I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Which is richly ironic given how ready that lot are to condemn the WWC as stupid for voting for Brexit.
Ah, you've found it! The anti-vaxxers are remainers.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
We are back to government is hiding stuff.nonsense...as if we are loke Russia that looks like they have tried to hide they actually lost 400k+ to covid.
All her conspiracy bollocks surely must damage the Guardian / Observer brand for fact based news...as unlike the normal nuttier stuff associated with them it isn't comment is free stuff, they put her nonsense on the front page.
“All of our liberties have become conditional, and they will stay conditional for ever. What is the difference between living under the Chinese Communist Party and the Conservative Party?"
I think the UK winning the American Revolutionary War is a really interesting counter-factual. I find it hard to believe that the independence movement wouldn't have continued and the US eventually split off - but it may surely have been a couple of decades (or even more) later and perhaps led to a very different world.
Obviously possible, but didn't happen with Canada and Australia.
Another possibility is that the real centre - economic if not political - of the British Empire could have moved from London to New York or Philadelphia over the next century. That was the view of a distinguished history professor who lectured at my school many years ago.
At time of American Revolution "Canada" really meant Quebec. Which American Revolutionaries saw as a potential ally against the British, hence they invaded it.
However, turned out that the bulk of Quebeckers - in particular the Catholic Church - supported the Brits against the Americans, who they called "Bostonais". Because they feared the (to them) radical Protestantism of New England AND its economic rivalry. Whereas by 1770s the Brits were seen as protecting both the religion AND interests of Quebec.
I think there was a third reason, too. They were mostly royalists, and the USA was aligned with revolutionary France.
It's always struck me how little time the Québécois and mainland French have for each other.
You'd think they've have a relationship similar to the UK/Australia, but they don't.
I used to work in Paris. I recall going to Montreal for a break and thinking that it would be easy. Great fun but their accent made the Marseilles accent sound sophisticated. They’re North American with more affinity to Florida than France,
Everywhere has an overwhelming miasma of maple syrup and icing sugar as well.
The mangled French is fair criticism, but the food...a load of superb restaurants there. Food scene is a cut above your standard North American city.
I think there’s a rivalry a la England / Australia (the mainland French consider the Québécois slightly below-stairs). But Paris-Montreal is one of the world’s most popular air routes, and many Francophone companies have bilateral operations across the two territories - eg Ubisoft of Assassins’ Creed fame.
Where'd you get that stat from? A quick google suggests it's not in the top twenty.
That's a really bizarre take from Dawkins. A properly smart guy
Metamorphosis doesn't have to be an allegory of anything, or a satire, or a parody, or science fiction - to be a work of genius
It's about a guy turning into a beetle, and how he would feel if that happened. It is a believable account of what he would feel. It is deliciously uneasy and spooky for that reason. You CAN see it as an allegory if you want, but it isn't necessary at all, for it to be great literature
This is maybe why Dawkins doesn't Get God, or understand why others do
I like Twitter in general but I think it’s a very bad thing for some people, even some very smart people. Contrarian, quirky little takes and hobby horses that probably wouldn’t last a good night’s sleep or the derision of your mates are released into the wild and end up defining you.
Naomi Wolf seems to have been driven mad by Twitter, I can hardly believe she was like that all along.
I have come to the conclusion that Twitter is great for collecting opinions, and information, but really bad for expressing opinions, and info. Eventually you will be derided and abused, quite horribly, for something, it's a kind of rule; you might easily be cancelled, doxxed and ruined. And arguments waste enormous time, always.
Stay passive, if you use it . Come to lovely PB for more civilised and informed debate, even with slightly irascible but impressively literate Scot Nats who once owned hat shops x
I seem to recall Owen Jones saying he was stepping away from Twitter as it wasted so much energy in the endless arguments.
Why mention White Brits as poss reason for the Newhams bad vaccination % when they make up less than 1/7 of the boroughs population, and have the highest vaccination take up in the country?
Apart from not wanting to look racist or islamophobic, there’s no reason to think the ethnic minority in Newham called White British are to blame. If someone specifically mentioned any other group this way with no supporting evidence, in fact flying in the face of what evidence we have, it would be thought outrageous
Again, you're throwing the "blame" word around for reasons I can't quite understand.
I've made the not unreasonable point that among the 50,000 unvaccinated adults over 40 in Newham, there are going to be some White British - there are going to be members of other ethnic groups as well.
I'm challenging the assertion put around by some the high rate of refusal in areas like Newham must be down to high refusal rates among "ethnic minorities". That may be right - putting up "national" numbers and comparing them with census data which is a decade old is far from convincing but we have no specific data at Borough level to answer the question.
I would want all 50,000 to be vaccinated and I don't care when or how - I'm trying to find the answer to why they've not come forward and I think it's much more complex and nuanced than is sometimes suggested.
There are studies that show significantly lower uptake amongst ethnic minorities. No one is assuming anything.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I don't think there have been such lazy assumptions, given there seems to be a lot of data that while it obviously isn't solely ethnic minority communities (or even all ethnic minorities are the same), the take up figures for specific ethnicities cannot be ignored.
It would also be very easy to demonstrate with figures from a health authority that is predominantly WWC.
I would have thought. Though I have no evidence for the thought, that most white vaccine refusers would be middle class.
Edit: See Leon made the point more stridently, cogently and coherently. As ever.
I think more working class, as pretty consistently health care uptake worsens going down the scale. I think not a big effect though, Hartlepool is only 5% below the national average for first doses for example.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Over 50s up to 21 April
Buddhists not doing well. Not aware of any religious reasons I can discern. Middle class tea and biscuits dharma?
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I don't think there have been such lazy assumptions, given there seems to be a lot of data that while it obviously isn't solely ethnic minority communities (or even all ethnic minorities are the same), the take up figures for specific ethnicities cannot be ignored.
It would also be very easy to demonstrate with figures from a health authority that is predominantly WWC.
I would have thought. Though I have no evidence for the thought, that most white vaccine refusers would be middle class.
Edit: See Leon made the point more stridently, cogently and coherently. As ever.
I think more working class, as pretty consistently health care uptake worsens going down the scale. I think not a big effect though, Hartlepool is only 5% below the national average for first doses for example.
Why mention White Brits as poss reason for the Newhams bad vaccination % when they make up less than 1/7 of the boroughs population, and have the highest vaccination take up in the country?
Apart from not wanting to look racist or islamophobic, there’s no reason to think the ethnic minority in Newham called White British are to blame. If someone specifically mentioned any other group this way with no supporting evidence, in fact flying in the face of what evidence we have, it would be thought outrageous
Again, you're throwing the "blame" word around for reasons I can't quite understand.
I've made the not unreasonable point that among the 50,000 unvaccinated adults over 40 in Newham, there are going to be some White British - there are going to be members of other ethnic groups as well.
I'm challenging the assertion put around by some the high rate of refusal in areas like Newham must be down to high refusal rates among "ethnic minorities". That may be right - putting up "national" numbers and comparing them with census data which is a decade old is far from convincing but we have no specific data at Borough level to answer the question.
I would want all 50,000 to be vaccinated and I don't care when or how - I'm trying to find the answer to why they've not come forward and I think it's much more complex and nuanced than is sometimes suggested.
It isn’t census data a decade old, it’s Newhams estimate from 2016.
I think you don’t want to see the wood for the trees. We know that a 33% of over 40s in Newham haven’t had the jab, we know that only 14% of Newham residents are White British, and we know that white British have by far the highest vaccine take up in the country. So why posit it might be them not getting jabbed in Newham?
I mean it might be them. I’d say it’s probably 1000/1 to be the reason, but everything has its price I guess
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I don't think there have been such lazy assumptions, given there seems to be a lot of data that while it obviously isn't solely ethnic minority communities (or even all ethnic minorities are the same), the take up figures for specific ethnicities cannot be ignored.
It would also be very easy to demonstrate with figures from a health authority that is predominantly WWC.
I would have thought. Though I have no evidence for the thought, that most white vaccine refusers would be middle class.
Edit: See Leon made the point more stridently, cogently and coherently. As ever.
I think more working class, as pretty consistently health care uptake worsens going down the scale. I think not a big effect though, Hartlepool is only 5% below the national average for first doses for example.
Though thinking about it, the percentages are not age-standardised, so as an older than average authority, perhaps worse than the headline figure suggests.
Most of the Green/XR/New Age authorities are significantly younger than average, so this is a confounder.
I don't think social class is much of a factor in anti-vaxxing.
That's a really bizarre take from Dawkins. A properly smart guy
Metamorphosis doesn't have to be an allegory of anything, or a satire, or a parody, or science fiction - to be a work of genius
It's about a guy turning into a beetle, and how he would feel if that happened. It is a believable account of what he would feel. It is deliciously uneasy and spooky for that reason. You CAN see it as an allegory if you want, but it isn't necessary at all, for it to be great literature
This is maybe why Dawkins doesn't Get God, or understand why others do
I like Twitter in general but I think it’s a very bad thing for some people, even some very smart people. Contrarian, quirky little takes and hobby horses that probably wouldn’t last a good night’s sleep or the derision of your mates are released into the wild and end up defining you.
Naomi Wolf seems to have been driven mad by Twitter, I can hardly believe she was like that all along.
I have come to the conclusion that Twitter is great for collecting opinions, and information, but really bad for expressing opinions, and info. Eventually you will be derided and abused, quite horribly, for something, it's a kind of rule; you might easily be cancelled, doxxed and ruined. And arguments waste enormous time, always.
Stay passive, if you use it . Come to lovely PB for more civilised and informed debate, even with slightly irascible but impressively literate Scot Nats who once owned hat shops x
I seem to recall Owen Jones saying he was stepping away from Twitter as it wasted so much energy in the endless arguments.
The UK roll out of vaccination has to be one of the fairest in the world. There has been basically zero evidence of corruption, queue jumping, payment for vaccination and the roll out across all the regions / nations has been demonstratably and impeccably fair.
Anybody claiming otherwise is a moron.
Basically every other country you don't have to look hard to find politicians, their families and friends, etc getting preferential treatment.
Not queue jumping is the one last remaining standard that even this government’s politicians daren’t breach?
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Over 50s up to 21 April
Buddhists not doing well. Not aware of any religious reasons I can discern. Middle class tea and biscuits dharma?
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Over 50s up to 21 April
Buddhists not doing well. Not aware of any religious reasons I can discern. Middle class tea and biscuits dharma?
A lot of British Buddhists are Chinese, Sri Lankan etc
Why mention White Brits as poss reason for the Newhams bad vaccination % when they make up less than 1/7 of the boroughs population, and have the highest vaccination take up in the country?
Apart from not wanting to look racist or islamophobic, there’s no reason to think the ethnic minority in Newham called White British are to blame. If someone specifically mentioned any other group this way with no supporting evidence, in fact flying in the face of what evidence we have, it would be thought outrageous
Again, you're throwing the "blame" word around for reasons I can't quite understand.
I've made the not unreasonable point that among the 50,000 unvaccinated adults over 40 in Newham, there are going to be some White British - there are going to be members of other ethnic groups as well.
I'm challenging the assertion put around by some the high rate of refusal in areas like Newham must be down to high refusal rates among "ethnic minorities". That may be right - putting up "national" numbers and comparing them with census data which is a decade old is far from convincing but we have no specific data at Borough level to answer the question.
I would want all 50,000 to be vaccinated and I don't care when or how - I'm trying to find the answer to why they've not come forward and I think it's much more complex and nuanced than is sometimes suggested.
It isn’t census data a decade old, it’s Newhams estimate from 2016.
I think you don’t want to see the wood for the trees. We know that a 33% of over 40s in Newham haven’t had the jab, we know that only 14% of Newham residents are White British, and we know that white British have by far the highest vaccine take up in the country. So why posit it might be them not getting jabbed in Newham?
I mean it might be them. I’d say it’s probably 1000/1 to be the reason, but everything has its price I guess
You are obviously right, on this, ethnic minorities, especially black African, Caribbean, Pakistani, present a much greater percentage of refuseniks; however we also need to look at absolute numbers.
White Brits are, what, 85% of the country?
If 10% of those White Brits refuse that's a huge number of people, way more than the 30% of Pakistanis who refuse.
Both need to be addressed. We should get Apsana Begum MP to write to Boris, demanding to know why Extinction Rebellion Students in Lambeth who think Jeff Bezos is injecting their nipples with micro-drones aren't being "prioritised for jabs by this evil Tory government"
Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani · 5h The Labour right, and Starmer, have no interest in winning the next election. The priority is internal control of the Labour party.
Hard to see how the dozens of MPs who will lose their seats are fine with that but there we are.
Kirklees Council @KirkleesCouncil · 6h There’s a men only COVID-19 pop up vaccination clinic at Jame Masjid, Henry Street, Batley, WF17 6JJ this evening .
If it gets the rate up in an undervaxxed community then what is the problem, indeed may lead to a higher rate in the rest of the community.
But will they actually exclude women if women try to get jabbed at this clinic? That is just wrong.
Book them elsewhere. Requesting healthcare from one or other gender is a fairly regular request, and not an unreasonable one, though not possible in all settings.
Many women request this, but there are circumstances where men do too.
So if a woman rocks up to to this clinic dispending jabs to all and sundry, she will be refused because her gender offends Muslim sensitivities?
Nah. Wrong. Sorry
Islamophobia battles with chauvinism in the heart of islamophobic chauvinist - and triumphs!
Kirklees Council @KirkleesCouncil · 6h There’s a men only COVID-19 pop up vaccination clinic at Jame Masjid, Henry Street, Batley, WF17 6JJ this evening .
If it gets the rate up in an undervaxxed community then what is the problem, indeed may lead to a higher rate in the rest of the community.
But will they actually exclude women if women try to get jabbed at this clinic? That is just wrong.
Book them elsewhere. Requesting healthcare from one or other gender is a fairly regular request, and not an unreasonable one, though not possible in all settings.
Many women request this, but there are circumstances where men do too.
So if a woman rocks up to to this clinic dispending jabs to all and sundry, she will be refused because her gender offends Muslim sensitivities?
Nah. Wrong. Sorry
Islamophobia battles with chauvinism in the heart of islamophobic chauvinist - and triumphs!
Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani · 5h The Labour right, and Starmer, have no interest in winning the next election. The priority is internal control of the Labour party.
Hard to see how the dozens of MPs who will lose their seats are fine with that but there we are.
Beyond parody.
I suspect it's intentional - some are clearly enjoying throwing the same arguments made against Corbyn in Starmer's face.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I don't think there have been such lazy assumptions, given there seems to be a lot of data that while it obviously isn't solely ethnic minority communities (or even all ethnic minorities are the same), the take up figures for specific ethnicities cannot be ignored.
It would also be very easy to demonstrate with figures from a health authority that is predominantly WWC.
I would have thought. Though I have no evidence for the thought, that most white vaccine refusers would be middle class.
Edit: See Leon made the point more stridently, cogently and coherently. As ever.
I think more working class, as pretty consistently health care uptake worsens going down the scale. I think not a big effect though, Hartlepool is only 5% below the national average for first doses for example.
Though thinking about it, the percentages are not age-standardised, so as an older than average authority, perhaps worse than the headline figure suggests.
Most of the Green/XR/New Age authorities are significantly younger than average, so this is a confounder.
I don't think social class is much of a factor in anti-vaxxing.
Weird Sunday Times front page, not a mention of the big G7 announcement.
For the paper of record you would think it would be on there, not some stupid story about some quirky House of Lords election nonsense.
The Sunday Times has a newish editor who is determined not to be predictable *other than making the paper like an Observer pastiche*. The assumption seems to be that they key readership demographic lives in Zone 2 and has a house somewhere within 3 hours driving time of London* where they can patronise locals on their provincial ignorance from their lofty perch.
*although the lack of fast Tesla charging points is such an outrage, darling.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Over 50s up to 21 April
Buddhists not doing well. Not aware of any religious reasons I can discern. Middle class tea and biscuits dharma?
A lot of British Buddhists are Chinese, Sri Lankan etc
Indeed. And there is no religious, nor social pressure to not take the vaccine. Indeed, all the sutras emphasise the placing of the needs of others above one's own, and that the weĺlbeing of all beings is more important than one's own. So Buddhists should have the highest take up. And don't.
Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani · 5h The Labour right, and Starmer, have no interest in winning the next election. The priority is internal control of the Labour party.
Hard to see how the dozens of MPs who will lose their seats are fine with that but there we are.
Beyond parody.
'It takes one to know one'
Nobody in Labour seems to have any interest in winning the next election. The best anyone seems to want is to have the next election handed to them by default via being inoffensive, not actually winning it.
Why mention White Brits as poss reason for the Newhams bad vaccination % when they make up less than 1/7 of the boroughs population, and have the highest vaccination take up in the country?
Apart from not wanting to look racist or islamophobic, there’s no reason to think the ethnic minority in Newham called White British are to blame. If someone specifically mentioned any other group this way with no supporting evidence, in fact flying in the face of what evidence we have, it would be thought outrageous
Again, you're throwing the "blame" word around for reasons I can't quite understand.
I've made the not unreasonable point that among the 50,000 unvaccinated adults over 40 in Newham, there are going to be some White British - there are going to be members of other ethnic groups as well.
I'm challenging the assertion put around by some the high rate of refusal in areas like Newham must be down to high refusal rates among "ethnic minorities". That may be right - putting up "national" numbers and comparing them with census data which is a decade old is far from convincing but we have no specific data at Borough level to answer the question.
I would want all 50,000 to be vaccinated and I don't care when or how - I'm trying to find the answer to why they've not come forward and I think it's much more complex and nuanced than is sometimes suggested.
If you're going to challenge the assertion, could you try challenging it with, y'know, some facts? Otherwise we're going to be left in perplexity about Newham's low vax rate for the rest of time.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Which is richly ironic given how ready that lot are to condemn the WWC as stupid for voting for Brexit.
And almost certainly a pejorative characterisation that isn’t supported by the actual data.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I find it unlikely that those Hindus are representative. We've got the second highest uptake after WASPs. It's why places like Harrow are seeing no major issues with the variant. I know the Indians in Leicester are more, err, backwards thinking than those in London but take up should stil be very, very high.
Why mention White Brits as poss reason for the Newhams bad vaccination % when they make up less than 1/7 of the boroughs population, and have the highest vaccination take up in the country?
Apart from not wanting to look racist or islamophobic, there’s no reason to think the ethnic minority in Newham called White British are to blame. If someone specifically mentioned any other group this way with no supporting evidence, in fact flying in the face of what evidence we have, it would be thought outrageous
Again, you're throwing the "blame" word around for reasons I can't quite understand.
I've made the not unreasonable point that among the 50,000 unvaccinated adults over 40 in Newham, there are going to be some White British - there are going to be members of other ethnic groups as well.
I'm challenging the assertion put around by some the high rate of refusal in areas like Newham must be down to high refusal rates among "ethnic minorities". That may be right - putting up "national" numbers and comparing them with census data which is a decade old is far from convincing but we have no specific data at Borough level to answer the question.
I would want all 50,000 to be vaccinated and I don't care when or how - I'm trying to find the answer to why they've not come forward and I think it's much more complex and nuanced than is sometimes suggested.
It isn’t census data a decade old, it’s Newhams estimate from 2016.
I think you don’t want to see the wood for the trees. We know that a 33% of over 40s in Newham haven’t had the jab, we know that only 14% of Newham residents are White British, and we know that white British have by far the highest vaccine take up in the country. So why posit it might be them not getting jabbed in Newham?
I mean it might be them. I’d say it’s probably 1000/1 to be the reason, but everything has its price I guess
You are obviously right, on this, ethnic minorities, especially black African, Caribbean, Pakistani, present a much greater percentage of refuseniks; however we also need to look at absolute numbers.
White Brits are, what, 85% of the country?
If 10% of those White Brits refuse that's a huge number of people, way more than the 30% of Pakistanis who refuse.
Both need to be addressed. We should get Apsana Begum MP to write to Boris, demanding to know why Extinction Rebellion Students in Lambeth who think Jeff Bezos is injecting their nipples with micro-drones aren't being "prioritised for jabs by this evil Tory government"
I can forsee the ludicrous situation arising where some loony left Corbyn disciple tweets using absolute numbers to say White Brits are the worst anti vaxx offenders, so it’s racist to dig out non whites, then percentages to say not enough is being done by the Tories to get ethnic minorities jabbed
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
Over 50s up to 21 April
Buddhists not doing well. Not aware of any religious reasons I can discern. Middle class tea and biscuits dharma?
A lot of British Buddhists are Chinese, Sri Lankan etc
Indeed. And there is no religious, nor social pressure to not take the vaccine. Indeed, all the sutras emphasise the placing of the needs of others above one's own, and that the weĺlbeing of all beings is more important than one's own. So Buddhists should have the highest take up. And don't.
The differences between teachings and the actual religion can be quite large.....
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
Leicester isn't representative of anywhere other than Leicester. It's not like any place that I know and I've sadly wasted many weekends there visiting distant family.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I find it unlikely that those Hindus are representative. We've got the second highest uptake after WASPs. It's why places like Harrow are seeing no major issues with the variant. I know the Indians in Leicester are more, err, backwards thinking than those in London but take up should stil be very, very high.
The anti vax Hindus that I know are both Consultants!
Meanwhile in an alternative universe, Jolyon is still pursuing litigation in regard to Kate Bingham's appointment on the basis she's ill equipped for the role & thus the appointment is cronyism.
One is a Caribbean-born lady who looks after my friends kids. Aged around 50, she is a keen painter, and pleasant enough, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
The other is a judge. Having achieved one of the highest “firsts” at her prestigious university, she has climbed the ranks of the judicial profession although things have been paused a bit as she has two young children. Aged around 45, she is a keen baker, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I find it unlikely that those Hindus are representative. We've got the second highest uptake after WASPs. It's why places like Harrow are seeing no major issues with the variant. I know the Indians in Leicester are more, err, backwards thinking than those in London but take up should stil be very, very high.
The anti vax Hindus that I know are both Consultants!
A record 600,000 vaccine doses were administered in Italy on Friday, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports, citing local authorities. That put the country in second place in Europe for the number of people fully vaccinated.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
Foxy is surrounded by Leicester's Indians and Muslims. This is unusual. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL UNUSUAL
I am surrounded by scriptwriters, addicts, child psychologists, the homeless, and Jude Law. That is the unusual mix of the Camden Primrose Hill borders
Someone else on here will be surrounded by drug dealers, Evertonians, nurses, three trannies and a retired murderer
Maybe in Glasgow a PB-er is surrounded by a trainspotter, fierce nationalists, an ex IRA terrorist, haggis makers, and malcolmg's extended family
Every bubble is weird. That's my point. I just suspect Foxy's is a bit less entertaining in terms of wild anecdotes, but even then you never know, The human comedy is universal. Foxy might wear pink knickers on Sundays, for his Aboriginal pen pal
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
Leicester isn't representative of anywhere other than Leicester. It's not like any place that I know and I've sadly wasted many weekends there visiting distant family.
Fine, but Foxy’s picture of the vaccine refusers there fits the data a lot better than LeadronicT’s. I am sure the snowflakes of Primrose figure, but you only have to look at the data from areas such as Oxfordshire to see that it isn’t the entitled middle classes who comprise the large majority of the refusals.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I find it unlikely that those Hindus are representative. We've got the second highest uptake after WASPs. It's why places like Harrow are seeing no major issues with the variant. I know the Indians in Leicester are more, err, backwards thinking than those in London but take up should stil be very, very high.
The anti vax Hindus that I know are both Consultants!
They sound like idiots.
On this subject, I agree, but in other respects highly intelligent. My Leicester born receptionist, of West Indian parents, is anti-vax too, usually a very sensible woman.
I think the UK winning the American Revolutionary War is a really interesting counter-factual. I find it hard to believe that the independence movement wouldn't have continued and the US eventually split off - but it may surely have been a couple of decades (or even more) later and perhaps led to a very different world.
Obviously possible, but didn't happen with Canada and Australia.
Another possibility is that the real centre - economic if not political - of the British Empire could have moved from London to New York or Philadelphia over the next century. That was the view of a distinguished history professor who lectured at my school many years ago.
At time of American Revolution "Canada" really meant Quebec. Which American Revolutionaries saw as a potential ally against the British, hence they invaded it.
However, turned out that the bulk of Quebeckers - in particular the Catholic Church - supported the Brits against the Americans, who they called "Bostonais". Because they feared the (to them) radical Protestantism of New England AND its economic rivalry. Whereas by 1770s the Brits were seen as protecting both the religion AND interests of Quebec.
I think there was a third reason, too. They were mostly royalists, and the USA was aligned with revolutionary France.
The France of the American Revolution was royalist. Indeed, the fiscal burden of going to war with UK in aid of the American rebels (and perceived French interest) was a key factor in causing the French Revolution to occur in the years AFTER the the Battle of Yorktown.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
I find it unlikely that those Hindus are representative. We've got the second highest uptake after WASPs. It's why places like Harrow are seeing no major issues with the variant. I know the Indians in Leicester are more, err, backwards thinking than those in London but take up should stil be very, very high.
The anti vax Hindus that I know are both Consultants!
They sound like idiots.
On this subject, I agree, but in other respects highly intelligent. My Leicester born receptionist, of West Indian parents, is anti-vax too, usually a very sensible woman.
So only highly intelligent if you ignore the one peak of real stupidity. So not really that intelligent. Just educated in a limited sphere,
One is a Caribbean-born lady who looks after my friends kids. Aged around 50, she is a keen painter, and pleasant enough, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
The other is a judge. Having achieved one of the highest “firsts” at her prestigious university, she has climbed the ranks of the judicial profession although things have been paused a bit as she has two young children. Aged around 45, she is a keen baker, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
Last year I knew a few. They’ve all now been done.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
For some reason, this conversation reminds me of Woger trying to correlate the behaviour of the social elites he knows, in some countries, with the behaviour of less exulted citizens....
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
Foxy is surrounded by Leicester's Indians and Muslims. This is unusual. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL UNUSUAL
I am surrounded by scriptwriters, addicts, child psychologists, the homeless, and Jude Law. That is the unusual mix of the Camden Primrose Hill borders
Someone else on here will be surrounded by drug dealers, Evertonians, nurses, three trannies and a retired murderer
Maybe in Glasgow a PB-er is surrounded by a trainspotter, fierce nationalists, an ex IRA terrorist, haggis makers, and malcolmg's extended family
Every bubble is weird. That's my point. I just suspect Foxy's is a bit less entertaining in terms of wild anecdotes, but even then you never know, The human comedy is universal. Foxy might wear pink knickers on Sundays, for his Aboriginal pen pal
Yes, but your bubble is both weird and more totally unrepresentative than the people who live there genuinely seem to believe. As we find out, over and over.
England will continue to take a knee before their games throughout Euro 2020 and are “more determined than ever” to ignore any boos from the stands, according to manager Gareth Southgate.
Can anyone recommend a good historical drama? Have we seen them all?
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
Anne Boleyn on Channel 5 is quite good.
Oooh. Thanks
This is what makes PB civilised. You can be having a good old ding dong on one subject, and then the same person gives a good tip, recommends a movie, gives excellent legal advice, tells you how to use a fossilised sex toy, etc
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
Well he has grounds on the literal point, one reason I went to Uni in Leicester was its middling location.
I can understand members of the public being hesitant of vaccinations, especially if those around them are also hesitant and they are been bombarded on social media / whatsapp with BS. However, medical professionals...they can read the actual scientific research for themselves, they don't need to rely that on the fact the government is telling the truth.
If they don't believe the scientific research, what other peer reviewed research don't they believe?
Can anyone recommend a good historical drama? Have we seen them all?
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
Anne Boleyn on Channel 5 is quite good.
Oooh. Thanks
This is what makes PB civilised. You can be having a good old ding dong on one subject, and then the same person gives a good tip, recommends a movie, gives excellent legal advice, tells you how to use a fossilised sex toy, etc
This is why PB is way better than social media
Something as undemanding as Vikings and Spartacus TV shows
Something a bit more serious
Or the 2005 production of Master and Margarita (up your street I think anything with cigar chomping gun totting... cat)
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
The literal centre of England is in Leicestershire, according to the OS:
And taking Leicester and Leicestershire as a whole is metaphorical Middle England too, albeit with an ethnic population roughly twice the English average. The Median age, income, social class spectrum are all pretty close to the national average. The nature of my job brings me into contact with all strata of society, health being a great leveller.
While you claim to sell artisan stone dildos in North London. It is you that is ridiculous.
I can understand members of the public being hesitant of vaccinations, especially if those around them are also hesitant and they are been bombarded on social media / whatsapp with BS. However, medical professionals...they can read the actual scientific research for themselves, they don't need to rely that on the fact the government is telling the truth.
If they don't believe the scientific research, what other peer reviewed research don't they believe?
The vaccines are new. Yes trialled but new. I wouldn't condemn anyone who was cautious.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Given that we've had the Anne Boleyn story in the Tudors and Wolf Hall in recent years what was the point of another version.
I think the UK winning the American Revolutionary War is a really interesting counter-factual. I find it hard to believe that the independence movement wouldn't have continued and the US eventually split off - but it may surely have been a couple of decades (or even more) later and perhaps led to a very different world.
Obviously possible, but didn't happen with Canada and Australia.
Another possibility is that the real centre - economic if not political - of the British Empire could have moved from London to New York or Philadelphia over the next century. That was the view of a distinguished history professor who lectured at my school many years ago.
Although they wouldn’t have been able to buy Louisiana
No they would have just taken it from Napoleon, as many Americans urged at the time.
Which Americans were those?
Alexander Hamilton. Have you heard of him? He wrote that the United States should "seize at once the Floridas and New Orleans and then negotiate." The two American consuls in New Orleans, Daniel Clark Jr. and William E. Hulings, wrote that the United States could take the territory without any bloodshed. Senator James Ross of Pennsylvania (a Federalist) introduced a resolution authorizing the deployment of 50,000 militiamen to take New Orleans. The Democratic-Republicans also supported a resolution that would've put 80,000 armed men on standby.
It would have been far more in keeping with America's history of aggressive seizing of other people's territory, e.g. from Mexico and Spain, and then claiming to be anti-imperialist. Like a bunch of slave-owners committing treason in the name of liberty.
Bullying, hypocritical theft is as American as it gets.
Yes, have heard of Alexander Hamilton. Rather obscure chap from the West Indies, wasn't he. Think I may have a portrait of him . . . in my wallet!
Much if not most of what you cite was IIRC more bluster than not, designed to influence domestic opinion as much as foreigners in Madrid & Paris (and London).
New Orleans was the real deal in terms of American interests, as it was the linchpin for American commerce west of the Allegheny Mountains. And during the 1790s there was growing sentiment in the even faster-growing new states of Kentucky and Tennessee, that either the United States took ownership of the mouth of the Mississippi OR the "West" of that era would go it's own way, in some kind of partnership with Spain.
That got the Republicans interested big-time, while Napoleon's increasing sway over Spain excited the Federalists. Because if Spain was too weak to protect itself, then it would offer no barrier to seizure of New Orleans and rest of Louisiana - and Florida - by the French. Which is indeed what Napoleon contemplated. Until that it the failure of his generals to reconquer Haiti as the centerpiece for a renewed French Empire in the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico.
Not all imperialism is American. Not even in America!
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
The literal centre of England is in Leicestershire, according to the OS:
And taking Leicester and Leicestershire as a whole is metaphorical Middle England too, albeit with an ethnic population roughly twice the English average. The Median age, income, social class spectrum are all pretty close to the national average. The nature of my job brings me into contact with all strata of society, health being a great leveller.
While you claim to sell artisan stone dildos in North London. It is you that is ridiculous.
Yes, that's fair. But I still submit, we are all ridiculous, in the eyes of the Lord, who laughs at us. In a kindly way
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
Yes, it's the XR types who won't eat GM food.
I think that's the only explanation for the relatively low rates in Edinburgh, for example.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Given that we've had the Anne Boleyn story in the Tudors and Wolf Hall in recent years what was the point of another version.
Certain periods do tend to get really overdone. I guess partly because there's a proven market for them, and partly as it saves on the costuming budgets. Flawed though each was, The Favourite and Mary Queen of Scots in recent years were comparitively fresh by comparison.
Though my guily pleasure is Reign - an utterly ridiculous and silly take on the young Mary Queen of Scots in the french court (all with British accents, naturally). I've said before it was one of the most bonkers things I've seen on TV and I stand by that, plus there was just inherent entertainment value in half the time dealing with teen network style melodrama around relationships, and then hard switch to 'I must lock you in the tower, my queen, so I can appropriate that mercenary force you wanted to send to scotland so I can retake Calais', 'time to get the pope to legitimse my bastard son and disinherit my heir' and 'Oh no, the king has turned protestant' 'plague is here' and something something pagans and nostradamus and catherine de medici.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Can anyone recommend a good historical drama? Have we seen them all?
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
Black Sails maybe.
Ah, I've done that. Quite fun
I fear I have seen them all. Covid has put a stop on new productions, and now it shows
And most historical stuff is short run anyway, as it is expensive.
I never say it, but I recall seeing ads for Knightfall, and was tempted to give some french thing called La Revolution a go.
I watched the first series of Knightfall, back when I was travelling down to London every week for a project. I have a pretty high tolerance for bad, but easy to watch TV.
But it was really bad.
I would have had more fun watching a series of Married At First Sight Australia. Or counting backwards from 1,000 in sevens.
I know about a dozen anti vaxxers well, and a quite a few more not so well (circles I move in...). They are mostly New Age ish types, they don't trust "western medicine" or "big pharma".
One thing they really aren't is "XR types". Quite the reverse, they tend to think global warming is a conspiracy (as Piers Corbyn does).
So I'm calling bullshit on lots of antivaxxers being XR or vice versa, seems like just blind prejudice by the usual suspects.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
Because it's like being lectured to in a really sanctimonious way.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
Middle England, literally and metaphorically, and looked down on by the North London elite.
Same as it ever was.
You work (and live?) in Leicester, the biggest non white majority city in the country, and the only one of any size. This is not Middle England, "literally and metaphorically". You are SO ridiculous
The literal centre of England is in Leicestershire, according to the OS:
And taking Leicester and Leicestershire as a whole is metaphorical Middle England too, albeit with an ethnic population roughly twice the English average. The Median age, income, social class spectrum are all pretty close to the national average. The nature of my job brings me into contact with all strata of society, health being a great leveller.
While you claim to sell artisan stone dildos in North London. It is you that is ridiculous.
Yes, that's fair. But I still submit, we are all ridiculous, in the eyes of the Lord, who laughs at us. In a kindly way
Ultimately we are all in a minority of one, true enough.
If you want to see an entertaining film, I highly recommend this one, a beautifully shot and enigmatic Iranian-Western vampire flick. Genius.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
Because it's like being lectured to in a really sanctimonious way.
People have always lectured through art. But it needs to be good at the same time, not praised as good because of the lectured point.
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
This is Us is pretty woke and is fantastic plus what do you know about art?
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
Because it's like being lectured to in a really sanctimonious way.
No, its because we are an institutionally racist country and thus there must be a redoubling of efforts of such shows to counter this...not that it might just be shit.
I'm not in the "blame" business - I'm pointing out it's worth considering the possibility of vaccine refusal among the White British and such numbers may not be insignificant.
There's an undercurrent of lazy thinking assuming all those refusing the vaccine are from ethnic minorities and I'm challenging that.
I've never thought that, there is PLENTY of anti-vaxxery amongst white British. However I would say it is different by class. Most WWC that I encounter are pretty sensible "sure, jab me up, get it done"
The anti-vaxxing "whites" I know are ALL middle class, if not posh. The Greens, the Corbyn types, the very aristo Tories with odd views, astrologers, Extinction Rebellioners, student kids with social media memes in their heads
The 'Bill Gates has microchipped the vaccine' conspiracy nutters and the 'Gaia is my goddess' new age nutters.
I've met half a dozen antivaxxing white Brits. They all fall into these categories. All middle class, or posher
Yeah, but you live in a weird bubble. Most of the anti-vaxxing that I have encountered is in the West Indian and Hindu communities in Leicester, but I have heard it too from WWC patients. The only people that I know in XR go to my church and have been vaccinated.
We all live in a weird bubble. By definition. Yours is just more boring
But, it would appear, more normal and more representative. But then we all know already that you can’t extrapolate anything from those living around Primrose Hill.
Foxy is surrounded by Leicester's Indians and Muslims. This is unusual. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL UNUSUAL
I am surrounded by scriptwriters, addicts, child psychologists, the homeless, and Jude Law. That is the unusual mix of the Camden Primrose Hill borders
Someone else on here will be surrounded by drug dealers, Evertonians, nurses, three trannies and a retired murderer
Maybe in Glasgow a PB-er is surrounded by a trainspotter, fierce nationalists, an ex IRA terrorist, haggis makers, and malcolmg's extended family
Every bubble is weird. That's my point. I just suspect Foxy's is a bit less entertaining in terms of wild anecdotes, but even then you never know, The human comedy is universal. Foxy might wear pink knickers on Sundays, for his Aboriginal pen pal
Can anyone recommend a good historical drama? Have we seen them all?
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
Anne Boleyn on Channel 5 is quite good.
Oooh. Thanks
This is what makes PB civilised. You can be having a good old ding dong on one subject, and then the same person gives a good tip, recommends a movie, gives excellent legal advice, tells you how to use a fossilised sex toy, etc
This is why PB is way better than social media
Something as undemanding as Vikings and Spartacus TV shows
Something a bit more serious
Or the 2005 production of Master and Margarita (up your street I think anything with cigar chomping gun totting... cat)
Something New
Shadow and Bone.
Underestimated blast from past
70’s series of Michener’s Centennial
Oh. I loved Centennial as a kid. Even read the book and several other Micheners. Yes, I was weird. What platform is it on?
One is a Caribbean-born lady who looks after my friends kids. Aged around 50, she is a keen painter, and pleasant enough, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
The other is a judge. Having achieved one of the highest “firsts” at her prestigious university, she has climbed the ranks of the judicial profession although things have been paused a bit as she has two young children. Aged around 45, she is a keen baker, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
How do these people square their beliefs with the fact that 76% of the UK population has had the vaccine, almost entirely without any serious problems?
Wait, Anne Boleyn on C5 is the Woke one, isn't it? the sort of thing Foxy would like?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
The Channel 5 and Sony-backed Fable Pictures co-production opened with just 774,000 viewers, despite all the publicity surrounding it, or just a 5.2 per cent audience share. These figures seem even worse when compared to the 2.19 million viewers (13.2 per cent) the far lower profile Our Yorkshire Vet gained in the same slot a week earlier.
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
Why is WOKE ART so shit? TV, movies, plays, whatever.....
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
Because it's like being lectured to in a really sanctimonious way.
People have always lectured through art. But it needs to be good at the same time, not praised as good because of the lectured point.
Can anyone recommend a good historical drama? Have we seen them all?
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
The film Mary Queen of Scots was quite good, with Saoirse Ronan.
I was a bit meh on it. She was very good in it, and David Tennant as John Knox was very fun if one note, but I recall thinking it did a bad job story wise, as the various turns she faced sometimes seemed to come out of nowhere in the film, such that without background knowledge it made everyone's opposition to her seem totally irrational, which even in a film with her as the protagonist seemed off.
I think the UK winning the American Revolutionary War is a really interesting counter-factual. I find it hard to believe that the independence movement wouldn't have continued and the US eventually split off - but it may surely have been a couple of decades (or even more) later and perhaps led to a very different world.
Obviously possible, but didn't happen with Canada and Australia.
Another possibility is that the real centre - economic if not political - of the British Empire could have moved from London to New York or Philadelphia over the next century. That was the view of a distinguished history professor who lectured at my school many years ago.
Some postulated here the other day that Britain winning the Boer War ended up with the Boers having a reverse takeover of South Africa.
Had Britain won the American Revolutionary War its entirely possible that the Americans would have done a reverse takeover of the Empire from within.
All her conspiracy bollocks surely must damage the Guardian / Observer brand for fact based news...as unlike the normal nuttier stuff associated with them it isn't comment is free stuff, they put her nonsense on the front page.
That was about 3,000 tweets ago.
I think you don’t want to see the wood for the trees. We know that a 33% of over 40s in Newham haven’t had the jab, we know that only 14% of Newham residents are White British, and we know that white British have by far the highest vaccine take up in the country. So why posit it might be them not getting jabbed in Newham?
I mean it might be them. I’d say it’s probably 1000/1 to be the reason, but everything has its price I guess
Most of the Green/XR/New Age authorities are significantly younger than average, so this is a confounder.
I don't think social class is much of a factor in anti-vaxxing.
White Brits are, what, 85% of the country?
If 10% of those White Brits refuse that's a huge number of people, way more than the 30% of Pakistanis who refuse.
Both need to be addressed. We should get Apsana Begum MP to write to Boris, demanding to know why Extinction Rebellion Students in Lambeth who think Jeff Bezos is injecting their nipples with micro-drones aren't being "prioritised for jabs by this evil Tory government"
The Labour right, and Starmer, have no interest in winning the next election. The priority is internal control of the Labour party.
Hard to see how the dozens of MPs who will lose their seats are fine with that but there we are.
Beyond parody.
This shit is spread via FB and Twitter
*although the lack of fast Tesla charging points is such an outrage, darling.
So Buddhists should have the highest take up.
And don't.
Nobody in Labour seems to have any interest in winning the next election. The best anyone seems to want is to have the next election handed to them by default via being inoffensive, not actually winning it.
Same as it ever was.
Something like Vikings. The Borgias. The Tudors. Spartacus
I want some gladiators in my life. I want to escape
Wonder if he felt a prick when he was vaccinated?
One is a Caribbean-born lady who looks after my friends kids. Aged around 50, she is a keen painter, and pleasant enough, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
The other is a judge. Having achieved one of the highest “firsts” at her prestigious university, she has climbed the ranks of the judicial profession although things have been paused a bit as she has two young children. Aged around 45, she is a keen baker, but she believes the vaccines are highly dangerous.
I am surrounded by scriptwriters, addicts, child psychologists, the homeless, and Jude Law. That is the unusual mix of the Camden Primrose Hill borders
Someone else on here will be surrounded by drug dealers, Evertonians, nurses, three trannies and a retired murderer
Maybe in Glasgow a PB-er is surrounded by a trainspotter, fierce nationalists, an ex IRA terrorist, haggis makers, and malcolmg's extended family
Every bubble is weird. That's my point. I just suspect Foxy's is a bit less entertaining in terms of wild anecdotes, but even then you never know, The human comedy is universal. Foxy might wear pink knickers on Sundays, for his Aboriginal pen pal
Maybe that's my unrepresentative bubble.
I fear I have seen them all. Covid has put a stop on new productions, and now it shows
This is what makes PB civilised. You can be having a good old ding dong on one subject, and then the same person gives a good tip, recommends a movie, gives excellent legal advice, tells you how to use a fossilised sex toy, etc
This is why PB is way better than social media
I never say it, but I recall seeing ads for Knightfall, and was tempted to give some french thing called La Revolution a go.
Maybe this from Amazon about Romulus:
If they don't believe the scientific research, what other peer reviewed research don't they believe?
Hmm. Maybe it will be OK anyway?
Imdb Viewer Rating: 1.2/10
"Anne Boleyn drama a ratings flop for Channel 5"
Go Woke, Go Broke
Any other ideas?
Something a bit more serious
Or the 2005 production of Master and Margarita (up your street I think anything with cigar chomping gun totting... cat)
Something New
Shadow and Bone.
Underestimated blast from past
70’s series of Michener’s Centennial
Even the Guardian only gave it 3 out of 5 stars.
BBC News - 'New centre of England' marked in Fenny Drayton
And taking Leicester and Leicestershire as a whole is metaphorical Middle England too, albeit with an ethnic population roughly twice the English average. The Median age, income, social class spectrum are all pretty close to the national average. The nature of my job brings me into contact with all strata of society, health being a great leveller.
While you claim to sell artisan stone dildos in North London. It is you that is ridiculous.
And historical. For future generations.
Much if not most of what you cite was IIRC more bluster than not, designed to influence domestic opinion as much as foreigners in Madrid & Paris (and London).
New Orleans was the real deal in terms of American interests, as it was the linchpin for American commerce west of the Allegheny Mountains. And during the 1790s there was growing sentiment in the even faster-growing new states of Kentucky and Tennessee, that either the United States took ownership of the mouth of the Mississippi OR the "West" of that era would go it's own way, in some kind of partnership with Spain.
That got the Republicans interested big-time, while Napoleon's increasing sway over Spain excited the Federalists. Because if Spain was too weak to protect itself, then it would offer no barrier to seizure of New Orleans and rest of Louisiana - and Florida - by the French. Which is indeed what Napoleon contemplated. Until that it the failure of his generals to reconquer Haiti as the centerpiece for a renewed French Empire in the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico.
Not all imperialism is American. Not even in America!
Though my guily pleasure is Reign - an utterly ridiculous and silly take on the young Mary Queen of Scots in the french court (all with British accents, naturally). I've said before it was one of the most bonkers things I've seen on TV and I stand by that, plus there was just inherent entertainment value in half the time dealing with teen network style melodrama around relationships, and then hard switch to 'I must lock you in the tower, my queen, so I can appropriate that mercenary force you wanted to send to scotland so I can retake Calais', 'time to get the pope to legitimse my bastard son and disinherit my heir' and 'Oh no, the king has turned protestant' 'plague is here' and something something pagans and nostradamus and catherine de medici.
It is unquestionably shit.
It reminds me of totalitarian architecture, which, with a few rare exceptions - Mussolini's Italy, maybe Stalin's Gothic skyscrapers? - is horribly dispiriting, even when there is plenty of money, talent, ambition. There is an innate anti-human sterility. A rigidity of thought and an exclusion of imagination, a desolate desire not to dare, except in approved ways
Woke Art is the same
But it was really bad.
I would have had more fun watching a series of Married At First Sight Australia. Or counting backwards from 1,000 in sevens.
One thing they really aren't is "XR types". Quite the reverse, they tend to think global warming is a conspiracy (as Piers Corbyn does).
So I'm calling bullshit on lots of antivaxxers being XR or vice versa, seems like just blind prejudice by the usual suspects.
If you want to see an entertaining film, I highly recommend this one, a beautifully shot and enigmatic Iranian-Western vampire flick. Genius.
What platform is it on?
Tripoli Action 1950 John Payne, Maureen O'Hara, Howard Da Silva
Had Britain won the American Revolutionary War its entirely possible that the Americans would have done a reverse takeover of the Empire from within.