To be honest it does seem to indicate this has been brought up by Labour lefties not the Tories.
I can't see what is in it for the Tories to give this so much attention, because it only ends badly for them unless by some miracle Starmer stays and is fined - I can't believe he will
I agree that I expect this has come from disaffected Labour lefties, but thinking neutrally and cynically, I expect Boris and the Tories must be loving this and can't believe their luck.
This has turned the story from "look what the nasty Tories have been doing" to a "they're all as bad as each other" story. That will take some of the poison out of the story for the Tories.
Furthermore Tories are quite deliberately not attacking Starmer in public, no doubt as they know it can be turned against them, which was the mistake that Starmer made. By making the attacks on Boris himself rather than leaving it to his attack dogs, his own words are now used against him and probably fatal to his leadership. The Tories are staying out of the fray and leaving it to the Labour left and attack dogs to take on Starmer.
If Starmer falls over this, I expect Boris will simply say that he's "getting on with the job" and the public will just get fed up with this story thinking they're all as bad as each other and move on.
At the next election it will be the Cost of Living, pay rates, standard of living and other related issues that determine the election not beer, curries or parties.
Hey Bart, hope you are keeping well.
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
All voting demographic trends are interlinked with others. The education one is interlinked with age (given that university education has become far more common over the past 20-30 years). Age is interlinked with race - the younger voting groups are more diverse, and people from BAME backgrounds have always been less likely to vote Conservative.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
If Anne Boleyn is portrayed with a car and an iPhone then that would be a rather strange portrayal though.
People can overthink these things and certainly if the show is good then suspension of belief will carry things much further than if the show is crap.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
We are re-creating 'sort of' second tier nurses, though, with Health Care assistants. And, to be fair, it's a more technical job now.
There are certainly arguments for degree level nurses but it matches the pattern in other jobs too, accountants, stockbrokers, the police, middle managers, primary school teachers, even solicitors were also often non graduates. Now the majority have a degree. As many new universities doing vocational courses have emerged beyond the traditional universities doing mainly academic research
I made the same point just before 11am. Pharmacy students around 1960 , if they were going to be running 'retail chemists' did the two year full-time professional diploma, at a technical college. There were universities which offered degrees n pharmacy, but those with them, tended to end up in more technical hospital posts or go into industry. That's 'tended'; many of my degree-holding friends ended up running retail pharmacies.
OT. I am going to ask a question, but please don't answer. Just say whether you got it straight away or had to think about it.
What is the longest river that flows into the Mediterranean?
About two seconds of "is there an obvious one?" and picturing a map of the Med before realising that there is, indeed, an obvious one.
I'll wait a bit before explaining why I asked the question. You may of unintentionally helped others. This was posed by Paul Sinha and I found the response fascinating.
Is it about Eurocentrism vs Afrocentrism?
Oh I think the former. I think idiots like me took a visual stroll along the North coast of the Med and thought gosh this is a hard question.
All voting demographic trends are interlinked with others. The education one is interlinked with age (given that university education has become far more common over the past 20-30 years). Age is interlinked with race - the younger voting groups are more diverse, and people from BAME backgrounds have always been less likely to vote Conservative.
Though the Tories are making inroads with the Asian community, especially Hindus and Sikhs.
Hence the Conservatives gained Harrow from Labour last week
NEW: Starmer's office sent an email to 40 staff inviting them to an in-person Christmas party in Dec 2020
London was in Tier 2: indoor household mixing banned, rule of 6 outside
Labour source declined invite saying it was illegal
LOTO cancelled Xmas party when pubs were shut
Update, Labour followed the rules
You lot follow the rules, we will find ways around or straight through. Even if they had planned to split into groups of 6 that was, yet again, a gross bending of the rules and irresponsible if Starmer had been briefed on how serious Delta apparently was (and taking the piss calling for even stricter rules if he knew it wasn't) They were all taking the piss out of us while we buried our mothers with hardly anyone there and were trapped in upstairs flats with no garden for months....... Expenses was nothing compared to the lockdown crime
To be honest it does seem to indicate this has been brought up by Labour lefties not the Tories.
I can't see what is in it for the Tories to give this so much attention, because it only ends badly for them unless by some miracle Starmer stays and is fined - I can't believe he will
I agree that I expect this has come from disaffected Labour lefties, but thinking neutrally and cynically, I expect Boris and the Tories must be loving this and can't believe their luck.
This has turned the story from "look what the nasty Tories have been doing" to a "they're all as bad as each other" story. That will take some of the poison out of the story for the Tories.
Furthermore Tories are quite deliberately not attacking Starmer in public, no doubt as they know it can be turned against them, which was the mistake that Starmer made. By making the attacks on Boris himself rather than leaving it to his attack dogs, his own words are now used against him and probably fatal to his leadership. The Tories are staying out of the fray and leaving it to the Labour left and attack dogs to take on Starmer.
If Starmer falls over this, I expect Boris will simply say that he's "getting on with the job" and the public will just get fed up with this story thinking they're all as bad as each other and move on.
At the next election it will be the Cost of Living, pay rates, standard of living and other related issues that determine the election not beer, curries or parties.
Hey Bart, hope you are keeping well.
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
Its hard to imagine a future Labour leader being less charismatic than Starmer, sure, I agree with that - but there's no guarantee that they'll be more charismatic or that the Corbyn problems are all resolved.
Indeed if Corbynistas are behind this and manage to pull Starmer down, that could aggravate Labour's issues by scoring a hit for the continuity Corbynites.
Really its a case of rolling the dice and there's no guarantee at all as to what happens.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
It depends on context. For example, in the film Unforgiven, no-one seems to notice that Morgan Freeman was black. No racism against a black bounty hunter killing white people in 1880 in Wyoming?
To be honest it does seem to indicate this has been brought up by Labour lefties not the Tories.
I can't see what is in it for the Tories to give this so much attention, because it only ends badly for them unless by some miracle Starmer stays and is fined - I can't believe he will
I agree that I expect this has come from disaffected Labour lefties, but thinking neutrally and cynically, I expect Boris and the Tories must be loving this and can't believe their luck.
This has turned the story from "look what the nasty Tories have been doing" to a "they're all as bad as each other" story. That will take some of the poison out of the story for the Tories.
Furthermore Tories are quite deliberately not attacking Starmer in public, no doubt as they know it can be turned against them, which was the mistake that Starmer made. By making the attacks on Boris himself rather than leaving it to his attack dogs, his own words are now used against him and probably fatal to his leadership. The Tories are staying out of the fray and leaving it to the Labour left and attack dogs to take on Starmer.
If Starmer falls over this, I expect Boris will simply say that he's "getting on with the job" and the public will just get fed up with this story thinking they're all as bad as each other and move on.
At the next election it will be the Cost of Living, pay rates, standard of living and other related issues that determine the election not beer, curries or parties.
Hey Bart, hope you are keeping well.
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
Its hard to imagine a future Labour leader being less charismatic than Starmer, sure, I agree with that - but there's no guarantee that they'll be more charismatic or that the Corbyn problems are all resolved.
Indeed if Corbynistas are behind this and manage to pull Starmer down, that could aggravate Labour's issues by scoring a hit for the continuity Corbynites.
Really its a case of rolling the dice and there's no guarantee at all as to what happens.
So two issues.
Corbynites have no way to get any candidate onto the ballot.
Blimey. I've just read The Scotsman's take on the new Doctor Who.
Ncuti Gatwa to take over from Jodie Whittaker as new Doctor Who Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa will take over from Jodie Whittaker as the Time Lord in Doctor Who, the BBC has announced.
The 29-year-old will become the 14th Doctor on the popular BBC show, after Whittaker announced last July she will be leaving the role.
The Scottish actor who starred as Eric Effiong in Netflix’s hugely popular Sex Education about socially awkward high school student Otis (Asa Butterfield) and his sex therapist mother Jean (Gillian Anderson).
The Rwandan-born Scot, who was educated in Fife and Edinburgh before attending the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow, will become the 14th incarnation of the character.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
Blimey. I've just read The Scotsman's take on the new Doctor Who.
Ncuti Gatwa to take over from Jodie Whittaker as new Doctor Who Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa will take over from Jodie Whittaker as the Time Lord in Doctor Who, the BBC has announced.
The 29-year-old will become the 14th Doctor on the popular BBC show, after Whittaker announced last July she will be leaving the role.
The Scottish actor who starred as Eric Effiong in Netflix’s hugely popular Sex Education about socially awkward high school student Otis (Asa Butterfield) and his sex therapist mother Jean (Gillian Anderson).
The Rwandan-born Scot, who was educated in Fife and Edinburgh before attending the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow, will become the 14th incarnation of the character.
Blimey. I've just read The Scotsman's take on the new Doctor Who.
Ncuti Gatwa to take over from Jodie Whittaker as new Doctor Who Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa will take over from Jodie Whittaker as the Time Lord in Doctor Who, the BBC has announced.
The 29-year-old will become the 14th Doctor on the popular BBC show, after Whittaker announced last July she will be leaving the role.
The Scottish actor who starred as Eric Effiong in Netflix’s hugely popular Sex Education about socially awkward high school student Otis (Asa Butterfield) and his sex therapist mother Jean (Gillian Anderson).
The Rwandan-born Scot, who was educated in Fife and Edinburgh before attending the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow, will become the 14th incarnation of the character.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
More interesting to me is the role of next Labour leader.* Will they try and appeal to older viewers, having previously had 'magic grandpa' who was popular only with teen and twentysomethings? Will they break convention by choosing a woman or someone non-white for the role? And will they finally get a decent scriptwriter?
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
A common phrase doing the rounds in Tory circles is 'the Conservatives are now the party of doers, while Labour are the party of the thinkers in London.'
The curious case of who is going to run Edinburgh City Council continues as the Liberal Democrats rule out working with the SNP
The most likely coalition is probably a minority of Green/SNP which would be 27 seats - five short of a majority
However, a Lib Dem/Green/Labour coalition would be 35 seats - a healthy majority - and would avoid any difficulties for the Lib Dems in terms of being forced to work with the Conservatives
Tories have 9 seats, LD 12, Labour 13, so also could be a majority administration
Greens on 10, SNP 19.
Essentially, the decision lies with the Green party and whether they want to be in a majority ruling coalition or a minority ruling coalition.
Mark Drakeford has said that Welsh Labour has begun "talks to remove centralised party control of Welsh members" a first step on the road to a divorce from the toxic London party under Sir Keir Starmer, David Evans and the Labour right.
A great move IMO
Time to move to Wales think i might try and find somewhere near my Mexican Comrade Pete
Are you aware that Drakeford is as centrist as Starmer right. He's not a Corbynite and never has been.
You're so utterly desperate to prove that Corbynism isn't a loser, it is the emphasis of most of your posts.
During the Labour leadership battle in 2015, Mark Drakeford was the only Welsh cabinet member to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
In his victory speech, Drakeford said that under his leadership Welsh Labour would follow “radical socialist traditions”
He is wonderful
Lots of Labour MPs voted for Corbyn too, they regretted that just as Drakeford did.
Socialism is a route to losing elections - and you're not a socialist, you're a populist
Citation please.
I am not aware of Drakeford saying that he regretted voting for Corbyn. Neither is Google
An interesting piece. Many years ago when Graham Hancock and others used historic star chart simulations to speculate that the Sphinx was a much older monument than thought and predated the Egyptians by thousands of years, he was scoffed at, because hunter-gatherers don’t build things like that. And yet the scale of what is being uncovered in Turkey from the same era in his hypothesis, arguably exceeds the Sphinx in impressiveness (if not yet the pyramids of Giza).
You what?
The Tas Tepeler are way way way more impressive (and significant) than the Pyramids/Sphinx of Egypt. The Pyramids confirm that the Egyptians had an early, monumental culture, able to build great tombs with thousands of helots
The Tas Tepeler totally revolutionise our understanding of human history. Indeed they challenge the fundamentals of what we know. 13,000 years old!!
The Turks, by the way, are well aware of what they are sitting on, and how big it could get, touristically. It might end up the greatest archaeological tourist attraction on earth. That is their aim and it is do-able
I am fairly sure the builders of the Tas Tepeler had writing. Which is itself mind-boggling. Writing - even as the Ice Age receded
To be honest it does seem to indicate this has been brought up by Labour lefties not the Tories.
I can't see what is in it for the Tories to give this so much attention, because it only ends badly for them unless by some miracle Starmer stays and is fined - I can't believe he will
I agree that I expect this has come from disaffected Labour lefties, but thinking neutrally and cynically, I expect Boris and the Tories must be loving this and can't believe their luck.
This has turned the story from "look what the nasty Tories have been doing" to a "they're all as bad as each other" story. That will take some of the poison out of the story for the Tories.
Furthermore Tories are quite deliberately not attacking Starmer in public, no doubt as they know it can be turned against them, which was the mistake that Starmer made. By making the attacks on Boris himself rather than leaving it to his attack dogs, his own words are now used against him and probably fatal to his leadership. The Tories are staying out of the fray and leaving it to the Labour left and attack dogs to take on Starmer.
If Starmer falls over this, I expect Boris will simply say that he's "getting on with the job" and the public will just get fed up with this story thinking they're all as bad as each other and move on.
At the next election it will be the Cost of Living, pay rates, standard of living and other related issues that determine the election not beer, curries or parties.
Hey Bart, hope you are keeping well.
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
Its hard to imagine a future Labour leader being less charismatic than Starmer, sure, I agree with that - but there's no guarantee that they'll be more charismatic or that the Corbyn problems are all resolved.
Indeed if Corbynistas are behind this and manage to pull Starmer down, that could aggravate Labour's issues by scoring a hit for the continuity Corbynites.
Really its a case of rolling the dice and there's no guarantee at all as to what happens.
So two issues.
Corbynites have no way to get any candidate onto the ballot.
Most of the Corbynites already left.
Labour is going one way, to the centre.
I hope you are correct (excuse the pun). We are almost certainly doomed/destined to have a Labour government after the next GE because The Clown is likely to remain leader of the Conservative Party. Please save us from an equally ridiculous and implausible Labour PM.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
More interesting to me is the role of next Labour leader.* Will they try and appeal to older viewers, having previously had 'magic grandpa' who was popular only with teen and twentysomethings? Will they break convention by choosing a woman or someone non-white for the role? And will they finally get a decent scriptwriter?
*whenever that may be
They'll go for Jess Phillips so she can make everything being about her be about her. Short commute for her kid to the doorstep of number 10 to play too
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Can it really be called doxxing when a user does it to themselves every other day?
I think its fine to make jokes about this, but when personally responding use the name the poster wishes to be known about. I mean we all know that XXXX is YYYY, and its a bit of fun that YYYY pretends he isn't, yet still visits exactly the same places, eats in the same restaurants, posts the same photos on twatter etc. Most of us are here under a pseudonym. I've given out enough info that someone could easily find my name and job etc. I don't care. I think I've never posted anything that would get me fired from my job. Others have, and maybe using the pseudonym helps with at least a veneer of protection.
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
It depends on context. For example, in the film Unforgiven, no-one seems to notice that Morgan Freeman was black. No racism against a black bounty hunter killing white people in 1880 in Wyoming?
Plenty of cowboys were black, though. 18th century black aristocrats were unusual, certainly, but not unknown (Franco-Haitians, for example).
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
We have a different deregulated market which is more volatile than France. I've had a second home there for 15 years, and electricity prices have been significantly higher on average there than here in the UK. But during spikes like this our prices rocket up much more. In the good times it's cheaper to buy energy here, but in the bad times it's much worse.
I don't think its French regulations here, its simply the fact that France is 70% nuclear and we're 15% nuclear.
Ours is more volatile as energy companies have been buying energy on the spot market. So when that's cheaper than nuclear power, we've benefitted from cheaper energy while the French have been overpaying for the far more fixed cost of their nuclear power plants.
Now that the spot market has shot up for energy, our firms are paying far more on the market while the French are still on their far more fixed costs of their nuclear power plants.
By going for gas rather than nuclear we've left ourselves far more exposed to variations in gas prices than the French are.
The regulations definitely have an effect on the cheapness of electricity during times of lower prices. There's essentially one monopoly provider in France for domestic customers - EDF. It is of course heavily nuclear based. It does buy electricity through interconnectors from neighbouring countries but ultimately it sets the price, and in most years that's much higher than traded spot prices (partly of course because nuclear itself is very expensive).
EDF's prices are now artificially supressed too because the French government have capped them heavily. That's a political choice and because EDF is state owned it's essentially taxpayer funding.
I believe that EDF is only 80-85% state owned.
Hope none of the minority depended on it for their retirement.
Israel is going to forcibly expel over 1000 Palestinians from Masafer Yatta, Southern Hebron. 8 villages are going to be demolished to make way for a military firing zone. It will be the largest single forced expulsion of Palestinians.
Israel has displaced at least 12,300 Palestinians since 2009. Forced displacement is illegal under international law.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
A common phrase doing the rounds in Tory circles is 'the Conservatives are now the party of doers, while Labour are the party of the thinkers in London.'
That's bollocks though.
The BoZo Party are the party of the retired.
Not just the retired, the Conservatives still lead skilled working class voters and small business owners comfortably, as Thursday's results in Harlow, Walsall etc confirmed.
It is upper middle class professionals where the Tories have really been losing voteshare to Starmer and the LDs, particularly in the wealthiest parts of London and the Home counties
The curious case of who is going to run Edinburgh City Council continues as the Liberal Democrats rule out working with the SNP
The most likely coalition is probably a minority of Green/SNP which would be 27 seats - five short of a majority
However, a Lib Dem/Green/Labour coalition would be 35 seats - a healthy majority - and would avoid any difficulties for the Lib Dems in terms of being forced to work with the Conservatives
Tories have 9 seats, LD 12, Labour 13, so also could be a majority administration
Greens on 10, SNP 19.
Essentially, the decision lies with the Green party and whether they want to be in a majority ruling coalition or a minority ruling coalition.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
It depends on context. For example, in the film Unforgiven, no-one seems to notice that Morgan Freeman was black. No racism against a black bounty hunter killing white people in 1880 in Wyoming?
Plenty of cowboys were black, though. 18th century black aristocrats were unusual, certainly, but not unknown (Franco-Haitians, for example).
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Exhibit One as to why people in the RW seats see Labour as the party of a Metropolitan snobbish elite that looks down on them and despises their values.
Can't argue with the data, though, can you.
But you can argue with the premise going to university automatically means you are intelligent.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
A common phrase doing the rounds in Tory circles is 'the Conservatives are now the party of doers, while Labour are the party of the thinkers in London.'
Though really most Conservative governments have been elected with some thinkers as well as doers, not least as thinkers help produce policy and legislation etc
If you define 'doing' as queueing up for your pension on a Thursday morning.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
A common phrase doing the rounds in Tory circles is 'the Conservatives are now the party of doers, while Labour are the party of the thinkers in London.'
Though really most Conservative governments have been elected with some thinkers as well as doers, not least as thinkers help produce policy and legislation etc
If you define 'doing' as queueing up for your pension on a Thursday morning.
They don't even do that any more. But that reinforces your point.
This says it all Labour voters want shot Tories want him to stay
Should Keir Starmer resign if fined by police for #Beergate?
General public: 46% yes / 32% no
Labour voters: 48% yes / 32% no
Conservative voters: 40% yes / 43% no
Well, obviously. What might really worry them would be for Starmer to say now that, while he believed he complied with the rules, he'd resign if he receives a FPN.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery filled, hard leftwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
Focusing on the split by age and education on a very rough basis the Labour vote is fairly constant. Ie the Labour vote changes by age but then not by education.
However for the Conservative and Libdem vote there is quite a change for any given age group according to education.
This suggests that education is more of a determinative characteristic for Conservative and LibDem voters but not for Labour.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery hard letfwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
If I'm hard leftwing, you must be putting Genghis Khan somewhere in the wet centre-right.
An interesting piece. Many years ago when Graham Hancock and others used historic star chart simulations to speculate that the Sphinx was a much older monument than thought and predated the Egyptians by thousands of years, he was scoffed at, because hunter-gatherers don’t build things like that. And yet the scale of what is being uncovered in Turkey from the same era in his hypothesis, arguably exceeds the Sphinx in impressiveness (if not yet the pyramids of Giza).
You what?
The Tas Tepeler are way way way more impressive (and significant) than the Pyramids/Sphinx of Egypt. The Pyramids confirm that the Egyptians had an early, monumental culture, able to build great tombs with thousands of helots
The Tas Tepeler totally revolutionise our understanding of human history. Indeed they challenge the fundamentals of what we know. 13,000 years old!!
The Turks, by the way, are well aware of what they are sitting on, and how big it could get, touristically. It might end up the greatest archaeological tourist attraction on earth. That is their aim and it is do-able
I am fairly sure the builders of the Tas Tepeler had writing. Which is itself mind-boggling. Writing - even as the Ice Age receded
Yes this is my point. We still haven’t reached the academic tipping point where everyone agrees that the history books are wrong. It’s still largely slanted as agriculture led to civilisation which led to writing, and therefore there’s no lost historical period of interest before agriculture. Would love to think that somewhere out their are forgotten tales of the ancients waiting to be discovered.
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Fusion is always on the way.
If they'd invested in space solar farms from the 70s we'd have free, everlasting energy being microwaved down to earth and no related emissions
Mark Drakeford has said that Welsh Labour has begun "talks to remove centralised party control of Welsh members" a first step on the road to a divorce from the toxic London party under Sir Keir Starmer, David Evans and the Labour right.
A great move IMO
Time to move to Wales think i might try and find somewhere near my Mexican Comrade Pete
Are you aware that Drakeford is as centrist as Starmer right. He's not a Corbynite and never has been.
You're so utterly desperate to prove that Corbynism isn't a loser, it is the emphasis of most of your posts.
During the Labour leadership battle in 2015, Mark Drakeford was the only Welsh cabinet member to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
In his victory speech, Drakeford said that under his leadership Welsh Labour would follow “radical socialist traditions”
He is wonderful
Lots of Labour MPs voted for Corbyn too, they regretted that just as Drakeford did.
Socialism is a route to losing elections - and you're not a socialist, you're a populist
Citation please.
I am not aware of Drakeford saying that he regretted voting for Corbyn. Neither is Google
Happy to be corrected, if wrong
No CHB is talking his normal horse shit.
He must be the only Poster on here not to know Mark is a Corbynite
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Fusion is always on the way.
If they'd invested in space solar farms from the 70s we'd have free, everlasting energy being microwaved down to earth and no related emissions
Fairly simple analysis says it will always be cheaper to put the solar farms on the ground. Especially now that power can be easily transmitted thousands of miles by cable with low losses.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think,
The Russian general and regular courtier of Peter the Great, Abram Gannibal, was born in what is now Cameroon. Pushkin (who was Abram Gannibal's descendant) wrote a book about him.
To be honest it does seem to indicate this has been brought up by Labour lefties not the Tories.
I can't see what is in it for the Tories to give this so much attention, because it only ends badly for them unless by some miracle Starmer stays and is fined - I can't believe he will
I agree that I expect this has come from disaffected Labour lefties, but thinking neutrally and cynically, I expect Boris and the Tories must be loving this and can't believe their luck.
This has turned the story from "look what the nasty Tories have been doing" to a "they're all as bad as each other" story. That will take some of the poison out of the story for the Tories.
Furthermore Tories are quite deliberately not attacking Starmer in public, no doubt as they know it can be turned against them, which was the mistake that Starmer made. By making the attacks on Boris himself rather than leaving it to his attack dogs, his own words are now used against him and probably fatal to his leadership. The Tories are staying out of the fray and leaving it to the Labour left and attack dogs to take on Starmer.
If Starmer falls over this, I expect Boris will simply say that he's "getting on with the job" and the public will just get fed up with this story thinking they're all as bad as each other and move on.
At the next election it will be the Cost of Living, pay rates, standard of living and other related issues that determine the election not beer, curries or parties.
Hey Bart, hope you are keeping well.
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
Its hard to imagine a future Labour leader being less charismatic than Starmer, sure, I agree with that - but there's no guarantee that they'll be more charismatic or that the Corbyn problems are all resolved.
Indeed if Corbynistas are behind this and manage to pull Starmer down, that could aggravate Labour's issues by scoring a hit for the continuity Corbynites.
Really its a case of rolling the dice and there's no guarantee at all as to what happens.
So two issues.
Corbynites have no way to get any candidate onto the ballot.
Most of the Corbynites already left.
Labour is going one way, to the centre.
I hope you're right, and I hope you're keeping well, but there's no guarantees once the ball is thrown in the air who will catch it - or what they will do with it.
If Starmer is forced to resign, due to pressure from Corbynistas, they won't leave it there. It will then become a story that Starmer had to resign "in disgrace" and there'll be pressure from the left to "unite the party" and to distance from the "disgraced" Starmer.
Who knows what will happen. Some people claimed that Labour was so far entrenched in love with Corbyn in 2019 that a Corbynite had to follow. Now people think Labour is so detoxxed from Corbyn that there's no chance. Neither time was that accurate, the reality is murky. We can't tell what will happen next, could be better, could be worse.
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Fusion is always on the way.
If they'd invested in space solar farms from the 70s we'd have free, everlasting energy being microwaved down to earth and no related emissions
Fairly simple analysis says it will always be cheaper to put the solar farms on the ground. Especially now that power can be easily transmitted thousands of miles by cable with low losses.
Less efficient. And space infrastructure would have already got us a presence off this planet out into our solar system. An increasingly essential requirement. I mean if we are staying here then just mass build nuclear
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery filled, hard leftwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
Army officers, posh or not, 'qualified' from Sandhurst, rather than a conventional university. Just as RN officers 'graduated' from Dartmouth.
And, as with accountants etc, estate agents have a professional qualification, although it's not mandatory.
Can it really be called doxxing when a user does it to themselves every other day?
I think its fine to make jokes about this, but when personally responding use the name the poster wishes to be known about. I mean we all know that XXXX is YYYY, and its a bit of fun that YYYY pretends he isn't, yet still visits exactly the same places, eats in the same restaurants, posts the same photos on twatter etc. Most of us are here under a pseudonym. I've given out enough info that someone could easily find my name and job etc. I don't care. I think I've never posted anything that would get me fired from my job. Others have, and maybe using the pseudonym helps with at least a veneer of protection.
Interesting article. Intrigued that there is no suggestion of aliens being the real architects lol.
NOTHING TO SEE HERE now being reported by PoliticoEurope:
LONDON — Labour Party staff were drunk at a controversial curry and beer gathering which is being investigated by police for a possible breach of England’s coronavirus rules back in April 2021, a person familiar with what happened that night told POLITICO’s London Playbook.
Opposition leader Keir Starmer is under mounting pressure over the event he attended in Durham with his deputy Angela Rayner. The gathering — billed by the party as a work-related stop during campaigning — took place while most indoor socializing was illegal under COVID-19 regulations.
The suggestion that people present were drunk casts doubt on whether the event — dubbed “Beergate” by parts of the U.K. media — was reasonably necessary for campaign purposes, as the law required.
Focusing on the split by age and education on a very rough basis the Labour vote is fairly constant. Ie the Labour vote changes by age but then not by education.
However for the Conservative and Libdem vote there is quite a change for any given age group according to education.
This suggests that education is more of a determinative characteristic for Conservative and LibDem voters but not for Labour.
A wonder what makes the Conservative Party so toxic to people who think...
The Labour part is interesting but I wonder if that consistency is true absolutely everywhere - there is after all a big difference between the cities where Labour is now doing well and their old heartlands..
And it's definitely not 100% true - by default I would be a Lib Dem voter but round here I vote for the least worst option out of the 2 parties who could win the seat (so Tory / Labour).
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery filled, hard leftwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
Army officers, posh or not, 'qualified' from Sandhurst, rather than a conventional university. Just as RN officers 'graduated' from Dartmouth.
And, as with accountants etc, estate agents have a professional qualification, although it's not mandatory.
Yes, but HYUFD definitely thinks posh universities are better anyway, so I trust that Sandhurst or HMS Britannia would qualify.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think,
The Russian general and regular courtier of Peter the Great, Abram Gannibal, was born in what is now Cameroon. Pushkin (who was Abram Gannibal's descendant) wrote a book about him.
Is the name not Hannibal to begin with, and this is a Cyrillic transliteration?
NOTHING TO SEE HERE now being reported by PoloticoEurope:
LONDON — Labour Party staff were drunk at a controversial curry and beer gathering which is being investigated by police for a possible breach of England’s coronavirus rules back in April 2021, a person familiar with what happened that night told POLITICO’s London Playbook.
Opposition leader Keir Starmer is under mounting pressure over the event he attended in Durham with his deputy Angela Rayner. The gathering — billed by the party as a work-related stop during campaigning — took place while most indoor socializing was illegal under COVID-19 regulations.
The suggestion that people present were drunk casts doubt on whether the event — dubbed “Beergate” by parts of the U.K. media — was reasonably necessary for campaign purposes, as the law required.
In all fairness, I think I'd have to get drunk before campaigning for Labour (or any other party) so seems reasonably necessary to me. Problem here might be that they allegedly got drunk after the campaigning
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Exhibit One as to why people in the RW seats see Labour as the party of a Metropolitan snobbish elite that looks down on them and despises their values.
Can't argue with the data, though, can you.
But you can argue with the premise going to university automatically means you are intelligent.
Not automatically but one would expect a positive correlation.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think, Also, the guy that is based on probably didn't have a car and an iphone either while the actor probably does, and the white actors probably bear very little physical resemblance to their characters, and actually what distinction are we making here?
It depends on context. For example, in the film Unforgiven, no-one seems to notice that Morgan Freeman was black. No racism against a black bounty hunter killing white people in 1880 in Wyoming?
Plenty of cowboys were black, though. 18th century black aristocrats were unusual, certainly, but not unknown (Franco-Haitians, for example).
General Dumas...
Alexandre Dumas Pere had the most wonderful putdown of a rival who commented that his ancestors were monkeys.
"My father was a Mulatto. My grandfather was a negro. His father was a monkey. You see, sir, my family starts where yours ends."
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
I concur great casting
Jodie Whittaker was great casting. It was the writing and production that ballsed things up. I'm waiting to see what the new chap does.
Whittaker was really mediocre casting. She’s not an especially good actor or a charismatic presence. She was somewhat bland, but then so were most of her companions. She’s easily acted off the screen by Sacha Dhawan as the master.
At the time I said on forums if they are going for a female doctor then someone like Michaela Coel (who was certainly in the mix) would have been a far better choice.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery hard letfwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
If I'm hard leftwing, you must be putting Genghis Khan somewhere in the wet centre-right.
HY regards me as "left wing" too. Most of my friends and acquaintances would find this idea hilarious.
Focusing on the split by age and education on a very rough basis the Labour vote is fairly constant. Ie the Labour vote changes by age but then not by education.
However for the Conservative and Libdem vote there is quite a change for any given age group according to education.
This suggests that education is more of a determinative characteristic for Conservative and LibDem voters but not for Labour.
Age still the biggest divider though
The Conservatives won 49% of over 55 graduates to 24% for Labour.
Labour won 51% of 18 to 24s with no qualifications to 30% for the Conservatives
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Fusion is always on the way.
If they'd invested in space solar farms from the 70s we'd have free, everlasting energy being microwaved down to earth and no related emissions
Fairly simple analysis says it will always be cheaper to put the solar farms on the ground. Especially now that power can be easily transmitted thousands of miles by cable with low losses.
Less efficient. And space infrastructure would have already got us a presence off this planet out into our solar system. An increasingly essential requirement. I mean if we are staying here then just mass build nuclear
The efficiency is more than compensated for by the cheapness of simply putting the arrays on the ground.
The only places that SPS make sense for are things like forward army bases - i Afghanistan the cost of diesel to run the generators in some places was approaching worth-it's-weight-in-gold values.
It's notable that the biggest and most effective advocate of space expansion is anti-SPS, on the economic grounds. Despite the fact that he is about to test launch the system that would be inevitable choice for any attempts to build one.
Mark Drakeford has said that Welsh Labour has begun "talks to remove centralised party control of Welsh members" a first step on the road to a divorce from the toxic London party under Sir Keir Starmer, David Evans and the Labour right.
A great move IMO
Time to move to Wales think i might try and find somewhere near my Mexican Comrade Pete
Are you aware that Drakeford is as centrist as Starmer right. He's not a Corbynite and never has been.
You're so utterly desperate to prove that Corbynism isn't a loser, it is the emphasis of most of your posts.
During the Labour leadership battle in 2015, Mark Drakeford was the only Welsh cabinet member to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
In his victory speech, Drakeford said that under his leadership Welsh Labour would follow “radical socialist traditions”
He is wonderful
Lots of Labour MPs voted for Corbyn too, they regretted that just as Drakeford did.
Socialism is a route to losing elections - and you're not a socialist, you're a populist
Citation please.
I am not aware of Drakeford saying that he regretted voting for Corbyn. Neither is Google
The curious case of who is going to run Edinburgh City Council continues as the Liberal Democrats rule out working with the SNP
The most likely coalition is probably a minority of Green/SNP which would be 27 seats - five short of a majority
However, a Lib Dem/Green/Labour coalition would be 35 seats - a healthy majority - and would avoid any difficulties for the Lib Dems in terms of being forced to work with the Conservatives
Tories have 9 seats, LD 12, Labour 13, so also could be a majority administration
Greens on 10, SNP 19.
Essentially, the decision lies with the Green party and whether they want to be in a majority ruling coalition or a minority ruling coalition.
Amazed that after Anas proclaiming loudly that SLab would not be coalescing with other parties and that the Greens were just a sub branch of the SNP such a traffic light coalition is being thought possible.
This is not just standard bullshit from parties before an election, this is SLab bullshit before an election.
✍️ "The casting of Gatwa, who is hugely popular with teens and twentysomethings, suggests the BBC has now given up trying to please these older viewers and is focusing fairly and squarely on younger audiences." | Writes Michael Hogan
The BBC is not appealing to young viewers, they are all going to Netflix.
BBC hires an actor to appeal to young viewers.
No not like that!
Now I feel old, I've never heard of Gatwa, though I'm in thirties not teens or twenties I suppose.
Good luck to him, I don't watch the show as I think its meh compared to modern sci/fi alternatives, but I see absolutely no reason why he can't portray a role which is literally regenerated into a different body every time.
The lore of the Doctor is that he's meant to look different every time, that's part of the storyline, so the fact he looks different this time is entirely in fitting with its lore. I doubt any Doctor Who fans are objecting whatsoever.
Then again, not seen a single person here object, even from the normal anti-woke people.
I'm a firm critic of the BBC normally, but absolutely nothing negative to say here, apart from that their sci/fi is nothing like modern sci/fi on other networks.
Agreed.. An incarnation of the Doctor could easily be black. It's not like making Ann Boleyn black.
A black AB is also fine, I am a convert since watching The Great, which has black courtiers in the Court of Catherine the Great. You think, the guy that is based on was probably not black, but then you think,
The Russian general and regular courtier of Peter the Great, Abram Gannibal, was born in what is now Cameroon. Pushkin (who was Abram Gannibal's descendant) wrote a book about him.
That is v interesting
And Pushkin's most distinguished recent translator into English is DM Thomas, progenitor of the abhorred former polluter of this blog. Truly, all human life is here
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery hard letfwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
If I'm hard leftwing, you must be putting Genghis Khan somewhere in the wet centre-right.
HY regards me as "left wing" too. Most of my friends and acquaintances would find this idea hilarious.
Am going to doxx myself here to show the picture I just tweeted. The final bit of bank that I need to remove from my office space is the old night safe. We had removed its attachment to the window (where the hatch used to be) but it was still absolutely solid.
I had assumed it was bolted to the floor. But having hacked my way into the plinth it is mounted on its clear that it is held in place only by its own weight.
I can rock it, so a few strong bodies could likely move it a little. But I think it weighs an awful lot (being made out of chunks of steel). so how exactly do I remove it? I think I need machinery to lift it off, but what?
So why is domestic electricity in France 40% of the cost in the UK? We are told that prices have gone up here because energy costs have risen worldwide, but to what extend have ours been aggravated by hair-brained green levies, and utility taxes?
Asking for a friend
France nuclear power 70% UK nuclear power 15%
"Energy" (oil & gas) costs have risen worldwide but France are deriving their electricity from uranium, not "energy".
Waits for PB pedant to perhaps say its not uranium its something else instead
France hasn't really done much on thorium fuelled reactors.
Has anyone, really ? It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge. And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
Fusion is always on the way.
If they'd invested in space solar farms from the 70s we'd have free, everlasting energy being microwaved down to earth and no related emissions
Fairly simple analysis says it will always be cheaper to put the solar farms on the ground. Especially now that power can be easily transmitted thousands of miles by cable with low losses.
I did like my microwave power plants in SimCity though.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery hard letfwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
If I'm hard leftwing, you must be putting Genghis Khan somewhere in the wet centre-right.
HY regards me as "left wing" too. Most of my friends and acquaintances would find this idea hilarious.
BoZo losing support among people who think for a living...
It certainly explains why Tories are so keen to keep the masses out of Universities. A thick population is a Tory one and don't you see it.
Perhaps it would be better if we learned skills and had industry rather than pointless knowledge about arse. And I speak as a philosophy graduate. It's a ridiculous view that non university = thick.
The whole point of university is to expand knowledge and academic research. Until 30 years ago that is why no more than 10% went to university.
Now 30 to 40% of young people are graduates, including most nurses, when previously many of them would have gone straight to work at 18 or even 16 or done professional qualifications for banking, accountancy etc rather than a degree first.
That's odd. You've been explaining to us for months that the whole point of university is to go there so one can have a convenient label saying one is posh and get jobs from fellow posh people, slightly or somewhat older than you. And have a posh doctor and a posh dentist.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
No, you in your usual bitter, inverse snobbery filled, hard leftwing rants have rejected the idea of an academic elite at top universities.
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
Army officers, posh or not, 'qualified' from Sandhurst, rather than a conventional university. Just as RN officers 'graduated' from Dartmouth.
And, as with accountants etc, estate agents have a professional qualification, although it's not mandatory.
Yes, but HYUFD definitely thinks posh universities are better anyway, so I trust that Sandhurst or HMS Britannia would qualify.
Sandhurst is not a university, just many public schoolboys of average intelligence who would have gone straight there 50 years ago now do a degree at the likes of Oxford Brookes or West of England first
Blimey. I've just read The Scotsman's take on the new Doctor Who.
Ncuti Gatwa to take over from Jodie Whittaker as new Doctor Who Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa will take over from Jodie Whittaker as the Time Lord in Doctor Who, the BBC has announced.
The 29-year-old will become the 14th Doctor on the popular BBC show, after Whittaker announced last July she will be leaving the role.
The Scottish actor who starred as Eric Effiong in Netflix’s hugely popular Sex Education about socially awkward high school student Otis (Asa Butterfield) and his sex therapist mother Jean (Gillian Anderson).
The Rwandan-born Scot, who was educated in Fife and Edinburgh before attending the Royal Conservatoire in Glasgow, will become the 14th incarnation of the character.
Am going to doxx myself here to show the picture I just tweeted. The final bit of bank that I need to remove from my office space is the old night safe. We had removed its attachment to the window (where the hatch used to be) but it was still absolutely solid.
I had assumed it was bolted to the floor. But having hacked my way into the plinth it is mounted on its clear that it is held in place only by its own weight.
I can rock it, so a few strong bodies could likely move it a little. But I think it weighs an awful lot (being made out of chunks of steel). so how exactly do I remove it? I think I need machinery to lift it off, but what?
Be incredibly careful moving it - if it falls on someone.....
If you can get it onto a pallet truck to get it outside, safely.... Ask a proper builder - they usually have the knowledge and equipment to move tons of steel.
Mark Drakeford has said that Welsh Labour has begun "talks to remove centralised party control of Welsh members" a first step on the road to a divorce from the toxic London party under Sir Keir Starmer, David Evans and the Labour right.
A great move IMO
Time to move to Wales think i might try and find somewhere near my Mexican Comrade Pete
Are you aware that Drakeford is as centrist as Starmer right. He's not a Corbynite and never has been.
You're so utterly desperate to prove that Corbynism isn't a loser, it is the emphasis of most of your posts.
During the Labour leadership battle in 2015, Mark Drakeford was the only Welsh cabinet member to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
In his victory speech, Drakeford said that under his leadership Welsh Labour would follow “radical socialist traditions”
He is wonderful
Lots of Labour MPs voted for Corbyn too, they regretted that just as Drakeford did.
Socialism is a route to losing elections - and you're not a socialist, you're a populist
Citation please.
I am not aware of Drakeford saying that he regretted voting for Corbyn. Neither is Google
Happy to be corrected, if wrong
Nor have I indeed he is a close friend of Corbyn
If he didn't regret it he should have. Corbyn is the reason we ended up with the worst PM in history. The only possible worse outcome would have been Corbyn himself. I think it is fair to postulate that had the Labour Party not been collectively insane enough to elect Corbyn then Labour supporters might have been less inclined to vote for Brexit. Plenty for any Labour supporter, and the rest of us, to regret about any Labour member voting for the most stupid and incompetent leader ever to have led the Labour Party.
· 29m
Should Keir Starmer resign if fined by police for #Beergate?
General public: 46% yes / 32% no
If Starmer falls, the Tories will be up against a more charismatic leader with all of the Corbyn problems already resolved, with the economy in the toilet. This can only be a good thing for Labour.
"There was no work being done. There just wasn’t. The Zoom events had finished … If the curry was on time during the Zoom call it wouldn’t have been a breach [of the lockdown rules]. But it was late and work had finished. It wasn’t work and there was no work afterwards that I’m aware of."
I am going to make a bet this is from a Labour person - if they are right then fair enough Starmer should go but it just seems a bit, coincidental that this appears and suddenly Dianne Abbott and Corbyn pop up
London was in Tier 2: indoor household mixing banned, rule of 6 outside
Labour source declined invite saying it was illegal
LOTO cancelled Xmas party when pubs were shut
Update, Labour followed the rules
Should Keir Starmer resign if fined by police for #Beergate?
General public: 46% yes / 32% no
Labour voters: 48% yes / 32% no
Conservative voters: 40% yes / 43% no
This is a win-win for Labour, a lose-lose for the Tories.
People can overthink these things and certainly if the show is good then suspension of belief will carry things much further than if the show is crap.
If Starmer resigns, thats a different matter. Any right thinking, decent PM would also resign.
I've just spotted the problem...
Hence the Conservatives gained Harrow from Labour last week
Even if they had planned to split into groups of 6 that was, yet again, a gross bending of the rules and irresponsible if Starmer had been briefed on how serious Delta apparently was (and taking the piss calling for even stricter rules if he knew it wasn't)
They were all taking the piss out of us while we buried our mothers with hardly anyone there and were trapped in upstairs flats with no garden for months.......
Expenses was nothing compared to the lockdown crime
Indeed if Corbynistas are behind this and manage to pull Starmer down, that could aggravate Labour's issues by scoring a hit for the continuity Corbynites.
Really its a case of rolling the dice and there's no guarantee at all as to what happens.
Irritating if true. Wish I was eligible. No Irish ancestry at all.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^883706787014340608|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
Corbynites have no way to get any candidate onto the ballot.
Most of the Corbynites already left.
Labour is going one way, to the centre.
Of course you then have to restrict access to university to keep the nice stuff for yourself and your children. Hence private schools, university fees, banging up the interest on the student loan scheme, C of E schools at other people's expense on the rates, etc.
Resign: 46%
Remain in his role: 32%
via @YouGov, 07 - 08 May
*whenever that may be
It would require a whole new industry, so even though it might have some advantages, the barrier to setting it up commercially is huge.
And now fusion is (probably) on the way.
The BoZo Party are the party of the retired.
The curious case of who is going to run Edinburgh City Council continues as the Liberal Democrats rule out working with the SNP
The most likely coalition is probably a minority of Green/SNP which would be 27 seats - five short of a majority
However, a Lib Dem/Green/Labour coalition would be 35 seats - a healthy majority - and would avoid any difficulties for the Lib Dems in terms of being forced to work with the Conservatives
Tories have 9 seats, LD 12, Labour 13, so also could be a majority administration
Greens on 10, SNP 19.
Essentially, the decision lies with the Green party and whether they want to be in a majority ruling coalition or a minority ruling coalition.
I am not aware of Drakeford saying that he regretted voting for Corbyn. Neither is Google
Happy to be corrected, if wrong
The Tas Tepeler are way way way more impressive (and significant) than the Pyramids/Sphinx of Egypt. The Pyramids confirm that the Egyptians had an early, monumental culture, able to build great tombs with thousands of helots
The Tas Tepeler totally revolutionise our understanding of human history. Indeed they challenge the fundamentals of what we know. 13,000 years old!!
The Turks, by the way, are well aware of what they are sitting on, and how big it could get, touristically. It might end up the greatest archaeological tourist attraction on earth. That is their aim and it is do-able
I am fairly sure the builders of the Tas Tepeler had writing. Which is itself mind-boggling. Writing - even as the Ice Age receded
I mean we all know that XXXX is YYYY, and its a bit of fun that YYYY pretends he isn't, yet still visits exactly the same places, eats in the same restaurants, posts the same photos on twatter etc.
Most of us are here under a pseudonym. I've given out enough info that someone could easily find my name and job etc. I don't care. I think I've never posted anything that would get me fired from my job.
Others have, and maybe using the pseudonym helps with at least a veneer of protection.
Hope none of the minority depended on it for their retirement.
Israel has displaced at least 12,300 Palestinians since 2009. Forced displacement is illegal under international law.
It is upper middle class professionals where the Tories have really been losing voteshare to Starmer and the LDs, particularly in the wealthiest parts of London and the Home counties
What might really worry them would be for Starmer to say now that, while he believed he complied with the rules, he'd resign if he receives a FPN.
I wonder how the Mail would react to that ?
Most Oxford and Cambridge students went to state schools now but they are still the academic elite as they have always been.
It is nothing to do with being posh, there used to be plenty of posh army officers or Savills estate agents who never went to university. Just now many of them to go to posher new universities like Oxford Brookes or the University of the West of England
Focusing on the split by age and education on a very rough basis the Labour vote is fairly constant. Ie the Labour vote changes by age but then not by education.
However for the Conservative and Libdem vote there is quite a change for any given age group according to education.
This suggests that education is more of a determinative characteristic for Conservative and LibDem voters but not for Labour.
He must be the only Poster on here not to know Mark is a Corbynite
My final thoughts on LE2022 in England
We now know that:
🟡 The Lib Dems gained more councillors in England than Labour.
🟢 The Greens gained more councillors in England than Labour.
🟠 Lutfur Rahman’s Aspire party GAINED more councillors in England than Labour.
Anyone saying that’s progress is lying or a fool.
CHB on here for example
The Russian general and regular courtier of Peter the Great, Abram Gannibal, was born in what is now Cameroon. Pushkin (who was Abram Gannibal's descendant) wrote a book about him.
If Starmer is forced to resign, due to pressure from Corbynistas, they won't leave it there. It will then become a story that Starmer had to resign "in disgrace" and there'll be pressure from the left to "unite the party" and to distance from the "disgraced" Starmer.
Who knows what will happen. Some people claimed that Labour was so far entrenched in love with Corbyn in 2019 that a Corbynite had to follow. Now people think Labour is so detoxxed from Corbyn that there's no chance. Neither time was that accurate, the reality is murky. We can't tell what will happen next, could be better, could be worse.
And, as with accountants etc, estate agents have a professional qualification, although it's not mandatory.
LONDON — Labour Party staff were drunk at a controversial curry and beer gathering which is being investigated by police for a possible breach of England’s coronavirus rules back in April 2021, a person familiar with what happened that night told POLITICO’s London Playbook.
Opposition leader Keir Starmer is under mounting pressure over the event he attended in Durham with his deputy Angela Rayner. The gathering — billed by the party as a work-related stop during campaigning — took place while most indoor socializing was illegal under COVID-19 regulations.
The suggestion that people present were drunk casts doubt on whether the event — dubbed “Beergate” by parts of the U.K. media — was reasonably necessary for campaign purposes, as the law required.
The Labour part is interesting but I wonder if that consistency is true absolutely everywhere - there is after all a big difference between the cities where Labour is now doing well and their old heartlands..
And it's definitely not 100% true - by default I would be a Lib Dem voter but round here I vote for the least worst option out of the 2 parties who could win the seat (so Tory / Labour).
"My father was a Mulatto. My grandfather was a negro. His father was a monkey. You see, sir, my family starts where yours ends."
At the time I said on forums if they are going for a female doctor then someone like Michaela Coel (who was certainly in the mix) would have been a far better choice.
The Conservatives won 49% of over 55 graduates to 24% for Labour.
Labour won 51% of 18 to 24s with no qualifications to 30% for the Conservatives
The only places that SPS make sense for are things like forward army bases - i Afghanistan the cost of diesel to run the generators in some places was approaching worth-it's-weight-in-gold values.
It's notable that the biggest and most effective advocate of space expansion is anti-SPS, on the economic grounds. Despite the fact that he is about to test launch the system that would be inevitable choice for any attempts to build one.
This is not just standard bullshit from parties before an election, this is SLab bullshit before an election.
And Pushkin's most distinguished recent translator into English is DM Thomas, progenitor of the abhorred former polluter of this blog. Truly, all human life is here
He's the only Tory in the village.
Keir Starmer is today considering pledging to quit if he is fined over beergate
Close allies are urging him to say that an FPN is a resigning offence
No decision yet but influential supporters say it is the only course of action
I had assumed it was bolted to the floor. But having hacked my way into the plinth it is mounted on its clear that it is held in place only by its own weight.
I can rock it, so a few strong bodies could likely move it a little. But I think it weighs an awful lot (being made out of chunks of steel). so how exactly do I remove it? I think I need machinery to lift it off, but what?
Even with the combat commitments and losses they could have generated aircraft from either or both of their demo teams; Strizhi and Rysskiye Vityazi.
Carnyx however is a far left Scottish Nationalist
I hope RTD ignores this timeless child crap.
If you can get it onto a pallet truck to get it outside, safely.... Ask a proper builder - they usually have the knowledge and equipment to move tons of steel.
Really problematic for the SNP. And quite humbling for us EU Remain voters.