruncher Politics (#EURef, ONLINE):
26th-28th Feb
#EUReferendum #Newsnight
The hunters are a powerful lobby, but the vast majority of folk prefer to see their wildlife alive. The silent majority hate killing for sport, do not participate in it, do not condone it- but sadly turn a blind eye.
Regularly seeing groups of men (and it is men), driving their 4 by 4's, in their stupid camouflages, with their mean faces, and their blood lust hardly bonds me to Italy. It has nothing to do with rural traditions, and everything to do with a brutal, mean, cruel pastime continued by a small, vocal minority of highly inadequate men.
Well, that's one way of losing even more support from party members and MPs. Corbyn's looking more like PM in 2020, when Conservatives sit on their hands at the GE.
Here's England beating Spain before the 2012 Euros:
Would you consider that natural? Or would you consider it perhaps a pretty dystopic horror film?
Though a lot of what you described would violate animal welfare laws in this country anyway.
Can anyone remember the last time England had a defence which looked properly solid.
1990 IMO. Even 1996 was shaky and had to bailed out by David Seaman more than once.
Sunil: "Got any Quorn?"
TSE: "If you want!" (He also takes a bottle of meat from the fridge).
Sunil: "Meat...? Ugh!!!"
TSE: "It's what Ian Rush drinks."
Sunil: "Ian Rush?"
TSE: "Yeah, an' he says if I don't drink lots of meat, when I grow up I'm only gonna be good enough to play for Accrington Stanley!"
Sunil: "Accrington Stanley? Who are they?"
TSE: "Exactly!"
Don't know what odd's you will get on one of the players(Reese Burke)getting a full England cap in the future,worth looking into.
I really rate him to go far in the game.
Against Italy Germany looked liked...Germany...they just steamrolled the Italians out of the game by half time and Italy couldn't be much arsed with very limited attacking threat.
Come the 21st June however in Paris, however, we will set the model for the rest of World football and thump the Germans....maybe...with luck...if the wind is blowing the right way
Speaking of youth teams, I happened to travel by train from Brum to Derby yesterday and sat next to someone who turned out to be a Chesterfield Youth Team player, and moreover - the really spooky part - he grew up in Newham, right next-door to Ilford, my home-town, AND went to Beal School, just down the road from my school, Ilford County High!
Canadian politician Jean Lapierre and 6 others die in crash flying to funeral
Former Canadian Parliamentarian Jean Lapierre and several members of his family were killed in a plane crash Tuesday off the coast of eastern Quebec, according to a law enforcement official.
1.6 million migrants from the EU settle in Britain:
Terrible article btw, Mail conflating different types of migrant etc etc etc.
On England, I do not know why anybody would look to friendlies' as a legitimate litmus test of what England will produce in a tournament. The last time Germany beat England in Germany was 1987 (according to the BBC on twitter), but this hasn't stopped Germany reaching many finals, semi-finals, and winning three tournaments between 1987-2016, while England has won none. England in recent years have had actually *on paper* far better teams than the current one - I'm thinking of the team between 2001-2004 with Neville, Terry, Campbell, Gerard, Cole, Beckham, Lampard, Scholes, and Rooney. And yet that team could not get past the quarters in Euro-2004.
A similar story was the case in 2002 (hopefully Wikipedia is right on this one!) when only a year after that 5-1 win in Munich, England got to the quarters and Germany the final of the WC. In recent years we've beaten Spain, and Brazil in friendlies as well. So why some were on Saturday, so keen to proclaim the current team as better than the ones' in 02' and 04' on the back of one friendly is beyond me. The players in teams between 2001-04, had won EPL titles, CLs, and FA cups. Many of the 'hopes' within our current team are relatively inexperienced in that regard.
On Germany, in the last 10 years or so they have never really looked that good in friendlies. I recall that only a few months before the WC in 2010, Argentina beat them 3-1 in a friendly. Yet when during the actual tournament they beat Argentina 4-1.
Dogs are children
Cats are teenagers
SPD 20%
AfD 13%
Greens 12.5%
Left 11%
FDP 6%
Others 5.5%