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Kemi Badenoch’s past comes back to haunt her –



  • TimSTimS Posts: 12,182

    Nigelb said:

    darkage said:

    Sandpit said:

    Interesting thread on Russia’s response to the Ukranian invasion:

    “And not a word about the nuclear bomb. This situation in Kursk is an excellent example for the West that if Russia is dealt a serious blow, talk of escalation and the Red Button ceases. During the offensive on the Kursk region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw their most combat-ready units into battle, choosing the weakest point of the Russian border for the attack.”

    The thing I find odd about this situation is that there is no talk about nuclear escalation. I had the working assumption that the conflict was contrived and could not be won as Russia has 'red lines' namely the threat of nuclear escalation which seemed to emerge as soon as Ukraine started to succeed, but it is very curious now as to why they are not.
    The problem with nuclear weapons is, when do you use them? Obviously, if a nuclear-armed adversary has fired their nukes at you then you fire yours back. But otherwise, where is your red line?

    Do you use them because an enemy has seized a tiny border village? Overkill, surely. A small town? A city? Two cities?

    Nuclear weapons kinda work by creating deterrence. No-one invades you, because they don't know whether you'd use nuclear weapons in response.

    But Russia has destroyed the deterrence value of its nuclear weapons against Ukraine by making so many absurd threats about their use during the course of the disastrous 30 months of this war. And so Ukraine can waltz into Kursk, confident that no nuclear missiles will come back the other way.
    They’re still very clear about how they view Europe.
    If they ever again get the chance.

    Russian propagandists are back to "Russian borders end nowhere":
    ▪️ It is necessary to create the same thing as in Kharkiv region - a sanitary zone in Sumy region.
    ▪️ The question is: where does it end? The only reasonable sanitary zone - the one in which America will remain through the big puddle. But it is necessary to reach the border of this big puddle.
    This is the point I've made throughout this mess: Russian rhetoric does not back their insipid lickspittle followers and excusers in the west. It's alright saying: "Jack the Ripper is just misunderstood; his victims are really the aggressors," when Jack is standing in the corner of the room shouting how he's going to kill every woman from Blackfriars to Bow.

    Everything about Moscow's rhetoric says that this is about more than just Ukraine, or Ukrainian Nazis, or even NATO. It is about trying to recreate an evil that belongs in the past. Why do some people hate fascism and imperialism, except when it is Russian imperialism and fascism? And Russia is not exactly being quiet about being both imperialistic and fascist.
    Because some people get off on it, or are just a bit stupid.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    TimS said:

    ydoethur said:

    Carnyx said:

    ydoethur said:

    Carnyx said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Only about 15-20% of the Welsh population can read and write Welsh proficiently. Why on earth are you making comparisons to Italy or Germany ?
    After the way the language has been treated over the years by those in charge? Nothing wrong with a bit of role reversal to even out the balance a fraction. The Saesun are showing how the Welsh have felt for centuries.

    I hate to be pedantic* but;

    The word is 'Saeson.'

    *This is officially the X most unconvincing lie told in the last 24 hours, pending an official count of the number in that Trump/Musk porno.
    Thank you - very happy to be corrected. Sometimes I mentally get crosswired with the Gaelic.
    Glad to have you join us. Thig a-steach, mo charaid.

    Edit - I was visiting Aber on Sunday and there I met a young American doing a PhD in Celtic languages supervised by an old friend of mine. He has just started taking lessons in Gaelic. In Welsh.

    Part of the charm of foreign travel is to escape the Anglosphere for a while. That the English can achieve this simply by driving west for a couple of hours just shows how lucky they are.
    One of the other joys is thunderstorms. We’ve had 4 days of sweltering weather and cobalt blue skies, then suddenly this evening the sky clouds over, violent zephyrs blow around the washing, the sunbed cushions and all the nearby trees, and ominous rumbles and flashes emanate from the South West horizon.
    If you have 2 and a half minutes, talk me through the appeal of a 2nd home?

    Doesn't it mean you have almost twice the hassle of one home, and you have to go to the same place every summer?

    I don't get it. Decades ago I thought about it, but then I realised all this

    The one reason I think you might do it, is if you intend to retire there. Then that might make sense. Build a new social network for your twilight years. But you are quite young and vigorous...
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037
    I guess they haven't learned Starmer's name yet.

  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,459
    edited August 13
    darkage said:

    darkage said:

    stodge said:

    darkage said:

    Sandpit said:

    Sandpit said:

    Birmingham council to sell off athletes’ village homes at more than £300m loss
    Sale of hundreds of empty homes designed, but not used, for Commonwealth Games attacked as ‘absolute scandal’

    Basically: 700 homes delayed by Covid to be sold off to a private company by a bankrupt council.

    What the …..

    ”But the properties have sat empty for months, with the council unable to sell them due to a lack of “market appetite” for one- and two-bedroom apartments in the area, and issues with mortgage providers valuing the properties at less than they were being sold for.

    “A report presented to the council’s cabinet last week said selling off 755 properties to a private bidder, who has yet to be named, would result in a “significant loss to the public purse” but was the best outcome.

    “It added that selling the apartments off individually would take more than five years, during which time the council would have to maintain the buildings “at significant expense” and would have to deal with unstable market conditions.

    “The council has spent £325m on the development, of which £292m was borrowed. After selling off the homes, it is expected that £142m-£152m of debt will remain unpaid, costing £8m-£9m a year over a 40-year period to repay, taking the projected total loss in the region of £320m.”

    How would it ever take five years to sell the apartments? All they needed to do was drop the price to what the banks would mortgage, and they’d be sold in weeks. Instead, they’ve sold them en masse as a massive discount.
    £325 million for 755 one to two bed apartments?

    That works out at nearly half a million pounds per one or two bed apartment.

    In Birmingham, not London.

    WTAF? I know the property market is overvalued, but not that overvalued surely?
    It isn’t. The council spent that much on them, expecting them to be the athlete’s village for the Commonweath Games. But they weren’t finished on time, the athletes stayed elsewhere, and their disposal value is half the cost of building them.

    And yet we still wonder why councils are going bankrupt.
    By my calculation based on that article, the flats cost £335k each to build (including land cost) and were sold off in bulk for the equivalent of £200k each. However it is in a low land value area so most of the cost was clearly absorbed in building purpose built specialist accommodation.

    I have commented before that build costs are astronomical , it is a combination of material cost, labour cost, and regulation cost. From what I have seen recently, the cost of building this type of development in London is now £3500/ sqm.
    Another dimension to the housing question which defies simple analysis or simplistic solutions. It costs a lot to build and those costs are passed on to the purchaser thus keeping housing prices high which works well for a lot of other interests just not those needing a home.
    Costs of building is a cost of actually doing something and a cost that needs paying. But that's a small element of properties overall cost.

    Pre-1948 land cost 2% of a properties costs, nowadays land costs over a third of the cost meaning that build cost (and the developers own profits etc) is considerably under two thirds.

    Get consent and you can add 00's to the price of land, drop those 00's back off and the price of homes would collapse while still being able to pay for build cost in full.
    The build costs are what they are. One problem is significant extra costs are loaded on to flats due to regulation, and flats have lower sale prices than houses.

    There are some planning changes afoot. The labour government are allocating lots more land for development, including parts of the green belt. One element is effectively forcing landowners to sell in the green belt for a small increase over the existing use value. The idea is that the prices stay high but the uplift is captured and spent on infrastructure/social housing. I am not sure it will work out that well... landowners and their advisors won't run the risks of going through planning for a small increase in land value over say the agricultural use value, which is peanuts.
    Yes the problem is that land should cost peanuts but if permission is granted then suddenly its got 00's added to the price which means that is the starting point to which build costs get added to.

    My solution is to let anyone build wherever the hell they want and let people sort it out themselves.

    That means that all land will equalise down at the peanuts price, which will knock that differential off the costs of houses.

    Build costs are what they are as you need to pay for labour and materials (but breaking up the oligopoly by removing barriers to competition will help) but land is only what it is because of the permission requirement.
    Based on past exchanges, I don't think this is really your solution; you want to allocate land for development and then set out design codes, it isn't the same as removing the requirement for planning permission and having a free for all.

    One problem is who pays for the infrastructure. Planning gain is subsidising infrastructure and to a large degree, the construction of social/subsidised housing, and this is reflected in a proportion of the 'cost' of new houses. If you remove that element the cost will be socialised , ie it comes out of general taxation.

    Another problem is that landowners won't be incentivised to sell if the price is 'peanuts', they have to have some financial incentive, or otherwise be legally compelled to sell, which is inevitably messy.

    The new properties will pay council tax, which over time will pay for the cost the council pays to build the roads.

    Charge the developer escalating multiples of council tax, if they delay building after permission is given.
  • darkage said:

    darkage said:

    stodge said:

    darkage said:

    Sandpit said:

    Sandpit said:

    Birmingham council to sell off athletes’ village homes at more than £300m loss
    Sale of hundreds of empty homes designed, but not used, for Commonwealth Games attacked as ‘absolute scandal’

    Basically: 700 homes delayed by Covid to be sold off to a private company by a bankrupt council.

    What the …..

    ”But the properties have sat empty for months, with the council unable to sell them due to a lack of “market appetite” for one- and two-bedroom apartments in the area, and issues with mortgage providers valuing the properties at less than they were being sold for.

    “A report presented to the council’s cabinet last week said selling off 755 properties to a private bidder, who has yet to be named, would result in a “significant loss to the public purse” but was the best outcome.

    “It added that selling the apartments off individually would take more than five years, during which time the council would have to maintain the buildings “at significant expense” and would have to deal with unstable market conditions.

    “The council has spent £325m on the development, of which £292m was borrowed. After selling off the homes, it is expected that £142m-£152m of debt will remain unpaid, costing £8m-£9m a year over a 40-year period to repay, taking the projected total loss in the region of £320m.”

    How would it ever take five years to sell the apartments? All they needed to do was drop the price to what the banks would mortgage, and they’d be sold in weeks. Instead, they’ve sold them en masse as a massive discount.
    £325 million for 755 one to two bed apartments?

    That works out at nearly half a million pounds per one or two bed apartment.

    In Birmingham, not London.

    WTAF? I know the property market is overvalued, but not that overvalued surely?
    It isn’t. The council spent that much on them, expecting them to be the athlete’s village for the Commonweath Games. But they weren’t finished on time, the athletes stayed elsewhere, and their disposal value is half the cost of building them.

    And yet we still wonder why councils are going bankrupt.
    By my calculation based on that article, the flats cost £335k each to build (including land cost) and were sold off in bulk for the equivalent of £200k each. However it is in a low land value area so most of the cost was clearly absorbed in building purpose built specialist accommodation.

    I have commented before that build costs are astronomical , it is a combination of material cost, labour cost, and regulation cost. From what I have seen recently, the cost of building this type of development in London is now £3500/ sqm.
    Another dimension to the housing question which defies simple analysis or simplistic solutions. It costs a lot to build and those costs are passed on to the purchaser thus keeping housing prices high which works well for a lot of other interests just not those needing a home.
    Costs of building is a cost of actually doing something and a cost that needs paying. But that's a small element of properties overall cost.

    Pre-1948 land cost 2% of a properties costs, nowadays land costs over a third of the cost meaning that build cost (and the developers own profits etc) is considerably under two thirds.

    Get consent and you can add 00's to the price of land, drop those 00's back off and the price of homes would collapse while still being able to pay for build cost in full.
    The build costs are what they are. One problem is significant extra costs are loaded on to flats due to regulation, and flats have lower sale prices than houses.

    There are some planning changes afoot. The labour government are allocating lots more land for development, including parts of the green belt. One element is effectively forcing landowners to sell in the green belt for a small increase over the existing use value. The idea is that the prices stay high but the uplift is captured and spent on infrastructure/social housing. I am not sure it will work out that well... landowners and their advisors won't run the risks of going through planning for a small increase in land value over say the agricultural use value, which is peanuts.
    Yes the problem is that land should cost peanuts but if permission is granted then suddenly its got 00's added to the price which means that is the starting point to which build costs get added to.

    My solution is to let anyone build wherever the hell they want and let people sort it out themselves.

    That means that all land will equalise down at the peanuts price, which will knock that differential off the costs of houses.

    Build costs are what they are as you need to pay for labour and materials (but breaking up the oligopoly by removing barriers to competition will help) but land is only what it is because of the permission requirement.
    Based on past exchanges, I don't think this is really your solution; you want to allocate land for development and then set out design codes, it isn't the same as removing the requirement for planning permission and having a free for all.

    One problem is who pays for the infrastructure. Planning gain is subsidising infrastructure and to a large degree, the construction of social/subsidised housing, and this is reflected in a proportion of the 'cost' of new houses. If you remove that element the cost will be socialised , ie it comes out of general taxation.

    Another problem is that landowners won't be incentivised to sell if the price is 'peanuts', they have to have some financial incentive, or otherwise be legally compelled to sell, which is inevitably messy.

    It is my solution, let people build what they want within design codes yes, but the design codes should be broad and about safety primarily and have a lot of flexibility for individual choice. I would have zoning for land that can't be built on, eg within AONBs, but outside that have liberal free choice.

    As for who pays for infrastructure, well that depends. If its privately owned infrastructure the private owners should pay for it. If its public infrastructure, it should come from general taxation.

    As for whether landowners want to sell or not, that's up to people to negotiate and find a price they're happy to sell/buy for - free choice. But if any owner chooses not to sell they should know that anyone else could take whatever profit is available and sell instead.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037

    Nigelb said:

    darkage said:

    Sandpit said:

    Interesting thread on Russia’s response to the Ukranian invasion:

    “And not a word about the nuclear bomb. This situation in Kursk is an excellent example for the West that if Russia is dealt a serious blow, talk of escalation and the Red Button ceases. During the offensive on the Kursk region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw their most combat-ready units into battle, choosing the weakest point of the Russian border for the attack.”

    The thing I find odd about this situation is that there is no talk about nuclear escalation. I had the working assumption that the conflict was contrived and could not be won as Russia has 'red lines' namely the threat of nuclear escalation which seemed to emerge as soon as Ukraine started to succeed, but it is very curious now as to why they are not.
    The problem with nuclear weapons is, when do you use them? Obviously, if a nuclear-armed adversary has fired their nukes at you then you fire yours back. But otherwise, where is your red line?

    Do you use them because an enemy has seized a tiny border village? Overkill, surely. A small town? A city? Two cities?

    Nuclear weapons kinda work by creating deterrence. No-one invades you, because they don't know whether you'd use nuclear weapons in response.

    But Russia has destroyed the deterrence value of its nuclear weapons against Ukraine by making so many absurd threats about their use during the course of the disastrous 30 months of this war. And so Ukraine can waltz into Kursk, confident that no nuclear missiles will come back the other way.
    They’re still very clear about how they view Europe.
    If they ever again get the chance.

    Russian propagandists are back to "Russian borders end nowhere":
    ▪️ It is necessary to create the same thing as in Kharkiv region - a sanitary zone in Sumy region.
    ▪️ The question is: where does it end? The only reasonable sanitary zone - the one in which America will remain through the big puddle. But it is necessary to reach the border of this big puddle.
    This is the point I've made throughout this mess: Russian rhetoric does not back their insipid lickspittle followers and excusers in the west. It's alright saying: "Jack the Ripper is just misunderstood; his victims are really the aggressors," when Jack is standing in the corner of the room shouting how he's going to kill every woman from Blackfriars to Bow.

    Everything about Moscow's rhetoric says that this is about more than just Ukraine, or Ukrainian Nazis, or even NATO. It is about trying to recreate an evil that belongs in the past. Why do some people hate fascism and imperialism, except when it is Russian imperialism and fascism? And Russia is not exactly being quiet about being both imperialistic and fascist.
    A good piece of advice that has been given before is look at what Russia says to its own people, not what it says to the world, or its apologist speculate about its aims. Even usually sensible people sometimes go the old 'Well, they have a point about NATO' route.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    Carnyx said:

    kinabalu said:

    RobD said:

    Carnyx said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Only about 15-20% of the Welsh population can read and write Welsh proficiently. Why on earth are you making comparisons to Italy or Germany ?
    After the way the language has been treated over the years by those in charge? Nothing wrong with a bit of role reversal to even out the balance a fraction. The Saesun are showing how the Welsh have felt for centuries.
    Yes, there is something wrong. Being wronged in the past does not make you entitle to wrong others in the present.
    It might solve the Middle East if you can implement that.
    Indeed. My problem with this organisation, twinned as it is with a Serbian paramilitary group, is that its actions will add nothing to the sum of human happiness in Wales, looking to the past to mine old grievances rather than looking to the future and to the wider world.
    Bit unfair. The Welsh got to the eagles first. That's like blaming the 17th/21st Lancers for the SS.
    The Lancers at least had an existence with a point.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,056

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037
    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    Cats killed the Dodo too, bastards.
  • Carnyx said:

    kinabalu said:

    RobD said:

    Carnyx said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Only about 15-20% of the Welsh population can read and write Welsh proficiently. Why on earth are you making comparisons to Italy or Germany ?
    After the way the language has been treated over the years by those in charge? Nothing wrong with a bit of role reversal to even out the balance a fraction. The Saesun are showing how the Welsh have felt for centuries.
    Yes, there is something wrong. Being wronged in the past does not make you entitle to wrong others in the present.
    It might solve the Middle East if you can implement that.
    Indeed. My problem with this organisation, twinned as it is with a Serbian paramilitary group, is that its actions will add nothing to the sum of human happiness in Wales, looking to the past to mine old grievances rather than looking to the future and to the wider world.
    Bit unfair. The Welsh got to the eagles first. That's like blaming the 17th/21st Lancers for the SS.
    You're too kind by including "Bit". I was definitely just venting by this point ! Hope no offence caused.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,459
    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    Did you hear about the story of Schrodinger's cat?
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
    kill them all. Grow the fuck up, Britain

    Seriously if we want wildlife and birdlife and living rivers, we need to get rid of our animal slaves that do nothing but "entertain us" by hiding amusingly in paperbags. It is pitiful. Only imbeciles can honestly reconcile themselves to what dogs and cats do to the ecosystem

    It's like destroying all the forests in Europe because we are so amused by chimp tea-parties in circuses
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    edited August 13

    Carnyx said:

    kinabalu said:

    RobD said:

    Carnyx said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Only about 15-20% of the Welsh population can read and write Welsh proficiently. Why on earth are you making comparisons to Italy or Germany ?
    After the way the language has been treated over the years by those in charge? Nothing wrong with a bit of role reversal to even out the balance a fraction. The Saesun are showing how the Welsh have felt for centuries.
    Yes, there is something wrong. Being wronged in the past does not make you entitle to wrong others in the present.
    It might solve the Middle East if you can implement that.
    Indeed. My problem with this organisation, twinned as it is with a Serbian paramilitary group, is that its actions will add nothing to the sum of human happiness in Wales, looking to the past to mine old grievances rather than looking to the future and to the wider world.
    Bit unfair. The Welsh got to the eagles first. That's like blaming the 17th/21st Lancers for the SS.
    You're too kind by including "Bit". I was definitely just venting by this point ! Hope no offence caused.
    As a good Welshman, I will take offence if offered, plus a gate and a small potting shed to show I can.
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,056
    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Is it 4 languages or the same name in 4 different scripts?
  • Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 62,156
    kamski said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
    In answer to @Peter_the_Punter Welsh road signs are bi lingual because of the Welsh Language Act of 1993 and frankly it is not an issue for most of us here in Wales just as every official communication is in both languages and it is part of our way of life

    There are some who want Welsh names only
  • BartholomewRobertsBartholomewRoberts Posts: 21,540
    edited August 13
    Sandpit said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    Did you hear about the story of Schrodinger's cat?
    My wife got me a Schrodinger's cat t-shirt, which I love.

    In the light its got a cartoon image of a cat coming out of a box saying Schrodinger's Cat with a caption saying I'M ALIVE.

    It glows in the dark though and in the dark there's just a skeletal cat instead with a caption saying I'M DEAD.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb
  • viewcodeviewcode Posts: 21,139
    Sandpit said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    Did you hear about the story of Schrodinger's cat?
    It is not a story the Jedi would tell you... 😎
  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,764
    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
  • kyf_100kyf_100 Posts: 4,705
    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    Cats bring us love and joy and cuddles.

    What do birds bring us? They shit on our cars and the bastards wake us up at 4am with the dawn chorus.

    I say more cats, fewer birds.
  • Alphabet_SoupAlphabet_Soup Posts: 3,053
    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,474
    edited August 13
    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
    I was wondering what the current state of play in NZ is - they have a really serious cat problem and compulsory neutering is one possibility - and was somewhat taken aback to find this on checking:

    "A controversial competition that allows children to hunt feral cats in rural New Zealand for cash prizes has produced its biggest haul yet, with roughly 340 animals killed – about 100 more than last year’s event.

    The annual North Canterbury fundraising event, which wrapped up this weekend, is open to children and adult participants and targets deer, pigs, ducks, possums and rabbits."
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,553

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,882
    kamski said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
    When it rains, is that a Colonic irrigation?
  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,764
    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,474
    geoffw said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

    Also pedantically, I don't think the Romans used the "W" letter, or the "J" one ... though whether thta makes it English or just European I dunno.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    The Champions League will have to do without Rangers.
  • darkagedarkage Posts: 5,217
    I've owned multiple homes in different countries. After the novelty and excitement wear off it becomes a hassle. I think it is best to just own what you really need.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,474
    edited August 13
    dixiedean said:

    The Champions League will have to do without Rangers.

    ...edited on mature reflection ...
  • Alphabet_SoupAlphabet_Soup Posts: 3,053
    geoffw said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

    Because the reference is to the Roman script not the Greek.
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 12,131
    geoffw said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

    This is greek and how they spelt her
    Alpha beta gamma delta....
  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,764
    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,785
    dixiedean said:

    The Champions League will have to do without Rangers.

    Europe says thank fuck.
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,553
    edited August 13
    Carnyx said:

    geoffw said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

    Also pedantically, I don't think the Romans used the "W" letter, or the "J" one ... though whether thta makes it English or just European I dunno.
    thta doesn't look like English to me
    edit - I see we've jumbled ourselves up in the quotes
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
  • Alphabet_SoupAlphabet_Soup Posts: 3,053
    edited August 13
    Carnyx said:

    geoffw said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    If the clue's in the name why isn't it Greek?

    Also pedantically, I don't think the Romans used the "W" letter, or the "J" one ... though whether thta makes it English or just European I dunno.

    'W' is just two VVs joined together. 'J' is an 'i' with a flourish. 'Y' is derived from 'ii' where the second i has been written as a j. It all went to pot after they carved Trajan's Column.

    And, of course, every language has its own rules about how each letter should be used.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    edited August 13
    darkage said:

    I've owned multiple homes in different countries. After the novelty and excitement wear off it becomes a hassle. I think it is best to just own what you really need.

    Preach, brother!

    My sister is quite affluent, and very good with property, and bought abroad a couple of times - and in the end this was her conclusion as well. Just extra hassle, and you are forced to go back there

    This is surely the truth. But I am interested to have a different opinion from @TimS
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 121,235

    All the Tory options are shit. Just accept it and change the rules to accept they are electing the new William Hague.

    First round - wear a baseball cap on the logflume
    Second round - drink 14 pints of beer

    Hague was facing the charismatic Blair in his prime who got 43% of the vote in 1997 for New Labour.

    The next Tory leader only faces the dull as dishwater Starmer who got just 33% last month and is increasing taxes and failing to stop the boats
  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,764
    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    Great, you like flying all over the world 15 odd times a year and encouraging your sheeple followers in the gazette to follow your example. Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,209

    kamski said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
    When it rains, is that a Colonic irrigation?
    The weather is always Wetter in Germany!
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,648
    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,553
    HYUFD said:

    All the Tory options are shit. Just accept it and change the rules to accept they are electing the new William Hague.

    First round - wear a baseball cap on the logflume
    Second round - drink 14 pints of beer

    Hague was facing the charismatic Blair in his prime who got 43% of the vote in 1997 for New Labour.

    The next Tory leader only faces the dull as dishwater Starmer who got just 33% last month and is increasing taxes and failing to stop the boats
    For us older specimens it would be ditchwater …
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    Great, you like flying all over the world 15 odd times a year and encouraging your sheeple followers in the gazette to follow your example. Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    I don't actually own an enslaved mammal which is right now slaughtering wildlife, no, just so I can have "cuddles"
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,383
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    Here's hoping...
  • RattersRatters Posts: 1,008
    Leon said:

    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
    kill them all. Grow the fuck up, Britain

    Seriously if we want wildlife and birdlife and living rivers, we need to get rid of our animal slaves that do nothing but "entertain us" by hiding amusingly in paperbags. It is pitiful. Only imbeciles can honestly reconcile themselves to what dogs and cats do to the ecosystem

    It's like destroying all the forests in Europe because we are so amused by chimp tea-parties in circuses
    I've noticed a lot of couples my age get a dog instead of children (or at least a very high proportion of those who choose not to have kids).

    It's a lower effort, lower cost alternative to being a parent, but less rewarding too.

    I cannot imagine getting one unless I get bored in retirement in 30 years or so.
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,648
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    I'll ban you for being a tedious troll.

    Simple question, are you giving up flying?
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    Here's hoping...
    It would be quite the display, let's see
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 27,159
    Barry Hearn anecdote from TwiX:-

    Barry put his arm around me and said, “Jesse, welcome to Matchroom. I want you to know the three things that I look for in every one of my employees.”

    “Number 1. Do they make me money?”

    Then Barry took a long pause and turned to me.

    “F**k it, I can’t remember the other two!”

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Most people in Wales have English as their first and only language. Welsh is the first language in only part of the country.
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,474
    edited August 13
    Getting very catty. Have finished my single malt (Old Pulteney, *FROM WICK* and very fine), so off to bed.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    edited August 13

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Indian rail stations can have signage in up to THREE languages: English, Hindi, and the local state language where applicable.
    Japanese stations often have four languages. Official Japanese, simplified Japanese, and a weird phonetic Japanese (because Japanese is so hard sometimes that's the only way to let Japanese people understand where they are). Plus English
    Japanese has four alphabets.
    In Israel, signs are in Hebrew, Arabic and English.
    Pedantry alert: it's Hebrew, Arabic and Roman. The idea that the English invented the alphabet (clue's in the name) should be resisted.
    Incorrect. If they were in Roman script, they would be e.g. Ierico and Ierusalem.

    And if they were in Latin, then they would be Hiericous and Aelia Capitolina.

    The names are in English, which uses a Roman-derived but not fully Roman script.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    I'll ban you for being a tedious troll.

    Simple question, are you giving up flying?
    I've mentioned this twice in about a year, last night and tonight. Are you going to ban me for having a strident opinion?
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,648
    I am not going to ban Leon, but I am tempted to change his username to Leon the cat botherer.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
    J E N R I C K

    His time has come.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678

    I am not going to ban Leon, but I am tempted to change his username to Leon the cat botherer.

    Just change his avatar...
  • kamskikamski Posts: 5,056

    kamski said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
    When it rains, is that a Colonic irrigation?
    Da simmer dabei! Dat is prima! Viva Colonia!
    Wir lieben das Leben, die Liebe und die Lust
    Wir glauben an den Lieben Gott und ham uch immer Durscht
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,553

    J E N R I C K

    His time has come.

    Oh gawd . . .

  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678

    J E N R I C K

    His time has come.

    I thought we'd abolished executions?
  • astarotastarot Posts: 5
    Is it OK to say, again, that I have a gerbil? You people seem quite upset about cats. I think they are sacred beings and we should worship them properly, we do not know what they know, and I am a scientist. Believe it or not!
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,648
    ydoethur said:

    I am not going to ban Leon, but I am tempted to change his username to Leon the cat botherer.

    Just change his avatar...
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,678
    astarot said:

    Is it OK to say, again, that I have a gerbil? You people seem quite upset about cats. I think they are sacred beings and we should worship them properly, we do not know what they know, and I am a scientist. Believe it or not!

    Cats, or gerbils?
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,941
    kjh said:

    For light relief my wife has crocheted our dog. Her first attempt at crocheting. I know - why?

    Omg that’s so funny . I’m in tears . Please tell your wife she’s an absolute star . I haven’t laughed so much in ages .
  • StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 16,646
    Leon said:

    darkage said:

    I've owned multiple homes in different countries. After the novelty and excitement wear off it becomes a hassle. I think it is best to just own what you really need.

    Preach, brother!

    My sister is quite affluent, and very good with property, and bought abroad a couple of times - and in the end this was her conclusion as well. Just extra hassle, and you are forced to go back there

    This is surely the truth. But I am interested to have a different opinion from @TimS
    Not TimS, but having just come back from a week in the sort of French resort that is a mix of people there for the week and people living there every August...

    I can see the attraction; I guess it depends how much one craves novelty on holiday. For some, familiarity breeds content. Somewhere different to the rest of the year, but the same year to year... That might be nice.

    It might also depend on how long the "impossible to be in the city" season is. When I worked in Seville, all my colleagues buggered off to their flats by the sea from about mid-June. In that scenario, having a second residence is just pragmatic.
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,785
    Carnyx said:

    Getting very catty. Have finished my single malt (Old Pulteney, *FROM WICK* and very fine), so off to bed.

    Possibly Scotland’s most underrated malt.
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,553
    kamski said:

    kamski said:

    The Welsh are so insular, it's why nobody likes them.

    ‘Unnecessary’ English place names covered up on Welsh road signs

    White Eagle activists on a mission to ‘deanglicise’ country

    English place names have been covered up on some Welsh road signs by a group which says it wants to “deanglicise” the country.

    The Mudiad Eryr Wen, (White Eagle Movement), this week claimed responsibility for daubing green paint across road signs on the A525, between St Asaph and Denbigh in North Wales.

    Non-Welsh-speaking motorists navigating by street signs would have to negotiate the five miles between Llanelwy and Dinbych on their own as a result of the spray-painting.

    “Deanglicise Wales!” the Eryr Wen group posted on social media along with pictures of the signs they had defaced.

    “Imposed and unnecessary English place names have been removed from signage across Sir Ddinbych. Decolonise our geography!”

    Why on earth should Welsh placenames be up in two languages? Do you see Firenze also signposted as Florence for the benefit of English speakers? Do the Germans helpfully write
    Cologne after Koeln?

    Most of us can just about work out that Caerdydd actually means Cardiff, and most other Welsh placenames are similarly fathomable. As for those that aren't, if the English want to call Abertawe by the name of Swansea, that's up to us, but I don't see why the Welsh should go to any trouble or expense to accommodate our whims.
    Cologne is signposted "Köln" for the benefit of German speakers. In the local dialect it's called "Kölle" which you don't see on road signs.

    Of course the English (or French) name is closer to the original name "Colonia" so "decolonising" would be confusing.
    When it rains, is that a Colonic irrigation?
    Da simmer dabei! Dat is prima! Viva Colonia!
    Wir lieben das Leben, die Liebe und die Lust
    Wir glauben an den Lieben Gott und ham uch immer Durscht
    You should see the doctor about that

  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 27,159
    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    It's cars, you ninny. People tarmac over their front gardens to park their cars. No gardens means no insects and worms, which means no birds.
  • CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 42,474

    Carnyx said:

    Getting very catty. Have finished my single malt (Old Pulteney, *FROM WICK* and very fine), so off to bed.

    Possibly Scotland’s most underrated malt.
    One of my favourites: I tend to prefer the Old Red Sandstone and Jurassic malts - Highland Park, Clynelish ...
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?
  • MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 27,562

    So with today's employment and earnings data we know what Labour is starting with:

    Unemployment 4.2%
    Inflation 2.0%
    Real regular pay 3.4%

    Compared with what the previous Labour government left behind in 2010:

    Unemployment 8.0%
    Inflation 3.7%
    Real regular pay -2.0%

    A golden legacy?
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
    ydoethur said:

    J E N R I C K

    His time has come.

    I thought we'd abolished executions?
  • numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,558

    darkage said:

    Sandpit said:

    Interesting thread on Russia’s response to the Ukranian invasion:

    “And not a word about the nuclear bomb. This situation in Kursk is an excellent example for the West that if Russia is dealt a serious blow, talk of escalation and the Red Button ceases. During the offensive on the Kursk region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw their most combat-ready units into battle, choosing the weakest point of the Russian border for the attack.”

    The thing I find odd about this situation is that there is no talk about nuclear escalation. I had the working assumption that the conflict was contrived and could not be won as Russia has 'red lines' namely the threat of nuclear escalation which seemed to emerge as soon as Ukraine started to succeed, but it is very curious now as to why they are not.
    The problem with nuclear weapons is, when do you use them? Obviously, if a nuclear-armed adversary has fired their nukes at you then you fire yours back. But otherwise, where is your red line?

    Do you use them because an enemy has seized a tiny border village? Overkill, surely. A small town? A city? Two cities?

    Nuclear weapons kinda work by creating deterrence. No-one invades you, because they don't know whether you'd use nuclear weapons in response.

    But Russia has destroyed the deterrence value of its nuclear weapons against Ukraine by making so many absurd threats about their use during the course of the disastrous 30 months of this war. And so Ukraine can waltz into Kursk, confident that no nuclear missiles will come back the other way.
    My favourite was Vlad’s “This is absolutely not a bluff!” bluff.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 13,120
    geoffw said:

    HYUFD said:

    All the Tory options are shit. Just accept it and change the rules to accept they are electing the new William Hague.

    First round - wear a baseball cap on the logflume
    Second round - drink 14 pints of beer

    Hague was facing the charismatic Blair in his prime who got 43% of the vote in 1997 for New Labour.

    The next Tory leader only faces the dull as dishwater Starmer who got just 33% last month and is increasing taxes and failing to stop the boats
    For us older specimens it would be ditchwater …
    Ditchwater strikes me as more interesting than dishwater. All sorts of interesting things living in ditchwater.
  • astarotastarot Posts: 5
    ydoethur said:

    astarot said:

    Is it OK to say, again, that I have a gerbil? You people seem quite upset about cats. I think they are sacred beings and we should worship them properly, we do not know what they know, and I am a scientist. Believe it or not!

    Cats, or gerbils?

    cats! i think they are holy, something about them, the way they move. I work in neuro-thingummy, there are several research projects which imply they are quite special. For example:

    On the other hand I do think cat owners need to examine themselves, like all pet owners. This includes people that keep lizards or budgerigars or anything. It is all quite questionable to my mind.
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,785
    edited August 13
    Carnyx said:

    Carnyx said:

    Getting very catty. Have finished my single malt (Old Pulteney, *FROM WICK* and very fine), so off to bed.

    Possibly Scotland’s most underrated malt.
    One of my favourites: I tend to prefer the Old Red Sandstone and Jurassic malts - Highland Park, Clynelish ...
    Campbeltown for me. Glen Scotia Double Cask. (Hopes that discussion can be veered away from pets.)
  • DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 27,159

    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?

    Kemi is a good speaker and was being advanced by Michael Gove, although TSE tells us they have since fallen out. In addition, the men in grey suits marked Kemi down as the next leader post-Rishi, according to none other than Nadine Dorries.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    It's cars, you ninny. People tarmac over their front gardens to park their cars. No gardens means no insects and worms, which means no birds.
    That too, for sure. I hate it all

    Get rid of cars, cash and cats, and we'd be a better, happier nation

    Paging @Anabobazina
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,037

    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?

    Kemi is a good speaker and was being advanced by Michael Gove, although TSE tells us they have since fallen out. In addition, the men in grey suits marked Kemi down as the next leader post-Rishi, according to none other than Nadine Dorries.
    She's always on the ball after all.
  • StuartinromfordStuartinromford Posts: 16,646

    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?

    Talks a good game against woke and for Brexit.

    Embodies the story Conservatives like to tell themselves about themselves. (The one where she is an example of bootstraps and her parents aren't a GP and an academic. And, like Father Ted, they can say Not A Racist.)
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
    J E N R I C K

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    It's cars, you ninny. People tarmac over their front gardens to park their cars. No gardens means no insects and worms, which means no birds.
    That too, for sure. I hate it all

    Get rid of cars, cash and cats, and we'd be a better, happier nation

    Paging @Anabobazina
    Cash is pointless, a weird fetish for the niche nostalgic. I’ve toured Europe this summer and haven’t touched a single piece of cash.

    Cars I like, but I take your point.

    Cats. Get the fuck out of here. The world’s most fascinating animal!
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
    J E N R I

    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?

    Kemi is a good speaker and was being advanced by Michael Gove, although TSE tells us they have since fallen out. In addition, the men in grey suits marked Kemi down as the next leader post-Rishi, according to none other than Nadine Dorries.
    She is boring AF. A real turn off.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,383
    edited August 13
    Cookie said:

    geoffw said:

    HYUFD said:

    All the Tory options are shit. Just accept it and change the rules to accept they are electing the new William Hague.

    First round - wear a baseball cap on the logflume
    Second round - drink 14 pints of beer

    Hague was facing the charismatic Blair in his prime who got 43% of the vote in 1997 for New Labour.

    The next Tory leader only faces the dull as dishwater Starmer who got just 33% last month and is increasing taxes and failing to stop the boats
    For us older specimens it would be ditchwater …
    Ditchwater strikes me as more interesting than dishwater. All sorts of interesting things living in ditchwater.
    Too right. Ditchwater was the dullest thing around until people started washing dishes, but it never stood a chance against dishwater.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,278
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    It's cars, you ninny. People tarmac over their front gardens to park their cars. No gardens means no insects and worms, which means no birds.
    That too, for sure. I hate it all

    Get rid of cars, cash and cats, and we'd be a better, happier nation

    Paging @Anabobazina
    So long as we aren't banning every four letter word beginning with c.
  • AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 22,580
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,383
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    I'll ban you for being a tedious troll.

    Simple question, are you giving up flying?
    I've mentioned this twice in about a year, last night and tonight. Are you going to ban me for having a strident opinion?
    I hope you don't get banned for having a strident opinion; it should be for being an utter twat.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 121,235

    J E N R I C K

    His time has come.

    Jenrick for Jaywick!
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    Ratters said:

    Leon said:

    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
    kill them all. Grow the fuck up, Britain

    Seriously if we want wildlife and birdlife and living rivers, we need to get rid of our animal slaves that do nothing but "entertain us" by hiding amusingly in paperbags. It is pitiful. Only imbeciles can honestly reconcile themselves to what dogs and cats do to the ecosystem

    It's like destroying all the forests in Europe because we are so amused by chimp tea-parties in circuses
    I've noticed a lot of couples my age get a dog instead of children (or at least a very high proportion of those who choose not to have kids).

    It's a lower effort, lower cost alternative to being a parent, but less rewarding too.

    I cannot imagine getting one unless I get bored in retirement in 30 years or so.
    They are clearly surrogate kids. It is tragic
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,483

    J E N R I C K


    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    It's cars, you ninny. People tarmac over their front gardens to park their cars. No gardens means no insects and worms, which means no birds.
    That too, for sure. I hate it all

    Get rid of cars, cash and cats, and we'd be a better, happier nation

    Paging @Anabobazina
    Cash is pointless, a weird fetish for the niche nostalgic. I’ve toured Europe this summer and haven’t touched a single piece of cash.

    Cars I like, but I take your point.

    Cats. Get the fuck out of here. The world’s most fascinating animal!
    Why don't you like cash?
  • numbertwelvenumbertwelve Posts: 6,558
    On topic I think Badenoch could still make it, because we have not got to the sharp end of the campaign yet, and she is articulate and often quite convincing as a media performer. I do however agree that Jenrick is the more likely. Out of those that have announced, I actually think he might be the best option, perhaps other than Cleverley.

    I think that Badenoch could lead them down a garden path of culture war minutiae (some of what she says is interesting but it’s not going to be enough to create an election winning force - see DeSantis, Ron). She seems to have very little to say about any other topic. I think Tugendhat is too weak, Stride too invisible and Patel is yesterday’s woman. Jenrick can say the “right” things, is a bit more of an unknown, presentationally ‘ok’ and combative on immigration. He straddles the gap between trying to appeal to Reform and also bringing the old school Tory coalition along for the ride. I happen to think he is also a slimy git, but my opinion doesn’t really matter.
  • sarissasarissa Posts: 1,963
    kle4 said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    Cats killed the Dodo too, bastards.
    The Great Auk was definitely us though.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,628
    edited August 13

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Leon said:

    Let me take you through one species. The turtledove

    These birds have declined by 99% in Britain in 40 years

    It is thought there are three reasons:

    Loss of habitat: we can fix that

    Hunting in mainland Europe: we can fix that, too

    Predation by domestic cats: over to you, @Nigelb

    You do realise your argument equates to

    I kill 100's of people because its my job and thats ok
    You kill the odd person because its fun thats not ok
    Why don't you focus on what YOU do, rather than me?

    Can you make the world a significantly better place? Yes. Get rid of your pets; it is irredeemably selfish to keep cats or dogs
    Why don't you focus on the shit you do to the environment rather than me....
    Because I can do my own thing, or not, I am pointing out what YOU can do. What I do is irrelevant to whether you feel it is still morally justifiable to keep enslaved mammals merely for your own entertainment: when the evidence is now undeniable that they are destroying the ecosystem - and in multiple ways, from the medications polluting our rivers to their behaviours slaughtering our birds, mammals, amphibians

    Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "Yeah I'm cool with my chimp tea party, it's great, who cares if we have forests". If that is your conclusion, good for you
    I am not the one obsessively lecturing you so you can frankly fuck off
    Great, you like special "chimp tea parties". Good for you. Forests can all die, you don't care. Got it
    If you care about the environment I take it you're never going to fly again?

    No, thought not.

    So kindly shut the fuck up on this topic.
    i will say what the fuck I like, unless you're actually going to ban me for having an opinion on pets?
    I'll ban you for being a tedious troll.

    Simple question, are you giving up flying?
    I've mentioned this twice in about a year, last night and tonight. Are you going to ban me for having a strident opinion?
    I hope you don't get banned for having a strident opinion; it should be for being an utter twat.
    What? Finding pet-ownership immoral?

    Is that what PB is reduced to? Banning opinions simply because they make us uncomfortable?

    You can't even accuse me of spamming the site on this topic, I mention it about twice a year, at most (tho I sincerely and fervently believe it, I simply don'r return to it very often)

    So your only argument is: you don't like this opinion, because it makes you personally uneasy. Ergo, it should be banned. PB should be a safe space for you, a pet owner
  • rottenboroughrottenborough Posts: 61,616

    On topic I think Badenoch could still make it, because we have not got to the sharp end of the campaign yet, and she is articulate and often quite convincing as a media performer. I do however agree that Jenrick is the more likely. Out of those that have announced, I actually think he might be the best option, perhaps other than Cleverley.

    I think that Badenoch could lead them down a garden path of culture war minutiae (some of what she says is interesting but it’s not going to be enough to create an election winning force - see DeSantis, Ron). She seems to have very little to say about any other topic. I think Tugendhat is too weak, Stride too invisible and Patel is yesterday’s woman. Jenrick can say the “right” things, is a bit more of an unknown, presentationally ‘ok’ and combative on immigration. He straddles the gap between trying to appeal to Reform and also bringing the old school Tory coalition along for the ride. I happen to think he is also a slimy git, but my opinion doesn’t really matter.

    He wont last three years.

    But it's their funeral.
  • FF43FF43 Posts: 17,006

    Migrant caps or otherwise, nobody is able to articulate why Badenoch was a popular choice in the first place. She is, to my admittedly limited experience, a dull speaker and was entirely invisible in a ministerial role. What on god’s green Earth has she done that qualifies her for the job?

    The party that previously selected Johnson, Truss and Sunak isn't bothered about qualified for the job.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,716
    Leon said:

    Ratters said:

    Leon said:

    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    Springwatch episode 11. Getting fucking angry at pet-owners again


    These collapses in bird life. IT'S THE FUCKING CATS AND DOGS

    So ones that have been neutered are OK?
    kill them all. Grow the fuck up, Britain

    Seriously if we want wildlife and birdlife and living rivers, we need to get rid of our animal slaves that do nothing but "entertain us" by hiding amusingly in paperbags. It is pitiful. Only imbeciles can honestly reconcile themselves to what dogs and cats do to the ecosystem

    It's like destroying all the forests in Europe because we are so amused by chimp tea-parties in circuses
    I've noticed a lot of couples my age get a dog instead of children (or at least a very high proportion of those who choose not to have kids).

    It's a lower effort, lower cost alternative to being a parent, but less rewarding too.

    I cannot imagine getting one unless I get bored in retirement in 30 years or so.
    They are clearly surrogate kids. It is tragic
    Perhaps punitive taxes on pet food would be a way to solve the fertility crisis.
This discussion has been closed.