Does shielding someone from the legal consequences of their actions make them:
(a) perform better (b) perform worse
Answers on a postcard please.
Or: Does shielding someone from the threat of being sued by someone they get on the wrong side of make them:
(a) do their job properly (b) do it defensively
I’m a teacher, and over the twenty odd years I have been teaching I have had to take more and more account of safeguarding. Much of this is good practice and obviously for the benefit of my pupils, but a large proportion is to protect myself from malicious accusations.
I can understand your point of view here; in fact I think you are probably right. But I can also see legitimate reasons for things being as they are.
That being said, defending American police would be much easier if there were not so many trigger-happy racists in uniform.
You don't have do be a racist to get many of the seemingly racist outcomes - you just have to have a system that is dysfunctional and in addition disproportionately and systematically targets the black population, staffed by scared, desensitized, trigger-happy individuals.
I think a large part of the problem here is the 'few bad apples' line being pushed. No, the system is fucked. Sure there are always some bad apples, but when the barrel is rotten, all the apples soon are.
You keep saying most Leavers want a WTO Brexit. I doubt this. My sense is they want an end to Free Movement, first and foremost, and after that they will not be fussed about the detailed terms of the trading arrangements. Of course what they don't want are the job losses that would come with a WTO Brexit - therefore we could conclude that a WTO Brexit is by definition not an object of desire for them.
I want a WTO Brexit, have always done so, and I don't believe the net result would be loss of jobs.
I find complex free trade agreements that end up shaving pennies off the price of goods and services at both ends to be rather a waste of time, and a distraction from the real business of making stuff people want to consume at a price they want to consume it at. If you can't do that, you're buggered, regardless of FTA. If you can, you're fine, regardless of FTA. Trading with the EU and everyone else as a different country suits me fine.
Barry Gardiner reminding people why they voted Tory at the last election today.
Simply amazing that he should advertise his stupidity. If you are going to join part of a noisy crowd singing and shouting now, you might as well not have bothered socially distancing at all in the last 12 weeks or so
Id assumed it was a troll account.
Its not as bad as you say though as cases are 90% down on the peak.
So if being in a crowd is 10x riskier than being in a supermarket for example, then being in that crowd today is probably similar risk to being in a supermarket at the peak.
Oh if it is a troll account then it's me who is advertising my stupidity!
I reckon being in a crowd like that today is way more than 10 times riskier than a supermarket at the peak though.
I dont think its a troll account now, it was just my initial reaction as such a strange thing to post.
And my amateur maths is not saying its 10x more likely to be in a crowd today than at the peak, its saying its the same risk given:
if 10x crowd vs supermarket in the same conditions 90% drop in infections in the population
As outdoors is far safer than indoors, and unlike supermarkets there is no touching shared surfaces or aircon Id be surprised if Im miles out in the direction you suggest.
Oh right I get it, sorry. I'd say it was way riskier to be in a crowd with people shouting though, despite agreeing that outdoors is safer. There are bound to be shared surfaces, possibly even shared drinks/cigarettes/joints, and I reckon the shouting and screaming is the worst of all
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
U r about the same kind of stamp as me, Pete, and believe it or not we are both technically obese - only by about a stone or so though.
No, 5 ft 9 and 12 stone 7 is a bmi of 25.7. This is marginally overweight, not obese, which starts at 30, at that height, 14 stone 7 lb.
There are some excessively muscle men who have high BMI, and are not obese, but far more men deluding themselves that their beer belly is a six-pack rather than a keg!
Waist height measurement, and waist hip ratio are both better measures of abdominal obesity, the dangerous sort. Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
Because if it is then the infection rate is more like 3k to 4k per day now - which would make sense if 50% of infections are asymptomatic or very mild.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
U r about the same kind of stamp as me, Pete, and believe it or not we are both technically obese - only by about a stone or so though.
Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
That is what I read in an online article form the Daily Mail, so it could be rubbish, but as it generally supports Johnson I thought it unlikely to be too far off the mark. I suspect he has his suits and shirts made for him
It's not all fat, though, is what I've heard. There's plenty of muscle there.
And of course muscle is heavier than fat.
Yep. So 5 ft 9 and 17 stone spells some serious iron.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
U r about the same kind of stamp as me, Pete, and believe it or not we are both technically obese - only by about a stone or so though.
No, 5 ft 9 and 12 stone 7 is a bmi of 25.7. This is marginally overweight, not obese, which starts at 30, at that height, 14 stone 7 lb.
There are some excessively muscle men who have high BMI, and are not obese, but far more men deluding themselves that their beer belly is a six-pack rather than a keg!
Waist height measurement, and waist hip ratio are both better measures of abdominal obesity, the dangerous sort. Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
Yes, I am by that reckoning marginally obese, Foxy.
In my defence, I should say that for some reason I am exceptionally heavy from the waist down.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
U r about the same kind of stamp as me, Pete, and believe it or not we are both technically obese - only by about a stone or so though.
No, 5 ft 9 and 12 stone 7 is a bmi of 25.7. This is marginally overweight, not obese, which starts at 30, at that height, 14 stone 7 lb.
There are some excessively muscle men who have high BMI, and are not obese, but far more men deluding themselves that their beer belly is a six-pack rather than a keg!
Waist height measurement, and waist hip ratio are both better measures of abdominal obesity, the dangerous sort. Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
Yes, I am by that reckoning marginally obese, Foxy.
In my defence, I should say that for some reason I am exceptionally heavy from the waist down.
I hit that height/waist 1/2 mark around a BMI of 28 or so (And no I don't lift). As someone who has a genuinely large frame I find it amusing when someone is described as 'big' when the term people are looking for is 'fat'.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
Many doctors religiously, and idiotically, follow the BMI to determine obesity. When I was with UNSCOM, some fool UN doctor told me during my clearance to travel medical that I was obese - as were all the special ops guys who were going into Iraq on inspections. At the time, my body fat (I knew, because I worked cardio a lot at the time) was less than 12%.
BMI fails to correct for musculature (and also for height, but that is not an issue with Johnson). It is a useful first cut tool, but needs to be interpreted in context.
Best story on this I heard was from a friend who is a nurse. They weighed a patient who had been with them for sometime and found his BMI was significantly lower than normal: a real danger sign in hospital. So they started to think about his diet and all the things that might help him get his weight back up. At this point my friend suggested that his BMI was not very useful in this case. “Why not?” “Because he has had his leg amputated just below the hip.”
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
A family member’s been to York Hospital today for a minor procedure. They were told that the number of Covid patients in there had gone down to 10 at one point, it’s now back up to 67.
Can’t vouch for accuracy just thought I’d mention it to you lot.
Our numbers are up again, at 160, up from 130 a few days ago. Partly it is because swab results are back more quickly, so people spend less time in the "possibles" group.
Interestingly we are down to 15 in ICU, at one point it was 60. It may well be that we are admitting less severe cases.
Discharges twice deaths still, so admitted mortality still about 30% of admissions.
I agree; there should be no debate over this any longer. The costs of universal masking when indoors or in crowds are minor compared to any other comparable effective public health intervention, and the single simplest way to facilitate a safe resumption of much economic activity.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
U r about the same kind of stamp as me, Pete, and believe it or not we are both technically obese - only by about a stone or so though.
No, 5 ft 9 and 12 stone 7 is a bmi of 25.7. This is marginally overweight, not obese, which starts at 30, at that height, 14 stone 7 lb.
There are some excessively muscle men who have high BMI, and are not obese, but far more men deluding themselves that their beer belly is a six-pack rather than a keg!
Waist height measurement, and waist hip ratio are both better measures of abdominal obesity, the dangerous sort. Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
Yes, I am by that reckoning marginally obese, Foxy.
In my defence, I should say that for some reason I am exceptionally heavy from the waist down.
I must have a similar build Pete At 74" tall, I'd need to be below 14 stone 4lb (200lb) to get my waist below 37" (for me, 10 lbs seems to equate to an inch on the waist). That would be 10% body fat - in the athletic range for a youngster, and well below the healthy range for a 60+ year old man.
According to the Beth Israel Lahey Health Winchester Hospital, the healthy % body fat range for men over 60 is 13-24%.
If people wish to virtue-signal about racism I'm more than happy to point out their own.
What's racist about linking to a Time article about a riot in NYC in 1991?
For clarity, what I wrote was:
@brokenwheel is probably old enough to remember this:
The incident that set off the 1991 Crown Heights riots was easy to pinpoint: on Aug. 19, a car driven by a Hasidic Jew hit and killed a young black child. As a private ambulance took the driver away from the scene and emergency responders worked to free the victim and another child pinned under the car, the area’s black and Jewish residents–who had long been tense neighbors–erupted in anger. As TIME later noted, the result was the worst episode of racial violence in New York City city since 1968, after the death of Martin Luther King.
And what's racist about mentioning Willy Brandt KNEELING to commemorate and apologize for his nation's treatment of European Jews during the War?
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
Socialist Distancing!
If a choir practice is the most likely place to catch the virus, then being crammed into a small area with hundreds of other protesting people cheek by jowl all yelling abuse at top of their voices must run it a close second.
I agree; there should be no debate over this any longer. The costs of universal masking when indoors or in crowds are minor compared to any other comparable effective public health intervention, and the single simplest way to facilitate a safe resumption of much economic activity.
Agreed. I have pretty much stopped gloving up when going to the supermarket, but very much still wearing a face mask and using hand sanitizer once I am done.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
DMail has a photo of a police officer shaking hands with a protestor.
Social distancing London June 2020.
None of them will want to be shaking hands, but they're key workers, can't really socially distance as part of their job anyway and it could help keep the crowd under control. The police get it in the neck from all sides, it's a thankless job but I for one am proud of our boys and girls in blue.
There seems clear evidence his breathing capacity has been effected
Spotted this at PMQs today.
Or possibly when he is under pressure he breaths like other obese people do.
He seems to have lost weight but weight is a factor in lung capacity
He has a lot to lose -not criticising him for it btw, I know how hard it is, but he was 17 stone apparently, which is seriously obese for a man that is only 5'9''
17 Stone? Surely not. If he is no wonder he is breathless!
I am a similar height and age to Johnson, a little ahead of him in years, but not too far. Weighing in at around 5 stones less than Johnson, my Doctor reckoned I was still a stone/stone and a half over weight. He maintained at 12/12.5 stones I was verging on the obese.
Obese? At 5 stones lighter than Boris, pour me a pint and pass me a pie!
Many doctors religiously, and idiotically, follow the BMI to determine obesity. When I was with UNSCOM, some fool UN doctor told me during my clearance to travel medical that I was obese - as were all the special ops guys who were going into Iraq on inspections. At the time, my body fat (I knew, because I worked cardio a lot at the time) was less than 12%.
BMI fails to correct for musculature (and also for height, but that is not an issue with Johnson). It is a useful first cut tool, but needs to be interpreted in context.
Best story on this I heard was from a friend who is a nurse. They weighed a patient who had been with them for sometime and found his BMI was significantly lower than normal: a real danger sign in hospital. So they started to think about his diet and all the things that might help him get his weight back up. At this point my friend suggested that his BMI was not very useful in this case. “Why not?” “Because he has had his leg amputated just below the hip.”
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
DMail has a photo of a police officer shaking hands with a protestor.
Social distancing London June 2020.
None of them will want to be shaking hands, but they're key workers, can't really socially distance as part of their job anyway and it could help keep the crowd under control. The police get it in the neck from all sides, it's a thankless job but I for one am proud of our boys and girls in blue.
And I hope they are issued with hand sanitiser (I believe they are).
You keep saying most Leavers want a WTO Brexit. I doubt this. My sense is they want an end to Free Movement, first and foremost, and after that they will not be fussed about the detailed terms of the trading arrangements. Of course what they don't want are the job losses that would come with a WTO Brexit - therefore we could conclude that a WTO Brexit is by definition not an object of desire for them.
I want a WTO Brexit, have always done so, and I don't believe the net result would be loss of jobs.
I find complex free trade agreements that end up shaving pennies off the price of goods and services at both ends to be rather a waste of time, and a distraction from the real business of making stuff people want to consume at a price they want to consume it at. If you can't do that, you're buggered, regardless of FTA. If you can, you're fine, regardless of FTA. Trading with the EU and everyone else as a different country suits me fine.
Accept your sincerity in this opinion totally but it's niche. You must know it is.
If people wish to virtue-signal about racism I'm more than happy to point out their own.
What's racist about linking to a Time article about a riot in NYC in 1991?
For clarity, what I wrote was:
@brokenwheel is probably old enough to remember this:
The incident that set off the 1991 Crown Heights riots was easy to pinpoint: on Aug. 19, a car driven by a Hasidic Jew hit and killed a young black child. As a private ambulance took the driver away from the scene and emergency responders worked to free the victim and another child pinned under the car, the area’s black and Jewish residents–who had long been tense neighbors–erupted in anger. As TIME later noted, the result was the worst episode of racial violence in New York City city since 1968, after the death of Martin Luther King.
And what's racist about mentioning Willy Brandt KNEELING to commemorate and apologize for his nation's treatment of European Jews during the War?
Someone mentions they are a jew and the first thing you do is post an article about a jew murdering a black person and you don't understand how that is a teeny bit racist?
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
Under Theresa May's watch (as Home Secretary) we had unrestrained riots. The rioters did so with impunity. A martial arts expert wanted to come to the UK to train shopkeepers how to protect their premises - he was banned from travelling. We have a very sorry record in this country of protecting law breakers and harassing the law abiding. I hope these idiots have got it out of their system now. If they haven't, it's an opportunity to do things differently.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
A since the disease kills largely those past child bearing age, those being irresponsible won’t pay the evolutionary price, though.
Fair point, I'm just mindful of a few friends who have caught this wretched disease (healthy people, in their 30s) and they've suffered like never before, and still are.
It's why I get so cross with people who want to ease the lockdown and think the death metric is the only metric to judge things.
Even if you survive, in many instances this is a life altering disease.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a demostration as in the past
A since the disease kills largely those past child bearing age, those being irresponsible won’t pay the evolutionary price, though.
Fair point, I'm just mindful of a few friends who have caught this wretched disease (healthy people, in their 30s) and they've suffered like never before, and still are.
It's why I get so cross with people who want to ease the lockdown and think the death metric is the only metric to judge things.
Even if you survive, in many instances this is a life altering disease.
Agreed. And to be clear, I would strongly discourage joining such a demonstration in current circumstances. But I think the police probably made the best of it in this case.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
Socialist Distancing!
If a choir practice is the most likely place to catch the virus, then being crammed into a small area with hundreds of other protesting people cheek by jowl all yelling abuse at top of their voices must run it a close second.
Lucky that 'dark matter' immunity exists eh?
If you want to get them to disperse, mount some 5G masts on some vans...
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
Very creepy advert on now on Comedy Central after Friends which we've had on in the background.
Got a plain black screen, a timer counting down from over eight minutes with the sound of someone breathing heavily and the words "I can't breathe" flashing on and off. Underneath it flashes on and off and #BlackLivesMatter
A since the disease kills largely those past child bearing age, those being irresponsible won’t pay the evolutionary price, though.
Fair point, I'm just mindful of a few friends who have caught this wretched disease (healthy people, in their 30s) and they've suffered like never before, and still are.
It's why I get so cross with people who want to ease the lockdown and think the death metric is the only metric to judge things.
Even if you survive, in many instances this is a life altering disease.
Agreed. And to be clear, I would strongly discourage joining such a demonstration in current circumstances. But I think the police probably made the best of it in this case.
If it is like the approach the police have taken at other violent demonstrations there's a lot of police recording the events, and in the next few days they'll be putting those images through databases and knocking on a few doors to make arrests.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
Ironic that your username is state_go_away!
Yes thought that myself.
Personally I am not that fussed about having social distancing laws but whilst we have them you would expect the police to not encourage it (lawbreaking) wouldn't you? Apparently being woke and virtue signalling gets you off social distancing seems to be the message. The police got handy breaking up Piers Corbyn's lot but as far as I can see the only difference is one is a woke demo and the other a non-woke one
There's a US hipstery clothes website called Heddels from which I get a daily email newsletter. The usual fare is expensive Japanese selvedge denim and benchmade shoes, but today the headline piece is 'How To Clean Tear Gas and Pepper Spray From Your Clothes'.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
Under Theresa May's watch (as Home Secretary) we had unrestrained riots. The rioters did so with impunity. A martial arts expert wanted to come to the UK to train shopkeepers how to protect their premises - he was banned from travelling. We have a very sorry record in this country of protecting law breakers and harassing the law abiding. I hope these idiots have got it out of their system now. If they haven't, it's an opportunity to do things differently.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
Ironic that your username is state_go_away!
aka bits of the state that I don't like go away, much more of the bits I do like.
A since the disease kills largely those past child bearing age, those being irresponsible won’t pay the evolutionary price, though.
You're forgetting the granny effect and the benefit to one's relatives - though in modern times getting your inheritance early could be very beneficial.
Daily Mail praising Starmer's PMQ performance. What reality am I in?
The Telegraph liked it too, or rather condemned Boris. At PMQs, the Prime Minister seemed increasingly affronted by Sir Keir Starmer’s habit of asking him difficult questions ... Sir Keir Starmer asked six questions about the Government’s handling of the pandemic. And in response, the Prime Minister seemed to grow more and more put out by the minute.
His voice grew louder and faster, and his manner more irate. With his index finger he stabbed at the despatch box, stab-stab-stab-stab-stab – like an indignant hotel guest, jabbing at the bell on an unmanned reception desk. Judging by his tone – hurt, aggrieved, and even bewildered – he seemed to view Sir Keir’s insistence on questioning him as an unexpected and uncalled-for impertinence.
There's a US hipstery clothes website called Heddels from which I get a daily email newsletter. The usual fare is expensive Japanese selvedge denim and benchmade shoes, but today the headline piece is 'How To Clean Tear Gas and Pepper Spray From Your Clothes'.
Now you've gone and ruined my perception of you.
I had imagined you dressing like C U Jimmy and now it turns out you're a h*pster.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
Heavy handed policing would only exacerbate the problem, in all likelihood. As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Ordinarily this demo wouldn't be a problem.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
Trying to break up the demonstration (or even, as @Luckyguy1983 seems to be suggesting, arrest several thousand people...) would not do anything to help that, and would in all likelihood make it worse.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
If you appease you get more of it
If you’re talking about light touch policing of demonstrations, the evidence tends to contradict that, I believe.
This is an unlawful gathering though not a normal demonstration as in the past
Yes, as the Met Commissioner made clear - along with the reasons for police restraint.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
They won't deal with it because being Woke is more important for them.
Utter Tosh Andy, the police are in a completely no win situation here. If the protests start getting seriously violent it'll be right to move for heavier measures.
To be fair most are wearing masks in the second video
They're not social distancing.
The Metropolitan Police need to deal with this NOW.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
They won't deal with it because being Woke is more important for them.
Utter Tosh Andy, the police are in a completely no win situation here. If the protests start getting seriously violent it'll be right to move for heavier measures.
Daily Mail praising Starmer's PMQ performance. What reality am I in?
The Telegraph liked it too, or rather condemned Boris. At PMQs, the Prime Minister seemed increasingly affronted by Sir Keir Starmer’s habit of asking him difficult questions ... Sir Keir Starmer asked six questions about the Government’s handling of the pandemic. And in response, the Prime Minister seemed to grow more and more put out by the minute.
His voice grew louder and faster, and his manner more irate. With his index finger he stabbed at the despatch box, stab-stab-stab-stab-stab – like an indignant hotel guest, jabbing at the bell on an unmanned reception desk. Judging by his tone – hurt, aggrieved, and even bewildered – he seemed to view Sir Keir’s insistence on questioning him as an unexpected and uncalled-for impertinence.
Is this the start of the right wing press turning against Boris?
There's a US hipstery clothes website called Heddels from which I get a daily email newsletter. The usual fare is expensive Japanese selvedge denim and benchmade shoes, but today the headline piece is 'How To Clean Tear Gas and Pepper Spray From Your Clothes'.
Now you've gone and ruined my perception of you.
I had imagined you dressing like C U Jimmy and now it turns out you're a h*pster.
Aging h*pster if you don't mind.
Glasgow is fashion whore city; as I may have mentioned previously there's a whole bunch of folk who'd sell their grannies for a pair of Manolos or a Prada suit.
They've been harassing people for doing almost nothing for weeks and now they allow this sort of thing to happen. Disgraceful IMO.
"Harassing people for weeks" ? Come on - the situation at Easter was especially precarious - we were at the height of the outbreak. Even then, there were individuals who either didn't understand the rules or chose not to.
"Allow this sort of thing to happen" - you mean, people exercising their right to peacefully protest. Perhaps you'd be happier if it was a pro-Government march (not that there would be many people on it). The organisers obtained a permit to hold the rally and the Police are ensuring any outbreaks of violence are contained which is how it should be.
Daily Mail praising Starmer's PMQ performance. What reality am I in?
The Telegraph liked it too, or rather condemned Boris. At PMQs, the Prime Minister seemed increasingly affronted by Sir Keir Starmer’s habit of asking him difficult questions ... Sir Keir Starmer asked six questions about the Government’s handling of the pandemic. And in response, the Prime Minister seemed to grow more and more put out by the minute.
His voice grew louder and faster, and his manner more irate. With his index finger he stabbed at the despatch box, stab-stab-stab-stab-stab – like an indignant hotel guest, jabbing at the bell on an unmanned reception desk. Judging by his tone – hurt, aggrieved, and even bewildered – he seemed to view Sir Keir’s insistence on questioning him as an unexpected and uncalled-for impertinence.
Is this the start of the right wing press turning against Boris?
I was surprised so many people here thought Boris had "won".
More evidence is starting to emerge of infections related to Cheltenham and Anfield. Along with an interesting comment from Ferguson. ...Prof Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College and a leading Sage scientist before he stepped down on 5 May for breaching the lockdown, told the Guardian he had informed the government well before March that under the “mitigation” policy they were planning, about 250,000 people would die. Asked to confirm if that was true, both Downing Street and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) declined to comment....
As I said the other day the first Covid case in my parent's town was two people who returned from Cheltenham.
They won't deal with it because being Woke is more important for them.
That's outrageous nonsense. What would you have the Police do? Water cannon - oh wait, didn't someone buy those once and then have to give them back?
Rubber bullets, tear gas? Seriously?
They've been harassing people for doing almost nothing for weeks and now they allow this sort of thing to happen. Disgraceful IMO.
True, but pestering sunbathers is unlikely to result in an outbreak of mass rioting, whereas trying to break up the demo very well might. The sort of violence we've seen in the States is contagious, and most serving Met officers will have the events of 2011 on their minds under these circumstances. Especially since you know full well that if they start making arrests a disproportionate number of those dragged off to the cells are bound to be black.
And no, it's not fair, but neither is it particularly fair that the elderly and the shielders are being targeted for special distancing measures (i.e. being told to sit at home and rot more than everybody else.) Doesn't mean it's not the least damaging thing to do.
They've been harassing people for doing almost nothing for weeks and now they allow this sort of thing to happen. Disgraceful IMO.
"Harassing people for weeks" ? Come on - the situation at Easter was especially precarious - we were at the height of the outbreak. Even then, there were individuals who either didn't understand the rules or chose not to.
"Allow this sort of thing to happen" - you mean, people exercising their right to peacefully protest. Perhaps you'd be happier if it was a pro-Government march (not that there would be many people on it). The organisers obtained a permit to hold the rally and the Police are ensuring any outbreaks of violence are contained which is how it should be.
The point is that irrespective is this is indeed a peaceful protest it is still illegal . You ignore that
I think a large part of the problem here is the 'few bad apples' line being pushed. No, the system is fucked. Sure there are always some bad apples, but when the barrel is rotten, all the apples soon are.
He is going to say what he is saying until the actual number of deaths and infections are barely noticeable.
I find complex free trade agreements that end up shaving pennies off the price of goods and services at both ends to be rather a waste of time, and a distraction from the real business of making stuff people want to consume at a price they want to consume it at. If you can't do that, you're buggered, regardless of FTA. If you can, you're fine, regardless of FTA. Trading with the EU and everyone else as a different country suits me fine.
There are some excessively muscle men who have high BMI, and are not obese, but far more men deluding themselves that their beer belly is a six-pack rather than a keg!
Waist height measurement, and waist hip ratio are both better measures of abdominal obesity, the dangerous sort. Your waist measurement at just above the belly button should be half your height.
Because if it is then the infection rate is more like 3k to 4k per day now - which would make sense if 50% of infections are asymptomatic or very mild.
It's an unlawful gathering and could undo all the progress that we have made against Covid 19.
In my defence, I should say that for some reason I am exceptionally heavy from the waist down.
If people wish to virtue-signal about racism I'm more than happy to point out their own.
They weighed a patient who had been with them for sometime and found his BMI was significantly lower than normal: a real danger sign in hospital. So they started to think about his diet and all the things that might help him get his weight back up.
At this point my friend suggested that his BMI was not very useful in this case.
“Why not?”
“Because he has had his leg amputated just below the hip.”
As the Met Commissioner said this evening, it’s a matter of balancing risk.
Interestingly we are down to 15 in ICU, at one point it was 60. It may well be that we are admitting less severe cases.
Discharges twice deaths still, so admitted mortality still about 30% of admissions.
The UCSF Chair of Medicine says there’s no debate: Masks are a simple and effective strategy to save lives
I agree; there should be no debate over this any longer.
The costs of universal masking when indoors or in crowds are minor compared to any other comparable effective public health intervention, and the single simplest way to facilitate a safe resumption of much economic activity.
According to the Beth Israel Lahey Health Winchester Hospital, the healthy % body fat range for men over 60 is 13-24%.
For clarity, what I wrote was:
@brokenwheel is probably old enough to remember this:
The incident that set off the 1991 Crown Heights riots was easy to pinpoint: on Aug. 19, a car driven by a Hasidic Jew hit and killed a young black child. As a private ambulance took the driver away from the scene and emergency responders worked to free the victim and another child pinned under the car, the area’s black and Jewish residents–who had long been tense neighbors–erupted in anger. As TIME later noted, the result was the worst episode of racial violence in New York City city since 1968, after the death of Martin Luther King.
And what's racist about mentioning Willy Brandt KNEELING to commemorate and apologize for his nation's treatment of European Jews during the War?
Lucky that 'dark matter' immunity exists eh?
Social distancing London June 2020.
But under the current environment these people are not only creating risk for themselves but also for many people likely to be of much greater risk of Covid 19.
The staff in ICUs in places like Northwick Park will not appreciate a return to conditions that they endured in April just because these people think they need to demonstrate now
So in reality, we're more fucked than a stepmom on pornhub.
The police get it in the neck from all sides, it's a thankless job but I for one am proud of our boys and girls in blue.
About the only thing they could have done would have been to hand out free masks.
It's why I get so cross with people who want to ease the lockdown and think the death metric is the only metric to judge things.
Even if you survive, in many instances this is a life altering disease.
And to be clear, I would strongly discourage joining such a demonstration in current circumstances. But I think the police probably made the best of it in this case.
Next will be 5 mile queues to restore the mullet and then have a bet on Ascot.
Got a plain black screen, a timer counting down from over eight minutes with the sound of someone breathing heavily and the words "I can't breathe" flashing on and off. Underneath it flashes on and off and #BlackLivesMatter
Eight minutes is a very long time!
Rubber bullets, tear gas? Seriously?
Are you embarrassed?
There's a US hipstery clothes website called Heddels from which I get a daily email newsletter. The usual fare is expensive Japanese selvedge denim and benchmade shoes, but today the headline piece is 'How To Clean Tear Gas and Pepper Spray From Your Clothes'.
At PMQs, the Prime Minister seemed increasingly affronted by Sir Keir Starmer’s habit of asking him difficult questions
Sir Keir Starmer asked six questions about the Government’s handling of the pandemic. And in response, the Prime Minister seemed to grow more and more put out by the minute.
His voice grew louder and faster, and his manner more irate. With his index finger he stabbed at the despatch box, stab-stab-stab-stab-stab – like an indignant hotel guest, jabbing at the bell on an unmanned reception desk. Judging by his tone – hurt, aggrieved, and even bewildered – he seemed to view Sir Keir’s insistence on questioning him as an unexpected and uncalled-for impertinence.
I had imagined you dressing like C U Jimmy and now it turns out you're a h*pster.
Put into real context what an awfully long time eight minutes actually is like that
*small print* in Texas (Quinnipac)
Glasgow is fashion whore city; as I may have mentioned previously there's a whole bunch of folk who'd sell their grannies for a pair of Manolos or a Prada suit.
"Allow this sort of thing to happen" - you mean, people exercising their right to peacefully protest. Perhaps you'd be happier if it was a pro-Government march (not that there would be many people on it). The organisers obtained a permit to hold the rally and the Police are ensuring any outbreaks of violence are contained which is how it should be.
And no, it's not fair, but neither is it particularly fair that the elderly and the shielders are being targeted for special distancing measures (i.e. being told to sit at home and rot more than everybody else.) Doesn't mean it's not the least damaging thing to do.