He's come out, I dont need to hear the words, he simply looks ,,,,a beaten man. He will rail and rage but he knows he's lost. He sounds like an ex president
@kle4 posted a really interesting Tweet thread in the last discussion with someone debunking many of the voting fraud theories doing the rounds. Many of them were indeed debunked, though some of them were not.
One that wasn't satisfactorily debunked (in my opinion) was the story of a Philadelphia ballot dump that included no votes for Trump, but 23,000 odd for Biden. The 'debunk' was that a similar thing had happened to Romney in Philadelphia, and at the time, a media organisation had looked for *any* Romney supporters in that district, and found none. That doesn't convince me really, because whilst I understand there might be next to none, not finding any for a vox pop, is not the same as there not being any. It just isn't. In a sample size of 23,000, there is going to be at least one or two contrary fuckers voting for Trump (or Romney for that matter).
Another one, that isn't necessarily evidence of fraud per se, but is very interesting, is Twitter thread, then published on Zerohedge, noting the big divergence in key swing states between votes for Biden, and votes for the Democratic Senate candidates. For example, in Georgia, Biden got 95,000 more votes than the Dem candidate - Trump got 818 more than his candidate. Similar situation in Michigan. At the very least, it would be good to see these numbers for every State, and a good working hypothesis as to why this would be the case.
In every Uk multiple election, the number of people who complete their ballot for the “more important” election always exceeds those for the lower tier elections, many papers for which are left blank.
If ever anyone again suggests politically appointing the Supreme Court here, can we just play that clip?
I think they are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think a serious legal scholar like ACB thinks transactionally and feels they "owe Trump one".
He will be going on about lack of gratitude for years.
ACB has just been appointed to a job for life by a lunatic. If there’s a choice between four more years of him in the WH forever telling her how she must return the favour, or cutting him loose and being her own woman....
Quite. The GOP Senators knew how important getting her in would be, but saving Trump won't have been key to that.
And what better way to throw off the taint of Shami than demonstrating your independence at the first opportunity.
The taint of Shami? What has Shami Chakrabarti been up to since the guy she sold her principles for lost I wonder?
So we're about to get President Trump's gracious and statesman-like concession speech, right?
I've been thinking, Pencey-boy, isn't it about time you showed us all a glimpse of the integrity and moral fibre you're so keen to vaunt? At least once the race is called, and if no concrete, non-crazy evidence of fraud turns up. And until then at least tell the D to tone it down a bit, eh?
Brilliant not-quite-yet victory speech by Biden. "To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies." Now what chance Mitch McConnell will agree?
So Trump is on TV saying that America is a corrupt system. That will go down well with a country where they elect absolutely EVERYONE in any position of power...
This speech is just one lie after another. Christ. America is not going to be united anytime soon. Maybe they need a good war?
Even though I dont like Trumps usual shouting , fiery, often bragging manner, Id much rather have had that in this speech than this, its pathetic, I'm sorry
So we're about to get President Trump's gracious and statesman-like concession speech, right?
I've been thinking, Pencey-boy, isn't it about time you showed us all a glimpse of the integrity and moral fibre you're so keen to vaunt? At least once the race is called, and if no concrete, non-crazy evidence of fraud turns up. And until then at least tell the D to tone it down a bit, eh?
The election hasn't been called yet.
Once it has been called, people like Pence are going to have some very difficult decisions to make.
This speech is just one lie after another. Christ. America is not going to be united anytime soon. Maybe they need a good war?
Even though I dont like Trumps usual shouting , fiery, often bragging manner, Id much rather have had that in this speech than this, its pathetic, I'm sorry
Yeah it's really f*cking boring despite the historical significance.
Said it before and will say it again. Although I shouldn't offer a sidewalk diagnosis. The man has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's an untreatable condition deserving of sympathy. He really is textbook.
So we're about to get President Trump's gracious and statesman-like concession speech, right?
I've been thinking, Pencey-boy, isn't it about time you showed us all a glimpse of the integrity and moral fibre you're so keen to vaunt? At least once the race is called, and if no concrete, non-crazy evidence of fraud turns up. And until then at least tell the D to tone it down a bit, eh?
Pence now wants to be GOP nominee in 2024, so has to balance easing Trump out with not upsetting his base
I really really want that Democrat win in Georgia. I highlighted it on election night as good value in a tight race, it would make what has been a good POTUS betting cycle just a bit better.
@kle4 posted a really interesting Tweet thread in the last discussion with someone debunking many of the voting fraud theories doing the rounds. Many of them were indeed debunked, though some of them were not.
One that wasn't satisfactorily debunked (in my opinion) was the story of a Philadelphia ballot dump that included no votes for Trump, but 23,000 odd for Biden. The 'debunk' was that a similar thing had happened to Romney in Philadelphia, and at the time, a media organisation had looked for *any* Romney supporters in that district, and found none. That doesn't convince me really, because whilst I understand there might be next to none, not finding any for a vox pop, is not the same as there not being any. It just isn't. In a sample size of 23,000, there is going to be at least one or two contrary fuckers voting for Trump (or Romney for that matter).
Another one, that isn't necessarily evidence of fraud per se, but is very interesting, is Twitter thread, then published on Zerohedge, noting the big divergence in key swing states between votes for Biden, and votes for the Democratic Senate candidates. For example, in Georgia, Biden got 95,000 more votes than the Dem candidate - Trump got 818 more than his candidate. Similar situation in Michigan. At the very least, it would be good to see these numbers for every State, and a good working hypothesis as to why this would be the case.
I think everyone hopes that when they lose they will be able to do so with dignity. It's one reason the winners are inclined to be gracious to the defeated, since it's what they'd want in that situation. But some just cannot manage it. That Trump was reduced to complaining about the polls right up was a bad sign for his dignity.
So we're about to get President Trump's gracious and statesman-like concession speech, right?
I've been thinking, Pencey-boy, isn't it about time you showed us all a glimpse of the integrity and moral fibre you're so keen to vaunt? At least once the race is called, and if no concrete, non-crazy evidence of fraud turns up. And until then at least tell the D to tone it down a bit, eh?
The election hasn't been called yet.
Once it has been called, people like Pence are going to have some very difficult decisions to make.
Quite agree. Hence my second sentence. But also my third. I don't expect him to hand in an early concession or anything like that, but even before the time comes for the really big call, does he really want to be associated with this? A lot of the groundwork for what happens the race gets called is already being worked on, so I'm pretty sure he should be making some tough choices already.
This is a public warning message for what happens when you drop a baby on its head
Takes a lot more than that. I fell down a manhole when I was a toddler, reportedly (I was too young to remember), and I turned out just fine, thank you.
What's funny about that? It's really shite. There are a lot of ways to rubbish Trump (and he gives plenty of ammo) using words that still maintain a veneer of neutrality. 'is yet to present evidence of how' says much the same thing but a bit better.
It is quite remarkable that it has taken the MSM this long to outright say "that's a lie". Particularly as, it seems, no answer is then forthcoming. Maybe it could have been useful 4 1/2 years ago?
What's funny about that? It's really shite. There are a lot of ways to rubbish Trump (and he gives plenty of ammo) using words that still maintain a veneer of neutrality. 'is yet to present evidence of how' says much the same thing but a bit better.
What's funny about that? It's really shite. There are a lot of ways to rubbish Trump (and he gives plenty of ammo) using words that still maintain a veneer of neutrality. 'is yet to present evidence of how' says much the same thing but a bit better.
What's funny about that? It's really shite. There are a lot of ways to rubbish Trump (and he gives plenty of ammo) using words that still maintain a veneer of neutrality. 'is yet to present evidence of how' says much the same thing but a bit better.
I, too, prefer my news coverage to maintain such a veneer and so your suggestion might be better (though one might argue the 'yet' implies he has it, when he might not). However, it's not actually all that different so it's a pretty mild example when it comes to language since it's not in the least bit misleading or even pejorative. He hasn't got evidence and he is saying he's being cheated
Even the Fox anchors are struggling to take all of it seriously. They are just repeating his list of grievances while they try to think of something to say about it.
“Very remarkable”
“A president who believes the election isn’t going to go his way”
What's funny about that? It's really shite. There are a lot of ways to rubbish Trump (and he gives plenty of ammo) using words that still maintain a veneer of neutrality. 'is yet to present evidence of how' says much the same thing but a bit better.
Agreed, CNN is now clearly the counterpoint to Fox for left liberals after that
So all ive got so far is mumble, cheated, witter, burst pipe, legal, mumble, observer. another observer, witter, mine are legal, mumble....did I miss anything?
It is quite remarkable that it has taken the MSM this long to outright say "that's a lie". Particularly as, it seems, no answer is then forthcoming. Maybe it could have been useful 4 1/2 years ago?
Not really. He is now powerless and has no comeback against them now.
They no longer fear him.
Next they will ridicule him, and ridicule is the end of a political reputation. Even his supporters will abandon him
Said it before and will say it again. Although I shouldn't offer a sidewalk diagnosis. The man has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's an untreatable condition deserving of sympathy. He really is textbook.
It is pretty painful to watch a nervous breakdown in public.
In every Uk multiple election, the number of people who complete their ballot for the “more important” election always exceeds those for the lower tier elections, many papers for which are left blank.
He looks done.
"Democrats run the election apparatus"
Once it has been called, people like Pence are going to have some very difficult decisions to make.
Now 3,635.
The man has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's an untreatable condition deserving of sympathy.
He really is textbook.
I mean it's easy enough to check, but I'd bet that if you look at 2016, then you'll see most votes in a County at the Presidential level, next most at the Senate, etc. And then minor local roles will have very low turnout. (Indeed, I read a story about someone jokingly writing themselves in for county level position and winning as no-one had bothered to vote in it.)
Now 64,261.
I am not sure what point @isam is trying to make.
So far I've detected one truth: "Detroit is another place".
Particularly as, it seems, no answer is then forthcoming.
Maybe it could have been useful 4 1/2 years ago?
This is no rallying cry.
Also, a man on some heavy prescription drugs.
"Trump says he'll go to Supreme Court; unclear why"
The race is on.
PA vs GA.
“Very remarkable”
“A president who believes the election isn’t going to go his way”
They no longer fear him.
Next they will ridicule him, and ridicule is the end of a political reputation. Even his supporters will abandon him
Trump will be the lamest lame duck ever.