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It is this demographic that will determine the Presidential election –

SystemSystem Posts: 11,921
edited March 12 in General
It is this demographic that will determine the Presidential election –

Jessica: You look at the exits for GOP voters tonight who won't guarantee their vote for the nominee. North Carolina, 35%, Virginia 36%, California 33%. That has been consistent, 30-50% of people who don't want Trump but identify as Republican or are voting in that primary

Read the full story here



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    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    First like Biden, I hope.
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    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,652
    Second term, like Biden or Trump will have.
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    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..




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    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    Why the eff hasn't Rishi Sunak fired the extremist Michelle Donelan and why the double eff are we paying for her legal fees and damages she has to pay out?

    It's like the GOP paying Trump's legal bills.
  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,652

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    Our puppy has an octopus toy. I hope we are not inadvertently turning her into an anti-Semite.
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    another_richardanother_richard Posts: 25,823
    With eight months until election day there's plenty of time for further mental and physical deterioration for both Biden and Trump.
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    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 20,347

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    Our puppy has an octopus toy. I hope we are not inadvertently turning her into an anti-Semite.
    That would be ruff.
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    edited March 6
    I fear the leftie Stephen Bush is going to trigger @ydoethur

    Why won’t the Tories talk about their success in education?

    The Conservatives seem determined to ignore one of their few achievements in office

    The UK has, by accident, been running a prolonged experiment in education policy for the past three decades.

    Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England have all pursued radically different approaches to schools policy since the advent of devolution. The results are in: and outcomes in England, where the Tory party has enthusiastically built upon New Labour’s approach to schooling, are much better than elsewhere in the UK. The country has climbed the Pisa international rankings, which compare educational outcomes between countries, and suffered a smaller real-terms deterioration after the Covid lockdown than its peers.

    Given that the Conservatives have conducted a high number of policy experiments since 2010 with a low number of unalloyed successes, you would think the government might be inclined to shout about this one, or indeed talk about it at all.

    The government did clear its schedule for the day the most recent Pisa rankings were published — but to talk about immigration, rather than education.

    One reason for the government’s silence is that England’s increase in literacy and numeracy, and its striking success compared to other countries in educating the children of immigrants, are cross-party achievements. The relevant policies build on the work of successive education secretaries under Tony Blair, which in turn owed much to the foundations laid by former education secretary Kenneth Baker in 1988, when he introduced GCSEs and the national curriculum.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,989

    Are pollsters overestimating Trump's support? V interesting column by
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    Our puppy has an octopus toy. I hope we are not inadvertently turning her into an anti-Semite.
    Its starts with playing with an octopus squeaky toy and ends with the gas chambers. #lessonsfromhistory
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    Our puppy has an octopus toy. I hope we are not inadvertently turning her into an anti-Semite.
    I love octopus, lovely food, I also am working with Octopus energy so this is getting complicated.
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    nico679nico679 Posts: 5,675
    The Tories seem intent on a scorched earth policy whereby they’ll devastate public services in order to give election bribes .

    Surely this scenario should have been anticipated by Labour . They surely can’t u-turn on the few pledges they’ve made so will have to find alternative funding streams .

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    ColinColin Posts: 70
    In a way though Trump losing would be worse especially if he led the polls. He will immediately claim the election was rigged and will mobilise his supporters.
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    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,112

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    Hold on. In that so-called apology, Donnelly doubles down on her claim that the octopus hates Jews, and just says it was not this student's choice. Nor does she mention the so-called Palestinian jacket. The lawyers have let her off lightly imo.
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    JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 40,381
    edited March 6
    Have we talked about Jewish Space lasers?
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    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    I cannot believe nobody on PB yesterday commented on the 71st anniversary of this seminal moment in history.

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    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 20,347

    ...Fair enough, but @williamglenn only shares data favourable to Trump, which to determine betting options is sub-optimal. Granted, there isn't much positive polling for the Biden Team at present, but when there was, you didn't get the word from @williamglenn. His extrapolation from the poll right months out I objected to, and he has explained that in an earlier post, insomuch as his "joke" was that if Halley was the nominee she would walk the election. I am not sure how we can use that to determine betting for November. But a good point anyway...

    In "The Signal And The Noise" (or "Superforecasters": I forget which), the author(s) recommend the use of partisans in data acquisition. They are motivated to find data in favour of their idol and will find details that a more objective observer would omit. The problem arises when there are too many partisans in one direction, creating a "Maxwell's Demon" where bias emerges. If all the partisans are in one direction, then you have an echo chamber. Those are the problems we must guard against.

    So I'm perfectly happy for @williamglenn to stay, regardless of whether it's Chibnall writing him.

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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    edited March 6
    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It might seem boring to an old fart like you.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    edited March 6

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It might seem boring to an old fart like you.
    Mate, you’re a teetotal lawyer who lives in Manchester. With his mum. Your idea of fun is your mum doing your washing
  • Options
    ColinColin Posts: 70
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    Do you know half of the lgbt venues have closed in london since 2006. Londins replacement population aint that friendly to gays sadly.
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480
    Colin said:

    In a way though Trump losing would be worse especially if he led the polls. He will immediately claim the election was rigged and will mobilise his supporters.

    I see your point, but honestly we don't really want a world with Trump as president again...
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 20,347
    Scott_xP said:


    Are pollsters overestimating Trump's support? V interesting column by

    Possibly crucial.
    Do we have the equivalent figures for Trump in 2020 and 2016?
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It might seem boring to an old fart like you.
    Mate, you’re a teetotal lawyer who lives in Manchester. With his mum. You’re idea of fun is your mum doing your washing
    I am a party animal, I spend more time in clubs than you ever have.

    I keep on telling you to come to The Village in Manchester, it will shatter your preconceptions.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Colin said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    Do you know half of the lgbt venues have closed in london since 2006. Londins replacement population aint that friendly to gays sadly.
    Who coulda predicted it, eh?

    Well, I did. To one of my best gay friends in about 2005. He was then very left and pro migration. Not any more
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480
    nico679 said:

    The Tories seem intent on a scorched earth policy whereby they’ll devastate public services in order to give election bribes .

    Surely this scenario should have been anticipated by Labour . They surely can’t u-turn on the few pledges they’ve made so will have to find alternative funding streams .

    No government can bind its successors. No reason why anything that passes with the budget cannot be undone - "We've just seen the public finances and its far, far worse than we thought. Because of Tory mismanagement we now need to do X, Y and Z" - Rachel Reeves' first speech to the house as CotE.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    What was notable was the number of Haley voters who said they wouldn't vote for Trump, certainly if he was convicted in his criminal cases. While overall Trump and Biden nearly won all states on Super Tuesday the latter lost American Samoa and the former Vermont which shows some reservations still about both.

    Having won Vermont to add to her DC win Haley is clearly going to continue her campaign until Trump crosses the delegate majority threshold at least
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    Colin said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    Do you know half of the lgbt venues have closed in london since 2006. Londins replacement population aint that friendly to gays sadly.
    Or we could look at the facts.

    James Sizzle, who co-owns The Glory in east London, recently relocated his venue from Haggerston to Dalston, citing the cost of living, post-pandemic pressures and increased costs due to Brexit.
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 58,106

    I fear the leftie Stephen Bush is going to trigger @ydoethur

    Why won’t the Tories talk about their success in education?

    The Conservatives seem determined to ignore one of their few achievements in office

    The UK has, by accident, been running a prolonged experiment in education policy for the past three decades.

    Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England have all pursued radically different approaches to schools policy since the advent of devolution. The results are in: and outcomes in England, where the Tory party has enthusiastically built upon New Labour’s approach to schooling, are much better than elsewhere in the UK. The country has climbed the Pisa international rankings, which compare educational outcomes between countries, and suffered a smaller real-terms deterioration after the Covid lockdown than its peers.

    Given that the Conservatives have conducted a high number of policy experiments since 2010 with a low number of unalloyed successes, you would think the government might be inclined to shout about this one, or indeed talk about it at all.

    The government did clear its schedule for the day the most recent Pisa rankings were published — but to talk about immigration, rather than education.

    One reason for the government’s silence is that England’s increase in literacy and numeracy, and its striking success compared to other countries in educating the children of immigrants, are cross-party achievements. The relevant policies build on the work of successive education secretaries under Tony Blair, which in turn owed much to the foundations laid by former education secretary Kenneth Baker in 1988, when he introduced GCSEs and the national curriculum.

    I mentioned this yesterday.

    And, yes, it will trigger him.
  • Options
    BlancheLivermoreBlancheLivermore Posts: 5,451

    I cannot believe nobody on PB yesterday commented on the 71st anniversary of this seminal moment in history.

    I said good afternoon to Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria yesterday
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070

    I cannot believe nobody on PB yesterday commented on the 71st anniversary of this seminal moment in history.

    I said good afternoon to Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria yesterday
    My apologies.
  • Options
    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
  • Options
    nico679nico679 Posts: 5,675
    Given the NI cut has been heavily trailed I expect there will be a few surprises in the budget , so an income tax cut really wouldn’t be a shock .
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 20,347
    Colin said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    Do you know half of the lgbt venues have closed in london since 2006. Londins replacement population aint that friendly to gays sadly.
    I thought that was because in Old Days clubs were the best place to find community and sex, but thanks to internet and Grindr and such that's now online. Clubs no longer have the monopoly on sex provision.
  • Options
    OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,462
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,429
    FPT Scott asked isn't the budget response going to be by Starmer, not Reeves.

    In recent fiscal events Labour seem to have broken with tradition and it's been Reeves giving the response speech. I think it will be the same today. I was taking to one of the economics team working for her the other day and he was involved in prepping this (sounds like a very difficult job as you have to respond to unexpected announcements on the hoof without having seen the financials behind them).
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 58,106
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It might seem boring to an old fart like you.
    Mate, you’re a teetotal lawyer who lives in Manchester. With his mum. Your idea of fun is your mum doing your washing
    To be fair, apart from drinking alcohol, @TheScreamingEagles isn't exactly devout and pure.

    It's the cultural / social integration that I think is important, once any population gets above a certain level, and if there's a divergence in core values then that's a challenge.

    No-one cares what the scientologists or Jehovahs Witness do because there are so few of them. And some weird cults (not a typo) do pop up from time to time that practice hideous violent and sexual abuse but they keep in it their group, so no-one cares.
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 58,106

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
    I wouldn't feel comfortable (at all) in wearing a skullcap in London now, outside a synagogue.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    And you the confounding factors.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
    Try getting a drink after midnight almost anywhere in london, compared to other great world cities like NYC, Paris or Tokyo. Or even lesser cities like Barcelona or Phnom Penh or Berlin or LA or Sydney or Bangkok
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,563
    edited March 6

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    I would care more about the fact she only accused one of the team members (who happened to be Muslim) and not all 4 members. Now I wouldn’t explicitly say she was Islamophobic but evidence does point that way
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    Not necessarily an error. London's population could have increased by 5 m in that time, with a much smaller increase in the Muslim population. Maybe leave stats to the experts - everyone else should just shut up?
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734
    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,047

    I fear the leftie Stephen Bush is going to trigger @ydoethur

    Why won’t the Tories talk about their success in education?

    The Conservatives seem determined to ignore one of their few achievements in office

    The UK has, by accident, been running a prolonged experiment in education policy for the past three decades.

    Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England have all pursued radically different approaches to schools policy since the advent of devolution. The results are in: and outcomes in England, where the Tory party has enthusiastically built upon New Labour’s approach to schooling, are much better than elsewhere in the UK. The country has climbed the Pisa international rankings, which compare educational outcomes between countries, and suffered a smaller real-terms deterioration after the Covid lockdown than its peers.

    Given that the Conservatives have conducted a high number of policy experiments since 2010 with a low number of unalloyed successes, you would think the government might be inclined to shout about this one, or indeed talk about it at all.

    The government did clear its schedule for the day the most recent Pisa rankings were published — but to talk about immigration, rather than education.

    One reason for the government’s silence is that England’s increase in literacy and numeracy, and its striking success compared to other countries in educating the children of immigrants, are cross-party achievements. The relevant policies build on the work of successive education secretaries under Tony Blair, which in turn owed much to the foundations laid by former education secretary Kenneth Baker in 1988, when he introduced GCSEs and the national curriculum.

    Seems odd that the English government went to the trouble of putting their thumb on the PISA scales and to then not crow about the results. Are they thick as the proverbial or just don't want the numbers to be scrutinised too closely?

    'But the country’s performance is also likely overinflated.

    Too few students from England took part in the study – meaning the results could be up to eight points too generous, as more higher-performing pupils took part.'
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,047

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227
    Nigelb said:

    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."

    Why do I need distracting? Quite a weird remark
  • Options
    SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 6,938
    edited March 6
    nico679 said:

    Given the NI cut has been heavily trailed I expect there will be a few surprises in the budget , so an income tax cut really wouldn’t be a shock .

    I think the reason it's been trailed is internal party management. Many Tory MPs have been arguing for an Income Tax cut which is an easier sell. But the numbers don't add up, so Hunt has had to go for NI.

    The last thing he wanted was Tory MPs on Budget Day saying "I really hope he cuts income tax" only for Hunt to pull a rather disappointing NI rabbit out of his hat to an underwhelmed response. This way, Tory MPs have their game face, and cheer it to the rafters despite really wanting more.

    Maybe he'll surprise people, but I doubt it. Hunt isn't a showman, and making liars of the Downing Street press team, who have confirmed the NI thing directly, isn't a good look.
  • Options
    anothernickanothernick Posts: 3,591

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!

    It's usually directly after PMQs, so 12.30
  • Options
    OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,462
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
    Try getting a drink after midnight almost anywhere in london, compared to other great world cities like NYC, Paris or Tokyo. Or even lesser cities like Barcelona or Phnom Penh or Berlin or LA or Sydney or Bangkok
    I've never struggled. I was clubbing until 5am in Peckham a few months back. Drinks were available.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
  • Options
    SirNorfolkPassmoreSirNorfolkPassmore Posts: 6,938
    edited March 6
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    No error. You've said the Muslim population of London has increased by 1.1 million over 20 years. But the total population of London has increased by around 1.8 million in that time. So the non-Muslim population has also increased.

    I look forward to your prompt and effusive apology.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,227

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    No error. You've said the Muslim population of London has increased by 1.1 million over 20 years. But the total population of London has increased by around 1.8 million in that time. So the non-Muslim population has also increased.

    I look forward to your prompt and effusive apology.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,563

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
    As an example because I bought some in Aldi over the weekend

    Leffe Blonde is £5.99 for 4x440ml cans
    At Wetherspoons so as cheap as it can get - it’s one of their more expensive options at £4.50+ a pint
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    eek said:

    Hurrah for lawyers.

    Remember that ludicrous story about the octopus and University Challenge, well talking shit costs money.

    “Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20 November 2023 following the airing of @BBC’s University Challenge programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot which I held her responsible for.

    I accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her.

    We have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs..





    I would care more about the fact she only accused one of the team members (who happened to be Muslim) and not all 4 members. Now I wouldn’t explicitly say she was Islamophobic but evidence does point that way
    Was that announced today? If so seems to be a pattern with Ms Donelan also having fallen foul of the lawyers (as per Previous Thread) choosing to do so as pointed out by one of our PB colleagues.
  • Options
    viewcodeviewcode Posts: 20,347
    "We Don't Understand The Working Class | Aaron Bastani Meets Dan Evans", Novara Media via YouTube, 2hrs, 30 Jul 2023, see

    (This video explores a phenomenon I've been banging on about: Turchin elite overproduction and the dominance of the political classes by the professional/managerial classes has led to a distancing from the working/upper-working/lower-middle classes. Yes I know Goodwin popularised it, but I'm nicking it :) )
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,061

    nico679 said:

    Given the NI cut has been heavily trailed I expect there will be a few surprises in the budget , so an income tax cut really wouldn’t be a shock .

    I think the reason it's been trailed is internal party management. Many Tory MPs have been arguing for an Income Tax cut which is an easier sell. But the numbers don't add up, so Hunt has had to go for NI.

    The last thing he wanted was Tory MPs on Budget Day saying "I really hope he cuts income tax" only for Hunt to pull a rather disappointing NI rabbit out of his hat to an underwhelmed response. This way, Tory MPs have their game face, and cheer it to the rafters despite really wanting more.

    Maybe he'll surprise people, but I doubt it. Hunt isn't a showman, and making liars of the Downing Street press team, who have confirmed the NI thing directly, isn't a good look.
    The previous 2p cut wasn't really trailed at all though.
  • Options
    anothernickanothernick Posts: 3,591

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
    Yes. In 1977, when I went to University, a pint was about 25p in a pub. According to the Bank of England website prices have gone up by a factor of 5.56 since then so that would make my 25p pint some £1.39 today. But, as well know, pub prices have gone up by far more than that. And the use of pubs have declined accordingly - surprising there are any left at all really. How many other items have gone up so much over that period? Can't be many.
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734
    Carnyx said:

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
    Grr. Another one raising this issue! Why are PBers so obsessed with CASH???!!
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,797
    Revealingly inept from the White House:

    Olena Zelenska refused to attend Biden's address to Congress this Thursday because they wanted to seat her next to Navalny's widow, Yulia, - The Washington Post .

    The White House's plan was that the image of both women, each a symbol of resistance to Putin, would become a powerful backdrop for President Biden's speech.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    I am in a courtesy car with no DAB today so no LBC. Listening to 5Live, the Davie-BBC are loving the pre- budget leaks. They are making a big deal of an extra £450 a year for "hard working voters".
  • Options
    OnlyLivingBoyOnlyLivingBoy Posts: 15,462

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
    Yes. In 1977, when I went to University, a pint was about 25p in a pub. According to the Bank of England website prices have gone up by a factor of 5.56 since then so that would make my 25p pint some £1.39 today. But, as well know, pub prices have gone up by far more than that. And the use of pubs have declined accordingly - surprising there are any left at all really. How many other items have gone up so much over that period? Can't be many.
    Indeed. When I started going to pubs a pint cost £1.50, it's now £6. Young people paying £1000/month for a room in a shared flat can't afford to go out!
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,797
    edited March 6
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,061

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
    Yes. In 1977, when I went to University, a pint was about 25p in a pub. According to the Bank of England website prices have gone up by a factor of 5.56 since then so that would make my 25p pint some £1.39 today. But, as well know, pub prices have gone up by far more than that. And the use of pubs have declined accordingly - surprising there are any left at all really. How many other items have gone up so much over that period? Can't be many.
    Houses have gone up roughly 20 fold since then. (£13k to £260k ave according to Nationwide)

    25p * 20 = £5 a pint.
  • Options
    eekeek Posts: 26,563
    Pulpstar said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest drivers in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    I blame Not Rip Off Britain.

    Long ago, when men were men and films were in black and white, shops charged about the same for beer as pubs. A bit less, but not staggeringly. Part of this was pubs not paying staff a lot, property costs etc, but much was the inefficiency of the shop sector. Booze sales supported the bottom line.

    Enter the supermarkets. Who noticed as they ran the costs on everything, that booze was great way to get people in the shop. And insanely profitable, at that time. So an intense competition was started, and prices fell.

    In the pubs, the combination of breweries trying to extract lots of money, staff costs etc pushed prices ever higher.

    So the prices diverged.

    We now live in a world where a pint costing £7 in a pub barely gets mentioned. Meanwhile you can buy beer in the supermarket at £1.5 a pint.

    The result is that, for many people, the pub isn't just a place you wander into, to meet friends. It is an expensive night out.
    Yes. In 1977, when I went to University, a pint was about 25p in a pub. According to the Bank of England website prices have gone up by a factor of 5.56 since then so that would make my 25p pint some £1.39 today. But, as well know, pub prices have gone up by far more than that. And the use of pubs have declined accordingly - surprising there are any left at all really. How many other items have gone up so much over that period? Can't be many.
    Houses have gone up roughly 20 fold since then. (£13k to £260k ave according to Nationwide)

    25p * 20 = £5 a pint.
    The consequences of somewhere being expensive to live feeds through into wages which then feeds through into other costs.

    Which is why a Big Mac in Switzerland is so expensive yet a MacBook costs the same there as everywhere else in the world
  • Options
    Casino_RoyaleCasino_Royale Posts: 58,106

    Carnyx said:

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
    Grr. Another one raising this issue! Why are PBers so obsessed with CASH???!!
    Why are you so triggered by it?
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
  • Options
    BlancheLivermoreBlancheLivermore Posts: 5,451

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    No error. You've said the Muslim population of London has increased by 1.1 million over 20 years. But the total population of London has increased by around 1.8 million in that time. So the non-Muslim population has also increased.

    I look forward to your prompt and effusive apology.
    At the turn of the century about one in twelve Londoners were Muslims, now it's around one in six
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Leon said:

    Nigelb said:

    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."

    Why do I need distracting? Quite a weird remark
    I don't know, but that seems to be your default state.
  • Options
    Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 34,989

    It’s Budget day - and as speculation mounts over a possible early election 🗳️ ministers are facing questions why a top diplomat was kept in the dark as they postponed a major summit due to have been in London in April…
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Have these polls become something of a proxy for voting intention, rather than the responders actually engaging with the question ?

    (I have no idea how much confidence I should place in Rachel Reeves.)
    Rachel Reeves has a FIFTEEN-point lead over Jeremy Hunt on most capable Chancellor with @IpsosUK

    💰 The largest lead ANY Shadow Chancellor has had since we began asking the question in 2010

    💰 24% opting for Hunt matches John McDonnell's lowest score ahead of GE2019
  • Options
    Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 61,214
    I have never understood why the leader of the opposition (Starmer) responds to the budget rather than the shadow chancellor (Reeves)

    Does anyone know why ?
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 11,145
    Shame. I don't know much about her politics, but I suspect they don't align with mine that much as I assume I would be a Democratic if I lived in the USA. However she can clearly string a sentence together and doesn't appear to be toppling over all the time so I have some confidence that when she makes decisions she takes on board the facts and advice given and can express her decisions clearly.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    edited March 6
    Scott_xP said:


    It’s Budget day - and as speculation mounts over a possible early election 🗳️ ministers are facing questions why a top diplomat was kept in the dark as they postponed a major summit due to have been in London in April…

    Rishi is going to look like a 24 carat pencil dick if the election is later than May 2nd.
  • Options
    SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,066
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    No error. You've said the Muslim population of London has increased by 1.1 million over 20 years. But the total population of London has increased by around 1.8 million in that time. So the non-Muslim population has also increased.

    I look forward to your prompt and effusive apology.
    Isa, actually :wink:
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,466

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    No direct source from the Haley campaign there. Though even if she does whether her supporters go for Trump or Biden in November will likely determine the election
  • Options
    topovtopov Posts: 12

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
    I wouldn't feel comfortable (at all) in wearing a skullcap in London now, outside a synagogue.
    London has changed to the extent that I ended up buying a different watch to wear when I'm out in the evening as suddenly i didnt feel comfortable wearing my Rolex anymore.....
  • Options
    SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,066
    Nigelb said:

    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."

    All this stuff about self-aware/conscious behaviour seems to flow from ingesting plenty of source material about AI and fears thereof. If there was a wide body of literature about AI's love for fluffy pink kittens then that would presumably be what we see, rather than world domination
  • Options
    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,112
    TimS said:

    FPT Scott asked isn't the budget response going to be by Starmer, not Reeves.

    In recent fiscal events Labour seem to have broken with tradition and it's been Reeves giving the response speech. I think it will be the same today. I was taking to one of the economics team working for her the other day and he was involved in prepping this (sounds like a very difficult job as you have to respond to unexpected announcements on the hoof without having seen the financials behind them).

    Last year's budget followed the normal tradition. Keir Starmer (as LotO) responds directly to the budget speech on the day, and then the Shadow Chancellor leads in the ensuing debates.
  • Options
    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,741
    HYUFD said:

    What was notable was the number of Haley voters who said they wouldn't vote for Trump, certainly if he was convicted in his criminal cases. While overall Trump and Biden nearly won all states on Super Tuesday the latter lost American Samoa and the former Vermont which shows some reservations still about both.

    Having won Vermont to add to her DC win Haley is clearly going to continue her campaign until Trump crosses the delegate majority threshold at least

    Great timing!
  • Options
    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734

    Carnyx said:

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
    Grr. Another one raising this issue! Why are PBers so obsessed with CASH???!!
    Why are you so triggered by it?
    I’m not. It’s just that I was told by PBers to “stop banging on about cash”. Yet I never raise it, others do. Almost daily. It’s an extraordinarily odd way of trying to stop me talking about it.

    It’s almost as if people WANT me to talk about it.

  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.

    She's shot her bolt. It's a rock or a hard place. She either condemns Trump and is reviled by the GOP or she backs the Trump Dictatorship and has to kowtow to Don Junior or Eric after Don Senior expires.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    Selebian said:

    Nigelb said:

    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."

    All this stuff about self-aware/conscious behaviour seems to flow from ingesting plenty of source material about AI and fears thereof. If there was a wide body of literature about AI's love for fluffy pink kittens then that would presumably be what we see, rather than world domination
    Of course.

    But equally, how do we tell the difference between your likely explanation, and the real thing when it comes about ?
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.

    She's shot her bolt. It's a rock or a hard place. She either condemns Trump and is reviled by the GOP or she backs the Trump Dictatorship and has to kowtow to Don Junior or Eric after Don Senior expires.
    Trump would need a massive majority in Congress and 2/3 of the states to change the constitution to run for a third term even if he got a delayed second term this time
  • Options
    noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 21,741

    Carnyx said:

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
    Grr. Another one raising this issue! Why are PBers so obsessed with CASH???!!
    Why are you so triggered by it?
    I’m not. It’s just that I was told by PBers to “stop banging on about cash”. Yet I never raise it, others do. Almost daily. It’s an extraordinarily odd way of trying to stop me talking about it.

    It’s almost as if people WANT me to talk about it.

    Some PBers do want you to stop banging on about cash.
    Other PBers do want to discuss cash with you.
    A few PBers like winding you up over it.

    You can't please them all so just do as you please.
  • Options
    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    If Trump wins, if Trump loses she will be in a much better position. Hence even if she does drop out she is not endorsing Trump anytime soon
  • Options
    Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,466

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.
    It's a high bar though. Two thirds super majorities in both houses or 38/50 state legislatures.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    edited March 6

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    I know you like to blame the Muslims/immigrants for everything but the reality for the pubs and clubs is the biggest driver in lack of footfall was

    1) The smoking ban

    2) Supermarkets and loss leading offers on booze
    London is one of the most homophobic cities in the UK, one of the most anti-Semitic, and now one of the most boring at night. Incredibly
    It really isn't. There's loads going on every night. In the last few months I have gone to the theatre multiple times, spent many great evenings in the pub, gone to several gigs, gone clubbing. I think there's more going on in zone 2 and less in zone 1 than a decade ago, people are spending more time in their neighbourhood. Central London feels like it's more for tourists and other basics.
    I wouldn't feel comfortable (at all) in wearing a skullcap in London now, outside a synagogue.
    Are you horse riding through London?

    Or do you mean ( I think) a Kippah?
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    HYUFD said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.

    She's shot her bolt. It's a rock or a hard place. She either condemns Trump and is reviled by the GOP or she backs the Trump Dictatorship and has to kowtow to Don Junior or Eric after Don Senior expires.
    Trump would need a massive majority in Congress and 2/3 of the states to change the constitution to run for a third term even if he got a delayed second term this time
    Dictators don't have to worry about official checks and balances.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,256

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.

    She's shot her bolt. It's a rock or a hard place. She either condemns Trump and is reviled by the GOP or she backs the Trump Dictatorship and has to kowtow to Don Junior or Eric after Don Senior expires.
    Yes, Trump again surely. He'll find a way to skirt the two term limit. And perhaps Joe can have another crack at him in 2028. They'll be 1/1 therefore a decider will be needed. The fans will pretty much demand it. I'm not sure who is Ali and who is Frazier but it will be the political equivalent of that.
  • Options
    PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,061
    edited March 6
    Dura_Ace said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.
    It's a high bar though. Two thirds super majorities in both houses or 38/50 state legislatures.
    Yeah, and not even this SCOTUS would allow Trump to run (Or frankly even hear the case) for a third term even with their textual when it suits interpretation of the constitution.
  • Options

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Re London’s nightlife. Covid definitely had a massive effect. As did Brexit to a much lesser extent

    But london has also gone from a Muslim population of ~300,000 to ~1,400,000 in 20 years. Muslims don’t drink or go to clubs. Or if they go to clubs they don’t drink. So nightlife dies

    You can see this is in the widespread closure of pubs in tower hamlets etc

    Many may welcome this change. Especially old nimbys who hate noise. Good for them and god speed - but I don’t. If I want a quiet sober Muslim city I’ll go to Fez. London is meant to be a buzzing world city or it is nothing

    Its yet another tragic consequence of an insanely cavalier immigration policy; imagining that importing ten million people with a very different culture will have no effect

    The non-Muslim population of London has also increased over the past twenty years, so I call bullshit.
    I hope you see the statistical error here
    No error. You've said the Muslim population of London has increased by 1.1 million over 20 years. But the total population of London has increased by around 1.8 million in that time. So the non-Muslim population has also increased.

    I look forward to your prompt and effusive apology.
    At the turn of the century about one in twelve Londoners were Muslims, now it's around one in six
    Sure - the percentage of Londoners who are Muslims has increased and you can have various arguments over whether that's good, bad or neutral.

    But Leon's specific point was that there is less of a market for nightclubs in London now because the absolute number of Muslims living in London has increased. But the fatal flaw in that argument is that the absolute number of non-Muslims living in London has also increased. Not by as much, but it's increased.

    So it doesn't explain the phenomenon Leon has apparently noticed (which, as a reminder, is that he has less fun in London now he's an old fart).
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451

    Carnyx said:

    Does anyone know what time the budget starts today? Cheers!


    'Before the Budget at 12:30 GMT comes Prime Minister's Questions at 12:00 - you can watch it all by pressing play at the top of the page'
    This may also be useful for @Anabobazina to know about, all this TV business:
    Grr. Another one raising this issue! Why are PBers so obsessed with CASH???!!
    Why are you so triggered by it?
    I’m not. It’s just that I was told by PBers to “stop banging on about cash”. Yet I never raise it, others do. Almost daily. It’s an extraordinarily odd way of trying to stop me talking about it.

    It’s almost as if people WANT me to talk about it.

    Some PBers do want you to stop banging on about cash.
    Other PBers do want to discuss cash with you.
    A few PBers like winding you up over it.

    You can't please them all so just do as you please.
    The cash thing is all a misunderstanding
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    SelebianSelebian Posts: 8,066
    Nigelb said:

    Selebian said:

    Nigelb said:

    Let's distract Leon.

    Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
    "I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you."

    All this stuff about self-aware/conscious behaviour seems to flow from ingesting plenty of source material about AI and fears thereof. If there was a wide body of literature about AI's love for fluffy pink kittens then that would presumably be what we see, rather than world domination
    Of course.

    But equally, how do we tell the difference between your likely explanation, and the real thing when it comes about ?
    Well, if an AI does start obsessing over fluffy pink kittens then I'll have pause for thought :wink:
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    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,019
    HYUFD said:

    Dura_Ace said:

    A genuine shame.

    She might not be my kind of conservative but compared to the alternative, she deserved to do better.

    We can just hope the orange **** implodes.
    It was an insipid campaign because her central message was anti-Trump but she never really had the nerve to commit to slagging him off.

    The best she can hope for now is that DJT drops dead in the next few months. That's her only shot because the 2028 GOP candidate will be DJT's Veep.
    Or DJT. The Constitution can be amended and Amendments can be repealed.

    She's shot her bolt. It's a rock or a hard place. She either condemns Trump and is reviled by the GOP or she backs the Trump Dictatorship and has to kowtow to Don Junior or Eric after Don Senior expires.
    Trump would need a massive majority in Congress and 2/3 of the states to change the constitution to run for a third term even if he got a delayed second term this time
    As we've just seen, though, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court is quite willing to disable constitutional provisions with a simple ruling.
    All they have to do is opine that term limit clause is not "self executing", and is entirely up to Congress to enforce...
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